A critical review of non-performing assets in the Indian banking industry

Rajagiri Management Journal

ISSN : 0972-9968

Article publication date: 28 November 2019

Issue publication date: 13 December 2019

The level of non-performing assets (NPAs) best indicates the soundness of the banking sector of a country. The purpose of this study is an effort to look into the contribution of the different banks individually to the NPA in the industry by looking into its growth pattern during the period 2010-2017. Further, the study is made to look into the effect of different groups of banks, namely, State Bank of India (SBI) and its associates, nationalised banks and private sector banks on the banking industry in this regard.


The individual private sector banks, nationalised banks and SBI and its associates have been considered for the purpose of the study. The analysis is based on secondary data collected from the Reserve Bank of India website for the period 2010-2017. The geometric mean has been used as a statistical tool for arriving at the mean growth rate of gross NPAs. Further, refinement of the result is done by comparing the growth of gross NPAs of individual banks with that of the average growth rate.

The assessment of private sector banks reveals that the growth rate of NPAs is low as compared to the nationalised banks, as well as the SBI and its associates. The nationalised banks and the associate banks of SBI failed to handle the issue of poor loans effectively due to which the growth in such loans has been phenomenally high.


The research is interesting as the study period follows the financial crisis. There is no such previous study that has looked at the perspective of banking from this angle. The research is valuable from two angles. Firstly, it brings to light the situation of the different categories of banks with regard to NPAs. Secondly, the information can be useful for investors as the issue of poor loans is a relevant one for them because it has an impact on the profitability of banks and thereby the future prospects.

  • Nationalized banks
  • Non-performing assets
  • Private sector banks
  • SBI and its associates

Agarwala, V. and Agarwala, N. (2019), "A critical review of non-performing assets in the Indian banking industry", Rajagiri Management Journal , Vol. 13 No. 2, pp. 12-23. https://doi.org/10.1108/RAMJ-08-2019-0010

Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2019, Varuna Agarwala and Nidhi Agarwala.

Published in Rajagiri Management Journal . Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode

1. Introduction

The banking sector is a keystone of any financial system. The smooth functioning of the banking sector ensures the healthy condition of an entire economy. In the process of accepting deposits and lending, loans banks create credit. The funds received from the borrowers by way of interest on loan and repayments of principal are recycled for raising resources. However, building up of non-performing assets (NPAs) disrupts this flow of credit. It hampers credit growth and affects the profitability of the banks as well. NPAs are the leading indicators to judge the performance of the banking sector. As per Reserve Bank of India (RBI) reports on November 2018, the gross amount of poor quality loans is in excess of Rs 9 lakh crores, which shows the severe impact it has on lending practices of banks and their liquidity positions. This growth is a result of quadrupling during the past five years, which shows the poor practice of banks with regard to lending.

sub-standard asset : If an asset has been non-performing for less than 12 months;

doubtful asset : If an asset has been non-performing for more than 12 months; and

loss assets : Assets where losses have been identified by the bank, auditor or inspector and have not been fully written off.

The generation of poor loans in the books of banks is not a favourable event for the banking industry as it affects the size and soundness of the balance sheet. There is an unfavourable impact on the level of return on assets as well. Large amount of profits have to be provisioned against the doubtful and bad loans, which reduces profitability. Banks are even burdened with the increasing level of carrying costs of NPA accounts, which could have been used for any other profitable purpose. The financial institutions are also desired to maintain a certain capital adequacy level to strengthen their net worth. Though this issue is bad news for the banking industry, in recent times from the newspaper reports, it is evident that this problem has taken a serious toll on the banking space. The RBI has been taking measures to control the NPA menace. Some legal measures such as debt recovery tribunals (DRTs), Lok Adalats, the SARFAESI (Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest) Act and the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 have been introduced for the resolution of NPAs. Recapitalisation of public sector banks, setting up of stressed asset management verticals are some other steps taken by the RBI. In recent years, a few concepts like special mention accounts (SMA) and creating categories such as SMA 0, SMA 1 and SMA 2 have been added. Moreover, the regulator has also imposed restriction on eleven public sector banks by imposing the prompt corrective action (PCA) on them. Because of these developments, the present paper aims to find out which banks have contributed to the growing menace and what has been the trend in the banking industry with regard to these poor quality loans.

2. Literature review

The issue of NPAs has been a major area of concern for the lenders and the policymakers. Various research studies have been made to understand the causes contributing to the rise in NPAs, measures that should be taken to resolve the issue in its nascent stage and reforms that have come into effect to reduce the piling up of NPAs. Some of the relevant studies are arranged in a chronological sequence. Karunakar et al. (2008) discuss the various factors that boost NPAs, their size, their effect on Indian banking operations and suggest measures to control the curse on the banking industry. Use of suitable credit assessment and risk management methods is the key to solve the problem of NPA accumulation. Rajeev and Mahesh (2010) , in their article deal with the issue of NPAs after the global financial crisis. They suggest that mere recognition of the problem and self-monitoring can help to manage the NPA problem to a great extent. Self-help groups can also play an important role in the recovery of the loans. Barge (2012) examines that early monitoring and management of lent funds is the necessity of the hour. The study suggests several measures like better supervision of end use of funds, information about the credit history of the borrower and assisting the borrowers to develop entrepreneurial skills to ensure that the asset does not convert into a non-performing asset. Gupta (2012) makes a comparative study of the position of NPAs of State Bank of India (SBI) and associates and other public sector banks. The researcher concludes that for evaluation of the solvency of borrowers each bank should set up a separate credit rating agency. It also suggests the need for a committee comprising of financial experts to supervise and monitor the issue of NPAs. Shalini (2013) has analysed the causes and suggested remedies for reducing NPAs in Indian public sector banks with special reference to the agricultural sector. The analysis of the different problems faced by the Indian farmers deduces the conclusion that banks should follow some measures before lending the loan. Prior collection of reports regarding the goodwill of the farmers, post sanction inspection, educating the farmers regarding the effects and consequences of defaulting are some of the suggested measures. Singh (2013) in the investigation on the position of Indian commercial banks with regard to NPAs finds that these poor quality loans are a major problem for the public sector banks, which show a consistent rise over the years. The main contribution comes from the loans directed at the micro sector and for poverty alleviation programmes. Bhaskaran et al. (2016) in their paper have compared the NPAs of public sector banks and private sector banks over a period of ten years (2004-2013). From their study, it is evident that private sector banks are performing better than public sector banks in reducing the level of NPAs. The authors propose that banks should be proactive in adopting structured NPAs management policy where prevention of NPAs receive priority. Thomas and Vyas (2016) in a recent study on loan recovery strategy of Indian banks suggests two measures, preventive and corrective. The paper also discusses several corrective measures – legal, regulatory and non-legal that are to be taken to recover the non-performing loans. Singh (2016) in another recent study on NPAs and recovery status find that the problem is more severe for the public sector banks compared to the private sector banks. The academic review points to the need to have strict lending policies for speedy recovery of loans. Meher (2017) in the post-demonetisation period looks into the impact of the government’s notebandi decision on the NPA of Indian Banks. The researcher finds both positives and negatives of the event on the banking industry. Sengupta and Vardhan (2017) have compared the two banking crisis episodes post-liberalisation- one that took place in the late 1990s and the other that commenced after the 2008 global financial crisis that raised the issue of NPAs. The authors are of the view that strong governance, proactive banking regulations and a strong legal framework for resolution of NPAs would assist in solving the problem of NPAs. On the other hand, regulatory forbearance would adversely affect the banking crisis. Mittal and Suneja (2017) have analysed the level of NPAs in the banking sector in India and the causes that have led to the rise in NPAs. They have proposed that though the government has taken a number of steps to reduce the problem of NPAs, bankers should also be proactive in adopting well-structured policies to manage NPAs. The loan should be sanctioned after considering the return on investment of a proposed project and the credit-worthiness of the customers. Sahni and Seth (2017) study the different causes responsible for rising NPAs and the impact it has on the operation of banks. The authors have mentioned several preventive and curative measures to control the NPAs. They have suggested that proper assessment regarding the credit-worthiness of the borrower should be done to ensure the speedy recovery of loans. Mishra and Pawaskar (2017) have recommended that banks should have a good credit appraisal system so as to avoid NPAs. They point out that the problem of NPAs can be solved if there is a proper legal structure to support the banks in recovery of debt. Banerjee et al. (2018) have examined the status of gross NPAs and net NPAs in private sector banks and public sector banks to study their effect on the asset quality of the banks. Deliberate loan defaults, poor credit management policies, sanctioning of loans without analysing the risk-bearing capacity of the borrowers are the main reasons for piling up of NPAs. The banks should stress on better strategy formulation and its proper execution as well. Stringent provisions by the government could help in reducing the level of NPAs. Mukhopadhyay (2018) , in his paper, has discussed about finding solutions to India’s NPA woes. He has suggested that to resolve the problems of NPAs the RBI should not abide by a single model, instead, an innovative and flexible approach is needed for each affected bank, which should differ on case-by-case basis. Kumar (2018) , in her study has found that NPAs have a serious negative impact on the profitability and liquidity of the banking sector. According to her if the issue of NPAs is managed efficiently, then many microeconomic issues such as poverty, unemployment, imbalances of balance of payments can be reduced, the money market can be strengthened, and thus, the image of Indian banking system can be improved in the international market. Sharma (2018) emphasises the role of the banking sector as an instrument of economic growth and development. The paper discusses how banks are burdened due to growing NPAs especially in case of public sector banks. The author states a number of preventive measures that would curtail the level of NPAs. Viable regulatory standards and timely implementation of them could pave the way for a strong financial sector in India. Dey (2018) in a very recent research paper looks at the recovery aspect of recovery of poor loans of the Indian commercial banks. The author finds the role of DRTs to be much better compared to the recovery through Lok Adalats and SARFASEI Act. Kumar et al. (2018) make an interesting study to find out the main reasons behind accumulating NPAs. They find the main reasons to be industrial sickness, change in government policies, poor credit appraisal system, wilful defaults and defect in the lending process.

2.1 Research gap

Thus, an overview of the above literature shows that there are quite a few studies in the field of non-performing assets in the banking industry. However, there are no studies that look at the data till 2017, which is important and pertinent because the major piling up has been taking place after 2011 in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008. Moreover, the major focus of the paper is not only on groups of banks but also individual banks. This is done to identify those banks, which have been contributing more to the NPA menace in the banking space. Hence, the article is not only relevant but also addresses a contemporary issue like NPAs. The research adds new knowledge to the banking literature, which will help readers to comprehend the position of banks in a better way.

3. Objectives of the study

to determine the mean growth rate for different groups of banks and individual banks; and

to make comments relating to the growth pattern of Gross NPAs.

4. Research design

Sample : the individual private sector banks, the nationalised banks and SBI and its associates have been considered.

Data period : the analysis is based on data for the period 2010-2017.

Nature of the data and source : The investigation is based on secondary data, which is collected from the RBI website.

Variable of interest : gross NPAs.

Research methods : in this article, the statistical tool that the researchers have used is the geometric mean for arriving at the mean growth rate and then the growth of individual banks has been compared with the average growth rate.

5. Analysis and findings

The details of the analysis are presented in the sub-section below.

5.1 Assessment of private sector banks

The position of the private sector banks with regard to the movement of gross NPAs during the study period is discussed below.

5.1.1 Assessment at the individual level.

An examination of the gross NPA position of the banks in the private sector shows that the growth rate (calculated using Geometric Mean) is quite low in the initial years of the study period (the lowest being 3 per cent in the year 2011-2012), but it goes on increasing thereafter. The overall position of NPAs of the private sector goes up to a maximum of 72 per cent in the year 2016-2017. Majority of the private sector banks show a sharp rise in the NPA growth rates after the year 2015-2016. This sudden rise may have been the result of “asset quality review” conducted by the RBI in the year 2015. The inspection carried out by the RBI highlighted the under-reporting of NPAs in the private sector banks. Big lenders like Axis Bank, Yes Bank and ICICI Bank reveal high growth rate of NPAs during the latter years of the study period. Axis Bank experienced a significant rise in the gross NPAs of close to 250 per cent in 2016-2017 followed by Karur Vysya Bank (190 per cent) and Yes Bank (170 per cent) ( Table I ).

5.1.2 Comparing performance against the mean.

If we consider the growth rates of NPAs of each private sector bank with respect to the average growth rate of the banks in the private sector as a whole, we find that most of the banks have a growth rate less than the average growth rate (27 per cent). The performance of DCB is a commendable one as it shows an overall decline in the level of poor loans, which is an exception in the banking landscape. It points to a sound NPA management process in the bank. On the other hand, Yes Bank, which is among the big brands in the industry recorded the highest growth rate of 65 per cent followed by Axis Bank (49 per cent) ( Table II ).

5.2 Performance assessment of SBI and its associates

5.2.1 assessment at the individual level..

Next, we analyse the position of SBI and the SBI Group as a whole (note that the SBI Associates do not separately exist now as they have been merged with SBI in 2017). An analysis of the gross NPA position shows that the initial spurt in NPA growth took place in 2011-2012 followed by 2015-2016. This observation is the same as what is seen in the case of the nationalised banks. Of the entire SBI Group the State Bank shows the minimum average growth of 28 per cent. The associate banks show a poor performance in terms of the overall rise in NPAs during the period. Calculations show that State Bank of Hyderabad shows a growth of 61 per cent, which is closely followed by State Bank of Patiala (51 per cent), State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur (50 per cent), State Bank of Mysore (49 per cent) and State Bank of Travancore (45 per cent). It is evident from the computations that with the SBI giving more focus towards NPA management rather than business expansion, fruitful results are reflected in 2016-2017 with respect to the previous year, a rise of only 14 per cent. For the remaining associate banks, it seems that the top management has not taken the issue of NPAs very seriously, due to which in 2016-2017 the year on year growth rate exceeds 160 per cent for all the banks. This might be the possible reason apart from generating economies of scale behind mergers of the associate banks with the parent bank ( Table III ).

5.2.2 Comparing performance against the mean.

The table below gives an idea about the growth position in NPAs of the individual banks against the average performance of the group ( Table IV ).

5.3 Performance assessment of nationalised banks

5.3.1 assessment at the individual level..

As per the computation, the position of Gross NPAs with respect to the growth rate during the period 2010-2011 and 2016-2017 is extremely bad, which is the reason behind the growing worry of the apex bank. If we look into specific banks and look at the growth rate during the study period we find the banks, which show the maximum rate are Andhra Bank, Punjab and Sindh Bank and IDBI Bank, which show the mean growth rate (in terms of geometric mean) to be 67, 63 and 55 per cent, respectively. In fact, the overall position of the nationalised banks taken together shows that the growth rate has risen at a high pace after the financial crisis started showing its effect in 2010. Of the 20 nationalised banks, 40 per cent show a mean growth rate of atleast 50 per cent. If we compare the growth rate of banks with respect to the average growth rate of the nationalised banking group taken together, it is evident that 50 per cent of the banks grow at a rate, which is more than the mean rate of 46 per cent. Some of the prominent names include Punjab National Bank, Andhra Bank, IDBI Bank (in which LIC has recently taken a stake of 51 per cent). For those banks in which the NPA rose by less than the average, the geometric mean lies in the range of 30 per cent (for Vijaya Bank) and 46 per cent (for Bank of Maharashtra).

If we analyse the pattern of growth (year-on-year), we find that there has been a spurt in the NPA growth of nationalised banks during 2011-2012 and 2013-2014. The second shock in terms of poor quality norms took place in 2015-2016 when the overall nationalised banks grew 104 per cent over the previous year. After the RBI came up with the concept of prompt corrective action, and looked at the problem with more diligence, some positive results (though not satisfactory) is seen in 2016-2017. It is evident from the calculations that the growth of NPAs in 2016-2017 is 21 per cent, which is the least during the study period ( Table V ).

5.3.2 Performance of banks against average.

The table below shows the categorisation of the banks into two categories, which are “more than average” and “less than average” ( Table VI ).

6. Conclusion

The overall findings point to a worrisome situation for the banking sector as a whole. An analysis of the growth rate in the NPA level shows that the problem is evident not only with small-sized banks but also with big names in the banking space. Hence, the entire sector is gripped in the crisis. The poor asset for the banks is a problem because as per the guidelines, given by the RBI, banks are required to keep some amount as provision depending on their asset quality thereby leading to declining profitability of the banks. Hence, it impacts not only the profitability level of these banks but also affects the shareholders’ wealth. Thus, the time is apt that the RBI has been coming up with very stringent norms so that the growth in these assets can be put under control. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code of 2016 is playing an important role with regard to recovery of assets of those creditors whose case has been filed with the National Company Law Tribunal. In fact, figures are given by the RBI point to a declining phase in the NPA growth rate, which is a positive development. But, there is still a lot to be done. Only time will say how successful has the RBI been in controlling the NPA growth in the sector. It is necessary to pull the trigger hard as these poor loans are having a severe impact on the liquidity position of banks and even the banks have been asked to go slow with regard to lending, which is ultimately having an impact on the economic growth, which has been slow during the past few quarters.

Year on year growth rate in gross NPAs in private sector banks

Year 2010-2011 (%) 2011-2012 (%) 2012-2013 (%) 2013-2014 (%) 2014-2015 (%) 2015-2016 (%) 2016-2017 (%) GM (%)
Axis Bank 21 13 33 31 31 48 250 49
Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd 29 −5 15 58 42 −6 34 22
City Union Bank Limited 20 10 40 69 15 52 33 33
DCB Limited −17 −8 −11 −36 34 6 29 −3
Dhanlaxmi Bank −13 55 265 28 15 −18 −31 22
Federal Bank 40 13 19 −30 −3 58 4 11
HDFC Bank −7 18 17 28 15 28 34 18
ICICI Bank 6 −6 1 9 44 74 61 24
Indusind Bank 4 31 32 36 −9 38 36 22
Jammu and Kashmir Bank Ltd 12 0 25 22 253 58 37 44
Karnataka Bank Ltd 28 −2 −7 31 13 25 34 16
Karur Vysya Bank −3 41 −11 −2 143 −25 190 30
Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd −21 2 23 40 17 129 26 25
Lakshmi Vilas Bank −51 95 49 19 −17 −14 64 10
Nainital Bank −8 45 117 −9 27 54 38 32
RBL −22 54 −22 200 43 87 72 44
South Indian Bank 9 16 62 0 49 143 −26 27
Tamilnadu Mercantile Bank Ltd 23 26 21 100 −26 31 55 28
Yes Bank Ltd 34 4 12 85 79 139 170 65

Computed by the researchers

Growth more than average (27%)(%)Growth less than average (27%)(%)
Yes Bank Ltd 65 South Indian Bank 27
Axis Bank 49 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd 25
Jammu and Kashmir Bank Ltd 44 ICICI Bank 24
RBL 44 Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd 22
City Union Bank Limited 33 Dhanlaxmi Bank 22
Nainital Bank 32 Indusind Bank 22
Karur Vysya Bank 30 HDFC Bank 18
Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd 28 Karnataka Bank Ltd 16
    Federal Bank 11
  Lakshmi Vilas Bank 10
    DCB Limited −3

Computed by the researchers

Year 2010-2011 (%) 2011-2012 (%) 2012-2013 (%) 2013-2014 (%) 2014-2015 (%) 2015-2016 (%) 2016-2017 (%) GM (%)
State Bank of Bikaner And Jaipur 37 98 28 29 8 22 196 50
State Bank of Hyderabad 77 74 59 83 −14 32 176 61
State Bank of India 30 57 29 20 −8 73 14 28
State Bank of Mysore 45 74 38 35 −24 70 173 49
State Bank of Patiala 37 37 30 53 16 55 164 51
State Bank of Travancore 30 78 18 76 −23 36 176 45

Computed by the researchers

Growth more than average (34%) (%) Growth less than average (34%) (%)
State Bank of Hyderabad 61 State Bank of India 28
State Bank of Patiala 51
State Bank of Bikaner And Jaipur 50
State Bank of Mysore 49
State Bank of Travancore 45

Computed by the researchers

Year 2010-2011 (%) 2011-2012 (%) 2012-2013 (%) 2013-2014 (%) 2014-2015 (%) 2015-2016 (%) 2016-2017 (%) GM (%)
Allahabad Bank 35 25 149 57 4 84 34 50
Andhra Bank 104 81 107 58 17 66 54 67
Bank of Baroda 31 42 79 49 37 149 5 51
Bank of India −1 34 44 38 72 125 4 40
Bank of Maharashtra −3 11 −12 151 124 62 66 46
Canara Bank 21 29 55 21 72 143 8 45
Central Bank of India −3 204 16 36 3 91 20 41
Corporation Bank 21 61 61 131 50 105 17 59
Dena Bank 31 14 52 80 68 95 47 53
IDBI Bank Ltd 31 63 42 54 27 96 80 55
Indian Bank 45 150 93 28 24 56 12 53
Indian Overseas Bank −14 27 69 37 65 101 17 38
Oriental Bank of Commerce 31 86 17 34 36 92 55 48
Punjab and Sind Bank 106 80 101 66 21 37 49 63
Punjab National Bank 36 99 54 40 36 117 −1 50
Syndicate Bank 30 22 −6 55 40 115 27 36
UCO Bank 89 30 74 −7 55 104 8 45
Union Bank of India 36 50 16 51 36 85 39 44
United Bank of India −1 61 36 140 −8 45 16 35
Vijaya Bank 27 36 −11 30 23 147 6 30

Computed by the researchers

Growth more than average (46%) (%) Growth less than average (46%) (%)
Andhra Bank 67 Bank of Maharashtra 46
Punjab and Sind Bank 63 UCO Bank 45
Corporation Bank 59 Canara Bank 45
IDBI Bank Limited 55 Union Bank of India 44
Dena Bank 53 Central Bank of India 41
Indian Bank 53 Bank of India 40
Bank of Baroda 51 Indian Overseas Bank 38
Punjab National Bank 50 Syndicate Bank 36
Allahabad Bank 50 United Bank of India 35
Oriental Bank of Commerce 48 Vijaya Bank 30

Source: Computed by the researchers

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Further reading

Bhardwaj , P. and Chawdhary , I. ( 2018 ), “ A study of non-performing assets of commercial banks and its recovery in India ”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews , Vol. 5 , No. 2 , pp. 176 - 189 .

Vikram , S.K. and Gayathari , G. ( 2018 ), “ A study on non-performing assets in Indian banking sector ”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics , Vol. 118 , pp. 4537 - 4541 .




The authors would like to express their deep gratitude to Dr Abhijit Sinha for mentoring and guiding us in the research work and all the other teachers of the Department of Commerce, Vidyasagar University for their support and encouragement.

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A Comparative Study of Non Performing Assets in India in The Global Context - Similarities and Dissimilarities, Remedial Measures

21 Pages Posted: 6 Feb 2003

Prashanth K. Reddy

Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

Date Written: October 2002

Financial sector reform in India has progressed rapidly on aspects like interest rate deregulation, reduction in reserve requirements, barriers to entry, prudential norms and risk-based supervision. But progress on the structural-institutional aspects has been much slower and is a cause for concern. The sheltering of weak institutions while liberalizing operational rules of the game is making implementation of operational changes difficult and ineffective. Changes required to tackle the NPA problem would have to span the entire gamut of judiciary, polity and the bureaucracy to be truly effective. This paper deals with the experiences of other Asian countries in handling of NPAs. It further looks into the effect of the reforms on the level of NPAs and suggests mechanisms to handle the problem by drawing on experiences from other countries.

Keywords: NPA India and Asia comparision

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

Prashanth K. Reddy (Contact Author)

Indian institute of management, ahmedabad ( email ).

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A Comparative study of Non Performing Assets in Public and Private Sector

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Professor.Krishan Bir Singh

Non-performing assets is very useful and significant term of banking sector. Simply the profitability and stability of any business concern depends upon the performance of assets available. “Non- performing” itself reflect the poor or null performance of the assets. The Indian banking sector has been facing serious problems of raising Non- Performing Assets. Non-performing assets (NPA) is one of the major concerns for banking system in India. NPAs mirror the performance of banks. A high level of NPAs suggests high likelihood of an oversized range of credit defaults that have an effect on the profitableness and net-worth of banks and additionally erodes the worth of the plus. NPAs have an effect on the liquidity and profitableness, additionally to motility threat on quality of plus and survival of banks. The problem of NPAs is not only affecting the banks but also the whole economy. In fact level of NPAs in Indian banks is nothing but a reflection of the state of health of the industry and trade. The scope of the study is prescribed to the paper that what is NPA? The factors contributing to NPAs, reasons for high NPAs and their impact on Indian banking operations, the trend. Study includes Public Sector Banks, Private Sector Banks, Scheduled Urban Co-operative Banks and Non Banking Financial Institutions and includes the views of borrowers, facilitators who are directly or indirectly connected with the banks and financial institutions.

Publisher ijmra.us UGC Approved

The growth of the economy depends upon the efficiency and stability of the banking sector. The most important factor which measures the health of the banking industry is the size of NPAs. Non-Performing assets have direct impact on the financial performance of banks i.e. their profitability. It denotes the efficiency with which a bank is optimizing its total resources and therefore, serving an index to the degree of asset utilization and managerial effectiveness.NPAs affects the profitability of the banks in terms of rising cost of capital, increasing risk perception thereby affecting liquidity position of banks.This paper attempts to first examine the level of NPAs in the banking sector in India and then analyze the causes for increasing NPAs. In the final part of the paper,measures which banks can take to reduce their NPAs have been suggested. The study also compares the performance of the public sector banks with the private sector banks.The secondary data collected from different sources has been used in the study. The study shows that the magnitude of NPAs is increasing in public sector banks as compared to the private sector banks. Therefore banks need to effectively control their NPAs in order to increase their profitability and efficiency.


Rajni Saluja

IJAR Indexing

There has been an increase in the Credit flow to various sectors of the economy such as infrastructure, industry, services and agriculture. But simultaneously there has also been an increase in the Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) in the Indian banking sector. NPAs have direct impact on the profitability and the net-worth of the banks. The banks have to take initiatives to bring down the Non-Performing Assets. Gross NPA reflects the quality of the bank loans and the Net NPA reflect the actual burden of the banks. This paper makes an attempt to study the trends of Gross NPA, Net NPA, the impact of NPAs and the recent measures taken by the government to decrease the NPAs.

Academician Researcher

The strength and soundness of a banking system primarily depends upon the quality of the assets. Non-performing assets (NPA) is one of the major concerns for banking system in India. This study analyzes NPA management in Indian banks for the period 2004-2013. The data for the study pertained to gross and net NPAs of different bank groups over the research period, and was collected from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) website. The results of the study show that there has been a reduction in the NPA ratios over the research period, which indicates improvement in the asset quality of Indian public sector banks, private sector banks, and foreign banks. There was significant improvement in the management of NPAs of the public sector banks. The stringent prudential and provisioning norms and other initiatives taken by the regulatory bodies have pressurized banks to improve their performance, and consequently resulted in reduction of NPA as well as improvement in the financial health of the Indian banking system. The various steps initiated by the RBI and the Government of India in strengthening/improving the functioning of the Debt Recovery Tribunals, Lok Adalats, and SARFAESI Act as a comprehensive settlement policy certainly has resulted in improved recovery of NPA accounts. All these efforts have improved the efficiency and profitability of Indian banks, and have strengthened the financial position of the public sector banks and private sector banks. The study further reveals that despite the huge NPA level of public sector banks, they have been successful in reducing their respective gross and net NPA ratios at par with the private sector banks.

ketan mehta

Non-Performing Assets have become a serious issue in the Indian banking industry, As the NPAs is one of the major indicators of a bank's performance. The high proportion of non-performing assets in Indian banks is simply a reflection of the industry's and trade's overall health. To strengthen the financial health of the banking sector, it is vital to reduce the level of NPAs. The objectives of the study are to Analyse the trend of NPAs and their influence on Indian banks' operations; the pattern and magnitude of NPAs in selected Public and Private sector banks; and the causes contributing to NPAs. The findings indicate that there has been an upward trend in the proportion of NPAs at both private and public sector banks. In 2010, gross non-performing assets (NPAs) as a percentage of total loans given by SBI,

Indian banking sector faced the many challenges due to enlarging NPAs in the banks. The profitability of the banks is not only adversely affected due to these NPAs’ but also enhanced the carrying cost. The net worth of the banks is also adversely affected. Due to the enlarging NPAs in banks, the RBI made stringent rules to curb the alarming situation. But in 2009, the RBI has to liberalised the norms in January 2009 due to the slowdown of Indian Economy. The private sector banks and the foreign banks exhibited the good show in bringing down the NPAs as most of the private and foreign banks brought down the NPA level up to 2 percent. Their sub-standard assets, doubtful assets and loss assets have decreased considerably over the time. The present paper is an attempt to study NPA problem in Private Sector and Foreign Banks in India.

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Virtual reality immersive simulations for a forensic molecular biology course—a quantitative comparative study.

research paper on npa comparative study

1. Introduction

2. materials and methods, 2.1. vr simulation design and development, 2.2. forensic molecular biology vr prototype, 2.3. simulation scenario and activities.

2.4. Evaluation of the VR Forensic Module

3.1. data analysis, 3.2. findings, 3.2.1. demographics, 3.2.2. impact of instructional modalities on learners’ perceptions, 3.2.3. factors influencing learners’ attitude toward vr-based simulations, 4. discussion and conclusions, 5. limitations and future work recommendations, supplementary materials, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest, appendix a. data collection instrument.

Instructional Group1. In which format was your training course delivered?Dichotomous1: Face-to-Face, 2: Online
Background informationPlease indicate your gender.Nominal1: Male, 2: Female, 3: Prefer not to answer
Background informationPlease indicate your age group.Ordinal1: 18–20 years old, 2: 21–23 years old, 3: 24 years old and above
Background informationHow would you rate your experience with computer-based games?Likert scale1: No experience, 2: Beginner, 3: Intermediate, 4: Advanced, 5: Expert
Background informationHow would you rate your experience with 3D virtual environments?Likert scale1: No experience, 2: Beginner, 3: Intermediate, 4: Advanced, 5: Expert
Perceived Quality of the Virtual EnvironmentQ1. How would you rate the content of the scenario in terms of relevance and accuracy?Likert scale1: Very Poor, 2: Poor, 3: Fair, 4: Good, 5: Excellent
Perceived Quality of the Virtual EnvironmentQ2. How would you rate the visual quality of the 3D objects in the scenario?Likert scale1: Very Poor, 2: Poor, 3: Fair, 4: Good, 5: Excellent
Perceived Quality of the Virtual EnvironmentQ3. How would you rate the smoothness and realism of the animations in the scenario?Likert scale1: Very Poor, 2: Poor, 3: Fair, 4: Good, 5: Excellent
Perceived Quality of the Virtual EnvironmentQ4. How would you rate the overall quality of the learning materials in the scenario?Likert scale1: Very Poor, 2: Poor, 3: Fair, 4: Good, 5: Excellent
Perceived Quality of the Virtual EnvironmentQ5. How would you rate the clarity and readability of the texts in the scenario?Likert scale1: Very Poor, 2: Poor, 3: Fair, 4: Good, 5: Excellent
Perceived Quality of the Virtual EnvironmentQ6. To what extent did your activities in the 3D virtual environment help you understand the presented topics?Likert scale1: Not at all, 2: Very little, 3: Somewhat, 4: To a great extent
Perceived Quality of the Virtual EnvironmentQ7. Do you feel that this tool positively impacted your learning by helping you develop new transversal skills such as collaboration and problem-solving?Likert scale1: No, not really, 2: Neutral, 3: Yes, definitely
Perceived Quality of the Virtual EnvironmentQ8. What is your overall impression of learning in a 3D virtual environment?Likert scale1: Very negative, 2: Negative, 3: Neutral, 4: Positive, 5: Very positive
Perceived Quality of the Virtual EnvironmentQ9. How would you rate your overall immersive learning experience in the virtual environment?Likert scale1: Very uninteresting, 2: Uninteresting, 3: Neutral, 4: Interesting, 5: Very interesting
Adoption PerceptionQ10. To what extent do you believe teacher’s presence is necessary when undertaking learning activities in a virtual environment?Likert scale1: Not necessary at all, 2: Somewhat necessary, 3: Absolutely necessary
Adoption PerceptionQ11. Would you consider using a similar educational 3D Virtual Environment for future training?Likert scale1: No, not really, 2: Maybe, 3: Yes, definitely
Adoption PerceptionQ12. How likely are you to recommend this learning approach to other students?Likert scale1: Not likely at all, 2: Somewhat likely, 3: Very likely

Click here to enlarge figure

ItemFactor 1 *Factor 2
Q1. How would you rate the content of the scenario in terms of relevance and accuracy?−0.64−0.07
Q2. How would you rate the visual quality of the 3D objects in the scenario?−0.55−0.33
Q3. How would you rate the smoothness and realism of the animations in the scenario?−0.47−0.43
Q4. How would you rate the overall quality of the learning materials in the scenario?−0.59−0.16
Q5. How would you rate the clarity and readability of the texts in the scenario?−0.33−0.6
Q6. To what extent did your activities in the 3D virtual environment help you understand the presented topics?−0.670.29
Q7. Do you feel that this tool positively impacted your learning by helping you develop new transversal skills such as collaboration and problem-solving?−0.58−0.04
Q8. What is your overall impression of learning in a 3D virtual environment?−0.74−0.01
Q9. How would you rate your overall immersive learning experience in the virtual environment?−0.590.43
Q10. To what extent do you believe teacher’s presence is necessary when undertaking learning activities in a virtual environment?−0.23−0.11
Q11. Would you consider using a similar educational 3D Virtual Environment for future training?−0.530.33
Q12. How likely are you to recommend this learning approach to other students?−0.570.1
ItemFactor 1 *Factor 2
Q1. How would you rate the content of the scenario in terms of relevance and accuracy?0.85-
Q2. How would you rate the visual quality of the 3D objects in the scenario?0.78-
Q3. How would you rate the smoothness and realism of the animations in the scenario?0.75-
Q4. How would you rate the overall quality of the learning materials in the scenario?0.8-
Q5. How would you rate the clarity and readability of the texts in the scenario?0.68-
Q6. To what extent did your activities in the 3D virtual environment help you understand the presented topics?0.85-
Q7. Do you feel that this tool positively impact-ed your learning by helping you develop new transversal skills such as collaboration and problem-solving?0.8-
Q8. What is your overall impression of learning in a 3D virtual environment?0.9-
Q9. How would you rate your overall immersive learning experience in the virtual environment?0.82-
Q10. To what extent do you believe teacher’s presence is necessary when undertaking learning activities in a virtual environment?-0.72
Q11. Would you consider using a similar educational 3D Virtual Environment for future training?-0.8
Q12. How likely are you to recommend this learning approach to other students?-0.85
Age group
18–20 years old834.781252.17
21–23 years old1252.17834.78
24 years old and above313.04313.04
Experience with computer-based games
No experience14.3500
Experience with Virtual Reality
No experience28.700
MMedStd DevMinMaxMMedStd DevMinMax
Age group20.96211.97182420.65202.211824
Experience with computer-based games3.4330.99154.2240.6735
Experience with virtual 3D virtual environments2.9131152.8320.9825
Perceived Quality of the Virtual Environment3.353.450.85252.9530.8214
Adoption Perception2.52.670.67132.4330.6613
1.1 How would you rate of the content of the scenario?2.953.65
1.2 How would you rate the quality of the 3D objects?3.173.43
1.3 How would you rate the quality of the animations?3.213.21
1.4 How would you rate the quality of the learning material (in the scenario) in general?3.303.6
1.5 How would you rate the quality of the texts (in the scenario)?3.393.52
1.6 Did your activities in the virtual world help you comprehend the presented topics?2.733.39
1.7 Do you feel that this tool positively impacted your learning by helping you develop new transversal skills such as collaboration and problem-solving?2.392.56
1.8 What is your overall impression of having a class in TESLA virtual world?2.823.69
1.9 How interesting did you find your time in the virtual world?2.953.13
2.1 Is there a need of a real teacher to be present in the classroom when learning in the virtual world?2.432.47
2.2 Would you use a similar educational Virtual World in the future?2.342.43
2.3 Would you recommend this Virtual World to other students?2.522.6
Variableχ (Statistic)DFp
Age Group4.53320.6
Computer Game Experience9.07340.05
3D Virtual Environment Experience7.54540.11
Q1. Content Relevance158.5−2.480.01 *
Q2. Visual Quality211.5−1.260.2
Q3. Animation Quality262−0.050.96
Q4. Material Quality198−1.640.1
Q5. Text Quality234.5−0.740.46
Q6. Topic Comprehension189.5−1.690.09
Q7. Transversal Skill Development225−0.980.32
Q8. Overall Impression165−2.330.02*
Q9. Interest Level243.5−0.50.62
Q10. Teacher Necessity244−0.50.61
Q11. Future Use252.5−0.280.77
Q12. Recommendation236.5−0.710.47
AgeExp. GamesExp. 3D Env.Content Rel.Visual Qual.Anim. Real.Learn. Mat. Qual.Text Clar.Comp.Skill Dev.Imp.ExperienceTeacher Pres.Future UseRecommend
Experience with Games−0.211
Experience with 3D Environments−0.180.16
Content Realism0.020.53 **−0.111
Visual Quality−0.080.31 *0.070.31 *1
Animation Realism−0.050.12−0.070.36 *0.30 *1
Learning Material Quality0. *0.47 **0.39 **1
Text Clarity00.15−0.20.33 *0.33 *0.44 **0.261
Comprehension−0.130.33 *−0.090.46 **0.30 *0.210.30 *0.131
Transversal Skill Dev.0.130.25−0.150.32 *0.270.37 * **1
Impression0.050.30 *−0.170.56 **0.53 **0.31 *0.44 **0.20.45 **0.49 **1
Immersive Learning Experience−0.040.27−0.130.50 ** *−0.030.56 **0.220.51 **1
Teacher Pres.0.31 *0− **−0.020.39 **
Future Use0.210.19−0.040.30 *−0.030.44 **0.33 *0.36 *0.41 **0.30 *1
Recommend−0.050.22− **0.170.47 **0.45 **0.39 ** **1
The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). MDPI and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content.

Share and Cite

Ewais, A.; Mystakidis, S.; Khalilia, W.; Diab, S.; Christopoulos, A.; Khasib, S.; Yahya, B.; Hatzilygeroudis, I. Virtual Reality Immersive Simulations for a Forensic Molecular Biology Course—A Quantitative Comparative Study. Appl. Sci. 2024 , 14 , 7513. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14177513

Ewais A, Mystakidis S, Khalilia W, Diab S, Christopoulos A, Khasib S, Yahya B, Hatzilygeroudis I. Virtual Reality Immersive Simulations for a Forensic Molecular Biology Course—A Quantitative Comparative Study. Applied Sciences . 2024; 14(17):7513. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14177513

Ewais, Ahmed, Stylianos Mystakidis, Walid Khalilia, Shadi Diab, Athanasios Christopoulos, Said Khasib, Baha Yahya, and Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis. 2024. "Virtual Reality Immersive Simulations for a Forensic Molecular Biology Course—A Quantitative Comparative Study" Applied Sciences 14, no. 17: 7513. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14177513

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Comparative Effects of Complex Contrast Training and Traditional Training Methods on Physical Performance Within Female, Semiprofessional Australian Rules Football Players

Luders, Jack G. 1,2 ; Garrett, Joel M. 3 ; Gleadhill, Sam 1,2,4 ; Mathews, Liam O. 1,2 ; Bennett, Hunter J. 1,2

1 Unit of Allied Health and Human Performance, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia;

2 Alliance for Research in Exercise, Nutrition, and Activity, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia;

3 Griffith University, School of Health Sciences and Social Work, Southport, Queensland, Australia; and

4 UniSA Online, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia

Address correspondence to Jack Luders, [email protected] .

Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal's Web site ( http://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr ).

Luders, J, Garrett, J, Gleadhill, S, Mathews, L, and Bennett, H. Comparative effects of complex contrast training and traditional training methods on physical performance within female, semiprofessional Australian Rules Football players. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000–000, 2024—This study aimed to explore whether complex contrast training (CCT) would elicit greater strength and power adaptations than traditional (TRAD) training methods using a volume- and intensity-matched design. Fourteen semiprofessional female Australian Football players completed the study. Both CCT and TRAD saw improvements in all performance outcomes: 1 repetition maximum (1RM) back squat (21.3 ± 8.2 and 16.7 ± 6.8 kg), 1RM bench press (5.3 ± 3.6 and 2.1 ± 4.0 kg), 1RM trap bar deadlift (5.0 ± 6.6 and 11.3 ± 2.5 kg), 5 m sprint (0.002 ± 0.09 and 0.02 ± 0.2 s), 10 m sprint (0.04 ± 0.17 and 0.02 ± 0.1 s), 15 m sprint (0.009 ± 0.15 and 0.08 ± 0.2 s), countermovement jump (CMJ) height (230 ± 150 and 340 ± 390 cm), CMJ absolute peak power (158.5 ± 69.6 and 235.6 ± 229.6 N), CMJ relative peak power (3.46 ± 4.1 and 2.68 ± 1.4 N·kg −1 )), and plyometric push-up peak relative power (20.5 ± 13.4 and 15.2 ± 13.5 N). There were no between-group differences except for TRAD recording slightly greater improvements in 1RM Trap bar deadlift (Bayes factor [BF 10 ] = 1.210). Complex contrast training completed sessions on average ∼7 minutes quicker than TRAD (BF 10 = 5.722), while both groups reporting similar ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) with CCT (± SD ) 58.4 ± 6.7 minutes and TRAD 65.5 ± 4.8. Based on the results, CCT training provides the same performance outcomes as traditional training methods across a period of 8 weeks, while taking less time to achieve these outcomes and with similar RPE.

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    International Journal of Scientific Research in _____ Research Paper . Multidisciplinary Studies Volume-5, Issue-6, pp.01-10, June (2019) E-ISSN: 2454-9312 P-ISSN: 2454-6143 A Study on Analysis of Non -Performing Assets and its Impact on Profitability ... Gross & Net NPA during the period. The study found that there is a significant positive ...

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    Chaudhary and Sharma (2011) in their research paper on Performance of Indian Public Sector Banks and Private Sector Banks: A Comparative Study stated that it is right time to take suitable and stringent measures to get rid of NPA problem. An efficient management information system should be developed.


    IJCRT2101068 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org 482 Limitations of the study This paper is centered Non-Performing Assets impact to Co-operative banks only. The study covers only for Punjab and Maharashtra Co-operative Bank (PMC Bank). The analysis of comparative study of Non-Performing assets with

  22. Applied Sciences

    The experimental study employed a comparative quantitative research design. The guiding research questions examined how instructional modalities (online vs. face-to-face) affect learners' perceptions of VR-based training in higher education and the key factors influencing learners' intention for their adoption.


    Gross NPA is the overall quantitative amount of all those loans that have gone bad. ... and the comparative study was done between the Public Sector Banks. ... (2010): This research paper ...

  24. Deep Fake Detection using Transfer Learning: A Comparative study of

    This study evaluates the effectiveness of various pre-trained deep learning models using transfer learning for detecting deep fake images on the Face Forensics++ dataset, finding the highest performance in MobileNetV2 with 89% followed by ResNet50 with 83 % and other models. With the proliferation of sophisticated AI techniques, the creation and dissemination of deep fake images and videos ...

  25. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research

    o explore whether complex contrast training (CCT) would elicit greater strength and power adaptations than traditional (TRAD) training methods using a volume- and intensity-matched design. Fourteen semiprofessional female Australian Football players completed the study. Both CCT and TRAD saw improvements in all performance outcomes: 1 repetition maximum (1RM) back squat (21.3 ± 8.2 and 16.7 ...


    There are many research conducted on the topic of Non-Performing Assets (NPA) Management, concerning particular bank, comparative study of public and private banks etc.