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How to Write a SWOT Analysis Paper


Successful businesses and people have been conducting SWOTs since at least the mid-twentieth century and have refined the process over time. The four categories you will explore in your SWOT analysis paper are Strengths (S), Weaknesses (W), Opportunities (O), and Threats (T). You can use SWOT analysis to help you assess your position in project planning, business development , finance, relationships, or for personal growth. Since SWOT analysis papers are usually assigned in business school or associated with business planning, we will focus on the steps for writing a SWOT analysis paper for business, but keep in mind that the process can be tailored to any situation—professional or personal.

If this process sounds laborious or daunting, do not fret: As with most things, conducting a SWOT analysis will get easier the more you do it, and eventually it might become an essential part of all of your decision-making processes. As you evaluate your business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, you will gain skills and insights that can help you evaluate yourself, your business, and various decisions you are facing.

Better than a pros and cons list

Perhaps you are thinking, This sounds just like a pros and cons list . A SWOT analysis provides more information than a simple pros and cons list, and it makes it easier to identify potential action items and areas for growth. SWOT analysis considers more than just the pros and cons of a situation: It helps you identify internal and external factors that contribute to or inhibit your success.

Strengths and Weaknesses are generally considered internal factors, so they are things that you or your company can control or can work to improve.

Opportunities and Threats are typically external factors that occur outside of your business (i.e., things that you cannot control), but they are things that could significantly affect you or your business.

Identify your objective/goal

To get the most benefit from your SWOT analysis, be as specific as possible with your objective . If you are analyzing a business, consider focusing on one particular aspect of the business.

The best way to formulate your paper is to use a SWOT analysis chart to organize your thoughts before you actually start writing.

SWOT Analysis Chart

Write down the initial strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats that come to mind when you consider the objective. Use bullet points to separate items, be specific, and remember that you do not have to write in complete sentences on this chart. To be sure that you explore all applicable points, consider the following questions:

  • What does the business do best?
  • What do people like about it?
  • What draws people to the business?
  • What does the business offer that competitors can't or don't offer?
  • What puts the business at a disadvantage?
  • Consider employee feedback and customer reviews: Are there any items that multiple people have identified as issues?
  • In what areas does the business have less resources than competitors?
  • Why do potential clients choose a competitor over you?
  • What areas would you like to improve?

Be honest as you assess the business's weaknesses. Consider what aspects put your business at a disadvantage or what factors limit your growth potential. If you shy away from identifying weaknesses in this step, your SWOT analysis will not be effective or beneficial. Although it can be painful to identify weaknesses that are currently holding you back from personal or business growth, identifying and exploring these areas will give you the opportunity to improve. If you are uncertain if an item should be classified as a Weakness or a Threat , remember that Weaknesses are internal (things within the business that you can work to change) and Threats are external (things you have little or no control over). Also, accurately identifying weaknesses might help you recognize potential opportunities and/or threats.


  • Are there any potential market trends that suggest growth in your field in the coming year?
  • Does the business have any possible partnerships or sponsorships on the horizon?
  • Is the business considering expanding or developing new product lines or specialties?

In addition to any obvious opportunities, look at the strengths you've listed and see if there are any ways that you can turn strengths into opportunities.

  • Is the business affected by government policy? If so, are there any potential policy changes in the future?
  • What obstacles prevent you from doing more business or making more sales? Be specific and list them all.
  • Do you have periods of unreliable cash flow that threaten the business?
  • Does the weather or season affect the business?

Once you have listed all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, prioritize the results in each category from most impactful to least. Prioritizing your results in each of the four categories will help you visualize each item's importance so you can see how it relates to the other areas.

Writing the SWOT analysis paper

Now that you have filled out the SWOT chart and prioritized your SWOT results, you have the basic information to begin drafting your SWOT analysis paper. As with any professional paper, start with a strong introduction and state your objection and the focus of your SWOT analysis. In the next four paragraphs, describe the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats that you prioritized on your SWOT analysis chart. If you have more items for each category than can comfortably fit in a paragraph, consider condensing your list. As you review the lists in each category, eliminate redundancies and consolidate similar items. If you still have too many items to fit in one paragraph after condensing, include one to three bullet points per paragraph, and try to keep the paragraphs balanced. For example, if you write three paragraphs for strengths, try to write three paragraphs for the other three categories as well.

Once you have identified and described your SWOTs, you can use your SWOT analysis chart to develop strategies and create a plan to achieve your business goals. The analysis is the most essential part of the SWOT analysis paper, because in this portion you will create action items and develop plans that can lead to future success. Assess each of the four areas (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) and look for commonalities or links between the categories. Some things to consider during this step:

  • Can you use one of your strengths to address a threat?
  • Look for ways to use your strengths to minimize your weaknesses.
  • How can you use your strengths to seize growth opportunities?
  • Is there a way to use your strengths to overcome threats?
  • Are there any weaknesses that you can address and eliminate?
  • Can you balance out a weakness by pursuing one of your opportunities?
  • Are your weaknesses preventing you from capitalizing on opportunities?
  • Are your weaknesses enhancing the likelihood that the business will suffer from a threat? If so, look to your strengths and see if there is a way to draw from your strengths to reduce the potential impact of the threat.

As you find connections between the bullet points in the four quadrants of your chart, start writing to generate ideas that you can turn into action. You can come back to edit these sentences and perfect these ideas later, but go ahead and record the thoughts now so you do not miss any potential connections. As you identify how different bullet points relate to each other, prioritize items that will generate revenue or reduce expenditure. Now, assess the action items that you have identified and put them in the order that makes the most sense to you. You can arrange your action items in the order that you would like to address them, or you can arrange them in the order that would make the most financial impact on the business. Organize the paragraphs in this section of the paper in your preferred order.

Now that you have performed a comprehensive SWOT analysis and identified action items to enhance strengths and reduce weaknesses, write a strong conclusion paragraph summarizing the most important findings. Keep in mind the purpose of your SWOT analysis paper here: If you intend to share this information with potential investors, make sure that you present a clear vision for growth and that you are realistic about how you will address weaknesses and potential threats. The crucial last step for any paper is to proofread, edit, and revise as needed. Now that you have completed your SWOT analysis and identified action plans, consider if applying a SWOT analysis to another aspect of your business or area of your life. Make a note in your calendar and conduct another SWOT analysis on this issue in six to twelve months so you can measure progress towards your goals.

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How to Write a SWOT Analysis (Template and Examples Included)


Written by  Scribendi

Planning for the Future

Where do you see yourself in five years? How about your career? Your business? 

These questions keep a staggering amount of people awake at night. All too often, the future can seem like a dark, ominous cloud that looms just out of view. As the old proverb goes, we fear the unknown—and little can possibly be more unknowable than the future.

While there is no crystal ball that can accurately predict future market trends or the steps you should take to optimize your productivity and sharpen your competitive edge, we can offer some advice: Reframe the question. Rather than trying to pinpoint where you think you might be in five years, think about where you want to be at that point in time. Once you have a destination in mind, you can start planning a route to get there. After all, maps are great tools, but they can't help you if you don't know where you're going.

So, what's the metaphorical map in this scenario? We present to you the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis.

How to Write a SWOT Analysis

SWOT analyses are great strategic tools that are useful in project planning, business development , financial strategizing, and personal advancement . Simple, honest, and to-the-point, they facilitate a profound understanding of your or your business's current standing. Essentially, a SWOT analysis is a comparative list of all your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

There's more power in this process than you might think. You may be only hazily aware of your own strengths and weaknesses. However, thoughtfully recording and reflecting on them creates a thorough, conscious familiarity with both the resources available to you and the obstacles standing in your way. This awareness allows you to map out a path toward your goals with great precision and purpose. Writing a SWOT analysis will help you clearly evaluate whether your goals are feasible according to your resources and needs.

In this guide, we'll break down exactly how to write a SWOT analysis and provide a few examples along the way. Feel free to use our SWOT analysis template, given below, to write your own!

Our SWOT Analysis Template

term paper on swot analysis

Your list of strengths should focus on your current resources and abilities. It should relate to things that you do or that your company does well. These might be your or your company's accomplishments—both great and small—and the assets that you or your company have. Your strengths give you your greatest edge; they are the resources that propel you forward and that you can continue to develop as you progress.

When you draw up your first SWOT analysis, you may find yourself at a loss. Don't worry—it's difficult for most people to come up with an objective list of strengths and weaknesses on the spot. For your convenience, we've included a list of questions you can ask yourself to get started.

These questions should help you identify a few of your strengths. Remember, while our example questions mostly relate to business strengths, they can also apply to personal strengths. Go ahead and boast as much as you can.

  • What sets your company apart from others?
  • What do you have that other companies don't?
  • What are you most proud of about your company?
  • What makes clients come back to you?
  • What does your company do well?
  • What assets do you have access to?
  • What qualities does your company have that other companies try to emulate?
  • What has always been easy for your company? 

Listing your weaknesses might be a little more uncomfortable than detailing your strengths, but trust us—doing so will help you in the long run. Understanding the obstacles in your path and the elements of your business or skills you may need to improve is just as important as appreciating your strengths. Once you're aware of your weaknesses, you can start working on them and building your next steps around them.

Your list of weaknesses should pertain to any current problems and challenges. Check out the list of questions below—it should give you an idea of where to start. Again, if you'd rather focus on your personal or career growth, feel free to alter these questions to suit your needs.

  • What makes your company blend in with its competition?
  • What do other companies have that you don't?
  • What are the most common criticisms that you receive from clients?
  • Why have certain clients not returned to you?
  • What does your company need to improve upon?
  • What kind of feedback do you receive from your employees?
  • What might your competition consider to be a weakness?
  • What has always been difficult for your company?
  • What are you unwilling to do or change?


Think about the opportunities available to you as potential future strengths. Your opportunities are the assets, resources, and events that could be beneficial to you in some way in the future. You may need to change some of your current approaches or adapt in other ways to capitalize on these opportunities, and that is not necessarily a bad thing.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to identify your potential opportunities:

  • What is happening in the current market that you could capitalize upon?
  • What changes have you been making that have returned positive results?
  • What is working for other companies?
  • How could you introduce new technology to make your processes more efficient?
  • What costs can you cut?
  • Could you access new sectors or demographic groups?
  • How can you improve or modernize your marketing techniques?
  • How can you remove existing obstacles?


Just as your opportunities are based on potential, so are your threats; these are the possible obstacles or issues that are not yet directly affecting your progress. But this doesn't mean that you shouldn't start thinking about them! Being aware of the challenges that you may encounter will help you either plan around them or confront them with solutions. Try to come up with several future events that may realistically hinder the momentum you build from engaging with your strengths and opportunities.

To get started, take a peek at our list of questions:

  • What obstacles might your weaknesses create?
  • Do changing market trends negatively affect your competitive edge?
  • What might stand in the way of the changes you make to accommodate your strengths and opportunities?
  • Do you have a lot of debt?
  • Could your competition exploit your weaknesses?

How did you do? Do you feel like you've listed everything? Or do you think you're missing something? Below, we've drafted examples of a business and a personal SWOT analysis to provide you with some perspective on what a completed one might look like.

An Example of a Personal SWOT Analysis

term paper on swot analysis

An Example of a Business SWOT Analysis  

term paper on swot analysis

Final Words

The humble but effective SWOT analysis will produce a detailed map of your current environment—its hills and valleys alike. Knowing how to write a SWOT analysis will provide you with the vantage point you need to choose a direction and blaze a trail toward your goals. SWOT analyses may not be crystal balls, but they are something like compasses. Use them wisely, and you will never be lost.

Image source: cookelma/unspla sh.com

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How to do a SWOT Analysis in 7 Steps (with Examples & Template)

How to do SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that an organization can use to thoroughly evaluate a business or product. SWOT is an acronym that stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. 

It allows businesses to evaluate their company’s competitive advantage and the flaws of its current business model and create strategies to capitalize on or reduce these observations.

In this article, we’ll discuss the key steps on how to do a SWOT analysis and give several brief examples highlighting the strategy being utilized in different situations.

How To do a SWOT Analysis?

One of the best things about performing a SWOT analysis is that it can be learned quite quickly and mastered with just a few attempts. Even though each framework is individualized, here are the basic steps involved in building a standard SWOT analysis .

How to do SWOT Analysis

Step 1: Determine Your Objective

Before embarking on a SWOT, it is vital to define your objectives. This could include things such as developing a comprehensive schematic of the business model and organization as well as the interactions between the various components, determining the competitive advantage and weaknesses of a new product before its rollout, or determining the feasibility of a new policy.

Step 2: Gather the Necessary Resources

During this stage, it is crucial to determine the resources that would be necessary for you to carry out the exercise, note which of these are accessible, gather these materials, verify the authenticity and reliability of this data, and what limitations you face in terms of data gathering and accuracy. It is also important to ensure that this data is gathered from different sources, perspectives, and levels of the organization to enable you to create a holistic SWOT analysis.

Step 3: Craft a List of Inferences Using the Data

After obtaining data from a wide range of sources, analyze these facts into helpful information and use them to form evidence-based observ–ations. For example, a business that has maintained a strong growth trajectory and a healthy balance sheet over the years can be said to have positive fiscal indicators.

This stage should be akin to a brainstorming session, with members from different divisions within the organization as well as external parties, being allowed to contribute significantly. At this stage, the focus is more on getting as many points as possible, rather than the relevancy or credibility of these inferences.

Step 4: Compile This Information Into the Relevant Sections

After making several key points such as the one above, each of these inferences should be arranged in the relevant sections (namely strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) using the general principles outlined in the article.

Step 5: Refine These Ideas

Here, the ideas which have been obtained are further refined and can be prioritized according to relevance and importance. Points that are less credible or only minimally important can as well be discarded, allowing you to craft a more concise schematic.

Step 6: Draw the SWOT Analysis Table

The final step is crafting a swot analysis table. This involves creating a matrix and dividing it into four sections. The internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) are listed above, with the strengths on the left and the weaknesses on the right. On the other hand, the external factors (opportunities and threats) are listed below, with opportunities on the left and threats on the right. Simply list your key points under the appropriate sections to complete the SWOT analysis.

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Step 7: Craft Your Strategy

This is not technically a part of the SWOT analysis technique; however, it is important to remember that the entire point of creating this analytic framework was to carry out a strategic management plan. This means that the business will set out a series of plans to meet the objectives which it has previously outlined, as well as create some reliable metrics or milestones which enable it to measure its progress toward achieving these goals.

SWOT Analysis Examples

To better understand how a SWOT analysis is created, let’s take a look at some examples of SWOT analysis. We’ll analyze three examples, the multinational activewear brand Nike , a hypothetical mom-and-pop diner called Joe’s Brooklyn Burgers, and another hypothetical scenario involving a new product rollout.

Large Company SWOT Analysis — Nike SWOT Analysis

From their iconic “swoosh” logo to their equally iconic range of footwear, Nike, Inc. is one of the most easily recognizable activewear brands in the world. While probably best known for its range of iconic footwear, most notably the Air Jordan brand of sneakers, Nike, Inc. is also a leading brand in other sports gear, such as activewear, sports equipment, and wearable fitness tech.

The Nike business model is famous for finding the perfect balance between fashion and functionality when it comes to their products, making them quite popular among both athletes and non-athletes alike. Let’s take a look through this Nike SWOT analysis , which was designed by our platform to figure out how the brand came to dominate the sportswear market.

Nike SWOT Analysis

  • Solid brand equity: The brand has one of the most recognizable identities in the business world. Also, it commands solid brand equity (the commercial value of the public’s perception of its products or services). This is because the brand has cultivated a reputation associated with innovation, quality, and social justice;
  • Low-cost manufacturing is a key part of its business model: Nike has invested heavily in low-cost manufacturing by outsourcing its manufacturing process to countries that have a favorable wage structure and investing in innovative technologies. This keeps costs low and profit margins high;
  • Innovative marketing strategies: Through the smart use of celebrity endorsements, iconic marketing campaigns, effective use of social media, and iconic imagery like the Nike “swoosh” logo, the brand has aligned itself with positive associations such as innovation, stylishness, maximum performance, winning, and self-empowerment;
  • Increasing direct-to-consumer sales: Nike has increased direct-to-consumer sales by cutting ties with its major retailers and investing in e-commerce. This increases its profit margin, brand visibility, and control over its image;
  • Impressive R&D department: The company is well known for outspending its closest competitors in this area. It has introduced some of the most iconic developments in competitive sportswear, making it a favorite for many top athletes.
  • Controversial labor practices: Several reports published in the late 1990s indicated that the low-cost manufacturing strategy used by Nike may have involved unethical labor practices such as poor working conditions, long working hours, and abysmal pay;
  • The brand is too dependent on its U.S. market: Nike is seen as a global brand, but careful analysis shows a significant portion of its revenue comes from the U.S. market. This leaves the company vulnerable to market shocks or economic downturns within the U.S. market;
  • Worrying about financial indicators: While Nike is still by far the most valuable sports apparel company in the world, recent worrying financial trends have been brought to the spotlight. One of them is the steadily increasing long-term debt profile of the company. It is also worrisome that the company’s profit margins have steadily declined over the past few years;
  • Unfavorable relationship with retailers: Using third-party retailers exposes the company to some of the disadvantages associated with this strategy, such as lower profit margins, as well as less control over their branding, and the risk of counterfeit merchandise;
  • Reduced quality control: One of the disadvantages of outsourcing your manufacturing process is that you have reduced control over the quality of your products. Outsourcing can also increase the risk of the market being flooded with counterfeit Nike products.


  • Investing in new markets: Nike still has room to expand its role as a global market by making inroads into new markets, such as increasing their presence in Europe, Africa, and Asian markets outside of China;
  • Diversify their product range: Another area the brand could look into is investing in sports technology, such as wearable sports gear like smartwatches and other forms of digital sports technology. They could also invest in promoting their other sports products besides footwear;
  • Invest in new technologies: This includes examples such as anti-counterfeiting technology, green energy, and more efficient sportswear technology.
  • Counterfeit Nike products: Counterfeit products reduce the trust customers have in brand quality and create a negative brand image. This is especially important for Nike because the brand is one of the most counterfeited in the world, with footwear being one of the most commonly faked products;
  • Competition from other brands: Nike is significantly ahead of other sporting wear companies such as Adidas, Reebok, Under Armour, and Puma. However, some of these companies, such as Adidas, command a significant market share and pull in revenue that is indeed threatening Nike’s continued dominance of the industry;
  • High-profile patent disputes: As one of the market leaders in terms of research and development, Nike fiercely protects its intellectual property, such as patents. Therefore, it was certainly newsworthy when the company got into a series of legal battles with its nearest competitor Adidas over accusations of patent infringement related to the Nike Flyknit technology;
  • International trade tensions: As an international brand, Nike is exposed to the nuances of trade agreements, embargoes, protectionism, as well as trade tensions;
  • Its competitors are investing more heavily in advertising: Nike spends more than its closest competitor Adidas on advertising, having spent approximately $3.8 billion on advertising in 2018 (less than 10% of its total revenue), while Adidas spent $3.5 billion (representing roughly 14% of its total revenue) in that same year.

The objective of this SWOT analysis was to identify the competitive advantage of the brand and educate readers on how the corporation came to dominate the world of activewear. This was identified to be its strong brand equity, low-cost manufacturing, heavy investment in innovative technologies, as well as improving direct-to-consumer sales.

Small Business SWOT Analysis — Bob’s Brooklyn Burgers

Next, let’s take a look at a SWOT analysis for a small, independent restaurant called Bob’s Brooklyn Burgers. This will allow us to examine how the SWOT analysis of a small business differs from that of a large multinational corporation.

Our hypothetical business is a small, family-owned diner based in Brooklyn that caters to a number of local customers and offers a unique Brooklyn-themed menu. The business has been operating successfully over several decades but has run into some lean times in recent years. Let’s examine the SWOT analysis of this business to better understand the issues it faces and as well craft a brief outline of how it can reclaim its former glory.

Proximity to customers. One of the advantages of being a locally popular restaurant is that they are closer to their customers, which gives them local dominance as well as an advantage over franchised restaurants that may be located further away.

  • They offer a great customer experience: The restaurant offers amazing customer service due to the personalized nature of its services, its familiarity with regular customers as well as its unique branding style, which resonates with locals;
  • The restaurant is known for its top-notch cuisine: One advantage the diner enjoys as a small independent restaurant is greater control over its supply chains and, by extension, greater control over the quality of its ingredients and food. This means that the restaurant can offer higher cuisine than fast-food restaurants;
  • The establishment has a great reputation: Bob’s Brooklyn Burgers has been a trusted part of the community for over two decades and has built a reputation for itself as a great local destination for top-notch cuisine as well as an enjoyable dining experience. Not only does this help it retain its pool of loyal clientele, but it has also transformed the location into a local hotspot for tourists and NY-themed food enthusiasts;
  • Their small size offers them a greater degree of flexibility: Another key advantage enjoyed by the restaurant is the advantage that being a small, independent business offers in terms of flexibility. This allows for quicker decision-making and rapid changes in internal policies to deal with new challenges. It also allows the business to take more risks in the form of pivots and brand adjustments due to a more streamlined decision-making process;
  • A strong workplace culture: As we mentioned earlier, Bob’s Brooklyn Burgers is a family-owned establishment. A significant number of employees are either directly related to the owner or close associates, and have worked at the establishment for years. This creates a positive work environment due to their familiarity with each other and experiences working together, which in turn increases efficiency and enhances customer satisfaction.
  • Low-profit margin: Despite its popularity and great reputation, due to several factors, including mounting debt, poor financial management, and rising labor costs, the restaurant has been operating on an increasingly thin profit margin. This poses a significant challenge to the growth and continued existence of the business if not properly addressed either through increasing revenue or cutting down costs;
  • Lack of professional services: Similar to most small businesses, the diner suffers from a lack of professional expertise in certain areas such as marketing, accounting as well as legal services. Therefore, these services are often carried out by untrained staff, thereby reducing efficiency and driving up costs in terms of both man-hours lost and monetary losses;
  • Poor management: Despite the best efforts of its management staff, the diner has been suffering from poor oversight and a range of conflicting internal policies, which have reduced the overall efficiency of the business;
  • Lack of professional hiring practices: Bob’s Brooklyn Burgers is a family-owned establishment and thus maintains a rather informal hiring process. While this may create a familiar, friendly, and cozy working environment, it does so at the cost of hiring the best possible staff. This leads to employing personnel who may not be optimally suited for certain roles, as well as makes the process of letting go of staff difficult;
  • Higher per unit costs: The business also runs higher per unit costs than larger restaurant franchises that enjoy the advantages of economies of scale as well as bulk purchases. This further drives up operating costs and reduces the profit margins of the business.
  • Outsourcing some of its key operations: Bob’s Brooklyn Burgers would do well to outsource several specialized functions within its business operation, such as advertising and marketing, accounting, and legal services. Not only will they enjoy increased efficiency by allowing professionals to handle these tasks, but it also allows both staff and management to focus on tasks for which they are better suited;
  • Further expansion and scaling: Even though the business is quite successful locally, there is still much potential for expansion. It can capitalize on its popularity and positive reputation to build similarly themed restaurants and other iconic locations both within and outside the state;
  • Diversification: Currently, the restaurant operates using a limited menu. While this is adequate for most local clientele, expanding the menu may attract more customers as well, this allows the restaurant to diversify and keep up with changing customer preferences;
  • Expanding into online food delivery: Bob’s Brooklyn Burgers does not currently operate an online food delivery service. Creating such a service will increase its reach, further expanding its customer base and, by extension, revenue;
  • Investing in a strong social media presence: Bob’s Brooklyn Burgers has not yet invested in the power of social media as a marketing tool as well as a customer channel which will allow them to reach out to a much broader and more diverse customer base.
  • Changing government health regulations: Certain local legislation introduced by the state government has made it harder and more expensive for the business to source certain ingredients. This has driven up costs, further restricted their menu, and reduced their profit margin;
  • Increasing competition from other dining establishments: The business has been facing increasing competition from both fast-food franchises and independent restaurants. This is a significant challenge to their local dominance and has eaten into their market share and, by extension, revenue;
  • Lack of adequate access to capital: Small businesses such as Bob’s Brooklyn Burgers have a harder time accessing capital than larger franchises and businesses. This makes it harder for them to expand and also puts them in a more difficult situation during times of significant reductions in revenue, such as a global pandemic.

The objective of this SWOT analysis was to determine the issues plaguing the diner and help it design a strategy to improve its current business model. To achieve this, a matching and converting strategy will be used. This means that we will attempt to combine the strengths and opportunities of the business while converting the weaknesses and threats into positive indicators, or at least reducing their negative effects.

First of all, the company can outsource the various professional services listed above in order to enable it to focus on the parts of the business operation where it has a significant advantage over its competitors. This includes providing a top-notch customer experience as well as cooking top-quality meals.

Another option they could look into is utilizing the reach of social media as an avenue to build a strong online food delivery service. The fact that many of their customers are local and live relatively close to the establishment also makes this feasible. This also has the added advantage of diversifying their revenue stream .

Lastly, the company can focus on using its reputation for providing great meals as a focal point for expanding into new territories and new markets.

Product Rollout SWOT Analysis — The Turbo 2000 Product Rollout

Now that we have discussed how to perform a SWOT analysis on both large and small companies, let’s focus on the last example in this article: How to perform a SWOT analysis on a hypothetical product launch.

For this example, we will perform a SWOT analysis on the rollout of a hypothetical high-end gas stove known as the Turbo Burner 2000. This example will highlight the competitive advantage of the product as well as the challenges it may face during its launch.

  • The product is coming from a well-trusted brand: One of the advantages enjoyed by the Turbo Burner 2000 is that the product comes from a well-respected company with strong brand equity and a reputation for making top-notch cooking appliances. This will boost consumer confidence and encourage more people to purchase the product;
  • It makes use of revolutionary cooking ware technology: The product incorporates revolutionary gas stove technology and has been found to increase thermal efficiency and reduce fuel consumption. This helps cut down costs in the long run, shorten cooking time, reduce emissions, and enhance customer satisfaction with the entire process;
  • Targeted branding and marketing: The company has created a niche for itself and is the go-to brand for high-end cooking appliances and equipment. They cater to a range of customers who may require such products, including professional chefs, restaurants, and middle- to upper-class cooking enthusiasts. 

Catering to a narrow niche allows them to better target their branding efforts and increase their profit margin by focusing resources on their key market, which reduces their customer acquisition cost. It also creates an impression of exclusivity, which only serves to further drive up the image of the company as a luxury brand;

  • Improved product design and ergonomics: The new product has a more ergonomic design than its predecessor and is very user-friendly. It is made from lighter materials, making it more portable as well as compact. There are also more useful functions, such as a sleeker self-lighting feature, color-coded indicator lights, and a more sensitive temperature control;
  • Backed by a company in a strong financial position: The parent company of the product is currently enjoying a strong financial position, which helps them to financially support the launch of the new product in terms of marketing and advertising;
  • Very successful first model: The first model (the Turbo Burner 1000) was a massive success within the cooking industry and likely encouraged many buyers to upgrade to the newer model.
  • The product is quite expensive: The Turbo Burner 2000 is quite costly for a gas stove, and this is likely going to scare off most buyers except professionals and cooking enthusiasts;
  • It is seen as a luxury good: Even though gas stoves are used by people of all economic backgrounds, the price of the product, its marketing strategy, as well as the reputation of its parent brand has given it the image of a luxury product. This may alienate some buyers from utilizing the product, as well as runs the risk of creating a negative association with the brand;
  • It is marketed to a narrow niche: While there are several advantages that come with targeting your product at a narrow portion of the market, there are also some drawbacks as well. First of all, it reduces your reach and may alienate a range of potential customers, leading to less actualized revenue. It also increases your vulnerability to rapid changes in market conditions and consumer sentiment, as your income is significantly less diversified;
  • Costly R&D and marketing: The Turbo Burner 2000 is a top-notch product and required significant investment in R&D to design. Also, although the company caters to a much narrower niche than most competitors, its Customer Acquisition Costs are much higher.
  • Expand its market share by offering cheaper versions: The brand could seek to diversify its business model by offering a range of cheaper alternatives to the standard model. This opens up the business to new customers and by extension increases its potential revenue. It also reduces their vulnerability to sudden shifts in market sentiment;
  • Focusing on further innovation: The parent brand has a strong reputation for being an innovative powerhouse in the industry and can capitalize on the strong R&D department it has built to create more innovative technologies and improve on existing designs. This will help keep it a step ahead of its competitors and also increase the reputation of the brand as an innovator within the industry;
  • Investing in sustainability: The fossil fuel industry has been under pressure in recent years and, by extension, materials and equipment are driven by fossil fuels. Investing in technologies and technologies that increase the eco-friendliness of the product is a great way to boost positive consumer associations with the brand;
  • Increased supply chain efficiencies: By investing in improving the efficiency of its supply chain, the company can further drive down the cost of individual units of the product, increasing sales and also improving its profit margin as well.
  • Supply chain disruptions: Significant disruptions to the supply chain of the product may lead to a wide variety of issues such as increased cost per unit as well as reduced production capacity. Overall, this may negatively affect the price or availability of the product and by extension its introduction into the market;
  • Changing consumer sentiment: With more consumer interest in climate change and sustainable technologies, the fossil fuel industry and other industries which are dependent on it have attracted much criticism. For example, there has been increasing concern among consumers concerning the long-term health effects of cooking gas and its links to a range of chronic illnesses;
  • Changing macroeconomics: Rapid changes in macroeconomics such as recessions and rapid rises in inflation weaken the purchasing power of buyers. This may affect the ability of a lot of individuals to purchase consumer goods such as high-end gas stoves;
  • The success of the initial rollout. The widespread success of the first model may discourage buyers from upgrading to the newer product, even with the improved specifications.

Performing a SWOT analysis may be one of the most important activities that any business can carry out within its lifetime. Whether this is done regularly or just as a one-time evaluation, understanding how to get the best out of the technique is key to fully utilizing the benefits and understanding the limitations of the technique.

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How to write a swot analysis paper (2024), march 29, 2024.

How to write a swot analysis paper

Being a business owner means making many impossible decisions without effective instruments. SWOT analysis is an excellent tool for looking at your business aside. Business planning assumes that you, as a business owner , must control all processes and things. Thanks to a SWOT analysis paper, you can do it most effectively. 

Planning, business development, finance, and more aspects of the business will be easily controlled and resolved using SWOT analysis. If you are still determining if your writing skills are enough to write an excellent SWOT analysis paper, you can delegate this activity to a proficient online paper writer . 

Choose a reliable writing service that cooperates with skilled authors who can create any type of paper for business or any purpose. All you need to do is register on the site providing brief information about how you see the SWOT analysis paper. A skilled writer will create compelling work for you following your instructions. Reaching out to such services is confidential, fast, and affordable. Read on to find out how to write a SWOT analysis paper and make it flawless.

What is a SWOT analysis paper

The abbreviation of SWOT means Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Even though it may sound like a simple list of pros and cons, it is not. The main purpose of writing a SWOT analysis paper is to identify various factors that lift your business or tear it down.

Define the objectives

Start writing a SWOT analysis paper by identifying your objectives. You will need to write a table to make analyses easy-going and clear. The table must contain four main points. It would be better if you start with Strengths.

To write a compelling list of Strengths, you must answer the following questions: 

  • What does your business do best
  • What attracts customers to your company
  • What do customers like about your business
  • What can your business offer that competitors cannot do well

Recall the reviews left by customers and pay attention to what made them not satisfied. Consider the feedback of employees who worked with your business or currently working on you. 

In order to improve the weaknesses try to answer these questions:

  • What are the resources of your business that need to be more 
  • What are the areas of your business that must be improved 
  • What are the reasons your potential customers decide to work with your competitors instead of you

As an owner, you must be genuine and realistic when you define your business’s weaknesses. Forget about optimistic expectations and look with a fresh eye on your business processes, products, and services. Remember that defining weaknesses will help you to reduce them and approve your business.

Note that it is crucial to divide weaknesses from threats. The main distinction between them is that weaknesses are internal factors you can improve inside your business. In other words, you can control weaknesses. Threats, instead, are external factors that you can hardly control.


It is crucial to start defining opportunities only after you are clear about your business weaknesses and strengths. 

Answer the following questions regarding opportunities:

  • Look at the market you’re working at and define the current trends, also trying to predict future trends in the business 
  • What are the trends you can use to grow your business
  • Can you grow your business by partnering with a reliable company or an entrepreneur
  • Consider whether there are any opportunities to get investments or sponsorship for your business 
  • Think over the opportunities to grow your business by developing new products or types of services

Now you’re ready to think over the threats to your business. Here are the most crucial factors to consider:

  • Is your business seasonal 
  • Is your business completely legal 
  • Doesn’t it have an unreliable cash flow process that could become a threat
  • Are all your partners and suppliers reliable enough to trust them
  • Are there any situations that make it impossible to grow your business, and what are these obstacles
  • How do laws in your field affect your business
  • Is there any opportunity for changes in this area

Structure your paper

Now you’re ready to start writing your paper. Draft your SWOT analysis paper and add it with the following sections:

Start with an introduction that will provide your main goal and set the main questions you want to answer with the help of a SWOT analysis 

Proceed with writing the body. Briefly describe the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats you included in the table while preparing for writing. If there are too many items to consider and you cannot reduce any of them, use bullet points to make the section readable

The next part of the body of a SWOT analysis paper will be the analysis itself. It is the most crucial part of the paper. The goals of the analyses part are developing an effective strategy for your business and creating an action plan  to achieve the set goals, and finalizing a conclusion.

Write an analysis part

When analyzing, consider all four factors together and find connections between them. Here are the most important questions to make the SWOT analysis section practical and useful:

  • Think about the threats from the point of your strengths and define whether it is possible to use one of the strengths to beat a thread
  • Think over the possibility of minimizing the weaknesses of your business by using its strengths
  • Is there a way to eliminate the weaknesses of your business by using one of its opportunities

Generate a plan

Now that you have found connections between the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your business, proceed with developing an action plan. It would help if you generated working ideas that can be clear and measurable to start acting immediately. After you create a list of ideas for your business, prioritize them and decide what you can do now and what is the easiest way to start improving your business. Arrange the plan of action to make it readable by using bullet points.

Application of SWOT analysis in other areas

Let’s look at the three examples of how a SWOT analysis can be used both for personal development and for the development of a company.

SWOT analysis for non-profit organizations

Non-profit organizations can use SWOT analysis to help inform about their strategic planning.

The SWOT process is a great way to understand how your organization fits into the market and to make an impact by running campaigns and fundraising initiatives. Incorporating a SWOT analysis early into the development strategy can help you make better decisions.

SWOT for business development

Business development is a crucial part of every company and being aware of the company’s strengths and weaknesses is an invaluable asset.  Doing a SWOT analysis helps you identify any weaknesses that may become a problem for the company’s growth. 

Personal SWOT analyses

SWOT analyses can be applied even in evaluating your personal growth. For example, if you are looking to level up in your career, creating a personal SWOT analysis can help you compare your strengths and weaknesses. That’s how you will be able to make better decisions about what areas you can improve.

The last section of the SWOT analysis paper will be a conclusion. Recall the initial purpose of writing an essay and remember the information you included in an introduction. The conclusion must provide your vision of how a business can grow. Also, it is crucial to add a conclusion with some points from an action plan. When finalizing the paper, set a deadline to complete all planned improvements.

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term paper on swot analysis

Your Full Guide on How to Write a SWOT Analysis

term paper on swot analysis

SWOT analysis is one of those tools that you'll come across in any field. For example, it's used to define a product's competitive advantage, create a strategic plan for a business, and gain insights into consumer behavior. 

But it's not just businesses that benefit from this technique. Personal SWOT analysis helps people plan their careers in the most optimal way possible, too.

As versatile as it is, SWOT analysis is not at all complicated. That's why its adoption rate is through the roof. And that's why you should learn how to take advantage of it, whether for an assignment or not.

To help you out with that, let's rely on our rich writing services experience and use it to break down in detail:

  • What a SWOT analysis is;
  • How it's applied in business strategies and marketing efforts;
  • How to use the SWOT framework for any task;
  • 4 real-world SWOT analysis examples.

What Is SWOT Analysis, Exactly?

Any SWOT analysis template contains four sections, presented in a two-by-two matrix:

What Is SWOT Analysis, Exactly

  • Strengths – your inherent qualities, resources, or skills that set you apart from the rest;
  • Weaknesses – whatever is or may be stopping you or the business from performing well;
  • Opportunities – external factors that you can use to your advantage to become more competitive;
  • Threats – external factors that may harm your performance in the short or long run.

Internal and External Factors in SWOT Analysis

Each section represents a list of factors. These sections can be grouped into two broader categories: internal and external factors.

Internal factors – Strengths and Weaknesses in the first row – are inherent to you or the company. However, you can also do something about them if need be. Think of your skills as a professional if you're working on a personal SWOT analysis, for example.

External factors – Opportunities and Threats in the second row – aren't under your personal or the company's control. But they have an impact on you or the business, nonetheless. Once-in-a-lifetime pandemics, inflation, or industry trends are good examples here.

Positive vs Negative Factors

Another way to think about the SWOT matrix is by juxtaposing negative and positive factors :

  • Strengths and Opportunities can help you or the company achieve your goal or succeed at a project. So, they represent positive factors.
  • Weaknesses and Threats can negatively impact your progress and have to be mitigated. They're negative factors.

Why is SWOT Analysis Important?

Now that the question ‘What is a SWOT Analysis?’ is answered, you must have several others on your mind. So let's answer them one by one.

Who Should Do a SWOT Analysis?

Businesses of all sizes and in all industries can benefit from SWOT analyses. So, whether you're a prospective entrepreneur, a small business owner, or a C-level executive, this technique will be a useful arrow in your quiver.

You can also benefit from conducting a personal SWOT analysis. It would be best if you did it when looking for a job or facing a major life decision.

Why Should You Do a SWOT Analysis?

At its core, SWOT analysis is a strategic planning technique. It's meant to help you organize all the factors. That, in turn, enables you to gain key insights into where you stand and how you can move from point A to point B.

How does it help you in strategic planning, exactly? The SWOT matrix shows you:

  • Which strengths you should maximize and emphasize;
  • Which weaknesses you should minimize and keep at bay;
  • Which opportunities you can take advantage of;
  • Which threats you should look out for and counter.

All of this leads to one outcome: better, more informed decision-making. Plus, SWOT analysis is notorious for challenging your assumptions as long as everyone involved is straightforward and honest in their answers.

What Can SWOT Framework Be Used For?

Now, let's talk about real-life practical applications of this technique. Here are three SWOT analysis examples:

  • Choosing the business model for a new enterprise;
  • Creating a break-even analysis and a business plan;
  • Analyzing the company's quarterly and annual performance.

At a personal level, you can also conduct your own SWOT analysis to:

  • Increase your chances of landing a job;
  • Position yourself for getting a promotion;
  • Understand what needs to change in your life in general.

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How to Conduct a SWOT Analysis in 8 Steps

SWOT analysis isn't complicated to conduct, and that's why they are so popular. Yet, it might be a wrong first impression.

A good SWOT analysis can take hours and should involve multiple people in a brainstorming session. It should also be as objective as possible – which can be harder to achieve than it seems.

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So, how do you use a SWOT analysis – and get a quality result for your strategic decision-making process? Here's your step-by-step SWOT analysis example that you can use as a guide. If you need a custom writing -address to professionals.

1. Determine Your Goal

Starting brainstorming without a goal means getting into the SWOT analysis blind. And your SWOT matrix will be useless – or misleading – in the long run.

For example, depending on your goal, the same factor can be a key strength or an irrelevant note. For example, if you aim to reach the 18-25 demographic in your marketing campaign, your active presence on TikTok will be a great asset. But if you need to find a way to attract more quality candidates in the hiring process, the TikTok presence will only help you a little.

So, zero in on what you want to achieve with this SWOT analysis. This can be a decision you or the company have to make – for example, whether to launch a certain product line. Your goal can also be to solve a certain problem or to create/reassess your strategy.

2. Do Your Research

Your research wouldn't be complete if you googled ‘What is a SWOT analysis?’ You'll need a lot of data during your brainstorming session. If you have it, you'll avoid guessing your company's or your own strengths or external threats related to your goal.

What Data to Look For

Your research should consist of two parts:

  • Internal research . You'll need every piece of information on your or the company's performance to pinpoint the internal factors in SWOT analysis. That can include financial, sales, marketing, and other reports with key metrics.
  • External research . Gather the data on your competitors, the market, the company's position and market share, and the industry as a whole. This data will be the basis for assessing your opportunities and threats.

There's one footnote, though. Depending on the goal, you'll need different data sets. So, focus on relevant data.

3. Pinpoint Your or Your Organization's Strengths

Now, it's time for the brainstorming session. If you're doing a SWOT analysis for a business, go with it: bring the right people to the table, virtual or not. It'll help you get a more objective, realistic, and complete matrix.

Start with the internal factors, namely your internal strengths: they're always easier to home in on.

Need a SWOT analysis example of a company's strengths? Here are five of them:

  • Outstanding customer service with a high satisfaction rate;
  • Strong financial performance;
  • The first-mover advantage;
  • Positive brand attributes;
  • Strong technical expertise in the field.

5 Questions to Ask

Here are five questions to kick off your brainstorming and help you discover your company's strengths – or your own:

  • What do you or the company do well?
  • What are your strongest assets?
  • Is there something only you or the company do?
  • What is your competitive edge?
  • What do customers appreciate about the company?

4. Zero in on Your or Your Company's Weaknesses

Now, it's time to move on to a more difficult part of assessing your internal factors: your weaknesses. Take a hard look at your or the business's performance and define what could be going better. Don't try to embellish the truth here!

Keep in mind: there are some weaknesses that you can eliminate and some others that you can only mitigate.

Looking for weaknesses SWOT analysis examples for students who run their businesses? Here are five of them:

  • Poor brand recognition among the target audience;
  • Suboptimal employee productivity;
  • Limited resources, human or otherwise;
  • Lack of intellectual property for key technologies;
  • Long delivery times.

To explore your personal or business weaknesses, ask the following five questions:

  • What do your competitors beat you at?
  • What do customers complain about?
  • What is holding back your or the company's success?
  • What resources do you or the company lack?
  • What are the gaps in your internal business processes?

5. Identify External Opportunities

Before you can exploit opportunities, you need to identify them in your SWOT analysis – and determine which ones are worth using, too.

For that, you'll need to turn to the external environment research you've done. Then, look at that data and pinpoint which trends or events you could take advantage of.

Need a SWOT analysis example or two here? Take a look at these three business opportunities:

  • New markets emerging within the industry;
  • New advertising channels rising to prominence;
  • Particular customer needs that remain underserved.

4 Questions to Ask

If you don't know how to start zeroing in on opportunities, start with these four questions:

  • Are there ways to gain useful resources you don't have or have little of?
  • Are there any technological advancements that can help you mitigate your weaknesses?
  • Are there any new or overlooked opportunities that you can exploit?
  • How can the current economy or market trends be of use to you?

6. Home in on Potential Threats

Time to move on to the final part of a standard SWOT analysis: threats. These external trends and events can get in your way – or already are.

If you're working on a personal SWOT analysis, threats can include:

  • High competition for the job you're after;
  • Potential layoffs due to a financial crisis.

If you're conducting one for a large company or a small business, negative external factors can include:

  • New emerging competitors, direct or indirect;
  • New regulations that can entail considerable additional costs for the business;
  • Unfavorable investment climate.

3 Questions to Ask

If you need a push in the right direction, here are three questions to help you zero in on the threats:

  • Who are your competitors, and what is their market position?
  • What is the state of the economy, industry, and market? Are they in decline?
  • Are there any new regulations that can harm the business?

7. Review Your SWOT Analysis Matrix

Having a good SWOT analysis right after brainstorming is impossible. You need to review every factor you've written down and edit the list. Leave only the elements that truly matter – and make them more specific if required.

3 Things to Pay Attention to

There are some common caveats that you can overlook if you need to be more careful during this step. Here are three of them to avoid:

  • Factors that aren't specific enough – clarify or cross them out;
  • Factors that aren't evidence-based – find proof or get rid of them;
  • Factors that are over- or underestimated – have a fresh pair of eyes to look at the list.

8. Decide on the Solution

Once you've finished filling out and editing your SWOT analysis template, your work is only beginning. Now, you need to take your SWOT matrix and use your findings to find the solution to your key issue.

4 Questions to Pose

Here are four questions to guide you in your solution-seeking:

  • How can you maximize your strengths? Which ones should be the top priority to boost?
  • How can you mitigate or eliminate your weaknesses? Which ones should be taken care of first?
  • Which opportunities should you take advantage of? Which ones will pay off the most?
  • Which threats can do the most harm? How can you limit their impact?

4 SWOT Analysis Examples for Students

Need something more than just a SWOT analysis template? Let's see how this tool can be applied to practice with these four real-world SWOT analysis examples for students.

But if these sample SWOT analysis still don't help you, don't panic just yet. You can always order an essay online and let professionals worry about it. And no, it won't cost you a small fortune!

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term paper on swot analysis

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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