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Example of a Great Essay | Explanations, Tips & Tricks

Published on February 9, 2015 by Shane Bryson . Revised on July 23, 2023 by Shona McCombes.

This example guides you through the structure of an essay. It shows how to build an effective introduction , focused paragraphs , clear transitions between ideas, and a strong conclusion .

Each paragraph addresses a single central point, introduced by a topic sentence , and each point is directly related to the thesis statement .

As you read, hover over the highlighted parts to learn what they do and why they work.

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Other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about writing an essay, an appeal to the senses: the development of the braille system in nineteenth-century france.

The invention of Braille was a major turning point in the history of disability. The writing system of raised dots used by visually impaired people was developed by Louis Braille in nineteenth-century France. In a society that did not value disabled people in general, blindness was particularly stigmatized, and lack of access to reading and writing was a significant barrier to social participation. The idea of tactile reading was not entirely new, but existing methods based on sighted systems were difficult to learn and use. As the first writing system designed for blind people’s needs, Braille was a groundbreaking new accessibility tool. It not only provided practical benefits, but also helped change the cultural status of blindness. This essay begins by discussing the situation of blind people in nineteenth-century Europe. It then describes the invention of Braille and the gradual process of its acceptance within blind education. Subsequently, it explores the wide-ranging effects of this invention on blind people’s social and cultural lives.

Lack of access to reading and writing put blind people at a serious disadvantage in nineteenth-century society. Text was one of the primary methods through which people engaged with culture, communicated with others, and accessed information; without a well-developed reading system that did not rely on sight, blind people were excluded from social participation (Weygand, 2009). While disabled people in general suffered from discrimination, blindness was widely viewed as the worst disability, and it was commonly believed that blind people were incapable of pursuing a profession or improving themselves through culture (Weygand, 2009). This demonstrates the importance of reading and writing to social status at the time: without access to text, it was considered impossible to fully participate in society. Blind people were excluded from the sighted world, but also entirely dependent on sighted people for information and education.

In France, debates about how to deal with disability led to the adoption of different strategies over time. While people with temporary difficulties were able to access public welfare, the most common response to people with long-term disabilities, such as hearing or vision loss, was to group them together in institutions (Tombs, 1996). At first, a joint institute for the blind and deaf was created, and although the partnership was motivated more by financial considerations than by the well-being of the residents, the institute aimed to help people develop skills valuable to society (Weygand, 2009). Eventually blind institutions were separated from deaf institutions, and the focus shifted towards education of the blind, as was the case for the Royal Institute for Blind Youth, which Louis Braille attended (Jimenez et al, 2009). The growing acknowledgement of the uniqueness of different disabilities led to more targeted education strategies, fostering an environment in which the benefits of a specifically blind education could be more widely recognized.

Several different systems of tactile reading can be seen as forerunners to the method Louis Braille developed, but these systems were all developed based on the sighted system. The Royal Institute for Blind Youth in Paris taught the students to read embossed roman letters, a method created by the school’s founder, Valentin Hauy (Jimenez et al., 2009). Reading this way proved to be a rather arduous task, as the letters were difficult to distinguish by touch. The embossed letter method was based on the reading system of sighted people, with minimal adaptation for those with vision loss. As a result, this method did not gain significant success among blind students.

Louis Braille was bound to be influenced by his school’s founder, but the most influential pre-Braille tactile reading system was Charles Barbier’s night writing. A soldier in Napoleon’s army, Barbier developed a system in 1819 that used 12 dots with a five line musical staff (Kersten, 1997). His intention was to develop a system that would allow the military to communicate at night without the need for light (Herron, 2009). The code developed by Barbier was phonetic (Jimenez et al., 2009); in other words, the code was designed for sighted people and was based on the sounds of words, not on an actual alphabet. Barbier discovered that variants of raised dots within a square were the easiest method of reading by touch (Jimenez et al., 2009). This system proved effective for the transmission of short messages between military personnel, but the symbols were too large for the fingertip, greatly reducing the speed at which a message could be read (Herron, 2009). For this reason, it was unsuitable for daily use and was not widely adopted in the blind community.

Nevertheless, Barbier’s military dot system was more efficient than Hauy’s embossed letters, and it provided the framework within which Louis Braille developed his method. Barbier’s system, with its dashes and dots, could form over 4000 combinations (Jimenez et al., 2009). Compared to the 26 letters of the Latin alphabet, this was an absurdly high number. Braille kept the raised dot form, but developed a more manageable system that would reflect the sighted alphabet. He replaced Barbier’s dashes and dots with just six dots in a rectangular configuration (Jimenez et al., 2009). The result was that the blind population in France had a tactile reading system using dots (like Barbier’s) that was based on the structure of the sighted alphabet (like Hauy’s); crucially, this system was the first developed specifically for the purposes of the blind.

While the Braille system gained immediate popularity with the blind students at the Institute in Paris, it had to gain acceptance among the sighted before its adoption throughout France. This support was necessary because sighted teachers and leaders had ultimate control over the propagation of Braille resources. Many of the teachers at the Royal Institute for Blind Youth resisted learning Braille’s system because they found the tactile method of reading difficult to learn (Bullock & Galst, 2009). This resistance was symptomatic of the prevalent attitude that the blind population had to adapt to the sighted world rather than develop their own tools and methods. Over time, however, with the increasing impetus to make social contribution possible for all, teachers began to appreciate the usefulness of Braille’s system (Bullock & Galst, 2009), realizing that access to reading could help improve the productivity and integration of people with vision loss. It took approximately 30 years, but the French government eventually approved the Braille system, and it was established throughout the country (Bullock & Galst, 2009).

Although Blind people remained marginalized throughout the nineteenth century, the Braille system granted them growing opportunities for social participation. Most obviously, Braille allowed people with vision loss to read the same alphabet used by sighted people (Bullock & Galst, 2009), allowing them to participate in certain cultural experiences previously unavailable to them. Written works, such as books and poetry, had previously been inaccessible to the blind population without the aid of a reader, limiting their autonomy. As books began to be distributed in Braille, this barrier was reduced, enabling people with vision loss to access information autonomously. The closing of the gap between the abilities of blind and the sighted contributed to a gradual shift in blind people’s status, lessening the cultural perception of the blind as essentially different and facilitating greater social integration.

The Braille system also had important cultural effects beyond the sphere of written culture. Its invention later led to the development of a music notation system for the blind, although Louis Braille did not develop this system himself (Jimenez, et al., 2009). This development helped remove a cultural obstacle that had been introduced by the popularization of written musical notation in the early 1500s. While music had previously been an arena in which the blind could participate on equal footing, the transition from memory-based performance to notation-based performance meant that blind musicians were no longer able to compete with sighted musicians (Kersten, 1997). As a result, a tactile musical notation system became necessary for professional equality between blind and sighted musicians (Kersten, 1997).

Braille paved the way for dramatic cultural changes in the way blind people were treated and the opportunities available to them. Louis Braille’s innovation was to reimagine existing reading systems from a blind perspective, and the success of this invention required sighted teachers to adapt to their students’ reality instead of the other way around. In this sense, Braille helped drive broader social changes in the status of blindness. New accessibility tools provide practical advantages to those who need them, but they can also change the perspectives and attitudes of those who do not.

Bullock, J. D., & Galst, J. M. (2009). The Story of Louis Braille. Archives of Ophthalmology , 127(11), 1532. https://​doi.org/10.1001/​archophthalmol.2009.286.

Herron, M. (2009, May 6). Blind visionary. Retrieved from https://​eandt.theiet.org/​content/​articles/2009/05/​blind-visionary/.

Jiménez, J., Olea, J., Torres, J., Alonso, I., Harder, D., & Fischer, K. (2009). Biography of Louis Braille and Invention of the Braille Alphabet. Survey of Ophthalmology , 54(1), 142–149. https://​doi.org/10.1016/​j.survophthal.2008.10.006.

Kersten, F.G. (1997). The history and development of Braille music methodology. The Bulletin of Historical Research in Music Education , 18(2). Retrieved from https://​www.jstor.org/​stable/40214926.

Mellor, C.M. (2006). Louis Braille: A touch of genius . Boston: National Braille Press.

Tombs, R. (1996). France: 1814-1914 . London: Pearson Education Ltd.

Weygand, Z. (2009). The blind in French society from the Middle Ages to the century of Louis Braille . Stanford: Stanford University Press.

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An essay is a focused piece of writing that explains, argues, describes, or narrates.

In high school, you may have to write many different types of essays to develop your writing skills.

Academic essays at college level are usually argumentative : you develop a clear thesis about your topic and make a case for your position using evidence, analysis and interpretation.

The structure of an essay is divided into an introduction that presents your topic and thesis statement , a body containing your in-depth analysis and arguments, and a conclusion wrapping up your ideas.

The structure of the body is flexible, but you should always spend some time thinking about how you can organize your essay to best serve your ideas.

Your essay introduction should include three main things, in this order:

  • An opening hook to catch the reader’s attention.
  • Relevant background information that the reader needs to know.
  • A thesis statement that presents your main point or argument.

The length of each part depends on the length and complexity of your essay .

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

A topic sentence is a sentence that expresses the main point of a paragraph . Everything else in the paragraph should relate to the topic sentence.

At college level, you must properly cite your sources in all essays , research papers , and other academic texts (except exams and in-class exercises).

Add a citation whenever you quote , paraphrase , or summarize information or ideas from a source. You should also give full source details in a bibliography or reference list at the end of your text.

The exact format of your citations depends on which citation style you are instructed to use. The most common styles are APA , MLA , and Chicago .

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

Bryson, S. (2023, July 23). Example of a Great Essay | Explanations, Tips & Tricks. Scribbr. Retrieved June 24, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/example-essay-structure/

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Shane Bryson

Shane Bryson

Shane finished his master's degree in English literature in 2013 and has been working as a writing tutor and editor since 2009. He began proofreading and editing essays with Scribbr in early summer, 2014.

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June 8, 2018 By Denis Oakley

How to Write Great Answers on Quora

How to write great answers on Quora

The first thing that you need to worry about when you try to write a great answer on Quora is what you are writing about.

Who You Are is Important on Quora

People write great answers on Quora about things that they know about. When I say “know about” I mean that you have a lot of expertise. I can go to Wikipedia and read up on the Saturn V rocket. The highest rated answer will usually be written by someone who works at NASA or JPL. It will be full of interesting material that is just not found in a simple internet search.  In a subject matter where you are not an expert your answers will go unread. The ‘experts’ will get the upvotes’.

Quora is broad enough that everyone can find an area of expertise. My daughter is an expert on Musical.ly and lip synching. I leave those questions to her. I can claim expertise in a few areas

  • Malaysia – because I’ve lived here for 10 years
  • Running – I’ve done a lot of marathons
  • Triathlon – I’ve done several Ironman races and am a referee for Ironman
  • Startups – I’ve been an entrepreneur for 15 years
  • Business Strategy – it’s what I do for a living
  • Railways – I was a railway engineer

Those are areas where I get a reasonable number of upvotes. In each of those cases I can make a compelling case for knowing more that 95% of other Quora users. I can write long and detailed answers with little need to refer back to reference material. When I do it’s generally a higher quality than other people writing on the same subject.

This is the first thing that you need to do. Identify areas of life where you are an expert and write on those areas.

What You write about on Quora is Important

Quora gives you upvotes. It does this by sending people to your content because they like you, the topic you are writing about, the question or they have upvoted previous questions of yours.

If you write about a random bunch of questions people will upvote a good answer in a topic they are interested in. The next question will be on a topic that they are not interested in. Do this a few times and your answers stop appearing in their feed. Then you have lost your fan and a source of upvotes and visibility.

The more focused you are on a topic the better you are in developing a great quora following. More importantly, for the purpose of writing awesome answers you get a reputation for writing really well on the subject

How Do You Write a Great Answer?

There are three basic components that you need to get right on an answer for it to start gathering upvotes

First you need to have an image. Images are clickbait and engage people. Awesome images are great. Relevant images are much better. This bad photo of my leg propelled one of my answers to almost 2,000 upvotes

Relevant Photos are critical for good Quora Answers

Second, your first paragraph has to capture and engage people. This is what they see in their feed and will encourage them to click on more. If they don’t read your answer you can’t get an upvote

Third, you need to break up your answer into sections. A wall of text is a turn off. An answer chunked into sections with bold headings is very easy to digest

Use Images in Answers

Images in answers will increase the average upvotes by about 50%. That’s based on experiments with my own answers. They have got to be great images. I used a stock image from Unsplash at the top of this page. It’s a beautiful photo but it is eye candy. It would make an answer prettier. It does not educate or inform the reader. On Quora it would be useless.

If you are writing about mediaeval knights helmets you shouldn’t be doing a google search. I’d expect you to be in the British Museum website, Tower of London or Warwick Castle looking for the absolutely perfect photo of a real helmet that is very relevant to your answer. You will get pulled up and downvoted if you use a 15th Century French helmet rather than a 14th Century Scottish one. Get it right.

Get the First Sentence Perfect

There are dozens of ways to get the first sentence right. People read answers for two reasons. First the question looks interesting. Second the first paragraph or two of your answer make it worth looking at the rest of your answer. There are a couple of approaches to using the first sentence as a springboard to a good answer on Quora.

If you are writing the obvious answer your answer won’t stand out. If your first sentence is distinctly contrarian and clear then people may well dive in. Don’t do this for politics or religion. You just upset people quickly. What you should do is something like this.

“What is the best way to grill hamburgers?”

Your answer

“Cooking hamburgers sous vide is far better than grilling or BBQing”

What you have done is challenge the question and taken your answer into a different place, you can now tell an interesting story about sous vide and juicy succulent burgers. That’s different. Its educational. And that is what people on Quora want

Another approach is to tease in one of my better answers the question was

“Would it be possible to throw everything away and spend the rest of your life living in a rainforest?”

My answer started

“See the little scar on my ankle, the purplish one”

There’s immediate engagement. Why is the scar relevant? there must be an interesting story behind this. Has the author actually thrown everything away and gone and lived in the jungle? That’s crazy. I have to check it out.

Break Up Your Answer

The third thing that you need to do is to break up your answer into chunks.

I find that the rule of three generally works quite well. Divide your answer into three parts. Then divide those into three paragraphs. Each part should have a subheading.

The longer it is the more you break it up. Keep doing it in threes. That way every section has a beginning middle and end

Let’s show this with some bullet points

  • Teaser paragraph
  • What we are going to cover
  • Introduction to main story
  • What the main story was about
  • What the impact of the mains story was
  • Why this was important
  • How this answers the question

That’s a sample framework not a template. It gives you a sense of how to structure. Whatever you do put lots of paragraphs in and then break them up with bolded headings .

Stories are Critical to Writing Great Answers on Quora

It’s entirely possible to write answers that get a lot of upvotes on Quora without making it a story. I’ve done some good ones like that. They normally stall and die at a maximum of 100 upvotes though. The reason is that it is so easy to find factual answers using Google. What Google can’t do is allow us to dive into the reality of human experience.

  • What is it like to kill someone?
  • How do you con a con man?
  • What is it like to be a billionaire?
  • Can a rapist ever be redeemed?

These are great questions. Many of those have people sharing their stories of what they did. You get the real experience and the wisdom that the answerer gained from the experience. Humans for all our undoubted talents and difference to animals stand out in one respect. Homo Sapiens tells stories. Almost all we do is to tell stories. I tell my wife a story about how I want the day to go. When I get home she tells me a story of how her day went and then immediately starts another one about my smallest child’s illness.

When you don’t tell a story you cut your answer off from the core of human experience. You leave the wisdom and knowledge that Quora readers crave on the table if you don’t tell a story. If you don’t tell a wonderful story then someone else will. Often, when there are no stories all the answers languish with two or three upvotes. Then someone will tell a story and an obscure question will suddenly be getting hundreds of thousands of views.

 Technical Gamesmanship

I wrote an answer a long time ago about how to get the most out of Quora. I haven’t looked at it in many years. Almost certainly big chunks of it will be no longer relevant because the Quora has changed so many times since then.

There are hundreds of small tips and tricks but these are ephemeral. At the moment requesting more answers on a question and sharing your great answer can give you a boost. They will be gone in a few years, or Quora will tweak the algorithm and change how they work.

So what is important is to remember what Quora wants.

Quora wants great answers that engage people. It wants answers that go viral and are shared by people. it wants them to bring new readers to the site who will be enthralled by what they read and learn. Quora is far less curated than TED. It has the same core belief. Knowledge is worth spreading. Write answers that spread interesting or useful knowledge and your answers will be worth reading.

If you have any more tips on how to write a great answer on Quora do share them with me in the comments below

Quora Strategy

This is one of a planned series of articles on how to develop your Quora Strategy. I love Quora and I’ve spent a lot of time there. It is also a great social media platform to develop your brand with – even if it is a little quirky.

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How to Use Quora

Last Updated: May 11, 2019

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 9 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 47,255 times. Learn more...

Quora is an online questions and answers website with a very diverse content and user base. It is an extremely useful platform for getting answers to your questions as well as brushing up your writing skills by answering questions. This article is a guide to help you get started on Quora.

Getting Started

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  • You can answer the question, comment on an answer, upvote, downvote or share an answer by clicking on their respective buttons, follow the question or bookmark it.
  • Since the feed changes with every refresh, it is recommended to use the bookmark option frequently so you don't lose the answers you like or found helpful.
  • You can also add credentials about your work, study, etc.

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  • If you ask the question anonymously, copy the link of the question and save in a text file because this question won't be visible on your profile directly.

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  • You can even request specific people for answers. Best way to find the best people who might be helpful by searching some keywords relevant to the question, it will display the users with those keywords in their credentials.

Answering Questions

Step 1 Analyze...

  • If you're answering controversial questions, try to write neutrally. It is easy to get carried away and create extremely emotion-packed answers, but always remember that you are answering a question, not expressing your own feelings.
  • Make sure that the image is relevant to the answer, otherwise the Quora moderation may collapse the answer. When an answer is collapsed, it stops getting exposure in the website.
  • 4 Keep updating the answer if necessary. If the facts of your answers are subject to change , make sure you keep updating the answer. This can be done by going on the answer menu … and selecting Edit Answer .

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8 Best Essay Writing Services According to Reddit and Quora

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Today, legitimate essay paper writing is a regular part of every student’s college education. In fact, the college experience often comes with students being overwhelmed by the number of assignments that can be assigned at any given time.

The average US college student spends around 14-16 hours per week studying, doing homework, working on assignments, and writing essays and research papers. When you look at the hours spent, it often leads to a traumatic and overwhelming work/life balance.

Considering these facts, it becomes evident that written assignments can grow to be pretty stressful. This is why so many students opt for essay writing services online.

Whether you’re struggling with a tight deadline or you just need to make sure your essay is written with professional help, university essay writing services can be very valuable. Over the years, they have actually become very popular.

The best essay writing and editing services are available to any student, and they are not just specific to literature and arts majors. Finding a reliable college essay writing service is also helpful for common homework or assignments.

According to a review and analysis of Reddit essay writing companies, it turned out that some of them manipulate the voting system and use Reddit as a way to promote their sites. These companies create multiple accounts and use them to upvote and comment on their own posts.

Of course, the tough part is to wade through the spam and find authentic responses.

On the brighter side, we have done the hard work for you and narrowed down the best paper writing services among students. Writing an essay may be a real problem if you’re pressed for time, and trying to find a trustworthy essay site is not any easier. Students who juggle work and school will understand.

If you are trying to impress your professor, you can find your essay writer on one of these well-known educational sites.

Need the Best Essay Writers? Look No Further!

When looking for the top essay writing services, we went over multiple sites and did face some fraud and poor customer service.

But this is exactly why we decided to embark on this journey in the first place – to make sure you don’t have to struggle when looking for the best essay writer for you.

To find the best college essay writing service we ordered a paper from every platform that we reviewed and we made all the orders absolutely the same to then see the differences in execution. This has given us a lot to think about, though.

There were multiple sites that tried to make the most money by providing a service of poor quality. Although it is understandable that these online companies are hard to trace, hence, they can do whatever they want.

But if you really want to make a name for yourself and earn a lot, why not work with integrity and provide good quality service?

So, we took our time, did some research, and looked for truly the best writing services on the internet. The ones that do their job well, really look into your instructions, care to ask questions if anything is unclear, and submit papers in time.

What’s even more important, though, is that we checked all the final papers for plagiarism and only those with minimal percentages have made it to this list. This is how you know you can trust the following services.

1. Coursework Writing Service

In the matter of finding essay services for students, the trick to find a site that can offer you original work for affordable prices.

In that regard and more, Coursework Writing Service has managed to tick off the right boxes according to popular opinion. Their prices start at $10 for a unique and non-plagiarized paper that will meet any challenging requirements of your curriculum.

Apart from essays, students can also use their services for research papers, theses, reviews, and reviews.

Besides, it is also possible to hire someone to edit and proofread your article as well. The best part is that you do not have to pay anything extra for any revisions.

2. EssayService

EssayService has made its way into almost every essay service list recommended by students on Quora.

The platform works with professional freelance writers who have established their expertise in their respective writing domains.

Even before preparing for the SAT and ACT tests, you can find writers who graduated from top universities in the US, and the US, who is familiar with the academic expectations of your lecturer.

Regardless of whether you are pursuing your Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree, if you need to write or rewrite an essay you will find a writer who can offer you insight and provide a commendable assignment to ace your exam. These guys really have your convenience as their top priority.

3. EssayPro

As one of the longstanding custom writing services online, EssayPro has built a wealth of positive reviews from users.

This essay writing service will help you tackle any complex topic of your course with the help of an expert essay writer in the field.

An undergraduate can get some quick help to meet the course requirements of the next lecture – and a Master’s student can find a researcher to help with their final research semester.

In addition, you also get to choose your writer based on customer reviews and their educational background. As you can correspond with your writer, it is also easy to discuss your assignment as it progresses.

Overall, EssayPro’s fame seems to be fairly justified based on what they have to offer.

4. Write Paper

WritePaper.com approaches each essay from a unique standpoint, ensuring that every assignment they receive and each written research paper is tailor-made to the student and their specific requirements.

The system is efficient, allowing you to process your order fast and any guidelines you have for writers. In fact, you can even avail of their services to receive your paper as quickly as 6 hours.

Write Paper also guarantees 100% anonymity for your order, as well as your personal information.

Students can benefit from their insight on any semester assignment, coursework, or help with research to help them prepare to pass an exam.

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Free essay writing tools seem to be another favorite among Reddit and Quora users among reliable essay writing services.

Studyfy is a one-stop shop for students. The platform provides a lot of useful content for students of different levels: from literature study guides, writing guides, helpful tools, essay samples, to money blog – with useful tips, general information about ACT and SAT standardized tests, professional student help services. It’s a perfect place to address in case you are totally confused with your home assignment and have questions. They can do it all: proofreading, editing, homework help, tutoring, and a lot more. The website is growing quickly and adds more and more useful information.

While placing an order, you have the ability to specify your academic level, from high school to Ph.D. This way, you will get a paper that will match the requirements to your education level in terms of vocabulary and the depth of research. There are also writers who specialize in theses and dissertation writing.

In case the final result doesn’t match your expectations, Studyfy also offers three revisions. Send your comments back to the writer to make sure the end result is just right.

Every paper provided by Studyfy also comes with the guarantee of originality , it is said to pass any plagiarism detector, like Turnitin and SafeAssign.

6. Paper Writer

Another one of the leading providers of academic essay writing services is Paper Writer .

You can order a paper with a deadline from 3 hours to a fortnight, so you can leave ample time for the writers in case it is a detailed project or thesis.

All writers have proven academic backgrounds and relevant experience in writing as well.

The site also gives you free formatting, including the title page, bibliography, and a citing style while using their services.

And for those who are on tighter budgets , you can even find installment payment options on the site, which is indeed a convenient tool for students.

7. DoMyEssay

Reddit reviews seem highly supportive of DoMyEssay. Some commentator said: ‘This is one of the best places to do my assignment .’ There are multiple customer reports of receiving satisfactory papers from the service at reasonable prices.

DoMyEssay offers you custom-written papers, created from scratch based on each customer’s individual guidelines. This allows you to customize your essay based on the outlines provided by your lecturer.

With over a decade of experience in the educational industry, Essay Reviews has built quite a reputation and a team of outstanding writers. Customers can also avail of unlimited revisions, or their editing services if you already have your draft completed.

8. EssayHub

With a strict selection policy, EssayHub has hired brilliant writers with expertise in almost every academic niche. When it comes to “ write my essay for money ” services, this one is in the top-10.

If you are struggling to comply with your deadlines or seem to need some help with a complex topic, EssayHub can easily connect you to a professional writer in the relevant field.

You can also attach any notes, textbook copies, or your research data while placing an order. This will help the writer to personalize the paper to your writing style.

One good thing about EssayHub is that the payment is taken only after the job is completed. This ensures that you get a chance to check the completed work and release the funds only when you are fully satisfied.

Essay Writing Service Reviews Based On Experience

Here at Essay-Reviews , we take our job of finding the best paper writing services seriously. And we want to hold those who don’t accountable.

While looking through all the writing services to review we really wanted to do a good job and to make sure you only end up with a list of the most reliable and helpful services.

This is why we took our time and spent several weeks just on research alone.

Apart from reading up on the websites presented here, we placed orders with each of them. The instructions and requirements were the same for each order to have a clear and unbiased trial.

In addition, we searched the internet for essay writing service reviews to see what other people think about the services that we’ve chosen as the best ones.

Since we place integrity at the top of our priority list, we wanted to review every aspect of the service to ensure that the best ones are the best all-around.

Although having a cheap essay writing service on standby is important, you also need to get your papers in time and have them be original. This is why it’s so vital to analyze every single side of the service and not just papers’ quality.

We wanted to make sure that if we recommend a site to you, we are certain that the essays provided by it are original, are submitted in time, and follow all your instructions.

And since the writers are the backbone of every academic help website, we took our time to talk to each one of them, making sure they are trained on proper customer service.

Talking to a writer before getting your essay is also a good way to see if they are a native English speaker and if they are familiar with your topic.

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How should I reference this? Should I reference this?

I was having a problem (a mathematical one) in my research, and tried to find the solution. I had some ideas, but none of them solved my problem, I did some research but found nothing, tried to talk with my advisor too (mathematics is not his field), without success. I was stuck in this part. Therefore, I decided to reframe the problem and ask in Quora for help. Within 2 days I received some answers, one that I already have considered but did not helped me, and another that I had previously considered too, but extended.

I implemented the second answer using my problem constraints and needs and it worked, worked better than the state of art for this particular problem (using of course the rest of my job). Intrigued, I asked how the Quora guy (a mathematical professor) found the solution, he said that it was pure logical intuition and little bit of statistics. Later I searched if it was a published solution and found a similar, but not identical solution, buried inside a part of an algorithm in a published paper.

I told my advisor that I had found the solution, but did not mentioned Quora or the paper, he did not asked me either how I found the solution. Now I am considering to use this solution, found on Quora, as part of my research (With intent to be published), but how should do this? If I do not mention Quora could I be in risk of being accused of plagiarism? Should I point the name of the Quora professor in a "thank you footnote" or cite the Quora answer? Should I use as reference the published paper?

Note: I know that I should talk with my advisor about this, I will. But first I need some arguments on how to present the idea to him.

Any informed help would be appreciated.

tsjerry's user avatar

  • Here are two links that say how should I quote someone on Quora, but I won't quote the answer, I will use a mathematical idea, that to my best knowledge is public domain: link 1 link 2 –  tsjerry Commented Nov 26, 2016 at 17:41
  • 6 I would cite both the Quora answer and the published solution, indicating in the text just how they are connected to the solution in my paper. –  Andreas Blass Commented Nov 26, 2016 at 18:03

As your implementation is based on the Quora solution, you obviously have to credit the author. Depending on how big a part of the entire thing this solution is, you might even consider offering the mathematician coauthorship for this.

If it suffices to acknowledge: As the Quora post is public, I would suggest to cite the post (and potentially do the thanks via footnote/acknowledgement section in addition). This ensures in particular that an interested reader can go and read the original post, which might be of interest in addition to your implementation.

Regarding the published paper: First, given that finding this solution was not trivial, I would suggest to cite it in your paper already only for the sake of others searching for these things. Moreover, you should give context for the solution you implemented, and the paper might belong to that context.

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ESSAY STRATEGY By Anudeep Durishetty, UPSC Civil Services Exam Topper, All India Rank – 1 CSE-2017 – How to write a good Essay in UPSC Mains, Explained 

Essay strategy.

How to write a good Essay in UPSC Mains, Explained 

By Anudeep Durishetty

UPSC Civil Services Exam Topper, All India Rank – 1 CSE-2017

anudeep durishetty

Novelist Stephen King put it beautifully when he said, “I write to find out what I think.” 

Writing is a window to your thought process. What you write on paper will tell the reader how you think, how you argue and the way you substantiate your viewpoint. This is why for most competitive examinations and academic entrance tests, essay is mandatory. 

In the Civil Services Exam too, we have a paper worth 250 marks, equivalent to a General Studies paper. Despite its importance, essay paper often does not get the attention it deserves from aspirants. First timers think they will write an excellent essay in the final exam itself, whereas experienced aspirants believe that since they had already studied a ton for GS, it will alone be enough to write a good essay. This is a fatal miscalculation. 

I was one of those who made these errors in the past, and it is not a coincidence that I scored only 100 in CSE 2015. But in 2017, I devoted adequate time to this paper. I collected useful quotes, prepared notes and even made rough essay drafts for frequently asked topics. All this effort in essay paper helped me score 155. 

What follows is an elaborate post on how you should tackle the Essay paper. I’ve organised the content as follows: 

What UPSC says about the essay paper 

  • How and from where to prepare? 

Improving language and expression 

  • On subheadings and rough drafts 
  • What you must avoid 
  • How to write a powerful introduction? 
  • Developing the content of an Essay 

Substantiating your arguments 

  • How to conclude an Essay 
  • My notes, quote collection and sample essays 

“Candidates may be required to write essays on multiple topics. They will be expected to  keep closely to the subject of the essay,   to arrange their ideas in an orderly fashion, and to write concisely . Credit will be given for  effective and exact expression .”  

Essay distinguishes itself from GS in the sense that in GS, marks will be awarded purely for content. But in essay, examiners will pay special attention to not just the content, but also the language, coherence and the way you organise your write-up. 

So you must take adequate care to arrange your ideas properly and not commit any fundamental spelling or grammatical errors. 

How and from where to prepare?  

Most of the content you write in Essay will come from your GS preparation. Apart from this, the following sources will help: 

  • Reading non-fiction  helps you develop a matured thought process. Apart from imparting knowledge, they will also let you come across good figures of speech, art of argumentation, powerful rhetoric and unique content etc. For example, in an essay on Artificial Intelligence, I took arguments from Yuval Harari’s  Homo Deus  to argue that AI is an imminent threat to humanity. Or if you read  Why Nations Fail,  a book replete with examples, you will understand the importance of innovation, political and economic freedoms in propelling a nation forward. So my suggestion is, apart from UPSC related material, develop the hobby of reading non-fiction books. I do not mean to suggest that you should start reading one  non-fiction book per topic to get good scores in Essay, but reading them occasionally in your free time will benefit you in the long run. 
  • Referring to specific magazines:  For certain topics, you can refer to specific issues of Yojana/EPW/Economic Survey etc. Example: for an essay on tribal issues or public health, you can go through specific issues of these magazines for getting the latest statistics (IMR, MMR, malnutrition levels etc) and also about the positives and criticisms of govt schemes in that sector. 
  • Collecting good stories/anecdotes and quotes  Anecdotes, quotes and real life stories you see in newspapers and books which can be used in essay should be noted down. In most of my essays, I used to start with a relevant story or an anecdote that has the essay topic as its underlying theme. Apart from these, I also used a couple of quotes of eminent persons. 

         List of quotes, anecdotes I collected are available in the link at the end of this article.  

Language in essay must be simple and clear with as little jargon as possible. If you want to use complex definitional terms such as, say, ‘Constitutionalism’ or ‘Sanskritisation’ please define it in sentence just before you use it. Examiner will also understand clearly what you want to convey. Clear writing is clear thinking. And that is what any reader looks for. 

Keep your sentences short and powerful. Long, winding sentences makes it difficult to read and understand. If you tack on one clause after another through conjunctions, what you get is a bad sentence sprawl.   

Example of a bad sentence sprawl: 

At the end of World War 2, on the one hand, while capitalism was successfully championed by the nations in North America and Europe, on the other hand, it was USSR that put Communism at the forefront due to which there was an ideological clash between the  the  two superpowers which had led to proxy wars in various parts of the globe, a nuclear arms race and a rapid deterioration of the security of the world.  

(By the time readers finish reading it, they will lose their breath and the point of the sentence) 

So I had a simple rule: If you run out of your breath while  reading a sentence, then probably you will have to break it into two. 

Rewriting the aforementioned example after breaking it into two (which makes it much easier to read and comprehend): 

After World War 2, while the North American and European nations championed capitalism, USSR put communism at the forefront. This ideological clash between the superpowers led to several proxy wars, a nuclear arms race and a rapid deterioration of world security.  


There is no need to memorise complex words for writing a good essay. But an occasional use of a powerful word, or a good phrase definitely gives your write-up an edge. 

Also, I believe that learning numerous words by rote will not make them stick in your brain for long. The best way to build your vocabulary is by reading non-fiction and English newspapers. While reading these, if you come across a good turn of phrase, or a word that you don’t recognise, please note it down in a book, find its meaning and understand the context in which the word was used. This helps in long term memory. Having a dictionary app on your phone also helps. 

Building vocabulary is a slow process, but with consistency, anyone can become better at using an expansive set of words. 

Subheadings & Rough Drafts 

We can be a little innovative in our subheadings. Instead of bland subheadings such as ‘ Benefits of Nuclear Energy’  we can use “ Nuclear Energy: Promise or Peril?’  Similarly, for the essay on Social Media, instead of writing ‘ Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media ’, I wrote  “Social Media: A Double Edged Sword”  

You can find my collection of a few such subheadings in the link to my notes, given at the end of the article. 

I also prepared a rough draft for a few essay topics (link given at the end). You may need to modify the structure as per the demand of the question. 

What you must avoid in Essay 

  • Do not focus excessively only on one point, or one dimension (such as the historical or political aspect) Your essay needs to be expansive and multi-dimensional. 
  • During preparation, we read a lot and it’s understandable that we feel strongly about certain topics. And since essay offers freedom to write, it’s very easy to get carried away with such a topic. But make sure that you write what is asked, not what you know or feel like. No  mann   ki   baat . Always stick to the subject of the topic. It helps to read the question in the midst of your essay to ensure that you are not steering away from the topic. 
  • If you are not comfortable writing about abstract philosophical topics (I am terrible at writing them), avoid such questions. Your choice of topic has no bearing on the marks and that is why, selecting an unpopular topic just for the sake of it is unwise. Also, if there’s a technical term in the question, be doubly sure that you understand it correctly. For instance, in 2014, there was a question on ‘standard tests’, which is a technical term. I misunderstood it and wrote a generic essay. I got 112. 
  • When you take a final stand on an issue, it’s best to avoid extreme or highly unpopular opinions. We are free to have any opinion in the privacy of our minds, but in UPSC essay why take that risk? For instance, in an essay on Capital Punishment, in the main body content, you should present a case for both abolition and retention. But when you take a stance, it’s best to be an abolitionist. 
  • No ranting. You might be a great fan of Karl Marx, but if there’s a question on Capitalism, do not rant or rail against it  You must present both the positives and negatives of Capitalism and end the essay on a balanced note. 
  • Do not dedicate disproportionate amount of time for the first essay and scamper through the second. Both carry equal marks, so please invest equal time. 

How to transition smoothly from one para to the next 

This can be done in three ways. 

Through a link sentence at the end of a para:  

Here, at the end of a para, you write a sentence that signals to the examiner what’s coming next. For example, let’s say you have just written a para about the threat posed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) to jobs. At the end of that para you can write a link sentence—   “Further, we must be mindful of the fact that Artificial Intelligence poses a major challenge not just economically, but also ethically.”  And in the next para, you can write about the ethical issues concerning AI. 

Through a question:    

Instead of a link sentence, you can also add a question at the end of a para so that examiner’s attention is helplessly carried to the next. To take the similar example as above, the question can be something like—   “Thus we have examined the threat posed by AI to our economy, but what about the challenges brought by AI to our ethics and morals?”  And in the next para, you can write about the ethical issues concerning AI. 

Signalling the shift at the start of next paragraph: 

Here you can simply add a word or two at the beginning of a para that signals a shift in your subtopic. For example in an essay on  Globalisation , let’s say you have just written a para about its historical evolution and impact. You can start the next para with something like—  “Politically too, globalisation has had a tremendous impact……” This way examiner immediately knows what to expect. 

These steps will ensure that the transition between paragraphs is not abrupt. 

How to write a good Introduction to your Essay? 

Essay introduction can be: 

a fictitious incident or story (where you introduce a character);  a real life anecdote;  a quote; or  a simple definition of the words in the question (not recommended in Essay) 

In GS, definitional approach is a great way to introduce your answers. But in essay, they are rather stale, lacking in any human element. I always believe that a good way to start your essay is to have that touch of humanity and warmth in your introduction. 

In my Mains exam, this was my introduction to the essay ‘Destiny of a nation is shaped in its classroom’ 

“The year was 1945. Towards the end of a gruesome world war, the world powers decided to carve up the Korean peninsula along the 38th parallel.  

“Before partition, North and South Korea might have been homogeneous in every respect, but after the division, they steered onto different paths. While schools in the North chose to ‘educate’ their children in the worship of a cult leader, ideological indoctrination and servility, its southern counterpart focused on liberal education, innovation and economic growth.  

“Today, almost seven decades later, the difference in the fates of these people and the trajectories of both these nations cannot be more stark. One is known for gross violation of human rights, while the other a champion of liberal democracy. One is known for gut-wrenching poverty, while the other unbridled prosperity.  

“This only proves the age old adage that the destiny of a nation is indeed shaped in its classrooms.”  

Similarly, for the Social Media essay, my introduction sought to bring to the fore the paradox of Social Media. I wrote on how social media was leveraged to crowdsource help and rescue during Chennai floods in 2015. At the same time, I mentioned how it was used nefariously in 2012 to cause mass exodus of northeast people from Bangalore. And taking cue from this introduction, in the main body, I discussed about the inherent selfishness and altruism associated with social media. 

These real life stories, anecdotes and incidents are everywhere in our books and newspapers. So when you come across them, note down and ponder as to how you can use them in your essay.   

Developing the Main Content from the Topic 

This is like spinning the web from a thread. Depending on the topic, you can choose among the following options that fits best. 

  • Temporal : Past, present and future 
  • Sectoral :  Media, Science & Tech, Business, Sports, Religion, Politics, Administration etc 
  • Walks of Life : Individual, Family, Professional workplace, Society, Community, National, Global 
  • Problem & Solution:  Concept (historical evolution+status), benefits, problems, solutions 
  • Standard : Social, Political, Economical, Administrative, International, Environmental, Historical, Scientific, Security/Defence, Legal 

Example: for a topic like  “Has  Globalisation  delivered on its promise?”  I find the problem & solution method an apt way to develop your narrative. So choose as per the question. 

In the main body of the essay, each para must have an argument or an idea and a reasoning to back that argument. You can substantiate it through a real life example, a statistic, an authentic committee or organisational report etc. 

For example, if you are arguing that Capital punishment is an expensive form of justice, you should be able to given an example or a statistic or Law Commission’s opinion as to how the subjects of death penalty are overwhelmingly from poor communities. 

Statistics, examples, expert opinions and constitutional provisions are crucial and they make your arguments authoritative. 

Concluding an Essay 

Conclusion needs to be on  a futuristic, optimistic note. You need to summarise the complete essay in 3-4 sentences, after which you can write your vision for future. 

You can source some useful terms from the speeches of PM Modi. Phrases like  Sabka   saath   sabka   vikas ,  Reform-Perform-Transform, Building A New India  etc can come handy.  Rhetoric, lofty expressions, constitutional ideals, sanskrit slokas and quotes are a good way to conclude your essay. 

But suppose in your introduction, if you had written about a fictitious character, then it’s always advisable to end your write-up with a reference to that character. It gives a sense of completeness to the essay. 

Readers should keep in mind that these notes are written rather haphazardly (I mean who makes notes thinking that in future, they might have to upload them publicly :D)  

They are fragmented in certain pages, so you may not be able to comprehend them completely, but nevertheless I hope you take home something useful.  

Link to handwritten notes: 


Quote collection:  


List of Topics one needs to prepare:  


Sample Essay:    



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How to reference a Quora Answer

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It’s a question I’ve seen pop up on the internet once in a while: How do you cite a Quora answer? 

You might think, hey, no big deal, it’s just a website, right? So you could cite the link like any other. But I believe that to correctly cite a  specific answer on Quora you need to actually cite that specific Quora answer.

How do you do that? Let’s go walk through an example together.

So let’s say you want to cite Michael Lopp’s answer to this question:  What do good directors do that good managers don’t? Under the profile photo of the person who wrote the answer you can click the grey date, which will take you to a special link with just that answer on it (in this case:  https://www.quora.com/What-do-good-directors-do-that-good-managers-dont/answer/Michael-Lopp )

Copy that link, and paste it into Citationsy. The next step is super easy: Citationsy will automatically fill out all the fields correctly, fetch the date the answer was written and who wrote it and so on, and enter the correct title (in this case:  Michael Lopp’s Answer to “What do good directors do that good managers don’t?” ).

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All you have to do is click  Continue and the Quora answer will be added to your bibliography with the correct link, author, title, and publisher. Voilà!

Referencing and Writing Advice Unlocking Knowledge Getting the green light when using plagiarism detection software doesn’t mean you haven’t plagiarised.

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Do you know Quora ? If the answer is yes, then you will find this article useful and interesting. If you have no idea what Quora is and how it works , then you are in the right place!

In this article, I intend to explain:

  • what Quora is;
  • how it works;
  • why its usage is important;
  • the relationships between Quora and content production.

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What is Quora?

Quora can be considered as the means through which questions and answers are shared (Q&A). It allows people to ask, answer, and even edit their opinions or views on practically any topic or industry.

This particular communication channel can help its subscribers satisfy any curiosity regarding any kind of interest; it also allows interaction within the community. The blogging platform was co-founded in 2009 by Adam D’Angelo and Charlie Cheever.

In December 2010, the popularity of Quora started to grow significantly; today, the number of users subscribed to this platform continues to increase immensely.

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The arrival of the Quora site was in April 2012. Some users also had the opportunity to discover the pleasure of knowledge by engaging in a new type of forum.

Personally, I like to define Quora as a place where you can share and better understand the world. In other words, it is a place where anyone can ask or answer questions on any topic they want to delve into.

People use Quora , for example, to seek advice on their personal or professional lives, to get more information about products and services, or even to ask for external insights on various areas, and much more.

After using Quora for a while, you will definitely find yourself quite involved as you interact with many people; sometimes, real friendships are formed.

This tool is very similar to other social networks as it allows its users to follow other people as well as specific topics that pique their interest.

You can also interact with other subscribers by commenting on answers and asking them to respond to a specific question .

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How does Quora work?

Quora can be defined as a portal that brings together all the questions and answers from various users with the intention of seeking advice or simply demonstrating their knowledge on a specific topic.

By using such a platform, users can rate a question positively or negatively. The commenting feature allows participating and starting a discussion about the topic of the post.

In general, it can be said that Quora is very easy to use . Registered individuals can be driven by curiosity or be true experts with a high level of education and possess knowledge in various areas of study.

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Create an account on Quora

How to create an account on Quora?

Follow these simple steps:

  • Registration: go to the Quora homepage; you can sign up in different ways, including using your Google or Facebook account or your email address.
  • Select at least 10 topics to follow: once registered, you will see a window asking about your interests and providing you with numerous themes. Choose at least 10 that are closely related to you. If you find the topics too general, it’s okay, as you can always change them later.
  • Complete your profile: when filling out this section, keep in mind that it should establish that you are reliable and credible. You should try to provide information as truthfully and accurately as possible . Remember that your profile description is crucial in first impressions.

When writing the description, make sure to use words you would normally use in everyday language.

quora login

To enhance your profile further, you can add your qualifications from your current job or some information about your education or place of residence.

  • Upload a high-quality profile picture. Choose a profile picture that is presentable. Additionally, it is advisable to use the same photo you use for your other social profiles or personal blog.
  • Always remember that the more information you input, the more professional and credible your profile will be.
  • Quora gives you the opportunity   to share your answers on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn . You can make this connection through the settings option in the menu.
  • Optimize your privacy settings. Privacy settings are crucial. These can be adjusted to maximize your visibility inside or outside of Quora. Click on settings to modify and update these specific settings.

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Finding the right questions

How to find questions on Quora?

Asking a good question is definitely one of the first steps to engage within the community and increase the number of views. It only takes a limited amount of time to find the right one.

So to start, you need to look at your strategy. What do you want to achieve on Quora ? If you already know exactly what you want to write, then you should look for questions that fit your answer.

finding the right questions

If you’re open to answering any question that doesn’t align with your marketing goals or personal interests, know that this attitude isn’t very positive.

On Quora, you have endless possibilities, but you always need to be focused on the results you want to achieve .

  • Always think that the question should convince you of your answer even before you write it;
  • Choose questions ranked high on Google. This is very important, especially because they will bring a lot of organic traffic to your answers;
  • Always check the number of feedback: if the number is low, it indicates low quality;
  • Always look at your competitors’ answers. Your competitors can be an excellent source of inspiration and knowledge.

How to write answers on Quora?

In general, there isn’t a best practice for writing perfect answers that, in turn, generate positive votes or clicks.

writing answers in quora

However, there are some rules that will help you achieve these goals , the main guidelines to follow are:

  • Put yourself in the reader’s shoes and ask what they are looking for;
  • Write as clearly as possible;
  • Read all the other answers and try to write the best one;
  • Try to be helpful to others;
  • Add images, videos, statistics, expert opinions, or links to relevant resources to enhance credibility;
  • Be creative;
  • Try to be brief and concise;
  • Often simplicity is key, but it depends on your goals.

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Why use Quora?

Using Quora is very helpful nowadays . With the increasing use of major communication channels, businesses and consumers are now more interested in discovering all its features.

The main advantage of Quora is not only that it’s a great resource to provide its users with answers to their personal queries, but it’s also a great opportunity to network with other professionals .

Another advantage is that you can stay updated on the latest news from the world or the most unusual information! As more users interact with each other, the site inevitably becomes more robust. Quora can’t be defined as a true social network, but it can be partially considered one.

There are several compelling reasons to consider using Quora:

  • You can choose to follow different topics based on your personal preferences, so you’re not obliged to follow pages that don’t interest you;
  • It enables you to specialize and become proficient in a particular area;
  • You can build interpersonal relationships;
  • Through your answers, you can provide concrete help to others;
  • Stay updated on the latest news (of course, referring to topics you intend to follow);
  • Rediscover its usefulness in certain digital sectors such as content marketing;
  • You can learn from the best as the quality of answers you can find is impressive.

Quora: a useful tool for content marketing

What does Quora have in common with content marketing? Initially, it might seem that it has no connection with content marketing activities, but that’s not quite true.

Through this site, you can accomplish multiple content marketing goals such as getting more traffic or increasing your authority in a specific industry.

You can also refine some marketing strategies that aren’t that difficult to execute, of course, you need to know how to do it correctly.

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However, you should always verify the information you find on Quora before using it as inspiration in your content. Although it’s quite reliable, there are no checks for grammatical accuracy.

But why should you use Quora as a content marketing tool ?

Below are some advantages.

  • Improve lead generation and conversions : when you consistently provide real value in your responses, people love to learn more and are more likely to visit your website, blog, subscribe to your YouTube channel, and so on.
  • Reach more people : Quora is a highly popular interactive space and can help you reach an entirely new audience.
  • Manage customers directly : people might use Quora to ask questions about your products and services. Make sure to be there to provide excellent service and answer any doubts or queries as soon as possible.
  • Know your audience : another great use of Quora is for market research. Since it’s a site where many people ask different questions, you’ll certainly be able to find out the needs and interests of your target audience and use them to enhance your strategy.
  • The flexibility of use : most people doing marketing on Quora have found it to be a flexible tool as it’s suitable not only for large companies but also for small independent entrepreneurs who want to establish their expertise in a growing field like digital marketing.
  • You can intercept potential keywords and find an answer to your specific topic.
  • There’s a real opportunity to improve your content .
  • You can enhance your professional authority or social influence.
  • The relevance of content is always valid and current.

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As you’ve understood from this article, Quora is an intriguing means of communication . It must be used carefully to avoid mistakes, especially concerning the right digital strategy for your business.

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Essay on India For Students and Children

500+ words essay on india.

India is a great country where people speak different languages but the national language is Hindi. India is full of different castes, creeds, religion, and cultures but they live together. That’s the reasons India is famous for the common saying of “ unity in diversity “. India is the seventh-largest country in the whole world.

Geography and Culture

India has the second-largest population in the world. India is also knowns as Bharat, Hindustan and sometimes Aryavart. It is surrounded by oceans from three sides which are Bay Of Bengal in the east, the Arabian Sea in the west and Indian oceans in the south. Tiger is the national animal of India. Peacock is the national bird of India. Mango is the national fruit of India. “ Jana Gana Mana ” is the national anthem of India . “Vande Mataram” is the national song of India. Hockey is the national sport of India. People of different religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism , Jainism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity and Judaism lives together from ancient times. India is also rich in monuments, tombs, churches, historical buildings, temples, museums, scenic beauty, wildlife sanctuaries , places of architecture and many more. The great leaders and freedom fighters are from India.

F lag of India

The indian flag has tricolors.

The first color that is uppermost color in the flag which is the saffron color, stands for purity. The second color i.e. the middle color in the flag is the white color and it stands for peace. The third color that is the lowest color in the flag is the green color and it stands for fertility. The white color has an Ashoka Chakra of blue color on it. Ashoka Chakra contains twenty-four spokes which are equally divided. India has 29 states and 7 union territories.

essay on india map

Follow this link to get a Physical and state-wise Map of India

My Favorite States from India are as follows –

Rajasthan itself has a glorious history. It is famous for many brave kings, their deeds, and their art and architecture. It has a sandy track that’s why the nuclear test was held here. Rajasthan is full of desert, mountain range, lakes, dense forest, attractive oases, and temples, etc. Rajasthan is also known as “Land Of Sacrifice”. In Rajasthan, you can see heritage things of all the kings who ruled over there and for that, you can visit Udaipur, Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Chittaurgarh, etc.

Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh is bigger than a foreign (Italy) country and smaller than Oman. It also has tourists attractions for its places. In Madhya Pradesh, you can see temples, lakes, fort, art and architecture, rivers, jungles, and many things. You can visit in Indore, Jabalpur, Ujjain, Bhopal, Gwalior and many cities. Khajuraho, Sanchi Stupa, Pachmarhi, Kanha national park, Mandu, etc. are the places must visit.

Jammu and Kashmir

Jammu and Kashmir are known as heaven on earth . We can also call Jammu and Kashmir as Tourists Paradise. There are many places to visit Jammu and Kashmir because they have an undisturbed landscape, motorable road, beauty, lying on the banks of river Jhelum, harmony, romance, sceneries, temples and many more.

In Jammu and Kashmir, u can enjoy boating, skiing, skating, mountaineering, horse riding, fishing, snowfall, etc. In Jammu and Kashmir, you can see a variety of places such as Srinagar, Vaishnav Devi, Gulmarg, Amarnath, Patnitop, Pahalgam, Sonamarg, Lamayuru, Nubra Valley, Hemis, Sanasar,  Anantnag,  Kargil, Dachigam National Park, Pulwama, Khilanmarg, Dras, Baltal, Bhaderwah, Pangong Lake, Magnetic Hill, Tso Moriri, Khardung La, Aru Valley, Suru Basin,Chadar Trek, Zanskar Valley, Alchi Monastery, Darcha Padum Trek, Kishtwar National Park, Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary, Nyoma, Dha Hanu, Uleytokpo, Yusmarg, Tarsar Marsar Trek and many more.

It is known as the ‘God’s Own Country’, Kerala is a state in India, situated in the southwest region, it is bordered by a number of beaches; covered by hills of Western Ghats and filled with backwaters, it is a tourist destination attracting people by its natural beauty. The most important destinations which you can see in Kerela are the museum, sanctuary, temples, backwaters, and beaches. Munnar, Kovalam, Kumarakom, and Alappad.

India is a great country having different cultures, castes, creed, religions but still, they live together. India is known for its heritage, spices, and of course, for people who live here. That’s the reasons India is famous for the common saying of “unity in diversity”. India is also well known as the land of spirituality , philosophy, science, and technology.

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7 tips for writing a winning mba application essay.

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Nervous about your MBA admissions essay? You’re not alone! Many applicants wonder how to put their best foot forward in a business school entrance essay.

In this article, I’ll tell you what admissions committees look for in application essays and offer MBA essay tips on how to make yours stand out. We’ll also take a look at the different kinds of business school essays and a few examples of MBA essay prompts.

Why Do Business Schools Ask for Essays? What Do They Look For?

Business schools ask for essays for several reasons, all of which help admissions committees determine whether you have the skills and traits to succeed in an MBA program.

First, MBA admissions committees want to see how you write. Communication skills—including concision, clarity, style, and fluency in English—will be essential to your success in business school. One way of discerning your level of writing ability is to require an original writing sample. In an MBA essay, you have to get your point across straightforwardly, elegantly, and concisely; being able to do this is a key element of succeeding in business school and the world of business in general.

Also, MBA admissions committees want to get a sense of who you are on a more personal level. MBA application essays tell admissions officials about you not only through what you say, but in how you say it. Are you self-aware, for example, and can you reflect on past challenges or mistakes in a thoughtful way? Do you demonstrate insight into who you are and your goals? How you answer questions about yourself, your career, and your journey can help MBA admissions officials discern your level of critical thinking and personal insight.

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You can have countless accomplishments, but to succeed in business school, you’ll also need to fit in with the campus climate, work well with your peers, and contribute to campus diversity in a meaningful way. The MBA essay is a place for you to talk about the background or experiences you have that are unique to you and that you believe could differentiate you from your colleagues and/or provide a fresh perspective to campus.

Finally, essays are a way for you to showcase the qualities that most MBA programs say they are looking for in applicants, such as leadership skills, community involvement, problem-solving skills, communication skills, clear goals, and a strong sense of ethics. Some of these traits might not be readily apparent from a resume alone, and an MBA essay can be a place for you to elaborate on how you’ve cultivated them in yourself.

The MBA essay is a great place for you to showcase your communication skills and dedication to community service.

MBA Entrance Essay Sample Prompts

Most MBA entrance essays ask you about one of several things. Many of them are variations on similar questions: the open-ended question, the leadership question, the personal growth question, questions on short- and long-term academic and career goals, and the diversity question. For each one, I’ll give an example of a real MBA essay prompt from 2016 or 2017.

#1: Open-Ended

The open-ended MBA application essay question is just that: open. It allows you to tell your own story, giving you quite a bit of freedom but also little to no guidance. For that reason, many applicants find it to be the most challenging MBA essay prompt.

Harvard Business School has only one essay for its MBA application, and it’s the quintessential open-ended MBA essay question. This is the prompt for 2017-2018 applicants.

As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program?

Note that, as in other open-ended MBA admission essay prompts, this question asks you to decide what you’ll write about. Successful Harvard applicants and HBS admissions counselors have advised applicants to use the prompt as a chance to demonstrate their past use of an especially desired trait, such as problem-solving skills. For example, many successful applicants use the prompt to describe a scenario in which they faced and overcame a challenge, especially as a leader or alongside a team.

Notably, Harvard also doesn’t list a word limit, so you can decide the appropriate length for your essay. However, most admissions counselors will advise you to keep it concise and straightforward.

#2: Leadership

Another common MBA essay prompt asks you to demonstrate your experience and skills as a leader. Leadership qualities are listed by nearly all MBA admissions counselors as fundamental to a career in business and, thus, to a successful business school application.

Let’s look at a sample leadership MBA essay prompt from Kellogg.

Leadership and teamwork are integral parts of the Kellogg experience. Describe a recent and meaningful time you were a leader. What challenges did you face, and what did you learn? (450 words)

In a response to this kind of prompt, you should be as specific as possible. Name the company you were working for or specifically describe the project you were heading. Who was on your team? What were your objectives? Did you meet them? How could you have done so more effectively?

While you shouldn’t be overly self-deprecating, don’t be afraid to address the challenges you met and how you overcame them (or would overcome them now, with more experience and knowledge). Remember that one important aspect of leadership is accountability, so if there were problems, don’t solely blame your team for them. Instead, reflect on how you successfully worked with your team to solve the problems, and/or on how you could have done so more effectively or efficiently.

#3: Personal Growth

The personal growth MBA admission essay prompt will ask you how you’ve changed in the past and how you want to grow in the future. Here’s one example from the Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management.

Pursuing an MBA is a catalyst for personal and professional growth. How have you grown in the past? How do you intend to grow at Kellogg? (450 words)

Don’t be afraid to get a bit personal with these kinds of prompts . They’re meant to gauge something about your personality and who you are, rather than only what you’ve done.

Many successful MBA admission essays that respond to these kinds of questions follow a past/present/future format. Ask yourself what traits you’ve gathered over the years that have benefited you personally and professionally, how you’ve improved, and what you’ve learned. What experiences have shaped you? Be as specific as possible.

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Then, take stock of yourself now: your career, your education, and where you see yourself in the future. What do you need in order to get there?

Finally, most essay MBA prompts in this vein (like Kellogg’s) will ask you how they can help you move towards that personal or professional goal. Be as specific as you can, focusing on the particular strengths of the prospective MBA program and how they match up with what you want to improve about yourself as a person, colleague, and leader.

You can use the MBA essay to showcase how you've grown personally and achieved your goals.

#4: Your Plan

Some MBA application essay prompts will ask you about your career goals and how attendance at a particular business school will help you to achieve them. Let’s look at one from the USC Marshall School of Business.

Essay #1 (Required) – What is your specific, immediate short-term career goal upon completion of your MBA? Please include an intended position, function, and industry in your response. (word limit: 100)

As you can see, questions like these often request brief responses. So get straight to the point, and give details. Name a specific job you’d like to hold, what you’d like to do there, and even particular companies if you can.

Questions like this one will require some research. Research alumni from your prospective business school who’ve ended up in positions comparable to ones you’d like to hold in the future, particular companies and positions that match up with your personal and professional goals, and specific coursework or industry experiences offered by your prospective business school that would help you get there.

#5: Diversity, Culture, and Community

Finally, some MBA essay prompts will ask you how your unique background and experiences would contribute to the overall diversity and collegial atmosphere of a school’s campus climate and community. Here’s one example from USC.

Essay #2 (Required) – At Marshall, we take pride in the fact that our students work collaboratively, both inside and outside the classroom, to create a culture, a community, and an environment that truly defines what we call the Trojan Family. Please describe the contributions you expect to make to your classmates during your time at USC. How will they benefit from your presence in the program? (word limit: 500)

You can respond to questions like this, depending on the wording of the original prompt, by discussing your cultural background, identity, and/or personal experiences that have given you particular insight into a given community or that have lent you a unique perspective that could be valuable to your colleagues as you collaborate.

You can also discuss past community service projects or issues you’re passionate about and how you plan to carry those experiences and passions into your work at your prospective MBA program.

What makes you unique? Showcase it in your MBA essay.

7 MBA Essay Tips

Writing MBA essays takes a particular skill set. Let’s go over the top seven MBA essay tips for making your application essay shine.

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#1: Write Early and Often

Even though MBA entrance essays are brief, they take a lot of polishing. Writing MBA essays takes time.

Don’t expect to write yours at the last minute or knock out a quality essay in a day. Most students need several drafts to make sure they’re getting their points across as elegantly and clearly as possible.

Start your essay well before the application deadline, when you don’t yet feel any pressure. For several weeks, don’t try to write at all. Instead, before crafting your essay for MBA admission, take notes on your past, present, and future. What have you learned? What unique experiences have you had? What have been the most meaningful projects you’ve undertaken? Ask friends, family, and mentors to tell you what they value most about you or what they see as your greatest personal and professional assets.

Only once you’ve gathered this material should you begin your first draft of your MBA application essay. Start with an outline for each one that includes the story you want to tell and the main points you want to get across.

Once you have a clear outline, you can start drafting. Taking the writing process seriously from start to finish will give you a much better product in the end than trying to write something hastily right before the deadline.

#2: Show, Don’t Tell

MBA admissions committees want to be able to tell that you have the qualities that are necessary to succeed in business school, such as leadership skills and integrity.

Your MBA admissions essay can be a great place to showcase those qualities. However, remember to show, not tell. Saying “I have strong leadership skills” doesn’t tell an admissions committee much. Through an anecdote about, say, meeting a difficult deadline or overcoming an obstacle, a reader should be able to tell that you have the qualities of a strong leader without your having to say so explicitly.

#3: Research Your Goals

When describing your future goals, be as specific as possible. Business schools know that your goals may change in the future, but stating specific goals now will show that you’ve done your research and have an idea of what you want and how an MBA program can help you get there.

Before writing your essay for MBA admission, research the ins and outs of the industry you want to enter, the position you’d like to have, companies you might like to work for, and coursework and internships or fieldwork that could aid you on your way to those goals.

#4: Keep It Concise

Never, ever go over a stated word count limit when you’re writing your essay for MBA admission. It might be tempting, but business schools want to see that you can get your point across concisely and straightforwardly.This rule goes for MBA essay prompts that don’t have specific word counts, too: sometimes, less is more.

One of the biggest mistakes applicants make in writing an essay for MBA admission is to use too much flowery language to come across as more professional. If you do this, it can be distracting and cause the admissions committee to miss the main points you’re making.

Bottom line, trim anything extraneous from your essay —that is, anything that doesn’t actively support the main point(s) you’re trying to get across.

When it comes to an MBA essay, sometimes less is more.

#5: Show Self-Awareness

It might feel tempting to use the MBA admission essay as a space to list all of your accomplishments (and since your resume is already part of your application, this is unnecessary), but MBA admissions committees would rather see that you have insight into both your strengths and weaknesses. No one is perfect, and in your essay for MBA admission, you shouldn’t try to come across as if you’ve never made a mistake or faced a challenge that you’ve had to learn from.

Also, in business school and the business world at large, bouncing back from failures, being flexible, and problem solving are all essential skills. All of them require a thick skin and awareness of what you could do better.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t showcase your achievements, but if you’re asked about personal growth or an obstacle you’ve overcome, be clear about what you could have done more effectively in the past (at a job or in your education, for example) and the steps you’ve taken or will take to sidestep that mistake in the future.

#6: Share Your Personal Journey

Many applicants would prefer to focus only on their professional backgrounds and goals in their MBA essays, but you shouldn’t be afraid to get personal in your essay. You don’t need to tell your whole life story, but especially in response to questions that ask about your growth over time, you should showcase your personality and give the admissions committee an idea of your personal background and experiences.

#7: Ask for Edits

It might seem obvious, but many applicants don’t do it: proofread your work! When writing MBA essays, revision is key. Turning in an MBA essay with typos and other errors will come off as thoughtless and unprofessional.

You should also get a second (and, perhaps, a third and fourth) pair of eyes on your essay to make sure it’s coming across as you want it to. Going through several rounds of drafts is a necessary part of the writing process to ensure that you’re putting your best foot forward in your MBA entrance essay.

Revise your MBA essay until it comes across exactly how you want.

What’s Next?

Worried about how your GMAT score matches up to other applicants’? Find out more in our list of average GMAT scores by school.

Concerned about your chances of getting into an MBA program? Our guide to business school acceptance rates will help.

Ready to apply to business school? Check out our top eight tips for applying to MBA programs here.

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Author: Laura Dorwart

Laura Dorwart is a Ph.D. student at UC San Diego. She has taught and tutored hundreds of students in standardized testing, literature, and writing. View all posts by Laura Dorwart

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I remember last year I read this short college student admission essay at Quora, which I found really amusing. I tried everything to find it but nope, it doesn't show up. Can some of you help me finding it? I know for sure there are several of these in Quora so if we made an actual compilation of these would be way better.

P.S.: It is for college admission purposes, I want to get some inspiration for my UC personal statement.

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UPSC Essay Topics - Important Essay Topics for UPSC Mains 2023

By vajiram & ravi.

Essay Course for UPSC

UPSC CSE Mains 2023 Essay Question Paper

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Understanding UPSC Essay Topics holds significant importance as it evaluates the candidate's ability to analyse, present arguments, and communicate effectively. In this article, we will explore the diverse range of UPSC essay topics, their significance, and essential tips to excel in this section. Get ready to enhance your writing and analytical skills and make a strong impression on the evaluators with well-crafted essays.

UPSC Essay Paper

The Essay paper in the UPSC Mains examination requires candidates to write multiple essays , each on a different topic, chosen from a given list of options. The essay topics for UPSC cover a wide range of issues, including social, economic, political, cultural, and philosophical aspects, both national and international.

The essay paper holds significant weightage in the UPSC Mains examination, contributing 250 marks out of the total 1750 marks . Scoring well in this section can have a considerable impact on the overall ranking and selection for the coveted civil services.

Weekly UPSC Essay Topics By Vajiram & Ravi

The UPSC Essay Paper is an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate their proficiency in expressing ideas and analysing complex issues. Vajiram & Ravi Pensive-Weekly Essay Writing Programme provides you with two Essay Topics every Saturday based on the previous year's question papers and the changing trends analysis. You can submit your Essay for peer evaluation on vajiramandravi.com. This will help you nourish your writing skills, give you clarity of thought, and build the capacity to express opinions in a logical and coherent manner.

Important Essay Topics for UPSC 2023

The purpose of the essay paper is to assess the candidate's ability to critically analyse a topic, present well-structured arguments, and communicate their ideas effectively. It also evaluates their knowledge of various issues, their clarity of thought, and their capacity to express opinions in a logical and coherent manner.

Some of the Important Essay Topics to prepare for the UPSC Mains Examination 2023 are:

  • Gender Equality
  • Environment/Urbanization
  • Economic Growth
  • Federalism/Decentralization
  • Agriculture
  • Economics 

UPSC Essay Topics on Philosophy

Every year, UPSC typically provides you with two or more essay topics centred around philosophical thoughts, Indian philosophical schools, or quotes from notable personalities. To effectively address these philosophical topics, you should refer to Philosophy Books to gain a foundational understanding. Here is a list of UPSC Essay Topics on Philosophy :

  • Everything comes to him, who hustles while he waits.
  • We are always blind as we want to be.
  • You cannot step twice in the same river.
  • A disciplined mind brings happiness.
  • The price of Greatness is Responsibility.
  • People would rather Believe than Know.
  • Mind - A beautiful Servant? Or a dangerous Master?

UPSC Essay Topics on Art and Culture

The UPSC Essay Topics related to Indian society, art, and culture cover a wide range of subjects, offering great diversity. To gain knowledge about the static content on these topics, you should rely on fundamental books on society, as recommended for the exam. Here is a list of UPSC Essay Topics on Indian Art and Culture :

  • Culture changes with economic development.
  • Culture is what we are, Civilization is what we have.
  • Social reform is a myth if places of worship are open only to all castes and not to all genders.
  • Impact of Globalization on Indian Art and Culture.
  • Caste System - India’s Enduring Curse.
  • Godmen - A Threat to Indian Art and Culture?

UPSC Essay Topics on Science and Technology

UPSC essay topics on Science and Technology can largely be addressed through current affairs. You may also benefit from consulting a Science and Technology Book for UPSC to compose a comprehensive and well-rounded essay. Here are some UPSC Essay Topics on Science and Technology:

  • Deglobalisation is good for the world.
  • Science is organised Knowledge. Wisdom is Organised life.
  • Technology is a Weapon against Poverty.
  • Prioritising Education Technology for Global Growth.
  • Technology is the silent factor in International Relations.
  • Scientific and Technological Progress cannot be equated with Human Progress.

UPSC Essay Topics on Education

Education stands as one of the preferred UPSC Essay Topics, with an essay related to this subject often appearing in the paper each year. To tackle this topic effectively, you should stay abreast of Current Affairs , incorporating significant changes and advancements in the field. Let's explore some of the Essay topics for UPSC centred around education:

  • Self Education is a lifelong curiosity.
  • Education Breeds Peace.
  • Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.
  • Education must also train one for quick, resolute and effective thinking.
  • Schooling is not Education.

UPSC Essay Topics on Polity and Governance

To comprehensively address Polity and Governance topics, you should acquire fundamental knowledge from Polity Books for UPSC and Current Affairs. These resources offer static information about relevant issues and their historical context, which proves valuable while writing UPSC Essay Topics on Polity. Here are some Essay Topics on Polity and Governance:

  • The Role of Politics in Development.
  • Should Youth in India Consider Politics as a Career?
  • Art, Freedom and Creativity will change society faster than politics.
  • The politics of Identity is the Politics of the Weak.
  • People should not be afraid of their Government. The Government should be afraid of its people.
  • Government Surveillance - Good or Bad?

UPSC Essay Topics on Economy

Essays concerning economic growth are frequently included in the Essay Paper. To tackle these topics effectively, you should refer to Economy Notes for UPSC to gain a comprehensive understanding. Once the fundamentals are grasped, you can enhance their essays by incorporating examples, data, and statistics to create a multidimensional perspective. Here is a list of UPSC Essay Topics on Economy:

  • We don't have to sacrifice a Strong Economy for a Healthy Environment.
  • India, a $5 trillion Economy - Dream or Reality?
  • Digital Economy: A leveller or a source of Economic Inequality?
  • Innovation is the key determinant of social welfare and economic growth.
  • Labour Reforms in India and its Role in Economic Growth.

UPSC Essay Topics on Social Issues

Social issues are a significant aspect of the UPSC essay paper, reflecting the candidates' understanding of societal challenges and their ability to propose viable solutions. These essays provide a platform for candidates to analyse, critique, and suggest measures for pressing social concerns. Topics related to social issues in the UPSC Essay paper may include:

  • Inclusivity and Plurality are the hallmarks of a Peaceful Society.
  • A Gender-sensitive Indian Society is a prerequisite for Women and Child Empowerment.
  • The weaker sections of Indian Society - are their Rights and Access to Justice getting Better?

Previous Year UPSC Essay Topics

Practising previous year's essay topics will help you become familiar with the UPSC exam pattern , word limit, and the types of essay questions frequently asked in the Mains Examination. Analysing past essay topics will also allow you to identify recurring themes and trends, enabling you to prioritise their preparation accordingly. Regular practice with past essay topics will instil confidence in you, helping you feel more comfortable and prepared for the actual exam.

  • Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence.
  • Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
  • History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man.
  • A ship in the harbour is safe, but that is not what a ship is for.
  • The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.
  • A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities.
  • Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right.

Tips to Excel in UPSC Essay Paper

  • Understand the Topics: Thoroughly comprehend the essay topics, including the keywords and instructions. Choose a topic that aligns with your strengths and interests.
  • Plan and Structure: Devote some time to plan your essay. Create an outline and organise your thoughts in a structured manner, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Be Objective: Present balanced arguments and avoid a biased or one-sided approach. Consider multiple perspectives and present a holistic view.
  • Provide Examples and Evidence: Support your arguments with relevant examples, data, quotes and evidence to strengthen your essay.
  • Maintain Clarity: Write in a clear and concise manner. Use simple language and avoid jargon or overly complex vocabulary.
  • Practice Regularly: Regular practice is essential to improve Essay writing skills. Write essays on diverse topics to enhance your versatility.
  • Time Management: Allocate appropriate time for planning, writing, and revising each essay to manage time effectively during the examination.
  • Revise and Edit: Review your essays for coherence, grammar, and structure. Make necessary edits to refine your work.

FAQs on UPSC Essay Topics

What are the important UPSC Essay Topics?

Here is a list of UPSC Essay Topics asked in Mains Examination previously:

  • Culture is what we are, civilization is what we have.
  • Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
  • What is research but a blind date with knowledge?
  • Best for an individual is not necessarily best for society.
  • Wisdom finds truth.
  • Ships don’t sink because of water around them, ships sink because of water that gets into them.
  • Patriarchy is the least noticed yet the most significant structure of social inequality.
  • Technology as the silent factor in international relations.

How do I Prepare for the UPSC Essay?

To prepare for the UPSC essay, focus on understanding the essay syllabus and past topics to identify recurring themes. Regularly practise writing essays on various topics to improve your writing skills and time management. Structure your essays with a clear introduction, main body, and conclusion.

Which is the best source to practise UPSC Essay Topics?

The best sources to prepare Essay for UPSC include official UPSC materials, newspapers, and magazines like The Hindu, Yojana , and Kurukshetra for current affairs, standard books on diverse subjects, government reports and publications, online platforms like PIB and PRS India, UPSC previous year papers for understanding the exam pattern, and regular practice of essay writing on various topics.

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Are Planes Safe Right Now? Here’s What the Experts Say.

You should expect the unexpected while flying, but few disruptions should provoke serious concern, aviation experts say.

A ground-level view of part of an airliner inside a hangar, with an inspector in the foreground, his back to the camera.

By Niraj Chokshi and Christine Chung

Smoke in the cabin. A tire blowout. A cracked windshield. No shortage of problems can affect a flight, fueling traveler anxiety and contributing to thousands of daily delays and cancellations around the world.

But for all of the frustration and alarm such events cause, it can be difficult to interpret and understand their severity. Here’s how aviation safety experts say travelers should think about disruptions when they occur.

Problems happen.

Several alarming air travel incidents have made headlines in recent weeks — a sharp plunge toward an ocean, an unnerving wobble that damaged the tail of a plane and an aborted departure after an apparent engine fire .

But the most common mishaps and malfunctions, even if hair-raising, are not typically severe, experts said.

A hydraulic leak, for example, is a familiar occurrence that pilots take seriously, but it is not as disruptive as it may sound. That’s because planes have backup hydraulic systems, which are used to power equipment like the landing gear, brakes, wing flaps and flight controls, allowing planes to take off, fly and land. A plane veering off a runway, in what is known as a runway excursion, makes for captivating video and a possibly terrifying experience for those on board. But it doesn’t necessarily cause significant damage to an airplane or threaten the safety of those on board.

The same is true of the wide range of mechanical or maintenance issues that can come up before takeoff, which might force a pilot to hold a plane at its gate or return to the gate from taxiing. Those incidents are important to understand and address, but they are often minor, experts said.

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