Essay Writing For Class 9 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Essay writing is an essential skill for students to develop as they progress through their academic journey. Class 9 is an important stage in a student’s education, where they learn various subjects and skills that prepare them for higher education. Essay writing in class 9 plays a crucial role in developing critical thinking, researching, and analytical skills. In this article, we will discuss the format, examples, topics, and exercises for essay writing for class 9.

Format Of Essay Writing For Class 9:

The format of essay writing for class 9 is similar to other essay formats, with some slight variations. The following is the standard format for essay writing:

Introduction: The introduction should be a brief paragraph that provides an overview of the topic, its relevance, and the thesis statement. The thesis statement should be a clear statement that presents the central idea of the essay.

Body: The body of the essay is where the arguments and evidence are presented to support the thesis statement. The body should be divided into paragraphs, each addressing a specific point related to the thesis statement. Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence that introduces the point of discussion.

Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the main points of the essay and restate the thesis statement in a different way. The conclusion should also provide a final thought on the topic.

Also Read: Essay Writing Topics For Class 5

Examples Of Essay Writing For Class 9:

1. Importance of Education: Education is the foundation of human development and progress. It plays a vital role in shaping the future of individuals, communities, and nations. Education provides individuals with the necessary skills, knowledge, and values to succeed in life. In this essay, the importance of education will be discussed in detail. 2. Impact of Social Media: Social media has become an integral part of our lives, connecting us with people from all over the world. However, social media has negative effects on individuals and society, such as cyberbullying, addiction, and misinformation. In this essay, the impact of social media on individuals and society will be explored. 3. Climate Change: Climate change is a global phenomenon that poses a threat to the environment, economy, and social well-being. The causes and consequences of climate change are complex and require urgent action to mitigate the impact. In this essay, the causes and effects of climate change will be discussed, along with possible solutions.

Topics For Essay Writing For Class 9:

1. My Favorite Season 2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology 3. The Importance of Sports and Games 4. My Role Model 5. Environmental Pollution 6. Impact of COVID-19 on Education 7. Importance of Time Management 8. My Future Career 9. Women’s Empowerment 10. The Importance of Reading Books

Exercises For Essay Writing For Class 9:

1. Brainstorming: Choose a topic and brainstorm ideas using a mind map or a list. This exercise helps to organize thoughts and ideas before writing. 2. Outlining: Create an outline for the essay, with the introduction, body, and conclusion. This exercise helps to structure the essay and ensure that all the important points are covered. 3. Researching: Conduct research on the topic using reliable sources such as books, academic journals, and websites. This exercise helps to gather information and support the arguments presented in the essay. 4. Writing Practice: Practice writing essays on different topics, focusing on improving grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary. 5. Peer Review: Ask a classmate or teacher to review the essay and provide feedback on areas for improvement. This exercise helps to identify mistakes and improve the quality of the essay.

Conclusion On Essay Writing For Class 9:

Essay writing is a crucial aspect of academic learning, especially in class 9. It helps students develop critical thinking, analytical, and research skills that are necessary for higher education and future careers. By following the standard essay format, students can effectively present their ideas and arguments in a clear and concise manner. Additionally, practicing essay writing through exercises such as brainstorming, outlining, research and peer review can help students improve their writing skills and produce high-quality essays. Therefore, it is essential for students to take essay writing seriously and make efforts to improve their skills.

short essay in english for class 9

Are you looking for examples of Story Writing for Class 9 , no worries, you’ve come to the right place! Our post provides 10 Story Writing samples based on previous years’ exam question papers . These examples of Story Writing can help you understand the format, tone, and language used in such letters. We offer detailed explanation for each example and highlight the important features that make it effective. Not only for class 9, story writing is an important topic for all classes from 6 to 10 . You can use these examples of Story Writing as a reference to write your own letters or as a guide to improve your writing skills. So, check out our blog post and learn all about the examples of Story Writing for Class 9!

Here we go….

Story Writing 10 Examples based on previous question papers

1. Write a story in 150-200 words with the help of the following outline : 10 Tortoise and hare – good friends – tortoise – known for his slow speed – hare has fast speed – makes fun of tortoise – challenges him – referee selected – race starts – hare overconfident – takes a nap – tortoise wins. (CBSE 2018 English Language and Literature Set-1) Ans.

Slow and steady wins the race

Once upon a time there were 2 friends, a tortoise and a hare. The whole jungle was aware about their brotherhood and how they stuck together with each other no matter what. One fine day, when they were discussing about their respective speed, the hare made fun of the tortoise for being slower. Now, it is a well known fact that tortoises generally have a hard shell which makes it difficult for them to walk. But the hare continued to make fun of him. The tortoise got very angry and asked him to prove it. The hare, in turn, challenged the tortoise to run a race with him. Both of them agreed upon the date and time. The news was taken over to the king of the jungle, the lion. He chose a referee and announced the commencement of preparations. The entire jungle was excited as it was the first time that the two brothers were competing with each other. Days before the race, the hare went around talking high about himself whereas on the other hand, the tortoise practiced diligently. The night before the race, the tortoise slept on time, to be energetic the other day, whereas the hare continued to dream about him winning and how obvious it was that he needed no preparations. The wait was over, the tickets were completely sold out and the crowd was cheerful. Both the contestants stood ready on the starting line and the race was supposed to end at a stretch of one kilometre. The whistle blew and both started running at their own pace. The hare covered half the distance while the tortoise could only cover half of what the hare had covered. The overconfident hare thought of taking a nap and thought that by the time the tortoise would come near him, he would wake up and cover the rest of the distance. After some time, the hare was woken up by the sound of hooting and whistling, the tortoise had won.

Therefore, the moral of the story is, “Confidence is good, but overconfidence always sinks the ship”.

2. Write a story in 150-200 words with the help of the following outline. Give it a suitable title also. Bunya was a foolish boy, who was an attention seeker. He was a woodcutter and would go deep into the jungle to cut trees. One day he wanted to do an act of mischief. He shouted at the top of his voice, “There’s a tiger, tiger, there’s a tiger … ….” (CBSE 2019 English Language and Literature Set-1) Ans.

The False alarm

Bunya was a foolish boy, who was an attention seeker. He was a woodcutter and would go deep into the jungle to cut trees. One day he wanted to do an act of mischief. He shouted at the top of his voice, “There’s a tiger, tiger, there’s a tiger … ….” even when there was no trace of it. The villagers came running hurriedly thinking that Bunya was in danger. Bunya’s mother had tears in her eyes. The villagers came ready with their safety weapons and upon reaching, they saw no tiger but just Bunya laughing on playing them. The villagers were hurt and they started swearing out of disappointment. Bunya had no realisation as to what he had done and he continued laughing stealthily. A week passed by and everyone was ignoring Bunya. One fine day, he and his friend went into the woods. Just like any other day, they started doing their job while chatting with each other. Suddenly, they heard a roar nearby. The tiger was towards his friend’s side of the jungle. Bhunya went running to the villagers asking them for help. No one listened to him as they thought it was one of his pranks. He cried for help, but no one trusted him. He ran towards the tea vendor and told him the entire story. The tea vendor gave him the benefit of the doubt and went with him. Till the time they reached there, his friend could be seen nowhere. They called out his name and looked in the woods, but it was too late. Bhunya realised and accepted that it was all his mistake.

Moral of the story is, “Truth doesn’t cost you anything but a lie could cost you everything”.

3. Complete the story in 150-200 words which begins as the following : There was a joint family of six members including grandparents. It was the 75th birthday of the grandmother and the family planned to celebrate … … … (CBSE 2018 English Language and Literature Set-1) Ans.

There was a joint family of six members, including the grandparents. It was the 75th birthday of the grandmother and the family planned to celebrate it by throwing a surprise party. The family began going out for preparations and since it was supposed to be a surprise, they would leave their grandmother alone at home. As the big day came nearer, the grandmother started feeling isolated and lonely. She believed that since everyone was caught up in their own business, they had forgotten about her birthday. She felt sad but never expressed it to anyone. On the day of her birthday, no one wished her. Everyone started getting ready and told her that they had their own respective plans. The grandfather asked her to accompany him for a walk. It was all a part of their plan. The grandfather took the route to the venue and didn’t make it look in a way that could make her suspicious. Upon reaching the venue, the lights suddenly went on and everybody shouted, “Happy Birthday”. The grandmother was overwhelmed and tears of love came rolling down her eyes. This was the happiest birthday till then

4. Write a short story in 200 – 250 words, with the help of the cues given below. Give a suitable title to the story. Satish was standing on the balcony watching the last rays of the Sun. Loud and angry voices in the street below distracted his attention. He ran down the stairs to see what had happened … … … (Compartment 2019 English Communicative Set-2) Ans.

The Last Day

Satish was standing on the balcony watching the last rays of the Sun. Loud and angry voices in the street below distracted his attention. He ran down the stairs to see what had happened. His neighbours were again fighting over some parking issues. It was a common scene among the residents of that area. No sooner did he reach there when suddenly the land between the neighbours’ buildings started tearing apart. Everyone got frightened. Satish ran back to his house to find his daughter and wife. They were both ready with their emergency baggage. The family got out of the house and started running as fast as they could, passing the falling trees and buildings. Water was penetrating out of the departing land and everyone was panicking and running in any direction to save their lives when suddenly, Satish’s daughter fell down. A tree fell over her feet. Satish was trying to help his crying daughter when they both saw a building falling over them. Satish hugged his daughter and shouted at the peak of his voice which finally woke him up. With sighs of heavy breathing and excessive sweating, Satish went to his daughter’s room only to find that everything was fine. He kissed her forehead, went back to his room and wondered; “Phew! This one really took the life out of me”.

5. Write a short story in 200 – 250 words, with the help of the cues given below. Give a suitable title to the story. It was Mohini’s first day at the new school. She was feeling very nervous. She stood in a corner and watched the students who were laughing and talking excitedly. When she saw four senior students advancing towards her, she … … … (Compartment 2019 English Communicative Set-3) Ans.

Things are Not Always What They Seem

It was Mohini’s first day at the new school. She was feeling very nervous. She stood in a corner and watched the students who were laughing and talking excitedly. When she saw four senior students advancing towards her, she got terrified and started going towards her classroom hurriedly. The four students caught up with her speed and cornered her. Drops of sweat rolled down her face as she muttered in a trembling voice, “Leave me alone”. They started coming nearer as they sensed her fear. Two tall boys and two girls of medium height looked at her and gave her spine-chilling terror. Before Mohini could shout, one of the girls covered her mouth and they all started laughing. Mohini was left astonished. To make things clear, one of the boys told her that they had been assigned to guide her through the school and assist her to make her feel comfortable. They were coming nearer to introduce themselves and thought of playing a small prank when Mohini started running away from them. Mohini breathed a sigh of relief and conveyed that she thought she was about to get bullied.

6. Write a short story in 200 – 250 words, with the help of the cues given below. Give a suitable title to the story. Going to Mumbai by train to attend the marriage of a friend ….. got stuck in a traffic jam ….. reached the railway station late ….. boarded a wrong train ….. realised after two hours ….. now you … … … (Compartment 2019 English Communicative Set-1) Ans.

A series of Unfortunate Events

I sat down with relief as I ticked off the last task in the checklist. I wanted everything to be perfect as it was my best friend’s marriage in Mumbai. The alarm rang next morning, I woke up in excitement and booked a cab to the railway station. Everything was going perfectly until I got stuck in a traffic jam. I reached the railway station late but on the sight of the train still waiting on the platform, I hurried and somehow managed to get into the train. I breathed a sigh of relief and got comfortable. It was only when the Ticket Collector came, I realised that I had been in the wrong train for two hours. I panicked and deboarded the train at the next station. I tried booking a ticket for the next train to Mumbai but there was no availability. On coming back from the ticket counter, I realised that my luggage was missing. Even after hours of finding and reporting it, there was no trace of it. I got tired and lost hope, tried booking a cab with the minimal amount I was left with in my pocket. The cab couldn’t reach on time as it was raining heavily. Disheartened, I finally walked my way to the nearest hotel, contacted my parents and recited them the series of unfortunate events that happened during the day. Alas, I couldn’t even make it to my best friend’s wedding.

7. Write a story on the title “Thirsty Crow” in 150-200 words using the following cues: A crow was flying – – – – – It felt thirsty – – – – – It saw a pitcher on the roof of a house – – – – – Ans.

Thirsty Crow

A crow was flying all over the city, in search of food. Suddenly, it felt a pang of thirst. It now scrounged the earth only for water. Then, it finally saw a pitcher on the roof of a house. Thinking that the pitcher might contain water, it landed on the roof. It examined the pitcher and its contents and saw that the water level was a bit low and that the neck of the pitcher was slender and his beak too big. It then sought to raise the water level and soon saw pebbles lying hither thither. A lightbulb lit up in its head and it put the pebbles in the pitcher. The water level rose up and it was able to drink the water. Suddenly, a woman came up on the roof who tried to shoo away the crow. Scared, the crow flew away so suddenly that the pitcher fell and broke. The crow did not heed to the woman and the broken pitcher, and it flew away, once again in search of food.

8. Write a story teaching the importance of hard work in 150-200 words using the following cues: A girl called Manya – – – – – enrolled in dream college – – – – – made friends – – – – – had fun – – – – – could not study – – – – – got poor marks Ans.

Play Hard, Work Harder

There once lived a hard-working girl called Manya. She topped in the district in the entrance exams, which opened up the option of enrolling into the college of her dreams. She was elated. Her easy-going personality made it easy for her to befriend other batchmates. During the first few months, she had a blast with her friends. Instead of studying, they engaged in more fun and memorable activities. While she was having fun, her exams drew nearer. In the back of her mind, she was worried that she was not studying enough anymore. Her friends assured her that she worried too much and not studying made her look cooler. So to impress her newly-made friends, she did not study. When the exams were just round the corner, she could not study as she neither made good notes nor did she listen to the lectures properly. While attempting the question paper, she realised that her mind was as blank as her answer sheet! She got poor marks. She realised that she should not give up her hard-working nature for anything, even for the sake of looking cool. She then ended her friendship and went back to being her true self.

9. Write a scary story using the following cues. Give a suitable title. Two friends – – – – – meet old man – – – – – enter a house – – – – – realise something wrong is happening – – – – – only one escapes Ans.

The Haunted Mansion

Once upon a time, there lived two mischievous friends – Sammy and Manny. They lived in a city. One day, they decided to explore the dark woods together, which was a forbidden place for children and adults alike. The townsfolk told them not to go there, but Sammy and Manny paid no attention to them. They went deep into the woods and soon lost their way. Darkness, strange chirpings and other sounds surrounded them. Scared, they decided to go back home. On the way, they met a creepy old man. They had no choice but to ask for his help. He led the innocent children to an old mansion. The mansion looked elegant and well-furnished. Their fear vanished. They were led upstairs to a beautiful room. When they turned around to thank him, they saw that the old man had vanished. Manny stepped out of the room because he felt like something was wrong. Suddenly the door shut behind him. Everything went dark. Sammy screamed that there was now a skeleton on the bed. They tried to break the door but they were not strong enough. Manny felt like a strange force was preventing him from doing so. Sammy told his friend to leave before it was too late. Manny reluctantly agreed and escaped the haunted mansion.

10. Write a story on the title “A Lucky Day” in 150-200 words using the following cues: Woke up at time – – – – – family in good mood – – – – – no traffic – – – – – happy boss and friendly colleagues – – – – – win lottery Ans.

There once lived a middle-aged man named Chaitanya. He lived a fast-paced and overly stressed life. However, one day, everything changed. For the first time, he woke up at the sound of his alarm. He was happy and decided to get ready for work. Usually, the family began fighting and complaining as soon as they woke up. However, that day, they were in a good mood. He was surprised but thought nothing of it. He then started his car and drove to the office. He observed that there was no traffic and he was able to reach his workplace ten minutes earlier than usual. Now, he realised that today was not like the other days. He met his boss, who too was happy. The boss even offered a raise, which was unusual. His colleagues were friendly too, and he was able to be more productive. Suddenly, he got a phone call. It was from a company who held a lottery. He got to know that he had won the biggest prize in the lottery – two tickets to Hawaii. Elated, he realised that the day was indeed a lucky day for him.

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Descriptive Paragraph Writing Class 9 CBSE Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

September 17, 2020 by Prasanna

Descriptive Paragraph Writing Class 9

This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. You can also visit the most accurate and elaborate  NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English . Every question of the textbook has been answered here.

Descriptive Paragraph Writing for Class 9 CBSE Format, Topics, Examples, Samples Pdf

Description of People is a biographical sketch of their lives from birth to the present time, highlighting major events and achievements during that span. In short it entails a person’s characteristics and events related to his life and their effects on his life.

Descriptive Paragraph Writing Solved Examples With Answers for Class 9 CBSE

Question 1. You love your father very much, for he is an ideal father. Describe him in your own words in 100-150 words. Answer: Mr Raj Gupta is my father. He is a very polite and caring person. He loves me very much. Although he is a very busy person, yet he pays full attention to me and helps my mother in household chores. He is an ideal father to me. Once I fell seriously ill. It took four days and five nights to recover. All those days he took leave from his office and did not sleep the whole night while he sat beside me.

When I recovered, he took a sigh of relief. He is a true friend and counsellor to me. Without him I am lost. I pray to God to make him happy throughout the life.

Question 2. One of your friends, Raman, is very gentle and polite to you. You regard him as your best friend. Describe him in 100-150 words. Answer: I have many friends. Of them, Raman is my best friend. He is the friend I have always longed for. We are also classmates. He always stood by me in support during misfortunes. He is also a healthy critic as his criticism always helps me improve my behaviour and personality. Being a topper in the class, he also helps me in my studies. To conclude, he has been a boon to me. In the evening, he comes to me. We do homework together. Then we go to the park for playing and workout. Whenever I am wrong he explains to me my mistakes and tells me what to do next? I pray to God to bless upon our company forever.

Question 3. Describe your favourite dancer in 100-150 words. Answer: I have come across many dancers in my life and fond of most but Madhuri Dixit is my favourite.

She is an Indian actor. She has been praised by critics for her dancing skills. When she dances, her movements sway the air. I have watched alf her movies in which she gave superb dancing performances. She speaks very well through her dance postures. It seems that she has dance in her DNA. She dances collectively but if we go into deep we will discover that every part of her body is dancing individually. In 2008, she was awarded the Padma Shri by the Government of India.

Question 4. Last summer vacation you went to your friend’s village. His grandmother looked after you as if you were her grandchild. Describe her in 100-150 words. Answer: In every summer vacation, I visit some hill station, but last time I visited my friend’s grandmother’s village on her repeated invitations. She gave me a warm welcome. First of all, we took a bath in the river and rested under the dense trees. She cared a lot, especially for me as I was her guest. Her sweet nature and soft speaking really impressed me.

The breakfast, lunch and dinner prepared by her were not only tasty but full of love. She took care of my every small need. I felt as if I were in grandmother’s paradise. She also showed many photographs from her album. She also told me that she was a champion in swimming. She won many gold medals in swimming competition. She showed me all the prizes she had achieved in her life. I was very excited.

Question 5. The traits of a musician are given in the box overleaf. Use these and write a short biography in about 100 -150 words. You may collect more information from the Internet, books in the library and other sources.

A. R. Rahman: Indian composer, singer, songwriter, music producer, musician and philanthropist; Chennai on 6 January 1967; graduated from Trinity College, Oxford University; famous in integrating Indian classical music with electronic music, world music and traditional orchestral arrangements; recipient of the Padmashri and the Padma Vibhushan awards; two Oscars and a Golden Globe; a notable humanitarian and philanthropist; donates and raises money for a number of causes and charities.

Answer: A.R. Rahman (Allah Rakha Rahman) is an Indian composer, singer, songwriter, music producer, musician and philanthropist who was born in Chennai on 6 January 1967. Rahman was earlier known as A.S. Dileep Kumar before he converted from Hinduism to Islam. He is a graduate from Trinity college, Oxford Univeristy. His extensive body of work for film and stage earned him the nickname of ‘the Mozart of Madras’. He first debuted with the movie ‘Roja’.

He is famous in integrating Indian classical music with electronic music, world music and traditional orchestral arrangements. He is the recipient of the Padmashri and the Padma Vibhushan awards. He has won two Oscars and a golden globe too. He is a notable humanitarian and philanthropist. He does a lot of charity work too; he donates and raises money for a number of causes and charities. Men like him are hard to find.

Question 6. One day you were commuting in a DTC bus. Unfortunately, your wallet was left at home. The conductor gave you the ticket for free. You are moved by his gesture. Describe him in 100-150 words. Answer: One day I was commuting on a DTC bus. Unfortunately, my wallet was left at home. I had no money to buy the ticket and it was useless to plead before the conductor. Every moment was adding to my anxiety, lest I should be caught by the ticket checker and further consequences. The conductor asked me to take the ticket but after knowing the truth he offered me the ticket. I looked at him as if I was asking the reason and he just smiled.

The conductor was a conscientious and kind-hearted person. He understood my problem and so did not fine. I deboarded the bus thanking him from the deep of my heart. I was moved by the behaviour of the conductor and it had been an unforgettable experience of my life.

Question 7. Write a short descriptive paragraph on the famous Indian scientist Sir CV Raman in 100-150 words on the basis of the following inputs.

Born on 7 November 1888 in Madras—Physician by profession—worked in the field of light scattering—the discovery is known as ‘Raman Effect’—won Nobel Prize in 1930 for his discovery—elected ‘Fellow of the Royal Society’ in 1924—in 1954 India honoured him with its height civilian award ‘Bharat Ratna’—breathed his last on 21 November 1970.

Answer: Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman born on 7 November 1888, in the former Madras Province of India (presently Tamil Nadu) was an Indian physician who carried out ground-breaking work in the field of light scattering. He discovered that when light traverses a transparent material. Some of the deflected light changes wavelength. This phenomena of “Raman effect” earned him the 1930 Nobel Prize for Physics.

Raman was honoured with a large number of honorary doctorates and memberships of scientific societies. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society early in his career in 1924 and knighted in 1929. He later resigned from the fellowship in 1968 for reasons unrecorded, the only Indian FRS ever to do so.

In 1954, India honoured him with its highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna and celebrates National Science Day on 28 February of every’ year to commemorate the discovery of the Raman effect in 1928. Raman breathed his last on 21 November 1970.

Question 8. Look at the following points and develop them into a descriptive paragraph.

  • Name : Dr. Kiran Mazumdar Shaw
  • Parents : Gujarati Father Rasendra Mazumdar, formely head Brewmaster at United Breweries Father Mazumdar suggestion study fermentation science
  • Education : Schooling from Bishop’s Cotton Girls’ High School Bachelor’s degree in Zoology from Bangalore University Went to the Federation University (Australia) to study Malting and Brewing (1974) Aspired to medicine but could not
  • Chairperson and Managing Director : Biocon Ltd
  • Chairperson : IIM Bengalure
  • Recognition : Honoured with numerous national and international awards
  • Special achievement : Listing in the Forbes Magazine as most powerful woman in the world at 77th and 71st position in 2016 and 2017 respectively.

Answer: Kiran Mazumdar Shaw is an Indian billionare entrepreneur and also the chairperson and managing director of Biocon United (a Biotechnology company) and is also the chairperson of IIM Bengaluru. Born to Gujarati parents in Bengaluru. She did her schooling from Bishop’s Cotton Girls’ High School and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in zoology from Bangalore University. She hoped to go to a medical school but did not obtain a scholarship.

Her father, Rasendra Mazumdar was the head brewmaster at United Breweries. He suggested her to pursue a course in fermentation science to be trained as a brewmaster which was a very non-traditional course for a woman. Mazumdar went to the Federation University in Australia to study Malting and Brewing in 1974, the only woman enrolled in the brewing course and earned the Master’s degree in brewery in 1975.

She joined the Biocon Company as a trainee manager for a brief period at Cork Ireland and then returned to India to start her own business. And the rest is history. She has won several national and international awards and honours today. She has been listed by Forbes as one of the most. powerful women in the world at 77th and 71st positions in 2016 and 2017 respectively.

While describing a place there are some important steps :

  • Break the description into 2-3 paragraphs.
  • Each paragraph should have a topic sentence.
  • Describe one aspect of the place in each paragraph.
  • It is important to ensure continuity in paragraphs.
  • If the description has to be written in one paragraph, then include all the details briefly.

Solved Question

Question 1. You happen to visit Bhallard in the foothills of Kumaon. You collected details about this place. Write a descriptive paragraph on the basis of the following inputs in 100-150 words. You Head To Bhallard, In The Kumaon Foothills

  • Nearest Airport : New Delhi
  • Nearest Railway Station : Kathgodam (KKDM). Tickets are always in demand and need to be booked well in advance. By
  • Road : From Delhi, NH 24 to Moradabad and Rampur and NH 87 to Kathgodam; via Bhimtal to Ramgarh and from there to Nathuakhan via Talla (lower) Ramgarh; From Nathuakhan, 4 km on the road towards Hartola is Bhallard village.
  • Facilities : Tourist attractions abound in several places : Nainital, Bhimtal, Sattal, Ramgarh, Almora. A few home-stay options are available and need to be “identified”.
  • Attractions : Natural beauty is witnessed in its abundance in this region. Lakes with boating facilities abound : for example Nainital, Bhimtal and Sattal. The Kumaon hills are wonderful for trekkers, bird watchers, nature enthusiasts and many an unspoilt hill-path beckons you. Orchards and fruit-laden trees abound in the Nathuakhan/Bhallard area.
  • Aah ! Himalaya home-stay : The Aah ! Himalaya home-stay package (including breakfast, lunch, dinner and laundry) costs ?4,000/- for a couple per night. Up to two children (under 12) go free; children, older than 12 are charged a supplementary fee of ?500 per night. Single home-stays are charged at ?2500 per night, Home-Stays are always pre-arranged with the owner!

Answer: Ballard in Kumaon district is a place where nature’s beauty can be captured. It is close to Kathgodam railway station. The nearest airport is Delhi. From h§re one can either take a train or go by road. There are many interesting places to stay there including home-stay options at Almora. Nature’s pristine beauty can be seen here. In Nainital, Bhimtal and Sattal boating facilities are available. The Kumaon hills are a wonderful place for bird watchers, nature lovers and trekkers. One can see fruit-laden trees in Ballard. Aah! Home-stay option charge? 4,000/- night per couple with 2 children below 12 free.

Question 2. You recently visited the city of Jaipur, famous for its Hawa Mahal, the palace and forts. Shopping in Jaipur is also exciting as there are many things to buy. Write a description of the place in 100-150 words. Answer: Jaipur, also referred to as the Pink City. The Hawa Mahal here is made of Pink stone. It is the capital of Rajasthan. It is a colourful city with monuments, good food and lots of shopping. By road from Delhi it is about 4 hours drive. By air just about 45 minutes from Delhi. It is a hot place and the best time to visit is December to February. The rest of the months it will be hot. The palaces constructed by erstwhile kings are marvels of architecture. If one has to see all the monuments it will take no less than 3 days.

Apart from forts, shopping in Jaipur is exciting. Things are reasonably priced, marble carvings and objects made out of stone are famous in Jaipur. The typical Rajasthani cuisine is elaborate and is served with lot of butter and ghee. Some of the dishes are dal, bhatti churma, kachori, etc. The art of tie and dye is very famous in Rajasthan. Fabric, dress material and sarees on which this technique is used are liked by women.

Question 3. Srinagar with its Dal lake, the snow clad mountain peaks and the Shalimar garden is nothing but a paradise on the earth. You visited this beautiful city sometime back. Write an account of the place in 100-150 words. Answer: Kashmir is the paradise on the earth. It is a beautiful place, so scenic with snow clad mountains, beautiful lakes, flowers and fruits all around. Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir, is connected by air with all major metros of India. There is no train facility at Kashmir. The nearest railway station is Katra or Jammu. There are many hotels where one can stay.

In the Dal lake there are houseboats called as Shikaras in which one can stay. Words cannot describe the beauty of this place. One can see apple trees laden with apples. Other main trees are Deodar, Firs and Pines, Chenar, Maple, Birch and Walnut. One should visit Srinagar at least once during one’s lifetime.

Question 4. Write a paragraph describing a journey, imaginery, or you have undertaken. You can follow the steps given below:

  • Prepare an itinerary.
  • You can make use of the following expressions, phrases and proverbs frequently used by the travellers.

Jetlag, itchy feet, hit the road, time table, on the home stretch, call it a day, book in advance, travel over, travel through, travel light, any port in a storm, stopover, etc. Answer: We decided to go to Thailand last month. I was too excited to think of what it would be like. We booked the tickets and when the time came, packed our things. When we landed at Thailand airport after a journey of about five hours, I had jet legs but soon forgot it seeing the beauty all around. We checked in the hotel and rested for some time. It was a wonderful day and we enjoyed coconut milk. We hired bikes and toured half of the island relishing the local life that was so lively and full of activity.

On our way, we tasted delicacies of the local cuisine. Mostly it was spicy food. We visited tropical jungles and witness the beauty and splendour of nature. We were overwhelmed by the serenity and beauty of the place. Soon the time to go back arrived. It was a sad feeling to think of leaving this extraordinary calmness. It was the best journey of my life.

Question 5. The city of Delhi, capital of India, is a wonderful amalgamation of tradition and modernity. With places like Red Fort and Jama Masjid on one hand, India Gate and Rashtrapati Bhavan on the other hand, it is a city worth visiting. You happened to go around the city last month. Write a description of the city in 100-150 words. Answer: Delhi, the capital city of India, is a wonderful amalgamation of tradition and modernity. There are many places to visit in this city. It is the most well-connected city in this country. There is a variety of hotels and guest houses where people who visit this city can stay. If one wishes to visit all the places in this city then one has to stay here for at least 3-4 days. There is Red fort, Jama Masjid, Kutub Minar, India Gate and many other places to visit and see. There is shopping to do in Chandni Chowk, Karol Bagh and Connaught Place.

One can a feel and see the beautiful blend of the old and the new in this city.

Question 6. Write a descriptive paragraph on the following inputs in 100-150 words. , FACT FILE

  • Nearest airport is at Jabalpur (165 km)
  • Nearest town and railwayhead is Umaria (30 km). The other railway stations are Jabalpur (165 km), Katni (102 km) and Satna (120 km).
  • There are varied government and private options for accommodation in Tala village that adjoins the park.
  • The park is open to visitors from October to June. But the best season for viewing wildlife is November to April.
  • Getting around : Maruti Gypsys are used to explore the park. The reservation of these can be done at the Project Tiger office or the hotels where one is staying. The tour is conducted by a guide and in the park one must adhere to the allocated route.

The Bandhavgarh National Park is set amongst the Vindhya Hills and is in the district of Shadol in Madhya Pradesh. It was declared a national park in 1968 and today covers an area of 437 sq. km. The park derives its name from the most prominent hill fort of the area, which is (mythologically) said to have been given by Lord Rama to his brother Laxman to keep a watch on Lanka (Bandhav = Brother, Garh = Fort). Answer: Bandhavgarh National Park is situated in the state Of Madhya Pradesh. The nearest airport is Jabalpur. It is in the Vindhya Hills, in the district’of Shadol in MP. In the year 1968 it was declared as a National Park. This park has a large biodiversity. The park has a large breeding population of leopards and various species of deer. It is declared as the Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve in 1993. It covers an area of 694 sq. km.

The best time to visit this place to enjoy the wildlife is November to April. There is a variety of accommodation available including Govt, guest houses and private hotels. Maruti Gypsies are used to go around the park. One can book these in advance either from the Project Tiger Office or from the hotel where one is staying.

Question 7. You recently visited the Children’s Park, a favourite place for all children, in your city. Write a description of the Park in 100-150 words. Answer: Children’s Park is the place all children love to go. The park in our city of Delhi is huge. There are about 4 play areas with different types of playthings. The area for small children has swings, see-saw and slides. Then there is a ground where children can play games like badminton, volleyball etc. There is a football court as well. Facing the India Gate is a Tennis court.

Apart form all these there are green areas for parents to play with their children. Families come here for outdoor activities and enjoy picnics especially during winters. There is a provision for cooking as well. There are many trees. As a result during summers, this park remains cool in the day. A park, which, all children should definitely visit.

Any description of an event should include factual details. While writing about an event the following points should be kept in mind.

  • As the event is being described after its completion, one has to use past tense.
  • All the facts about the event have to be included while writing the description.
  • It is always better not to include personal opinion or comment while describing an event.

Descriptive Paragraph Writing Class 9 CBSE Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

Question 2. You recently witnessed the World Cup India-South Africa Cricket match that was played in the city of Nagpur. Start to finish it was a nail-biting match. Describe it in 100-150 words. Answer: World Cup matches make the Indian public euphoria. Witnessing a match offers a two-fold advantage. One is witnessing the match and the other is seeing the public go mad. I got an opportunity to see the India-South Africa match that was played at Nagpur. I had flown specially from Mumbai to see the match. The stadium was packed to capacity; there was not an inch of space. Each ball bowled by the Indian bowlers and each run scored by the Indians made people hoot, shout, clap and wave the Indian flag.

Master blaster Sachin Tendulkar scored 111 runs. It was an electrifying performance. Watching it was sheer fun. Bowling of Zaheer Khan was also good.

Question 3. The International Women’s Day was celebrated in all parts of the world with great gusto. As part of the celebrations, women achievers were given awards by the Rotary Club of your city. Among those honoured included the famous Police Officer Kiran Bedi, Sharmila Tagore and Shabana Azmi. Write a short description of this event in 100-150 words. Answer: March 8th is celebrated every year as International Women’s day. The reason we celebrate this day is to honour women and to recognise their contribution to the. family, society and nation.

Rotary Club of our city organized a celebration to honour some women achievers. Those honoured included Kiran Bedi, the Magsaysay award winner, Sharmila Tagore, the Chairperson of the Censor Board and Shabana Azmi, a woman activist and a great actor.

Ms Bedi exhorted the young girls to repel any untoward advances to them. She further said that the whole state machinery is with them. Ms Tagore asked the girls to study hard, because it is education that will give them confidence. Ms Azmi advised the ladies to come forward and join the mainstream of the society.

All these women pledged to work for the upliftment of women of this country.

Question 4. Your school celebrated Sports Day on 20th February. The famous cricketer Suresh Raina was the Chief Guest for the occasion. Write a description about the event in 100-150 words. Answer: Our school celebrated the Sports Day on 20th February. The famous cricketer Suresh Raina was the Chief Guest on the occasion. He spoke about the dedication and hard work is the cornerstone for any success. He encouraged the youngsters to make any sport a part of their lifestyle as playing a game develops many qualities like team spirit in individuals. Tagore House took the running trophy for scoring highest points in the all the sports activities. The day started with March Past and ended with the houses marching back and lowering the their flags.

Descriptive Paragraph Writing Class 9 CBSE Format, Topics, Examples, Samples

Today is the age of team building. One must work with colleagues as a team and move towards the larger goal. The success of the team means the success of the organisation, that means an individual’s success. That is the way to look at it, that is the way to approach it. I came out better equipped to handle day to day situations after attending the seminar.

Question 6. ‘Career Fair’ was organised this year as well in your school. As many as 30 Institutes had put up their stalls. Some of the participants included NIFT, NID, IIPM, and Computer Academy, etc. The school had invited career counsellors as well. Write a description of the event in 100-150 words. Answer: Career Fair is an annual feature in our school. This event provides a platform for students upward of class-9 to meet career experts from various fields to know about the options available to them. Experts from medical, engineering, fashion, design, architecture and many other fields were invited. Also .career guidance was provided by counsellors such as Mr. Chawla, Ms. Prema.

Bookstalls and eatables were other attractions. The event was open to parents as well. Parents got to interact with experts and collect information regarding various options. The fair was open to students of classes 9-12.

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  • The Fun They Had Summary


The Fun They Had Summary Class 9 English

“The Fun They Had” is the first chapter of the Class 9 English textbook - Beehive. It is a story about how computers play an important role and dominate humans in the future. How traditional schools will be replaced by virtual schools and robotic teachers. How do future students see traditional school? Do they like virtual classes? Here is the prose summary of “The Fun They Had”.

Summary of the Story “The Fun They Had”

Isaac Asimov is the author of the story "The Fun They Had", who visualizes his views on the future. The story takes place in the future where books and schools are digitally conducted through virtual classrooms. These classes are taken by a mechanic (robotic) teacher instead of a human class teacher. The story starts with two Children- Margie and Tommy. They are living in the world of the future where computers control everything. With the advent of virtual schools, the concept of books and classrooms has undergone a considerable transformation from the old days. 

On May 17, 2157, Margie wrote in her diary about how Tommy came up with a real book. It is an old book that consists of stories. Margie remembers her grandfather, who once told that when he was younger, his grandfather used to study through printed books. Tommy and Margie were excited and started to turn the yellow crumpled pages of the book to learn more about the ancient days. They found it hilarious to read the book as the words stood at a place instead of moving around as they saw it on a computer screen. From here, it is clear that in the future there will be only telebooks and that no paper copies of the books will be available. Tommy proclaims that it is absolutely useless to read a book and throw it away once completed. He feels that their monitor screen has millions of books and can store even more without throwing after use.

Soon after they started reading about school in the ancient days, they found that the teachers were actual human beings rather than mechanical (robotic) teachers. Though Margie hated the concept of schools, she was surprised about the human teachers at the school. Margie and Tommy don't even know about physical schools, as they both study in a virtual classroom that is filled with electronic gadgets, robots, etc. They study their lessons through computer screens that teach them all the subjects like Maths, Science, etc. Margie remembers that Margie's mother once called a County Inspector to fix the mechanical device on which Margie attends the virtual classes. He fixed the big black screen together again on which all the lessons were displayed and questions were asked. But the little girl was so disappointed as the device got fixed sooner. She needs to put the homework and test papers through a punch code.

As they both continue to read the book, Margie’s mother calls her to attend the classes. Margie attends her class on fractions, taught by the mechanical teacher. But, her mind starts wondering about the fun their grandparents had while attending school in the olden days. In the olden days, the school used to be a special place where all the students of dame age studied together. She started to imagine how the kids from different areas come together and attend the school happily. Thereby, Margie gets strongly attracted to the fun the children had in the ancient time when they went to a real, physical school.

Important Characters

Margie- A 11 year old little girl living in the 22nd century and has a habit of writing diaries. She hates virtual school and her mechanical teacher but is interested in knowing the olden era of school. 

Tommy- He is a 13 year old boy and friend of Margie. He likes reading books and brings an old book to Margie’s house.

Mechanical Teacher-  A robotic teacher which has black and ugly look. All the lessons and questions are asked by him.

County Inspector- A little man with a red face has a box of tools, dials and wires. He fixes Margie’s television quickly.


FAQs on The Fun They Had Summary

1. What is the difference between past school and future school?

Past school is a special building, where children of the same age gather together and study in the same class. They had human teachers to teach students all the subjects and used physical paper notes and books.

Whereas in future school there is no physical place to learn, where students learn from their respective home. It is a virtual platform and everything is electronic and machine-oriented. The lessons are taught by the mechanical (robotic) teachers and they use punch code to submit homework and test papers.

2. Why did Margie hate school? Why did she think the old school was fun?

Margie felt that school was not fun, interesting, and lacked life. Where machines do all the regular work without fun and laughter. She hated submitting the homework and test papers into the slot by using punch code. There are no classmates, physical school, and human teachers.

She thought that the children in the olden times had lots of fun as they had the opportunity to go to school with fellow children of the same age. She thought that children studying together and discussing studies and helping each other with the homework could be cool. The human teacher in the past made her feel that the school of the past was fun.

3. Who are the important characters of the story “The Fun They Had”?

Margie - A 11 year old little girl living in the 22nd century and has a habit of writing diaries. She hates virtual school and her mechanical teacher but is interested in knowing the olden era of school. 

Tommy - He is a 13 year old boy and friend of Margie. He likes reading books and brings an old book to Margie’s house.

Mechanical Teacher -   A robotic teacher which has black and ugly look. All the lessons and questions are asked by him.

County Inspector - A little man with a red face has a box of tools, dials and wires. He fixes Margie’s television quickly.

4. What does Tommy find? What is incredible about it?

In the story “The Fun They Had”, Tommy found an old diary of his grandparent in which he has mentioned his childhood and his school. Margie and Tommy found the description of old school and school life incredible because in the era they live in, they don’t have such kinds of schools. Margie and Tommy attend their classes through virtual school at home on their computer screens, which are taught by robotic teachers. Whereas in the diary, they came to know about physical schools, where all the students gather at a place and had fun. These schools are real and human teachers are used to teach all the things to the students. This is what Tommy and Margie miss in their era and by reading all the experiences, they think about the fun their grandparents had in their era.

5. What is the central theme of the story “The Fun They Had”?

The theme of the story “The Fun They Had” is transformation by technology. The whole story focuses on two eras: One is the Digital Era in which Tommy and Margie live and the other is the Normal Era, about which they learned through their grandparent’s diary. Both the eras are completely different from each other and in the story “The Fun They Had”, the author has compared them. The story gave us the glimpse of our future where everything will be replaced by technology and people won’t be able to go to physical schools as we do now because in the future, there will be an only virtual classroom where robots will teach everything and people will not have many friends as everything will be done on computers.

6. What is the Theme of the Story “The Fun They Had”?

The theme of the story “The Fun They Had” is transformation by technology. The whole story focuses on two eras: One is Digital Era in which Tommy and Margie live and the other is the Normal Era, about which they learned through their grandparent’s diary. Both the eras are completely different from each other and in the story “The Fun They Had”, the author has compared them. The story gave us the glimpse of our future where everything will be replaced by technology and people won’t be able to go to physical schools as we do now because in future, there will be an only virtual classroom where robots will teach everything and people will not have many friends as everything will be done on computers.

7. What was found by Tommy and what was incredible about that Thing?

In the story “The Fun They Had”, Tommy found the old diary of his grandparent in which he has mentioned about his childhood and his school. Margie and Tommy found the description of old school and school life incredible because in the era they live, they don’t have such kind of schools. Margie and Tommy go to the virtual school every day on their computer screen, which is next to their bedrooms and there they are taught by robots. While in Diary, they learn about physical schools, where all the students meet their friends daily. These schools were comprised of real buildings and human teachers used to teach all the things to the students. This is what Tommy and Margie miss in their era and by reading all the experience, they think about the fun their grandparents had in their era.

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CBSE Class 9 English Notes

Chapter Wise CBSE Class 9 English Quick Revision Notes and Key Points Pdf free download was designed by expert teachers from the latest edition of NCERT Textbook. Here we have given NCERT Class 9 English Notes for Literature Reader, Beehive, Moments.

CBSE Class 9 English Literature Notes

  • How I Taught My Grandmother to Read Summary
  • A Dog Named Duke Summary
  • The Man Who Knew Too Much Summary
  • Keeping It From Harold Summary
  • Best Seller Summary
  • The Brook Summary
  • The Road Not Taken Summary
  • The Solitary Reaper Summary
  • Lord Ullin’s Daughter Summary
  • The Seven Ages Summary
  • Oh, I Wish I’d Looked After Me Teeth Summary
  • Song of the Rain Summary
  • Villa for Sale Summary
  • The Bishop’s Candlesticks Summary

CBSE Class 9 English Beehive Notes

Class 9 English Beehive Notes

  • The Fun They Had Summary
  • The Sound of Music Summary
  • The Little Girl Summary
  • A Truly Beautiful Mind Summary
  • The Snake and The Mirror Summary
  • My Childhood Summary
  • Packing Summary
  • Reach for the Top Summary
  • The Bond of Love Summary
  • Kathmandu Summary
  • If I Were You Summary

Class 9 English Beehive Poem Notes

  • Wind Summary
  • Rain On The Roof Summary
  • The Lake Isle of Innisfree Summary
  • A Legend of The Northland Summary
  • No Men are Foreign Summary
  • The Duck and the Kangaroo Summary
  • On Killing A Tree Summary
  • The Snake Trying Summary
  • A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal Summary

CBSE Class 9 English Moments Notes

  • The Lost Child Summary
  • The Adventure of Toto Summary
  • Iswaran the Storyteller Summary
  • In The Kingdom of Fools Summary
  • The Happy Prince Summary
  • Weathering The Storm in Ersama Summary
  • The Last Leaf Summary
  • A House is not a Home Summary
  • The Accidental Tourist Summary
  • The Beggar Summary

We hope the given Chapter Wise CBSE Class 9 English Quick Revision Notes and Key Points Pdf free download will help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Class 9 English Notes for Literature Reader, Beehive, Moments, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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Paragraph Writing Class 9

Paragraph Writing Class 9 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

What is paragraph writing class 9 in english.

Paragraph writing is a crucial skill that students need to develop as they progress through their academic journey. Class 9 students are typically expected to write paragraphs that are concise and focused on a specific topic. Paragraphs should be well-structured and include a clear topic sentence and supporting details. In this article, we will discuss the format of paragraph writing for class 9 students, along with English Grammar , some topics, and examples.

Also Read: Paragraph Writing For Class 3

Format Of Paragraph Writing For Class 9:

The format of paragraph writing is similar to that of essay writing but with a much narrower focus. Each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence that tells the reader what the paragraph is about. The topic sentence should be followed by supporting details that provide evidence or examples to support the main idea.


The introduction should include the topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph.

The body of the paragraph should include supporting details that provide evidence or examples to support the topic sentence.


The conclusion should summarize the main points discussed in the paragraph and provide a final thought on the topic.

Format Of Paragraph Writing For Class 9

Paragraph Writing Topics For Class 9:

1. My Favorite Hobby 2. My Best Friend 3. My Favorite Subject 4. My Favorite Book 5. My Favorite Movie 6. My Family 7. The Importance of Exercise 8. The Importance of Education 9. The Importance of Time Management 10. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media 11. My Future Plans 12. My Role Model 13. The Importance of Discipline 14. The Effects of Bullying 15. The Importance of Goal Setting 16. The Importance of Respect 17. The Importance of Honesty 18. The Importance of Self-Confidence 19. My Favorite Sport 20. My Favorite Place

Examples Of Paragraph Writing Class 9:

1. My Favorite Hobby:

My favorite hobby is reading. I enjoy reading books because it allows me to explore new worlds and learn about different cultures. Reading helps me improve my vocabulary and comprehension skills. I also like to read before going to bed because it helps me relax and fall asleep faster.

2. My Best Friend:

My best friend’s name is Maria. We have been friends since elementary school, and we have a lot in common. Maria is very supportive, and she always listens to me when I need someone to talk to. We enjoy playing basketball and watching movies together. I feel lucky to have Maria as my best friend.

3. The Importance of Education:

Education is very important because it provides us with the knowledge and skills that we need to succeed in life. Education helps us understand the world around us and make informed decisions. It also helps us develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities. Education is the key to a brighter future.

Recommended Reading: Paragraph Writing Class 9

Conclusion On Paragraph Writing Class 9:

paragraph writing is an essential skill that students need to develop to effectively communicate their ideas. By following the paragraph writing format and practicing writing on different topics, class 9 students can become better writers. The above paragraph writing topics can be a starting point for class 9 students to develop their paragraph writing skills.

Class 9 English Notes, Chapters, Translations, Grammar

As a result, you are free to download the class 9 English notes containing all chapters questions answers, applications, letters, stories, idioms and get the foremost of it. Not only keep this notes restricted to you but also, you must share along with your friends and loving ones. You might be thinking if I share with others, they’d get high marks. This life does not work like this. If you share along with your friends, Allah will reward you.

All Chapters Questions Answers All Chapters Summaries All Chapters Stanzas

Unit 1 – Urdu Translations Unit 2 – Urdu Translations Unit 3 – Urdu Translations Unit 4 – Urdu Translations Unit 5 – Urdu Translations Unit 6 – Urdu Translations Unit 7 – Urdu Translations Unit 8 – Urdu Translations Unit 9 – Urdu Translations Unit 10 – Urdu Translations Unit 11 – Urdu Translations Unit 12 – Urdu Translations

Applications Letters Stories Idioms Phrases

As a result, you are free to download the class 9 English notes containing Translations, Questions Answers, Summaries, Stanzas and also Grammar Portion below and get the foremost of it. Not only keep this notes restricted to you but also, you must share along with your friends and loving ones.

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This Post Has 97 Comments

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Great effort

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This is great…thank you

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All is good but you have to give the answers of oral activity as well

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I need dialogue of unit 2

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Can you please provide simple english translations for these chapters.

Sir where are Active and Passive

thank you for helping us allah apko lambi zindagi de

It should have question answers related to poems.

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Awesome website🎉🤎🤎

so amazing please give words meanings of all chapters

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NCERT Solutions Class 9 English

Ncert solutions for class 9 english, ncert solutions for class 9 english chapter-wise – download free pdf (updated for 2023-24).

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English from BYJU’S includes answers to all the questions of the main textbook, Beehive, and the supplementary reader Moments. The NCERT solutions are mainly created to help students ace the exam with much confidence. The highly knowledgeable experts make use of simple language so that students do not find difficulty in understanding the concepts.

These NCERT English Solutions have been meticulously designed by our subject-matter experts in order to give you the most standard solutions. In this cut-throat competitive age, students need to prepare themselves in the best way possible. To help students in their learning process, we are offering NCERT Solutions for Class 9 that is reliable and can be used by students as a reference during their preparation.

English is an extremely enticing subject. It is a language that connects every country and continent in the world; that is one of the many reasons why we should pay more attention to learning the language. Here, we have provided students with well-structured NCERT Solutions. These solutions will help them comprehend the way you must frame them to get good scores when they appear for examinations. Also, you can download these NCERT English Solutions in printable PDF format for free through the links provided below.

* The complete NCERT Solutions of Class 9 English will be available soon…

NCERT Solutions of Class 9 English

Given below are the links to the unit-wise NCERT Class 9 English Textbook Beehive and the Supplementary Reader Moments . Click on the respective links to get the solutions.

Beehive Textbook Solutions

The Class 9 students can master the language by using the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive at BYJU’S. The questions from the textbook are solved to improve their command of the language. The solutions are carefully drafted by the teachers in a way to strengthen the vocabulary and help students to score good marks in the exam. The usage of a language like English is prominent in different fields, and students should be fluent in it. The linguistic themes are explained in a comprehensive way which helps students to grasp them effectively.

The Fun They Had

Poem: The Road Not Taken

The Sound of Music

Poem: Wind

The Little Girl

Poem: Rain on the Roof

A Truly Beautiful Mind

Poem: The Lake Isle of Innisfree

The Snake and the Mirror

Poem: A Legend of the Northland

My Childhood

Poem: No Men Are Foreign

Reach for the Top

Poem: On Killing a Tree


Poem: A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal

If I Were You

The following are the chapters that have been removed from the NCERT Class 9 English Beehive textbook 2023-24.

Poem: The Duck and the Kangaroo

The Bond of Love

Poem: The Snake Trying

Supplementary Textbook Moments Solutions

The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Moments help students to comprehend the chapter in a better way in the exam. It provides them with the knowledge of the basic communication principles of English, which would help them in their higher levels of education. There are 10 chapters in the supplementary textbook, with each of them having a valuable meaning, making it easier for the students to learn. The main aim of providing the solutions is to set the right base for the board exam along with various complicated subjects. This, in turn, improves the academic performance of students, which will help them to achieve their career goals.

The following are the chapters that have been removed from the NCERT Class 9 English Supplementary textbook 2023-24.

The Accidental Tourist

NCERT Solutions are drafted by the subject matter experts with the aim of providing a quality learning experience for CBSE students. The answers are designed in a way to cater all the requirements of students. The PDF version of the solutions can be downloaded for free so that students can stay ahead in class. Download Class 9 English Solutions of NCERT for good academic performance.

NCERT Solutions Class 9 English aims to offer the most accurate and reliable solutions for students preparing for their exams. Each and every question from the NCERT Textbook are answered in a precise manner based on the CBSE syllabus. It is the best reference material for the students to refer to while learning the chapters from the textbook. Students will understand how to answer a question and analyse the chapters in which they are weak from the exam point of view. As these solutions are crafted by the subject experts, students will be able to frame suitable answers for the other questions that would be asked in the exam.

What Are the Top Features of BYJU’S NCERT Class 9 English Solutions?

Here are some of the most exciting key points that make the NCERT Class 9 English Solutions of BYJU’S the most reliable:

  • We have covered each and every question in English NCERT Class 9 textbooks .
  • Download these solutions in printable PDF format, and then students can enjoy learning even when they are offline.
  • The solutions have been provided in a comprehensive way and as per the standards set forth by the CBSE board.
  • Students can download the CBSE 9 th Class English Solutions for free while going through the lessons.

Mentioned above are some of the most prominent benefits of using NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English offered by us.

Students can also enrol in BYJU’S and learn various topics and concepts of the CBSE and NCERT syllabus . Students can learn the subjects under our guidance from the comfort of their homes. All they need to do is log on to our website, log in to the account and browse all the content they might be searching for. Students can even get personalised assistance from our subject-matter experts.

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CBSE Class 9 English Marks Weightage (2023-24)

Reading 10
Writing and Grammar 10
Literature 20
Total 40
Internal Assessment 10
Grand Total 50

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English

Where can i find ncert solutions for class 9 english .

You can find as well as download reliable NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English on BYJU’S website for absolutely free of cost. All the questions of NCERT Class 9 English textbook Beehive and supplementary reader Moments have been solved here by subject experts of BYJU’S.

How many English books are there in Class 9 NCERT?

There are two English books in the Class 9 NCERT: textbook Beehive and supplementary reader Moments.

How are NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English helpful for CBSE Board Exams?

Which is the best site to study ncert solutions for class 9 english, what is the main intention of the ncert textbook for class 9 english, mention the chapters present in ncert solutions for class 9 english ., how many chapters are there in ncert class 9 english textbook beehive.

There are eleven units in the NCERT Class 9 English textbook Beehive . Each unit has one prose and one poem, except for the last unit, which has only prose. So, there are ten poems and eleven prose in the NCERT Class 9 English textbook Beehive.

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World Environment Day 2024: Check Short and Long Essay Ideas In English

World environment day essay in english: check this article for short and long essay ideas on world environment day. check 10 lines on world environment day, essay in 150, 200 and 250 words for students., theme for world environment day 2024, world environment day essay for students, 10 lines on world environment day 2024.

  • World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5th each year.
  • The day was launched in 1973 to raise awareness about the pressing environmental issues.
  • Events include tree planting, clean-up drives, and seminars on pollution control.
  • A new theme is chosen every year to highlight a specific environmental challenge.
  • The reminds us that Earth is our only home and protecting it is a shared responsibility.
  • We can all make a difference by reducing waste, conserving resources, and living sustainably.
  • Small changes, like using reusable bags, recycling and reducing waste can add up to a healthier planet.
  • Let's celebrate Earth's beauty and commit to safeguarding its future for generations to come.
  • Together, we can build a greener, healthier world for all.
  • On this World Environment Day, we shouldpledge to be responsible citizens of our planet and make it a beautiful place to live.

World Environment Day 2024 Essay in 150 Words

World environment day 2024 essay in 200 words.

Celebrated on June 5th, World Environment Day highlights the importance of our environment. Established in 1973 after the Stockholm Conference, it brings global attention to environmental threats like pollution, climate change, and biodiversity loss. The UN chooses a distinct theme annually, focusing on a particular environmental challenge. Activities like tree planting, clean-up drives, and awareness campaigns are organized on this day.

World Environment Day connects to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which aim for a future with poverty eradication, climate action, clean water and sanitation, sustainable production and consumption. These goals pave the way for a future where environment and development go hand-in-hand.

However, achieving these goals requires a significant shift in our behavior. We must move towards a more sustainable lifestyle, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and embracing renewable energy sources. Simple changes like using public transport, conserving water, reducing plastic, and opting for reusable products can make a big difference. Businesses too, have a responsibility to adopt sustainable practices and reduce the environmental pollutants ejected by factories.

World Environment Day Essay: Some more lines to add

  • World Environment Day reminds us that even small changes in our daily lives can have a collective impact. Every plastic bag refused, every light switched off, and every tree planted contributes to a healthier planet.
  • Investing in a healthy environment isn't just about protecting endangered species; it's about securing a future with clean air, stable weather patterns, and abundant resources for generations to come.
  • Across the globe, communities are taking the initiatives to preserve the nature . From students organizing beach clean-ups to local businesses switching to eco-friendly packaging, these efforts serve as powerful examples of the positive change that's possible."
  • Let World Environment Day be more than just a single day of awareness. Let it be a catalyst for a lifelong commitment to protecting our planet. Together, we can build a future where humanity and nature flourish in harmony.
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Essay On Rainy Day in English for Students and Children | Essay on My Experience On A Rainy Day

February 13, 2024 by Veerendra

Essay on Rainy day: Rainy days are exemplary attributions of nature. A rainy day is typical in the monsoon season. It is indeed of great delight to children as many times their schools give holidays due to heavy rain. A sudden holiday and unexpected scope to relax offers them enormous happiness.

Almost all of us wait for the rainy season. For pluviophile’s, it is a treat as they enjoy every aspect of rain. A rainy day is symbolic of new life and a new beginning. Poets have described rain in the most aesthetic ways in their works.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

To help students to write essays on a rainy day, we have provided a long and a short essay in this article. We have also offered ten lines so that children get a clearer idea of the topic.

Long and Short Essay on Rainy Day for Kids and Students in English

We have provided below one extended essay on a rainy day consisting of 500 words and one brief essay composed of 100-150 words.

Long Essay on Rainy Day in English 500 words

Essay On Rainy Day usually come for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Rainy days are a welcome relief after long, hot summers. Especially if it rains on unexpected days, it becomes much more exciting. It holds a special significance in our lives.

A fresh, afternoon shower soothes our soul and rekindles our enthusiasm. The small paper boats floating in the tacenda of memories, the raindrops resting on the trees and flowers, and the chirping of a thousand unknown birds provide a surreal feeling to our minds.

To children, rainy days are a sudden break from their busy schedules. They often leave their home works behind and run out to get drenched in the relentless rainfall. The sound of rain on tin roofs and the refreshing petrichor acts as a balm for our tired souls.

Something is astonishing and beautiful in observing cats and dogs as they run inside sheds to shelter themselves from the torrential downpour. Rainy days are like recesses between our exhausting routines.

We are all creatures of Mother Nature, and it takes very little to bring out our anarchic selves. Rainy days are those rare times when we take our eyes off our phones and gadgets and experience nature in all its glory. Few people can resist running to their balcony to take in the smell of rain. It fills our mechanical hearts with a strange warmth.

Rainy days mark the discovery of a new life. The trees look greener after the rain, and nature seems more diverse. The small raindrops on windowpanes and dandelions shine like pearls in the late sunlight.

Rain comes with thunder and lightning. The grey clouds darken the usual azure palate and guard the sun. However, every dark cloud has a silver lining, and that renews our hope and inspires us. The thundering deafens us, and we welcome the wrath of nature with outstretched arms. We marvel at the white cracks of lightning that splits the clouds. We are all left to wonder how mesmerizing nature is.

Rainy days are perfect for introverts. They would cuddle up with blankets and a warm cup of coffee and their favorite book. They would plug in their earphones and listen to Coldplay.

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Children extend their arms from car windows and smiling wildly as raindrops patter on their palms. School students draw smiling faces on the vapor that accumulates on the window glass. Poets sit by their window panes and capture the fantasies of nature in beautiful metaphors and conceal them in the pages of their diaries. The Aloe vera plants growing in the balcony get drenched and soak in the water they had been deprived of for months. Children would run home lustily as their schools declare a holiday for a rainy day. Rainy days are refreshing for all of us, and we need it to discover the real selves that we leave behind due to busy work lives.

Short Essay on Importance of Rainy Days in English 150 words

Essay On Rainy Day usually come for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Rainy Days are essential for humanity. Rain is the most crucial source of water and irrigation for most people in the villages. While we discuss rainy days, it is vital to realize that rainwater is the source of water for ponds, lakes, and swamps.

Rain is significant for crops as degradation in the rain may cause droughts. Farmers wait for the entire year so that rain can replenish their produce and bring a good harvest; rainwater fills up wells and tanks, which are alternative sources of irrigation.

Rainy days also open up the opportunity to harvest and conserve rainwater in urban set-ups. Many people make preparations for rainwater conservation in their terraces. They store the water for future use and emergency purposes.

Rainy days are an escape for us from our mechanical lives and give us the impetus to live life to the fullest.

10 Lines Essay on Rainy Days in English

  • Rainy days give us relief from our busy schedules and help us breathe again.
  • They are useful for crops and agriculture, as good rain ensures a good harvest at the end of the year.
  • Good harvest helps in enhancing the economy and also allows people at the grass-root level to earn their livelihood.
  • We see a flood of colored umbrellas on rainy days, and children get drenched in the rain.
  • Puddles form on the streets, and kids jump into them, basking in the pure pleasure of playing in the water.
  • Teenagers play football in the rain, and they return home drenched in water and mud.
  • It is beautiful to swim during rainfall as the water splashes your face and gives you great relief.
  • Rainy days give us the serendipity to spend time with ourselves and our families.
  • However, hefty rain may cause floods that can in turn, result in the destruction of life and property.
  • Rainy days are an aesthetic get-away for us, and we enjoy them thoroughly.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay on Rainy day

Question 1. When does the monsoon season start?

Answer: Monsoon season is uncertain in different parts of our country. Most commonly, the duration from mid-July to mid-September marks the monsoon season.

Question 2. How can rain harm crops?

Answer: Weighty and excess rain may ruin crops by causing soil erosion and wilting of plants. Floods result in casualties.

Question 3. What can we do on a rainy day?

Answer: On a rainy day, one can spend time reading books, writing poetry, singing, or merely marveling at the beauty of nature.

Question 4. Why do schools declare holidays on rainy days?

Answer: Schools do not want to risk students’ safety by making them travel in a torrential downpour. Thus, they declare holidays.

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Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Essay

500+ words swachh bharat abhiyan essay.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is one of the most significant and popular missions to have taken place in India. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan translates to Clean India Mission. This drive was formulated to cover all the cities and towns of India to make them clean . This campaign was administered by the Indian government and was introduced by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. It was launched on 2nd October in order to honor Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of a Clean India. The cleanliness campaign of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was run on a national level and encompassed all the towns, rural and urban. It served as a great initiative in making people aware of the importance of cleanliness.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan essay

Source- ZeeBiz

Objectives of Swachh Bharat Mission

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan set a lot of objectives to achieve so that India could become cleaner and better. In addition, it not only appealed the sweepers and workers but all the citizens of the country. This helped in making the message reach wider. It aims to build sanitary facilities for all households. One of the most common problems in rural areas is that of open defecation. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan aims to eliminate that.

Moreover, the Indian government intends to offer all the citizens with hand pumps, proper drainage system , bathing facility and more. This will promote cleanliness amongst citizens.

Similarly, they also wanted to make people aware of health and education through awareness programs. After that, a major objective was to teach citizens to dispose of waste mindfully.

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Why India Needs Swachh Bharat Abhiyan?

India is in dire need of a cleanliness drive like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan to eradicate dirtiness. It is important for the overall development of citizens in terms of health and well-being. As the majority of the population of India lives in rural areas, it is a big problem.

Generally, in these areas, people do not have proper toilet facilities. They go out in the fields or roads to excrete. This practice creates a lot of hygiene problems for citizens. Therefore, this Clean India mission can be of great help in enhancing the living conditions of these people.

short essay in english for class 9

In other words, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan will help in proper waste management as well. When we will dispose of waste properly and recycle waste, it will develop the country. As its main focus is one rural area, the quality of life of the rural citizens will be enhanced through it.

Most importantly, it enhances the public health through its objectives. India is one of the dirtiest countries in the world, and this mission can change the scenario. Therefore, India needs a cleanliness drive like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan to achieve this.

In short, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a great start to make India cleaner and greener. If all the citizens could come together and participate in this drive, India will soon flourish. Moreover, when the hygienic conditions of India will improve, all of us will benefit equally. India will have more tourists visiting it every year and will create a happy and clean environment for the citizens.

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  6. Writing: L2 Introduction to Descriptive Paragraph CBSE Class 9 Oshin Ma'am @VedantuClass910


  1. Class 9 Essay Topics

    Get inspired with great narratives and Class 9 Essay Topics. Avail the Grade Specific Essay Writing Topics curated belonging to different categories. Bring up the Creative Mind and Imagination in you by referring to the 9th Standard Essay Topics. Enhance your Vocabulary with the Grade 9 Essay Writing Topics & Ideas and express your thoughts […]

  2. Essay Writing For Class 9 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

    Exercises For Essay Writing For Class 9: 1. Brainstorming: Choose a topic and brainstorm ideas using a mind map or a list. This exercise helps to organize thoughts and ideas before writing. 2. Outlining: Create an outline for the essay, with the introduction, body, and conclusion.

  3. Essay Topics

    While writing essays, many college and high school students face writer's block and have a hard time to think about topics and ideas for an essay. In this article, we will list out many good essay topics from different categories like argumentative essays, essays on technology, environment essays for students from 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th grades.

  4. Essay in English

    As we have gathered numerous essay topics in long and short forms for all classes students. Yes, what you heard is correct, this page is filled with Long essays for classes 10, 9, 8, 7, and Short essays for classes 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. So, anyone can check out this Essay Writing in English Article on AplusTopper for school events & competitions.

  5. 10 Examples of Story Writing Class 9

    Story Writing 10 Examples based on previous question papers. 1. Write a story in 150-200 words with the help of the following outline : 10. Tortoise and hare - good friends - tortoise - known for his slow speed - hare has fast speed - makes fun of tortoise - challenges him - referee selected - race starts - hare overconfident ...

  6. Essay Topics, Essay Writing Ideas and Types for English Exam

    1) Unity: The essay should deal with the main subject and all parts of it should be clearly linked with that subject. 2) Coherence: There should be a logical sequence of thought. This requires a logical relationship between ideas, sentences and paragraphs. 3) Relevance: Unimportant information should not be included.

  7. Descriptive Paragraph Writing Class 9 CBSE Format, Topics, Examples

    Descriptive Paragraph Writing Solved Examples With Answers for Class 9 CBSE. Question 1. You love your father very much, for he is an ideal father. Describe him in your own words in 100-150 words. Answer: Mr Raj Gupta is my father. He is a very polite and caring person. He loves me very much.

  8. Story Writing for Class 9 CBSE Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

    Story Writing Sample Stories for Class 9 CBSE. 1. Two friends were passing through a dense forest. Suddenly they heard some animal screaming Complete the story in 150-200 words. They froze in fear, but when the sound persisted, they decided to help the stricken beast, even at the risk of their own lives. They walked towards the direction of the ...

  9. NCERT solutions for class 9 English (Updated for 2023-24)

    NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Literature Reader. Class 9 English Fiction. Chapter 1 How I Taught My Grandmother to Read. Chapter 2 A Dog Named Duke. Chapter 3 The Man Who Knew Too Much. Chapter 4 Keeping It From Harold. Chapter 5 Best Seller. Class 9 English Poetry. Chapter 6 The Brook.

  10. The Fun They Had Summary for Class 9 English

    The Fun They Had Summary Class 9 English. "The Fun They Had" is the first chapter of the Class 9 English textbook - Beehive. It is a story about how computers play an important role and dominate humans in the future. How traditional schools will be replaced by virtual schools and robotic teachers. How do future students see traditional school?

  11. CBSE Class 9 English Notes

    The Happy Prince Summary. Weathering The Storm in Ersama Summary. The Last Leaf Summary. A House is not a Home Summary. The Accidental Tourist Summary. The Beggar Summary. We hope the given Chapter Wise CBSE Class 9 English Quick Revision Notes and Key Points Pdf free download will help you.

  12. Essay on My Self for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on My Self. Seven billion people are on this Earth, and everybody is different from the rest of others. There is nothing without purpose in this world. Everything has some purpose. Humans are the best creation, and each person is exclusive. Thus, writing about myself, I'm here to express myself that what I see, what I ...

  13. Article Writing Topics for Class 9 CBSE Format, Examples

    give examples to support your views. present arguments in a coherent, logical and convincing manner. Comparison and contrast. give views contrary to yours. compare and justify why your views are better. Conclusion. summing up—consolidation of ideas. offering suggestions/measures to improve the situation.

  14. Paragraph Writing Class 9 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

    Examples Of Paragraph Writing Class 9: 1. My Favorite Hobby: My favorite hobby is reading. I enjoy reading books because it allows me to explore new worlds and learn about different cultures. Reading helps me improve my vocabulary and comprehension skills. I also like to read before going to bed because it helps me relax and fall asleep faster. 2.

  15. Class 9 English Notes, Chapters, Translations, Grammar

    As a result, you are free to download the class 9 English notes containing Translations, Questions Answers, Summaries, Stanzas and also Grammar Portion below and get the foremost of it. Not only keep this notes restricted to you but also, you must share along with your friends and loving ones. In addition to, if your friends study in 9th class ...

  16. How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on How I Spent My Summer Vacation. Summertime is the most awaited time of any student's life. It gives them a break from the scorching sun and blazing heat. The summer months are quite hot, however, students love them because they bring a sense of calmness due to the vacations. It frees them from the monotonous and dull ...

  17. Quaid-e-Azam Essay

    Quaid-e-Azam Essay This is a medium length English essay on 'Quaid-e-Azam' His real name was Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He is the Founder of Pakistan. This essay is best for 10th class and 2nd year students. Quaid-e-Azam is my hero in history and my national hero. You may Want to Read: Informal Letters; Personal Letters; English Stories with moral ...

  18. Essay Topics for Class 9th Students

    Essay Topics for Class 9. / Essay / By Shweta Srivastava. Essay Topics for Class 9th Students. Essay on Wonders of Science. Essay on Conservation of Environment. Essay on Relationship. Essay on My Best Friend. Essay on My Family. Essay on My Favorite Teacher.

  19. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Updated for 2023-24 Exam

    Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf. Chapter 3 - Iswaran the Storyteller. Chapter 8 - A House Is Not a Home. Chapter 4 - In the Kingdom of Fools. Chapter 9 - The Beggar. Chapter 5 - The Happy Prince. The following are the chapters that have been removed from the NCERT Class 9 English Supplementary textbook 2023-24. The Accidental Tourist.

  20. My Aim In Life Essay

    Given below are two essays- a Long, descriptive Essay and a Short, brief Essay. The extended essay on My Aim in life consists of 400-500 words. The Long essay is a guideline that helps students with assignments and exams. The short essay on My Aim in life contains 150-200 words and guides children and kids with their classwork.

  21. Essay on Global Warming

    Q.1 List the causes of Global Warming. A.1 There are various causes of global warming both natural and manmade. The natural one includes a greenhouse gas, volcanic eruption, methane gas and more. Next up, manmade causes are deforestation, mining, cattle rearing, fossil fuel burning and more.

  22. World Environment Day 2024: Check Short and Long Essay Ideas In English

    World Environment Day Essay in English: Check this article for short and long essay ideas on World Environment Day. Check 10 lines on World Environment Day, essay in 150, 200 and 250 words for ...

  23. Essay On Rainy Day in English for Students and Children

    To help students to write essays on a rainy day, we have provided a long and a short essay in this article. We have also offered ten lines so that children get a clearer idea of the topic. ... Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 9 My Name; Mridang Class 2 English Worksheet Chapter 8 A Show of Clouds;

  24. What Is Artificial Intelligence? Definition, Uses, and Types

    What is artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence (AI) is the theory and development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that historically required human intelligence, such as recognizing speech, making decisions, and identifying patterns. AI is an umbrella term that encompasses a wide variety of technologies, including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language ...

  25. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Essay for Students

    500+ Words Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Essay. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is one of the most significant and popular missions to have taken place in India. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan translates to Clean India Mission. This drive was formulated to cover all the cities and towns of India to make them clean. This campaign was administered by the Indian government ...