DepED Order No. 49 a mere ‘reminder’ to properly observe civil service rules, says Poa

The controversial Department of Education (DepED) Order No. 49 s. 2022 has two goals: To depoliticize the department and promote professionalism among its personnel.

After gaining complaints from educators and the public alike, DepED Spokesperson Michael Poa, in a televised interview, clarified the goal of the department’s issuance of DO No. 49.

According to Poa, DO 49 is just a mere “reminder” to observe the “existing rules” as civil servants. Under the issuance, DepED personnel were mandated to treat colleagues and learners with the “highest degree of professionalism.”

argumentative essay about deped order 49

“There’s no specific trigger in the issuance of the order. In fact, the DO refers to the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards or what we call Republic Act 6713. We’re just issuing this order to remind DepED personnel in terms of professionalism and depoliticization ,” said Poa in an interview over CNN Philippines on Tuesday, Nov. 15.

Requests in most Philippine government agencies, according to Poa, are now being politicized and this specific scenario is what DepED is “avoiding” to happen.

Apart from serving their duties in “prompt,” “courteous,” and “fair” manner, educators were likewise told to “avoid relationships, interaction, and communication including following social media with learners” outside school setting.

“As civil servants, we have to be responsible social media,” said Poa, adding that teachers may still communicate with learners through social media “as long as it is within the school setting,” or is limited within the “student-teacher” relationship.

“We are just reminding them of their duty to also be professional teachers,” Poa added.

Earlier, the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) Philippines slammed this order, calling it “ironic” and “questionable,” since DepED greenlighted the use of social media platforms during the implementation of full distance learning amid the Covid-19 health crisis.

Poa, on the other hand, stressed that DepED is only “reminding” teachers not to “cross the line” or have “biases.”

DepEd PH

DepEd Order 49 Series of 2022: Promotion of Professionalism in Workplace

In the realm of education, professionalism and integrity hold paramount importance. To strengthen these values within its system, the Department of Education (DepEd) introduced Order 49 Series of 2022 – Promotion of Professionalism in the Implementation and Delivery of Basic Education Programs and Services . This is an amendment to DepEd Order 47 that endeavors to safeguard the educational environment from political influences and promote professionalism among its personnel. This Order greatly impacts teachers and all education personnel, aiming to maintain a balanced and focused academic atmosphere. The following points outline the key aspects and implications of DepEd Order 49, providing a comprehensive understanding of this amendment’s objectives and reach.

This order, like others before it, is designed to establish protocols, provide guidelines, and convey important updates related to the education sector. In the sections that follow, we will delve deeper into the specifics of this order, explaining its purpose, its core components, and its implications for educators, students, and parents alike.

Table of Contents

When the COVID-19 health crisis struck, it resulted in millions of deaths and inflicted the global economy. Aside from drastic lifestyle changes, it affected children’s education, preventing them from experiencing the traditional school setting. However, with the help of technology, the Department of Education (DepEd) Philippines facilitated full distance learning, which allowed students to study at home. DepEd also approved social media utilization, allowing communication between educators and learners. That’s why the agency issued the DepEd Order 49 Series of 2022.

The controversial order puts a boundary on the relationship between students and teachers. It also emphasizes the responsible use of social media, preventing teachers from communicating and having relationships with their students outside the school premises. In addition, it encourages DepEd personnel to practice and treat their colleagues and students with professionalism. The DepEd Order 49 also prevents DepEd personnel from partaking in any political activities to ensure the fair provision of basic education programs and services.

What is the DepEd Order 49 Series of 2022: Promotion of Professionalism in the Implementation and Delivery of Basic Education Programs and Services

Signed by Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte on November 2, the DepEd Order 49 Series of 2022, or the “ Promotion of Professionalism in the Implementation and Delivery of Basic Education Programs and Services” advocates efficient and effective DepEd programs and policies . It’s a revision of the DepEd Order 47 Series of 2022, which adds provisions on employment and personnel relations, including the responsible use of social media. The DepEd Order 49 aims to bolster the professionalism of personnel and incorporate it in all areas of practice and work within the department.

According to DepEd Spokesperson Michael Poa, its issuance mandates that DepEd personnel must treat learners and colleagues with the highest degree of professionalism. Furthermore, it aims to depoliticize the department, preventing its personnel from engaging in political activity, influence, or connection. But DepEd Order 49 only reminds personnel to observe proper and existing civil service rules. It also encourages teachers to raise concerns and issues about basic education through appropriate and formal methods without utilizing a third-party or political accommodation or intervention.

DepEd Order 49 is centered on the promotion of professionalism within the Department of Education (DepEd). The key objectives are as follows:

  • Non-partisanship: DepEd officials and employees are discouraged from engaging in partisan activities, seeking endorsements or interventions from outside entities, or soliciting actions from politicians, unless explicitly allowed by law or partnership agreements.
  • Upholding Professional Conduct: In line with the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees, DepEd personnel are expected to exhibit the highest degree of professionalism, respect for others, and impartial decision-making. They should avoid any relationships or activities that could impair objective judgement or compromise the integrity of the Department.
  • Prudent use of Social Media and Email: Employees must respect legal restrictions and department rules when using social media, being cautious not to spread false information or launch online attacks against colleagues. Also, DepEd email addresses should only be used for work-related activities, not personal social media accounts.

Non-compliance with these guidelines may result in the denial of requests or appeals within the Office of the Secretary.

Target Audience: Teachers & Education Personnel

DepEd Order 49, an amendment promoting professionalism and independence from political activities among educators, targets primarily the personnel of the Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines. To better understand its reach and implications, key points are outlined below:

  • The order aims to maintain a non-partisan environment within DepEd, keeping its operations free from any political influence.
  • It serves as a reminder for the teaching and non-teaching staff to deliver their duties promptly, fairly, and with courtesy.
  • It discourages inappropriate social media interactions between educators and learners outside of the school setting unless they are relatives.
  • However, communication between educators and learners through social media platforms within the context of distance learning due to COVID-19 is permitted, provided professional boundaries are respected.
  • Given its responsibility to ensure student safety, the order emphasizes that educators should avoid political entanglements and focus on their primary duty of teaching.
  • The release of this amendment follows incidents of alleged sexual harassment and a case where a student fatally stabbed a teacher, highlighting the need for clear professional boundaries.

How to Report Abuse in the Classroom

If you or someone you know experienced sexual abuse and violence from any DepEd personnel, whether teaching or non-teaching staff, you may report the incident to the Office of the Secretary. You may email your complaints to [email protected] or call the following numbers:

  • 0995-9218461 (open even after working hours)

Note: DepEd understands that reporting any experience of violence or sexual abuse may bring fear and embarrassment to victim-survivors. To protect learners, your personal information and the nature of the reports will remain confidential. Therefore, learners are encouraged to report these perpetrators to end violence and sexual abuse in schools.

Via DepEd LRPO

Formerly the Child Protection Unit, the DepEd launched the Learner Rights Protection Office (LRPO) and Telesafe Contact Center Helpline to protect children from exploitation, sexual abuse, and violence. Also, the helpline will address concerns regarding victim shaming, harsh physical punishment, or backlash.

For incidents of abuse, bullying, and exploitation committed against students within the school setting, report it to LRPO via email at [email protected] . You may also contact the DepEd Learners TeleSafe Contact Center Helpline through the following:

  • 0945-1759777

deped lrpo website to submit complaint ticket

How to Submit a Complaint Ticket to DepEd LRPO (Online)

  • Visit the DepEd LRPO website at to submit a complaint ticket.
  • Complaint’s name (but you may remain anonymous)
  • Email address
  • Mobile Number/Landline
  • Type of Concern
  • Name of School
  • Schools Division Office
  • Select all that apply under the Learner Rights and Protection Concern.
  • Enter other Learner Rights and Protection Concerns (not mentioned above).
  • Input the Details of the Complaint/Report.
  • Agree to the Data Privacy Act of 2012.
  • Review the details you’ve provided and click the Submit button.

learner rights protection concern deped complaint against teachers

Via DepEd Division/Regional Office

  • Complainant’s full name and address
  • Full name, address, position, and office in DepEd of the person complained
  • Narration of relevant and material facts, showing the acts/omissions allegedly committed by the person
  • Certified true copies of affidavits and documentary evidence of witnesses, if any
  • Certificate of Non-Forum Shopping
  • Visit the Division Office to file a complaint against a non-teaching staff. For filing a complaint against a teaching/teaching-related staff, head to the Division or Regional Office.
  • File the complaint and submit the requirements to the authorized employee/receiving clerk.
  • Collect the copy of filed documents or complaints.
  • Within one (1) day, the Legal Unit will prepare an actionable document to endorse the complaint against the teaching or non-teaching personnel and proceed to investigation.
  • Afterward, DepEd will address the complaint based on the investigation results and applicable resolution.

DepEd Order 49 PDF File Full Document

If you would like to access the full document of DepEd Order 49, it is available for download in PDF form on the official website of DepEd. Here is the link to the document below:

PDF Document –

Alternatively, you can check out the official PDF file information image below so you can have a better understanding of the content as per release by the Department of Education:

deped philippines order no 49 series of 2022 full pdf document_page-0001

Video: DepEd Teachers Boundaries with Students

To learn more about the DepEd’s policies and initiatives in ensuring that there is child protection and boundaries with learners, watch this video featuring the provisions of the said policy. It also talks about having integrity and professionalism all throughout as an educator:

Overall, the issuance of DepEd Order 49 Series of 2022 promotes professionalism among DepEd personnel. The order reminds DepEd teaching and non-teaching personnel to treat their colleagues professionally and maintain their boundaries with learners. Furthermore, it prevents educators from having biases in their students and removes political influences within the department. Most of all, it prevents unwanted incidents from happening to learners and educators by maintaining their student-teacher relationships within the school setting.

Full Document Provisions Reference

For your reference, here’s the full guidelines and memo of the said Order 49 below:

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education AMENDMENTS TO DEPED ORDER NO. 047, S. 2022 (Promotion of Professionalism in the Implementation and Delivery of Basic Education Programs and Services) To: Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries Bureau and Service Directors Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads All Others Concerned 1. The Promotion of Professionalism in the Implementation and Delivery of Basic Education Programs and Services has been issued as DepEd Order (DO) No. 047, s. 2022. To further strength n professionalism within the Department and integrate it in all areas of work and practice in the Department, DO 047, s. 2022 is amended to include additional provisions on employment and personnel relations, as well as the responsible us of social media. 2. Item numbers 1-4 of DO 047, s. 2022 on the Promotion of Professionalism in the Implementation and Delivery of Basic Education Programs and Services, are amended and shall be read as follows: 1. It is the policy of DepEd to promote effective and efficient policies and programs. To realize this, DepEd should be free from any partisan activities. As such, this Office reminds the officials and. employees to practice the highest form of professionalism and. to observe the following measures: a. Refrain from seeking endorsements, recommendations, contributions, support, consideration, political accommodations, or any form of intervention from other government personnel or similar entities outside of DepEd; b. Desist from soliciting favorable actions from politicians to facilitate the implementation of programs, projects, or activities, except those covered by the Adopt-a-School Program, initiated by the local government units, funded. by the Special .Education Fund (SEF), or covered by partnership agreements and/or allowed by law; c.  Refrain from requesting or obtaining support or endorsement from any third party in the hiring, transfer, promotion, removal, or any other personnel movement; d.  Follow the internal rules  and regulations of the Department on protocols relative to    communication, correspondence, and other appropriate work processes; and e. Raise issues and concerns regarding basic education via formal and appropriate DepEd channels, either directly to the Office of the Secretary or through the concerned Assistant Secretary or Undersecretary, without resorting to any political or third-party intervention or accommodation. Failure to comply with any of the above mentioned acts shall mean outright denial of any request or appeal for consideration in the Office of the Secretary. 2. In defining acceptable norms of conduct and relationships in DepEd, officials and employees are reminded of the provisions of Republic Act No. 6713, otherwise known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees, in line with this, DepEd officials and employees are expected to observe the following: a. Treat and approach DepEd. colleagues, employees, learners and stakeholders with the highest degree of professionalism, skill, and excellence; b. Respect the rights of others and refrain from doing any act that is contrary to law, good morals, good customs, public policy, public order, public safety, and public interest; c. Serve and perform one’s duties and responsibilities in a prompt, courteous, and fair manner; d. Refrain from engaging in any activity or any relationship that may impair one’s ability in making objective decisions in the performance of his/her job functions; e. Avoid relationships, interaction, and communication, including following social media with learners outside of the school setting, except if they are relatives; f. Desist from any act that may compromise one’s integrity as a government employee and that may compromise the honor of the DepEd. 3. Employees and officials must consider the legal restrictions imposed by existing statutes, rules, and DepEd Orders in the use of social media. Whether it be for personal use of the DepEd official or employee, or as an essential or an incidental tool in carrying out their mandate, social media rules should be complied with. As such, employees and officials of the DepEd: a. Shall exercise caution when sharing posts or other contents and should not participate in the spreading of rumors and false information; b. Shall not unduly post online attacks against fellow DepEd employees and must utilize legal and human resource mediation procedures; and c. Shall not disparage DepEd and must always be mindful of the reputation and honor of the organization. 4. The use of DepEd email addresses shall only be for work-related subscriptions and applications. In no case shall the DepEd email address be used for any personal social media account, profile, or activity. 3.  Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.

I love DepEd

DepEd Order No. 49, s. 2022: A Step Towards Professionalism in Education

The Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines is known for its continuous efforts to improve the quality of education in the country. One such effort is the issuance of DepEd Order No. 49, s. 2022 .

DepEd Order No. 49, s. 2022: A Step Towards Professionalism in Education

Understanding the Order

DepEd Order No. 49, s. 2022 , titled “Promotion of Professionalism in the Implementation and Delivery of Basic Education Programs and Services,” is an amendment to DepEd Order No. 47, s. 2022 . This order aims to further strengthen professionalism within the Department and integrate it into all areas of work and practice.

Key Amendments

The key amendments in this order include additional provisions on employment and personnel relations, as well as the responsible use of social media. The order also amends item numbers 1-4 of DO 47, s. 2022, on the Promotion of Professionalism in the Implementation and Delivery of Basic Education Programs and Services.

The policy of DepEd, as stated in the order, is to promote effective and efficient policies and programs. To realize this, DepEd should be free from any partisan activities. As such, officials and employees are reminded to practice the highest form of professionalism and to observe the following measures:

  • Refrain from seeking endorsements, recommendations, contributions, support, consideration, political accommodations, or any form of intervention from other government personnel or similar entities outside of DepEd.
  • Desist from soliciting favorable actions from politicians to facilitate the implementation of programs, projects, or activities.
  • Refrain from requesting or obtaining support or endorsement from any third party in the hiring, transfer, promotion, removal, or any other personnel movement.
  • Follow the internal rules and regulations of the Department on protocols relative to communication, correspondence, and other appropriate work and processes.
  • Raise issues and concerns regarding basic education via formal and appropriate DepEd channels.

DepEd Order No. 49, s. 2022, is a significant step towards promoting professionalism in the education sector. By setting clear guidelines and expectations for its personnel, the Department of Education aims to ensure the effective and efficient delivery of basic education programs and services in the Philippines. This order serves as a reminder to all DepEd personnel to uphold the highest standards of professionalism in their work.

Not against free speech: DepEd says DO 49 just a reminder of rules on professionalism




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DepEd clarifies order on teachers’ use of social media to air criticisms

teachers and students


MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Education’s (DepEd) recent directive, which asks teachers and employees not to “disparage” the agency, does not seek to curtail their freedom of expression and speech but only to promote professionalism among their ranks.

DepEd spokesman Atty. Michael Poa on Monday said the recently issued Department Order No. 49 does not bar teachers and employees from airing criticisms and grievances on social media.

It, however,  encourages DepEd employees to raise issues in the agency’s existing “machineries.”

“Kung may grievances, mayroon namang machineries na pwede naman nilang ipaalam sa DepEd. Kung criticism, constructive criticism, or hinaing lang, hindi naman bawal ‘yan,” he said in an interview over ABS CBN’s TeleRadyo.

(If they have grievances, we have existing machineries where they can raise their issues. Constructive criticisms are not prohibited.)

“Wala tayong layunin to infringe upon the freedom of expression. Sa atin, all those things under the DO 49 on professionalism are found under Civil Service rules,” Poa added.

(It is not our objective  to infringe upon the freedom of expression. All those things under DO 49 are already found under Civil Service rules.)

Poa further clarified that DepEd is not curtailing its employees’ right to post on social media.

“We are not curtailing their right to post on social media. Ang sinasabi lang natin, bilang civil servants, we really should not disparage our employer, being the government or our department. Pero hindi ibig sabihin niyan that we don’t want to be criticized, ibang bagay naman talaga ‘yun,” he said.

(It doesn’t mean that we don’t want to be criticized. It’s another thing altogether.)

The DepEd official made the remarks after Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) party-list Rep. France Castro slammed the DepEd’s order, saying it obstructs the exercise of basic human rights.

“Why does DepEd feel the need to create such an order that gags and threatens teachers and education support personnel, which treats them as mere creatures only of the school and dehumanizes them preventing them from exercising their right to free speech, expression, to organize and be able to voice out their grievances?” Castro asked.

Poa said the the DepEd is just reiterating and promoting professionalism among teachers and its employees.

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“Kailangan i-uphold ‘yung honor ng DepEd,” he said.

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DepEd: Order avoiding relationships between teachers, students doesn’t violate right to free speech

The Department of Education (DepEd) on Monday denied claims that the order mandating its personnel to avoid relationships and communication with learners outside of the school setting violates the right to free speech.

In a press conference, DepEd spokesperson Atty. Michael Poa said Department Order (DO) 49 , a set of policies recently released to promote professionalism in the delivery of basic education programs, is only a reiteration of the Code to Conduct for civil servants, which includes public school teachers.

“DO 49 seeks to, number one, depoliticize ‘yung DepEd, number two…seeks to promote professionalism within our ranks. So hindi lang teachers ‘yan, pati rin po DepEd personnel,” he said.

“Sa aming pananaw (in our view), there is no infringement of any basic rights such as freedom of expression, freedom of speech, specifically with telling them not to go to politicians para po maiparating ‘yung kanilang concerns (to express their concerns),” he added.

Poa was referring to a policy of the DO which states that employees should “refrain from requesting or obtaining support or endorsement from any third party in the hiring, transfer, promotion, removal, or any other personnel movement.”

They should also “raise issues and concerns regarding basic education via formal and appropriate DepEd channels, either directly to the Office of the Secretary or through the concerned Assistant Secretary or Undersecretary, without resorting to any political or third-party intervention or accommodation.”

The DO, however, raised concerns among several groups, with House Deputy Minority Leader France Castro of ACT party-list on Friday, saying it was tantamount to violating the freedom of speech of teachers and school personnel.

She mentioned that Republic Act 6713 or the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees and Republic Act 7836 or the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994 are in place to guide teachers on how they should conduct themselves.

As to the use of social media for communication purposes, Poa said that it is not considered “outside of school setting” as long as class matters are being discussed.

“Ano ba ang gusto nating madiscourage dito? ‘Yung nagiging very personal na ‘yung relationship between the teacher and the learner. I don't think that's unnatural…because there has to be a line, that’s why we’re promoting professionalism,” he said.

(We want to discourage the teachers and learners from getting into a very personal relationship.)

“There has to be a line between the teacher and the learner, but we're not discouraging the use of social media for classroom instruction and that's why the word or the phrase ‘outside the school setting’ must be emphasized,” he added.

Poa also said that there is no order for teachers to unfollow or unfriend their students on social media yet. —AOL, GMA Integrated News

Grade 10 English Module: Argumentative Essay

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you write your argumentative essay with its parts and features. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The module is divided into two lessons, namely:

  • Lesson 1 – Terms in Argumentative Writing
  • Lesson 2 – Parts and Features of Argumentative Essay

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Get familiar with terms used in argumentation/debate;

2. Identify the parts and features of argumentative essay.

Notes to the Teacher:

Prior to understanding of the lesson on noting details, the student is given a brief background about reading comprehension. The students should be able to get familiar with this term used for plain text and innovative text.

Grade 10 English Quarter 3 Self-Learning Module: Argumentative Essay

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may i ask permission to doenload this? I’ll be using it in my Grade 10 English Class

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Duterte tells teachers: Avoid interacting with students on social media

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Duterte tells teachers: Avoid interacting with students on social media

Vice President Sara Duterte attends the budget hearing of the 2023 Office of the Vice President at the senate on September 29, 2022. Angie de Silva/Rappler

MANILA, Philippines – Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte reminded the teaching and non-teaching staff of the Department of Education (DepEd) to “avoid relationships, interaction, and communication,” including following students on social media, “outside school setting.”

This was contained in DepEd order No. 49 released on Wednesday, November 2. The order was titled, “Promotion of Professionalism in the Implementation and Delivery of Basic Education Programs and Services.”

In a text message to Rappler on Friday, November 4, DepEd Spokesman Michael Poa said that “outside school setting” means that it’s the use of “social media that is not intended for learning or instruction of the class.”

Poa made the clarification to clear up any confusion with the order in the context of teachers who use social media as an extension of classrooms for blended learning.

In the past months, the DepEd, particularly teachers involved in allegedly sexually abusing students, made headlines after students came forward with their experiences. The victims provided social media posts and conversations as proof of teachers grooming or ogling students.

Teachers told: Don’t complain on social media

In DepEd Order No. 49, Duterte also reminded teachers and non-teaching staff to “not unduly post online attacks against fellow DepEd employees.”

The Vice President reminded the employees to “always be mindful of the reputation and honor of the organization,” adding that they should raise issues and concerns on basic education through “formal and appropriate channels…without resorting to any political or third-party intervention or accommodation.”

But the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) said that it would be “unprofessional for the secretary to refuse to act on or consider issues and concerns on basic education, however legitimate they may be, merely because the matter has been raised [through] a third party.”

“In the guise of promoting professionalism, parts of the memo actually threatens the freedom of expression and right to redress of grievances of DepEd personnel,” ACT chairperson Vlad Quetua said in a statement. –

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School teachers don’t have to be friends on social media with their students unless the tutor and pupil are already relatives, the Department of Education ordered recently.

Through Department Order No. 49 series of 2022 released on Wednesday, DepEd told its officials and employees to exercise caution in using Facebook and other online platforms and refrain from “following social media with learners” unless they are family members or are related.

The order was issued to promote professionalism in the delivery of basic education programs and services. It stressed the provisions of the current Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officialsand Employees and reminded department workers to always adhere to “acceptable norms of conduct and relations in DepEd.”

This includes avoiding “relationships, interaction, and communication, including following social media with learners outside of school setting,” the order dated Nov. 2 emphasized.

In explaining the order, Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte-Carpio said the friendship between teachers and students should stay within a school setting and not extend outside the campus.

Both teaching and non-teaching personnel of the DepEd must relearn and emphasize what she called “professionalism,” the VP added.

“As a teacher, there should be a line between him or her and the learner. They should not have friendly relations with their learners outside of the learning institution setting because a bias will be created for a person who is friends with someone. Of course, relationships have their own problems,” Duterte-Carpio said.

The new order amends DepEd Order No. 47, or the Promotion of Professionalism in the Implementation and Delivery of Basic Education Programs and Services.

Meanwhile, amid its five-day in-person classes mandate for all public schools nationwide, the DepEd has allowed public schools with “exceptional circumstances” to proceed with blended learning.

Under DepEd Order No. 50 series of 2022, dated Nov. 3 and signed by Duterte-Carpio, public schools that are unable to comply with the mandated five-day in-person classes “due to exceptional circumstances” must submit their request for continuation of blended learning beyond Nov. 2.

DepEd earlier said at least 261 schools sustained damage from Tropical Storm Paeng.

“Nonetheless, schools can continue to implement the blended learning modality during the pendency of the request,” the order read.

“The approving authority for the implementation of blended learning modality in select public elementary and secondary schools beyond Nov. 2, 2O22 shall be the schools division superintendent (SDS), whose decision shall be subject to review by the regional director (RD),” it added.

Circumstances to allow blended learning to continue include the delay in the construction of school facilities, immediate need for relocation of the school, shortage of basic education resources, “unfavorable” peace and order situation, and use of classrooms as temporary evacuation centers.

The Education chief cited recent “incidents” when DepEd personnel were involved in criminal activities or became victims of crime.

“Some teachers go out with their students, and they’re involved in, should we say, criminal, not really criminal activities, but they are involved in crime. It’s either they become suspects or victims,” she explained.

“In one case, we had a teacher having a drinking spree with a student, who stabbed him. So, these are instances that are preventable if our teaching and non-teaching staff recognize there should be a line not crossed.”

On a sexual harassment case in Cavite, Duterte said a preventive suspension was imposed on teachers involved, while students were assisted in the legal process.

DepEd officials and employees are also told to refrain from engaging in any relationship or activity that may affect their ability to “make objective decisions” in their performance of duty.

They should also respect the rights of others and avoid any activity that is not in accordance with the “law, good morals, good customs, public policy, public order, public safety, and public interest.”

The department said it expects all personnel to always treat and approach their colleagues, employees, and learners with the “highest degree of professionalism, skills, and excellence.”

The new order also states that Education employees and officials should always consider the legal implications of what they post on social media and should not take part in spreading rumors or false information.

Additionally, they shall not make online attacks against their fellow employees, nor “disparage” DepEd, and must always consider the reputation and honor of the education department.

The order said that official DepEd email addresses should only be used for work-related engagements and never for personal social media accounts, profiles, and other activities.

The new DO also underscores the reminder to never engage in partisan activities, including “seeking endorsements, recommendations, contributions, support, consideration, political accommodation, or any intervention from other government personnel or similar entities outside DepEd.”

DepEd also prohibits “soliciting favorable actions from politicians” and “requesting or obtaining support or endorsement from any third party in the hiring, transfer, promotion, removal or any other personnel movement.”

In raising issues or concerns regarding basic education, DepEd told employees and officials that these should be directed to the formal and appropriate DepEd channels, including the Office of the Secretary, or through the concerned Assistant Secretary and Undersecretary, without resorting to invention from any third party.

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DO 49, s. 2003 – The 2003 Curriculum of the Regional Science High Schools

To: Bureau Directors Regional Directors Schools Division/City Superintendents Principals, Regional Science High Schools

  • In line with the continuing effort of this Department to make the curriculum relevant to the changing environmental context of teaching and learning and to remain responsive to the needs of the learner, the curriculum of the Regional Science High Schools (RSHSs) is hereby revised. It shall be implemented starting with the First Year level this SY 2003-2004.
  • Enclosure No. 1 indicates the time allotment and the unit credits of the subjects comprising the curriculum of the RSHSs. Enclosure No. 2 presents the course description of the subject offerings in the First Year. The learning competencies in these subjects shall be distributed to the schools concerned. The basic subjects shall use the instructional materials available for the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum.
  • All other Issuances on the curriculum of the Regional Science High Schools that are inconsistent with this Order are hereby rescinded.
  • Strict compliance with this Order is directed.

Encls.: As stated Reference: DECS Order No. 55, s. 1994 Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: CHANGE CURRICULUM SCIENCE EDUCATION SCHOOLS


DepED Order No. 49, s.2006 - DepED

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Education Type K to 12
Grade Level Grade 10
Learning Area English
Content/Topic Writing and Composition
Intended Users Educators
Competencies Identify parts and features of argumentative essays

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    It is an opinion about DepEd Order No. 49 order teachers have long been regarded as second parents to students. they act as the second mother or father and even. Skip to document. ... It is an opinion about DepEd Order No. 49. It is an opinion about DepEd Order No. 49. Course. Bsed Math (MAT) 507 Documents. Students shared 507 documents in this ...


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    salary, shall be final and executory. Final Order or Resolution of the President shall. be subject to a Motion for Reconsideration or. to an Appeal to the Court of Appeals. If the penalty exceeds 30 days of suspension. or fine exceeding 30 days salary, shall be final. and executory upon the lapse of the period for.

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