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Publishing doctoral theses.

All doctoral students at ETH Zurich must publish their doctoral theses in the Research Collection. We show you what to look out for.

Publishing doctoral theses. (Illustration: ETH Library)

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Tackling bacillus spore resistance to isostatic high pressure germination and inactivation , design and operation of sustainable net-zero energy systems , real-space renormalisation group as lossy compression , unsteady data-driven and hybrid les/rans simulations of turbulent flows , new insights into rapid magnetic phrenic nerve stimulation: optimization for transition into the icu , bioinspired suction patches for the transbuccal delivery of macromolecular drugs , 2d and 3d generative models under real-world constraints , noise-efficient circuits and systems for biomedical and environmental sensing applications , motor-integrated three-phase multi-level si/gan inverter systems for future servo drives , advances in multi-spin and orthogonal pulsed dipolar epr spectroscopy , enabling efficient and scalable dram read disturbance mitigation via new experimental insights into modern dram chips , hollow-core 3d printing for facades , song-related neuron populations in the zebra finch forebrain chronically recorded with a custom-designed neuropixels device , linear-rotary drive system for novel valveless implantable pulsatile total artificial heart , an odyssey through political space and time: tracing 130 years of swiss legislative work through computational approaches , from interactions to persistence: a multi-level perspective on group dynamics , unraveling the mechano-molecular mechanism of aging: insights from crispr/cas9 cell reporter & prematurely aging polga mice on bone mechanoregulation , magnetic levitation platform featuring an exceptionally large levitation distance , redox promoted reactivity of bimetallic rhodium and iridium complexes with non-innocent ligands , unterzuglose decken .

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Engineering Design and Computing Laboratory

Doctoral theses.

Listed below are the past PhD Theses where Professor Kristina Shea was the supervisor.

Zhang, Y. (2023)

Sustainable Discrete Structures: From Design to Construction

ETH Zurich ( ETH ): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 108 MB)

du Pasquier, C. (2022) awarded with the ETH Medal Design, Optimization, and Verification of Pneumatically Actuated Shape-Morphing Lattices ETH Zurich ( ETH ): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 83.6 MB)

Yu, Z. (2021) Computational Design of 3D Printed Personalized Artificial Spinal Disc ETH Zurich ( ETH ): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 10.9 MB)

Lumpe, T. (2021) awarded with the ETH Medal

Computational Design of Active 3D-Printed Structures

ETH Zurich ( ETH ): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 317.1 MB)

van Diepen, M. (2020)

Computational Design Synthesis for the Co-Design of Morphology and Actuation of Soft Robots for Locomotion

ETH Zurich ( ETH ): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 12.1 MB)

Zimmermann, L. (2020)

A Computational Method for the Synthesis of Rigid Origami Crease Patterns

ETH Zurich ( ETH ): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 36.7 MB)

Blösch, A. (2020)

Design Heuristics for Additive Manufacturing

ETH Zurich ( ETH ): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 82.9 MB)

Stöckli, F. (2019)

Computational Design Synthesis of Passive Dynamic Systems

ETH Zurich ( ETH ): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 24.9 MB)

Rigger, E. (2019)

Design Automation Task Definition

ETH Zurich ( ETH ): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 6.8 MB)

Chen, T. (2018) awarded with the ETH Medal

Materials-Based Design of Autonomous Machines Using 4D Printing

ETH Zurich ( ETH) : Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 118.5 MB)

Mueller, J. (2018) awarded with the ETH Medal Architected Core-Shell Beams for Stiff, Strong, and Tough Cellular Structures

ETH Zurich ( ETH ): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 146.3 MB)  

Kruse, B. (2017)

A Library-Based Concept Design Approach for Multi-Disciplinary Systems in SysML

ETH Zurich ( ETH ): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 11.2 MB)

Münzer, C. (2015)

Constraint-Based Methods for Automated Computational Design Synthesis of Solution Spaces

ETH Zurich ( ETH ): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 13.3 MB)

Königseder, C. (2015)

A methodology for supporting design grammar development and application in computational design synthesis

ETH Zurich ( ETH ): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 6.7 MB)

Gmeiner, Th. (2015)

Automatic Fixture Design Based on Formal Knowledge Representation, Design Synthesis and Verification

Technische Universität München ( external page TUM ): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 16.6 MB)

Helms, B. (2013)

Object-Oriented Graph Grammars for Computational Design Synthesis

Technische Universität München ( external page TUM ): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 4.7 MB)

Wölkl, S. (2013)

Model Libraries for Conceptual Design

Technische Universität München ( external page TUM ): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 14.2 MB)  

Hoisl, F. (2012)

Visual. Interactive 3D Spatial Grammars in CAD for Computational Design Synthesis

Technische Universität München ( external page TUM ): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 8.4 MB)

Ertelt, Ch. (2012)

Generative Design-to-Fabrication Automation using Spatial Grammars and Heuristic Search

Technische Universität München ( external page TUM ): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 4.3 MB)

Bolognini, F. (2008)

An Integrated Simulation-Based Generative Design Method for Microelectromechanical Systems  

University of Cambridge: Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 8.5 MB)

Baldock, R. (2007)

Structural Optimisation in Building Design Practice:  Case-Studies in Topology Optimisation of Bracing Systems

University of Cambridge: Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 4.7 MB)

Starling, Alex C. (2004)

Performance-Based Computational Synthesis of Parametric Mechanical Systems

University of Cambridge ( external page CAM ): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 8.5 MB)

Professor Kristina Shea's doctoral thesis

Shea, K. (1997)

Essays of Discrete Structures: Purposeful Design of Grammatical Structures by Directed Stochastic Search

Carnegie Mellon University: Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 7 MB)

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High Voltage Laboratory

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Group Prof. Fröhlich

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Laboratory of Thermodynamics in Emerging Technologies

List of dissertations.

  • Matthias Flury . Experimentelle Analyse der Mischungsstruktur in turbulenten nicht vorgemischten Flammen. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 13312, Zurich, 1999. This dissertation was honored with the ETH Medal. Download
  • Roger Salzmann . Fuel Staging for NOX Reduction in Automatic Wood Furnaces. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 13531, Zurich, 2000. Download
  • Andreas Obieglo . PDF Modeling of H2 and CH4 Chemistry in Turbulent Nonpremixed Combustion. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 13936, Zurich, 2000. Download
  • Daniel Attinger . An Investigation of Molten Microdroplet Surface Deposition: Transient Behavior, Wetting Angle Dynamics and Substrate Melting Phenomen. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 14004, Zurich, 2000. This dissertation was honored with the ETH Medal. Download
  • Christian Bruch . Beitrag zur Modellierung der Festbettverbrennung in Automatischen Holzfeuerungen. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 14040, Zurich, 2001. Download
  • Steve Glod . Explosive Vaporization of Water on Thin-Film Microheaters and Ultrathin Platinum Wires. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 14286, Zurich, 2001. Download
  • Stefan Haferl . Transport Phenomena During Molten Droplet Pile-Up in Micro-Manufacturing. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 14287, Zurich, 2001. This dissertation was honored with the ETH Medal. Download
  • Vincent Butty . Three Dimensional Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer in the Collision of a Microdroplet with a Moving or a Stationary Surface. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 14329, Zurich, 2001. Download
  • Phillip Morf . Secondary Reactions of Tar During Thermochemical Biomass Conversion. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 14341, Zurich, 2001. Download
  • Pankaj Bajaj . NOx Reduction in Partially Premixed Combustion. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 14492, 2002. Download
  • Kevin Boomsma . Metal Foams as Novel Compact High Performance Heat Exchangers for the Cooling of Electronics. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 14708, Zurich, 2002. Download
  • Kristian Haller . High-Velocity Impact of a Liquid Droplet on a Rigid Surface: The Effect of Liquid Compressibility. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 14826, Zurich, 2002. Download
  • Andreas Chaniotis . Remeshed Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for the Simulation of Compressible, Viscous, Heat Conducting, Reacting and Interfacial Flows. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 14869, Zurich, 2002. Download
  • Christian Del Taglia . Numerical Investigation of the Non-Reacting Unsteady Flow behind a Disk-Stabilized Burner with Large Blockage. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 14875, Zurich, 2002. Download
  • Lale Demiraydin . Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Nonpremixed Methane-Air Flames. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 14947, Zurich, 2002. Download
  • Nicole Renée Bieri . Transport Phenomena in the Microprinting and Laser Annealing of Gold Nanoparticle Inks. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 15590, Zurich, 2004. This dissertation was honored with the ETH Medal. Download
  • Salvatore Arcidiacono . Surface Phenomena and Phase Change in Nanoparticles and Nanodroplets - A Molecular Dynamics Study. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 15812, Zurich, 2004. Download
  • Lars Blum . Flow Field and Turbulence Measurements in Different Non-Reacting and Reacting Flow Configurations. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 15967, Zurich, 2005. Download
  • Stephan Senn . Multi-Scale Branching Flow Structures Optimizing High-Performance Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 16088, Zurich, 2005. Download
  • Sandro De Gruttola . Particle Separation Processes with Emphasis on Blood Separation. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 16089, Zurich, 2005. Download
  • Mathias Dietzel . Modeling of the Surface Deposition and Thermal Treatment of Plain Liquids, Melts and Nanoparticle Inks: Multiscaled/Multiphase Phenomena and Engineering Applications. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 16162, Zurich, 2005. Download
  • Sevket Baykal . A Hybrid Unsteady Flamelet Model for Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Diffusion Flames. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 16179, Zurich, 2005. Download
  • Iordanis Chatziprodromou . A Computational Study on Cerebral Aneurysms: Pathogenesis, Aneurysmal Growth and Patient Specific Haemodynamic Simulations. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 16197, Zurich, 2005. Download
  • Vartan Kurtcuoglu . Computational Modeling of the Cerebral Ventricular Cerebrospinal Fluid System. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 16713, Zurich, 2006. Download
  • Philipp Schön . Phase Transition in Nanoenclosures and Particle Transport in Carbon Nanotubes. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 16877, Zurich, 2006. Download
  • Stefano Piffaretti . Flame Age Model: A Transient Laminar Flamelet Approach for Turbulent Diffusion Flames. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 16961, Zurich, 2006. Download
  • Evangelos Boutsianis . Anatomically Accurate Hemodynamic Simulations in the Aorta and the Coronary Arteries. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 16996, Zurich, 2006. Download
  • Gloria Romera . Explosive Vaporization in Microenclosures and Boiling Phenomena on Submicron Thin Film Strip Heaters. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 17032, Zurich, 2007. Download
  • Cédric Dockendorf . On Maskless Gold Nanoparticle and Carbon Nanotube Deposition and Processing for Device Nanomanufacturing. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 17261, Zurich, 2007. Download
  • Michael Stutz . Hydrocarbon Fuel Processing of Micro Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 17455, Zurich, 2007. Download
  • Dorothea Hollnagel . Hemodynamics in Cerebral Arteries and Aneurysms. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 17658, Zurich, 2008. Download
  • Sumeet Gupta . Numerical Simulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow in the Subarachnoid Space of Human Central Nervous System. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 17885, Zurich, 2008. Download
  • Nico Hotz . Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Micro Fuel Cell Systems Including Fuel Reforming and Exhaust Post-Combustion. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 17898, Zurich, 2008. Download
  • Magnus Fischer . Enhanced Transport Phenomena involving Droplets with Nanoparticles. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 18345, Zurich, 2009. Download
  • Timo Schwamb . Dielectrophoretic Assembly and Property Measurements of Carbon Nanostructures. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 18405, Zurich, 2009. Download
  • Bernd Pinzer . Dynamics of Temperature Gradient Snow Metamorphism - Microstructural Evolution and Transport Processes, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 18456, Zurich, 2009. Download
  • Joseph Knight . Addressing Clinical Needs of the Aortic Root and Coronary Arteries through the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics and Computed Tomography. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 18501, Zurich, 2009. Download
  • Christian Weinmüller . A Flexible Polymer Based Thin-Film Direct Methanol Micro Fuel Cell: Concept, Fabrication, Electrical Characterization and Multiphase Microfluidics, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 18650, Zurich, 2009. Download
  • Werner Escher . Ultra Thin High Efficiency Heat Sinks with Water or Nanofluid for Electronics, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 18667, Zurich, 2009. Download
  • Reto Wälchli . Oscillating Flow Liquid Cooling for High Performance Computing Systems, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. Doctoral Thesis , ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 18690, Zurich, 2009. Download
  • Ufuk Olgac . Computational Modeling of Low-Density Lipoprotein Transport in Human Coronary Arteries: Implications for Atherosclerosis. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 18750, Zurich, 2009. Download
  • Brian Burg . Directing Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene: Fundamentals and Parallel Device Integration using Dielectrophoresis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. Doctoral Thesis , ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 19095, Zurich, 2010.
  • Niklas Schirmer . Dielectrophoresis assisted printing of colloids for 2D and 3D submicron structure generation. Doctoral Thesis , ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 19215, Zurich, 2010. Download
  • Fraser Callaghan . The role of wall stress in the pathogenesis of spontaneous internal carotid artery dissection. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 19444, Zurich, 2011. Download
  • Stefan Jung . The role of surface properties and environmental conditions on the freezing of supercooled droplets . Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 20169, Zurich, 2012. Download
  • Nada Bjelobrk . Line-focussed acoustic levitator for contactless transport and merging of liquids and solids in air. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 20479, Zurich, 2012. Download
  • Anastasios Marmaras . Cell motility in organogenesis and wound healing. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 20488, Zurich, 2012. Download
  • Daniele Foresti . Acoustophoretic contactless transport and handling of matter in air. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 20708, Zurich, 2012. Download
  • Davide Franco . Surface microstructuring and particle nanoengineering for cell motion and behavioral tagging . Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 20847, Zurich, 2012. Download
  • Simone Bottan . In vitro Model of Intracranial Pressure and Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 20926, Zurich, 2013. Download
  • Patrick Galliker . New Frontiers of Functional Printing: Fundamentals of Ultra-small Droplet Deposition for 3D-Nanofabrication and Microfluidics. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 21150, Zurich, 2013. Download
  • Fabio Alfieri . Numerical modeling of 3D integrated water cooling of electronic chip stacks . Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 21202, Zurich, 2013. Download
  • Adrian Renfer . Microscale thermofluidics in integrated water cooling of 3D electronic chips . Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 21203, Zurich, 2013. Download
  • Alejandro Javier Santis Alvarez . On-Board Hydrocarbon Fuel Processing for Portable Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Power Plants. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 21324, Zurich, 2013. Download
  • Wolfgang Wiedemair . Modelling of microbubble dynamics in medical applications . Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 21404, Zurich, 2013. Download
  • Farhad Rikhtegar Nezami . Hemodynamics and Mass Transfer in Stented Coronary Arteries. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 21518, Zurich, 2013. Download
  • Giulia Tagliabue . On Harvesting, Confinement and Conversion of the Energy of Light with Facile Plasmonic Nanostructures. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 22053, Zurich, 2014. Download
  • Ashish Asthana . Microscale Engineering for Advanced Interfacial Fluidics: From Extreme Microchannel Heat Transfer to Resilient Superhydrophobic Conductive Surfaces. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 22142, Zurich, 2014. Download
  • Chander Shekhar Sharma . Liquid Cooling of Microprocessors - Energy Efficiency Optimisation with Waste Heat Recovery and Passive Hotspot Targeting. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 22184, Zurich, 2014. Download
  • Tanmoy Maitra . Droplet/Surface Interaction at Conditions Conductive to Icing: Towards the Nanoengineering of Supericephobic Surfaces. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 22837, Zurich, 2015. Download
  • Julian Schneider . Electrohydrodynamic nanoprinting and its applications. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 22694, Zurich, 2015. Download
  • Patric Eberle . Extreme Resistance to Icing and Controlled Valving of Single Nanoscopic Objects with Rationally Designed Nanostructures. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 23253, Zurich, 2016. Download
  • Ying Pan . Surface Nanoengineering for Advanced Thermoelectrics. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 23742, 2016. Download
  • Patrizia Richner. Electrohydrodynamic NanoDrip Printing and Applications in Light-Matter Interactions. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 23389, 2016. Download
  • Julian Marschewski. Transport Phenomena in Miniaturized Redox Flow Batteries with Novel Flow Mixing and Guidance Concepts for Integrated Electronic Chip Cooling and Powering. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 24030, 2017. Download
  • Francesco Robotti. Surface Microstructuring for Control of Cellular Activities and Bio-Synthesized Cellulose Biolithography. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 24314, 2017. Download
  • Thomas Vasileiou. Studies of Droplet Behavior in Emerging Technologies: Elasticity Effects on Surface Superhydrophobicity and Contactless Acoustophoretic DNA Transfection. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 24388, 2017. Download
  • Georgios Stefopoulos.  Towards Long Term Endothelialization of Cardiovascular Devices.  Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 24798. Download
  • Raja, Shyamprasad N. Studies of Phonon Transport in Nanomaterials: Limits of Diffusive Transport in Nanowires and Annealing Effects in Polycrystalline Graphene. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 24641, 2017. Download
  • Magdalini Panagiotakopoulou. Artificial Metastasis: Cancer Cell Migration in Microengineered Environments. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 24908. 2018. Download
  • Bjoern Johann Bachmann. Engineering Strategies for Sustainable Endothelialization of a New Type of Ventricular Assist Device. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 25118. 2018.
  • Patrik Rohner. The nanoengineering of highly conductive or light-emitting structures through direct electrohydrodynamic printing. Doctoral Thesis , Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 25059. 2018.
  • Gustav Graeber. Freezing Physics and Derived Surface Nano-Engineering for Spontaneous Deicing. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 25649. 2018.
  • Tobias Lendenmann. Reference-Free Traction Force Microscopy: Experimental Platform and Algorithmic Analysis Pipeline for Complex Cell Studies. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 25798. 2019.
  • Christopher Walker. Rational Surface Nanoengineering for Phase Change and Separation Applications: From Desublimation Control to Sunlight-driven Antifogging. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 26159. 2019.
  • Efstratios Mitridis. Transparent metasurfaces harvesting sunlight for icephobicity, antifogging and water repellency applications. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 26374. 2019
  • Claudio Hail . Rational engineering of light-matter interactions: From optical metasurfaces to printing single fluorescent molecules. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 26602. 2020.
  • Christian Hoeller. Dielectrophoretic Nanovalving and Characterization of Individual Nano-Objects in Biological Solutions. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 26680. 2020
  • Julia Gerber. Wetting, Bouncing, Drying and Freezing of Drops on Soft Materials. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 26921. 2020
  • Francesca Michela Pramotton.  Shape and Noise in the Guidance of Epithelial Collectives. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 27303. 2021.
  • Karl-Philipp Schlichting.  Synthesis of Nanoporous Graphene Membranes for Separation. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 27315. 2021.  
  • Jana Chaaban.  On Droplet Microfluidics and Security Feature Microfabrication with Scalable Electrohydrodynamic Nanoprinting Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich, ETH Dissertation 27326. 2021.
  • Tarpoudi Baheri, Farrokh.  On the Behaviour of Bituminous Surfaces at Subzero Temperatures: Condensation-Frosting and Icing Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 27614. 2021.
  • Sophie Lohmann . Controlling Collective Behavior at Soft Living Interfaces Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 28174. 2022.
  • Henry Lambley. Phase Change-Induced Wetting Transitions on Superhydrophobic Surfaces. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 28846. 2022.
  • Nafsika Chala. The adaptive response of human cells and tissues to engineered mechanical stimulation. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 28991. 2023. 
  • Iwan Haechler.  Tailoring water condensation with sunlight-selective metamaterials. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 29072. 2023.
  • Hyunchul Park.  Hydrogel-based Materials for Atmospheric Water Harvesting and Surface Antifogging. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 29490. 2023.
  • Cheuk Wing Edmond Lam. Condensate behaviour and heat transfer on engineered surfaces. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 29469. 2023.
  • Matteo Andrea Donati. Surface Engineering Approaches for Enhanced and Durable Heat Transfer Performance in Dropwise Condensation. Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation 29506. 2023.
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Tissue Engineering and Biofabrication

Volumetric 3d printing.

Volumetric 3D printing (VP), also known as tomographic 3D printing, is a resin-based printing process that differs from the layer-by-layer approach which characterizes extrusion-based bioprinting and stereolithography. The varying light patterns are beamed from all angles, and the 3D object is cured rapidly (30 s), with an ideal printing resolution (40 μm). Our interdisciplinary group is seeking to apply VP in conjunction with developing photoresins to break through the limitations of traditional biofabrication techniques for regenerative medicine applications.  



  • Guiding Lights: Tissue Bioprinting Using Photoactivated Materials, M Lee, R Rizzo, F Surman, M Zenobi-​Wong, Chemical Reviews, 2020, external page doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.0c00077
  • Optimized Photoclick (Bio)Resins for Fast Volumetric Bioprinting, R Rizzo, D Ruetsche, H Liu, M Zenobi-Wong, Advanced Materials, 2021, external page doi.org/10.1002/adma.202102900
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Gewebetechnol. und Biofabrikation Otto-Stern-Weg 7 8093 Zürich Switzerland

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  • Phone phone +41 44 633 08 23

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ETH Zurich develops robotic “impact printing” for green building

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ETH Zurich develops robotic "impact printing" for green building

Researchers at ETH Zurich have done a new robotic additive manufacturing method to foster sustainable construction through “impact printing.” This new, innovative process utilizes earth-based materials such as clay and excavated earth-very inexpensive, abundant, and environmentally friendly-alternatives to traditional cement-based building methods.

The impact printing overcomes the labor-intensive and costly nature of the current earth-based construction techniques by adopting construction robots shooting material from above, developing walls gradually upon impact. Such materials bond together, often with just a few additives, to form a strong, stable structure, without the need to stop and wait for the material to solidify, as is the case in concrete 3D printing.

ETH Zurich develops robotic "impact printing" for green building

The impact printing method can deposit dense materials at huge velocities, say up to 10 meters a second for strong bonding between the layers. It does not seem entirely dependent on additives, as with typical layer-based 3D printing . That way, it will allow a more stable and efficient construction process.

ETH Zurich researchers designed a custom printing tool that could be outfitted on various robotic platforms, including offsite production systems and autonomous legged excavators, for construction in everything from vertically constrained urban areas to remote, natural areas. Indeed, the robotic system has already been used to build walls as high as 3 meters-or nearly 10 feet-to demonstrate its ability to undertake major building projects.

ETH Zurich’s team developed the method from scratch, using only circular, low-carbon materials to keep environmental impact as low as possible. The earth-based mixture used in construction consists basically of local, sustainable materials with only a few additives.

In collaboration with Eberhard Unternehmungen, one of the leading companies working on circular construction methods, the researchers want to be able to extend this technology even more into other materials and applications in the future. Impact printing can revolutionize the building industry as it holds the potential for speeding up processes, being ‘greener’, and making the process less expensive when constructing a structure with a minimal environmental footprint.

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  1. Template for ETH Zurich IRIS Thesis Template

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  2. Template for ETH Zurich IDSC Thesis Template

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  3. Template for ETH Zurich IRIS Thesis Template

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  4. Printing and binding a thesis: your ultimate guide

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  5. Template for ETH Zurich IDSC Thesis Template

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  6. Template for ETH Zurich CADMO Thesis Template

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  1. Print and Publish

    Printing assignments; Self-service printing; Media design; Proof reading; chevron_right Print and Publish. Contact. Print and Publish. Phone phone +41 44 632 50 13; ETH Zurich Campus Services Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5 HIL D 26.5 8093 Zurich Switzerland. ... Doctoral thesis. To homepage; Doctoral thesis; Doctoral thesis See overview; Doctoral ...

  2. Doctoral thesis

    It may send summaries or copies of the doctoral thesis to scientific and public institutions. (Ordinance on Doctoral Studies ETH Zurich Art. 53 ). Upon delivery of the electronic version of the doctoral thesis, ETH Zurich receives the right to make it publicly accessible and to take archiving measures. In contracts with third parties, such as ...

  3. Deposit copies

    ETH is now only referred to as "ETH Zürich" (German) or "ETH Zurich" (English). Make sure you print your correct academic title on the front page of your thesis. For everyone who has registered for doctoral studies since 1 January 2003, this is, without exception: Doktor/in der Wissenschaften resp. Doctor of Sciences (Dr. sc. ETH Zurich).

  4. Doctoral theses, reports

    Reports. Reports are research reports issued by public and private institutions. Printed reports. Printed reports from domestic and foreign research institutions in the ETH Library's extensive collection can be searched and borrowed from external page ETH Library @ swisscovery.. Some of ETH Zurich's reports have an electronic version that you can access freely through the Research Collection.

  5. After the Doctoral Examination

    Doctoral students are obliged to upload the corresponding electronic file of the approved doctoral thesis onto ETH Library's institutional repository, i.e. publishing it via the Research Collection. ... If wished, printing of the thesis can be done through ETH Zurich Print + Publish. Contact. Yasemin Tomaschett. Doctorate administration ...

  6. Publishing doctoral theses

    All doctoral students at ETH Zurich must publish their doctoral theses in the Research Collection. We show you what to look out for. Book a Librarian: get individual advice tailored to your question from an expert at the ETH Library. Publishing doctoral theses. (Illustration: ETH Library)

  7. Doctoral Theses

    Based on the Ordinance on Doctoral Studies and the Implementation Provisions and in keeping with ETH Zurich's Open-Access Policy, doctoral students are obliged to upload the corresponding electronic file of the approved doctoral thesis onto ETH Library's institutional repository, i.e. that means publishing it via the Research Collection.

  8. Info about Bachelor and Master theses

    Both theses take 6 months to complete. The bachelor thesis is worth 10 KP and the master thesis 30 KP. The bachelor thesis can be written over 6 months in a part-time workload or as a full-time workload in a shorter time frame. The master's thesis is written over 6 months in a 100% workload. Under certain conditions, the Bachelor thesis can ...

  9. Master, Bachelor and Semester Theses, Student Papers

    Publishing of theses and papers written at ETH Zurich. The publication of a Master, Bachelor or Semester Thesis in the Research Collection requires a declaration of consent from the author and the professor or lead researcher to guarantee a.o. that the student's project is worthy of publication and that no third-party claims or any potential obligations of secrecy are violated.

  10. Doctoral thesis

    Doctoral thesis. Formal aspects to consider before you start to write your doctoral thesis, go to the student portal. Former doctoral theses can be found in the ETH Research Collection.

  11. Master's Thesis

    protected page Postings for Master's Thesis projects (nethz login required) Guidelines for conducting a Master's Thesis see Documents. The ETH Zurich library offers the course "Ready for take-off: how to start your Bachelor's and Master's thesis" (login reqired) Footer. Search. Keyword or person search.

  12. Doctoral Thesis

    This thesis marks a significant advancement in the quantitative examination of the Swiss Parliament. By examining over 130 years of legislative work of the Swiss Federal Assembly, this work stands as the most comprehensive study conducted to date. Central to this thesis is the development of the DemocraSci relational graph database, a ...

  13. Engineering Design and Computing Laboratory

    ETH Zurich : Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 317.1 MB) van Diepen, M. (2020) Computational Design Synthesis for the Co-Design of Morphology and Actuation of Soft Robots for Locomotion. ... Materials-Based Design of Autonomous Machines Using 4D Printing. ETH Zurich (ETH): Download PhD Thesis (PDF, 118.5 MB)

  14. PhD Theses

    Doctoral Thesis, Zurich, ETH Zurich, 2023. The energy transition that needs to happen in the face of the climate crisis requires electric transmission grids to have a higher capacity to absorb power flows. An important technical limitation in this regard are corona effects around overhead lines. This thesis presents tools and methods to assess ...

  15. List of Dissertations

    Doctoral Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, ETH Dissertation Nr. 14287, Zurich, 2001. This dissertation was honored with the ETH Medal. Download. Vincent Butty. Three Dimensional Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer in the Collision of a Microdroplet with a Moving or a Stationary Surface.

  16. Volumetric 3D printing

    Volumetric 3D printing. Volumetric 3D printing (VP), also known as tomographic 3D printing, is a resin-based printing process that differs from the layer-by-layer approach which characterizes extrusion-based bioprinting and stereolithography. The varying light patterns are beamed from all angles, and the 3D object is cured rapidly (30 s), with ...

  17. Print service for students

    The Print Service includes the provision, maintenance and operation of output devices for ETH organisational units. The range of output devices includes laser printers and multi-function devices (MFDs). The MFDs are fitted with a trigger station and authentication takes place directly on the device via your personal ETH card or your personal ...

  18. UK Doctoral Thesis Metadata from EThOS // British Library

    UK Doctoral Thesis Metadata from EThOS. The datasets in this collection comprise snapshots in time of metadata descriptions of hundreds of thousands of PhD theses awarded by UK Higher Education institutions aggregated by the British Library's EThOS service. The data is estimated to cover around 98% of all PhDs ever awarded by UK Higher ...

  19. ETH Zurich develops robotic "impact printing" for green building

    Researchers at ETH Zurich have done a new robotic additive manufacturing method to foster sustainable construction through "impact printing." This new, innovative process utilizes earth-based materials such as clay and excavated earth-very inexpensive, abundant, and environmentally friendly-alternatives to traditional cement-based building ...

  20. University of Idaho Library

    Theses and Dissertations. Print, microfilm, and electronic theses and dissertations (ETD) in our collections can be discovered in the main library catalog. To find digital full-text thesis and dissertations from U of I and around the world, use ProQuest's Dissertations & Theses Global database. All U of I ETD since 2012 are also available in ...

  21. ETD-Thesis and Dissertations-COGS-University of Idaho

    Wondering how to prepare and submit your thesis or dissertation? Create an ETD account and use the many resources on the Thesis and Dissertations webpage.There are helpful resources within the ETD module itself, and explanations about publishing options and other items are described in the Handbook.Also in the Handbook are detailed descriptions and explanations of how to format and organize ...

  22. Printing with earth-based materials

    ETH Zurich researchers have now developed a fast robotic printing process for earth-based materials that does not require cement. In what is known as "impact printing", a robot shoots material from above, gradually building a wall. On impact, the parts bond together, and very minimal additives are required.

  23. Thesis and Dissertations-College of Graduate Studies-University of Idaho

    Thesis and Dissertation Resources. You will find all you need to know about starting and completing your thesis or dissertation right here using ETD (Electronic submission of Dissertations and Theses). Note: COGS at this time is unable to provide any troubleshooting support or tutorials on LaTeX. Please use only if you are knowledgeable and ...