
6 Tips for Creating and Presenting a Design Board to Your Interior Design Client

Last Updated on April 16, 2024 by SampleBoard

Tips for Creating and Presenting a Design Board to Your Interior Design Client

The first step of a successful design project is coming up with an inspiring idea. Great ideas are hard to come by, and if you have got one, you are already halfway through. Still, there is the lion’s share of work ahead, and that is successfully presenting your idea to a client. Fortunately, unlike coming up with the design, presenting it is not a matter of creativity and talent, rather a matter of learning and knowledge. Although all interior designers have different approaches to projects, there are some usual guidelines that should help you find your way.

Content Is the Key

You probably already know how to make design schematics for a project, but it is important to stress out that the very appearance of the board falls behind comparing to quality content. A good rule of thumb is that the center of the board should present some sort of summary positioned into the visual focus. This summary is a good starting point for the presentation.

Keep the Boards Consistent

In most projects, you will be required to present several schematics detailing a variety of aspects of the project. For example, you may show off material boards, technical specifications, color boards, 3D drawings, etc. These boards should be visually similar (color scheme, font size, title style, same layouts, consistent style of the images). It is always useful (especially for beginners) to use a software that offers prepared collage templates and stick to it. Although these programs usually require paying subscription, you can sign up for your 14 day free trial , and see how our software suits you.

Cues on Making a Perfect Board

Start with something that inspires you. It can be a color, photograph, work of art or fabric. Layout the room and place and scale the furniture accurately. You can do that by hand sketching or with dedicated software. Both sketching and using a computer program require some expertise that can be learned in a design school . Finally, you should add personality to your board with accent furniture pieces or standout accessory items.

Preparation Is Confidence and Confidence Is Everything

One last thing is left to be done: the actual presentation of the prepared board to the client. If you have invested a lot of time and energy in creating the schematics, you probably know all you need to know about the project. Still, you should prepare your speech. If you are well prepared, you will be confident, and confidence is the key unlocking every social interaction. Also, enthusiasm is contagious, so show your client just how important the project is to you.

Structuring Is Essential Part of Preparation

Preparation isn’t only learning everything there is to know about the project. You should structure your pitch to make it clear and interesting. That means that your presentation should include the most important observation from your research, your conclusion based on that, the design concept in a few sentences, the way the concept will be conveyed, and the takeaway for the consumer.

Forge a Connection with the Client

When presenting the idea, you should know which present person has the most influence on accepting the design concept. If it is a company, find out who is the decision-maker when it comes to design, if you are presenting to spouses, try to grasp which of them is more interested. After you’ve got that figured out, tailor your presentation to the right person. When working for a company, check business executives’ LinkedIn profiles to find out if there is a special sports team they prefer or some interesting hobby that could help you get to know them better and have a good idea who you are selling to. Combine well thought-out small-talk and a hard-hitting design idea.

A good idea is the beginning of a great project, but all of your efforts will go down the drain if you don’t know how to pitch that idea to a client. These were some tips on how to do that successfully, but try to approach them uniquely, showing off something that separates your design from everyone’s else.

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Presentation Board Content

A Quality Example Of A Presentation Board

Consistency In Presentation Boards

Consistency Across Multiple Presentation Boards
  • Presentation Boards should all be the same size and orientation (landscape/portrait)
  • Common colour scheme
  • Same font size, colour and style for titles and lables
  • Same Layout/ Grid patern of content
  • Consistent style and size of images
  • Common Logo/Insignia on each board

Presentation Board Titles & Labels

Titles And Labels Are Very Important For A Good Presentation Board

Grid Layout In Presentation Boards

Plan Out The Grid Layout For Your Presentation Board
A Sample Presentation Board Using A Grid Layout

"Reading" A Presentation Board

Left to right  or  center outward reading order in presentation boards.

Centre outward visual reading order seen in this presentation board
Left to right visual reading order seen in this presentation board

Top -> Down reading order in Presentation Boards

Town Down Reading Order In A Presentation Board

Presentation Board Weighting

Framing images in a presentation board.

The Images In This Presentation Board Have Been Framed To Help Highlight Them Against The MIxed Background

Stand Back From The Presentation Board

Design Presentation Boards

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20 Tips to Master The Art of Client Presentation for Interior Designers

13 Mins Read

February 4th, 2024

how to make a presentation board for interior design

Kimberly Elizabeth

With over a decade of expertise in the design realm, Kimberly is trained at the prestigious FIT in NYC, she excels in curating harmonious spaces with a keen focus on symmetry and function.

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Importance of Client Presentations to Close Deals

What is the one thing that can improve your chances of landing an interior design project? A presentation ! It is a visualization of what interior designers will offer for any customer. As a result, your customers will have a better idea of what they will achieve at the end of the project. However, the question that most interior designers may ask is, how do you present the interior design to close the deal?

When designing for any interior design client, there are several important factors to consider like the space (office or home design), budget, clients and their family members, client’s style, and way of living. As a designer, these are your styling cues that help create better visualizations for the client. 

In the typical interior design process, it can take up to 2-4 weeks to collate design inspirations, elements, quotes and create a presentation board. However, it is essential to have a signed contract or a retainer before you begin the process of creating a presentation board.

The interior design contract clearly defines the budget, pricing and other prerequisites for the project, so you keep that in mind while planning the design. Also, sourcing the data related to the client’s vision of the space and expectations are crucial for your deadline planning as a part of project management. Once all of these activities are over, the next phase is a one-on-one presentation with the client.

It is here that you need to have a presentation plan ready to execute. There are several elements of a successful client presentation, and here we will discuss twenty of them.

Read also – 14 Tips To Build Strong Brand for Your Interior Design Business

20 Best Client Presentation Tips for Interior Designers for Successful Deals:

1. design rendering.

When it comes to client presentation tips for interior designers , 3D rendering is an approach used as a last resort. However, we are discussing it first here for two significant reasons. First is the advanced form of visualizations that a render may offer to the clients. It allows them to visualize the exact design in a three-dimensional format that resembles the final result. 

The second reason is how it can positively influence the client. It is more than just a design mockup that digitally enhances the look of furniture pieces, floor plans, and even entire spaces like the living rooms. Your clients get to know what the design will be once the project is complete. 

However, it is not so popular among designers as most of them outsource rendering. Thus, there is an extra cost that is to be reimbursed.

Read also – 15 Best 3D Rending Software

2. Design Boards

One of the critical foundations of interior design presentations is design boards that help clients understand different design elements and their final outlook. Design boards can be created with cork boards, pins, and paper. It is a simple board that does not need anything fancy and can yet convey the design effectively. 

You can print images of furniture pieces, create swatches for color schemes, print pictures of rugs, different features, lighting, and flooring, and pin them on the board. Adding fabric samples and upholstery or curtains can make it more intuitive.

design boards for presentation

Image Credit:

Design boards allow you to get all the data related to different design ideas, and space heuristics can help in better visualization. However, it is essential to understand that a design board is different from a mood board. The presentation is related to the real design of space with a design board than inspiration images used in a mood board. 

With modern technologies and digitization, you can now use software like Photoshop to create a digital design board. Then, you can either print out such a digital design board or present it directly from a device like a tablet or PC. 

Read also – 15 Best Interior Design Software To Design Digital Boards

3. Dress Code

It may sound stupid to many, but dressing up relevant to the client’s style, space, and environment can make a difference. According to Victoria Sanchez , a prominent interior designer and founder of Victoria at Home, “Walking into a client’s home with your four-inch high heels when you will present designs for a family with kids can be awkward.”

Youtube Video – The Art of Client Presentation by Victoria Sanchez | FoyrTalks2020 | September 23 – YouTube

She further states that walking in with a pair of jeans on for presenting an interior design for a country club project may not be a great idea. Thus, the concept is to dress according to the project’s theme, adding to the aesthetic element of interior design and aligning with the space heuristics.

4. Organized Presentation

Victoria also asks interior designers to stay organized for their presentations. She emphasizes that if your interior design presentations are not organized, they will act as an indicator of how inefficient your services will be for a client.

organized presentation

Here are some tips that she shares:

  • Try to have every aspect of the presentation planned before the meet.
  • Don’t have the swatches, material samples, or even a digital board unorganized.
  • Keep all the design elements in chronological order, which can assist you in explaining the process.
  • Don’t waste time going back to your studio for little things related to the presentation, as that can be deemed inefficient.

Read also – Digital Marketing Strategies for Interior Designers

5. User Experience of Presentations

While interior design is an aesthetics-based concept, there are some design elements that you need to have in physical form. In layman’s terms, the feel of touching a material can be more stimulating than just visual appeal. This is related to the fabrics, material of furniture pieces, curtains, carpets, etc. 

Adding physical samples of the fabrics and allowing your clients to feel them through touch will help drive the decision-making. You can even create a sample board with all the materials pinned for a better experience. There can be one hero sample with other options, which will enable clients to make a choice.

6. Moodboards

Apart from the design boards and sample boards, mood boards are also a great way to design presentations. It is a collation of different design inspirations that offer cohesive visualization for clients. However, mood boards are highly suited for presentation to a new client. But if you are looking to close a design project deal, you may need a more comprehensive design board. 

Read also – 14 Tips To Create Mood Boards for Interior Design

7. Master of the Art

There is no denying that you should be at your best for the entire project, but you need to assert your expertise when it comes to a design presentation. However, it does not mean you throw jargon that your clients don’t understand, but help them with expert advice and choices.

Also, try to communicate your anecdotes from different projects you have worked on over the years to showcase your expertise.

Read also – How To Revive Your Interior Design Business Post-COVID-19?

8. Optional Concepts

Sometimes a single design concept is enough for your client to be impressed, and most of the time, it might not be a possibility. It’s a luxury that every interior designer does not have, and you should be prepared for it. 

Especially when it comes to new clients that do not have an extensive idea about interiors or your work, you need to offer multiple options of design concepts. One way to do that is by creating multiple mood boards for presentations. 

In such a scenario, when you need to present multiple concepts and there is a shortage of time, you can leverage mood board-creating software for multiple digital iterations. For example, you can create three iterations:

  • A design concept of your choice
  • Your client’s choice
  • The middle ground

Read also – AI-Powered Interior Design Software

9. Design Context

Most designers get the presentation wrong when they attempt to present too many aesthetic-based concepts out of context, making it a beauty contest. One of the critical client presentation tips for interior designers is to showcase a single concept contextual to the client’s needs rather than showing multiple options without context.

You can use a PowerPoint slideshow, which will help clients better understand the design plan and visualize the project. 

Read also – 10 Best Interactive 3D Presentation Software

10. Naming Your Idea

Showing exuberance and confidence is essential to ensure that your client understands the potential in your design plan and design firm. One way to ensure confidence is to name your concepts. If you don’t name it, these ideas will be just vague thoughts in your mind. So, name your design concept suitably to present your idea better.

11. Design Sketches

One of the best ways to express your ideas during the design presentation stage is using the age-old hand drawing technique. You can create hand-drawn design sketches and include them in the presentation slideshow. However, it can look messy, and you may opt for software that can help you create 2D sketches digitally. 

design sketches for interior design presentation

Image Credit:

It can offer a rough idea of the floor plan, furniture pieces, and even different design elements that fit the space. The sketch may not define the exact elements and measurements,  but it will offer a fluid design for early-stage visualization. 

There are three types of sketches that you can create: 

  • Floor plans sketches (showing space heuristics)
  • Sketches to define space zones
  • Elevation sketch

A word of caution, don’t skip a sketch just because it’s a conventional method.

Read also – How To Draw A Floor Plan?

12. Layouts & Materials

When you move on from a basic design sketch to a more enhanced presentation plan, you will need a layout with accurate measurements. You will define your clients’ placements, sizes, and materials, from the floor plan to the furnishing. However, while you can offer options for materials, quantity can be discussed during the presentation, especially if the agreement is signed.

13. Storyboards

Storyboards are an old-school method related to any concept presentation, but you can use the concept of storytelling for design presentations. For example, if you are designing an office for an online platform like LinkedIn, you need to have that vision embedded in the design.

The best way to ensure visualization of the vision is to employ a storytelling-type design presentation with several anecdotes from the client’s journey.

how to make a presentation board for interior design

14. Keeping It Realistic

Interior designing is a profession where creativity meets excellence to create the magic of aesthetics and comfort. However, it is essential to understand that there is a budget on the line, and you need to create the design plan according to it. So, make a realistic and practical interior design solution for the presentation.

Read also – Pricing Strategies for Interior Designers

15. Client-Specific Approach

As a designer, you will have to present your designs to different types of clients. While it can be a little easier presenting a new concept to clients you have worked with before, new clients need a solid design plan. So, devise a client-specific approach to create presentations as per the client’s sensibility, behavior, and requirements. 

16. The Problem-Solving Game

A design is not just about aesthetics but also has to offer solutions to the client’s problems. For example, a corporate client might be looking towards a work-from-home setup that is more functional than aesthetic during the pandemic. So, your design presentation needs to be innovative and offer solutions for the client’s problems.

Read also – How To Get Clients for Interior Design Business?

problem solving game

Image Credit:

17. Self-explanatory Details

Apart from being contextual and using the storytelling approach, your design presentation should be self-explanatory in many ways. For example, furniture piece designs, placements, and even the overall look can be self-explanatory by leveraging 3D mockups that you can design using software like Photoshop. 

18. Attention to Clients

Your design presentation is not just yours, and that is the most significant thing to keep in mind. Being attentive is one of the best client presentation tips for interior designers . Try to listen to what your clients want from the interior design, and then fuse your expertise to bring that ‘wow’ element to the project.

Read also – How To Pick The Right Interior Design Clients?

19. Business Aspects

Apart from all the design elements, materials, mockups, and aesthetics, you need to discuss the business aspects of the project. These factors can include budget, material procurement, vendor details, and a timeline for the project.

19. Noting Inputs

Throughout the design presentation, you need to note down each input from your clients. It will help your design sync with what your client wants and help you quickly adjust your presentation. 

Read also – How Do Designers Get Interior Design Clients On A Low Budget?

With all these client presentation tips for interior designers, the recipe is ready for any professional to win their projects. 

Having the right business tools will make each stage of the interior design process simpler and more efficient. Foyr Neo is a powerful interior design platform built with you, the designer, in mind. Take design ideas from concept to a photo-realistic rendering in just minutes with a suite of advanced tools, including:

  • The ability to choose from thousands of preloaded items like furniture, plants, accessories and much more – or upload your own 3D models to create the exact look your clients want.
  • Produce 4K, photo-realistic renderings on demand.
  • Advanced lighting options and visualization settings.
  • Real-time 3D editing capabilities.

By combining the functionality of multiple tools in one platform we empower designers to spend less time with software and more time with their clients. You can try Foyr Neo free for 14-days now and experience the power of limitless design.

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Using Foyr Neo is as easy as 1, 2, 3. First, upload a floor plan or create one from scratch. Then drag and drop from over 60K 3D models to fill your rooms. Lastly, just set the shot and let the AI create stunning 4K renders for you in less than 10 minutes.

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Interior Design Board

How To Make An Interior Design Board: A Diy Guide

How To Make An Interior Design Board: Did you know that over 65% of homeowners believe that a well-designed interior can boost their mood significantly? If you’re one of them, you’re in the right place. How To Make An Interior Design Board is not just a trend but a necessity for those who wish to visualize their dream space. This DIY guide will walk you through the steps to create your very own design board, ensuring your home reflects your unique style and personality. So, are you ready to dive in? Let’s get started and bring your vision to life!

Understanding the Basics of Interior Design Boards

Ever wondered what’s the secret sauce behind those stunning room designs you see in magazines? It’s the magic of interior design boards . At its core, an interior design board is a visual representation of a room’s potential. Think of it as a room’s vision board, where dreams meet reality.

Type of Design Board Description
Mood Board Captures the essence of a room using images, colors, and textures to convey the overall mood and aesthetic.
Material Board Showcases actual samples of materials such as fabrics, tiles, and wood chips to give a tactile representation of the design’s elements.

Visualization in interior design isn’t just a fancy term. It’s the backbone of creating spaces that resonate with emotions. According to a study by the Visual Teaching Alliance, approximately 65% of the population are visual learners. This means that a majority of us understand and retain information better when it’s presented visually. Hence, the importance of visualization in interior design can’t be overstated.

Now, when we talk about design boards, it’s not a one-size-fits-all scenario. There are various types, each with its unique flair. The mood board captures the essence of a room, often using images, colors, and textures. On the other hand, a material board showcases actual samples of materials – think fabrics, tiles, and wood chips.

Design Elements Showcase

Tools and Materials Needed

Stepping into the world of design boards? You’ll need some tools in your arsenal. For the tech-savvy, there’s a plethora of software options for digital boards. Tools like Adobe Spark and Canva can help you craft a digital masterpiece. But if you’re a fan of the tactile experience, physical boards might be your jam.

Aspect Digital Design Boards Physical Design Boards
Tools Required Software (e.g., Adobe Spark, Canva) Cork board, push pins, scissors
Flexibility Easily change and update elements More tactile experience
Sharing Share online via links or email Limited to physical presence
Interaction Virtual arrangement of elements Manual arrangement and manipulation
Image Quality Depends on image sources and resolution Quality of printed images
Audience Suitable for tech-savvy individuals Appeals to those who prefer hands-on approach

For those going the physical route, gather materials like cork boards, push pins, and scissors. But remember, whether you’re going digital or physical, the essence lies in the images. High-quality images can make or break your design board. It’s like cooking – the better the ingredients, the tastier the dish.

Speaking of quality, ever wondered how to design a floor plan that complements your interior design board? Dive deep into the world of floor plans with this comprehensive guide . And if you’re looking for more inspiration on creating a design board, this article is a goldmine.

Tactile Experience

Step-by-Step Guide: How To Make An Interior Design Board

So, you’ve decided to take the plunge and create your very own interior design board. Kudos! But where do you start? Fear not, for we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of How To Make An Interior Design Board .

First things first, every masterpiece starts with a vision. Choosing a central theme or color palette is crucial. Whether you’re vibing with cool ocean blues or warm earthy tones, this will be the foundation of your board. A study by the Pantone Color Institute found that color can influence up to 60% of a person’s overall mood. So, choose wisely!

Next up, selecting images . This is where the fun begins. Dive deep into magazines, websites, or even your grandma’s attic. Look for photos of furniture, decor, and color swatches that resonate with your theme. Remember, these images are the heart and soul of your board.

Now, onto arranging elements . It’s not just about slapping images onto a board. Think balance, contrast, and flow. Like a well-choreographed dance, each element should complement the other, creating a harmonious visual story.

Lastly, don’t forget to add annotations and descriptions . These little notes serve as a roadmap, guiding you on your design journey. They provide context, ensuring you remember why you chose that quirky lamp or bold wallpaper.

Tips for a More Effective Design Board

Alright, hotshot, ready to elevate your design board game? Here are some pro tips to make your board the envy of all:

  • Keep it simple and uncluttered . Less is often more. An overcrowded board can be overwhelming and confusing. Aim for clarity and coherence.
  • Use a mix of textures and materials . Variety is the spice of life. Mixing textures adds depth and dimension to your board. Think velvet cushions, silk curtains, and wooden furniture.
  • Incorporate feedback and make revisions . Two heads are better than one. Share your board with friends or family and get their input. But remember, it’s your vision, so take feedback with a grain of salt.

Looking for tools to help you craft the perfect design board? Check out these Best Free Home Design Apps . And if you’re hungry for more inspiration, this article is a treasure trove of ideas.

Presenting Your Design Board

So, you’ve crafted the perfect design board, and it’s time to unveil it to the world (or maybe just your client or family). But how do you ensure your presentation hits the mark? Let’s dive in.

Tailoring your presentation to your audience is key. If you’re presenting to a client, keep it professional. But if it’s for your BFF, feel free to sprinkle in some humor. Remember, it’s all about connecting and resonating.

Next, explaining your choices and decisions is crucial. Did you know that according to a study by Harvard Business Review, clear communication can boost valuation by up to 20%? So, whether it’s that bold wallpaper choice or the minimalist furniture, make sure you articulate the ‘why’ behind every decision.

Lastly, brace yourself. Feedback is coming. But here’s the kicker: handling feedback and criticism gracefully can set you apart. Take it in stride, absorb what’s useful, and discard what’s not. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is the perfect design board.

 Digital vs Physical Boards: Pros and Cons

In the red corner, we have digital boards, sleek and modern. In the blue corner, physical boards, tactile and traditional. But which one reigns supreme?

Digital boards come with the flexibility and ease that tech offers. Want to change that sofa’s color? A few clicks and voila! Plus, with tools like Pinterest and Canva, creating a digital board is a breeze. And let’s not forget the convenience of sharing it with just a link.

But then, there’s the tactile experience of physical boards . There’s something about touching fabric swatches and moving things around manually. It feels… real. And for many, this tangible aspect can spark creativity in ways digital can’t.

So, how do you decide? It boils down to personal preference and the project’s needs. Some projects might benefit from the dynamism of digital, while others might need the tangibility of physical.

How To Make An Interior Design Board

For more insights on home decor and design, check out these Home Decor and Interior Design Ideas . And if you’re keen on diving deeper into the art of design boards, these resources are gold: How to Create a Design Board

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of an interior design board.

An Interior Design Board helps visualize and organize design ideas for a room or space, ensuring a cohesive look.

How do I start making my own design board?

Start by collecting inspiration images, fabric swatches, and color samples. Then, arrange them on a board or digital platform.

What tools do I need for a DIY design board?

For a physical board, you’ll need scissors, glue, and a large board. For a digital version, software like Pinterest or Canva works great.

How can I ensure my design board reflects my style?

Focus on choosing elements that resonate with your personal taste. Remember, it’s your space, and the board should represent that.

Can I use a design board for multiple rooms?

Absolutely! You can create separate sections on your board for different rooms or make multiple boards.

How often should I update my design board?

Update your design board whenever you feel the need for a change or when you come across new inspiration.

Is it necessary to include every detail on the board?

No, the board is a guideline. Include key elements, but leave room for flexibility and creativity.

Understanding How To Make An Interior Design Board can be a game-changer for your home’s aesthetics. With the right tools and inspiration, you can create a space that truly feels like yours. Don’t wait any longer; start your design journey today and watch your dream home come to life. Ready to get started? Dive into our detailed guide and let your creativity flow!

Thank you for reading!

how to make a presentation board for interior design

How to Create a Professional Interior Design Presentation in 6 Steps – Cedreo

Interior designers love coming up with fun and interesting ideas for their clients’ homes. However, it’s important not just to have those ideas in mind, but to clearly communicate them to clients through an interior design presentation. When your clients see a detailed representation of the completed project, it’s easier for them to get excited about it and make better design decisions. Better interior design presentations reduce back-and-forth, streamline communication, and help you close more deals. Fortunately, with design software like Cedreo, it’s easier than ever to create professional interior design presentations that wow your clients. Ready to take your interior design projects to the next level and start landing more clients? Check out this 5-minute read with some pro tips for your next interior design presentation.

What’s Included in an Interior Design Presentation?

Depending on your client’s needs, an interior design presentation could include several different elements. Here are a few you should consider adding to your next presentation:

3D floor plan

While 2D floor plans are traditionally included in most interior design projects, they can be hard for a lot of clients to understand. 3D floor plans , on the other hand, remove the guesswork and help bring your ideas to life. With Cedreo home design software , you can draw in 2D while instantly seeing the 3D plan view.

3D floor plan of a storey created with Cedreo

Showing your clients 3D plans will help them understand the size, layout, and flow of the space. This is especially helpful once you add furnishings.

Furniture plan

A furniture plan includes furniture with accurate measurements that show the exact space around each piece. Adding furniture to your 3D plans helps clients visualize the actual shape, color, and texture of each piece in combination with the rest of the decor. With Cedreo design software, you can quickly switch out furniture pieces based on feedback from your clients.

Material samples

Samples are an important part of design presentations. Try adding them to a mood board so your clients can see, touch, and feel the different materials. Most clients appreciate seeing physical samples ofs tile, paint swatches, furniture fabric, and wood finishes.

Before even starting a project, you should have gotten a target budget from your clients. If it’s a large project, it’s best to break down the cost per room and/or each aspect of the design. You can also show the different costs based on what options they choose.

Realistic 3D renderings are becoming more and more important in modern interior design presentations. These show a 3D view of your project complete with details like interior lighting, sunlight, shadows, and textures.

Kitchen 3D rendering created with Cedreo

Although they used to be expensive and complicated to create, with Cedreo, you can get photorealistic renderings of your design with just one click.

3 Types of Interior Design Presentations

Depending on what stage of the project you’re in, presentations can take on a variety of forms. Here are some of the most common types of project presentations:

Mood Boards

Mood boards are a collage of images, samples, and plans that show certain design ideas for your client’s project. They’re a great place to start, as they give you an easy way to present the style and “flow” of your ideas. You can create a physical mood board with a simple foam board and samples, clippings, or images of ideas you’d like to pursue. Alternatively, you can use basic graphic design software to make a digital mood board. Although you might be tempted to fill the mood board with every option available, it’s best to keep it simple and uncluttered. If needed, you can create several complete mood boards and let your clients choose which they like best. This type of presentation is an important step that helps you determine your client’s preferences before moving on to sketching the design in detail.

Hand-drawn sketches used to be the cornerstone of interior design presentations. However, they are quickly being replaced by more advanced 3D renderings (see the next section). If you’re able to create professional sketches to showcase specific details of the project, that can be a nice way to impress your clients with your skills and attention to detail. Just keep in mind that a poorly drawn sketch can actually lead to clients feeling more confused than enlightened. That’s why most modern designers use a digital tool like Cedreo to create realistic 3D renderings.

3D Renderings

Photorealistic 3D rendering presentations are how you really seal the deal. Presentations like these help you stand out as a design professional. They’re a big step towards making clients happy, because you can show them exactly what the finished project will look like. This gives your clients clear expectations and saves you both from unnecessary frustration. To create high quality renderings you need a program like Cedreo 3D design software . Fortunately, Cedreo is easy to use. That means even with no previous experience you can quickly create top-quality renderings.

Of all the types of interior design presentations, 3D renderings are the most powerful, because they:

  • Show your client exactly how the end project will look
  • Lead to faster design decisions
  • Are easy to create and present thanks to Cedreo interior design software

Learn more about how to use Cedreo to create interior design renderings .

6 Steps to Create a Professional Interior Design Presentation

Whether you’re new to the design business or you’re a design pro looking to expand your portfolio, you can create a professional interior design presentation in just six steps. Pro Advice! These steps are easiest with an interior design tool like Cedreo.

1. Sketch your initial design concept

Start by putting some of your initial design concepts down on paper. Draw a basic layout of the space and make note of its dimensions (this will help you in step 2). Sketch out ideas you might have for each area. Then add any other comments that you should keep in mind while creating the rest of your presentation.

2. Draw a 3D floor plan

The next part of the design process is to create the floor plan. A floor plan is essentially the container for all your creative ideas, so this is an important step.

Jack & Jill bathroom 3D floor plan designed with Cedreo

Most design programs make you follow extra steps in order to produce 3D home plans. But with Cedreo, as you draw your layout in 2D, you instantly see the 3D view of the plan. This gives you immediate design feedback that comes in handy as you start to decorate the space.

3. Choose a design atmosphere

At this point, you’ve already spoken with your client to determine their tastes and styles. Before you start furnishing a space, it’s important to have this clearly in mind. You can select a pre-made design atmosphere that lets you “set the mood” for a particular design. Choose from visual styles like contemporary, modern, or charming. Then, instead of having to sift through thousands of pieces of furniture, decor, and materials, you’ll only see the ones that fall under your selected style.

4. Furnish and decorate each room

Whether you’re going with a specific design atmosphere or want the flexibility to choose each piece yourself, Cedreo has what you need. Cedreo’s extensive design library gives you 7,000+ pieces of furniture and decorations to choose from. That means you have the flexibility to find the right combination of pieces to fit your client’s tastes. And if you’re running short on time, Cedreo also gives you pre-made product packs for different rooms types. Choose one of these and you can decorate a room with the click of a button.

5. Customize surfacing and materials

Now it’s time to fine-tune the details. If you already presented your clients with a mood board, you probably have an idea of what textures, colors, and materials they like. Customize your 3D plans with those materials. Use Cedreo, and you’ll be able to choose from thousands of different surface materials like fabrics, wood, tile, paint, and more. Then just drag-and-drop the materials to virtually any surface of the home. This gives you more power to customize every aspect of the space from flooring to furniture.

6. Adjust light settings

Now that you’ve got all the details of your design concept in place, it’s time to prepare for the 3D renderings. An important part of that is controlling the lighting. Showing a space with an accurate mix of both artificial and natural light is essential for providing clients with a realistic visual of their space. But doing something like this in a normal CAD program is highly technical and difficult.

Dining room 3D render at night designed with Cedreo

If you’re using Cedreo for this step, you can let the software manage the interior lighting and sun orientation automatically. And if you want to control the lighting manually, it takes just a few seconds. Once the lighting and point of view are set, submit your design for rendering and in just 5 minutes, it’ll be ready for your client.

Share and collect feedback

Once you’ve got your renderings, it’s time to share them with your team and clients. Just download the 2D plans, 3D plans, and 3D renderings in popular image formats. These are easy to send to your clients or even add to a digital mood board. Choose the Enterprise Plan with Cedreo for streamlined collaboration, and you can share designs with your team inside the platform. Once you receive feedback, make any final adjustments to the design. Since Cedreo is cloud-based, anywhere you have a laptop and internet connection you can quickly update the plans online and download the latest version for your clients.

Ready to Create Better Interior Design Presentations?

Ready to take your interior design presentation to the next level? There’s no better place to start than with Cedreo home design software. It’s engineered to save designers like you loads of time. Make your clients happy and close more deals. Start using Cedreo today !


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How to Make an Interior Design Mood Board A Quick Guide Featured

How to Make an Interior Design Mood Board — A Quick Guide

  • Top Mood Board Apps
  • What is a Mood Board
  • How to Make a Mood Board
  • Mood Board Layout
  • Mood Board Template
  • Mood Board Examples
  • Fashion Mood Board
  • Aesthetic Mood Board
  • Writer Mood Board
  • Photography Mood Board
  • Interior Design Mood Board
  • Digital Mood Board
  • Graphic Design Mood Board
  • Wedding Mood Board
  • Architecture Mood Board
  • Film Mood Board
  • Video Game Mood Board
  • Brand Mood Board
  • Web Design Mood Board
  • Mood Board Without Photoshop

I nterior design is more than just picking out furniture and artwork. It’s about creating a unique and inviting atmosphere that reflects your personality and style. One of the best ways to get started on any interior design project is with a mood board.  A mood board helps you visually organize the different elements of your space and create a cohesive look. Read on for tips on how to make an interior design mood board that will have you ready to start designing in no time. 

Mood Board Interior Design Guide

Elements of a design mood board .

In general, a mood board is all about gathering and arranging inspirations. This could be a photography mood board , a mood board for fashion , or a film mood board . When creating an interior design mood board, there are several key elements you should include: 

Paint swatches — these are essential for setting the color palette for your space.

Fabric swatches — these can be used for upholstering furniture, window treatments, pillows, etc. 

Flooring samples — this will help you determine what type of flooring works best.

How to Make an Interior Design Mood Board Mood Board Interior Design Inspiration Flooring

Mood Board Interior Design Inspiration  •  Flooring

Wallpaper samples — if wallpaper is part of your plan. 

Photos and images — this could include photos of furniture pieces or styles that inspire you.

How to Make an Interior Design Mood Board Mood Board Interior Design Inspiration Photography

Mood Board Interior Design Inspiration  •  Photography

Artwork — this could be anything from photographs to paintings to textiles.  

How to Make an Interior Design Mood Board Mood Board Interior Design Inspiration Lighting Fixtures

Mood Board Interior Design Inspiration  •  Lighting Fixtures

Accessories — these are the finishing touches that complete any room such as coffee table books, rugs, plants, etc. 

How to Make an Interior Design Mood Board Mood Board Interior Design Inspiration Accessories

Mood Board Interior Design Inspiration  •  Accessories

Once you’ve gathered all the necessary items for your mood board, it’s time to assemble them into one cohesive composition. There are many ways you can do this — from physical boards with push pins or tape to digital boards created with graphic design software like Adobe Illustrator.

We used the StudioBinder mood board app to create our interior design mood board example that you can check out below. 

How to Make an Interior Design Mood Board Interior Design Mood Board StudioBinder Mood Boarding Software

Interior design mood board template

No matter what option you go with, make sure it serves its purpose — to help bring your vision to life. Now that we’ve covered the general elements of what to include within your board, let’s take a closer look at how to determine a theme that will dictate the visuals you use.

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Themes in a Mood Board for Interior Design

1. select your theme.

The first step in creating a interior design mood board  is selecting your theme. This could be something as simple as “modern minimalism” or “eclectic boho-chic” or it could be more specific such as “mid century modern with Scandinavian influences.” 

Interior design themes provide the opportunity to create a unique and distinct look for your interior spaces. By utilizing an interior design theme, you can create an interior design mood board that will reflect various aspects of your personality, giving you the chance to express yourself in ways that range from bold and dramatic to soft and subtle. 

Through color palettes, textures and patterns, interior design themes allow you to customize your interior space with creative flair.

Additionally, interior design themes can evoke feelings or fit certain styles depending on their application. For example, designs inspired by nature will show this in their theme. 

How to Make an Interior Design Mood Board Themes in a mood board for interior design

Themes in a mood board for interior design

With a theme, you can also choose to focus on one room or area of the house (such as the living room) or you can create a mood board for interior design for an entire house. 

Interior design themes differ from traditional decorating in that they are often more focused on unifying larger elements — such as style, color palettes and interior layout — to create an overarching look with greater cohesion than simply pulling together a few pieces of furniture for a single room. 

Because interior design themes tend to be multi-faceted, getting started may seem intimidating. However, with the right level of planning and knowledge up front, interior design can be incredibly rewarding and lead to truly amazing results.

Materials for Interior Design Mood Board

2. gather inspiration .

Once you have chosen your theme, it’s time to start gathering inspiration for your mood board. When gathering inspiration, think about color schemes, furniture styles, fabrics, and textures that fit with your theme. You can use magazines, catalogs, websites, and even Pinterest to find interior design mood board examplesand images that appeal to you visually.

For example, if you are going for an industrial look then try incorporating metal accents with exposed brick walls and concrete floors. 

How to Make an Interior Design Mood Board Industrial mood board interior design

Industrial mood board interior design

If you’re looking for interior design inspiration on websites and blogs, keep an eye out for various textures, colors, shapes and furniture pieces that could influence the overall vision of your final project. Do not be afraid to venture out and gather inspiration in other mediums such as editorial photography , film mood boards , historical resources, etc. 

How to Make an Interior Design Mood Board

3. choose your materials.

Once you have gathered all of your inspiration images together its time to start choosing materials for your mood board for an interior design project. This includes all of the elements we listed at the beginning of this article from paint and floor swatches to accessories. This also includes any broader design references such as complete rooms. 

How to Make an Interior Design Mood Board Troye Sivans Melbourne Home via Architecural Digest

Troye Sivan’s Melbourne Home via Architectural Digest

You can also add notes and other elements such as ribbons and buttons if you want to give your mood board for interior design some extra visual interest. Remember that the goal here is not only to represent the overall aesthetic but also to capture the feeling that you want your space/room/house to evoke when complete so make sure everything ties together well. This also means utilizing materials outside of the world of interior design such as photography, film, or paintings like we mentioned earlier. 

How to Make an Interior Design Mood Board Inspiration for mood board interior design

Inspiration for mood board interior design

Creating an interior design mood board is an excellent way for students and professionals alike to express their vision without having any prior experience in interior design. 

By carefully selecting colors, materials, and furniture pieces that fit together in harmony while still expressing individual personality and style it is possible to create beautiful spaces that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional at the same time. 

So go ahead - give it a try - what do you have to lose? With this guide in hand, nothing should stand between you from creating stunning interiors

Mood Board Examples from Art 

Interior design inspiration can come from anywhere. Other designers, photography, cinema, and art. To find more inspiration for your interior design mood board, check out our next article where we dive into a plethora of mood board examples from a variety of creative mediums. 

Up Next: Mood Board Art Examples →

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Make beautiful interior design moodboards with Milanote

Interior Design Moodboard Example

Follow this step-by-step guide to learn the modern process of creating a moodboard in Milanote, a free tool used by top creatives.

How to make a moodboard in 10 easy steps

Whether you're styling a living room or fitting out a restaurant, the first step is to visualize how it could look. And a moodboard is the perfect technique for the job. A moodboard is a collection of visual materials that evoke a certain style for a space. Interior designers use them to communicate which colors, materials, and furniture would suit a project.

But moodboards have come a long way since the days of attaching printouts to physical boards or creating static PDFs. Digital moodboards have the ability to include video, links to products, and evolve over time—unlocking a whole new world of creative possibilities.

In this guide, you'll learn the modern approach to creating a moodboard using Milanote. Remember, the creative process is non-linear, so you may find yourself moving back and forth between the steps as you go.

1. Set the direction of your project

Moodboards can be literal and practical (featuring products, color schemes, and images that you actually plan to use) or they can be more about exploring style and mood. You can tackle these two different types sequentially, or just do one at a time.

Remember, a moodboard is all about exploration, so don't get too attached to a particular direction. It's important to keep an open mind about what the right solution might be.

Once you've found a direction, give your moodboard a name and jot down some initial ideas in a text note before you start to collect inspiration.

Graphic design moodboard guide step01

Create a new board for each moodboard direction.

Create a new board

Drag a board out from the toolbar. Give it a name, then double click to open it.

Save time with the Interior Design Moodboard template.

Choose a template

Each new board gives you the option to start with a beautiful template.

Creativity often responds well to some constraints or limitations. Picking a keyword, theme, color or style can be a great way to give some direction to your moodboard.

2. Collect existing material

Now that you've established the direction for your moodboard, add any existing content you have. This might include specific direction from your client or parts of the brief that will inspire you and keep you on track.

Next, add any products or references you've received from your client. These might not make it into the final moodboard, but they're still a great place to start.

interior moodboard guide step 2

Drag files from your computer.

Upload a file or document

Click the "Upload" button or just drag a file onto your board. You can add images, logos, documents, videos, audio and much more.

3. Add inspiring imagery

The imagery you choose to include in your moodboard can have a big influence on the look and feel of your project, so choose carefully! These images can define things like tone, mood, lighting, and color.

Start by searching for visual elements from around the web. There are lots of fantastic sites where you can find great visual inspiration for free, like Pinterest and Designspiration . Interior moodboards often include materials and fabrics, flooring, fittings, textures, furniture, and even artwork.

Don't worry about organizing the images just yet, that step will come later.

interior moodboard guide step 3

Use the built-in image library.

Use the built-in image library

Search over 3 million beautiful, free photos then drag images straight onto your board. Powered by Pexels.

Install the Milanote Web Clipper

Save images from other websites straight to your board.

Save content from the web

With the Web Clipper installed, roll over an image (or highlight text), click Save, then choose the destination in Milanote. Return to your board and find the content in the "Unsorted" column on the right.

4. Save links to products

With an online moodboard, it's possible to embed links to products that you actually want to use in your space. This is a great way to build a visual inventory of things you'll need to buy while seeing how they complement one another.

interior moodboard guide step 4

Copy the link from a product you'd like to save.

Drag a Link card onto your board, paste the link and press Enter

Make it personal. As interior designer David Hicks says “the best rooms have something to say about the people who live in them.”

5. Experiment with color

Color can be a great way to express a particular feel, personality, or energy. As painter Johannes Itten said, “Color is life.”

Tools like Kuler can be a handy starting point for finding colors that complement the space you're working with. Another trick is to pick colors directly from the images and photos you've added to the board.

interior moodboard guide step 5

Add a color swatch to a board.

Add a color swatch

Drag a Color Swatch card onto your board from the left-hand toolbar. Double-click the swatch to choose a different color.

6. Transform your board from messy to organized

Once you have all your inspiration in one place, the next step is to arrange your ideas to create the perfect composition.

This process can take a while, and it’s common to feel like you have no idea how the moodboard will come together. You'll probably have more material than you need and it might look scattered. That’s okay! Creativity is an act of transformation.

Start by exploring composition and introducing hierarchy. Place a key element to anchor your board, and change the size and position of the remaining elements to indicate their importance and relationships to one another.

interior moodboard guide step 6

Resize your images to add hierarchy.

Resize images

Drag the corner of an image to resize it. Double-click the corner to return it to its original size.

Crop images.

Crop images

Double-click an image and press edit to crop or rotate it.

Step away—the best creative thinking often happens in the idle moments where we allow our mind to wander. So make space, be open to new ideas and connections and embrace the mess.

7. Remain open to inspiration, wherever you are

You never know where or when you'll find inspiration—it could strike you in the shower, or as you're strolling the isles of the grocery store. So make sure you have an easy way to capture new ideas on the go.

As creative director Grace Coddington said, "Always keep your eyes open. Keep watching. Because whatever you see can inspire you."

interior moodboard guide step 7

Download the Milanote mobile app

Save photos straight to your Moodboard.

Take photos on the go

Shoot or upload photos directly to your board. When you return to a bigger screen you'll find them in the "Unsorted" column of the board.

8. Explain your thinking

If you’re a visual thinker, a moodboard is an invaluable tool to convey the look and feel of your project in a way that sometimes words cannot. But if you’re planning to share your moodboard with a client or team it’s important to include some written notes about your thought process. This will help explain your ideas and keep everything in context.

You don’t have to go into too much detail—in a modern moodboard this could be in the form of notes, labels or even emojis.

interior moodboard guide step 8

Add a caption to an image.

Add a caption to an image

Select an image and just start typing.

Add notes to your board.

Drag a note card onto your board

Start typing then use the formatting tools in the left hand toolbar.

9. Collaborate and build on your ideas

Whether you're working on a client project or collaborating with a team it can be helpful to bounce ideas off other people. As writer Louisa May Alcott said, "It takes two flints to make a fire."

A digital moodboard is especially helpful for this step as you can easily connect and collaborate online. Bringing everyone onto the same page (figuratively and literally!) in real-time allows you to collaborate on concepts, ensuring a consistent style for your project.

interior moodboard guide step 9

Invite someone else to edit to your board.

Invite editors to your board

Open the "Share" menu from the title bar of your board. Add email addresses of the people you'd like to collaborate with—they'll receive an invitation via email.

Collaborate in real time.

Collaborate in real time

When multiple people on your team edit a board at once you'll see their updates appear in real-time.

10. Ask for feedback

With any creative technique or project, it’s important to be open to constructive criticism. Now that the first version of your moodboard is done it's time to ask for specific feedback on color, tone, mood, and products. Make sure you stay open to suggestions and improvements and try not to take criticism personally.

interior moodboard guide step 10

Start a comment thread.

Start a comment thread

Drag out a comment from the toolbar on the left and place it on your board. Other editors can reply to your comment.

Mention teammates to get their attention.

Mention teammates to get their attention

Type '@' in any text field to mention someone who has access to your board. They'll receive a notification and be able to respond to your comment.

And you're done!

Now that your moodboard is complete, you have a powerful starting point for your interior design project. Remember, you can create multiple moodboards to explore different visual directions at any time. If you're just starting to collect inspiration for a project, use the free Interior Design Moodboard template below to make a moodboard in minutes.


Start your moodboard

Get started for free with one of Milanote's beautiful moodboard templates.

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Interior Design Presentations: The Secret to Winning More Clients

As an interior designer, creating interior design presentations that communicate just how you’ll realize a prospective client’s vision will help you land and ultimately manage projects so you can do more of what you love.

Interior design presentation blush

It’s often said that a picture tells a thousand words, which is certainly true with interior design presentations.  When your clients see your vision for their project, they’re sure to get excited, and together you’ll be able to finetune the final design.

What Should an Interior Design Presentation Include?

  • 3D floor plans. Include the location and size of doors, windows, and built-ins to help clients understand a space's size, layout, and traffic patterns.
  • Furniture plan. Help clients visualize each piece's size, shape, color, and texture in combination with the rest of the décor.
  • Material samples . Invite clients to explore the wood, metal, glass, fabrics, stone, and/or other materials you plan to use.
  • Color scheme. Your understanding of color theory, the psychology of color, and your client’s wishes will help you select the perfect palette. 
  • Renderings. High-resolution floor plans and 3D visuals show texture, materials, and details like interior lighting, sunlight, and shadows.
  • Budget. Regardless of a project’s scope or size, determining its budget should be at the top of your to-do list. Break it down by room and provide less-expensive alternatives to big-ticket requests.
  • Project schedule. Giving your clients realistic timelines for each phase of the design will go a long way to managing their expectations.

Types of Interior Design Presentations

There are numerous ways to share your design vision with prospective clients, including the following:

Mood Boards

A mood board helps communicate your vision through a collage of images, textures, color palettes, typography, description words, and floor plans. They should represent the look, feel, and emotion you want to achieve, so not every image or sample has to be related to interior design. Pictures of nature, for example, might work.

You can create a physical mood board with a simple foam board and samples inviting clients to see, touch and feel the materials you recommend. Another option is to use graphic design software like the RoomSketcher App to make a digital mood board that can easily be shared with your client and others.

Interior design mood board presentation

Hand-drawn sketches were once the cornerstone of interior design presentations, but many fear they’re becoming a lost art. Yes, they’re being replaced by 3D renderings, but they can still be helpful in communicating a project’s general direction and formulating ideas while you experiment with various options and proportions.  

You may even carry a notebook and pencil with you so you can do a quick sketch when inspiration strikes. Because poorly-drawn sketches might confuse rather than inspire prospective clients, many interior designers rely on them as part of their development process. Still, they don’t necessarily share them with clients past an initial meeting.

Sketch of bathroom design

3D Renderings

With photorealistic 3D rendering presentations, you can take your clients on a virtual tour around their future space and bring fine details of the project to life by zooming in on a specific section of the rendering. You can offer more than one vision and develop ideas in collaboration with clients in real time, allowing you to make better design decisions more quickly and ensuring you’re both satisfied with the final design.

RoomSketcher Scandinavian Bathroom Style

Top Tip With a RoomSketcher Pro subscription, you can generate sophisticated 3D interior design presentations – quickly, easily, and affordably.

Many clients can select finishes and items they like but struggle to visualize them in a space. That’s why so many interior designers agree that 3D renderings are the most powerful of all interior design presentation tools. Here are some reasons why:

  • Better visualization. 2D floor plans simply can’t rival 3D renderings, which give you a realistic overview of the space and design elements. The fully-immersive experience even allows clients to appreciate how the space makes them feel, which is ultimately the most important factor.  
  • Convenience. Collaborating with prospective clients in real-time allows you to make better design decisions faster and goes a long way to developing a harmonious relationship, which will make the project more enjoyable and can also lead to referrals. 
  • Meet client expectations. Design customers have come to expect 3D visualizations for their home design projects. Knowing the end result before the project even gets underway allows them to set realistic expectations. 
  • Save time and money. Interior designers once had to rely on render specialists to create realistic renderings to share with prospective clients, but it’s easy to create 3D renderings with the RoomSketcher App, saving you both time and money.

Steps to Create a Professional Interior Design Presentation

There are lots of reasons why hiring an interior designer is worth it. Often, people need someone to identify a space’s potential and/or pain points and then provide creative solutions that are functional and pleasing to the eye. The following steps will help you create presentations that show clients just how you’ll do that:

1. Sketch your initial design concept

The first step to creating a dynamic interior design presentation is to sketch your initial design concepts for each area clients want to be revamped. Draw a basic layout of the space, make note of its dimensions, and add comments that will help guide the remainder of your design process.

Floor plan sketch

2. Draw a 3D floor plan

The next step is to create the floor plan using RoomSketcher. No technical training is required, so you can get started straight away and draw your floor plan in minutes. RoomSketcher generates a virtual 3D model of your floor plan as you draw.

Upon completion, you’ll be able to see your project in 3D at the click of the click of a button, thanks to state-of-the-art rendering and 3D visualization technology.

3 bedroom house plan

Top Tip With RoomSketcher, create 3D Floor Plans to your liking. Choose to show all furniture or just fixed installations and add labels such as room names and measurements. Once you’ve landed on a signature style that reflects your brand, save your settings to create a unique template available to everyone in your company.

3. Furnish and decorate each room

Next, furnish and decorate your floor plan with furniture, fixtures, appliances, and accessories in the RoomSketcher Product Library, which contains more than 7,000 brand-name and generic items. RoomSketcher Pro gives you exclusive access to our complete product library, which includes even more customizable furniture, fixtures, appliances, and accessories.

bedroom planner furniture

4. Highlight fabrics, colors, and materials

Our complete materials library also includes additional options for floors, walls, and ceilings, as well as a full selection of finishes for appliances, cabinets, and countertops. The Replace Materials feature , available with a paid subscription, allows you to change finishes easily. Consider adding labels to help your clients better understand each space and your choices.

plan bedroom colors and materials

5. Add product!

The right accessories inject style and personality into a space while synchronizing and balancing other design elements, taking your project to the next level.

As you know, there’s an art to displaying treasured valuables and collections, creating gallery walls, arranging sofa pillows, and so on. RoomSketcher allows you to add and remove accessories and furnishings until the space is flawless. 

Interior design 3D

Top Tip Brand your floor plans by including your logo, company name, and colors for a professional touch. Download your floor plans on a letterhead with a logo and custom disclaimer text to complete the look.

Project letterhead 22 Seaview 2D Floor Plan blue

6. Share and collect feedback

RoomSketcher automatically creates a professional Project Presentation that you can easily share with others. Simply email the Project Presentation link to your client and other design team members, including the project manager, or post it on social media accounts like Twitter or Facebook to draw followers and drum up business. 

Recipients will receive an engaging presentation that includes Floor Plans, Live 3D , 3D Photos, and the furniture used in the project. Whether meeting clients in person or remotely, you can view different options and change dynamically. Update your project presentation at the click of a button with RoomSketcher instant correction and fast premium rendering. That’s productive!

RoomSketcher Project Presentation

7. Create 3D Photos that wow clients

An easy-to-use camera tool lets you take 3D Snapshots of any part of your design as if you were standing in the room. Create and save multiple snapshots to compare and present different design options. Upgrade key snapshots at the click of a button to create stunningly realistic 3D Photos sure to impress clients.

RoomSketcher App Live 3D camera mode

Create Better Interior Design Presentations Beginning Today

As an interior designer, you take pride in creating spaces that will positively impact the happiness and well-being of the people who use them. Engaging and well-organized interior design presentations help you develop your vision and improve your chances of landing projects so you can do just that.

Take your Interior Design Presentations to the next level with RoomSketcher!

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how to make a presentation board for interior design

Tsymbals Design

Interior Design Presentation Boards

Interior Design Presentation Boards ?

I nterior design presentation boards are often used by interior designers to present clients with their ideas for either each room they have been hired to design or the entire home. These are also commonly referred to as mood board for interior design and will include numerous items. If an interior designer is working on more than one room, the presentation boards will show the floor plan. There is also a color scheme displayed; the colors used are mainly depended on what kind of mood the client requires that each room has or at least its intended purpose.

Great interior design presentation boards will also have varying ideas for furniture as well as various lighting ideas and instances of flooring.

Presentation Board Content

The interior design presentation boards or its digital counterpart called interior design digital presentation boards will include everything ranging from the floor to the ceiling all of which is encompassed in the design in the collage rendering. Though there are some pros and cons of interior design using this method. The walls are also considered when in the process of planning an interior design.

The first step to learn how to make interior design presentation boards is to know what it should have. Most presentation boards for interior design will include the:

  • Creating 3d floor plans .
  • Color Schemes.

Consistency in Presentation Boards

Many times interior designers are required to present many interior design presentation boards which detail just about every aspect of their proposed design. There are after all the pros and cons of interior design. They may, for instance, have to present boards with color schemes, materials, technical specs, computer renderings, and 3D drawings, etc. Now in addition to providing all the necessary content, they also need to be consistent in appearance so that they appear to be part of the same project. That consistency can be achieved by doing the following with the interior design sample boards:

  • All  3d visualisation interior design presentation boards should be of the same size and orientation
  • They should have a common color scheme for the interior design materials presentation boards
  • The layout and grid pattern should be the same
  • They should use the same labels, titles, color and size fonts as the sample interior design presentation boards
  • The interior designer’s insignia or logo should be on every sample interior design presentation boards digital
  • The style and sizes of these images on the interior design finish presentation boards should be consistent even across interior design digital presentation boards

What is a design schematic?

The schematic design or design schematic as it is called is the initial step of the interior design phase which uses interior design sample boards. During this step, the interior designer will discuss with the client to outline the goals of the project which then leads to it being featured on interior design boards for presentations. That leads to the interior designer illustrating the basic concepts of this design. The schematic on the interior design brief presentation boards will include spatial relationships in addition to forms and basic scale. Plus, interior designers will do some basic research in regards to the local building regulations to ensure that their design meets existing codes.

Based on the initial design, cost estimations are also made so that clients know what to expect in the interior design brief presentation boards or presentation boards for interior design ideas. The drawings will include rough sketches of the floor plans, site plan, intended design outline, etc. However, many interior designers are now incorporating 3D computer renderings to give their clients a better idea of how the completed project will appear.

Why a design schematic?

Even though to most people schematics sound more like details or instructions but in the world of interior design sample boards it means something different. It is the starting point where the idea for design is put on paper. Drawings are often used as a way to estimate and illustrate what the interior design intends to do in terms of finishes, fixtures, etc. These aren’t the finished or finalized selections, and so things can change.

A design schematic defines the scope of the project which is formatted so that the contractor can understand the documents and then put together an initial estimate. These documents provide enough detail which conveys an overall image of the solution via the presentation boards interior design ideas. The next step is to submit the drawings and other information to the client for review after which they may sign off on the project. At this point, the client will approve of the concept. So, the goal here is to convey everything in a manner which is understood by the client as well as the contractor.

How to Present A Design Board to Your Interior Design Client

How interior design boards for presentations are laid out plays a major role in ensuring that clients can understand your design ideas, but there are pros and cons of interior design boards. There are a couple of elements of the board that you’ll need to work on to ensure ease of comprehension. We run through a few important features of the design board you should follow on when presenting it to clients.

Presentation Board Titles & Labels

The titles and labels should ideally be uniformly in the same fonts for the interior design boards for presentations. That something interior design student presentation boards are first taught. For instance, all titles of the board can be in 15-point Times New Roman, while all labels are in 12-point Calibri light font which makes it easy to understand how the board is laid out. The other thing you’ll want to make sure that each label and title is descriptive of what is being presented on the interior design idea boards digital presentation.

Grid Layout in Presentation Boards

If you examine examples of interior design presentation boards, it isn’t hard to see that they make use of a grid layout. The grid makes it easy to organize various facets of the board like images, drawings, text and diagrams, collage rendering, etc. The grids can range from being neat and straightforward to even complex.

You will want to decide on the right page size for your collage rendering based on examples of interior design presentation boards by designers. Now you’ll want to for instance make sure that the title bar with your name and other information is in the same location of each section. That sort of consistency can be made possible by the use of grids. Plus using a grid ensures that each feature on the interior design student presentation boards is presented uniformly making it easier to understand.

Reading A Presentation Board

There are many ways of reading a presentation board. We will cover a few commonly used methods below.

Left to Right or Center Outward reading order in Presentation Boards

Either orientation of reading the interior design presentation boards layout is fine. Interior design student presentation boards should not play around with it. However, an interior designer will want to choose a format which is best suited to their content. Best perhaps is the center outward type layout where the design is based on a central theme. Though you should be clear about the approach being taken. The left to right reading will imply a composition which is left justified where the content is chronologically ordered which is similar to the center-outward reading.

Down reading order in Presentation Boards

This is by far the default reading pattern of interior design presentation boards layout that said there could be some reading in the upward and the downward pattern with some powerful patterns or drawings in the center. For instance, a set of house plans can be placed in the center. It is profoundly ill-advised to not follow a top-down reading in interior design presentation boards.

Presentation Board Weighting

Overall the weight of the sample boards for interior design will be slightly below its mid-height which happens to be the most aesthetic as opposed to other weights. Using a footer will also help to make many types of presentation boards for interior design stand out. The footer will include some minimal data like your name, business name, website, etc. It can be a darker color compared to the rest of the board and should weigh down your presentation which prevents the eyes of a viewer from moving away.

Framing Images In A Presentation Board

You don’t want to stick images or drawings directly to the interior design presentation boards. You will want to instead mount it using various color cards, or even a sheet which frames them on the interior design landscape orientation presentation boards. Another way to frame the images on a physical interior design presentation board is to lift the image slightly from the board is by adding a foam base to it. Make sure to cut the foam the exact same size as the image. If anything, it helps to give that image or images particular importance.

Stand Back from The Presentation Board

To make sure that your sample boards for interior design or thesis presentation boards for interior design looks good, stand back from it. Viewing it from a distance will give you a sense of its range and if it is reasonably good from all positions. Make note of if the drawings are clear and if the texts can easily be read. How does the whole presentation look in its entirety? You can then make the required changes accordingly.

Sample boards for interior design are often used by interior designers to present their ideas, and concepts to clients, contractors, bosses, and co-workers. However, they are also used by graphic designers, architects, and artists for the same purpose.

Purpose of the Board

The purpose of the interior design idea board is to present an idea or interior design concept primarily to a client or the boss. It consists of a collection of ideas and concepts after all a picture is worth a thousand words if not more. That’s why a board is so important in showcasing translations of the idea into a design which can otherwise be hard to describe in words. If anything, it helps bridge the communication gap between clients and interior designers.

Computerized versus Collage

When most interior designers are still in school a part of their final presentation is moodboard for interior design, which shows all of their ideas for a conceptual design. These are usually added to a foam board in the senior thesis presentation boards interior design. However, while most will build a physical board, others will go the digital route, i.e. creating a board on their computer. Doing this helps them save time and a lot of energy trying to find samples and often paying for it.


Some websites may allow designers of 20x 30 presentation boards interior design to easily download patterns, and designs in digital format can then be utilized in the interior design presentation boards or moodboard for interior design. Interior design digital presentation boards can also be emailed which saves time for everyone since a scheduled meeting time is not required. Overall digital interior design presentation boards cost much less than its physical counterpart.

Now many times designers have to figure out what will move out of their client’s rooms before they can consider what will move in on the interior design idea board. Will they have to move a wall or remove it altogether. At times people may decide that they require bigger closets or a bathroom that stretches further. They may have to meet up with a contractor and discuss which walls can be moved and then decide what to do with the load-bearing walls. Only once this is resolved that interior designers can present updated floor plans to clients. So, this newly proposed floor plan is placed on the interior design presentation boards.

Floor Plan Presentation Board

3d interiors design mood board

3d room model Cielo Boca

Final 3D Floor Plan rendering based on the mood board

Color Schemes

Once the floor plan is finalized the next step is creating a color scheme. The color scheme will be for kitchens and other rooms to either warm them up or make them livelier. People prefer more peaceful colors for places like the bedroom which are often reflected in the use of colors like blue, green and purple. When neutral colors are utilized they add darker and lighter shades depending on what the client wants, that’s why it is a valid and important addition on the interior design presentation boards.

3d visualization of the room: lucky penny

After the floor plan and the relative color scheme has been decided and placed on the interior design architecture presentation boards the next step for interior designers is to decide on the type of flooring they need to be displayed on the interior design presentation boards layout. Most bathrooms have tiles on the floor. Also, wood flooring is popular, though others may choose to carpet a couple of rooms like the bedroom and living room. That’s why adding this to the interior design presentation boards helps by providing a complete picture.

hardwood floor guide becki owens

Gather Ideas

Gathering ideas

The interior design presentation board or the interior design presentation boards online will include ideas about things like the color scheme, theme, interior style, etc. The goal of the content is to showcase the ideas in the best possible light so that the client understands what they can expect from the final result.

Presenting different ideas also helps the client to decide which one they like better. It is also a great way to whittle down all the different ideas into a finalized plan which the client may end up approving.

5 ways to be effective in interior presentation ?

Creating effective interior design presentation boards requires that you make sure that certain imperative elements are considered. While these elements may not be directly associated with the design or concept itself, it does lend itself to making the presentation more effective. We cover five of the most important features of an effective interior design idea board below.

Tip 1. Set a time limit

The first thing you should always do is to have a time limit for the brainstorming session for the interior design presentation boards online. If you don’t set a time limit it can take forever to come up with the perfect idea but in reality, we don’t have unlimited time, and nothing is perfect. Setting a time limit adds that much-needed urgency helping your brain work overtime and improving your chances of coming up with a brilliant idea.

Tip 2. Start general, end specific

You will want the visual presentation boards for interior design to start broad and then slowly become tighter or more specific. Let’s say for instance a client wants a room with an ocean theme, so what you may come up with is sand, sun, blue water, waves, etc. The next step is to get more specific like with the interior design presentation boards Richardson’s dining room. What shade of blue does the client actually like? Will the room have an overall teal color scheme or something that’s more neutral? The objective is to use a deductive method to narrow things down a lot like how a detective would investigate something.

Tip 3. Visualize everything

The other important thing to keep in mind is that visuals for visual presentation boards for interior design are big especially for interior design presentation boards online. So, you’ll want to add your ideas as a sketch or have a word associated with if possible interior design presentation boards with hand lettering. A mind map can also help by pulling in all the ideas and showing it on a piece of paper. The more visual things are, the easier it is to understand what is going on both for you and the client.

Tip 4. Take a break and let it sink in

Step back and take a few minutes away from working on the interior design presentation boards. Sometimes when you’re stuck, the best thing is to temporarily give up and do something else. Things often become easier when you return with a fresh head especially when brainstorming an idea.

Tip 5. Bookmark ideas for inspiration

You will want to have a couple of visual presentation boards for interior design for inspiration. Here you will gather all the design and products that you like. In this case, you’ll want to use professional tools meant for interior designers and often also used by architects. These help you to collect images of the products, put together pricing, and dimensions, etc. Plus, you may also be able to create various location folders and projects, then figure out the cost for the addition of each product.

intrior board

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Interior Design Presentation Board Examples : Get Inspired by These Winning Designs


If you're an interior designer, creating an impressive presentation board is crucial to showcase your design concepts and ideas. To help you get inspired, we've rounded up some of the most winning interior design presentation boards examples.

1. Colorful Contemporary

This presentation board features a contemporary design with a pop of color. The designer used a variety of textures and patterns to create interest, and the color scheme ties the room together perfectly.

2. Mid-Century Modern

This presentation board showcases a mid-century modern design, complete with vintage furniture and accessories. The designer used warm, earthy tones to create a cozy and inviting space.

3. Rustic Chic

This presentation board features a rustic chic design, with a mix of modern and vintage elements. The designer used neutral tones and natural materials to create a warm and inviting space.

Ready to create your own stunning interior design presentation board? Check out Coohom for an intuitive and powerful design software.

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