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  • JMIR Serious Games
  • v.6(3); Jul-Sep 2018

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The Untapped Potential of the Gaming Community: Narrative Review

William goodman.

1 Department of Behavioural Science and Health, University College London, London, United Kingdom

Ethna McFerran

2 School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom

Richard Purves

3 Institute for Social Marketing, University of Stirling, Stirling, United Kingdom

Ian Redpath

4 The Behaviouralist, London, United Kingdom

Rebecca J Beeken

5 Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, Leeds University, Leeds, United Kingdom

Video gamers are a population at heightened risk of developing obesity due to the sedentary nature of gaming, increased energy intake, and the disruption caused to their sleep. This increases their risk of developing a number of noncommunicable diseases. To date, research seeking to improve health behaviors has focused on developing novel video games to promote behavior change. Although positive results have emerged from this research, large-scale success has been limited due to the lack of transferability to mainstream games and the focus on children and adolescents. The gaming community has a number of unique aspects, which have received comparatively less attention than the development of new video games.

The purpose of this paper is to highlight under-researched areas that have the potential to encourage positive health behavior among this community.

A narrative review of the lay and academic literature was conducted to provide context and support to our claims that further research could be beneficial in this area.

Research has found that advertising can have implicit effects on an individual’s memories, which could influence later decisions. However, the effect of the exponential growth of in-game advertisements and the brand sponsorship of gaming events and professional gamers have not been explored in the gaming community. The possibility of using advertising techniques to encourage positive health behaviors within games or at these events has also not been explored. Research suggests that virtual communities can be effective at disseminating health information, but the efficacy of this needs to be explored using known community influencers within the gaming community.


This paper has highlighted a number of potential avenues for the development of interventions within the gaming community. Further research must be conducted alongside game developers to ensure that any in-game developed interventions do not deter gameplay and gamers to ensure that potential approaches are acceptable.


Obesity has become a major problem, with an estimated 1.9 billion adults worldwide classed as overweight or obese in 2014 [ 1 ]. Furthermore, the growing prevalence of childhood obesity is now described by the World Health Organization as a major challenge of the 21st century [ 2 ]. Obesity is linked to an increased risk of developing a number of noncommunicable diseases [ 3 ] and is the second largest cause of cancer after smoking [ 4 ]. Previous research suggests those with a higher body mass index are at an increased risk of up to 17 different cancers [ 5 - 7 ]. An increased intake of energy-dense foods and increasingly sedentary lifestyles are central to the rise in obesity prevalence [ 1 ]. The video gamer population is at an increased risk of developing obesity because traditional gaming has now become a sedentary behavior.

Sedentary behavior is also implicated as an independent risk factor for a number of noncommunicable diseases [ 3 ]. Epidemiological studies have found that sedentary behavior is a strong risk factor for the development of endometrial [ 8 , 9 ], breast [ 10 , 11 ], and ovarian [ 12 ] cancer in women. In men, sedentary behavior is a strong risk factor for the development of colorectal ( borderline impact for women) [ 13 ] and prostate [ 14 ] cancer. Sedentary behavior involves performing activities in a sitting or lying position while using low levels of energy, and it is considered separate and distinct from a lack of physical activity [ 15 ]. Sedentary behavior includes leisure, work, and transportation activities, and it is commonly measured by quantifying television viewing, video game use, or general screen time [ 16 , 17 ]. Research suggests that sedentary behavior increases the risk of developing obesity [ 18 - 20 ], with those who watch television for more than 20 hours a week more likely to be affected by obesity compared with those who only watch television for 5 hours or less (25% and 14%). Estimates are similar for the use of computers [ 21 ].

Video games have also been found to increase energy intake among healthy males. A randomized crossover study found that despite increased levels of energy expenditure while playing video games (mean energy increase compared with the rest state=89 kJ), this was counteracted by higher levels of energy intake after playing video games, resulting in an energy surplus of 335 kJ compared with those who rested for the same period [ 22 ]. Furthermore, video games have been implicated in the disruption of sleep when played before bedtime. Research involving healthy, good-sleeping adolescents (N=21) found that there was a highly significant negative correlation between gaming time and sleep duration ( r =−.92) [ 23 ]. Shorter sleep duration has been associated with an increased risk of weight gain among males, and a higher incidence of obesity was observed in males with shorter sleep duration [ 24 ]. Those who play a large number of video games may, therefore, represent an at-risk population that could benefit from targeted interventions.

The majority of previous research involving gamers has focused solely on the potential for video games to be used as a medium for health behavior change, either by increasing the knowledge and awareness of health behaviors or by including physical activity within the game itself. A large body of research has explored the potential to develop games to improve health [ 25 - 27 ]. A recent review of systematic reviews found that active video games among children could increase levels of physical activity and energy expenditure. Health education games also have the potential to support diabetes-related behavior and dietary change [ 28 ]. However, research in this area has focused on children and adolescents, whereas the average gamer age is 35 years in the United States [ 29 ]. Furthermore, it is unlikely that long-standing gamers will be motivated to change their gaming habits from mainstream video games to active or educational video games. Therefore, additional opportunities for interventions targeting gamers should be explored.

This paper aims to discuss the potential avenues for future research in this area, drawing on the attributes that are unique to the gaming community.

This paper comprises a narrative literature review. It draws on lay literature to provide context and descriptive detail and academic literature to support the claims that further research could be beneficial in developing this area for health behavior change. This literature was identified through the following electronic databases: Web of Science, MEDLINE, Google, and Google Scholar. The following keywords were used in various combinations: “video games,” “gamers,” “professional gamers,” “gaming events,” “advertising,” “in-game advertisement,” “vloggers,” “forums,” “online communities,” “virtual communities,” “fast food,” and “marketing.” A snowball method was also employed, wherein references from relevant papers were reviewed to identify other relevant papers.

This review will refer to both hardcore and casual gamers as gamers due to the lack of a universally accepted definition to objectively categorize these 2 groups [ 30 ] and the general lack of distinction between the 2 groups in research to date. The term gaming community will be used to cover the areas in which gamers interact, such as video games, gaming events, online forums, and video blogs. Gamers are extremely heterogeneous, representing a range of demographic, social, and behavioral groups, and they span international and cultural divides. Understanding the heterogeneity of gamers and their behaviors and influences and subsequently targeting interventions or marketing would provide a rich avenue of research to pursue; however, this aspect is not explored in this review.

Several aspects of gaming that could be utilized to engage gamers in health behavior change, including gaming environments, virtual communities, and community influencers, were identified. These features and their ability to be applied to health behavior change are described and discussed below.

In-Game Advertisement

Companies use marketing to connect consumers with their products and services [ 31 ]. There is a range of marketing strategies and tools that companies can employ to promote their brand, with advertising being one of the more expensive approaches. In in-game advertisement (IGA), companies pay to have their brand promoted within a game itself [ 32 , 33 ]. In 2004, companies spent US $34 million on IGA [ 34 ]; this spending grew exponentially to US $3.1 billion in 2011 and was expected to reach US $7.2 billion in 2016 [ 35 ]. This can occur in different forms such as posters or billboards within the game environment, food that is consumed by a character, or having a character dressed in branded clothing [ 36 ]. However, not all games lend themselves to IGA, and it is often only included if it is seen as congruent with the game. With the rise of mobile gaming, advertisements have also started appearing in apps at the top or bottom of the phone screen or as short video clips between levels [ 37 ]. These advertisements can be personalized to the user through the use of metadata collected by search engines, social media companies [ 38 ], and mobile apps [ 39 ], which is thought to make them more effective at reaching their target audience [ 40 , 41 ].

Research has found that IGAs have a strong effect on our implicit memory. For example, 1 study found that participants who played a Formula 1 video game scored significantly higher on a word-fragmentation task of brand names (that were shown in the video game) than those in a control condition [ 42 ]. The authors concluded that these effects on implicit memory could in turn influence later decisions. Research has shown this to be the case for television advertising; for example, studies have shown that television advertising for unhealthy food increases positive attitudes toward junk food in children [ 43 ] and increases food consumption and time spent eating food among adults [ 44 ]. Interestingly, these studies also found that advertising nutritious food showed an increase in positive attitudes toward healthy food and less consumption of food in general.

In 2007, Ofcom, the communications regulator for the United Kingdom, introduced a ban on television advertisements of high fat, salt, or sugar (HFSS) food or drink products for children’s airtime to reduce the exposure of children aged less than 16 years to unhealthy foods [ 45 ]. The effectiveness of this ban provided an estimated reduction in children’s exposure to HFSS advertisements by 37% in 2009 compared with 2005 [ 46 ]. However, with a migration of viewing habits to Web-based providers, children could still be exposed to HFSS advertising. In 2016, a ruling by the UK advertising regulator extended these restrictions to all nonbroadcast media for children aged less than 16 years or that have an audience made up of 25% of children aged less than 16 years [ 47 ]. Although a piece of legislation was expected to come forward in 2017 to address this, video games were still not covered, and therefore, individuals were still exposed to IGA. For example, Wendy’s (a burger chain operating primarily in North America) is set to have an IGA for their Baconactor (a 950-calorie burger) on billboards, bus shelters, and television screens within the virtual gaming systems of multiple games spanning Xbox, PlayStation 4, and personal computer platforms [ 48 ]. Information on the product claims, “The addition of the product was part of a push to add menu items that appeal to the 18- to 34-year-old demographic and expand late-night sales” [ 49 ]. Dynamic IGAs, such as those used by Wendy’s, can cost around US $4-12 per 1000 impressions received (1 impression=the advertisement being on screen for 10 seconds). Static IGAs that cannot be changed once the game has been released can cost between US $50,000 and $500,000 [ 50 ].

Banning HFSS advertisements in games may be more difficult than with television or the internet, as such a ban cannot be targeted at a certain age bracket and a blanket ban approach may be considered heavy-handed. This ban may also not be possible in certain countries that have laws guaranteeing freedom of speech, such as the United States. However, it may be possible for video games to be utilized in a different way to combat IGA of HFSS. If funds were available, charities (eg, Cancer Research UK or Diabetes UK) could consider counteradvertising and place their own IGA’s, which could target people directly with health-promoting messages or information. Within a collaborative context where charities and game developers share values on an approach, content of such premium games could be developed or adverts may be targeted toward health behavior change to influence implicit memory in gamers. This could be a viable alternative when regulation is not an option. Research has shown that gamers develop negative attitudes to advertisements that are intrusive and incongruent with the game, as it reduces their sense of realism [ 51 , 52 ]. There is, therefore, a need for developers willing to take up the challenge to show how positive advertisements may be effectively included in games to support healthy behaviors and choices.

Further Promotional Techniques

Brands have diversified their promotional mix beyond advertisements to target the gamers in other unique ways. Viral marketing techniques utilize the internet and already established social networking services and sometimes community influencers to popularize a brand [ 53 ]. Burger King teamed up with Sony Spain to offer the delivery of fast food to gamers who signed up to play with professional gamers online. After completing a game, the professional gamer would then take the order and it would be delivered to the gamer’s door [ 54 ]. Viral marketing campaigns have been found to be effective tools for the promotion of a brand [ 53 ]. Brands have attempted tie-ins with newly released games by offering discounts and prizes to people that buy their products. For example, with the release of the Call of Duty: Black Ops III, gaming prizes including Double XP could be won by buying special Mountain Dew and Doritos products [ 55 ]. Research has found that the use of promotions for well-known brands can have a positive impact on its long-term sales prospects [ 56 ]. The use of viral marketing and promotions by companies seeking to market their brands cannot be stopped; however, their association with large companies such as Sony can be targeted. In recent years, corporate social responsibility has become increasingly important to both the consumer and the company [ 57 ]. It can affect the way that consumers evaluate a brand and can act as protection for a company in times of crisis [ 58 , 59 ]. Therefore, the encouragement of collaborative work between health researchers, charities, and corporations would help to serve both sides.

Gaming Events

Gaming events where gamers and developers gather to play, demonstrate, and discuss games are an extension of the gaming community. They offer additional opportunities for promoting health messages and engagement with audiences. A number of these events attract the video game community, such as comic book conventions, gaming festivals, and eSports tournaments. These typically feature high numbers of sponsors and promotions for energy drinks, fast food, and other high-calorie foods [ 60 ].

eSports are video gaming competitions involving mostly professional gamers that contend for prize money. These events are frequently broadcast on television and streamed live over the internet. The final for the League of Legends (a multiplayer online battle arena video game) 2015 World Championship drew a global audience of 36 million viewers [ 61 ], which was greater than the 2016 NBA final that drew 31.2 million viewers [ 62 ]. eSports events have a range of brands that are marketing partners and sponsor both the events and teams. This is a further promotional technique to increase brand recognition and generate positive publicity within the gaming community. The energy drink Red Bull, in particular, has a strong brand presence in eSports by sponsoring some of the biggest tournaments, teams, and clubs [ 63 ]. Monster Energy drink, along with Papa John’s Pizza, sponsors the most successful video gaming team in the world, Evil Geniuses [ 64 ]. This suggests that these events give advertisers a unique ability to target and engage gamers. Although removing brand investment from these events may be difficult, as with IGA, it may be of significant value to explore promoting advertisements with positive nutrition messages or conducting health and health behavior seminars in the downtime between eSports matches to balance out the effects of other advertisers. In addition, the development of guidelines or regulations for food choice management during these events could encourage organizers to expand the range of food and drink choices on offer. Providing incentives, vouchers, or tokens to eat healthier foods (which could be funded through ticket-pricing adjustments) could also help modify choice, moving to a distinct nudge toward healthy eating among this community [ 65 ]. Initial work might explore the appetite for health marketing at these events and the methods to quantify the potential effects for the video game community.

Community Influencers

Among many communities, there are those who are considered influencers —individuals who have a greater amount of influence over members’ commitment [ 66 ]. Professional gamers have emerged as influencers within the gaming community by becoming the best gamers within their respective gaming genres, and they appear to be styled as celebrities of the gaming community [ 60 ]. These professional gamers receive investment from companies and in turn wear clothes with the company’s logos for matches, in the same way as active sports such as soccer or tennis. They make videos promoting products and play video games that are live-streamed on the company’s website to attract the attention of the game’s audience by using the gamer as an advertisement [ 67 ]. Celebrities have been found to be effective mediums for advertisements of energy-dense and nutrient-poor food products, both for children [ 68 ] and adults [ 69 ]. This effect is thought to be due to celebrities conferring an implicit benefit and by establishing positive associations with the brand through the transference of qualities of physical appeal and likeability from themselves to the product [ 70 , 71 ]. Again, the absolute removal of this incentive and investment involved for professional gamers might not be achieved easily, as they are often reliant on sponsorship to support their career [ 72 ]. Nonetheless, attempting to harness this influence within the community may help to counterbalance unhealthy advertisements. For example, attempting to use the gamers’ influence to create positive attitudes to health behaviors may be a viable option.

Game-related video bloggers (vloggers) have become increasingly popular among gamers. These vloggers post videos of themselves playing games and giving commentary, glitches within games, reviews of games, formal walkthroughs of games, using video games to create films from the content, and speed runs of people completing things in the fastest time [ 73 ]. An individual known as PewDiePie is the most popular vlogger on YouTube with over 54 million subscribers to his channel and was the first YouTube star to reach over 10 billion views; his popularity came from his commentary of video games [ 73 , 74 ]. PewDiePie’s popularity offers significant influence with an engaged audience, with reports of increased game sales when a positive video is posted of the game on his channel [ 75 ]. This influence has been found to extend to charity fundraising—raising almost $500,000 for Water Campaign by encouraging subscribers to donate [ 76 ], demonstrating the potential of these influencers to encourage positive behaviors outside of gaming.

The effect of this influence among online communities is borne out in research, which suggests that these influencers provide an important role in the social discourse: encouraging discussion and interaction between members, arranging events, and keeping site content up-to-date [ 77 ]. Zhang and Dong [ 78 ] have suggested that these influencers can have a lot of sway over the opinions of community members but that this is dependent on their ability to engage the community through sociability and the extent of their knowledge and innovation. Therefore, much as with professional gamers, utilizing these community influencers could help to shape opinions on healthy behavior among gamers.

Virtual Communities

The aforementioned online social communities have developed in conjunction with many video games [ 79 ]. Individuals use these communities to discuss the game and share ideas and goals without the constraints of geographical location [ 80 ]. The most frequent gamers, who tend to play multiplayer and online games, can play with other gamers online for an average of 6.5 hours a week and in person for 4.6 hours a week [ 81 ], suggesting that the social aspect of gaming plays an important role for those engaged in these communities. Virtual communities have been found to be effective mediums to disseminate health information. They support and encourage discussion among members and can provide places to seek help and emotional support, which can be used to promote behavior change [ 82 , 83 ]. Furthermore, satisfaction with interventions delivered within virtual communities has been found to be significantly higher than that in control conditions [ 84 ], although inconsistent results have been found for the effectiveness of moderated virtual communities for behavior change [ 85 ]. However, previous research has focused on social networking sites and online patient groups that have typically been set up as interventions for specific studies. Participants in these new communities may therefore not have the same level of trust in the moderator that an already established video game–related community might have. Whether virtual gaming communities are used to discuss health information or if interventions delivered within these communities could promote behavior change needs to be explored.

Research has also begun to investigate the ability of 3-dimensional virtual worlds to act as a more immersive form of online social support [ 86 ]. Second Life has been studied as one of the most realistic and immersive virtual world’s available [ 87 ], where people can create and personalize their avatars that interact with each other and the environment. There is some evidence to suggest that when people practice health behaviors in the virtual world, they are more likely to transfer this to real life [ 88 ]. The dissemination of health information and encouragement of positive health behaviors within virtual worlds, like Second Life, could, therefore, prompt behavior change, particularly if accompanied by support from other gamers and/ experts in the game [ 89 ]. However, there are massively multiplayer online role-playing games , such as World of Warcraft and Star Wars: The Old Republic, which offer less realistic worlds and are instead based on fantasy-oriented worlds. Gamers may interact with these games differently with regard to health matters, if at all. Gaining a greater understanding of how these communities approach both the social aspect of gaming and health issues may be important for the future development of interventions for this population.

The exponential growth of gaming and its supporting online communities is a trend that continues to grow—followed by advertising investment—presenting an opportunity to engage with a key audience. The research outlined in this paper suggests that gamers are already exposed to advertisements that encourage unhealthy behavior both in games and at gaming events. There is, therefore, a need for policy and interventions to attempt to redress these effects and promote healthy behaviors among this group of individuals.

There are points to consider when conducting further research that could have an influence on the development of interventions to influence health behavior change. First, in recent years, the gender gap in those that play video games has narrowed, with women making up over 40% of the gaming population in the United States and Europe [ 90 , 91 ]. However, research suggests that many of the games that are developed are hypersexualized and directed toward heterosexual males [ 92 ]. Therefore, any intervention development should consider the gender split to ensure that it has the widest possible application. In addition, the development of interventions should be mindful of the racist undertones that have appeared in some of the most popular video games, such as Grand Theft Auto [ 93 ]. The stereotypical approach to character development could exclude certain groups of gamers who may feel judged. This can also extend to individuals who are obese, as research has found that the obesity stigma is not conducive to reducing levels of obesity [ 94 ]. Therefore, there is a need to be mindful of any stereotypes when developing interventions.

Moreover, there should be more investigation about the distinction between hardcore and casual gamers and how future interventions could influence each group. Hardcore gamers have been described as those that dedicate a large portion of their leisure time to gaming in comparison with casual gamers [ 95 ], and so they may be considered more at-risk . However, there is currently no universal definition to objectively categorize the gamer type. A move toward better defining groups of gamers would enable studies to explore whether interventions should target differences in how these groups play games as well as the type of game and other behavioral factors. However, these issues were not explored and were beyond the scope of this review.

Furthermore, although we know that the IGA revenue has risen exponentially in the past decade [ 35 ], we do not know how much of this has been spent on the advertisement of HFSS food and drink products. Future research should investigate the occurrence of HFSS advertisements not only within video games but also in the wider areas related to video games, such as gaming events and gaming vloggers. This will give an indication of the diversification of the advertising strategy employed by these companies.

In summary, research to date has focused on the development of games specifically designed to change health, but more could be done to explore opportunities within existing online communities and virtual worlds and utilizing known influencers and methods of advertising to this group. Research in all these areas, conducted in a coordinated way with gamers, vloggers, and game developers, would offer any interventions their best chances of success.


This work was funded by a BUPA Foundation Fund Innovation Grant from Cancer Research UK (Award reference: C49248/A23538). EM is funded under Health and Social Care Northern Ireland and National Cancer Institute Health Economics Fellowship (Grant: CDV/4980/14). RJB is funded by a Yorkshire Cancer Research Academic Fellowship.


IGAin-game advertisement
HFSShigh fat, salt, or sugar

Conflicts of Interest: None declared.

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The Gaming Community: Forging Bonds Through Virtual Worlds

Table of contents, understanding the gaming community, the evolution of connection, a social fabric woven in code, the positive impacts of gaming communities, challenges faced by the gaming community, a digital subculture with real-world impact, conclusion: a realm of connection and possibilities.

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IvyPanda. (2023, December 27). 110 Video Game Topic Ideas for Essays & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/video-game-essay-topics/

"110 Video Game Topic Ideas for Essays & Examples." IvyPanda , 27 Dec. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/video-game-essay-topics/.

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IvyPanda . 2023. "110 Video Game Topic Ideas for Essays & Examples." December 27, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/video-game-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "110 Video Game Topic Ideas for Essays & Examples." December 27, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/video-game-essay-topics/.


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Gaming as a Community

Gaming has transcended mere entertainment to become a vibrant and interconnected community. It serves as a platform where individuals from diverse backgrounds converge, united by their passion for interactive experiences. In recent years, the landscape of gaming has evolved significantly, fostering an environment that encourages collaboration, communication, and camaraderie among its participants. This essay explores the multifaceted nature of gaming as a community, highlighting its social, cultural, and psychological significance.

At its core, gaming fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie among its participants. Online multiplayer games, in particular, provide individuals with the opportunity to connect with like-minded peers from around the world. Whether teaming up to achieve common objectives or competing against one another in friendly rivalry, gamers forge meaningful bonds through shared experiences. These virtual communities transcend geographical boundaries, enabling individuals to form friendships and support networks regardless of their physical location. Moreover, the collaborative nature of gaming cultivates important skills such as teamwork, communication, and leadership, which are invaluable both within and outside the gaming realm.

Furthermore, gaming communities serve as incubators for cultural exchange and expression. Through the lens of gaming, individuals gain insight into different cultures, traditions, and perspectives. Games often incorporate elements inspired by various cultures, allowing players to immerse themselves in unfamiliar settings and narratives. This exposure not only fosters appreciation for diversity but also facilitates cross-cultural dialogue and understanding. Additionally, gaming communities frequently produce user-generated content, including fan art, fan fiction, and mods, which serve as creative outlets for self-expression and innovation. These contributions enrich the gaming experience, further strengthening the sense of community among players.

Moreover, gaming has profound psychological benefits, serving as a means of stress relief, escapism, and self-discovery for many individuals. In an increasingly fast-paced and interconnected world, games offer a temporary respite from the pressures of daily life, allowing players to unwind and recharge. The immersive nature of gaming enables individuals to step into the shoes of fictional characters, explore fantastical worlds, and embark on epic adventures, providing a sense of empowerment and agency. Additionally, gaming communities offer a supportive environment where individuals can share their struggles, seek advice, and find solace in the company of others who share similar experiences. This sense of belonging and acceptance can have a positive impact on mental well-being, fostering resilience and emotional growth.

In conclusion, gaming serves as more than just a form of entertainment; it is a thriving community that fosters connection, creativity, and personal growth. Through shared experiences, cultural exchange, and psychological benefits, gaming communities enrich the lives of millions of individuals worldwide. As technology continues to advance and the gaming industry evolves, the community aspect of gaming will undoubtedly remain a cornerstone of its appeal, bringing people together across boundaries and bridging gaps in ways previously unimaginable.

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As I sat in the park of a small community in the heart of the city, I couldn't help but observe the interactions and dynamics of the people around me. The sense of unity and togetherness was palpable, as individuals from all walks of life came together in this shared space. Children played on the playground, their laughter echoing through the air, while adults engaged in conversations on benches, forming connections and building relationships. One of the most striking aspects of this community was the diversity of its members. People of different ages, backgrounds, and cultures coexisted harmoniously, each bringing their unique perspectives and experiences to the table. It was heartwarming to see how everyone was accepted and welcomed, regardless of their differences. This sense of inclusivity created a warm and inviting atmosphere, where everyone felt like they belonged. Another observation that stood out to me was the spirit of collaboration and support within the community. Whether it was organizing a neighborhood clean-up day or hosting a potluck dinner, the residents came together to help one another and improve the quality of life for everyone. It was inspiring to witness the sense of camaraderie and mutual respect that permeated through the community, fostering a sense of belonging and connection among its members. Overall, my observation of the community at this community in left me with a sense of hope and optimism. In a world that often feels divided and fragmented, it was refreshing to see a group of people come together in unity and solidarity. The bonds that were formed and the relationships that were nurtured in this community served as a reminder of the power of human connection and the importance of building strong, supportive communities. It was a testament to the fact that when we come together, we can create a sense of belonging and make a positive impact on the world around us....

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Community Policing Vs Community Oriented Policing

In the realm of law enforcement, the approach to policing has undergone significant evolution over the years, with two prominent strategies emerging: Community Policing and Community Oriented Policing (COP). While often used interchangeably, these approaches possess nuanced differences that impact their implementation and effectiveness in addressing community safety and security. Community Policing, as a concept, emphasizes proactive engagement between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve. This approach aims to foster mutual trust and collaboration by involving community members in identifying and addressing local crime issues. Key features of Community Policing include foot patrols, neighborhood watch programs, and regular community meetings where residents can voice their concerns and priorities. By forging strong ties with the community, law enforcement agencies can better understand the unique needs and challenges of each neighborhood, leading to more targeted and effective crime prevention efforts. On the other hand, Community Oriented Policing takes a broader and more holistic approach to law enforcement, integrating crime prevention with social services and community development initiatives. Unlike traditional policing models focused solely on crime suppression, COP recognizes that addressing the root causes of crime requires collaboration across multiple sectors, including education, healthcare, and housing. Under COP, law enforcement agencies work alongside community organizations, government agencies, and other stakeholders to implement long-term solutions that address underlying social and economic disparities. This approach not only reduces crime rates but also enhances community well-being by improving access to resources and opportunities for all residents. While both Community Policing and Community Oriented Policing share the common goal of building safer and more resilient communities, they differ in their emphasis and scope. Community Policing places greater emphasis on immediate crime reduction through community engagement and partnership, whereas Community Oriented Policing adopts a more holistic approach that addresses the underlying social determinants of crime. Ultimately, the choice between these two approaches depends on the specific needs and priorities of each community, as well as the resources available to law enforcement agencies. In conclusion, Community Policing and Community Oriented Policing represent two distinct yet complementary approaches to law enforcement. While Community Policing focuses on building trust and collaboration at the grassroots level to address immediate crime concerns, Community Oriented Policing takes a broader view, seeking to address the underlying social factors that contribute to crime and disorder. By understanding the nuances of these approaches, law enforcement agencies can tailor their strategies to effectively meet the needs of diverse communities, ultimately leading to safer and more vibrant neighborhoods for all residents....

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Video Game Violence : Violent Video Games

Video Game Violence: The Impact of Violent Video Games Video games have become a prevalent form of entertainment, captivating millions of players worldwide. However, the rise of violent video games has sparked debates regarding their potential impact on players, particularly in relation to aggressive behavior and desensitization to violence. Critics argue that exposure to violent content in video games may lead to increased aggression and desensitization, especially in younger players. On the other hand, proponents of video games often emphasize the importance of distinguishing between fantasy and reality, highlighting the benefits of gaming in terms of cognitive development and problem-solving skills. Research on the effects of violent video games on behavior has yielded mixed findings. Some studies suggest a correlation between playing violent video games and increased aggression, while others find no significant link. It is essential to consider various factors that may influence these outcomes, such as individual differences in personality, upbringing, and the amount of time spent playing video games. Additionally, the context in which the games are played and the age of the player can also play a role in determining the impact of violent content. One of the key arguments against violent video games is the concern that they may desensitize players to real-world violence. Exposure to graphic and intense violence in games could potentially numb individuals to the consequences of aggression, making them less empathetic towards others. However, proponents of video games argue that most players can distinguish between fantasy and reality, understanding that the actions depicted in games are not acceptable in real life. They also point out that video games offer a safe space for players to explore their emotions and experiences in a controlled environment. In conclusion, the debate surrounding violent video games is complex and multifaceted. While some studies suggest a potential link between playing violent video games and increased aggression, it is crucial to consider the individual differences and various factors that may influence these outcomes. As the gaming industry continues to evolve, it is essential for researchers, developers, and players to engage in discussions about the impact of video game violence and work towards promoting a safe and responsible gaming environment for all....

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Gaming/Writing: Alternative Discourse Communities in Online or Digitally Enhanced Technical Writing Classrooms

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Home — Essay Samples — Sociology — Individual and Society — Discourse Community

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Essays on Discourse Community

Engaging discourse community essay prompts.

Finding the right prompt can set the stage for an insightful essay. Here are some thought-provoking prompts to get you started:

  • Evaluate the discourse within an online forum dedicated to sustainability.
  • Analyze the communication patterns of a professional esports team.
  • Investigate how a local art collective uses language to build community.

Picking a Standout Discourse Community Essay Topic

Choosing a compelling topic is crucial. Here’s how to make sure you land on something engaging:

  • Interest : Opt for a community you’re personally interested in or curious about.
  • Originality : Seek out topics that aren’t overdone. The more unique, the better.
  • Accessibility : Make sure you can access enough information and resources for your essay.

Examples of Discourse Community Essay Topics

To avoid the usual suspects and spark your imagination, consider these unique essay topics:

  • Discourse practices in online coding bootcamps.
  • Language and identity in expatriate communities.
  • How DIY forums challenge traditional expertise.
  • Discourse dynamics in feminist activist groups.
  • The role of language in local food cooperatives.
  • Communication styles within virtual reality spaces.
  • Analysis of discourse in mental health support groups.
  • Language use in underground music communities.
  • How digital nomads create community through discourse.
  • Discourse among members of a city council.
  • Cross-cultural communication in international business teams.
  • Language and power in academic departments.
  • Communication strategies in environmental advocacy groups.
  • Discourse in online platforms for language learning.
  • Community building in co-living spaces.
  • Discourse strategies in political campaigning.
  • Role of language in crafting a makerspace identity.
  • Online forums as spaces for medical discourse.
  • Language evolution in multiplayer online games.
  • Building a discourse community in coworking spaces.

Inspiration for Your Discourse Community Essay

Need a nudge to get your writing process started? Let these ideas inspire you:

"Exploring the esports team's communication reveals a complex system of language, symbols, and rituals, highlighting the nuanced ways members create a sense of belonging and identity."

"The vibrant discourse within the feminist activist group not only challenges societal norms but also fosters a strong sense of community and shared purpose among its members."

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Critical Discourse Analysis and Power Relations

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A discourse community refers to a collective of individuals who possess a shared set of discourses, encompassing fundamental values, assumptions, and modes of communication that revolve around common objectives.

A discourse community exhibits distinct characteristics that define its identity and functioning. Firstly, they have a common goal or purpose that unites members and serves as a focal point for their interactions. This shared objective creates a sense of belonging and facilitates effective communication within the community. Secondly, discourse communities have specific language and communication practices unique to their group. These can include specialized terminology, jargon, or even non-verbal cues that enable efficient and meaningful communication among members. Mastery of this shared language is crucial for individuals to participate actively and contribute to the community's discourse. Thirdly, discourse communities often possess established conventions, norms, and expectations regarding appropriate behavior, ethics, and standards of communication. These guidelines ensure cohesion, cooperation, and mutual respect among members. Lastly, discourse communities may have gatekeepers who regulate access and maintain the integrity of the community. These gatekeepers may be experts, mentors, or long-standing members who ensure that new participants meet the community's requirements and contribute positively to its ongoing discourse.

The concept of discourse community emerged as a framework in the field of sociolinguistics and discourse analysis. Although there is no specific historical origin attributed to it, the study of discourse communities can be traced back to the works of scholars such as John Swales and James Gee in the late 20th century. John Swales, a prominent linguist, introduced the term "discourse community" in his influential book "Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings" published in 1990. Swales emphasized the importance of understanding the communicative practices and conventions within specific communities to effectively participate in their discourse. James Gee, another influential scholar, expanded the concept of discourse community and introduced the idea of "situated learning" in his book "Social Linguistics and Literacies: Ideology in Discourses" published in 1996. Gee explored how discourse communities shape identity, knowledge acquisition, and socialization processes. Since then, the study of discourse communities has gained prominence in various fields, including linguistics, communication studies, and sociology.

1. Professional Discourse Communities. 2. Academic Discourse Communities. 3. Hobbyist Discourse Communities. 4. Cultural Discourse Communities. 5. Online Discourse Communities:

Academic Discourse Community: Scholars, researchers, and students within a specific discipline form an academic discourse community. They share specialized knowledge, use discipline-specific terminology, and engage in scholarly writing and discussions. Online Gaming Community: Gamers who participate in online multiplayer games create a discourse community. They use game-specific jargon, communicate through forums or chat platforms, and share strategies and experiences related to gaming. Professional Discourse Community: Professions such as medicine, law, or engineering have their own discourse communities. Professionals within these fields communicate using technical terminology, share professional experiences, and adhere to specific codes of conduct. Sports Fan Community: Fans of a particular sports team or sport create a discourse community. They engage in discussions, debates, and analyses of games and players, often using sports-related slang and terms. Social Media Community: Users of social media platforms form discourse communities based on shared interests, such as fashion, food, or photography. They communicate through hashtags, comments, and posts, creating a unique community around their shared topics.

Social Construction of Reality, Situated Learning Theory, Communities of Practice, Genre Theory.

The study of discourse communities holds significant importance as it sheds light on the intricate ways in which individuals and groups interact, communicate, and form shared understandings within specific contexts. Understanding discourse communities allows us to recognize and appreciate the diversity of social groups and their unique discursive practices, values, and goals. Exploring discourse communities helps us comprehend how language shapes social interactions, knowledge construction, and the formation of identities. It allows us to identify the power dynamics and hierarchies that exist within these communities and how they influence individuals' access to resources and opportunities for participation. Moreover, discourse communities play a crucial role in the transmission and dissemination of knowledge, expertise, and cultural practices. By studying discourse communities, we gain insights into how knowledge is constructed, shared, and preserved within specific fields or domains.

The topic of discourse communities is a compelling subject for an essay due to its relevance and wide-ranging implications in various fields of study. By delving into discourse communities, one can explore the intricate ways in which language, communication, and social interaction shape our understanding of the world. Writing an essay on discourse communities allows for an in-depth examination of how different communities form, develop shared understandings, and create meaning through their discursive practices. It offers an opportunity to analyze the power dynamics, norms, and values that influence communication within specific groups. Furthermore, studying discourse communities provides insights into knowledge transmission, expertise, and identity formation. It allows for a critical exploration of the role of language in shaping social relationships, access to resources, and opportunities for participation within specific communities.

1. Gee, J. P. (1996). Social linguistics and literacies: Ideology in discourses. Routledge. 2. Swales, J. M. (1990). Genre analysis: English in academic and research settings. Cambridge University Press. 3. Johns, A. M. (1997). Text, role, and context: Developing academic literacies. Cambridge University Press. 4. Prior, P. (1998). Writing/disciplinarity: A sociohistoric account of literate activity in the academy. Routledge. 5. Bazerman, C. (2004). Speech acts, genres, and activity systems: How texts organize activity and people. Routledge. 6. Miller, C. R. (1984). Genre as social action. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 70(2), 151-167. 7. Bhatia, V. K. (2004). Worlds of written discourse: A genre-based view. Continuum. 8. Barton, D., & Hamilton, M. (1998). Local literacies: Reading and writing in one community. Routledge. 9. Paltridge, B. (2001). Genre, frames and writing in research settings. John Benjamins Publishing. 10. Johns, A. M. (2017). Discourse communities and communities of practice. In T. Johnstone (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of discourse studies (pp. 257-273). Cambridge University Press.

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gaming community essay

The Benefits Of Video Games: The Discourse Community Within Gaming

When it comes to video games, most people tend to think that they are harmful to the brain. “Video games are frowned upon by parents as time-wasters, and worse, some education experts think that these games corrupt the brain. Playing violent video games are easily blamed by the media…” (Tumbokon, 2018). Through two different genres, I will show that video games can have many benefits. Although the two genres I chose have similar titles, they are very different from how the information is presented and explained.

The first genre I will contrast is a YouTube video by ASAP Science called Can Video Games Make You Smarter? The second genre is an informal article written by Allison Wignall called “Science Says Playing Video Games Can Make You Smarter”. When comparing and contrasting two different genres, I will do so through the activity system and by explaining the discourse communities. Video games have been around for over 50 years and are known for killing leisurely time.

The discourse community within gaming is huge. A discourse community is a group of individuals who have a set of goals. To achieve these goals, they use mechanisms such as intercommunication, feedback, using one or more genres, and the threshold level of members with relevant content and discourse expertise (Swales, 1990). The discourse community in gaming age ranges from 10 years old all the way up to 65 years old (Statista 2018). The gaming community is constantly growing. As new games come out, more and more people are drawn to play them. With playing games, it is important to play in moderation.

gaming community essay

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Twist and Robertson state, “Games should be played as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle”. With anything, too much can be a bad thing. In relation to the discourse community, the activity system functions act similar but with more framework. The activity system resembles the discourse community but in more detail. It provides more of the framework for understanding the interactions of individuals, groups, and texts to illustrate complex interactions among the activity system. Within the activity system, it focuses on shared activities in the communities, understanding of individual participants motive, conventions, and divisions of labor for carrying out the activities. According to Kain and Wardle, “Activity theory gives us a helpful lends for understanding how people in different communities carry out their activities… the most helpful aspect of activity theory is the way it helps us see more fully all the aspects of a situation and community that influence how people use the tools of language and genre” (2002 p.397). In Active theory, it says that people use a range of factors such as tools, subjects, objects, rules, community, and division of labor to reach a certain outcome. Activity systems are usually presented in a triangular shape with three levels. Tools are on the top, the subject is on the left in the middle row, object (motives) is on the right in the middle, rules on the bottom left, the community on the bottom middle, and division of labor on the bottom right. The arrows in the triangle show how each portion is connected to one another. Not every activity triangle looks the same because of the arrows on the inside. (TRANSITION) ASAP Sciences YouTube video Can Video Games Make You Smarter is an education and science genre. It provides different examples through experiments on how playing video games improves cognitive skills. YouTube is a video-sharing website where one can watch videos people create. The tools this video uses are YouTube, drawings, video editing programs, Stroop effect experiment, and multiple objects tracking experiments. The Stroop effect experiment is where a word will appear, and a person would have to say the color of that word as fast as they can. An example of that is seeing the word “purple” but it is written in red. This experiment goes through a series of examples similar to it. The Stroop effect is explained by the Speed of Processing theory and Selective Attention theory. According to Cherry (2018), the Speed of Processing theory states that they can read words much faster than saying the color of the word. The Selective Attention theory shows that naming the colors of the word requires more attention than simply reading the text. The Stroop experiment tests a person’s reaction time of that task. People who play 5-10 hours a week of video games have been shown to have a faster reaction time. Not only does the fast reaction time apply to the experiment, but it also applies to reading. ASAP Science states that, “… children who played regular video games ended up reading faster and more accurately… relating to improved attention skills” ASAP Science. (2014, Jan 19). The Multiple object tracking experiment is an experiment to see how many objects a person can track. In this experiment, there is a screen that displays multiple moving yellow circles and one or two blue moving circles. The idea is to track the blue dots once they turn yellow. At the end of the yellow of the experiment, an arrow will point to one of the yellow dots and ask if the dot was blue. The average person can track 3-4 objects while gamers were said to track 6-7 objects. According to the video, “… action gamers were 58% better at perceiving fine differences in contrast” ASAP Science (2014, Jan 19). The purpose of this video was to entertain, make money, and present the benefits of playing video games. This genre is for all ages to watch because it is family friendly and factual. In addition, the information and drawings provided in the video are eloquent. The rules of this genre are YouTube’s regulations such as no harmful or dangerous content, nudity or sexual content, violent or graphic content, impersonation, threats, spam, and no harassment or cyberbullying. For the division of labor, it is split into different parts that being the editor, caption author, drawer, filming, lighting, and audio. The community for this genre include the main creators Greg and Mitch, the publishers, subscribers, and the YouTube community. (TRANSITION) Allison Wignall’s informal article on College Raptor, “Science Says Playing Video Games Can Make You Smarter” is about how different genres of video games can be beneficial. The tools the article uses are popular game titles, the Integrated Post Secondary Education Data System (IPEDS), different game genres, and College Raptor. IPEDS is one of College Raptors main source to find statistics and data. The purpose of having multiple video game genres is that, “… video game is a broad term with so many different types of games, researchers focus their studies to see how different genres affect players” (Wignall, 2018). When it comes to gaming, gamers have a large lexis. There are hundreds of acronyms an example being AFK (Away from Keyboard), RPG (Role Playing Gaming), FTW (For the Win), GG (Good Game), and BRB (Be Right Back). The object or motive of the informal article is to get shares and inform people that video games are not as detrimental as they might think. Of course, with any activity, if too much time is spent on it rather than studying it can be detrimental to both school and social life (Wignall, 2018). The rules for this genre are determined by College Raptor’s requirements. Plagiarizing, using materials for commercials, reverse engineering software on College Raptors sight, copying other people’s site to mirror the materials, and kids under the age of 13 are not allowed. The community consists of Allison Wignall, students, writers, researchers, and College Raptor authors. The labor of division is the students who write or send in audio pitches to College Raptors, editors within College Raptor, and the U.S Department of Education. (TRANSITION)

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Big Board Gaming

Live t3 objective moscow.

2 thoughts on “ Live t3 objective Moscow ”

At the end you were getting into a twist about terrain costs when moving Soviet units during the reaction phase. Your Soviets are in the European communication zone where every hex has a road in it. (if that helps with working out your movement)..so every hex is always 1 MP.

Bill Thanks !!! Yes. Fatigue, and forgetfulness….sign of age perhaps! This live play stuff is hard!

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