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Master Urban design

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M-ARCH-T program is taught by all the chairs of the Institute of Architecture . The mandatory core studies that were specifically developed for the program, are taught by the following chairs:

Chair for Architectural Theory

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil Jörg H. Gleiter

The Chair for Architectural Theory focuses on the critical reflection of the theoretical foundations of architecture. It aims at the reformulation of a critical epistemology of architecture. Central to any such critical reflection is to question, affirm, or reformulate the ideas and models that underlie the material, social and cultural practices of the living environment. Thus, a particular focus is given to concepts at the core of architecture that only in a continuous process of transformation remain true to themselves.

Architektonische und urbane Typologien

GP Silvan Linden

Chair for Urban Design and Urbanization

Prof. Jörg Stollmann

The Chair for Urban Design and Urbanization is focused on socially just and climate conscious urban design for people, plants, animals, fungi and crystals. CUD research and design projects explore the complex history, current use, ecology and economy of the urban and contemporary modes of urban governance. Cooperative and community-based design processes are investigated, developed and tested in teaching, research and practice.

Chair of Visual Arts

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bürkle

Our definition of Art goes far beyound the basic principles of design. An Artist´s approach to space is above all a particular way of thinking, perceiving and acting. At the intersection between art and architecture, the unique position as Chair of Viusal Arts within the architecture department is engaging our communication of artistic knowledge, tools and methods to the evolving architects throughout selected art and research projects.

Collaborative Design Laboratory

Prof. Dr. Ignacio Borrego

CoLab is a collaborative design laboratory that examines the transfers between design strategies and contemporary production. Collaboration and digital fabrication are involved in our teaching methodology and research activity. CoLab Berlin is part of the international network founded in Madrid in 2009, and it is based at the Architectural Representation and Design Department of the TU Berlin.

Movie of the construction of the architecture building at TU. All right reserved UFA

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Architecture Typology, M.Sc.

Program overview.

Architectural and urban development tasks are always confronted with political, cultural, technical, economic, social, and ecological changes. In the international, English-language master's program in Architecture Typology, you learn to bring together very different and sometimes conflicting requirements and objectives in the design process to create a holistic architectonic solution. The program also focuses closely on building typology. In order to confront current challenges, building typologies are rethought and tools developed that enable nuanced responses to complex questions in the respective context. This is done using established typological methods of analysis and design as well as new, experimental, digital, and speculative practices of creating types.

DegreeMaster of Science
Standard period of study 4 semesters
Credit points120
Program start Winter semester
Admission Restricted admission
Language of instruction English

Admission requirements

The formal admission requirement for the consecutive master’s program in Architecture Typology is a first university degree in architecture qualifying the applicant for professional work. 

As the master’s program is taught in English, applicants must submit proof of English skills at CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) level C1. Knowledge of German is useful as some courses/modules are offered in German. However, this is not a condition for admission to studies.

You can find more information about the application, admission, and selection procedures in the application and admission regulations of the degree program (see the link "Study and examination regulations").

Program structure

The master’s program is divided into compulsory, compulsory elective, and elective components. The compulsory component totals 84 credit points, which include three large design projects and the master’s thesis. Students must also complete a total of 24 credit points in the compulsory elective component, choosing from a set list of modules. The elective component encompasses 12 credit points.

The objectives and further structure of the program as well as the examination requirements and details on how the examinations are carried out are set down in the study and examination regulations. 

There is a proposed course schedule for the degree program. This is a recommendation for how to complete the degree program within the standard period of study of four semesters. You can find it as an annex to the study and examination regulations.

Study and examination regulations:

  • Architecture - Typology M.Sc. 2016 (pdf, 1 MB, German)
  • Architecture - Typology M.Sc. 2016 (pdf, 632 KB)

Content and modules

The master’s degree program in Architecture Typology consists of modules which combine curriculum content on a specific topic and often include various study and teaching formats such as lectures, practical tutorials, seminars, and practical projects. Students are required to earn a specific number of credit points and complete certain coursework and assessments in each module. 

A current overview of all modules is available in TU Berlin’s module transfer system (MTS). The MTS also provides an overview of which modules are mandatory for your degree program and which are elective. Detailed module descriptions provide information about the content, learning objectives, participation requirements, workload, type of assessment, and much more.

The module catalogue is based on the study and exam regulations. The most current version of the regulations   applies to new applicants.


Before starting the program, one or more internships totaling at least 640 hours (typically in 16 weeks) must have been completed. Professional work that you did before and during a previous university degree program can be counted towards this. At the latest when registering the master’s thesis, proof of these internships must be submitted. 

All further details relating to internships can be found in the internship guidelines.

Stays abroad

You can generally complete parts of the program abroad, either in the form of study abroad or internships. General information concerning stays abroad is available from the TU Berlin  International Office  (studying abroad) or the  Career Service (internships abroad).

Acquired skills

As a graduate of the master's degree program in Architecture Typology, you will have sophisticated skills in designing and constructing and will be able to develop and coordinate complex planning processes in an interdisciplinary and integrative manner. In particular, you will be able to recognize particular conditions and potentials among the many different future design tasks and be able to implement these into innovative designs. After completing the program, you will be able to develop new types that interact with social and technological changes, and you will contribute to strengthening architecture as a cultural discipline. You will also be able to integrate sustainability aspects in urban planning, architectonic, technical, social, historical, and ecological contexts.

After your studies

After the master's degree program in Architecture Typology, the focus of your work is on planning design, construction, and types. Following your degree, you will need to work professionally for at least two years before you may be entered into a German federal state’s list of registered architects. 

As an architect, you can be hired to work in architectural offices or work as a freelancer. In addition, you can work in public service, for example with the building authorities or in construction companies and housing associations. 

Further information & downloads

Website of the Degree Program

Questions about the degree program: Course Guidance

Recognition of previously acquired credits: Examination Board

Subject-specific Counseling and Services

Office of Academic and Student Affairs of the Faculty

Guidance and choosing the right degree program: Academic Advising Service

Application and enrollment: Office of Student Affairs

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Doctoral Programmes

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The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar offers structured doctoral programmes in addition to the individual doctorate. An intensive support aims at a degree within three years. Supplementary courses impart disciplinary as well as transferable skills. Especially young researchers benefit from manifold assistance: teamwork, curriculum, supervision by several professors and practical application constitute a framework for successful projects.

The Research Training Groups of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar offer positions for doctoral candidates and post-docs. Ph.D. candidates in other structured programmes are self dependent for their funding. They may apply for a scholarship from one of the organizations for the promotion of young talent or for a scholarship directly the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

If your research interest fits into one of the doctoral programmes of our university, you may apply directly at the programme. Please note the application deadlines and the doctoral regulations of the respective faculty.

NEW: GRK "Gewohnter Wandel" | start in autumn 2024

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Social conflicts, ecological needs and the digitalisation of the living environment: if current social developments are shaping the built environment of tomorrow, what challenges, problems and contradictions will this cause for housing? 

From autumn 2024, young researchers in Weimar and Frankfurt will conduct interdisciplinary research on the current housing situationin the the joint research training group (Graduiertenkolleg, GRK) " Gewohnter Wandel. Social Transformation and Spatial Materialisation of Housing" , funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Over the entire funding period of nine years, up to 36 doctoral theses on housing issues can be completed. >  more info

Contact:  gewohnter.wandel[at]arch.uni-weimar.de

Research Training Group (DFG) Identity and Heritage

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The research training group  »Identität und Erbe« started as a joint programm of the TU Berlin and the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in October 2016 with all in all 12 doctoral positions (6 at each university). The first group (2016–2019) is still working on their doctorates in Weimar and Berlin. The following subjects are involved: architecture, architectural theory, history of building and urban development, fine arts, monument preservation, history of art and architecture, history of culture and media, landscape architecture, planning and architectural sociology, spatial planning and spatial research, urban planning.

The second funding period until 2025 has been approved. The interdisciplinary orientation of the GRK will be expanded in the new funding period to include archival science and the philosophy of science.

Please see here more of the latest news from the GRK.

Research Training Group (DFG) Medienanthropologie

tu berlin architecture phd

The Research Training Group is primarily aimed at doctoral students of media studies, cultural studies, film and theatre studies, literary studies, philosophy, sociology, ethnology or one of the neighbouring disciplines.

The programme began its work in April 2020, the 2nd cohort started in summer 2023.

For more information, see www.uni-weimar.de/gkma

Doctoral Programme Art and Design

(photo: Michael Braun, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)

The degree course Art & Design offers a Ph.D.-degree created solely for Master and Diploma graduates of Art- and Design-Schools was the first of its kind in the German-speaking area since 2008. The graduation, supervised by two professors, one academic and one artist / designer, is concluded after a three-year curriculum. German and English knowledge is required. The final Ph.D.-thesis equally comprises of a scientific and an artistic/design part.

Prof. Dr. Alexandra Toland,  head of the programme; Junior Professor for Arts and Research artsandresearch[at]gestaltung.uni-weimar.de

Application deadline is March 31st; the programme starts in the winter semester.

Open Online Consultation for all who want to apply: 10 November 2023 | 2 pm 09 February 2024 | 10 am

For insights in the program, please see " Working Titles ", the online journal for practice-based and led research initiated by Ph.D. candidates enrolled in the Ph.D. program for art and design at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. 

More information about the doctoral program you can find on the website  of the Ph.D. program.

European Urban Studies (International Doctorate Programme)

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From 2002 until 2020, the IPP for European Urban Studies was counted among the nationwide network of International PhD Programmes, which, within the framework of the programme "Doctorates at Universities in Germany (PHD)", were endorsed by the German Research Foundation and the German Academic Exchange Service. Supported in years 2002 to 2007, the IPP European Urban Studies was the only IPP in Germany that was dedicated to urban research. It dealt with topics that are tested against such current models as the "European City," "Compact City," "Social City," "Net City," or "Zwischenstadt". The International Doctorate Programme “European Urban Studies” was then focusing on research on Urban Housing and Forms of Living with a focus on (multidimensional) housing policy, in the context of current societal challenges – such as climate change, social fragmentation, spatial disparity, cultural differentiation, immigration and the transformation of the real estate economy – and what these challenges imply for the cities of Europe.

Please note: Until further notice, the program is closed. You can find out more about the individual doctoral opportunities in the field of "European Urban Studies" on this homepage .

UrbanHist - History of European Urbanism in the 20th Century

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"UrbanHist − History of European Urbanism in the 20th Century" is a multidisciplinary research and training programme run by four universities in Germany, Spain, Slovakia and Sweden in cooperation with 13 partner-organizations and funded within the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action - Innovative Training Networks (ITN) as European Joint Doctorate (EJD).

It aims to develop and sustainably promote a joint understanding of 20th century urbanism in Europe. 15 Early Stage Researchers will be researching in 8 thematic fields, embedded into a network of high-profile academics and practitioners.

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar; Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Slowakei; Universidad de Valladolid, Spanien sowie die Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Schweden.

2016 – 2020


Please note: Currently no applications are being accepted for this programme.

Kompetenzzentrum Medienanthropologie (KOMA)

Period:  April 2015 bis September 2019

Das aus Mitteln der ProExzellenz-Initiative des Freistaates Thüringen finanzierte Kompetenzzentrum Medienanthropologie soll eine innovative und interdisziplinäre Medienanthropologie vorantreiben, die die Erforschung der Medialität, der Medienbedingtheit und Medienverfasstheit menschlicher Daseinsvollzüge ins Zentrum stellt. Dabei ist das Konzept der Anthropomedialität forschungsleitend. Anthropomedialität beschreibt mit der Verschränkung von Menschen und Medien ein eigenständiges Drittes, das jeder Unterscheidung von Mensch und Medium als deren Ursprung vorausgeht.

Im Rahmen des Forschungsprogramms wurden 10 StipendiatInnen bei der Arbeit an ihrer Promotion unterstützt. Die Arbeit des Kompetenzzentrums mündete erfolgreich in der Beantragung eines DFG-Graduiertenkollegs zum Thema Medienanthropologie , das im April 2020 gestartet ist.

Sprecherin: Prof. Dr. Christiane Voss  (Professur Philosophie audiovisueller Medien) Stellvertretender Sprecher: Prof. Dr. Lorenz Engell (IKKM)

Weitere Informationen zum Forschungsprogramm und zu den beteiligten WissenschaftlerInnen finden Sie hier .

Tim Othold M.A. Coordinator/ Research assistant Cranachstraße 47, room 005 Tel.: + 49 (0) 36 43/58 40 03 Fax: + 49(0)3643 / 58 40 01 tim.othold[at]uni-weimar.de

Christiane Lewe M.A. Coordinator/ Research assistant Cranachstraße 47,  room 006 Tel.: + 49 (0) 36 43/58 40 06 Fax: + 49(0)3643 / 58 40 01 christiane.lewe[at]uni-weimar.de

Urban and Regional Research (German-Argentinian Doctorate Training Group)

Copyright: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Foto: René Lenz

Duration: 2013- 2020

The German-Argentinian Doctorate Training Group "Urban and Regional Research" is a cooperation between the Institute for European Urban Studies at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Design and the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba /Argentinia.

The aim of this doctorate training group is to give a selective group of young researchers the opportunity and the academic support to achieve results in urban research that can enrich the academic debate in this field both in Europe and in Latin America. Doctorate students in the program receive bi-national academic advising and take part in a structured study programme. Successful completion of the programme results in the awarding of the academic title of Dr. phil or Dr. Ing in combination with a doctor title from the partner university. This doctorate training group is the first of its kind at a Thuringian university and one of few in Germany. A stipend funded by the Deutsch-Argentinischen Hochschulzentrum covers travel and living costs for the academic year abroad.

Currently no applications are being accepted for this programme.

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The roots of the Technische Universität Berlin and predecessor institutions date back to the time of Frederick the Great. These included important educational establishments of the Prussian State such as the Royal Mining Academy established in 1770, the Königliche Royal Building Academy founded in 1799, and the Royal Trade Academy, which opened its doors in 1827.

These disciplines find concrete expression in around 40 Bachelor’s and 60 Master’s programs. Many of these are indeed unique. TU Berlin is the only university in the capital region offering engineering subjects.

Such scientific achivements are built on basic research in the natural science disciplines of chemistry and physics, and mathematics, in addition to strongly innovation-oriented research in electrical engineering and the computer sciences for instance. 

One obvious indication of the university’s performance and dynamic development is the increase in external funding for its research projects from around 125 million euros in 2009, to circa 179 million euros in 2014. For years, TU Berlin has been ranked as one of the top universities in Germany without a medical school.

TU Berlin would be happy to assist you in getting settled here at the university and in Germany's capital. Our Dual Career Service provides you with various consulting services. In particular, we advise your partner on career issues as well as on application and job search strategies and arrange contacts with potential employers or academic institutions. In addition, we give advise on questions concerning school system, child care, arriving, housing and living in Berlin. We are looking forward to you!

PhD Programmes

  • Ph.D. Data Management and Machine Learning
  • Ph.D. Models and Simulation
  • Ph.D. Reduced Order Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization of Coupled Systems
  • Ph.D. Science of Intelligence
  • Ph.D. Stochastic Analysis in Interaction
  • Ph.D. Bioactive Peptides
  • Ph.D. Optical Sciences and Quantum Technologies
  • Ph.D. Industrial Engineering and Management
  • Ph.D. Urban Water Interfaces
  • Ph.D. Life Sciences and Fluid Dynamics
  • Ph.D. Refiguration of Spaces

TU Berlin Scholarships

Below you will find scholarships related to TU Berlin. Distinction can be made between scholarships provided by the University and those provided by independent providers.

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For a complete overview of scholarships for TU Berlin, visit our scholarship search .

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Wifi access is available in all hostels, but is limited and may not be accessible from the bedrooms themselves.

Roommates for shared rooms will be paired or grouped according to gender. If you have a preferred roommate, please let us know via email.

Shared rooms for two people are referred to as "twin" rooms, but could appear as "double" rooms in any invoices, as this is how they are labelled by the properties. In every case, this refers to two separate, single beds in one room. 

Library services

The University Library is the central information facility at Technische Universität Berlin. We are committed to the university’s mission and goals.

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Students, Scholars and guests have access to on of Germany´s most modern science libraries with its three million items in various media and 30 000 square meters of floor space. 1300 work stations in various forms, campus-wide wi-fi, 300 computer workstations, several meeting rooms, multimedia workstations and a lounge area are used intensely by as many as 3100 visitors each day.

Campus life

In addition to our main campus situated in Berlin’s Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf district in the heart of the “City West” area, TU Berlin also maintains two further large campuses in Berlin. One is located in the historical industrial district Wedding, and the other on the property of the famous “Gasometer” in the Schöneberg district. Individual laboratories, TU buildings and sports halls are also scattered around the city. In late 2012, the university inaugurated its first satellite campus on the Red Sea in El Gouna, Egypt.

Sports facilities

Motivated to improve fitness through individual strength training? Then our beautifully developed, 550 m 2 large TU fitness studio is just right. Around 75 different strength and endurance machines, a separate free weights area and a separate mat room await everyone who wants to train in a university atmosphere.

Founded in 1998 GPE was as one of the first postgraduate master programs at TU Berlin which was accredited by the ASIIN. Meanwhile, the TU Berlin changed their quality focus from pure quality assurance of separate study programs to having the university as a system evaluated.

Berlin, Berlin, Germany

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The internationally renowned Technische Universität Berlin is located in Germany’s capital city at the heart of Europe. Our activities focus on building a distinctive profile, exceptional performance in research and teaching, excellent qualifications for our graduates and a forward-looking administration. The TU Berlin strives to promote the dissemination of knowledge and to facilitate technological progress by adhering to the principles of excellence and quality. Strong regional, national and international networking partnerships with science and industry are an important aspect in this regard.

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Master Urban design

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Core Studies

The Urban Studies master’s program offered by Technische Universität Berlin combines critical reflection of cities and their design. The program examines issues pertaining to systems and spaces from the local to the regional level. The discipline of urban design addresses processes of urbanization in an international context and their historical and current development.

Urban Design is an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary discipline located at the intersection of architecture, urban and regional planning, urban sociology, landscape architecture and environmental planning. The program’s broad curriculum introduces its students to all these disciplines through an integrated approach. In addition to completing projects in the above disciplines, design projects and integrated seminars introduce students to methods which reveal the complexity of the tasks and equip students to act in complex issues. Students also practice interdisciplinary collaboration.

Some of the core studies include:

Global city Local spaces

Methods and Tools

Studio Urban Design 

Interdisciplinary Theory and Practice

Scientific Colloquium

Further information about the Master of Urban Design can be found on the website of the degree program.

Application information for the Winter Semester 2023/24 can be found here .

The English version of the study and examination regulations for the Master Urban Design can be found here .

The English version of the internship guidelines for the Master Urban Design can be found here .

For an overview of all classes and seminars offered for the summer term 2023, please check Moses module list here .

For further information and course guidance, please follow the link here .

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M-ARCH-T TU Berlin

Ana Chighitashvili

M-ARCH-T is a 4-semester consecutive international “Master of Science” program in architecture at TU Berlin: Technische Universität Berlin. The main focus of the program is typology. The program is in English.

What are your thoughts about this? 

is there anyone who has done it or planning to apply?

I was recently in touch with their program director months ago. It's a brand new program in TU Berlin. The main goal of the program is to look into the history of architectural typologies, the theory of model and type and current trends in typological design methods and understand typology as a tool for the invention and development of new urban building types. They will eventually establish exchange programs with Politecnico di Milano and UCL in London. As for what softwares they're using, they're using space syntax (depthmap) technology in connection with systematical analytical methods. 

Bonus Information: Tuition is at 300+ Euros per term so it's pretty affordable, and TU Berlin is a top tier/high ranking university in Germany. Cost of living in Berlin is not bad as well.

Thank you very much!

I also got to know about this program from my friend, and she recommended it to me because the course program is really interesting. The English program in TU Berlin is brand new, I think they started in 2016 if I'm not wrong. I am also planning to apply for the Winter program 2018. So far I've been gathering information about the application requirement & fees. But there are some things that I would like to know more (do i get to learn German language in the course, working opportunities after masters degree), so might get in touch with their program director as well. I think the most important thing is that you need to make sure you will enjoy and like their program. This program is 120 Credit Hours, and you can check out their study course plan here :  http://www.m-arch-t.tu-berlin.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/StudyCoursePlan_EN.pdf

Let me know if you've any new information about this! or any recommendations of other Master Architecture programs! tq

There are different english programs in Tu-Berlin which has past .It's really brand new program. What is the gpa requirement for this program is there anyone know? They didn't determine any score.Also they didn't want any letters of recommendation and only expect 6-8 pages portfolio. It is really hard to guess application process based on what. It is sometimes risky to choose more specialized programs for the ones who want to continue Phd. 

I had talked with an German consultancy company in Germany, they have warned me about when failing on one lesson twice,  you will expelled from the school. It was really scary. It is important to learn that if it is valid for Tu-Berlin. 

Does anyone know when the application period for the spring semester in 2019 begins for this course? 

Has anyone heard back for the results?

Not yet, I hope they will inform us this week

Hello, does anybody have any news about the results? I know there's a post above from the 12th of June asking the same thing, but it's the 20th now, and anxiety has settled in..

its 21st now and anxiety has already eaten me up! XP

The interviews will take place on June 28/29 ... we still do not know about selection group invited to the interview...

I have visa problem to enter Germany. For interview, I should apply visa in Germany Embassy but I have no any info  There are only 6 days left but we do not any info about selection group.Should I give up for this institute?

if you applied through uni-assist, they must have sent you a document which you can take to the German embassy in your country in order to apply for a student applicant's visa. However, if you can't make it in person to the interviews you can send an email to arrange a Skype interview or something. I think they will understand given the fact that it's 6 days left now to the interviews. I would suggest either ways to send an email now, regardless of the results we are waiting for so that they can make a program. In other news, how is everybody holding up? Any progress? Something? Anyone?

Meine Damen und Herren! I'm so glad that I found this forum! I've applied as well and begun thinking the worst after not receiving any news in the last couple of days. Please keep us posted with any progress! Good Luck! 

anyone has any idea what are the possible questions on the interview ? 

Hi Elza! Did you get an invitation?

Hey, how do you prepare yourself for the interview?

Hello Aylin! Did TUB contacted you with the day of your interview? I want to know if I should continue waiting... thanks!

Hey Josepine, yes they did. I'm sorry for you if you didn't get any invitation... :/

Hey Aylin, congrats first of all, and second, if it's ok with you, could you tell us what exactly they sent you?

Lol! My name is just Jose haha. Congrats Aylin! I wish you all the best! I would recomend you to study the program as much as you can to do well in the interview. Research a bit for Oswald Mathias Ungers, knowing about him might be of help! Be sure to let us know how everything goes. Congrats and best of lucks!

Hello everyone! Did you get any feedback after the interview?

I didn’t get any feedback, and I had the interview on Thursday! 

I had the interview on thursday as well but there is no feedback yet, does anyone know any expected time for this?

they will send an email end of july/beginning of august... too late to announce

Hello! Densden, did you ask about the timing of the feedback during the interview or is it just your guess?​

Hi,I asked them via e-mail two days ago

Ohhh, thank you! ....that's so long.....

I just called the administration and got to know that they’re going to send a letter (paper, oldschool one) on Monday.

Thanks! Do you know if we’ll be able to check the status on the tu portal? We really need to keep ourselves notified here if anyone gets a mail- unless we would never know if the mail was actually sent or got lost. 

I suppose it should be available under “Status Ihrer Bewerbung“

results out on online portal

Hello! Have you received some notification? My status is still "Application in progress"

Hey, did any one recieved any notification ? My application is still in progress

If your status has a date on it, it means it's out. either J/N should be there (I think) If the date is missing, it is still in progress.

Do you know what does J means? Is there any changes in your status?

you are all talking about the tu online portal, right?

yes, the one where everything is in german)

So doggiedogworld would you mind telling us if your status changed to J in the portal?

Same, mine is also still in progress. Dont know if it is a good or a bad sign...

Still I have N without date on portal...

Has anyone got an answer? There is nothing on the portal. Did you ask them about email notification? Paper letter sounds weird for me because usually they send it to you on the final stage.

as I understand previous comments, they changed some students status with J and date..

Yet, I do not how they will announce rejected applicants

i have recieved nothing yet, is this normal! And does any one knows what is the expected time to know the status of our application? 

Hello, does anyone have news yet? After my interview they replied to me that it would be at least 2 weeks until they send the results via post but I see here that we have different information. My Tu portal status is also undated and marked 'N'.

Hey, who told you that, professor on the interview? Are you sure about paper letter, because it would be too long(

I sent an e-mail on the 2nd of July to the student coordinator and I got a reply saying that it would be at least two weeks and that we would receive an official letter from the office for student affairs .

However I don't understand how for some people the online status changed and for others not. I assumed that there would be consistency in the way applicants would receive their results regardless of what they are, but I don't know.

they announced to selected applicants via email 4 days ago...

as they do not care rest of applications, it is seen with N on portal in status part without any notifications.

I have no idea about waiting list and notification by post explaining reasons etc...

Hello! Who told you that? Do you have this email - congrats if so!

I applied to this program with my 2 friends, their status marked by "J" in 09.04 and they informed by an- email including the offer etc. as I understand, If you have N on portal, it means that your application did not accepted.

and also I marked by "N" on portal.

from what I understand, n without a date is a waitlist unless

sorry my weird comments are everywhere. From what i’ve read on the german forums, they send out letters until the end of september. I think they’re waiting until the accepted people to finalize their decisions then contact the wait listed people, n without a date. they only send old school letters not an email.

Thank you for the info. Could you maybe give us a link to a german forum? And also, congrats!!!

Dear all, does anyone have any news, status changing or emails from the university? Or maybe paper letters?

My application is 'in process' as well.

Hello. I went there on Tuesday and they told me that if I hadn't already received a letter, that means that I didnt get in. I then asked the coordinator to doublecheck and she verified it. So I guess its over. She also said that The office of student affairs is responsible for the online portal.

Oh! And I don't know what the deal is with the waiting lists etc. I didn't ask either. She just said that I was not admitted.

Hello! Who was that, program coordinators? Because they don't even answer the phone( I am curious about the course group size Seems that they have only about 20 students. On my interview day (2 pm) I saw only 4-5 applicants, consequently about 25-30 was invited I guess

Yes. The Program coordinator. I went to her office.

i don't understand your calculations

It's just a speculation, I suppose it doesn't really matter now.

this is the most stupid system I've ever seen...they do not give to answer emails. there is no any notification by program coordinators. 

most applicants apply more than one university having different deadlines to complete registration process. yet, still there is no any information indicating our application status by TU berlin.

there are much better/serious programs and universities informing you each steps regarding your application status.

probably, they do not care  too much the international program, if it is compared with the architecture master program in german language.

I think that because it is a program taught in English they had a huge number of applicants, so they couldn't manage replying to everyone. Unfortunate as it is... The thing I find problematic is that you can only apply in one program per semester, and then you have to wait until the mid of July and if they reject you you have lost time and the chance to apply for any other program.

Hi, Im going to join the new M-Arch-T course at TU Berlin this October, and I was wondering how many more students there are on the course as I couldn't find any current or past students participating in this course. Maybe we could get a group on Facebook going to keep track of this year's class members? Cheers!

Hey! How is the course there?

Hi, I am applying to M-Arch-T program and I could not understand how I should send my IELTS result. Should I send the original certificate or copy of it also acceptable? As I am able to get just one original certificate from British Council. Thank you! 

Is calling the school's administration and asking too hard?

Hey! Anyone, if you are already in, please tell us about this program! Do you like the course?

Is anyone applying for this semester? Have you received any responses yet?

I have applied through uni-assist, my status is still processing has no started...

Does anyone know what the acceptance rate is?

someone said in this topic that they select about 20 students, so I guess the acceptance rate should be pretty low...

I doubt its that less! Its an international program with a good ranking...have you gotten any feedback?

I hope you're right... On uni-assit it states that my application is still processing as well.

hello, I'm waiting on a response as well. I applied the day the application opened. my application was sent to TU Berlin by Uni Assist about a month ago, I keep checking my status here: https://zulapp.zuv.tu-berlin.de/qisserver/rds?state=user&type=0 but nothing is changing, it's still being processed.. I really wonder when they'll be informing us about the interviews, it really feels like it's going to be a last minute thing, which means the plane ticket is going to be crazy expensive. :/

I have applied as well, but no response so far. The status on Uni Assist says that the application has been sent to the university.

Mine says the process hasnt even started yet! Which is worrying me. But then i again i sent it pretty late. How long after you posted the documents did your status change?

Hey! I have sent it a little bit late as well. Uni-assist​ sent me an information e-mail that they have received my documents. On the application status, it is written that 'processing not yet started'. I guess they will announce the selected candidates middle of June.

Yea mines the same! Thanks for letting me know was beginning to think maybe its over for me haha

​I submitted in March, so I donot have any status anymore on Uni Assist. I guess lets see when they reply.

I have another concern about GPA because there is any requirement at all. My GPA is not high around 2.5 in American System. Is there anyone has the same GPA and enrolled to the school? Or my change is really low?

I've applied for the same program but have been unable to find about the job prospects after the degree. Can someone tell me whether one can be registered with the German Chamber of Architects with this degree? 

Hey, can you please elaborate since it's new to me? Also, if you know anything about the job prospects please let me know.

Okay so i just realised the application on uni assist i filled is Architektur and not typology, i couldnt find typology when i would search tu Berlin, masters, Architecture. What do i do nowww

What's typology? Have you tried waving your arms up and down really fast?

Typology is the english course, MARCH-T is the typology program. Or have you done it wrong too?

I don't do wrong. I know, it's a curse. Have you tried calling the school?

hey hajdh I hope you can manage this with the university. uni-assist is currently showing me that the application has been sent to TU Berlin

Okay they replied that once uni assist processes it theyll shift it! Still waiting for the processing. Thanks lcfc

Hey Hajdh, I had the same issue. should i call TU berlin or uni assist to solve the problem?

You can call tu berlin they said once uni assist processes it theyll shift it no issues! Just waiting on uni assist to process it

Oh thanks! which telephone number did you call? I just tried this +49 (0)30 314-21803 but with no success .

I emailed them!

Has anyone figures out what is the admission rate or how many students ate accepted per year?

Hey! I had contacted TU Berlin regarding this. The class intake last year was 30 students.

thanks for the info! :)

has anyone know what means the letter (N) in the Tu Berlin application status page??

My application it’s rejected? 

not necessarily...

Hi sebalonsogutierrez,

On which link are you seeing this could you send me that.

Most of the cases it is.

If you read the conversations above from the start, there is someone from last year who wrote about the 'N' status which means no selection. And 'J' as waitlisted. I am not sure either its just what i read on the comments.

this is the link that they gave me, the application number is the one that uni assist gave you. Hope it works for you


let me know if you figure out about the status 

Thanks, Well I opened mine and it says N as well and there is an Information Text given above that which states that :" If there is an "N" in the field of admission, this does not necessarily mean that your application has already been rejected. We ask for your patience and will inform you in each case in writing about the result of your application."

well I guess we have to wait and see how things pan out. I’m just curious, since the interviews are on the 28-29 of June.

Has anyone applied to any other university like Bauhaus-Universität Weimar or Anhalt 

I have. Still waiting on Bauhaus, says on their website that they'll start evaluating the applications by the end of June.

Hi sararachdan, could you inform me which program you're applying for and in which part of the website do they say something about the evaluation timeline? Thanks a lot. I am also applying, but I didn't see this information in their website.

I applied to this program as well through uni assist and I am trying to log in to TU Berlin online portal with my uni-assist application number but it says login failed. Did this happen to anyone else? Were you able to log in later?

Mines failing too!

Did you get an email from tuB? I think when they send the email we can login

I didn't get an email from TUB, I only received emails from uni-assist with my evaluation result and informing me that they forwarded my application to TUB and I should be getting an email from them in the coming weeks. It has been over 3 weeks now and I didn't get any emails from TUB.

I didn’t get an email from Tu, I just used my application number and the password it’s your birthday DD.MM.YEAR with the (.) between the numbers.

I didn't get my evaluation letter either,and the password doesnt work!

My first few login attempts also failed even though I entered all the correct information (application number + password in the format of dd.mm.yyyy with dots between them). I tried again the next day and since then it has always worked. Still got an N though, meaning no actual result has come out yet..

has anyone heard about the MBA programs at TuB?

Sustainable mobility and sustainable buildings? 

Has anyone received an interview invitation from the university?

Its written on the MArch-T website that they send invitation to the selected candidates a week before the interview. So maybe next week !!

Does anyone have any leads on the type of interview it will be? 

The email said that it will mostly be about your submitted portfolio.

From the examination regulation document (in MARCH-T website): Each of the selection interviews is conducted by two members of the selection committee, including at least one professor. At least two specialisms of the Institute of Architecture must be represented. To give the committee members an idea of the applicant's suitability and motivation, as well as the extent to which he or she identifies with the degree and the profession, the selection interview focuses on the following topics: • Choice of profession, reasons for choosing this degree (expectations of the program and career) • Design skills along with technical, structural, artistic and creative abilities • Interests and activities, including professional and other activities • Expectations of and information about the degree aims and the pathway through the program; volunteering and social engagement

Thank you! I received my invitation yesterday, did you?

You’re welcome and good luck! They also sent me yesterday.

Today I received an invitation for the interview, check yours. 

Has anyone else also received an e-mail?

Got mine today

I didn´t receive any, so I guess my chances are over, good luck anyway!

Anybody got and invitation today?


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20 English Study Programs at Technische Universität Berlin

All important info for international students in germany (2024/2025).


Technische Universität Berlin

Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), established in 1879, is renowned for its outstanding academic and research excellence in the heart of Berlin, Germany. As a prestigious public research university, it boasts a rich history of innovation, making it one of Europe's leading technical institutions. With more than 30,000 students, TU Berlin is among Germany's largest and most internationally acclaimed technical universities, offering a vibrant and dynamic environment for learning and discovery.

The university's campuses, a harmonious blend of historic and modern architecture set in Germany's capital, are designed to foster creativity and innovation. These campuses are not just educational spaces but hubs of culture and technology, surrounded by green areas and equipped with cutting-edge facilities. This central location in Berlin ensures that students have unparalleled access to cultural amenities, industry connections, and research institutions, enriching their academic journey with practical insights and opportunities.

TU Berlin distinguishes itself with an expansive array of academic programs, which seamlessly integrate the natural and technical sciences with planning, economics, social sciences, and humanities.Many of the university’s study programs  are unique to the region and underscore TU Berlin’s role in leading engineering education. The university is particularly noted for its excellence in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Urban Planning, and Sustainability. This interdisciplinary approach is further enhanced by research clusters and institutes dedicated to tackling societal challenges, making TU Berlin a crucible of innovation and collaboration.

The university's commitment to research excellence is underpinned by significant achievements across various disciplines, including basic research in chemistry, physics, and mathematics, as well as innovation-oriented research in electrical engineering and computer science. TU Berlin has consistently ranked among the top institutions globally, with recent international rankings including the QS World University Rankings, where TU Berlin landed among the top 200 universities. And the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, where the university was among the top 150. TU Berlin is also part of the TU9, an alliance of nine leading technical universities in Germany, and has been recognized as a University of Excellence under the German Universities Excellence Initiative.

TU Berlin's global reputation is further bolstered by its faculty, which includes Nobel Prize laureates, among them Fritz Haber (Chemistry, 1918) for his invention of the Haber–Bosch process. The university also boasts notable alumni, such as Konrad Zuse, the inventor of the first programmable computer. Their pioneering research and innovative teaching methods ensure that TU Berlin graduates are highly skilled and ready to address complex challenges in the real world. This emphasis on producing well-rounded, competent graduates is complemented by the university's focus on entrepreneurship, sustainability, and social responsibility.

In conclusion, Technische Universität Berlin stands for excellence in technical and interdisciplinary education, research innovation, and societal contribution. Its unique position in the heart of Europe's dynamic capital, combined with a strong emphasis on quality, excellence, and global networking, makes TU Berlin a distinguished institution that shapes the leaders and innovators of tomorrow.

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What are my chances for admission to a German University? (profile evaluation and advice)


Bachelor of Architecture from a tier-2 college with 8.02 CGPA (converted to German 1.6 according to calculator) ( Also important- I flunked in one subject which I passed in my second attempt and the grade for my bachelor's thesis was very average - 6.5/10),

94% in 12th from CBSE board and 98% in 10th from CBSE again.

I have 3 internships during college, out of which one is a research internship, 6 months full time work at a small architecture studio, followed by 7 months of freelance work and 11 months at another design studio.

My work/design portfolio is very average in my opinion, nothing great.

I am planning to switch jobs again in the next 2-3 months (at a studio where the work aligns more with my future plan of studies). So will have at least another 8-10 months before the 2025 session begins.

I have learnt A1 level German (yet to give the exam and receive certificate) and plan on learning more (I'm really liking it).

I have no published papers.

I have volunteer experience at 2 organizations, both international.

I am confident I will secure at least 2 good LoRs.

I am looking at courses in architecture technology and urban studies at TU Munich, TU Berlin and University of Stuttgart. I am concerned that some aspects of my profile are not great. Would really appreciate your opinion about my chances, and suggestions as to how can i make them better or compensate for weak areas. Thanks in advance.


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  6. Technische Universität Berlin

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  1. Doctorate

    EN. Faculties / Central Institutes. Faculty I - Humanities and Educational Sciences. Faculty II - Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Faculty III - Process Sciences. Faculty IV - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Faculty V - Mechanical Engineering and Transport Systems. Faculty VI - Planning Building Environment.

  2. Institute of Architecture

    IFA show. The IFA show of the Institute of Architecture showcases the projects and works of the students in an extensive exhibition. The exhibition also includes a full-day lecture series, which offers insights into the various design studios and seminars. The IFA show is a moment of celebrating, sharing and reflecting on the past academic year ...

  3. PhD Students

    She is a PhD candidate at the Department of Architectural Theory, Institute of Architecture, TU Berlin, where she is writing her dissertation under the supervision of Professor Jörg Gleiter. Her research examines the urban constellations of disturbance on the island of Syros and their transformation in the context of a humanitarian crisis as ...

  4. Applying & Enrolling for Doctoral Studies

    The TU Berlin Doctoral Regulations require all doctoral candidates not employed at TU Berlin to enroll as doctoral students. When enrolling, please be sure to state the degree program offered by TU Berlin which most closely matches with your field of work. ... Re-registration to the next semester for PhD student.

  5. M-arch-t

    M-ARCH-T is a 4-semester consecutive international "Master of Science" (M.Sc.) program in architecture. The main focus of the program is typology. It is taught in English. ... example by Oswald Mathias Ungers. 1964-65 Ungers developed his morphological and structural building analysis at the TU Berlin. As a criticism of modernity, he ...

  6. Architecture M.Sc.

    As a graduate of the master's program in Architecture, you will plan buildings and supervise construction on behalf of your clients. The focus of your work is on planning design and construction. While taking the costs and legal requirements into consideration, you will develop buildings in terms of their spacial relationship, form, and ...

  7. Architecture, M.Sc

    The master's program in Architecture at TU Berlin is a project-based study program focusing on design. The design tasks are oriented on conceptual work as well as construction and urban surroundings. Teaching is centered on architectural space as a synthesis of conceptual ideas, space-organizing concepts, and constructive or urban structures.

  8. Faculty

    Chair of Visual Arts. Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bürkle. Our definition of Art goes far beyound the basic principles of design. An Artist´s approach to space is above all a particular way of thinking, perceiving and acting. At the intersection between art and architecture, the unique position as Chair of Viusal Arts within the architecture department ...

  9. Architecture Typology M.Sc.

    Architectural and urban development tasks are always confronted with political, cultural, technical, economic, social, and ecological changes. In the international, English-language master's program in Architecture Typology, you learn to bring together very different and sometimes conflicting requirements and objectives in the design process to create a holistic architectonic solution. The ...

  10. Architecture

    Architecture is both the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings or any other structures. Architectural works, in the material form of buildings, are often perceived as cultural symbols and as works of art. Historical civilizations are often identified with their surviving architectural achievements.

  11. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar: Doctoral Programmes

    The research training group »Identität und Erbe« started as a joint programm of the TU Berlin and the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in October 2016 with all in all 12 doctoral positions (6 at each university). The first group (2016-2019) is still working on their doctorates in Weimar and Berlin. The following subjects are involved: architecture, architectural theory, history of building and ...

  12. Urban Design TU Berlin

    Master Urban Design is a 4-semester consecutive international "Master of Science" (M.Sc.) program bringing together architecture, urban and regional planning, sociology, and landscape architecture. //. The program's broad curriculum introduces its students to all these disciplines through an integrated approach. In addition to completing ...

  13. TU Berlin

    The internationally renowned Technische Universität Berlin is located in Germany's capital city at the heart of Europe. Our academic activities are focused on achieving sharply-defined goals: building a distinctive profile for our university, ensuring exceptional performance in research and teaching, providing our graduates with excellent ...

  14. TU Berlin, PEP Program for Design-Based Doctorate

    TU Berlin, PEP Program for Design-Based Doctorate. EVENT: Milano 2020 PhD STAGES: Other EVALUATION STAGES: Selection ... Position statement DISCIPLINES: Architecture, Landscape architecture, and Urban design Group Position Statement Ignacio Borrego Ralf Pasel Jürgen Weidinger Donatella Fioretti Matthias Ballestrem. File: position ...

  15. PhD

    Technical University of Berlin. The internationally renowned Technische Universität Berlin is located in Germany's capital city at the heart of Europe. Our activities focus on building a distinctive profile, exceptional performance in research and teaching, excellent qualifications for our graduates and a forward-looking administration.

  16. Core Studies

    Core Studies. The Urban Studies master's program offered by Technische Universität Berlin combines critical reflection of cities and their design. The program examines issues pertaining to systems and spaces from the local to the regional level. The discipline of urban design addresses processes of urbanization in an international context ...

  17. M-ARCH-T TU Berlin

    M-ARCH-T is a 4-semester consecutive international "Master of Science" program in architecture at TU Berlin: Technische Universität Berlin. The main focus of the program is typology. The program is in English. ... It is sometimes risky to choose more specialized programs for the ones who want to continue Phd. ...


    German university or will graduate from there shortly, you can apply directly to TU Berlin. If you have studied at a foreign university, please apply via uni-assist. Further information on how to apply can be found here. If you already are or were enrolled for an Architecture Master Degree program in an institution for higher

  19. PDF TU Berlin Institute for Architecture (IfA) Application Information

    TU Berlin - Institute for Architecture ... The fees are regulated by the central administration of the TU Berlin. Information about the ... • Applicants with a graduate diploma with English as the teaching language 4. Additional documents Current CV (1-2 DIN A-4 pages) including school and higher education information, additional relevant ...

  20. TU Berlin: 20 Degree Programs in English

    Technische Universität Berlin. Business Management & Economics Computer Science & IT Engineering Humanities Law Natural Sciences & Mathematics Social Sciences. 1879. Founded in. 28%. International students. 20. No. of English-taught Study Programs. Technical University.

  21. TU Berlin

    The internationally renowned Technische Universität Berlin is located in Germany's capital city at the heart of Europe. Our academic activities are focused on achieving sharply-defined goals: building a distinctive profile for our university, ensuring exceptional performance in research and teaching, providing our graduates with excellent ...

  22. What are my chances for admission to a German University ...

    I am looking at courses in architecture technology and urban studies at TU Munich, TU Berlin and University of Stuttgart. I am concerned that some aspects of my profile are not great. Would really appreciate your opinion about my chances, and suggestions as to how can i make them better or compensate for weak areas. Thanks in advance.