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HenHouse The Philadelphia Experiment

HenHouse The Philadelphia Experiment

IPA featuring Simcoe, Enigma and Vic's Secret hops.

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- Unified Field Theory
Style: Double IPA
ABV: 8.30%     

We’re utilizing the Unified Field Theory to brew a worthy follow-up to our reality-warping Philadelphia Experiment IPA. We started with the same Vic Secret and Simcoe hops from the Experiment and then added Sabro hops to assemble astronomically awesome aromatic abundance! Lemony cannabis character wafts from your glass as the flavors from our hop blend fulfil promises of tropical tangerine and grapefruit. At 8.3%, make sure to sip slowly and keep your equations balanced.

Unified Field Theory is not currently on tap anywhere. Check back again soon!
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Philadelphia Experiment

Philadelphia Experiment April 2022

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The Philadelphia Experiment From A-Z

In 1943 a Destroyer Escort Is Made Optically Invisible It Teleports out of Control over 600km in Seconds Men were Fused to the Decks, Some went Crazy…

The above statements and this landing page is the usual Sensationalized version of events, where the following pages will go into more critical detail.

This site provides some of the highest quality and quantity of images , articles , the Most complete collection of the USS Eldridge’s Logs , original research , and a timeline of events that can be found on the Internet. The following pages are based on my soon to be released book (“The Philadelphia Experiment from A-Z”) written to provide a complete overview of all acquired information to date on the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943.

I have spent over 37 years digging through books, making phone calls, meeting, and interviewing various people. I have walked the decks of the Eldridge’s Sister Ship to get a real idea of the scale of the experiment. I have held original letters from Carl Allen and poured over government microfilms and archives all in an effort to compile the following information.

My interest in the Philadelphia Experiment goes back to the 1980s with the release of The Philadelphia Experiment , a science-fiction movie drama based on the legend. Later that same week, I was in my local public library and found “The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility” in pocket novel form by Charles Berlitz and William Moore. Knowing that books are often better than the movies, I decided to check the book out. Upon reading the book, it became very evident that the authors did not consider the experiment as a fantasy. I have been interested in the subject of mass displacement, time travel, and other fringe topics for a number of years, and so this began my journey into this mysterious legend.

Eldridge DE173, 1944, April 25th

As we fast-forward over 75 years, we find that the legend of the Philadelphia Experiment is far from dead. The slim facts that remain are continually being twisted and augmented; this website has been created to pull the twisted information back into perspective.

At present, the legend of The Philadelphia Experiment itself revolves around a small group of people that will not be quoted, much less named. These people claim to have unusual knowledge, or even to have been personally involved in the experiment. When these self-proclaimed witnesses do turn up and asked any direct question, they usually brush it aside or respond using vague (or “technical sounding” to the layman) terms. In preparing this site, and wading through the recent claims of “inside knowledge” on the PX that some are asserting, I have often found myself lamenting “How about showing us some schematic diagrams!” or, as John Lennon might have said, “Just give me some truth!”

Much of what is out there is pseudo-scientific psycho-spiritual fluff. Nevertheless, even though I feel that the credibility of some of the individuals and events discussed on this website are dubious at best, I have included them so that you can see what the present legend is, and how it continues to be embellished. I think Jessup said it best: “ There is so much damned nonsense being put out by silly people that one gets disgusted with a lot of it. ”  I wonder if he would be surprised to learn that after more then 60 years, and countless books, nothing has changed.

Some of the networks I have been featured on in various countries; (USA, Canada, Germany, Japan to name a few)

Documentary Logo Strip

The Current Legend

The following account culled from a variety of sources and “self-proclaimed witnesses,” describes an event that may or may not have actually taken place. It is the story – or legend – of what has become popularly known as the “Philadelphia Experiment,” also referred to as Project Rainbow.

Project Rainbow

Project Rainbow was allegedly an experiment conducted upon a small destroyer escort ship during World War II, both in the Philadelphia Naval Yard and at sea; the goal was to make that ship invisible to enemy detection. The accounts vary as to whether the original idea was to achieve invisibility to enemy radar or whether the prize sought after was more profound: optical invisibility. Either way, it is commonly believed that the mechanism involved was the generation of an incredibly intense magnetic field around the ship, which would cause refraction or bending of light or radar waves around the ship, much like a mirage created by heated air over a road on a summer day. The legend goes on to say that the experiment was a complete success… except that the ship actually disappeared physically for a time, and then returned. They wanted to “cloak” the ship from view, but they got de-materialization and teleportation instead…

It has been claimed that the Philadelphia Experiment was partly an investigation into how Albert Einstein’s “ Unified Field Theory for Gravitation and Electricity ” might be used to advantage in the development of electronic camouflage for ships at sea. Einstein allegedly published his Unified Theory around 1925-27 in German, in a Prussian scientific journal, but it was later withdrawn as incomplete. This research was aimed at using intense electromagnetic fields to mask a ship from incoming projectiles, mainly torpedoes. This was later extended to include a study of creating radar invisibility by a similar field in the air rather than in the water.

The story begins in June of 1943, with the U.S.S. Eldridge , DE (Destroyer Escort) 173, being fitted with tons of experimental electronic equipment. This included, according to one source, two massive generators of 75 KVA each, mounted where the forward gun turret would have been, distributing their power through four magnetic coils mounted on the deck. Three RF transmitters (2 megawatt CW each, mounted on the deck), three thousand ‘6L6’ power amplifier tubes (used to drive the field coils of the two generators), special synchronizing and modulation circuits, and a host of other specialized hardware were employed to generate massive electromagnetic fields which, when properly configured, would be able to bend light and radio waves around the ship, thus making it invisible to enemy observers.

The experiment said to have taken place at the Philadelphia Naval Yard and also at sea, took place on at least one occasion while in full view of the Merchant Marine ship S.S. Andrew Furuseth , and other observation ships. The Andrew Furuseth becomes significant because one of its crewmen is the source of most of the original material making up the PX legend. Carlos Allende , a.k.a. Carl Allen wrote a series of strange letters to one Dr. Morris K. Jessup in the 1950’s in which he described what he claims to have witnessed: at least one of the several phases of the Philadelphia Experiment.

At 0900 hours, on July 22nd, 1943, so the story goes, the power to the generators was turned on, and the massive electromagnetic fields started to build up. A greenish fog was seen to slowly envelop the ship, concealing it from view. Then the fog itself is said to have disappeared, taking the Eldridge with it, leaving only undisturbed water where the ship had been anchored only moments before.

The elite officers of the Navy and scientists involved gazed in awe at their greatest achievement: the ship and crew were not only radar invisible but invisible to the eye as well! Everything worked as planned, and about fifteen minutes later they ordered the men to shut down the generators. The greenish fog slowly reappeared, and the Eldridge began to de-materialize as the fog subsided, but it was evident to all that something had gone wrong.

When boarded by personnel from shore, the crew above deck were found to be disoriented and nauseous. The Navy removed the crew and shortly after obtained another. In the end, the Navy decided that they only wanted radar invisibility, and the equipment was altered.

On the 28th of October in 1943, at 17:15, the final test on the Eldridge was performed. The electromagnetic field generators were turned on again, and the Eldridge became near-invisible; only a faint outline of the hull remained visible in the water. Everything was fine for the first few seconds, and then, in a blinding blue flash, the ship completely vanished. Within seconds it reappeared miles away, in Norfolk, Virginia, and was seen for several minutes. The Eldridge then disappeared from Norfolk as mysteriously as it had arrived and reappeared back in Philadelphia Naval Yard. This time most of the sailors were violently sick. Some of the crew were simply “missing” never to return. Some went crazy, but, strangest of all, five men were fused to the metal in the ship’s structure.

The men that survived were never the same again. Those that lived were discharged as “ mentally unfit ” for duty, regardless of their true condition.

So, what had begun as an experiment in electronic camouflage, ended up as accidental teleportation of an entire ship and crew, to a distant location and back again, all in a matter of minutes!

Although the above may seem fantastic, one must remember, that in the 1940’s the atomic bomb was also being invented.

That is the composite Philadelphia Experiment (PX) legend as it has stood up until very recently when certain new details were added by a few sources who claim to be “remembering” their own participation in the project after years of brainwashing to remove such memories. We will explore these new claims as well.

A Few Good Questions

After reading the above some basic questions my come to mind such as:

  • Is there any evidence that an experiment of this nature was really performed on the U.S.S. Eldridge ( or any other ship ) in 1943?
  • Did the Eldridge really “ teleport ” over 600 km in the blink of an eye? How could such an unusual assertion have been made?
  • If there really was an experiment of this nature, what happened to the men involved, and are any of the witnesses still alive after 70+ years? Have any of them come forth and told their stories ?
  • How could the Navy have kept such a technological breakthrough as implied by the PX covered up for over 75+ years?
  • What kind of technology could have been implemented to cause the events discussed?
  • Were Einstein’s theories really involved? Was his “ Unified Field Theory ” ever really “ completed ?”
  • Is the experiment still continuing behind closed doors today, or is the Technology already in use?

These and many more questions will be explored on more than 60! interesting sections/pages you will find on this site.

“Experimental Navy ship, the DE 173… became rapidly invisible to human eyes…” – Carl M. Allen

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Einstein Meeting With The Office Of Navel Research, 1943

Einstein Meeting With The Office Of Naval Research, 1943

  • Topics Covered
  • Timeline of Events
  • The Carl Allen Letters
  • Carlos Miguel Allende
  • Dr? Morris K. Jessup
  • The Varo Edition
  • Ships of the Experiment
  • A Matter of Time
  • Effects on the Crew
  • Evidence of Teleportation?
  • Einstein’s Unified Field Theory
  • The Newspaper Article
  • Death of a Legend
  • The PX Movies
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  • The UFO Connection
  • Project Rainbow
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  • Alias Carlos Allende
  • “Death Bed Statement” of Carlos Allende
  • Carlos Allende Speaks
  • “Amigo, I Do Not Underestimate You”
  • Anatomy of a Hoax: The PX 50 Years Later
  • Eldridge crew amused by “Philadelphia Experiment”
  • “Almost As If She Vanished”
  • USS Hammann DE−131?
  • Jonn A Keel on The PX
  • Carlos Allende, Happy at Last
  • Jessup, Allen, and the “Mary Celeste”
  • Allende Letters A Hoax?
  • The Invisible Ship Experiment
  • The PX 60 Years Later
  • Morris Jessup as a Fortean
  • Navy’s Official FAQ on the PX
  • Books & Audio On The PX
  • Videos on The PX
  • Invisibility News and Links
  • Navel Archives Gallery Ships and Ports of the PX
  • Eldridge DE173 War Diary (Microfilm) Gallery
  • Carl Allen Gallery
  • The Montauk Project Gallery
  • Philadelphia Experiment Art
  • The CIA Scientist Who Built “UFOs”
  • ConspiraHistory’s The PX Explored & Explained
  • Audio Podcasts
  • Andrew’s Scrapbook
  • The Montauk Project: Stranger Times
  • Evaluating A Labyrinth
  • Questioning Their “Story”
  • Was There a Montauk Project?
  • Where did he come from?
  • False Statements About Scientists
  • Investigation on Emil Kirtenauer
  • Al Bielek’s Faked Family Album
  • Al Bielek on Coast To Coast AM with George Noory
  • Larry James and other Montauk ”Witnesses”
  • We Are Not Alone
  • Statements of the Investigators
  • Calvin Parker Abduction
  • Calvin Parker Passed Away
  • The Polygraph Examination of Charles Hickson
  • Philip Klass File
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USS Eldridge (DE-173), 1944, Apr 25th

APRO Archives

by Admin | December 31, 2023 | Philadelphia Experiment | 0 Comments

The UnXplained with William Shatner

by Admin | October 13, 2023 | Philadelphia Experiment | 0 Comments

Original Case for the UFO Donation

by Admin | September 28, 2023 | Philadelphia Experiment | 0 Comments

“The Philadelphia Experiment from A-Z” Book Coming in 2024

by Admin | September 1, 2023 | Philadelphia Experiment | 0 Comments

Wargaming VIP Invite

by Admin | April 26, 2019 | Philadelphia Experiment | 0 Comments

Today The Philadelphia Experiment becomes a 75 Year Old Legend

by Admin | October 28, 2018 | Philadelphia Experiment | 0 Comments

This site has extensive information on the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943, over 55 sections! Also read about these other interesting subjects below;

USS Eldridge DE173, 1944

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Unified Field Theory

HenHouse Brewing Company

IPA - Imperial / Double

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Steve F

Steve F is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company at Untappd at Home


Celes1979 is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company at Eureka! Berkeley


Barbara White is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company at Untappd at Home

Anthony Ant

Anthony Ant is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company at Untappd at Home

I Believe in IPA! (Level 55)

Dustin is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company at Eureka! Roseville

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Michael Nicholson is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company at Piatti

International Beer Day (2024)

Todd Miller is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company at Eureka! Roseville

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Scott Webb is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company at Eureka! Roseville

Purchased at Eureka! Roseville

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Jeremy B is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company at Eureka! Roseville

Pit stop on the way to Truckee

Tiffany Dreyer avatar

ikki is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company at La Casa De Hicks

Check-in Photo

Pliny Elder is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company at Eureka! Roseville

Not sure why I keep trying beers from this brewery. Oh yeah - because Eureka has a lousy beer selection.

2X (Level 74)

Alan Bird is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company at Clark County Event Center

Probably the second or third from Henhouse. They have not disappointed yet.

Purchased at Cutsforth's Thriftway

Cheers to Independent U.S. Craft Breweries (Level 100)

Ryan Vandy is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Holly Market

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Sandra Castaneda is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company at Brothers Taphouse

Photogenic Brew (Level 7)

Mick Santos is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company at Eureka! Berkeley

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Max Heimel is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company at Dog Haus Biergarten Belmont

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Bryan Wilburn is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company at Untappd at Home

Mark L

Mark L is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company

Purchased at ChillNFill

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Mosaic hops make beer awesome! We’ve loaded up this session IPA with dozens of pounds of Mosaic hops to deliver all that mango, pine, and citrus character we’re celebrating! Simcoe is here, too, bringing a little of that danky blueberry character we rely on! At 4.6% you can savor this over a whole session, marveling at how much joy hops bring. Think big, drink tiny!

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Incredible Pale Ale

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Incredible Pale Ale

IPA with Cascade, Mosaic, Hallertau Blanc, Simcoe, Belma Hops – 6.9% Alc/Vol


Pale Ale w/ Citra hops

Best Life

Blonde Ale with El Dorado Hops – 4.5% Alc/Vol


West Coast IPA w/ Simcoe, Chinook, Comet, & Mosaic Hops


West Coast IPA w/ Cascade, Mosaic, Mackenzie, & Simcoe Hops

The Old Course

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  • Bottles To Go - Santa Rosa

The Old Course

Barrel-Aged Scotch Sale

Vintage Work-Life Balance

  • Bottles To Go - Novato

Vintage Work-Life Balance

Soft Summer Saison conditioned w/ Muscat Juice and Brettanomyces

What We Will

What We Will

Petite Saison w/ Lalbrew Saison Yeast

Hollow Moon

Hollow Moon

India Pale Ale w/ Sorachi Ace and Mosaic Hops

Denver Airport

Denver Airport

IPA with Citra, Hallertau Blanc Hops – 6.3% Alc/Vol

Weekly Beer Name Generator

Weekly Beer Name Generator

Doppelbock with Mandarina Bavaria Hops – 7% Alc/Vol

Super Highly Confluential

Super Highly Confluential

Double IPA with Citra, Comet, Galaxy, Nelson, Strata Hops – 8.2% Alc/Vol

The Art of Freshness

The Art of Freshness

IPA with Idaho 7, Vic Secret, Strata, Hops – 6.5% Alc/Vol

Tiny Tiles

Session IPA w/ Mosaic Hops

Oyster Stout

Oyster Stout

Dry Stout with CTZ Hops – 4.8% Alc/Vol

Hollow Planet

Hollow Planet

Double IPA with Mosaic, Sorachi Ace Hops – 8.2% Alc/Vol

Future Music

Future Music

IPA with Moutere, Wai-iti, Waimea Hops – 6.4% Alc/Vol

Grove People

Grove People

Double IPA with CTZ, Simcoe Hops – 8.5% Alc/Vol

Camden Eclipse

Camden Eclipse

Double IPA with Idaho, Ahtanum, Idaho 7 Hops – 8.3% Alc/Vol

Certified Independent AF

Certified Independent AF

IPA with Pacific Jade, Mosaic Hops – 6.3% Alc/Vol



Abbey-style Dubbel with CTZ, Boebek Hops – 7% Alc/Vol

A Good Night’s Rest

A Good Night’s Rest

Dark Saison with Crystal Hops – 6.6% Alc/Vol

Synth Life

Blonde Ale with Cascade Hops – 4.8% Alc/Vol


Fruited Sour Ale with Rotating Hops – 4% Alc/Vol

Vintage Saison

Vintage Saison

Bottle Conditioned Saison Ale w/ Saccharomyces Cervisae

Vintage What We Will

Vintage What We Will

Petite Saison w/ Wai-Iti Hops & Brettanomyces

Fantasma Persica

Fantasma Persica

Wild Ale aged with Peaches and Nectarines

Witchcraft & The Occult 5: The Pentangle

Witchcraft & The Occult 5: The Pentangle

Barrel-Aged Dark Sour w/ Coconut

Super Duper Stoked

Super Duper Stoked

Double IPA w/ Amarillo, Belma, Citra, Centennial, Mosaic, Simcoe


Traditional Saison w/ Black Pepper and Coriander


IPA with CTZ, Simcoe Hops – 7% Alc/Vol

Glamorous Life

Glamorous Life

Lite Lager with Loral Hops – 3.8% Alc/Vol

Anniversary Golden Ale

Anniversary Golden Ale

Belgian-strong Ale with Sterling Hops – 9.3% Alc/Vol

Anniversary Oyster Stout

Anniversary Oyster Stout

Stout with CTZ Hops – 7% Alc/Vol

Anniversary Saison

Anniversary Saison

Belgian style with Cascade Hops – 5.8% Alc/Vol

The Greatest Generator (2023)

The Greatest Generator (2023)

Doppelbock with Mandarina Bavaria Hops – 9.7% Alc/Vol

A Chiller Runs Through It

A Chiller Runs Through It

Pilsner with Salmon Safe Chinook Hops – 5% Alc/Vol

Activ8 West Coast IPA

Activ8 West Coast IPA

West Coast India Pale Ale w/ Comet, Motueka, and Simcoe hops

Ales for ALS

Ales for ALS

Cold IPA w/ Ahtanum, Citra, Ekuanot, and Loral hops

Alt School

Duesseldorf-style Alt Bier

An Honest Day’s Work

An Honest Day’s Work

Red Rye Saison with Saaz Hops – 7% Alc/Vol

Animal Friends 2

Animal Friends 2

India Pale Ale w/ Jasmine Rice, Chinook & Anchovy Hops

Anniversary Imperial Stout

Anniversary Imperial Stout

Stout – 13.3% Alc/Vol

Arctic Wall

Arctic Wall

India Pale Ale w/ Citra, Moutere, & Wai-Iti Hops

Art Fwd

Double IPA with Mosaic, Mosaic, Strata, Chinook Hops – 8.5% Alc/Vol

Aussie Vacation

Aussie Vacation

Hoppy Saison with Polaris, Vic Secret, Nelson Hops – 6.5% Alc/Vol

Avian Surveillance Division

Avian Surveillance Division

IPA with Citra, Amarillo Hops – 6.3% Alc/Vol


India Pale Ale w/ Citra, Comet, & Simcoe Hops

Batch 100 (2015)

Batch 100 (2015)

– 12% Alc/Vol

Bebe Rebozo

Bebe Rebozo

IPA with El Dorado, Simcoe Hops – 7.1% Alc/Vol

Big Chicken (2022)

Big Chicken (2022)

Double IPA with Mosaic, Talus, Idaho 7, Comet,Cascade, Centennial Hops – 10% Alc/Vol

Big Chicken 2024

Big Chicken 2024

Double IPA w/ Vista, Mosaic, Belma Cryo, & Strata Hops

Big Chirps

Kolsch with Calypso, Cascade, Chinook, Centennial Hops – 5% Alc/Vol

Big Country

Big Country

Hoppy Wheat Lager with Loral, Strata Hops – 5.5% Alc/Vol

Big Science

Big Science

Double IPA w/ Casade, Comet, and Wai-iti hops

Billionaire Recluse

Billionaire Recluse

Double IPA with El Dorado, Simcoe Hops – 8.5% Alc/Vol


Milkshake IPA with Mosaic, Vic Secret Hops – 6.3% Alc/Vol

Bleacher Bound

Bleacher Bound

Blonde Ale w/ Sterling Hops

Brit Pop

English Style Mild with Syrup and Spices with CTZ Hops – 3.8% Alc/Vol

Bump Mainstream

Bump Mainstream

Double IPA with Citra, Nelson, Mosaic, Citra Hops – 8.2% Alc/Vol

Casual Sequins

Casual Sequins

West Coast IPA collab w/ Three Weavers

Cheetahs on the Loose

Cheetahs on the Loose

Blonde Ale w/ Dry-Hopped Saphir

Chicken Coop DeVille

Chicken Coop DeVille

Double IPA with Citra, Strata Hops – 11.1% Alc/Vol

Clocked Out

Clocked Out

Belgian-style Wit Bier

Cluck The Rona

Cluck The Rona

Kolsch with CTZ, Saphir, Hallertau Mittlefruh, Saphir Hops – 4.7% Alc/Vol

Coincidences and Miracles

Coincidences and Miracles

Barrel-Aged Dark Sour – 4.9% Alc/Vol

Cold Chainiacs and the Legend of The Frozen Forklift Cold

Cold Chainiacs and the Legend of The Frozen Forklift Cold

Cold IPA with Belma, Citra, Huell Melon, Idaho 7 Hops – 6% Alc/Vol

Colores De Amor

Colores De Amor

Blonde Ale w/ Prickly Pear and Peach

Conceptual Nightmare (2016)

Conceptual Nightmare (2016)

Stout – 10.2% Alc/Vol

Constantine Is Charlemagne

Constantine Is Charlemagne

Double IPA with CTZ, El Dorado, Mosaic, Belma Hops – 8.5% Alc/Vol

Coop Therapy

Coop Therapy

Collab w/NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)

Crosby Pro Am Pale Ale

Crosby Pro Am Pale Ale

West Coast Pale Ale w/ Belma, Strata & Centennial Hops

Cryptic Origins

Cryptic Origins

IPA with Citra, Simcoe, Strata Hops – 6.2% Alc/Vol

Delicious Little Devil

Delicious Little Devil

Barrel-Aged Pastry Stout – 15.2% Alc/Vol

Dreamland Spaceport DIPA

Dreamland Spaceport DIPA

Double IPA with Citra, Idaho 7,Citra, Hallertau Blanc Hops – 9% Alc/Vol

Early Birds

Early Birds

Double IPA with CTZ, Cascade, Saaz, Strata, Mosaic Hops – 8.1% Alc/Vol

East Coast Bias

East Coast Bias

Double IPA with CTZ, Citra,Comet, Dr. Rudi Hops – 8.3% Alc/Vol

Extra Frozen Envelope

Extra Frozen Envelope

Double IPA with Idaho 7, Ahtanum Hops – 8.1% Alc/Vol

Fantasma Fresca

Fantasma Fresca

Barrel-Aged Sour Saison with Strawberry and Oyster

Fest Life

Festbier, Marzen with CTZ, Hersbrucker Hops – 4.5% Alc/Vol

Fish Don’t Exist

Fish Don’t Exist

IPA with Citra, Galaxy Hops – 7.2% Alc/Vol

Fizzgig Dark KristallWeizen

Fizzgig Dark KristallWeizen

Filtered HefeWeizen

Flavor Logistics

Flavor Logistics

IPA with Mosaic, Huell MelonEl Dorado Hops – 5.9% Alc/Vol

Fowl Play 5 (2018)

Fowl Play 5 (2018)

– 11.1% Alc/Vol

Fowl Play 6

Fowl Play 6

Barrel-Aged Old Ale with CTZ Hops – 11.1% Alc/Vol

Fowl Play 7 – (Almost A Gallon Of) Pilsner

Fowl Play 7 – (Almost A Gallon Of) Pilsner

Pilsner – 5% Alc/Vol

Fowl Play 8: Spritz Gillooly

Fowl Play 8: Spritz Gillooly

White Wine Spritzer-Inspired Ale

Fresh Pots

Coffee Saison with CTZ Hops – 7.4% Alc/Vol

From The Heart

From The Heart

IPA with CTZ,Cascade,Chinook, Centennial Hops – 7% Alc/Vol

Frozen Envelope

Frozen Envelope

IPA with Idaho 7, Ahtanums Hops – 6.2% Alc/Vol

Fun on 10.5

Fun on 10.5

Birthday Cake Pastry Stout w/ Strawberry, Blueberry, Raspberry, Vanilla

Funicular Rye Porter

Funicular Rye Porter

Brewed at The West County Pub

Future On Ten

Future On Ten

IPA with Sabro, Strata Hops – 6.5% Alc/Vol

Game Six Fix

Game Six Fix

Session IPA w/ Ahtanum, Belma, Idaho 7 hops

Goodness Gracious The Vapors

Goodness Gracious The Vapors

IPA with Simcoe, Sabro Comet Hops – 7.6% Alc/Vol

Gorilla Coop

Gorilla Coop

Hazy Pale Ale w/ Galaxy, Sabro, and Idaho 7 hops

Got Your Back

Got Your Back

California Common with Sterling , Ahtanum Hops – 5.1% Alc/Vol

Grain Bravy

Grain Bravy

Double IPA with Amarillo, Chinook, Simcoe Hops – 8.9% Alc/Vol

Green Mill

Pilsner with CTZ, Saaz, Cascade Hops – 4.6% Alc/Vol

Half Day

Tart Saison with CTZ, Sorachi Ace, Motueka Hops – 4.7% Alc/Vol

Hedge Maze

Session IPA with Mosaic, M. Bavaria, Motueka Hops – 4.5% Alc/Vol

Hella Stoked! – Autumn

Hella Stoked! – Autumn

Red IPA w/ El Dorado, Cascade, Simcoe hops

Hella Stoked – Spring

Hella Stoked – Spring

Cold IPA with Mosaic, Simcoe, Strata Hops – 6.4% Alc/Vol

Hella Stoked – Summer

Hella Stoked – Summer

IPA with Fermcap S, Waimea, Nelson, Moutere, Citra Hops – 6.4% Alc/Vol

Hella Stoked – Winter

Hella Stoked – Winter

Double IPA with Belma, Cashmere, Belma, Cashmere, El Dorado, Citra Hops – 8.2% Alc/Vol

Hello Hello Hello

Hello Hello Hello

West Coast IPA w/ Nectaron, Nelson, & Idaho 7 hops

Holographic Principle

Holographic Principle

IPA with Idaho Gem, Mosaic, Dr. Rudi Hops – 6.6% Alc/Vol

Hypermagic Mountain

Hypermagic Mountain

IPA with Amarillo, Huell Melon, Citra Hops – 6.3% Alc/Vol

I’ll Have What I’m Having

I’ll Have What I’m Having

IPA with Cashmere, Simcoe, Centennial Hops – 6.1% Alc/Vol

Indie Darling

Indie Darling

German Pale-Lager with Hallertau Mittelfrüh hops - 6.0% ALC/VOL

IPA 2025

Collaboration IPA w/ Cerebral Brewing

It’s Giving

It’s Giving

India Pale Ale w/ Mosaic, Simcoe, & Comet Hops

Joy Delivery System

Joy Delivery System

IPA/DIPA/Pale with Mosaic, El Dorado, Cardinal Hops – 6% Alc/Vol

Juice Enthusiast

Juice Enthusiast

IPA with Citra, El Dorado, Nelson Hops – 7.5% Alc/Vol

Juice Wizard

Juice Wizard

DOUBLE IPA w/ Citra, El Dorado, & Nelson Hops

Knock Underground

Knock Underground

Pale Ale with Ahtanum, Belma, Idaho 7, Belma, Loral Hops – 5.3% Alc/Vol


Kolsch with CTZ, Wolf Hops – 4.5% Alc/Vol

Kubrick’s Landing

Kubrick’s Landing

India Pale Ale w/ Mosaic, Motueka, & Mandarina Bavaria Hops

Language Creates Reality

Language Creates Reality

IPA with Nelson, Taiheke, Rakau Hops – 6.5% Alc/Vol

Latvian Laundromat

Latvian Laundromat

Double IPA with CTZ, Citra, Mosaic Hops – 8.8% Alc/Vol

Letter 24

Fruited Gose collaboration w/ Ruse Brewing

Liquid Entertainment

Liquid Entertainment

IPA with Motueka, Simcoe,Dr. Rudi, Comet Hops – 7.3% Alc/Vol

Live and Let Polyhedron

Live and Let Polyhedron

Double IPA with Centennial, Pacific Jade Hops – 9.2% Alc/Vol

Logic is a Threat

Logic is a Threat

Saison w/ Admiral Maltings

Low Culture

Low Culture

West Coast Pilsner w/ Strata & El Dorado Hops

Mandela Effect

Mandela Effect

India Pale Ale w/Centennial and Citra Hops

Many Worlds

Many Worlds

IPA with Cashmere, Ahtanum, Idaho 7, Simcoe, Strata Hops – 7.2% Alc/Vol

Mariachi Maestro

Mariachi Maestro

IPA with Cashmere, Motueka, Mosaic, Sabro Hops – 6.2% Alc/Vol

Matinee Idol

Matinee Idol

Mexican-style Lager with Motueka, Saaz Hops – 4.8% Alc/Vol

Mattress Mafia

Mattress Mafia

IPA with Mosaic, Citra Hops – 6.8% Alc/Vol

Mendoza Line

Mendoza Line

Double IPA with Pacific Jade, Simcoe Hops – 8% Alc/Vol

MK Ultra

IPA with Chinook,Simcoe, Amarillo Hops – 6.6% Alc/Vol

No Chocolate Frosted Mini Donuts Were Harmed In The Making Of This Barrel-Aged Pastry Stout

No Chocolate Frosted Mini Donuts Were Harmed In The Making Of This Barrel-Aged Pastry Stout

Barrel-Aged Pastry Stout – 15.7% Alc/Vol

No Chocolate Frosted Mini Donuts Were Harmed In The Making Of This Pastry Stout

No Chocolate Frosted Mini Donuts Were Harmed In The Making Of This Pastry Stout

Pastry Stout w/ Biscuit, Pale Chocolate, Carafa III

Oatmeal Porter

Oatmeal Porter

Porter with CTZ, Hersbruker Hops – 7% Alc/Vol

Old Pro

Scotch Ale with CTZ, Ahtanum Hops – 7.1% Alc/Vol

Ominous Runes

Ominous Runes

Barrel-Aged Sour Saison – 9.1% Alc/Vol

Oslo Hot Chicken

Oslo Hot Chicken

Double IPA with Centennial, Idaho 7, Motueka Hops – 8.6% Alc/Vol

Paid Vacation

Paid Vacation

Hoppy Saison with Chinook, Simcoe Hops – 6.5% Alc/Vol

Paul McTartney

Paul McTartney

Tasting Room Exclusive! Cask version of The Walrus is Paul IPA w/ Meyer Lemon and Tart Cherry

Phantom Time

Phantom Time

IPA with Mosaic, Belma, El Dorado Hops – 6.3% Alc/Vol

Philadelphia Experiment

Philadelphia Experiment

IPA with Simcoe, Vic Secret Hops – 6% Alc/Vol

Pink Party

Hard Seltzer w/ Strawberry

Pizza Party

Pizza Party

Pale Ale with Calypso, Simcoe, Cashmere, Dr. Rud, Vic Secret Hops – 5% Alc/Vol

Plume and Paddock

Plume and Paddock

Cocktail-inspired, Barrel-Aged, Sour Ale

Pocket Change

Pocket Change

Other with CTZ, Ahtanum Hops – 4.2% Alc/Vol

Precious Metals and Jewels

Precious Metals and Jewels

New Year's Celebration Helles Lager


India Pale Ale w/ Cascade, Chinook, Simcoe, & Centennial Hops

Pride Pours

Pride Pours

Session IPA w/ Ahtanum, El Dorado, & Talus Hops

Project Azorian (2020)

Project Azorian (2020)

Pastry Stout w/ Calypso, Pasilla chile, Ancho chiles, Chipotle chiles, Cacao nibs, Vanilla beans



Breakfast Kolsch with Sabro Hops – 4.2% Alc/Vol

Recurring Nightmare

Recurring Nightmare

Stout with CTZ Hops – 11.2% Alc/Vol

Recurring Nightmare (2017)

Recurring Nightmare (2017)

Recurring Nightmare (2018)

Recurring Nightmare (2018)

Imperial Stout

Recurring Nightmare (2019)

Recurring Nightmare (2019)

Stout – 11% Alc/Vol

Red Overalls

Red Overalls

Vienna-Style Lager

Reptilian Shadow Government

Reptilian Shadow Government

Double IPA with Amarillo, Citra, Hops – 8.6% Alc/Vol

Sam The Perfect Human

Sam The Perfect Human

Lager/Kolsch/Blonde with CTZ, Cascade Hops – 4% Alc/Vol

Scent to the Rescue

Scent to the Rescue

India Pale Ale w/ Simcoe, El Dorado, Cashmere, and Citra hops

Science Reasons

Science Reasons

IPA/DIPA/Pale with Sorachi Ace, Galaxy, Hallertau Blanc Hops – 6.8% Alc/Vol

Short Range DeLorean

Short Range DeLorean

West Coast Pale Ale w/ Cascade & Centennial

SIP Life

Lager/Kolsch/Blonde with CTZ, Cascade Hops – 5.8% Alc/Vol


IPA w/ taiheke, Nectaron, Comet, & HBC 586 hops

Sonnets to Morpheus

Sonnets to Morpheus

Double IPA with Citra, Centennial Hops – 8.6% Alc/Vol

Sonoma Sunshine

Sonoma Sunshine

Hoppy Kolsch w/CGX Comet and Saphir Hops


Double IPA with CTZ, Mosaic, Cashmere Hops – 8.2% Alc/Vol

Star Turn

Pilsner with CTZ, Saaz Hops – 4.6% Alc/Vol

Straight To Video

Straight To Video

Schwarzbier w/ Admiral Malts



Belgian-Style Table Beer

Teammates On Ten

Teammates On Ten

Corn Lager with Tettnang, Hops – 5.5% Alc/Vol

The Beer 2000

The Beer 2000

Imperial Stout with Centennial, Chinook Hops – 9.9% Alc/Vol

The High Priestess

The High Priestess

Sour Ale w/ Cherry & Lime Aged in Gin Barrels

The Next IPA

The Next IPA

IPA with Mosaic, Cashmere, Idaho 7 Hops – 7.7% Alc/Vol

Timeless On Ten

Timeless On Ten

American Barleywine with Cascade, Centennial, Simcoe, Hops – 9.4% Alc/Vol

Timeless on Twelve

Timeless on Twelve

Barrel-Aged Barleywine

Today On Ten

Today On Ten

IPA with Cascade, Chinook, Centennial, Simcoe, Mosaic, Strata Hops – 7.2% Alc/Vol

Total Party Chill

Total Party Chill

Cold Pale Ale

Town Riders

Town Riders

IPA with Citra, Wai-iti, Sabro, Strata Hops – 6.3% Alc/Vol

Treat Life

Porter with Ahtanum Hops – 4.7% Alc/Vol

Twice Across The Narrows

Twice Across The Narrows

Double IPA with Strata, Zappa, Idaho 7 Hops – 8% Alc/Vol

Twice Certified Independent AF!

Twice Certified Independent AF!

Double IPA with Pacific Jade, Mosaic Hops – 8.6% Alc/Vol

Umbo Fantasmo

Umbo Fantasmo

Barrel-Aged Oyster Biere De Garde – 9% Alc/Vol

Unified Field Theory

Unified Field Theory

Double IPA with Vic Secret, Sabro, Simcoe Hops – 8.3% Alc/Vol

Vintage Clocked Out

Vintage Clocked Out

Vintage Dubbularity

Vintage Dubbularity

Belgian-strong Ale with Boebek Hops – 7.8% Alc/Vol


IPA w/ YCH 702, Elani, Citra, and Amarillo Hops

Vote For The Green New Deal

Vote For The Green New Deal

IPA with El Dorado, Simcoe, Comet, Hops – 7.1% Alc/Vol

The Walrus is Paul

The Walrus is Paul

IPA with Centennial, Pacific Jade Hops – 6.3% Alc/Vol

We All Win When We All Win

We All Win When We All Win

Double IPA – 8.3% Alc/Vol

We Roll Together

We Roll Together

DIPA collab w/ Streetside Asian Grill

Wedding Of The Century

Wedding Of The Century

Festbier, Marzen with Hersbrucker Hops – 3.8% Alc/Vol

Well, Actually

Well, Actually

IPA with Citra, Moutere, Wai-iti Hops – 7.2% Alc/Vol

We’re From Here Porter

We’re From Here Porter

Chocolate Coconut Almond Porter

Witchcraft and The Occult 4: The Cranburial

Witchcraft and The Occult 4: The Cranburial

Barrel-Aged Dark Sour with Crystal Hops – 8.5% Alc/Vol

Witchcraft & The Occult

Witchcraft & The Occult

Other – 7.77% Alc/Vol

Witchcraft & The Occult 2

Witchcraft & The Occult 2

Other with CTZ, Wolf Hops – 10% Alc/Vol

Witchcraft & The Occult 3

Witchcraft & The Occult 3

Barrel-Aged Dark Sour with CTZ, Crystal Hops – 7.5% Alc/Vol

Wonderful Life

Wonderful Life

Blonde Ale with Cranberry, Blood Orange and Spices with El Dorado Hops – 4.5% Alc/Vol

Work/Life Balance

Work/Life Balance

Belgian style with CTZ, Styrian Wolf, East Kent Golding Hops – 5% Alc/Vol

Zed Word

Other with East Kent Golding, Saphir Hops – 5.6% Alc/Vol

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Letters to the Editor | Sept. 4, 2024

Inquirer readers on the Sixers arena, school choice, and missing libraries.

A rendering of the Market Street entrance of the proposed new Sixers arena in Center City.

Opponents of 76 Place, the Sixers’ planned $1.55 billion arena on Market East, are the same myopic people whose lack of vision prevents Philadelphia from becoming world-class. Why are we reluctant to dare? 76 Place represents Philadelphia’s biggest economic development project in half a century. To Mayor Cherelle L. Parker’s credit, the city released four independent impact studies. They revealed significant reasons to build the venue, including no cost to taxpayers, thousands of jobs during and after construction, hundreds of millions in annual economic output (including massive tax revenue over 30 years for our school district), and more.

IBEW Local 98 supports 76 Place because our members construct buildings for a living. 76 Place will create 9,100 direct union construction jobs that will last a decade. But our support runs deeper. Philadelphia needs 76 Place for its global positioning. Eighteen of the top 20 markets have downtown arenas — not Philly. The loyal 76ers fan base deserves a dazzling downtown arena that will attract the NBA’s best free agents here. Proponents of the project are fortunate to have levelheaded officials like Mayor Parker, City Council President Kenyatta Johnson, and Councilmember Mark Squilla involved in the decision-making. Prove we are a world-class city — build 76 Place.

Mark Lynch Jr. , business manager, IBEW Local 98, Philadelphia

Gaudreau brothers

I’m not particularly an ice hockey fan, but I am a sister of three brothers, a mother to a son and his sisters, and a grandmother to three grandsons and one great-grandson. Reporter Mike Sielski’s succinct article on the deaths of Johnny and Matty Gaudreau told the whole story and brought tears to my eyes and an ache to my heart. Let’s stop drunk driving.

Anne Slater , Ardmore

Educational options

Gov. Josh Shapiro said in his speech at the 2024 Democratic National Convention: “We are the party of real freedom … The kind of real freedom that comes when that child has a great public school with an awesome teacher because we believe in her future.” I hope Shapiro will abandon his support for vouchers touted by billionaires as the solution to our educational needs, and that he will stop accepting money from them, as well.

Great public schools come from an adequate and equitable funding system, free from earmarks and political manipulation of funds that benefit only certain constituents instead of doing what is fair for all of Pennsylvania’s children. As Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock said in his speech at the DNC: “I need my neighbor’s children to be OK so that my children will be OK. I need all of my neighbor’s children to be OK. Poor inner-city children in Atlanta and poor children of Appalachia. I need the poor children of Israel and the poor children of Gaza. I need Israelis and Palestinians. I need those in the Congo, those in Haiti, those in Ukraine. I need American children on both sides of the track to be OK, because we’re all God’s children.” Let’s live by that creed so we can all experience real freedom.

Beth Logue , POWER Interfaith Statewide Education Justice Team, Philadelphia, [email protected]

The recent Inquirer editorial after the board’s interview with Superintendent Tony B. Watlington Sr. was cautiously optimistic. I also hope, as I’m sure all Philadelphians do, for success. I do so for the good of the district, its principals, teachers, administrators, and most of all, the 200,000 students who cannot afford another school year of failure looking for a new solution. After all, an option was available this year but was politically abandoned, again.

With a $4.5 billion budget and nearly 200,000 students, taxpayer funding is about $22,500 per student. Yet, the educational results have been a disgrace for years. Gov. Josh Shapiro campaigned on providing Lifeline Scholarships as a choice option for parents. After Election Day and negotiations with Republican legislators, a budget to include his campaign promise was formed but immediately abandoned after persuasion (threats?) from his Democratic members and the teachers’ union. I guess national ambition trumps education.

The parochial school system in the same struggling city neighborhoods provides another opportunity. Grade school tuition is about $7,000 and high school about $11,000 annually, with very different aggregate results. How about a break for taxpayers (parents) and students? Give parents some of their tax money to choose the best school for their children, just like former Mayors Jim Kenney and Michael Nutter, Democratic Party Chairman Bob Brady, and Gov. Shapiro’s parents did for them. City children can’t afford another failed experiment.

Daniel P. McCartney , Richboro

Horrible irony

Last week, I called the Dunbar Elementary School near 12th Street and Cecil B. Moore Avenue in North Philadelphia to see if the school would be interested in the children’s books I have accumulated for use in the school’s library. The principal there explained that the school had no library, but if I wanted to bring the books to the school, the individual teachers would probably select some for their classrooms.

I had read that some Philadelphia public schools did not have libraries, but hearing a principal explain that there are only two school buildings in the entire district that have libraries was jarring. My children attended the Dunbar school in the mid-’60s, when Marcus Foster was the principal and there was a library and at least two librarians. When I attended the Logan Demonstration School in the mid-1940s, there was a fully stocked library, and at least twice a year, there were book sales, and parents were invited to purchase books for their children.

How could a school named after the renowned African American poet and writer born to formerly enslaved parents in 1872 not have a library? How can a school built in the early 1930s that is on the National Register of Historic Places and located just steps from Temple University not have a library? How can a district with a $4.5 billion budget not have school libraries when Philadelphia is in a literacy crisis that is affecting both children and adults? According to the National Center for Education Statistics, nearly a third of the city’s adult population lacks basic literacy skills. And the advocacy group Achieve Now says that 52% of adults in Philadelphia are functionally illiterate.

I’m dropping off my books at Dunbar this week, but the problem is way bigger than my contribution. This is a crisis with far-reaching consequences.

Karen Warrington , Philadelphia

Am I the only person who is terrified that Donald Trump may become, once again, president of this wonderful country? Without doubt and with proof aplenty, he is a lecher, liar, wannabe dictator, and convicted felon. It had never occurred to me, until I read the recent Inquirer editorial on his 24-hour meltdown, that he might be mentally ill. As a World War II veteran, an endangered species, I have never viewed the United States of America as anything but great, although subject to error as we all are.

We have engaged in wars, not of our making, to protect our friends and humanity in general, regardless of which political party was in power. To not vote or write in a vote is cowardly and serves no purpose. I cannot believe the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln, who stated that a House divided against itself cannot stand, now fully endorses someone like Trump. If there is anyone who deserves the title of “The Great Divider,” it is him. Trump is not immoral; he is amoral, thinking only of himself without regard to consequences. And you are undecided?

Ralph D. Bloch , Jenkintown, [email protected]

Join the conversation: Send letters to [email protected] . Limit length to 200 words and include home address and day and evening phone number. Letters run in The Inquirer six days a week on the editorial pages and online.


Top NBA Free Agent Predicted to Move On From Philadelphia 76ers Rival

Justin grasso | 8 hours ago.

Apr 12, 2024; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; Philadelphia 76ers guard Tyrese Maxey (0) blocks the shot of Orlando Magic guard Markelle Fultz (20) during the second quarter at Wells Fargo Center. Mandatory Credit: Bill Streicher-USA TODAY Sports

  • Philadelphia 76ers
  • Orlando Magic
  • Oklahoma City Thunder

Despite the opening of NBA free agency being well in the rearview, a handful of intriguing players remain available at this stage of the offseason.

One of the top free agents available happens to be a former Philadelphia 76ers draft pick, who turned into a rival early on in his career.

Markelle Fultz might not have panned out the way the Sixers had hoped in 2017, but he carved out a decent career for himself after he recovered from a mysterious shoulder injury.

But at this stage in Fultz’s career, his next move remains unknown.

Bleacher Report’s Dan Favale attempted to predict the landing spot of some of the top remaining free agents in the NBA. For Fultz, Favale predicts the Oklahoma City Thunder could be the team to bring him on.

Rolling to the Thunder?

“Landing with the Oklahoma City Thunder would be a borderline ideal outcome for him. They have the spacing inside their rotation to open up lanes for his dribble drives, pull-ups and overall playmaking. …. Viewed through the break-in-case-of-emergency lens, Fultz feels like a worthwhile gambit—particularly when the Thunder always seem to find (regular-season) minutes for pretty much everyone.”

When the Sixers decided to end the Fultz experiment, they concluded his time in South Philly by sending the former top pick to the Magic in exchange for Jonathan Simmons, a first-round pick, and a second-round pick. When Fultz arrived in Florida, he remained absent from the floor.

In 2019-2020, Fultz debuted for the Magic. In his first season in Orlando, Fultz played 72 games, starting 60. He averaged 12 points and five assists on 47 percent shooting.

The Philadelphia 76ers on SI show is available on Spotify, Apple, and Amazon streaming platforms.

Fultz ended up playing five seasons for the Magic. Although Orlando mostly missed the playoffs throughout that stretch, their recent run in 2024 proved the Magic are on their way to turning things around and potentially becoming consistent contenders in the Eastern Conference.

It seems Fultz will not be a part of that after coming off the bench for seven playoff games in 2024.

A new destination is likely in play for Fultz, who was a first-overall pick by the Sixers in 2017. Coming out of Washington, Fultz was set to join a young and growing star group alongside Joel Embiid and Ben Simmons. Injury concerns affected Fultz’s development through his first two seasons, leaving him to play in just 33 games before getting traded.

Read More Philadelphia 76ers on SI

Former Sixers Coach Lands With Nick Nurse’s Old Team

NBA Analysts Express Doubt in Embiid’s MVP Campaign mq

Former Center Reveals Thoughts on Sixers’ Paul George Acquisition

Justin Grasso


Title: Credentialed writer/reporter covering the Philadelphia 76ers for Sports Illustrated’s FanNation Email: [email protected] Location: Philadelphia, PA Expertise: Reporting, insight, and analysis on the Sixers and the NBA  Justin Grasso is a credentialed writer and publisher covering the Philadelphia 76ers for Sports Illustrated’s FanNation.  Grasso got his start in sports media in 2016 with FantasyPros, working the news desk, providing game-by-game player analysis and updates on the Portland Trail Blazers and the Golden State Warriors. By 2017, he joined FanSided’s Philadelphia Eagles site as a staff writer. After spending one season covering the Eagles as a staff writer, Grasso was promoted to become the site’s Co-Editor. For the next two NFL seasons, he covered the Eagles closely before broadening his NFL coverage. For a brief stint, Grasso covered the NFL on a national basis after joining Heavy.com as an NFL news desk writer. In 2019, Grasso joined the 76ers' beat on a part-time basis, stepping into a role with South Jersey’s 97.3 ESPN. Ahead of the 2019-2020 NBA season, he concluded a three-year stint covering the Eagles and joined the Sixers beat full-time. Grasso has covered the 76ers exclusively since then for Sports Illustrated. He is a member of the Pro Basketball Writer’s Association.  Twitter: @JGrasso_ Instagram: @JGrassoNBA

Follow @JGrasso_


  1. HenHouse The Philadelphia Experiment

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  2. HenHouse Brewing Company

    henhouse philadelphia experiment

  3. HenHouse Brewing Company

    henhouse philadelphia experiment

  4. HenHouse Brewing Company

    henhouse philadelphia experiment

  5. "The Philadelphia Experiment” In Popular Culture

    henhouse philadelphia experiment

  6. The Philadelphia Experiment

    henhouse philadelphia experiment


  1. Henhouse Prowlers (set three) ~ April 26th, 2024

  2. The Philadelphia Experiment: Unveiling the Mystery

  3. The Philadelphia Experiment

  4. The Philadelphia Experiment

  5. Henhouse Prowlers

  6. Philadelphia Experiment


  1. Philadelphia Experiment

    The Philadelphia Experiment is named for an audacious attempt at warping spacetime in the '40s. The flavor ride your tongue is about to take will be no less aspirational. We started with California-grown barley from Admiral Maltings and then brought Sabro and Simcoe hops from the northwest United States and Vic Secret hops from south east ...

  2. The Philadelphia Experiment

    The Philadelphia Experiment is a New England IPA style beer brewed by HenHouse Brewing in Santa Rosa, CA. Score: 87 with 12 ratings and reviews. Last update: 08-10-2024.

  3. The Philadelphia Experiment

    The Philadelphia Experiment by HenHouse Brewing Company is a IPA - New England / Hazy which has a rating of 4 out of 5, with 3,272 ratings and reviews on Untappd.

  4. Unified Field Theory

    We're utilizing the Unified Field Theory to brew a worthy follow-up to our reality-warping Philadelphia Experiment IPA. We started with the same Vic Secret and Simcoe hops from the Experiment and then added Sabro hops to assemble astronomically awesome aromatic abundance! Lemony cannabis character wafts from your glass as the flavors from our ...

  5. The Philadelphia Experiment IPA

    The Philadelphia Experiment IPA is a American IPA style beer brewed by HenHouse Brewing in Santa Rosa, CA. Score: 87 with 10 ratings and reviews. Last update: 12-03-2023.

  6. The Philadelphia Experiment: What Really Happened?

    On the 28 th of October 1943, at the height of the Battle of the Atlantic, a strange, top-secret experiment took place in the US Navy docks in Philadelphia. What was about to be tested would turn the tide of a war that had cost 45 Allied ships in January of that year alone. Called Project Rainbow, Dr Franklin Reno intended to use the physics of Einstein's Unified Field Theory to surround a ...

  7. The Philadelphia Experiment

    The Philadelphia Experiment. HenHouse Brewing Company. IPA - New England / Hazy. Check-in Add. Total 3,931. Unique 3,329. Monthly 7. You 0. 6% ABV . N/A IBU (3.96) 3,078 Ratings . The Philadelphia Experiment is named for an audacious attempt at warping spacetime Show More

  8. HenHouse The Philadelphia Experiment

    IPA featuring Simcoe, Enigma and Vic's Secret hops. ABV: 6.0% Type: IPA

  9. Philadelphia Experiment

    The Philadelphia Experiment was an alleged event claimed to have been witnessed by an ex-merchant mariner named Carl M. Allen at the United States Navy's Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, some time around October 28, 1943.Allen described an experiment where the U.S. Navy attempted to make a destroyer escort, the USS Eldridge, disappear and the bizarre ...

  10. HenHouse Brewing Co.

    HenHouse Brewing Co. - Unified Field Theory Style: ... We're utilizing the Unified Field Theory to brew a worthy follow-up to our reality-warping Philadelphia Experiment IPA. We started with the same Vic Secret and Simcoe hops from the Experiment and then added Sabro hops to assemble astronomically awesome aromatic abundance! Lemony cannabis ...

  11. Philadelphia Experiment

    Philadelphia Experiment is brewed by Henhouse Brewing Company in Santa Rosa, California. We first spotted this label on April 26, 2022. We first spotted this label on April 26, 2022. Home

  12. Henhouse Brewing Philadelphia Experiment Ipa 16OZ

    You are shopping from Gary's Wayne at 1308 New Jersey 23, Wayne, NJ 07470


    classical and relativistic, that would have been available by scientists of the decade preceding the Philadelphia Experiment. This is not a discussion of anything even remotely like the Navy's new "Sea Shadow". (7) It has been asserted that the initial Philadelphia Experiment took place "sometime between July 20th and August 20, 1943."

  14. Donald Hings: The Philadelphia Experiment

    Called the Philadelphia Experiment, the event was one of the pivotal moments of World War II. Shrouded in secrecy, many have fantasized about what happened at the naval yard in Philadelphia in the late summer of 1943. Stories abound of a ship, the USS Eldridge that vanished in the night, teleporting to another place beneath a magical green glow.

  15. HenHouse Brewing Company

    40 IBU. (3.87) 13,278 Ratings. Added 02/17/13. Add. Saison. Farmhouse Ale - Saison. HenHouse Saison is made for drinking after a long day at work. We brew it with black pepper and coriander, which builds on the spiciness of the French….

  16. The Philadelphia Experiment From A-Z

    The Philadelphia Experiment From A-Z. In 1943 a Destroyer Escort Is Made Optically Invisible. It Teleports out of Control over 600km in Seconds. Men were Fused to the Decks, Some went Crazy…. The above statements and this landing page is the usual Sensationalized version of events, where the following pages will go into more critical detail.

  17. Henhouse Brewing Philadelphia Experiment Ipa

    IPA/DIPA/Pale ripe pineapple, mint, crackery, dried mango, slight diesel, medium bitterness ABOUT PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT The Philadelphia Experiment is named for an audacious attempt at warping spacetime in the '40s. The flavor ride your tongue is about to take will be no less aspirational. We started with California-grown barley from Admiral Maltings and then brought Sabro and Simcoe hops ...

  18. HenHouse Philadelphia Experiment IPA 16oz Can

    By entering, you certify that you are of legal drinking age, at least 21 years old.

  19. 2020 HenHouse Brewing Co. 'The Philadelphia Experiment' India Pale Ale

    Find the best local price for 2020 HenHouse Brewing Co. 'The Philadelphia Experiment' India Pale Ale Beer, California, USA. Find and shop from stores and merchants near you.

  20. 2006 HenHouse Brewing Co. 'The Philadelphia Experiment' India Pale Ale

    The mineral makeup of water, beer's principal constituent, varies from place to place. This alone means that there is significant regional variation even between beers made with the sa ... Stores and prices for '2006 HenHouse Brewing Co. 'The Philadelphia Ex ... ' | prices, stores, tasting notes and market data.

  21. HenHouse Brewing Company

    Hen House Little Chicken. American Lager 4.8% ABV. HenHouse Brewing Company Santa Rosa, CA. HenHouse #Stoked. American Pale Ale 5.8% ABV. ... HenHouse Philadelphia Experiment. Hazy IPA 7.0% ABV. HenHouse Brewing Company Santa Rosa, CA. HenHouse Pilsner. German Pils 4.6% ABV.

  22. Unified Field Theory

    They have not disappointed yet. Earned the Cheers to Independent U.S. Craft Breweries (Level 100) badge! Ryan Vandy is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company at Untappd at Home. Sandra Castaneda is drinking an Unified Field Theory by HenHouse Brewing Company at Brothers Taphouse.

  23. Beers

    Mosaic hops make beer awesome! We've loaded up this session IPA with dozens of pounds of Mosaic hops to deliver all that mango, pine, and citrus character we're celebrating! Simcoe is here, too, bringing a little of that danky blueberry character we rely on! At 4.6% you can savor this over a whole session, marveling at how much joy hops bring.

  24. The Leandro Trossard dilemma: Can Arsenal keep him happy after

    Those games came less than two weeks after Jesus suffered a knee injury away to Nottingham Forest, and they brought a different dynamic to the Havertz midfield experiment. Rather than have him ...

  25. Letters to the Editor

    IBEW Local 98 supports 76 Place because our members construct buildings for a living. 76 Place will create 9,100 direct union construction jobs that will last a decade. But our support runs deeper. Philadelphia needs 76 Place for its global positioning. Eighteen of the top 20 markets have downtown arenas — not Philly.

  26. Top NBA Free Agent Predicted to Move On From Philadelphia 76ers Rival

    Apr 12, 2024; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; Philadelphia 76ers guard Tyrese Maxey (0) blocks the shot of Orlando Magic guard Markelle Fultz (20) during the second quarter at Wells Fargo Center.