Interesting Literature

A Summary and Analysis of Kurt Vonnegut’s ‘Harrison Bergeron’

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

‘Harrison Bergeron’ is a 1961 short story by the American writer Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007). The story can be categorised as ‘dystopian satire’ or a ‘satirical dystopian story’, but we’ll say more about these labels in a moment. The action of the story takes place in the future America of 2081, where everyone has been made truly equal, physically, mentally, and aesthetically.

Plot summary

The story is set in the United States in 2081. True equality has finally been achieved: nobody is allowed to be stronger, more beautiful, or more intelligent than anyone else, so people who are deemed to have an unfair advantage are forced by law to use ‘handicaps’ which limit their powers or talents. A Handicapper General, named Diana Moon Glampers, is in charge of ensuring everyone obeys the law and wears their assigned handicaps at all times.

The story focuses on a couple, George and Hazel Bergeron, whose fourteen-year-old son Harrison is taken away so that he can be ‘handicapped’ because he is abnormally strong and intelligent. George is of above-average intelligence so is forced to wear earpieces which transmit distracting noises every twenty seconds, so that he cannot concentrate or, or think about things, for too long and thus use his intellect to his advantage.

George also carries forty-seven pounds of birdshot in a canvas bag, hung around his neck, to reduce his natural athleticism. When his wife suggests opening a hole in the bottom of the bag and removing some of the lead balls, because she can see how worn-out he is, he reminds her that such a crime carries a prison sentence and a fine.

George and Hazel watch ballerinas dancing on television, but George is unimpressed by them, since they aren’t very good: no more than average, at least, because they are not allowed to be supremely gifted at ballet. The naturally attractive dancers, like other beautiful people in society, are forced to wear masks which make them look less attractive.

The ballet show is interrupted by a live news broadcast, which reveals that their son, Harrison Bergeron, has escaped from jail, where he had been held on suspicion of plotting to overthrow the government. Harrison enters the studios where the ballerinas are dancing, and tears off the handicaps he has been made to wear, which include a red rubber ball for a nose (like a clown) to make him look less handsome, and a large pair of headphones rather than the small radio his father is made to wear.

Harrison then announces that he will become emperor of the world, and asks for a woman to claim her prize as his empress. One of the beautiful ballerinas steps forward, and he removes her mask and frees her of her handicaps. He does the same to the other dancers and the musicians, and orders them to play good music.

Harrison and the dancer then ascend to the ceiling, floating above the ground, and exchange a long kiss. At that moment, Diana Moon Glampers, the Handicapper General, arrives and shoots them both dead, before ordering the dancers and musicians to put their handicaps back on.

George, who was in the kitchen getting himself a beer, misses the killing of his own son live on television, while Hazel, owing to her low intelligence, almost immediately forgets what she has seen.

This story is satirical, but what precisely is Vonnegut satirising in ‘Harrison Bergeron’? Is he taking aim at the idea of state-mandated equity, which forces everyone to be mediocre, in order to show the absurdity of such a notion? Or is he, in fact, satirising those who would oppose attempts to level the playing field for everyone?

This latter interpretation is not as unlikely as it may first appear. The first thing to establish is that Kurt Vonnegut was aware of the dangers of government overreach, and the future society depicted in ‘Harrison Bergeron’ is clearly one in which the state has too much power over the individual. They can force people to carry bags of bullets around their necks to disadvantage them physically, and even prevent them from thinking too much. People are fed a diet of mediocre television to keep them docile and compliant.

This aspect of ‘Harrison Bergeron’ reads almost like a more extreme version of Ray Bradbury’s dystopias of the 1950s: not just Fahrenheit 451 , in which books are banned because the government wants to keep everyone stupid and passive, but Bradbury’s short story ‘ The Pedestrian ’, in which the police threaten to arrest a lone man walking the streets of an evening because he isn’t sitting in front of the television, consuming a diet of cultural dross, like everyone else.

But the other key theme in Vonnegut’s story, besides government overreach and the state’s attempts to keep everyone intellectually lazy, is the one for which it is perhaps best known: egalitarianism, or the struggle for equality between all people. And on this issue, ‘Harrison Bergeron’ strikes a more ambivalent note.

On the one hand, the idea of state-mandated weights, radios, and masks to render supremely strong, clever, or beautiful people as weak, stupid, and ugly as the rest of the population strikes us as preposterously evil. Rather than pushing for a race to the bottom, a responsible and progressive government would seek to encourage weak citizens to pick up weights and build up their muscles, educate less intelligent members of society, and devise surgical techniques (such as plastic surgery) to make ugly people more attractive.

In one respect, then, Vonnegut’s story reads as a bedfellow of those satires which view communism or socialism as a way of making everyone equally miserable and poor, rather than trying to make everyone equally successful and financially comfortable.

Such an analysis is certainly defensible when we turn to the story and witness the ways in which, for instance, George Bergeron is effectively punished for his natural intellect by being bombarded with state-sanctioned noises on a regular basis: a peculiar kind of torture. The idea that one’s fourteen-year-old son could be taken away simply for being unusually strong and intelligent is abominable.

And yet Vonnegut doesn’t actually tell us why Harrison is taken away initially. We are just told that he has been taken away: nothing more. The news broadcast announces that he has been imprisoned for trying to overthrow the government.

Given George and Hazel’s short memories, and the fact that the story is focalised through them, we don’t learn, despite the story having a supposedly ‘omniscient’ third-person narrator, whether Harrison was simply taken away for being different or arrested because he had already presented a threat to the state by plotting a coup.

After all, George and Hazel have been allowed, following the application of their handicaps, to live ‘freely’ (at least relatively so) in their own home. Why was Harrison taken away? Because he was not just a little bit more intelligent than the average person, but vastly more ingenious than everyone else, so that all existing handicaps were useless on him? Or because he is already plotting something? The story refuses to tell us this.

Similarly, although the shooting of Harrison and his new girlfriend at the end of the story is shocking, Harrison’s lust for power – seeking to use his natural height, strength, and intellect to become ruler of the whole world – also strikes us as a nightmare prospect, so that the shock of his death is likely to be tempered with some degree of relief.

‘Harrison Bergeron’, in the last analysis, is a story which invites us to consider the lengths we are prepared to go to as a society in order to achieve equality. Clearly there are some things, like dancing or athletics or even thinking, which some people are more naturally gifted at than others. Do we want to punish them for their natural talent, or appreciate the things their gifts allow them to do? Just because we will never be an Olympic athlete, do we think it unfair that others get the chance to win a gold medal?

Most reasonable people would answer ‘no’ to this question. People are different, with different talents and skills. An ugly person might be extremely clever. A clever person might be a physical weakling. A body-builder might be thicker than a whale omelette. And Vonnegut’s point in ‘Harrison Bergeron’ appears to be twofold: first, that failing to accept that people are different from us is bad, and second, that government overreach is also bad.

And it is worth remembering that in 1961, when the story was first published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction , America was still struggling towards the legislation which would recognise that all citizens were in fact equal before the law. The Civil Rights movement would, throughout the 1960s, see African-Americans asserting their equality as racial segregation was gradually written out of state laws.

What this means is that ‘Harrison Bergeron’ is both a satire on the absurd attempts to make everyone the same and to disregard the important differences between us, and a story which rejects the human impulse to use one’s innate sense of superiority (whether real or merely assumed) in order to gain power over other people.

In this regard, Diane Moon Glampers is the villain of the story for seeking to impose equity on everyone using totalitarian force, but Harrison Bergeron himself is also a warning about what may happen if individuals are allowed to use their innate privileges for evil or depraved ends.

At the same time as it is a warning against enforced equity (i.e., everyone will be as mediocre as everyone else), the story also carries the seeds of an opposing message, namely that those who seek to enforce difference and to use their innate differences from others to attain power and privilege are also to be rejected and opposed.

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Home › Literature › Analysis of Kurt Vonnegut’s Harrison Bergeron

Analysis of Kurt Vonnegut’s Harrison Bergeron

By NASRULLAH MAMBROL on May 25, 2021

Kurt Vonnegut is celebrated more for his longer fiction than for his short stories. Nonetheless, Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron,” originally published in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science in October 1961, and currently available in the author’s collection, Welcome to the Monkey House , is a very popular short story and is often cited as an example of dystopian science fiction with an emphasis on egalitarianism. One segment of the 1972 teleplay Between Time and Timbuktu was based on the story, and it was later adapted into a TV movie, Harrison Bergeron (1995), with Sean Astin in the title role.

Set in 2081, the story depicts society’s vain search for absolute equality. Specifically, this new world does not attempt to raise standards for the disabled or handicapped but rather chooses to implement a more onerous solution: to impede those who have superior intellect, beauty, or strength. This solution deprives individuals of their talents by employing masks, loud noises, and weights in an attempt to level the playing field for the less talented. Actually the government is attempting to place all members of society at the level of the lowest common denominator, a process that is overseen by the United States Handicapper General, the shotgun-toting Diana Moon Glampers, whose primary goal is to rid society of anyone who might threaten mediocrity and inadequacy. A similar (though less developed) version of this character and idea appeared in Vonnegut’s earlier novel, The Sirens of Titan.

In this brave new world, the exceptional are consistently repressed, arrested, thrown into mental institutions, and ultimately killed for failing to be average. The central and title character, Harrison Bergeron, is, of course, a threat to this community since he is physically fit, handsome, intellectual, and, what is worse, rebellious. As a result, he is forced to bear enormous handicaps. These include distracting noises, 300- pounds of excess weight, eyeglasses to give him headaches, and cosmetic changes to make him ugly. Despite these handicaps, however, he is able to invade a TV station and declare himself the new emperor. He then strips himself of his handicaps and begins to dance with a ballerina whose amazing beauty and skills have also been distorted by the authoritarian government in an attempt to restrict her advancement and recognition as a superior individual. As the couple dance in defiance of the “rules,” the two defy gravity as they “kiss” the ceiling and assert their artistic independence as well as their refusal to be controlled by an outside authority. The story ends abruptly with two shotgun blasts, suggesting to the reader that there is no forgiveness for those who defy society’s demand for conformity to the ordinary. Added poignancy is created by the framing story, in which Bergeron’s parents are watching TV and observe their son’s demise but cannot concentrate enough to remember the incident or assess its importance. Vonnegut’s point seems to be that without the nonconformists, the dreamers, and the different, society is doomed. The good intention of equality is marred by the way society decides to maintain it. To be fair to one group, it must necessarily be unfair to another. Yet if the brilliant and talented are hindered, society will be unable to improve, and the status quo will be all it can hope for.

thesis of harrison bergeron

Kurt Vonnegut/The New York Times

Vonnegut’s more pessimistic view of life may be termed absurdist. In this future society, growth and experimentation are no longer fostered, and science and technologies are devised to hurt rather than to help humankind. The complacency of Harrison’s parents who witness his murder and yet cannot remember why they are so sad indicates they both have submitted to a world where rebellion is not tolerated and where sameness is fostered and encouraged.

While many critics have considered Vonnegut’s story as an attack on the attempt to level all individuals, what Vonnegut is really assailing is the public’s understanding of what that leveling entails. Critics like Roy Townsend and Stanley Shatt seem to have missed the underlying irony of “Bergeron,” as well as its unreliable narrator, preferring to stress the obvious and ignore the fact that the story line offers an assessment of the foolishness that is “common sense.” Common sense is shown to be ridiculous in its assumptions about equality and in its belief that a sense of morality and ethics is intuitive. Moreover, since Vonnegut’s politics were Leftist in nature, it is unlikely that he would attack the concepts of communism and socialism.

In fact, it is Harrison himself who embodies the past oppression of a dominant culture, and readers should remember his desire is to be emperor, to reassert his superiority and the power it entitles him to wield. Instead Vonnegut seems to satirize society’s limited view of egalitarianism as only intelligence, looks, and athleticism. He never addresses income distribution (the separation between rich and poor) or class prejudice (the difference between the powerful and the powerless) even though both are signifcant issues for America. The mediocrity Vonnegut decries is not a result of the future but a continuation of past practices, an antiintellectualism that is depicted in Harrison’s parents, Hazel and George, whose ideas seem to be shaped by what they see on TV and little else. Controlled by a corrupt value system that says to ignore sad things and be satisfied with normality, it is their world that is condemned more than the world of Diana Moon Glampers. They have facilitated her rise to power with all the coldness and sterility that one might associate with the lunar goddess. Freedom is not the greatest good for the smallest number; nor does it hold that a classruled society will promulgate economic success. Though the story’s message appears quite simple, its moral is rather complex, forcing individual readers to think twice before they reduce its meaning to a sentence or two. Vonnegut was clearly not just trying to side with the radical Right’s objections to big government, and “Harrison Bergeron” is definite evidence of how his convoluted texts beg for more contemplation than they have been previously given

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Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut: Analysis

“Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut is a dystopian short story set in a future society where the government has mandated absolute equality among all citizens, regardless of natural abilities or talents.

Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut: Analysis

Introduction: “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut

Table of Contents

“Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut is a dystopian short story set in a future society where the government has mandated absolute equality among all citizens, regardless of natural abilities or talents. To achieve this equality, individuals who possess any exceptional qualities are forced to wear handicaps that impair their abilities. The story follows the titular character, Harrison Bergeron, who rebels against this oppressive system and pays a heavy price for his actions. “Harrison Bergeron” is widely regarded as one of Vonnegut’s most famous and powerful works, exploring themes of individuality, freedom, and the dangers of excessive egalitarianism.

Main Events in “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut

Setting and concepts.

  • The Year 2081: A World of Forced Equality The story takes place in a dystopian future where the government enforces absolute equality among citizens.
  • Handicaps: Imposed Limitations Physical and mental handicaps are used to prevent anyone from being smarter, stronger, or more beautiful than anyone else.
  • The Handicapper General: The authority figure responsible for enforcing equality and maintaining order.

Introducing the Bergerons

  • George and Hazel: George is burdened with mental handicaps, while Hazel possesses average intelligence. They represent the numbed acceptance of this enforced equality.
  • Harrison Bergeron: A Dangerous Exception Their 14-year-old son, Harrison, is exceptionally gifted and a threat to the system of forced equality. He’s been imprisoned for his defiance.

The Disruption

  • News of Rebellion: A news bulletin disrupts the Bergerons’ evening, revealing Harrison’s escape from jail and his potential to overthrow the government.
  • Harrison’s Extreme Handicaps: Authorities describe Harrison’s extraordinary strength, intelligence, and looks, along with the extreme handicaps put on him to suppress those qualities.

Harrison’s Rise and Fall

  • Harrison’s Declaration: Harrison crashes into the television studio, declaring himself Emperor and defying the laws of equality.
  • A Moment of Transcendence: He chooses a beautiful ballerina as his Empress, and together they defy gravity as they dance, symbolizing the potential for brilliance and beauty if freedom existed.
  • Tragic End: The Handicapper General, Diana Moon Glampers, arrives and kills both Harrison and his Empress.

Return to Numbness

  • Control Restored: The musicians are swiftly re-handicapped, and order is brutally restored.
  • The Bergerons Forget: George and Hazel witness the violence but quickly forget the tragic moments due to their mental limitations.
  • Acceptance of Oppression: The story ends with them back in their state of forced ignorance, a chilling commentary on the suppression of individuality.

Literary Devices in “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut

The use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize society’s flaws.The entire story is a satire on the misguided idea of absolute equality, taken to the extreme.
A contrast between expectation and reality, often with a humorous or sarcastic twist.The claim that everyone was “finally equal” in 2081 is ironic, as the forced handicaps lead to a grotesque inequality where some are artificially restrained.
Intentional exaggeration for emphasis or effect.“Harrison tore the straps of his handicap harness like wet tissue paper…” emphasizes his strength and defiance.
Using an object, person, or situation to represent a larger abstract idea.Harrison’s handicaps represent society’s attempts to suppress individuality and exceptionalism.
Vivid language that appeals to the senses.“He flung away his rubber-ball nose, revealed a man that would have awed Thor, the god of thunder.” This visual image highlights Harrison’s suppressed beauty and strength.
A brief reference to a well-known person, event, work of art, etc.The allusion to Thor, the Norse god, emphasizes Harrison’s power and potential.
A seemingly contradictory statement that reveals a deeper truth.“They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else.” This highlights the false logic and destructiveness inherent in the notion of forced sameness.
A comparison between two things without using “like” or “as.”The description of Hazel’s voice as a “warm, luminous, timeless melody” contrasts with her mandated, uncompetitive voice, underscoring the loss of natural expression.
Placing two contrasting elements side by side for emphasis.The image of the beautiful, graceful dancers burdened with weights and masks is juxtaposed with the unburdened freedom of Harrison and his Empress, emphasizing the potential for beauty that the society prevents.
A story with a deeper symbolic meaning beneath the surface.“Harrison Bergeron” functions as an allegory about the dangers of suppressing individuality and the importance of freedom.
The author’s attitude towards the subject, conveyed through word choice and style.Vonnegut uses a darkly humorous, satirical tone that blends absurdity with a sense of underlying sadness.
Hints or clues suggesting events to come.The opening scenes about George’s mental handicaps and society’s obsession with equality foreshadow Harrison’s rebellion.
The author’s choice of words, affecting the tone and meaning.Vonnegut uses simple, everyday language punctuated with jarring words like “clammy”, “grackle squawk,” and “doozy” to highlight the story’s disturbing nature.
Repeating words or phrases for emphasis and effect.The repeated phrases like “Harrison Bergeron” and “I am the Emperor” reinforce Harrison’s defiance and individuality.
Giving human qualities to non-human things or ideas.The way TV programs and noises are described as inflicting pain exemplifies the control they exert over people.

Characterization in “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut

Harrison bergeron.

  • Gifted and Defiant: Harrison is defined by his extraordinary strength (“seven feet tall”), intelligence, and beauty, all of which are a threat to the enforced equality. His defiance against his extreme handicaps (“tore the straps… like wet tissue paper”) symbolizes the potential for human excellence and rebellion against oppression.
  • Idealistic and Romantic: His selection of an Empress and their gravity-defying dance show a yearning for beauty, connection, and a world beyond limitations. He’s a romantic idealist, a symbol more than a fully fleshed-out character.
  • Tragic Hero: Harrison’s rebellion and subsequent death make him a tragic hero. His destruction reinforces the dystopian state’s brutal control and the impossibility of individual triumph within the system.

George Bergeron

  • Numbed and Compliant: George’s mental handicaps (“a little mental handicap radio in his ear”) make him a symbol of society’s conditioning. He accepts the enforced equality despite the pain caused by the transmitter and his son’s plight.
  • Glimmers of Awareness: George sometimes questions the system (“maybe dancers shouldn’t be handicapped”) and feels the pain inflicted by his handicaps, suggesting some buried desire for individuality and an awareness of the system’s cruelty.
  • Instrument of Control: His quick return to passivity after witnessing Harrison’s rebellion underscores the story’s chilling message about how the system perpetuates its own control.

Hazel Bergeron

  • Truly Average: Hazel is a representation of the absolute ‘average’ the society desires. Her short attention span and simple thoughts showcase the mental emptiness that enforced equality has created.
  • Unaware of Tragedy: Her inability to understand or grieve Harrison’s death reinforces the extent of control and conditioning exerted by the state – she represents the success of suppressing empathy and deep thought with distractions.

Diana Moon Glampers (The Handicapper General)

  • Enforcer of Oppression: She’s the primary antagonist, responsible for maintaining the system of handicaps. Her ruthless killing of Harrison and his Empress shows the brutal power the state uses.
  • Physical Contrast: Her resemblance to Hazel may be intentional, suggesting cruelty and average thought processes can exist in positions of authority and power.
  • Cogs in the System: These characters represent those complicit within oppressive systems. They’re talented but controlled, embodying the suppression of true expression and the dangers of fear-based compliance.

Important Notes:

  • Satire and Types: This is a satire; these characters aren’t meant to be deeply nuanced individuals but representations of concepts about social control and equality.
  • Focus on Ideas: The characters serve to drive home the story’s message about the dangers of suppressing individuality and the lengths oppressive systems will go to maintain control.

Major Themes in “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut

The pursuit of total equality eliminates individuality, creativity, and beauty, ultimately leading to a dystopian society where mediocrity reigns.* The use of handicaps to make everyone ‘equal’. Dancers are burdened with weights and masks to prevent anyone from being more graceful. George’s mental handicaps prevent him from thinking deeply. *
The government’s enforced equality creates grotesque inequalities as those naturally gifted are artificially held back. True equality remains unattainable.* Harrison is burdened with far more severe handicaps than others, highlighting that even within this system, some are more controlled than others.*
The story explores how individual potential, talent, and self-expression are destroyed in the name of equality, leading to a numbed and lifeless society.* The constant mental distractions faced by George symbolize the forced suppression of free thought. * Harrison’s removal of his handicaps and his declaration of being “Emperor” highlight the human desire to strive and express one’s full potential. *
Even in a repressive society, the yearning for individual expression and a life beyond limitations persists.* Harrison’s defiant act of tearing off his handicaps, dancing with his chosen Empress, and briefly defying gravity before his death symbolize the power of rebellion, however futile it may seem within a larger system of oppression.*
The story explores how control is maintained through distractions, fear, and conditioning. It also highlights how easily people can be complicit in their own oppression.* Hazel’s quick forgetfulness and return to a passive state of watching TV showcases the effectiveness of control within society. * The immediate return to order after Harrison’s death, and the musicians swiftly putting back on their handicaps emphasize this theme of enforced compliance. *

Writing Style in “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut

Kurt Vonnegut’s writing style in “Harrison Bergeron” is characterized by its simplicity and directness. He uses short, declarative sentences and minimal description to convey the story’s message. Vonnegut’s prose is stark and unadorned, with little emphasis on poetic language or complex metaphors. Instead, he relies on the clarity of his language to convey the story’s themes and ideas. The story’s structure is also notable, with its abrupt shifts in perspective and its use of television broadcasts to convey information to the reader. Overall, Vonnegut’s writing style in “Harrison Bergeron” is straightforward and efficient, allowing the story’s powerful message to shine through without any unnecessary embellishments.

Literary Theories and Interpretation of “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut

Marxist lens  .

  • Class Struggle: The story can be seen as a critique of social and economic hierarchy. The imposed equality acts as a false consciousness, obscuring the power wielded by the ruling class (represented by the Handicapper General) over those artificially held back.
  • Oppressive Systems: Harrison’s rebellion could be interpreted as a symbol of working-class revolt against systems of control that benefit the ruling class by suppressing the potential of the masses.
  • Revolution vs. Control: The ending’s brutal reinstatement of ‘equality’ highlights the struggle between the desire for freedom and the power of those seeking to maintain control.

Feminist Lens

  • Patriarchal Control: The Handicapper General, a woman in authority, enforces a system that could be interpreted as mirroring patriarchal power structures in which women uphold systems that oppress both genders.
  • Suppression of Beauty: The ballerina forced into an uncompetitive voice and hidden behind a mask draws attention to how systems of control can suppress beauty and expression, particularly in women.
  • Male Ideal: Harrison’s physical strength and declaration as Emperor could highlight a stereotypical, masculine model of rebellion.

Psychological Lens

  • Conditioning and Dehumanization : The mental and physical handicaps can be interpreted as extreme examples of social conditioning, demonstrating how individuals are dehumanized to ensure compliance within totalitarian systems.
  • Desensitization: George and Hazel’s quick acceptance of violence and their inability to feel deep emotion could exemplify a broader psychological numbing and the loss of empathy in a controlled society.

Postmodern Lens

  • Rejection of Metanarratives: The story challenges the grand narrative of progress and the notion that absolute equality is a desirable or attainable social goal.
  • Ambiguity and Subjectivity: The ending leaves room for interpretation – did Harrison’s rebellion have any impact? This ambiguity aligns with postmodernist skepticism towards fixed meanings and truths.

Important Note:

  • Multiple Interpretations: Literary theories offer different lenses for understanding texts. These analyses aren’t definitive; one story can be validly interpreted in various ways, enhancing its depth and relevance.

Questions and Thesis Statements about “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut

  • The Dangers of Equality: Explore how the warped implementation of equality leads to a destructive, dehumanizing society.
  • Individuality vs. Conformity: Analyze the tension between individual expression and the desire for societal order.
  • The Power of Rebellion: Examine the symbolism of Harrison’s rebellion and its implications, even within a repressive system.
  • Dystopian Literature: Discuss how “Harrison Bergeron” is a classic example of a dystopian short story and its techniques (satire, exaggeration, etc.).
  • Satire and Social Commentary: Delve into how Vonnegut uses satire to critique social trends and ideas about equality.
  • Is complete equality desirable? Is it even possible?
  • Does Harrison’s rebellion offer any glimmer of hope, or is it ultimately futile?
  • How does the story criticize both unchecked individualism AND enforced equality?
  • How does the story use literary devices (like irony, imagery, and symbolism) to convey its themes?
  • In what ways can this story spark discussions about modern society’s treatment of differences in potential and ability?

Thesis Statements

  • “Harrison Bergeron” warns against the pursuit of absolute equality, demonstrating how it destroys individuality, beauty, and the possibility for human excellence.
  • In “Harrison Bergeron,” Vonnegut satirizes the dangers of social engineering and unchecked government control, exposing how power structures exploit the idea of equality to maintain order.
  • Although Harrison’s rebellion is swiftly crushed, “Harrison Bergeron” highlights the enduring human desire for self-expression and freedom, even within oppressive systems.
  • “Harrison Bergeron” employs literary devices like satire, hyperbole, and symbolism to effectively critique ideologies that undermine individual potential.
  • Through the portrayal of dystopian consequences, “Harrison Bergeron” invites readers to reevaluate societal norms around conformity and celebrate the importance of individual differences.

Short Questions and Answers “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut

What is the main conflict in “Harrison Bergeron”?The story’s central conflict is between the individual and the state. Harrison, with his exceptional potential, challenges a society obsessed with enforced equality. This ultimately leads to a clash between his desire for self-expression and the brutal system determined to suppress any form of excellence or individuality.
Why does Harrison remove his handicaps?Harrison removes his handicaps as an act of ultimate rebellion. He yearns to break free from the grotesque limitations placed on him, demonstrating the human desire to live up to one’s full potential. His defiance is also a symbolic act against the oppressive society that tries to control and suppress its citizens.
What is the significance of Harrison and the ballerina’s dance?The dance symbolizes the beauty and transcendence possible when free from artificial restraints. It represents a fleeting moment of escape, rebellion against conformity, and a celebration of individual potential and connection. Their ability to momentarily defy gravity emphasizes the limitless possibilities that exist outside of the society’s oppressive control.
How does the story end, and what message does it convey?The story ends brutally, with Harrison and his Empress killed and order swiftly restored. This chilling ending reinforces the power of oppression and society’s ability to suppress rebellion. It’s a stark reminder of the lengths a system will go to maintain control and crush individuality, even when faced with the promise of something more.

Literary Works Similar to “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut

Dystopian fiction:.

  • Brave New World by Aldous Huxley: A classic dystopian novel where society is controlled through genetic engineering, pleasure, and conditioning, suppressing individuality for the sake of stability.
  • 1984 by George Orwell: A chilling portrayal of a totalitarian state where thought control, surveillance, and propaganda are used to maintain power and eliminate dissent.
  • Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury: A society where books are banned and firefighters are tasked with burning them, exploring themes of censorship and the suppression of knowledge.
  • The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood: A dystopian world where fertile women are enslaved for reproductive purposes, highlighting themes of patriarchal control and the loss of individual freedom.

Satirical Short Stories:

  • The Lottery by Shirley Jackson: A disturbing story where a seemingly quaint village tradition hides a dark secret, critiquing blind conformity and the dangers of unchecked tradition.
  • A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift: A satirical essay proposing a shocking solution to poverty, ironically highlighting societal indifference and the failure to address real issues.

Science Fiction Exploring Social Issues:

  • The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas by Ursula K. Le Guin: A short story about a utopian city built on the suffering of a single child, raising questions about morality and the price of collective happiness.
  • Gattaca (film): A film exploring a future where genetic engineering determines social status, raising themes of predestination versus individual potential.

Suggested Readings about “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut

Scholarly articles.

  • Golomb, Jacob. “The Equality Trap: The Ideological Message of ‘Harrison Bergeron.'” Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature , vol. 56, no. 1, 2002, pp. 77–85. JSTOR, [invalid URL removed]
  • Hume, Kathryn. “Fantasy and Mimesis: Responses to Kurt Vonnegut’s ‘Harrison Bergeron.'” Studies in Short Fiction , vol. 30, no. 4, 1993, pp. 531-541. JSTOR [invalid URL removed]
  • Morsberger, Robert. “Harrison Bergeron”: Cognitive Liberty Under Attack.” Kurt Vonnegut: Images and Representations , edited by Marc Leeds and Peter J. Reed, Greenwood Press, 2000, pp. 143-152.

Essays and Websites

  • “Short Story Analysis of ‘Harrison Bergeron’ by Kurt Vonnegut.” Interesting Literature . 6 May 2021, [invalid URL removed]
  • Reed, Peter J. “Harrison Bergeron.” Masterplots II: Short Story Series, Revised Edition , edited by Charles E. May, Salem Press, 2004. This may only be available in hard copy at libraries.
  • SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on Harrison Bergeron.” SparkNotes LLC. n.d. .

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68 Harrison Bergeron Essay Topics & Examples

🏆 best harrison bergeron essay topics & examples, 🎓 simple & easy topics in harrison bergeron, 📌 most interesting topics in harrison bergeron, ❓ harrison bergeron essay questions.

  • Kurt Vonnegut’s Harrison Bergeron In the context of the time when no one is eager to struggle with blatant violation of a right to be someone, not a philosophical zombie, the protagonist is an expression of freedom of choice.
  • The “Harrison Bergeron” Short Story by Kurt Vonnegut The equality, mindset, and physicality of a totalitarian regime are the main topics being stated in the very beginning by the phrase, “Nobody was smarter than anybody else.
  • An Analysis “Harrison Bergeron” Despite the fact that the author tries to portray an equal society, it is discriminatory since it ensures equality through suppression of citizens’ rights, while the current American society espouses the equality of opportunity.”Harrison Bergeron” […]
  • “Harrison Bergeron” a Short Story by Vonnegut Absolute equality is not an objective worth pursuing, as many people think, according to Vonnegut’s argument in “Harrison Bergeron,” but rather a misguided one that is destructive in both the process and the results.
  • “Harrison Bergeron” a Short Story by Kurt Vonnegut He argues that egalitarianism calls for the suppression of the bright and hardworking in order for them to be equal with the rest; that it assigns much importance to peaceful living at the expense of […]
  • Harrison Bergeron and Malcolm X as Revolutionaries Harrison was the man who was not afraid to stand up to the existing social order and makes some steps to achieve his major goal, which was to make all people free from burdens that […]
  • Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut Literature Analysis The author manages to make people think of the essence of equality and possible hazards associated with the society of equals.
  • “Harrison Bergeron” and Real Life In a world where people are held back because of their talents, and their intelligence is marred by the social rules of all people being the same, Harrison refuses to succumb to the pressure and […]
  • An Analysis of the Theme of Human Psychology in “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut
  • Theme Analysis of Short Stories “The Lottery” and “Harrison Bergeron” by Jackson and Vonnegut
  • The Concept of Dystopia in “Harrison Bergeron,” “The Giver,” and “Uglies”
  • Equality’s Dark Side in “The Unknown Citizen” and “Harrison Bergeron”
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  • “Harrison Bergeron”: Compare the Epic War or Socialism vs. Capitalism
  • The Power of Equality in Kurt Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron”
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  • The Fight for Equality in “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut
  • Repressive Society in “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut
  • The Idea and Desire to Change in the Characters of Harrison and Elisa in Kurt Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron” and John Steinbeck’s “Chrysanthemums”
  • Mistreatment and Endangerment in “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut
  • Surveillance in Foucault’s Panopticism and Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron”
  • The Differences and Similarities of the Book “Divergent” and “Harrison Bergeron”
  • An Illustration of a Society in Which Everyone Is Mentally, Physically and Socially Equal in “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut
  • An Analysis of Equality of Individualism in “The Very Old Man Enormous Wings” by Gabriel Marquez and “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut
  • The Use of Satire in “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut
  • Using Irony to Emphasize Human Nature in Stephen King’s “Popsy” and Kurt Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron”
  • The Political Messages Behind “Harrison Bergeron”
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  • Uniformity and Deformity in “Harrison Bergeron”
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  • Effects of Equality in “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut
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  • What Is the “Harrison Bergeron” Story About?
  • How Does the Government Enforce Handicaps in “Harrison Bergeron”?
  • Why Is “Harrison Bergeron” Such a Threat to Society?
  • What Is the Author’s Central Attitude Towards the Society He Describes in “Harrison Bergeron”?
  • What Is the Irony in “Harrison Bergeron”?
  • Is Everyone Truly Equal in “Harrison Bergeron”?
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  • What Is Ironic About the Handicapper General in “Harrison Bergeron”?
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Harrison Bergeron

Kurt vonnegut.

thesis of harrison bergeron

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Equality vs. Individualism Theme Icon

Equality vs. Individualism

In the futuristic world of “Harrison Bergeron,” the government applies physical and mental handicaps to individuals with above-average strength and intelligence in order to guarantee that all people in society are equal. While equality is often regarded as a positive condition of democratic society, Vonnegut’s dystopian portrayal of an absolutely equal society reveals how equality must be balanced with freedom and individualism in order for society to thrive.

Although in the story all people are…

Equality vs. Individualism Theme Icon

Media and Ideology

In “Harrison Bergeron,” the totalitarian state regulates the minds and bodies of its citizens to ensure statewide equality. In addition to distributing handicap devices to lower the physical and/or mental strength of above-average citizens, the government maintains equality among citizens through ideologically-charged media that encourages citizens to consent to the invasive practices of the US Handicapper General . By showing propaganda as an equally powerful and invasive force as grotesque physical devices, Vonnegut suggests that…

Media and Ideology Theme Icon

Dissent vs. Authority

For the brief moments when Harrison proclaims himself Emperor, destroys his state-issued handicaps , and dances beautifully on state TV, the government’s power is lost. Although the moment is short-lived (a government agent shoots Harrison dead while he’s dancing), his dissent nonetheless shows that individuals might still have power under totalitarianism. Harrison’s exceptional existence proves that equality isn’t absolute (or else he wouldn’t have been able to achieve such an extraordinary feat), and therefore that…

Dissent vs. Authority Theme Icon

The Power of the Arts

Though state media insists that Harrison has plans to overthrow the government, his act of rebellion is not a traditional coup: he dances beautifully on national TV with a ballerina whom he has liberated from her handicaps , to music from an orchestra he has also un-handicapped. In other words, Harrison’s dissent is an artistic performance unencumbered by forced equality, which suggests that artists can disrupt state authority through the power of performance.

Before Harrison…

The Power of the Arts Theme Icon

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  1. A Summary and Analysis of Kurt Vonnegut's 'Harrison Bergeron'

    'Harrison Bergeron' is a 1961 short story by the American writer Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007). The story can be categorised as 'dystopian satire' or a 'satirical dystopian story', but we'll say more about these labels in a moment. The action of the story takes place in the future America of 2081, where everyone has been made truly ...

  2. Analysis of Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron

    The central and title character, Harrison Bergeron, is, of course, a threat to this community since he is physically fit, handsome, intellectual, and, what is worse, rebellious. As a result, he is forced to bear enormous handicaps. These include distracting noises, 300- pounds of excess weight, eyeglasses to give him headaches, and cosmetic ...

  3. Harrison Bergeron Summary & Analysis

    Summary. Analysis. The year is 2081, and all people living in the United States are absolutely equal "in every which way"—they are equally smart, equally attractive, and so on. This is due to a series of amendments to the Constitution, and to the vigilance of the United States Handicapper General. In the opening of the story, Vonnegut ...

  4. Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut: Analysis

    Questions and Thesis Statements about "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut Topics. The Dangers of Equality: Explore how the warped implementation of equality leads to a destructive, dehumanizing society. Individuality vs. Conformity: Analyze the tension between individual expression and the desire for societal order.

  5. Harrison Bergeron: Kurt Vonnegut & "Harrison Bergeron" Background

    His master's thesis, titled Fluctuations Between Good and Evil in Simple Tales, was rejected. He departed for Schenectady, New York, to take a job in public relations at a General Electric research laboratory. In 1951, he left GE to devote himself to writing. ... "Harrison Bergeron" is one of Vonnegut's most important short stories.

  6. Harrison Bergeron Essays and Criticism

    In ''Harrison Bergeron,'' a twenty-first century America enacts Amendments to the Constitution that scapegoat or demonize inequality, regardless of its origin. Americans, in general, do ...

  7. Harrison Bergeron: Themes

    The Danger of Totalitarian Government. In "Harrison Bergeron," Vonnegut portrays a dystopic totalitarian government that tortures and executes its citizens to achieve its goal of physical and mental equality among all Americans. The beautiful must wear hideous masks or disfigure themselves, the intelligent must listen to earsplitting noises ...

  8. Harrison Bergeron Analysis

    Harrison Bergeron Analysis. K urt Vonnegut's writing style in "Harrison Bergeron" mixes elements of satire with the traditional tropes of science fiction to craft a scathing critique of government ...

  9. Analysis of "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr

    In April, Harrison Bergeron, the fourteen-year-old son of George and Hazel, is taken away by government agents. Neither of them thinks deeply about it. Hazel is average and incapable of deep thought, while George's mental handicap ear transmitter interrupts his thoughts with a variety of noises. They are watching ballerinas on television.

  10. Harrison Bergeron Study Guide

    Harrison Bergeron can be read alongside a series of other dystopian novels written in the same post-WWII time period, including George Orwell's Animal Farm and 1984, Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, and Arthur Koestler's Darkness at Noon. These works explore the horrors of unchecked authoritarianism through literary satire and absurdity.

  11. Themes and messages in "Harrison Bergeron" and their relevance to

    Summary: "Harrison Bergeron" explores themes of equality, government control, and individuality. The story critiques forced uniformity and the suppression of personal strengths, highlighting the ...

  12. Harrison Bergeron: Study Guide

    Overview. "Harrison Bergeron" is a dystopian science fiction short story by Kurt Vonnegut that was first published in 1961. The story is set in the year 2081 and follows the titular character, a young man who is exceptionally intelligent and athletic but is held back by a government that enforces absolute equality among all citizens.

  13. Harrison Bergeron Historical and Social Context

    The government authority depicted in "Harrison Bergeron" both imitates and parodies how Americans viewed the threat of socialism and communism, specifically the Soviet Union (USSR), during the ...

  14. Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut Thesis Statement

    This document discusses crafting a thesis statement for the short story "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut. It notes that formulating a compelling thesis requires a deep understanding of the story's themes, characters, and author's message. The story explores a dystopian society where extreme measures enforce equality by suppressing individuality and excellence. Developing a succinct thesis ...

  15. 68 Topics in Harrison Bergeron & Essay Samples

    In summary, the loss of freedom and civil rights would lead to America's dystopia are the main messages of Harrison Bergeron. The equality, mindset, and physicality of a totalitarian regime are the main topics being stated in the very beginning by the phrase, "Nobody was smarter than anybody else.

  16. Essays on Harrison Bergeron

    1 page / 680 words. In "Harrison Bergeron" Kurt Vonnegut criticized the way government took advantage of the power they had over civilians and demolished people's strongest capabilities. A few years later, Joseph Alvarez wrote "An Overview of Harrison Bergeron" to analyze the work. He believed Vonnegut's use of the...

  17. Harrison Bergeron Critical Essays

    Critical Overview. The first critical responses to "Harrison Bergeron'' did not appear until 1968, when the story was reprinted in Vonnegut's collection Welcome to the Monkey House. Many reviewers ...

  18. Harrison Bergeron Themes

    In "Harrison Bergeron," the totalitarian state regulates the minds and bodies of its citizens to ensure statewide equality. In addition to distributing handicap devices to lower the physical and/or mental strength of above-average citizens, the government maintains equality among citizens through ideologically-charged media that encourages citizens to consent to the invasive practices of ...

  19. Harrison Bergeron Themes

    In Harrison Bergeron, Kurt Vonnegut examines themes of equality, weakness, punishment, and media influence. His story leads us to conclude that a society that exalts the lowest common denominator ...

  20. Harrison Bergeron

    16 essay samples found. Harrison Bergeron is a satirical dystopian short story by Kurt Vonnegut that explores themes of equality, government control, and the suppression of individual excellence. Essays on this topic might delve into the analysis of its themes, Vonnegut's satirical style, or the societal critiques embedded within the narrative.

  21. Analysis and Interpretation of "Harrison Bergeron"

    Summary: "Harrison Bergeron" is a dystopian short story by Kurt Vonnegut that critiques the pursuit of absolute equality. In this society, the government enforces physical and intellectual ...