Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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General chapter statement.

The focus of the Chapter of Affairs was to decide our direction statement for the next six years. We prayerfully discerned and decided on the following commitment: In the spirit of our foundress Nano Nagle, Presentation sisters and associates commit ourselves to address the needs of women and children, especially as they are impacted by economic, environmental  and racial inequity.

Read updates on our work to meet our Chapter Commitments.

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Administration Office 84 Presentation Way New Windsor, NY 12553 Tel: 845-564-0513 Mount St. Joseph 64 Presentation Way New Windsor, NY 12553 Tel: 845-564-6620

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Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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In our Spring issue of Presentation Doorways, we embark on a journey of reflection upon our rich history and narratives from the past, while embracing the future with hope and confidence, as we prepare for our 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Sisters of the Presentation in Dubuque, Iowa. As we approach this significant milestone, we look forward to sharing with you glimpses of our storied history and the countless ways Nano’s light has been tended over the years.

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April 30, 1949 – June 26, 2024 Judi Weydert has been a Presentation associate for 17 years. She will be dearly missed by all who knew and loved her.

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We are pleased to announce this year’s recipients of our scholarships.

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August 8, 1938 – May 4, 2024 Margaret Barton has been a Presentation associate for over 20 years. She will be dearly missed by all who knew and loved her.

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April 25, 1939 – February 14, 2024 Dennis Ryan has been a Presentation associate for 24 years. He will be dearly missed by all who knew and loved him.

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Martha and Maria Orthodox Christian Sisterhoods. Princess Alice of Greece and her unknown sisterhood

With the death and burial of Prince Philipp, Duke of Edinburgh, and husband of Queen Elizabeth II, of the English and the British Commonwealth throne, a kind of Orthodox Christian witness came into the fore, in the form of Christian Brotherhoods, quite unknown to Greece and the entire Orthodox world. Very few till now in Greece had known that there is also another kind of Orthodox Christian witness, that of the socially oriented and pastorally significant Brother- (and Sister-) hoods, especially in periods of crisis.

Orthodox altar

This text was originally published in the newsletter of the Ecumenical Patriarchate Permanent Delegation  to the World Council of Churches, edition of April 2021.

Priest Georgy Kochetkov, the founder of the Transfiguration Brotherhood in Russia, addressing the Deaconesses symposium last year, noted: “Holy Martyr Elisabeth Feodornova prepared the way for the restoration of the order of deaconesses in a broader context, through a number of publications on the topic within the Russian Church. She founded the Martha and Mary Convent in Moscow and thought a great deal about the significance of deaconesses for the Church and for the Russian people as a whole”.

St. Elizabeth’s charm (see photo) was so great that it automatically attracted even the atheist Bolsheviks , who the last months of 1917 and the beginning of 1918, to everyone’s amazement, granted the Martha and Mary Convent and its abbess complete freedom. W hen they first arrived to examine the Martha and Mary Convent, one of them, apparently a student, even praised the life of the sisterhood, saying that no luxuries were noticeable and good order were the rule, which was in no way blameworthy. Seeing his sincerity, the superior of the sisterhood, Grand Duchess Elizabeth, started a conversation with him about the outstanding qualities of socialist and Christian ideals. “Who knows,” remarked her unknown Bolshevik influenced by her arguments, “perhaps we are headed for the same goal, only by different paths”. “Obviously we are still unworthy of a martyr’s crown,” the abbess replied to the sisters congratulating her for such a successful end to the first encounter with the Bolsheviks. But that crown was not far from her and her sister Barbara. Few months later they were assassinated during the October revolution, with  Lenin welcoming their death with the following remarks: “Virtue with the crown on it is a greater enemy to the world revolution than a hundred tyrant tsars” ! Eventually, the Grand Duchess Elizabeth was killed in 1918 and her remains are now buried in the Church of Maria Magdalene in the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem.

Prince Philipp, the Duke of Edinburg, who was buried at St. George’s Chapel in the Windsor Castle on Saturday, April 17, had also her mother, Princess Alice, an Orthodox and niece of the later canonized St. Elizabeth, who had established – motivated by her social and pastoral work – a similar sisterhood in Greece with exactly the same name, buried at the crypt of the same chapel i n December 1969, at the age of 84. Not long before her death Princess Alice expressed the wish to be buried in Jerusalem, next to her aunt, Grand Duchess – and now a Saint of the Russian Orthodox Church – Elizabeth Feodorovna. Nineteen years after her death her coffin was transferred to the crypt in Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, next to her aunt’s, and at her grave the words “ Your will be done” .

The “Christian Sisterhood of Martha and Maria” of nuns was founded in 1939 by Princess Alice of Greece, and is the first of this type in Greece, dominated at that time by the more politically and less socially oriented male brotherhood “Zoe”. Her sisterhood, as the one of her aunts, was inspired by the corresponding Gospel passage of Christ’s meeting with Lazarus’ sisters Martha and Mary: “Martha-Martha, you take care of a lot of things, but one of them is needed” (Lk 10:41).

Princess Alice had consciously become Orthodox, something that was not understood by her aristocratic environment, which forced her into inhuman and degrading treatment earlier that decade. With psychiatrists following Freud’s theory, who attributed everything to libido and of course did not have proper knowledge of the human soul devoted to Christ. They were the psychiatrists who not only could not make a correct diagnosis of a psychiatric issue but also drove a Christian and reasonable person crazy, only because she had visions of Christ and believed she was His bride. A vision very familiar to the Orthodox female monastic tradition.

Feeling a Greek patriot, after her earlier marriage to Prince Andrew, she refused to leave Greece, when it was occupied by the Germans. And began her charity work “looking after the poorest people,” as her mother, Princess Victoria, described it soon after her return to Greece. During the war, she is reported to work in soup kitchens in Athens, and tried to use her royal status to procure medical supplies for the Greek people.

She developed a great deal of philanthropic activity during those difficult occupation days, as she did during WWI, an activity that has given her an award of the “Royal Red Cross” by the British throne. When asked by a German officer, who visited her at home during the German Nazis occupation (believing that she was friendly to the Nazis regime, because three of her daughters had married Nazi supporters): “What can I do for you?” she replied: “You can take your troops from my country!”

Princess Alice was free to move around during the Civil War when the fighting in Athens raged, to offer help on both sides where needed, ignoring the advice of the British troops, who told her she was in danger of being shot dead. In January 1949, princess Alice, wearing a gray habit, “completely withdrew from the world” (her words), and retreated to the island of Tinos, where she was given some land by the Church of the Evangelistria. After the colonels’ coup d’état in Greece in 1967 she left for England and lived together with her son Prince Philip. For the rest of her life, she continued to wear the monastic religious habit, even inside the Buckingham Palace.

Princess Alice’ main biography was that by Hugo Vickers, Alice. Princess Andrew of Greece, Macmillan 2001. He has undoubtedly made an excellent job, but followed – as his assignment was – the model of a royal biography. Even though he consulted Orthodox and Greek sources and Steven Runciman familiar with Orthodoxy, he had not made any profound theological analysis. I am referring to the model of Orthodox Christian witness with emphasis on the social and pastoral responsibility, evident in the famous sisterhoods of the pre-and during the-soviet Russia, sisterhood “Martha and Mary” by St. Elizabeth Feodorovna, the present Transfiguration Brotherhood of St. Philaret Institute and its founder Rev. Georgy Kochetkov, and the newly discovered in Greece, “Martha and Maria,” run from the Nazis occupation during WWII until the 1967 military coup by Princess Alice of Greece.

The only important detail that survived was Princess Alice and her sisterhood’s always having an eye out for the downtrodden. In particular, she was also remembered fondly for sheltering a Jewish family in her Athens residence during the Nazi occupation of Greece. She reportedly cared for the Cohen family (searched for by the Gestapo for deportation to concentration camps in Germany) spending hours at a time with them; once, she even used her deafness as an excuse to wave off the Gestapo. As Philippe Cohen, one of the family's descendants, said , “we all owe our existence to the courage of Princess Alice.”

In 1993 Princess Alice was bestowed the title of “Righteous Among the Nations” (in Israel), and in 2010 the “British Hero of the Holocaust” (in UK). The Cohens even suggested a Jerusalem street be named after Princess Alice. But the late royal was never interested in being celebrated by the press. “I suspect that it never occurred to her that her action was in any way special,” Prince Philipp said when visiting her grave in 1994 and planted an olive tree. “She was a person with deep religious faith and she would have considered it to be a totally human action to fellow human beings in distress.”

The life and work of this Orthodox “deaconess,” Princess Alice of Greece and her sisterhood, need to be further, scholarly and theologically, examined. The neglect of their remarkable achievements was due both to political and religious reasons. For the former, because of her royal status, especially after the establishment of the Parliamentary Democracy in Greece, and for the latter, because of the completely different orientation the main well-known brotherhood in Greece (ZOE) had inclined toward a more political/cultural orientation after WWII, thus monopolizing the brother/sisterhood Orthodox Christian witness.

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Dr Petros Vassiliadis, emeritus professor of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and director of the Inter-Orthodox Post-Graduate Program on "Orthodox Ecumenical Theology of IHU”, is the President of the Center for Ecumenical, Missiological and Environmental Studies “Metropolitan Panteleimon Papageorgiou” (CEMES), a former Orthodox commissioner of WCC’s Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (1998-2006), and the President of World Conference of Associations of Theological Institutions/Educators (WOCATI).

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  1. Sisters of the Presentation of Mary

    As Sisters of the Presentation of Mary Jesus Christ is at the Heart of our Lives, as He was at the heart of Blessed Marie Rivier's Life. Like her, we are called... To Know Jesus Christ In the Word of God Through Prayer and Adoration Through Liturgical Celebrations Through Marian Intersession To Live Jesus Christ In & Through Community In Simplicity With Compassion With Constant & ...

  2. Our Story

    The Sisters of the Presentation of Mary, founded by Blessed Anne-Marie Rivier in Thueyts, France, in 1796, first came to the New World in 1853, in Marieville, P.Q., Canada. By that time, many French-Canadians had begun immigrating to the industrial centers of New England. Entire families had left their farms and moved southward to the United ...

  3. Our Heritage

    TODAY In 1996 the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary celebrated the second centenary of their foundation. It was an opportunity for them and their friends to celebrate the fidelity of the Lord to this religious family which he has kept alive and united in the service of the Church despite all the upheavals of history At this time, some fifteen hundred women religious are present in nineteen ...

  4. Sisters of the Presentation of Mary

    The Sisters of the Presentation of Mary are a religious congregation in the Latin Rite branch of the Catholic Church. It was founded in 1796 at Thueyts in the Ardèche department of south-central France, by Anne-Marie Rivier (1768-1838); originally, the congregation was devoted to the education of young girls.

  5. Who We Are

    Our Beginnings The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary were founded in Ireland in 1775 by Nano Nagle. She felt she was called by God to bring the light of faith to the poor children of Cork. The Penal Laws of the time forbade any form of Catholic instruction in Ireland, but Nano Nagle was willing to risk imprisonment and ...

  6. Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Roman Catholic religious congregation of women. We carry out our mission of love and service through our many ministries with God's people, especially poor women and children.

  7. Presentation Sisters

    The Presentation Sisters, officially the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, are a religious institute of Roman Catholic women founded in Cork, Ireland, by the Venerable Honora "Nano" Nagle in 1775. The Sisters of the congregation use the postnominal initials PBVM . The Presentation Sisters' mission is to help the poor and ...

  8. Faith History

    The Sisters of Mary of the Presentation are Religious Sisters who first came together to serve the people who had suffered persecution after the French Revolution. They are an International Religious Community founded in 1828 in Broons, France. During the French Revolution in the late 1790's, priests were sent into exile.

  9. Sisters of Mary of the Presentation

    The Sisters have no spiritual retreats scheduled at this time. Please visit for other Upcoming Retreats at Maryvale.

  10. Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Over 25 years ago Massachusetts and New York united to become the New Windsor Presentation Sisters. On Sunday, March 12 the Presentation sisters living at Presentation Convent in Leominster, Massachusetts, had a prayer service as they prepared to move this week from the convent where they have lived for many years.

  11. About Us

    As Sisters of the Presentation of Mary our life lived in community is essential to who we are as daughters of Marie Rivier. We hope to inspire one another to live the Gospel as we strive to make Jesus Christ known and loved.

  12. Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    OUR MISSION We, the Sisters of the Presentation and our associates, dedicate our lives to God through evangelization, prayer, service and hospitality. Our way of life is based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  13. Sisters of Mary of the Presentation

    The Sisters of Mary of the Presentation, is a Catholic religious institution founded in 1828 in Broons, France. They are of Vincentian spirituality. They use the post-nominal letters SMP .

  14. The Sisters of the Presentation of Mary -- Then and now

    The Sisters of the Presentation of Mary arrived in the Archdiocese of Boston in 1955 to staff the elementary school at Assumption Parish in Bellingham at the request of the pastor who saw the need for a school for his 900 families. Four sisters answered the call to teach God's children. They began the school year with the first, second and third grade classrooms in the parish hall. In January ...

  15. The Story of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary

    The Sisters of the Presentation of Mary are pleased to announce the release of Venturing into the Prairies, a book about their 110-year history in Western Canada.

  16. Current Leadership

    At the Presentation of Mary, leadership is found in the General Chapter which is a meeting of Sisters whose main purpose is to elect a General Superior and deal with questions of interest to the whole Congregation.

  17. Presentation of Mary

    The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, known in the East as The Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, is a liturgical feast celebrated on November 21 [ 1] by the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and some Anglo-Catholic Churches.

  18. Martha and Maria Orthodox Christian Sisterhoods. Princess Alice of

    I am referring to the model of Orthodox Christian witness with emphasis on the social and pastoral responsibility, evident in the famous sisterhoods of the pre-and during the-soviet Russia, sisterhood "Martha and Mary" by St. Elizabeth Feodorovna, the present Transfiguration Brotherhood of St. Philaret Institute and its founder Rev. Georgy ...

  19. Martha and Mary Convent of Saint Elizabeth Moscow

    The sisters of The Martha-Mary Convent are numbered in the second category. Eventually, the Martha-Mary Convent hopes to own itsown skete on the outskirts of Moscow where those sisters who have labored much, may with the permission of the community, be tonsured into the mantia and withdraw from an active life, in order to devote their remaining ...

  20. Saint Marie Rivier

    The Life of Saint Anne Marie Rivier A Brief Biography of Saint Marie Rivier, Foundress of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary Marie Rivier, fondly known as Marinette, was born December 19, 1768 in Montpezat, France. At the end of April 1770, Marinette, then sixteen months old, had a bad fall which left her severely handicapped. Her mother, a woman of great faith, carried her to the statue ...

  21. Marfo-Mariinsky Convent

    Marfo-Mariinsky Convent. Marfo-Mariinsky Convent, or Martha and Mary Convent [1] of Mercy in the Possession of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna ( Russian: Марфо-Мариинская обитель, Марфо-Мариинская обитель милосердия во владении великой княгини Елизаветы ...

  22. Foundations

    An international Congregation, the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary are in nineteen countries on five continents: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America.

  23. Seven Sisters (Moscow)

    The Seven Sisters (Russian: Сталинские высотки, romanized: Stalinskie Vysotki, lit. 'Stalin's high-rises') are a group of seven skyscrapers in Moscow designed in the Stalinist style. They were built from 1947 to 1953. [ 1] At the time of construction, they were the tallest buildings in Europe, and the main building of Moscow State University remained the tallest building in ...