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Christina Page and Lesley McCannell

Learning Objectives

By the time you complete this section, you will have

  • Identified the ways a rubric can help you achieve your goals in this assignment.
  • Reviewed your project rubric.
  • Noted key characteristics of success in this project based on your rubric.

What is a rubric?

When you receive many of your course assignments, you may also receive a copy of the rubric the instructor will use to grade your work.  The rubric provides information on what criteria shape a highly successful assignment.

How to use rubrics

Your assignment instructions and rubric are two of your key tools throughout the process of completing the assignment.  These provide an outline of the criteria that the instructor has set out for a successful assignment. There are two key times to use the rubric and assignment instructions:

  • Before you start writing: Unfortunately, time may be lost writing something that does not meet the key guidelines you must follow. To avoid this problem, take time to read both the assignment instructions and rubric carefully before beginning. Clarify any areas of confusion with your instructor.
  • After you have written a draft, but before you submit the assignment: At this point, grade your work according to the rubric. Think carefully and critically. Are there areas where you may not have met the criteria well?  If so, edit your work accordingly, making the needed revisions before submitting the assignment.

The video below provides additional strategies for using rubrics.  When you are finished the video,  you will begin reviewing your assignment rubric, printed below the video on this page.

Assignment Rubric

Rubric for individual contribution and group deliverables rubric. Click below for a PDF copy

Link to PDF copy of the rubric

Organizational Behaviour Group Project Workbook Copyright © by Christina Page and Lesley McCannell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Resources: Discussions and Assignments

Module 10 assignment: individual and group behavioral theories applied to the workplace.

In your role as a consultant for Workplace Solutions Consulting, you are typically working at customer sites and from a home office when not on travel. You take advantage of technology to stay connected to your team and management to keep current on your project and developments at company headquarters.

We have initially explored the benefits and challenges inherent in being a remote employee on a virtual team for Workplace Solutions Consulting LLC in  Discussion: Individual Personalities and Behaviors . Let’s turn our attention to the team dynamic of how individuals work together, blending skills, experience, and most important, personalities to achieve goals.

Using the Myers-Briggs Indicator methodology, what four letter code would best represent a personality best suited for this remote location/virtual team workplace situation? Why?

How does the balance between individuality and conformity affect individuals in a team environment? How much structure do you feel is appropriate for a successful team?

Considering the Big Five personality assessment model (OCEAN), to what extent do you believe these traits would be impacted if the work environment were to be changed to a strictly-structured physical workplace setting?

Grading Rubric

Criteria Inadequate (40%) Minimal (60%) Adequate (80%) Exemplary (100%) Total Points
Organization and format
Writing lacks logical organization. It may show some coherence but ideas lack unity. Serious errors and generally is an unorganized format and information.

Writing is coherent and logically organized, using a format suitable for the material presented. Some points may be contextually misplaced and/or stray from the topic. Transitions may be evident but not used throughout the essay. Organization and format used may detract from understanding the material presented.

Writing is coherent and logically organized, using a format suitable for the material presented. Transitions between ideas and paragraphs create coherence. Overall unity of ideas is supported by the format and organization of the material presented.

Writing shows high degree of attention to details and presentation of points. Format used enhances understanding of material presented. Unity clearly leads the reader to the writer’s conclusion and the format and information could be used independently.
Some but not all required questions are addressed. Content and/or terminology is not properly used or referenced. Little or no original thought is present in the writing. Concepts presented are merely restated from the source, or ideas presented do not follow the logic and reasoning presented throughout the writing.

All required questions are addressed but may not be addressed with thoughtful consideration and/or may not reflect proper use of content terminology or additional original thought. Additional concepts may not be present and/or may not be properly cited sources.

All required questions are addressed with thoughtful consideration reflecting both proper use of content terminology and additional original thought. Some additional concepts may be presented from other properly cited sources, or originated by the author following logic and reasoning they’ve clearly presented throughout the writing.

All required questions are addressed with thoughtful in-depth consideration reflecting both proper use of content terminology and additional original thought. Additional concepts are clearly presented from properly cited sources, or originated by the author following logic and reasoning they’ve clearly presented throughout the writing.
Development—Critical Thinking
Shows some thinking and reasoning but most ideas are underdeveloped, unoriginal, and/or do not address the questions asked. Conclusions drawn may be unsupported, illogical or merely the author’s opinion with no supporting evidence presented.

Content indicates thinking and reasoning applied with original thought on a few ideas, but may repeat information provided and/ or does not address all of the questions asked. The author presents no original ideas, or ideas do not follow clear logic and reasoning. The evidence presented may not support conclusions drawn.

Content indicates original thinking, cohesive conclusions, and developed ideas with sufficient and firm evidence. Clearly addresses all of the questions or requirements asked. The evidence presented supports conclusions drawn.

Content indicates synthesis of ideas, in-depth analysis and evidence beyond the questions or requirements asked. Original thought supports the topic, and is clearly a well-constructed response to the questions asked. The evidence presented makes a compelling case for any conclusions drawn.
Grammar, Mechanics, Style
Writing contains many spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors, making it difficult for the reader to follow ideas clearly. There may be sentence fragments and run-ons. The style of writing, tone, and use of rhetorical devices disrupts the content. Additional information may be presented but in an unsuitable style, detracting from its understanding.

Some spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors are present, interrupting the reader from following the ideas presented clearly. There may be sentence fragments and run-ons. The style of writing, tone, and use of rhetorical devices may detract from the content. Additional information may be presented, but in a style of writing that does not support understanding of the content.

Writing is free of most spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors, allowing the reader to follow ideas clearly. There are no sentence fragments and run-ons. The style of writing, tone, and use of rhetorical devices enhance the content. Additional information is presented in a cohesive style that supports understanding of the content.

Writing is free of all spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors and written in a style that enhances the reader’s ability to follow ideas clearly. There are no sentence fragments and run-ons. The style of writing, tone, and use of rhetorical devices enhance the content. Additional information is presented to encourage and enhance understanding of the content.
  • Assignment: Individual and Group Behavioral Theories Applied to the Workplace. Authored by : Robert Danielson. Provided by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution

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HRMT 14000D Organizational Behaviour: Group Assignment

  • Group Assignment
  • Citing your sources
  • APA for business sources

Below are journals you may want to use for your literature review group assignment

Ob journals.

  • International Organization
  • Journal of Organizational Behavior
  • Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
  • Journal of Service Research
  • Leadership Quarterly Show More Show Less Full text available for 1996-2001. Abstracts from 2002 to the present.
  • Organizational Culture Management
  • Organizational Psychology Review
  • Organization Science
  • Personnel Psychology

What is a literature review?

Want to better understand how to create literature review?  Read this short chapter taken from the 2016 book Student research and report writing: From topic selection to the complete paper  by Wang and Park.

Also check out the Sheridan Library research guide on Literature Reviews at the link below:

Great group work

  • Group Work Module. Sheridan Academic Skills Hub.
  • Group Work. The Learning Portal.
  • Study in Groups. The Learning Portal.

HR Journals & Magazines

  • Advances in Developing Human Resources

Significant Canadian content.

  • Development and Learning in Organizations
  • HR Magazine
  • HR Specialist
  • Human Resource Development Quarterly
  • Human Resources Magazine
  • Human Resources Management
  • Industrial and Labor Relations Review
  • International Journal of Human Resource Management
  • Journal of Business Diversity
  • Journal of Human Resources
  • Journal of Workplace Learning
  • People & Strategy
  • Strategic HR Review
  • Talent Development (T+D)
  • Worldwide Human Resources & Executive Search Consulting Industry Report

Top Management Journals

Publishing in top journals provides an excellent sign of quality that is useful in the evaluation of a source. This list provides guidance to management journals that are recognized as top contenders for publishing scholarly work. This list was updated by cross referencing the library websites of the Universities of Alberta, Toronto and British Columbia.

  • Academy of Management Journal
  • Academy of Management Review
  • California Management Review
  • Harvard Business Review
  • Human Resource Management
  • Ivey Business Journal
  • Journal of Applied Psychology
  • Journal of International Business Studies
  • Journal of Management
  • Journal of Management Studies
  • The McKinsey Quarterly
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • Rotman Management Journal
  • Strategic Management Journal

Related guides

  • Top 50 Journals used in the FT Research Rank by Nicole Zhang Last Updated Feb 28, 2024 666 views this year
  • << Previous: Home
  • Next: Citing your sources >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 25, 2024 4:08 PM
  • URL: https://sheridancollege.libguides.com/OrgBehavBBA

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