Letter for job Application Class 12 Format, Examples, Samples, Topics

Applications for jobs are written in a very formal, precise, and to – the – point fashion. A biodata is enclosed to help the applicant draw attention to her/his qualifications and skills.

Looking for an easy way to learn English Grammar? then you are in right place. Here we providing basic  English Grammar  topics like Tenses Verbs, Nouns, etc…

Letter for Job Application Class 12 Format, Examples, Samples, Topics Pdf

Job Application Format

Biodata Format for Job Application Name : Father’s Name : Address : D.O.B : Age : Educational Qualifications

• •

References : 1. Name : Designation : Institution :

2. Name : Designation : Institution : Place :  ……………………….                                                       Sign: ………………………. Date : ……………………….                                                         Name: ……………………….

Job Application Letter Questions and Answers Examples Class 12 CBSE

Question 1. You are Ashish/Nimmi Dhar B – 94 Fort Road, Jamrhu. You have read the advertisement given below. You are qualified for the job. Write an application in 120 – 150 words along with resume.

Answer: B – 94 Fort Road Jammu XXXXXX 22 March 2017 The Managing Director(ICI) B – 12. Barakhamba Road New Delhi 1IOXXX

Dear Sir, Subject: Application for the post of Accounts Officer

This is in response to your advertisement in The Times of India of 21 March. I wish to apply for the same as I have the requisite qualification and experience. My resume is enclosed herewith for your kind perusal and consideration. I can assure you that if selected, I shall prove to be an asset to your company.

Yours faithfully Nimmi Dhar

Question 2. Sunshine Public School, Pune requires two sports coaches (one male and one female). Each should be a degree holder in physical education as well as a SAI certified coach in athletics. You have seen their advertisement and you know that you have these qualifications. Write an application in 120 – 150 words along with your resumé. You are Praveen[Praveena, M – 114, Najafarh, Delhi. Answer: M114 Naj afgarh Delhi 12 April 2OXX The Principal Sunshine Public School Pune

Dear Sir Subject: Application for the post of an athletics’ a coach

It is in response to your advertisement in the Times of India dated 11 April, for the post of a male and a female coach. I find myself very suitable for the same as I have not only a degree in physical education but am also a certified coach in athletics from the Sports Authority of India (SAI) having an experience of 5 years. I am enclosing my resume for your perusal. I assure you that if selected, shall prove to be an asset to your school.

Yours faithfully Praveena

Question 3. Bal Vidya Public School, Bhilai, urgently requires a post – graduate teacher to teach political science for which they have placed an advertisement in The Bhilai Express. You are Sanjay/Sanjana Sharma from 21, Yasant Marg, Bhilai. Draft a letter including a CV, applying for the advertised post. (120 – 150 words) Answer: 28, Vasant Marg Bhilai XXXXXX Chhattisgarh 2 June 2018 The Principal Bal Vidya Public School Ravidas Marg Bhilai XXXXXX Chhattisgarh

Dear Sir Subject: Application for the post of a postgraduate teacher (political science)

With reference to your advertisement in the The Bhilai Express dated 10 May 20XX for the post of Postgraduate teacher in Political Science, I wish to submit my application for the same. I am also attaching my CV herewith.

Yours faithfully Sanjay Sharma Enel. CV

Question 4. Write an application (including a resume) in 120 – 150 words for the post of a receptionist advertised in a national newspaper by JKL Publishers, Peshwa Road, Pune. You are Karuna, M114, Mall Road, Pune, a graduate from SNDT University and have done a Secretarial Practice Course from YWCA, Mumbai. Answer: M114 Mall Road Pune XXXXXX 1 March 20XX The Manager JKL Publishers Peshwa Road Pune XXXXXX

Dear Sir Subject: Application for the Post of a Receptionist

This is with reference to your advertisement in The Times of India dated 26 February 20XX for the post of a receptionist. I am at present working with a reputable company in Delhi and since my father has been transferred to Pune, I am looking for a job here.

I would like to state here that I have an experience of nearly five years and would prove to be an . asset to your publishing house if given a chance.

I am enclosing my resume for your perusal.

Yours faithfully Karuna

Question 5. You are Prem/Parul, 16, TT Nagar, Bhopal. You would like to apply for the post of the Marketing Manager in a reputable firm in Mumbai. Write a letter to the Public Relations Officer, Chaitanya Enterprises, Mumbai, applying for the job. Write the letter in 120 – 150 words giving your biodata. Answer: 16, T.T. Nagar Bhopal 7 December 20XX The Public Relations Officer Chaitanya Enterprises Link Road, Versova Mumbai 4000XX

Dear Sir Subject: Application for the post of Marketing Manager

In response to your advertisement in ‘The Times of India’, dated 5 December 20XX for the post of a marketing manager, I wish to offer my candidature for the same.

I have requisite qualifications and excellent communication skills. I am enclosing a copy of my biodata for your perusal and kind consideration.

I have a passion for marketing and am keen to implement new strategies.

Hoping for a favourable response. Yours faithfully Prem Raghuvanshi Enel.: 1. Photograph 2. Testimonials & Certificates . 3. Resume

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job application letter example kelas 12

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Job Application Letter – Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

  • Posted by by Citra Agusta Putri Anastasia
  • Juni 29, 2022

Materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 dan Gap Year ini membahas cara membuat job application letter, cover letter, dan curriculum vitae, beserta contoh soal dan pembahasan.

Halo Sobat Zenius! Apa kabar? Di artikel Materi Bahasa Inggris ini, gue mau ngajak elo ngebahas tentang materi job application letter kelas 12 nih, mulai dari pengertian, konsep sampai struktur dan contohnya. Yuk baca artikel ini sampai selesai!

Bicara soal struktur application letter, gue punya cerita menarik nih tentang job application bagaimana gue bisa jadi content writer di Zenius. Singkatnya begini guys , gue lulus kuliah pada tahun 2019. Setelah lulus, gue langsung jadi ‘pengacara’. Acara gue ya…ngelamar kerja ke sana kemari. Hehehe.

Sampai suatu ketika, gue lihat informasi tentang lowongan kerja sebagai content writer di Zenius. Langsung aja deh gue kirim job application letter sesuai persyaratan yang diminta. Waktu itu, gue ngelamar Zenius di aplikasi pencari kerja bernama Kalibrr.

Contoh situs untuk job application letter.

Setelah bikin akun, gue mulai mengisi data diri, kontak, riwayat pendidikan sampai Curriculum Vitae (CV) yang gue jadiin satu sesuai struktur job application letter. Setelah semua data sudah lengkap, gue klik tulisan ‘Apply’ di bagian bawah lowongan kerja. 

Muncullah beberapa dokumen yang perlu di- upload dan sudah ready, seperti job application letter, cover letter dan curriculum vitae. 

Gue klik “Submit Application”, selesai deh…tinggal nunggu tanggapan dari Zenius.

Akhirnya gue jadi penulis konten yang lagi elo baca ini! :”) Tentunya, kelolosan gue juga bergantung pada usaha gue dalam memaksimalkan job application letter, cover letter dan curriculum vitae yang dibutuhkan.

Nah, buat Sobat Zenius, di artikel ini gue mau nge- share struktur application letter, sampai contoh soal dan pembahasan yang ada di materi surat lamaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 12. Eits, tapi sebelum lebih jauh, nggak ada salahnya kalau elo yang belum punya aplikasi Zenius, buat download app Zenius yuk. Langsung klik aja banner yang ada di bawah ini ya guys!

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Perbedaan Cover Letter dan Job Application Letter

Sebelum gue kasih tau apa itu job application letter, elo perlu tau dulu nih apa perbedaan cover letter dan application letter?

Sebenarnya, job application letter dan cover letter beda tipis sih. Secara struktur, nggak ada yang beda. Isi job application letter adalah perkenalan, riwayat pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, dan achievements.  

Cuma, cover letter menjabarkan secara singkat. Sementara itu, bagian-bagian application letter lebih menjelaskan secara rinci.

Fungsi application letter untuk menerangkan tentang skills, pengalaman kerja, dan tanggung jawab dari pekerjaan sebelumnya secara terperinci.

Intinya, isi body cover letter lebih singkat, sedangkan job application letter lebih rinci.

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Struktur Job Application Letter

Struktur job application letter sebenarnya nggak jauh beda dari cover letter. Berdasarkan materi application letter kelas 12, berikut struktur surat lamaran yang benar, antara lain:

  • Applicant information, yaitu informasi dasar pengirim surat. Isinya berupa nama lengkap, kontak, dan alamat.
  • Date, yakni tanggal berapa nulis surat.
  • Recipient information , yaitu informasi mengenai penerima surat. Isinya berupa nama penerima, posisinya di perusahaan, nama perusahaan, alamat perusahaan, dan kontak perusahaan.
  • Greetings, yakni berupa salam kepada penerima surat. Bisa menyapa dengan “Dear, Ms…”
  • Introduction. Isi dengan nama lengkap , posisi saat ini sebagai apa ( fresh graduate atau kerja), posisi apa yang dilamar, dan dari mana mendapat info loker tersebut.
  • Skills. Sebutin apa aja kemampuan yang punya selama bekerja atau berorganisasi.
  • Achievements. Tulis pencapaian yang pernah diraih, tapi nggak usah muluk-muluk. Cukup ceritain rintangan yang pernah dihadapi di organisasi atau pekerjaan sebelumnya, dan bagaimana mengatasinya. Tulis juga paling doing the best dalam hal apa.
  • Experience. Tulis pengalaman kerja atau organisasi yang pernah dijalani sebelumnya.
  • Value to the company. Jabarin apa yang bisa kasih ke perusahaan buat mencapai tujuan. Poin ini bisa bikin perusahaan tertarik sama lamaran kerja .
  • Expectations. Tutup surat dengan mengatakan ekspektasi pada perusahaan yang dilamar. Berharap agar dikontak balik buat lanjut tahap selanjutnya.
  • Willingness to work. Tunjukkan kemauan buat berdedikasi di perusahaan tersebut.
  • Sign off. Bisa nulis “Sincerely,” atau “Yours sincerely”.
  • Signature. Tulis tanda tangan di bawah sign off. Setelah itu, tulis nama terang di bawah tanda tangan.
  • Attachments. Setelah semua yang gue tulis di atas beres, lampirkan CV melalui attachments buat dikirim ke perusahaan .

Biar makin paham, elo bisa lihat contoh job application letter yang utuh di bawah ini:

Jakarta, August 20, 2021

Subject: Application for Employment

Attention To Head of HRD Zenius Education

Jl. Kuningan Raya No. 18 Jakarta

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for the position of SEO Writer which your company has advertised on Kalibr. Through the skills and experiences listed below, I believe to be a strong candidate for this job.

Having professional and academic experience in creative writings and media, I am able to create articles considering SEO and human friendliness.

I’m a Bachelor of Communication graduate from London School of Public Relation, Jakarta, Indonesia, specialized in Creative Media & Writings.

I am a fresh graduate. Even though I just graduated, I am able to learn new things quickly, of course with an enthusiasm of working in a field that I love. I am growth minded too.

I hope I meet the expectation to be a candidate for this job. For further questions, please feel free to contact me on 0812 111 111. Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Arieni Mayesha

Catatan : Isi job application letter sesuai kebutuhan posisi yang dilamar dan pengalaman asli elo . Ingat, kalau bikin surat yang lebih ke perkenalan, bisa menggunakan cover letter. Kalau memang niatnya mau nonjolin skills dan achievements, elo menggunakan job application letter. Jadi, gunakan surat sesuai kebutuhan berkasnya.

Kemajuan teknologi bikin cara melamar kerja jadi berubah. Kalau dulu nih, orang-orang kudu capek-capek pergi naik bis, jalan ke sana kemari, ngedatengin perusahaan-perusahaan buat ngelamar kerja.

Generasi sekarang udah disediain fasilitas berupa teknologi. Kalau mau ngelamar kerja, tinggal download aplikasi pencari kerja, milih lowongan posisi yang lagi dibuka, apply lamaran, dan tinggal klik ‘Send’. Selesai deh, elo udah resmi ngelamar kerja tanpa harus capek-capek pergi ke sana kemari dan berkeringat.

Selain melalui cara di atas, bisa juga nyari lowongan pekerjaan melalui situs resmi perusahaan yang diincar. 

Biasanya, kalau lagi buka lowongan kerja, perusahaan bakal nampilin posisi yang lagi dibuka di situs resmi bahkan akun media sosial resminya. Info lowongan tersebut udah termasuk syarat yang dibutuhkan, deskripsi pekerjaan, dan ke email mana lamaran harus dikirim.

Kali ini, gue bakal jelasin cara membuat application letter dalam bahasa Inggris melalui email. Gue kasih dulu blank space buat gambaran ya.

job application letter. Contoh email berisi lamaran kerja.

Nah, elo pasti bakal menghadapi tampilan kayak gini ketika akan mengirim email. 

Terus, gimana caranya nulis job application letter via email ? Soalnya, elo nggak mungkin cuma ngirim berkasnya doang, tanpa ngisi body email. 

Gue kasih tahu nih cara membuat application letter dalam bahasa Inggris:

  • Isi kolom ‘To’ dengan email penerima . Ketika menemukan info lowongan kerja, kan udah disebutin tuh, email lamarannya dikirim ke mana. Biasanya, alamat email yang dicantumkan adalah alamat email HRD atau pimpinan perusahaan. Isi kolom ‘To’ dengan alamat email tersebut.
  • Ingat untuk mengisi subject . Isi subject harus nyambung dengan konteks email yang akan dikirim. Isi subject- nya dengan format: Nama Lengkap – Posisi yang dilamar. 
  • Isi body email . Wajib hukumnya untuk mengisi body email . Isi dengan struktur job application letter sebagai berikut:
  • Greetings. Buka dengan menyapa penerima e-mail. Misalnya, kalau ingin ngelamar jadi tutor Bahasa Inggris di Zenius Education, tapi nggak tahu nama spesifik HRD-nya, bisa nulis, “Dear HR of Zenius Education,”. Ingat , akhiri dengan koma ya, bukan titik.
  • Introduction. Kenalin diri, dan kasih tahu dapat info lowongan itu dari mana.

Contoh: My name is Cinta Sendiriwati and I discovered that Zenius Education is currently searching for an English Tutor from jobex.id.

  • Short background. Kasih tahu posisi sekarang jadi apa, dan ceritakan secara singkat tentang riwayat pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja , kalau sudah pernah kerja.

Contoh: I am interested in applying for this position. I possess a bachelor degree in English Education and have been teaching in a school for two years.

  • Conclusion. Kasih tahu kalau sudah ngelampirin berkas-berkas yang dibutuhkan.

Contoh: Hereby I have attached my resume and certificates below to prove my capabilities. Thank you for your consideration.

  • Sign off. Tulis dengan ‘Sincerely,’. Cantumkan nama di bawahnya, ya.

Kalau digabung secara utuh, struktur job application letter di atas jadi kayak gini:

Contoh job application letter lewat email.

Catatan: Job application letter email emang lebih singkat dibandingkan job application letter atau cover letter. 

Soalnya, poin-poin penjabarannya udah ada di cover letter atau job application letter yang dilampirkan di email . 

Jadi, apa yang ditulis di badan email ini cuma jadi pengantar singkat aja buat ngasih tahu alasan kenapa ngirim email tersebut.

Baca Juga : Making Requests, Accepting and Declining – Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Contoh Soal Application Letter

Tadi kita udah belajar banyak tentang job application letter bahasa Inggris . 

Sekarang, saatnya uji pengetahuan elo dengan menjawab latihan soal application letter berikut:

Dear Mr. Amiruddin,

I read your ad regarding a vacancy for an English Teacher. I would be glad to apply for the role.

Teaching has always been my passion, and I have always been great with students. I have been a teacher at Sun and Moon School for 5 years. I have also taught class VI and VII for 2 years earlier. …

I have attached my resume for your consideration, and request you to consider my application for the role. If you find it suitable, please feel free to contact me at the below mentioned contact details.

Yours sincerely,

Alvin Alamsyah

Please fill the blank with a proper self promotion!

A. I might not have much experience, but I know I’m suitable for this position.

B. I’m confident that my qualifications and experience match your requirements.

C. Teaching isn’t really my passion but I know my qualification will meet your criteria.

D. I’m pretty sure that my qualification will match your criteria even though I have little experience with teaching.

E. It is important for me to inform you that my education is different from the one mentioned in the requirement.

Menurut elo , apa jawabannya?

Soal di atas merupakan contoh job application letter. Nama pelamarnya adalah Alvin Alamsyah. Alvin bermaksud buat ngelamar kerja sebagai guru Bahasa Inggris di tempat Mr. Amiruddin.

Dalam job application letter yang udah dibikin, Alvin menjabarkan passion- nya dalam mengajar anak-anak. 

Dia juga menuliskan pengalaman kerjanya sebagai guru di Sun and Moon School selama lima tahun. Sebelum ngajar di Sun and Moon School, Alvin pernah ngajar siswa kelas VI dan VII selama dua tahun. 

Selanjutnya, elo perlu mengisi bagian yang rumpang, berupa self promotion Alvin.

Namanya aja promosi kan, jadi Alvin perlu menuliskan hal baik tentang dirinya yang relevan dengan posisi yang dilamar, biar Mr. Amiruddin tertarik buat menerima lamarannya. Kita lihat satu per satu jawabannya:

Alvin ngerasa nggak punya banyak pengalaman, tapi dia pantang mundur aja buat ngelamar posisi sebagai guru Bahasa Inggris. Jawaban ini nggak meyakinkan banget, karena Alvin nggak menunjukkan kelebihan yang dia miliki. Bahkan dia ngaku kalau nggak punya banyak pengalaman. So, opsi A salah.

Alvin merasa percaya diri kalau kualifikasi dan pengalamannya cocok dengan apa yang dibutuhkan perusahaan. Jawaban ini bersifat positif, karena Alvin yakin bahwa dirinya adalah kandidat yang tepat. Kita keep dulu opsi B.

Alvin mengaku dirinya sesuai kriteria yang dibutuhkan, tapi ngomong kalau mengajar bukanlah passion- nya. Pernyataan ini kontradiktif, karena di dalam surat yang dia tulis, Alvin menjelaskan bahwa dirinya punya passion dalam mengajar. So, opsi C salah.

Kalimat ini maknanya sama dengan opsi A, kalau Alvin mengakui dirinya nggak banyak pengalaman. Sedangkan, perusahaan nyari orang yang berpengalaman. Jadi, opsi D bukan jawaban yang benar.

Biasanya, lowongan kerja untuk posisi guru akan membutuhkan orang yang latar belakang pendidikannya sesuai dengan posisi tersebut. Sedangkan, jawaban ini menunjukkan kalau Alvin punya latar belakang pendidikan yang beda dari kriteria yang dibutuhkan. Oleh karena itu, opsi E salah.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B. I’m confident that my qualifications and experience match your requirements.

Baca Juga : Direct and Indirect Speech – Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Finally, itu dia pembahasan tentang materi job application letter kelas 12 , mulai dari struktur application letter, sampai tips memasukkan skills dan cara agar email dilirik recruiter . Nah, buat Sobat Zenius yang ingin ningkatin nilai rapor dan makin paham semua materi pelajaran kelas 10, 11, 12, elo bisa bergabung dengan paket Aktiva Sekolah Zenius lho.

Di paket Aktiva Sekolah, elo bisa dapetin akses ribuan video belajar premium, live class, try out, rangkuman materi hingga latihan soal yang intensif. Jadi bisa banget elo manfaatin buat ningkatin nilai rapor dan pemahaman untuk semua materi belajar SMA. Yuk, langsung aja klik informasi lengkapnya pada banner di bawah ini, sekarang!

Langganan Zenius

Nah, buat elo yang mau memperdalam materi application letter kelas 12, setelah download aplikasi Zenius buat akses materi beserta soal , jangan lupa klik banner video materi belajar di bawah ini ya!

Pelajari materi Bahasa Inggris di video materi belajar Zenius

Baca Juga : Offering Help and Responding – Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Originally published: December 3, 2021 Updated by: Arieni Mayesha & Rizaldi Abror

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Halo Angga, sama-sama ya. Semoga bisa membantu ^^

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Question and Answer forum for K12 Students

Letter for job Application Class 12

Letter for job Application Class 12 Format, Examples, Samples, Topics

Applications for jobs are written in a very formal, precise, and to – the – point fashion. A biodata is enclosed to help the applicant draw attention to her/his qualifications and skills.

Basic  English Grammar  rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

We also providing Extra Questions for Class 12 English Chapter wise.

  • While the forwarding letter has the same format as an official letter, a biodata or curriculum vitae is written in a standardized format.

While stressing on one’s qualities, it is essential to avoid either bragging or being ingratiating.

Important points

  • Applications for jobs are written in a very formal, precise and to-the-point fashion. A biodata is enclosed to help the applicant focus on her/his qualifications and skills.
  • While stressing on one’s qualities, it is essential to avoid either bragging or being ingratiating.

Letter for Job Application Sample Examples for Class 12 CBSE

Letter for job Application Class 12 CBSE 1

Letter for Job Application Practice Examples for Class 12 CBSE

1. You are Suresh/Smita. You come across the following advertisement in a national daily. You consider yourself suitable and eligible for the post. Write an application in response to the advertisement.

2. You saw the following advertisement in a national daily. You think you are eligible to apply for the post mentioned. Write an application in response to the advertisement.

3. You are Kamala/Rajan. You have seen an advertisement for the post of an English teacher in Rani Public School, Kolkata. Write a letter in response to the advertisement applying for the post. Give your detailed biodata also.

4. You are Shilpa/Sameer living in Bangalore. You are looking for a job. While browsing through the Bharat Times of 26.01.20XX, you come across the following advertisement. Choose a post for which you think you are suitable. Send your application in response to this advertisement.

5. India Assurance Company, New Delhi, has published an advertisement in Bharat Times for the recruitment of management trainees to be groomed as managers of their company. Apply for the same, giving your detailed biodata (curriculum vitae). Invent all necessary details. You are Aman/ Aditi, 54-A, Gulab Road, Lucknow.

Letter for job Application Class 12 CBSE 3

7. You are Sanghamitra/Debashish Sen, a 19-year-old dancer residing in Delhi. You read the following advertisement in The Indian Times (14 April 20XX). You are interested in applying for a scholarship being offered by the Sahitya Kala Parishad for Performing Arts (Dance). Send in your biodata and a covering letter along with your portfolio to the Sahitya Kala Parishad in response to the advertisement.


Job Application for Class 12 Students (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional job application for class 12 students.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Job Application Letter by Class 12 Students Seeking Employment Opportunities

First, find the sample template for job application for class 12 students below.

To, The [Designation], [Company/Institute Name], [Company/Institute Address].

Subject: Job Application for the Position of [Job Title]

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Name], a student of Class 12 at [Your School Name], am writing this letter to apply for the job position of [Job Title] at your esteemed organization, as advertised. I am confident that my skills and passion make me a strong candidate for this opportunity.

I have consistently maintained a strong academic record in my school and participated actively in extracurricular activities. I am a quick learner, responsible, and possess excellent communication skills, which I believe will be beneficial for the role.

I am eager to take up this job to not only enhance my skills but also to gain practical exposure in the professional world. This opportunity would also help me financially to support my higher education.

Enclosed with this letter is my detailed resume, outlining my credentials, achievements, and skills. I assure you that given a chance, I will work with utmost dedication and responsibility.

I look forward to the opportunity of discussing my application with you further. I am ready to attend the interview at a time convenient to you.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eagerly awaiting your positive response.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Address] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email Address]

Enclosure: Resume

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “job application for class 12 students” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

Application for Internships for Class 12 Students

Application for Internships for Class 12 Students

To, [Recipient’s Name], [Recipient’s Position], [Company’s Name], [Company’s Address],

Sub: Application for Internship

I, [Your Name], a Class 12 student from [Your School’s Name], am writing to express my keen interest in the internship opportunity available at your esteemed organization. I am pursuing my studies in the [Your Stream – Science/Commerce/Humanities] stream and am eager to apply the knowledge I have garnered so far in a real-world setting.

During my academic journey, I have consistently achieved good grades and have been involved in various co-curricular and extracurricular activities that have enhanced my skills and abilities. My teachers and peers regard me as a dedicated, responsible, and hardworking individual.

I am particularly interested in this opportunity because I believe it aligns well with my aspirations. I am sure that interning at [Company’s Name] would provide me with a valuable learning experience and a chance to contribute to your team.

I am proficient in [Mention some skills relevant to the internship like computer skills, communication skills, etc.]. I assure you that if given an opportunity, I will work diligently and contribute positively.

Please find enclosed my resume and academic records for your reference. I am eager to discuss how my background and skills would be a good match for your internship program.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of working with you.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Application for Part-time Jobs for Class 12 Students

Application for Part-time Jobs for Class 12 Students

To, [Employer’s Name], [Company’s Name], [Company’s Address], [City, State, Pin Code]

Date: [Date]

Subject: Application for part-time job

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am [Your Name], a student of Class 12 at [Your School’s Name] in [City’s Name]. I am writing to express my interest in the part-time job opportunity advertised by your esteemed organization.

Due to my school schedule, I have a significant amount of free time in the afternoons and on weekends. I am seeking a part-time job to utilize this time productively, gain practical experience in the working world, and also support my personal expenses.

I am a diligent student with a strong work ethic, and have always been dedicated to any task at hand. I am a quick learner and am confident that I can adapt to the demands of the job. I believe that this experience will also help me develop important skills and values, such as time management, responsibility, and teamwork.

If given the opportunity, I assure you that I will carry out my duties with utmost dedication and responsibility. I look forward to the possibility of working at your esteemed organization and contributing to the team.

Please feel free to contact me at [Your Contact Number] or [Your Email Id] should you need any additional information.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my application further.

[Your Name] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email Id]

Application for Volunteering Opportunities for Class 12 Students

Application for Volunteering Opportunities for Class 12 Students

To, [Recipient’s Name], [Recipient’s Title], [Organization’s Name], [Organization’s Address], [City, State, Postal Code]

Subject: Application for Volunteering Opportunities

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I, [Your Name], a Class 12 student studying at [Your School’s Name], am writing this letter to express my interest in the volunteering opportunities available in your esteemed organization. I have always been motivated to serve the community and believe this would be a wonderful way to contribute while also enhancing my interpersonal skills and broadening my perspectives.

I understand that volunteering requires dedication, commitment, and a desire to help others. I assure you that I possess these traits and am prepared to dedicate my time and energy to any task assigned. Over the years, I have actively participated in various school activities and have been appreciated for my organizational skills, ability to work in a team, and my enthusiasm.

Moreover, I am a quick learner and open to new experiences, which I believe will be beneficial in a dynamic environment such as your organization. I am also good at managing my time effectively, which will ensure that my academic responsibilities do not conflict with my volunteering duties.

I would be grateful if you could provide me with an opportunity to contribute to your organization. I am open to discussing my application further and can be contacted at [Your Contact Number] or [Your Email Address].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of working with you and contributing positively to the community through your esteemed organization.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email Address] [Your School’s Name] [Your School’s Address] [City, State, Postal Code]

Application for Summer Jobs for Class 12 Students

Application for Summer Jobs for Class 12 Students

To, [Employer’s Name], [Employer’s Position], [Company Name], [Company Address], [City, State, Postal Code]

Subject: Application for Summer Job

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I, [Your Name], a student of Class 12 at [Your School’s Name] in [Your City’s Name], am writing to express my interest in the advertised summer job position at your esteemed organization, which I came across in [where you found the job posting]. I believe that this opportunity would provide me with invaluable experience while allowing me to contribute positively to your team.

Over the years, my studies have equipped me with a strong foundation in [mention the relevant subjects], and I am eager to apply this knowledge in a practical setting. I am a quick learner and possess good communication skills, both of which I believe would make me an asset in any team-focused tasks. Furthermore, I am highly motivated and ready to take on the responsibilities that come with the job.

I understand that as an employee at [Company’s Name], I would be expected to uphold the values and standards your organization stands for. I assure you that I am up for this challenge, and I am prepared to put forth my best efforts to meet and exceed these expectations.

In conclusion, I am excited about the prospect of working at your organization and believe it would be an excellent opportunity for me to grow both personally and professionally. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application further.

Thank you for considering my application. I am available at your convenience for an interview.

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information] [Your Email Address]

Application for Work-Study Programs for Class 12 Students

Application for Work-Study Programs for Class 12 Students

To, The Principal, [Name of the School], [Address of the School],

Subject: Application for Implementing a Work-Study Program for Class 12 Students

I am writing this letter to propose the creation of a comprehensive work-study program for our Class 12 students. This initiative is designed with the objective to equip our students with practical skills, work experience, and a deep understanding of their chosen fields, complementing their academic curriculum.

These work-study programs will entail a collaboration between our school and various local businesses, organizations, and institutes in fields such as Science, Commerce, and Arts. The students will be given an opportunity to work part-time, enabling them to gain real-world experience while still pursuing their education.

The benefits of such a program are multifold. It will allow our students to apply their theoretical knowledge in a practical setting, foster a sense of responsibility, and develop essential soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. Furthermore, this program may also aid them in making informed career choices post their Class 12 examination.

To implement this program smoothly, I propose the formation of a Work-Study Committee comprising teachers, students, and parents. This committee will be responsible for establishing partnerships with local organizations, matching students with suitable work opportunities, and ensuring a seamless blend of academic and work responsibilities.

I firmly believe that this initiative will provide our students with a holistic educational experience, preparing them not just acadically but also personally for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in their career paths.

I kindly request you to consider this proposal and look forward to discussing this further at your earliest convenience.

Thanking You,

Yours faithfully, [Your Name], [Your Designation], [Name of the School], [Contact Information]

How to Write Job Application for Class 12 Students

Some writing tips to help you craft a better application:

  • Understand the job requirements before applying.
  • Keep your application simple and to the point.
  • Include your name, contact details and the position you’re applying for at the start of your application.
  • Highlight relevant skills and experiences in relation to the job.
  • Explain why you’re interested in the job and how it aligns with your future plans.
  • Provide references if possible.
  • Ensure there are no grammatical or spelling errors.
  • Use a polite and professional tone throughout your application.
  • Close your application with a thank you note and your hope for positive consideration.

Related Topics:

  • Job Application for Class 11 Students
  • Job Application for Company
  • Application for a Home Loan

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I am sure you will get some insights from here on how to write “job application for class 12 students”. And to help further, you can also download all the above application samples as PDFs by clicking here .

And if you have any related queries, kindly feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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