
Choose start date: Start date: September 2025 Duration: Five to six years Deadline: 2 December 2024 Fee: Fully funded Location: London, UK Admissions Funding and scholarships

A fully-funded PhD for aspiring scholars seeking an academic career 

We believe that rigorous academic analysis can provide practical solutions to complex problems in society. Our fully-funded PhD programme provides students with the opportunity to conduct their own research in a world-leading university, finding solutions to key challenges in modern business. As a Business School, we rank first in the UK for research environment and second for management and business students, while Imperial College London ranks first in the UK overall for research (REF 2021). 

Starting with a one or two-year Master’s in Research (MRes), depending on your chosen research area, you will gain a strong theoretical grounding and thorough research training to prepare you for the PhD. As a doctoral student you will have the benefit of supervision from leading world scholars. You will develop the expertise and research skills necessary to pursue a career in academia with previous Imperial doctoral graduates finding success in other leading universities such as Copenhagen Business School, Tsinghua University, University of Amsterdam, University College London, and The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

97% world-leading or internationally excellent research (REF 2021) #1 in the UK for research (Imperial College London, REF 2021) 1% top one per cent of business schools worldwide to have achieved triple accreditation 6 research areas Explore the programme

Advance your academic success at a world class research institution

2nd in the world (Imperial College London, QS World University Rankings 2025)

3rd in Europe (Imperial College London, Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024)

#1 city for students (London, QS Best Student City Rankings 2024)


Build your career with our global reputation

With particular expertise in finance, entrepreneurship, health, and sustainable business, the Business School is recognised as leading the field. Benefit from strong industry partnerships and a diverse alumni network. 

Meet our students Doctoral

A fully-funded programme

Every student on our Doctoral programme is offered full funding, including a full tuition fee waiver (Home/EU or Overseas fees) plus a living stipend for up to five years. Funding for a 6th year can be considered on a case-by-case basis, with the potential to undertake a teaching or research assistant studentship with one of the Business Schools research centres.  

Faculty contact

World-class faculty

Our internationally admired faculty are leaders in their respective fields, bringing a wealth of experience and academic distinction. They are deeply invested in developing the research interests of our PhD students, fostering an environment of intellectual growth and innovation. 

Corporate partnerships

Impact on industry

Working closely with businesses and governments, we drive policy and practice through inspiring collaboration and research excellence, giving you the opportunity to observe the impact of research on business and society. 


Inspiring intellectual community

Engage with a diverse cohort of fellow PhD students and researchers, creating an inspiring and collaborative environment that encourages intellectual development and professional connections. 

Programme content

The Business School Master’s in Research (MRes) is an integral part of the PhD, introducing theory and research methods in Finance, Economics and Management, providing you with a solid foundation for your doctoral studies. Depending on the research area you choose to specialise in, you will embark on a one or two-year MRes programme as shown below. 

*Please note programme content is subject to change. The modules mentioned below are just a sample of what is available in the programme.

Systematic Reviews

When starting new research, the first step is usually a literature review: scanning what is already known about a given topic and figuring out where the gaps are. However, novice researchers tend to be anything but systematic in their literature review: they have no method for scanning the literature, and they usually have little idea of what is relevant and what is not. The Systematic Review method opens a way to create research syntheses that add real value and novel insight – in a way that is potentially publishable in its own right.

Specialist Modules


Stochastic Processes - This module introduces you to basic tools for modelling stochastic phenomena. The focus of the module is the theory of stochastic processes, but applications will be drawn from operations research, analytics / ML, and finance to illustrate the usage of the models for studying real-world business problems

Machine Learning for Analytics - This module gives you an overview of machine learning methods for analytics. Applications in the module will be drawn from various sources including medical applications (e.g. patient discharge from hospitals), recommender systems and the Netflix prize, advertising and marketing, estimating scofflaw rates, reputations systems and Google's PageRank algorithm, filtering, text mining, sports analytics etc.

Decision Making Under Uncertainty - This module gives you an overview of different paradigms of decision making in dynamic uncertain environments, including dynamic programming, stochastic optimisation and robust optimisation. Along with theory, applications in operations management and analytics will be introduced, with the aim of preparing you for research in these areas.

Industrial Organisation

Sustainable Behaviour - This module aims to provide you with an in-depth exposure to the emerging academic field of sustainable behaviour. You will be presented with the main methodological tool used in behavioural research (lab and field experiments) as well with the multiple articles and journals which have published cutting-edge experimental research on sustainable behaviour across a wide variety of contexts.

Consumer Behaviour - This module aims to give you a robust foundation in consumer behaviour and how it relates to marketing. The module covers topics such as how consumers process marketing communications, how consumer involvement affects decision making, and how external factors impact consumer behaviour.

Microeconomics 1

Microeconomics 2

Research methods modules

Applied Microeconometrics

Econometrics 1

Empirical Industrial Organisation

Qualitative Methods 1

Qualitative Methods 2

Quantitative Methods 2

Other elective modules

You can choose from a range of elective modules relevant to your pathway.

Asset Pricing Theory 

Corporate Finance

Consumer Behaviour

Empirical Asset Pricing


Financial Economics of Climate Sustainability

Machine Learning for Analytics

Machine Learning for Economic Analysis

Macroeconomics 2


Micro Development Economics

Organisational Behaviour

Organisation Theory 

Topics in Empirical Banking 

Topics in Environmental Resource Economics 

Topics in Finance

Topics in Health Economics

Topics in Household Finance 

Business Models and Intellectual Property*

Contemporary Topics in Health Policy*

Digital Marketing Analytics*

Healthcare and Medical Analytics*

Logistics and Supply Chain Analytics*

Optimisation and Decision Models*

Retail and Marketing Analysis*

Workforce Analytics*

*These modules are available subject to capacity and timetabling constraints in other faculties and are differently weighted to the MRes Business electives

Year one compulsory modules for Economics and Public Policy pathway

Applied Microeconometrics  - This module will provide an introduction to the practice of applied microeconometrics. Students will learn the standard empirical methods in current use by applied researchers and be exposed to a handful of frontier approaches. The focus will be on implementation beyond simply estimating a parameter of interest: getting the standard errors right, validation and conducting appropriate robustness exercises, and adapting methods to fit new contexts.

Econometrics I  - The module has the objective to provide the students with econometric tools necessary to conduct their empirical research and discuss fundamentals of econometric theory behind them. Students will learn how to conduct - and how to critique - empirical studies in finance, economics and related fields.

Empirical Industrial Organisation - This module enables you to answer counterfactual economic questions based on structural modeling and estimation. 

Macroeconomics I -  The course will focus on building a strong foundation in macroeconomic theory, particularly in analysing dynamic optimization problems. These techniques will be applied to a wide range of models to deepen students' understanding of topics like business cycles, long run growth, unemployment, and inequality. 

Macroeconomics II  - This course covers research issues that arise in the intersection of macroeconomics and finance. Topics include portfolio choice, general equilibrium models with heterogeneous agents and dynamic asset pricing models.

Microeconomics I  - The module covers the main tools of microeconomic theory and focuses on preferences, consumer theory, choice under uncertainty, producer theory, and game theory. Time permitting, it introduces general equilibrium in competitive markets. The emphasis is on economic intuition as well as techniques. The fundamental concepts of microeconomic theory are discussed.

Microeconomics II  -   This module covers competitive equilibrium, markets with imperfect, competition and asymmetric information, general equilibrium, Social choice and mechanism design

Research Experience  – This module is intended to give students practical experience of research preparation for their dissertation the following year.  They will undertake research tasks under the supervision of a faculty member on a topic chosen by the faculty member.  Students can select those projects that fit their research interests.

Year one compulsory modules for Finance pathway

Applied Microeconometrics   - This module will provide an introduction to the practice of applied microeconometrics. Students will learn the standard empirical methods in current use by applied researchers and be exposed to a handful of frontier approaches. The focus will be on implementation beyond simply estimating a parameter of interest: getting the standard errors right, validation and conducting appropriate robustness exercises, and adapting methods to fit new contexts.

Econometrics I  - The module has the objective to provide the students with econometric tools necessary to conduct their empirical research and discuss fundamentals of econometric theory behind them. Students will learn how to conduct - and how to critique - empirical studies in finance, economics and related fields.

Macroeconomics I - The course will focus on building a strong foundation in macroeconomic theory, particularly in analysing dynamic optimization problems. These techniques will be applied to a wide range of models to deepen students' understanding of topics like business cycles, long run growth, unemployment, and inequality. 

Macroeconomics   II  - This course covers research issues that arise in the intersection of macroeconomics and finance. Topics include portfolio choice, general equilibrium models with heterogeneous agents and dynamic asset pricing models.

Microeconomics I  - The module covers the main tools of microeconomic theory and focuses on preferences, consumer theory, choice under uncertainty, producer theory, and game theory. Time permitting, it introduces general equilibrium in competitive markets. The emphasis is on economic intuition as well as techniques. The fundamental concepts of microeconomic theory are discussed.

Corporate Finance  - This module is taught in two parts, starting with a historical background, and then considering the theory of investment decisions, capital structure, financial innovation, and corporate governance.

Asset Pricing Theory  - The first part of this module deals with representative investors, portfolio choice and dynamic securities markets in discrete time before covering portfolio choice in continuous time and option pricing. The second part starts from the asset pricing implications of a general equilibrium Lucas-tree economy. Then, it discusses the main asset pricing puzzles implied by these economies. Finally, we will explore optimal portfolio choice, multiple trees economies and some of the latest attempts in the asset pricing literature to solve some of these puzzles.

Research Experience  - This module is intended to give students practical experience of research preparation for their dissertation the following year.  They will undertake research tasks under the supervision of a faculty member on a topic chosen by the faculty member.  Students can select those projects that fit their research interests.

Year one compulsory modules for Innovation and Entrepreneurship pathway

Introduction to the Practice of Research  - This module will introduce you to the craft of research. You will develop the skills and knowledge you need to effectively produce research questions and hypotheses, ensuring consistency between theory, research design, methods and measures, and developing a clear and compelling argument.

Qualitative Methods I  - This module covers research methods required in qualitative research. You will develop skills in all aspects of the research process, including research design, data collection, data analysis, theory building, writing up as well as reviewing papers and responding to referees. The module is essential for those who wish to author qualitative research but will also be useful for quantitative researchers.

Quantitative Methods I  - This module provides an overview of the primary quantitative methods employed in management research. It will enable you to develop the ability to interpret the results of your own research as well as to critically assess the findings presented in other studies. The emphasis will be on the practical application of different estimation models using STATA rather than on the econometrics and mathematical specification.

Organisational Behaviour  - In this module you will be introduced to a selection of most seminal papers in organisational behaviour with a particular focus on classic and contemporary theories, ongoing controversies, and ground-breaking empirical studies. The emphasis is on providing a foundational overview of the field.

Organisational Theory  - This module will expose you to the major theoretical perspectives and issues studied in organisation theory research. You will also be exposed to a set of approaches to understanding how and why organisations form, survive and grow.

Strategy  - In this module you will develop the fundamentals of strategy including the theories of competitive advantage, industry analysis, understanding of resource based view/knowledge based view, and corporate strategy.

Innovation Management  - This module will offer a thorough theoretical understanding of the key themes of innovation research, combined with practical insights into the challenges of innovation management in organisations. You will address topics ranging from technological change, creativity, the role of networks in innovation, and appropriability/value capture from innovation.

Entrepreneurship  - This module introduces students to the major theoretical threads and debates in the field of entrepreneurship. Students will learn to make connections between theory and empirical research, practice critiquing and identifying insight in research, engage with fundamental debates in the field and formulate directions how the field may be further advanced.

Year one compulsory modules for Strategy and Organisational Behaviour pathway

Elective modules for economics and public policy pathway.

Asset Pricing Theory

Decision Making Under Certainty

Econometrics I

Econometrics II 

Financial Economics of Climate and Sustainability

Machine Learning for Economics Analysis

Machine Learning and Text Analysis for Social Science


Microeconomics I

Microeconomics II 

Sustainable Behaviour

Topics in Empirical Banking

Topics in Environmental Resource Economics

Topics in Household Finance

Elective modules for Finance pathway

Advanced Financial Statistics

Asset Allocation and Investment Strategies

Big Data in Finance I

Big Data in Finance II

Decision Making Under Uncertainty

Econometrics II

Financial Economics for Climate Sustainability

Microeconomics II

Elective modules for Innovation and Entrepreneurship pathway

Advanced Topics in Organisational Behaviour

Corporate Sustainability

Interdisciplinary Research


Qualitative Methods II

Readings in Digital Business

Readings in Social Networks/Social Capital

Social Network Analysis

Social Data Science

Special Topics in Organisational Theory/Strategy

Elective modules for Strategy and Organisational behaviour pathway

Advanced Topics in Organisational Behaviour 

Social Network Analysis 

Research Project

During the second year, students work on their MRes project which is formally assessed and counts towards the overall MRes mark. Students are expected to approach potential supervisors from within the department’s academic staff. Students submit their proposed research project title and a brief outline by the end of September of Year two. Students submit a Progress Report in February, outlining their progress to date with the thesis. During the Summer Term, students will submit their MRes dissertation. This will be followed by an oral exam

Research plan 

When you progress from the MRes to the PhD, you will work with your supervisors, chosen based on your research interests. Your supervisors will help you develop your research question, identify research and teaching opportunities and support you through your studies and the academic job application process.  

Seminars and conferences

Being part of the School’s inspirational research community is a crucial aspect of the doctoral experience – as is gaining familiarity with cutting edge research from world-leading academics. Each department runs seminars where internal and external academics discuss their latest work.  

As well as providing insight into yet-to-be-published research, the seminars offer networking opportunities and visiting academics often lead special topic workshops for research students. The Doctoral programme also supports the participation of research students in international conferences where you can present your own research and participate in doctoral consortia. 

Early Stage Assessment 

The Early Stage Assessment (ESA) takes place in the summer of year one of the PhD and is assessed by a panel of faculty. The ESA outlines the research question, the work you have done to date and the future research activities to be carried out to complete the project. 

It consists of a written report and presentation to which all PhD students and research department faculty are invited. The purpose of the ESA is not only to assess your personal progress but it also gives you the opportunity to discuss your work at its early stages and get feedback and ideas from faculty to improve your research. 

Armed with feedback from the Early Stage Assessment, you will work intensely on your thesis, focusing on the collection and analysis of empirical data and developing theoretical frameworks. Under the guidance of your supervisors, the thesis gives you the opportunity to conduct a substantial piece of original research. 

Late stage review

The Late Stage Review (LSR) takes place in the summer of year two of the PhD and follows the same principle as the Early Stage Assessment, in that its purpose is to assess your progress and provide you with feedback and advice on the direction and scope of your research. 

Our research areas

Analytics, economics, business operations and public policy PhD London

What our students say

funded business phd uk

“The programme structure is different from many other business schools because during the first year at Imperial we study the Master’s of Research (MRes), which is focused on developing strong foundations before continuing to the PhD programme. This also gives us additional time to discover opportunities and find the right paths for our research.”

Class profile 2023

75 students

48% female students

20 nationalities represented

Funding and scholarships

Request a brochure, career impact.

In recent years, our PhD students have joined leading universities, research centres and institutions such as Tsinghua University, University College London, Copenhagen Business School, the Bank of England, the University of Bath, King’s College London, National Chengchi University, the University of Sussex and Renmin University in China. Others have sought top positions in industry or founded successful start-ups.

The doctoral programme has been re-structured in recent years to focus more on academic development and it is anticipated that over the coming years placements will focus more on academia than industry.

Find out more about career outcomes

Meet your faculty

Our PhD programme provides close collaboration between leading Analytics & Operations faculty and doctoral students, developing your research interests and providing continuous support and guidance throughout the programme.  

Alexander Michaelides

Alexander Michaelides

Kalyan Talluri

Kalyan Talluri

Wolfram Wiesemann

Wolfram Wiesemann

Edward Anderson

Edward Anderson

Martin Haugh

Martin Haugh

Gah-Yi Ban

Xiaocheng Li

Mohammadreza Skandari

Reza Skandari

Jiankun Sun

Jiankun Sun

Carol Propper

Carol Propper

Franco Sassi

Franco Sassi

 Jonathan Haskel

Jonathan Haskel

Marisa Miraldo

Marisa Miraldo

Richard Green

Richard Green

Sam Asher headshot

Pedro Rosa Dias

Esther Boler

Esther Bøler

Franklin Allen

Franklin Allen

Patrick Bolton

Patrick Bolton

Ramana Nanda

Ramana Nanda

Lara Cathcart

Lara Cathcart

Enrico Biffis

Enrico Biffis

Christopher Hansman

Christopher Hansman

Clara Martinez-Toledano

Clara Martinez-Toledano

Professor Alan Hughes

Alan Hughes

Celia Moore

Celia Moore

Markus Perkmann

Markus Perkmann

Chris Tucci

Christopher Tucci

James Barlow

James Barlow

Ileana Stigliani

Ileana Stigliani

Mark Kennedy

Mark Kennedy

Tim Weiss

James Eteen

Eduardo Andrade

Eduardo B. Andrade

Andreas Eisingerich

Andreas Eisingerich

Rajesh Bhargave

Rajesh Bhargave

Sven Mikolon

Sven Mikolon

Omar Merlo

Michelle Rogan

Frequently asked questions, how long does it take to complete the doctoral programme.

The Doctoral programme is structured to take between four to six years full-time. In the first year, all students undertake a one or two year MRes programme depending on their chosen research area specialism. Subject to satisfactory academic progress, students then progress to the PhD which takes between 3-4 years.

When does the academic year start?

The Doctoral programme has one intake each year in September and is spread over four to six years.

Do you offer any distance learning or part-time research programmes?

It is not possible to enrol on the Doctoral programme on a part-time or distance learning basis. Students must be in attendance throughout the full period of study.

Can I transfer from my current Doctoral programme to Imperial College Business School's Doctoral programme?

It is not usually possible to transfer onto the Doctoral programme as it is unlikely that previous studies would perfectly overlap with the School’s expertise.

Can I come to Imperial College Business School as a visiting student?

Please visit Imperial College London's visiting students page .

Can I have a part-time job whilst enrolled in the programme?

The Doctoral programme is full time. Students are able to undertake part-time work if this does not break any relevant visa and/or scholarship conditions, however the programme offers a living stipend to support students during their studies.

How many students do you accept onto the Doctoral programme every year?

Admission onto the Doctoral programme is highly competitive as we accept around 15 students each year, from a total of approximately 200 applications.

Is there a workspace assigned to Doctoral students?

There is a designated workspace which includes a computer and relevant software assigned to all enrolled Doctoral students. You will share working space with other PhD students in your cohort.

How do I apply and what documents do I need to submit with my application?

All applications to the Doctoral programme are made via our online platform. You will either need to select 'Business (MRes 1YFT)' or 'Business (MRes 2YFT)' based on your research area of interest. Further information can be found on our  Doctoral programme page.

Please refer to the  How to apply page  to see application deadlines, what documents you are required to submit with your application and to view the selection process.

When is the application deadline?

To find out more about application deadlines for our Doctoral programme please  visit the How to apply page .

What do I need to include in my statement of purpose?

One of the most important parts of our application form is the ‘statement of purpose’ section. It should be no more than one or two A4 pages and should cover the following points:

Your motivation for undertaking the programme

A discussion of possible research areas that you might pursue and how these are a good fit for Imperial College Business School

What interests you most about your chosen field of study

Relevant past study, industry, or research projects

Long-term career goals

I haven't decided what area I want to specialise in for my PhD, what should I do?

You should browse the description of the different research groups in the Business School and the webpages of faculty members. This will give an overview of their research interests and current projects. The MRes gives you an opportunity to pursue potential interests through courses and a project prior to committing to the PhD

Do I need a willing supervisor prior to application?

No, although in your application you should list a member of  faculty  you have identified as a potential supervisor. You can demonstrate in your statement of purpose how your research interests are aligned to a potential supervisor and the Business School.

Checking the research profiles of faculty members and Business School projects will give you an indication of whether the Business School is a good fit for you. If no faculty are working in your area of interest it is unlikely that you would be shortlisted, as we may not be able to provide supervisory support during your PhD.

During the MRes year, you will become part of the research community at Imperial College Business School and interact with faculty and other PhD students during taught courses and at seminars, which we hope will influence and help shape your research ideas for the PhD.

Are all applicants interviewed?

Not all applications progress to the interview stage of the selection process, however we interview all shortlisted candidates before making an offer. In the case of overseas candidates we will arrange an interview by telephone or via Skype.

Is GMAT/GRE a compulsory requirement?

Yes. A GMAT/GRE score must be submitted before we will consider an application. Any applications submitted without a GMAT/GRE score will be considered incomplete until we receive a score. Please note that we do not make offers on the condition that a candidate achieves a satisfactory GMAT/GRE score. To see the GMAT/GRE scores we look for, please refer to the  Entry Requirements page .

Do you offer Doctoral funding and stipend?

We offer a fully funded Doctoral programme at Imperial College Business School – this includes a tuition fee waiver and a stipend for up to five years. The 2024-25 rate of the Graduate Teaching Assistant scholarship stipend is £25,000. Rates are reviewed annually and are expected to increase for 2025-26 in line with Research Council UK rates. Stipends are tax-free and the continuation of the stipend will depend on your satisfactory progress on the programme.

What living costs should I allow for in London?

Living costs vary considerably depending on the area of London you choose to live in and your choice of accommodation.

Read more about  estimated London living costs  and  accommodation for postgraduates .

Do you offer Doctoral scholarships?

Within Imperial, we also have funding opportunities from various external studentships, including EPSRC, ESRC, and the Imperial College President’s PhD Scholarships .

Students who are eligible for other PhD  funding opportunities  that may be available to them are expected to apply for them.

Explore more

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Keep up to date about news, events, and application deadlines for our PhD programme by joining our mailing list.

Attend an event

Wherever you are in the world, our Recruitment team holds events where you can meet staff and students, and get your questions answered. 

Start your journey

Study your doctoral programme at a global top 10 university offering world-class faculty, leadership coaching, global business experience, industry connections, specialist careers support and an exciting London location. 

  • The University of Warwick

MRes/PhD Business & Management

Develop yourself as an early career researcher with our prestigious phd programme.

Our new fully-funded MRes/PhD Business & Management programme will give you the opportunity to make your mark on the business landscape, by having the freedom to research a host of disciplines that influence society and business. We aim to attract high-quality students who are independent thinkers and have the ambition to create their own pathway for future academic positions.

Our MRes/PhD Business & Management programme is a full time two + three year programme (five years in total).

Our subject groups

You'll get the opportunity to work within our world-class subject groups , allowing you to work with experts in your chosen area of research, and develop and deepen your own research interests:

  • Behavioural Science
  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation
  • Information Systems & Management – Analytics
  • Operations Management
  • Organisation & Work
  • Strategy & International Business

Please note applications are now closed for 2024 entry. Applications for 2025 entry will open in October 2024.

  • Application Deadline Closed for 2024 entry
  • Start Date 01 October 2024
  • Duration 2+3 years
  • Location Warwick Campus
  • Format Full-time
  • UK Fees Fully-funded *
  • EU/International Fees Fully-funded *

* See fees and funding for fees breakdown.

If you have any questions regarding the WBS PhD programme, please do not hesitate to contact the team:

Email:   [email protected]

Call:   +44 (0)24 7652 4754

For our students, learning isn’t confined by physical walls. If you excel through independent learning and have an eagerness to learn then WBS is the place for you. The core benefits of our PhD programme include: 

  • A fully-funded programme and an annual stipend of approximately £21,000 per annum.
  • An inspirational learning experience in a world-class interdisciplinary environment, working alongside the brightest scholars and learning from leading academics from across the globe.
  • Highly relevant and structured training focusing on developing your core research skills.
  • Programme flexibility with the introduction of study tracks to tailor your studies, supported by a wide range of research groups.
  • The opportunity to develop a global network by researching and learning abroad as part of your PhD programme.
  • Preparation for a prestigious academic or research career.
  • Option to choose our Behavioural Science pathway.

Nearly every week I had the opportunity to attend a seminar, where I could discover the latest in my area of research, or a workshop, where I could learn from some of the best in the field and develop my research skills." Ali E. Ahmed Assistant Professor (Entrepreneurship & Innovation Group), PhD Business & Management (2017 - 2021)

The doctoral community at WBS is fantastic and one of the best things about my PhD programme was the friends I made." Krishane Patel Research Fellow, University of Warwick, PhD Business & Management (Behavioural Science) 2014-2018

My favourite thing about this programme is that I really appreciate the open-minded environment where unique viewpoints are equally appreciated." Ziyan Ma Current doctoral researcher, PhD Business & Management

The wide array of research interests at WBS means that there is always someone to offer academic help and support to me and my work." David Felstead PhD Business & Management (2014 - 2019)

Academic training, conferences, and seminars offered by WBS enrich our knowledge and skills, eventually leading to high-quality research output, setting a foundation for a successful academic career." Veriko Ichkiti Current doctoral researcher, PhD Business & Management

I have been exposed to a range of diverse but complementary skills and interacted with researchers from other backgrounds, departments and universities." Emily Rowe PhD Business & Management (2016 - 2020)

Behavioural Science Pathway

Our Behavioural Science pathway will give you the opportunity to work within one of the leading Behavioural Science groups in the UK, and benefit from the group’s outstanding global reputation. By studying this pathway you will be taught by researchers in behavioural science and tap into their extensive academic expertise and collaborative network. You will develop the cutting edge skills and interdisciplinary expertise needed to succeed in this rapidly developing field. 

Discover more on our PhD structure pages . 

Dawn Eubanks and Noni Symeonidou reveal why women entrepreneurs are penalised for showing ambition and ask how to tackle that bias.

Tim Mullett reveals why practice doesn't necessarily make perfect when facing complex decisions with uncertain outcomes.

Dimitrios Spyridondis shares six leadership capabilities that helped some of the best in the business to make the most of AI.

UCL School of Management

University college london, phd in management.

Start date:  September 2024 Duration: 5 years (1 year MRes + 4 years PhD) Fees:  We offer fully funded scholarships to all admitted students Application deadline: 01 February 2024 (17:00 UK time). A late submission window closes on 05 April 2024 (17:00 UK time), although we encourage you to apply early as places are limited and applications are subject to close sooner if places are filled. Entry:  Minimum of a first class bachelor's degree or equivalent in a relevant discipline. International students, please note that UCL’s English language requirement for this programme is a ' Level 1 ' (IELTS and TOEFL are the preferred test, however others on the UCL recognised test list will be accepted if required) - further details regarding this can be found on the  UCL English Language Requirements  page.

PhD students pursue their studies in one of the Operations & Technology, Strategy & Entrepreneurship, Marketing & Analytics, and Organisations & Innovation groups. All four groups offer a unique education and research experience to a small number of highly motivated students, with the intent of preparing them for scholarly careers at the highest level.

UCL Library with Flaxman Gallery reflected in the window

PhD studies in Operations and Technology

Across the different research themes , there is a shared interest in management science, operations management and business technologies. Topics of interest include R&D management, innovation and new product development, service systems, supply chain management and healthcare operations. For candidates in this area, a degree in engineering (e.g. industrial, electrical, computer, mechanical etc), economics, mathematics, statistics or operational research is preferred. 

PhD studies in Strategy and Entrepreneurship

S&E faculty research  focuses on understanding what makes firms successful, how they cope with a complex and dynamic environment, and what leads to new business formation and growth. Doctoral training involves close collaboration between the doctoral student and faculty members on shared research interests, coursework at UCL and other institutions, and independent research. Doctoral students also benefit from the S&E group’s collaborative research community, a lively program of research speakers from other institutions, and links with researchers worldwide. Topics of interest include digitization, big data analytics, machine learning, information environment, platform ecosystems, new organisational forms, learning, innovation, competition, interorganisational relationships, corporate strategy, entrepreneurial strategy, entrepreneurship for development, social innovation. 

PhD studies in Marketing and Analytics

Topics of interest in this group include branding, retailing, advertising, pricing, product development, marketing channels, business marketing, marketing strategy and e-commerce. The researchers in this group use diverse quantitative methodologies that include big data analytics, regression analysis, choice models, field experiments and Bayesian econometrics.

PhD studies in Organisations and Innovation

O&I faculty research focuses on understanding individual and team outcomes within organisations. Group members engage with a variety of perspectives and approaches including network research, experiments and ethnographies. There is a shared interest in the topics of creativity, innovation, social networks and diversity. For applicants to the PhD programme, prior training in social science (e.g. social psychology, sociology or economics) is highly relevant. 

PhD studies in Financial Economics

Our MRes and PhD Programme in Financial Economics with UCL's Department of Economics now has more information about how to apply and what you can expect from the programme on a brand new programme page, please see the specific entry requirements and programme structure here . 

PhD Structure

  • The programme typically consists of five years of full-time study, starting with one year of modules registered as MRes. These modules are typically advanced postgraduate modules to provide rigorous methodological training to prepare students for their PhD research. Along with the School’s modules, students typically take some of these from other UCL departments (e.g., Economics, Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology), the London Business School, Bayes Business School, and Imperial College Business School.
  • In addition to methods modules, students also undertake a first-year research project under the tutoring and supervision of a faculty member later in the MRes year (Term 3 + Summer period).
  • Progression from MRes to PhD is not automatic . Superior performance in taught modules and independent, original research is required for progression from MRes to PhD.
  • Our highly selective and small-sized PhD programme ensures that each student receives personal attention and guidance from our faculty members throughout their doctoral study. The close mentorship process forms the foundations of a successful academic career. 
  • We expect our PhD graduates to have as their goal an academic career as a faculty member in a top business school or engineering department of a world-class university
  • PhD applications are reviewed once a completed application form has been submitted online . 

Students take a total of 180 credits in the MRes year. This is made up of the MRes Research Project:

  • MSIN0135 - MRes Research Project: 8,000-10,000 words . 105 credits.

Students take 75 credits of taught modules, of which the following three are compulsory modules:

  • MSIN0131 - Research Presentation and Critical Writing Skills . 15 credits
  • MSIN0132 - Seminar in Organisation Theory . 15 credits
  • MSIN0240 - Designing Management Research Projects.  15 credits

Finally, students choose elective modules (15 credits each) among those offered by the School of Management, other UCL Departments (e.g., Economics, Psychology), and partner universities in London.

Students can take additional (non-credit) modules at UCL and our partners schools in the remaining years to complement their learning, but there is no requirement to take modules after the MRes year.

The programme is delivered through a combination of lectures, seminars, and class discussion based on case studies and other activities. Student performance is assessed through simulations, presentations, coursework, group projects, class participation, and examinations. 

Students typically study 3 compulsory modules over Terms 1 and 2. Students will also typically study 2 optional modules which may take place in Terms 1, 2 or 3. Students will also undertake a substantial research project, which would usually be undertaken over Terms 2 and 3. 

Each taught module is delivered over 10 weeks, with 3 contact hours per week comprising lecture content and interactive components. 

In addition, students typically spend approximately 6-8 hours a week for each module on assessment and independent study to further develop the skills and knowledge covered in lectures and seminars. The total number of weekly hours will vary according to the weekly activities being undertaken.

Why choose us

What our students say:.

'The UCL School of Management PhD programme is designed to provide students with skills that lead to academic excellence. Candidates are part of a dynamic and vibrant group and benefit from the programme's flexibility, as they can choose from a wide range of disciplines. The frequent cooperation with world-leading faculty members enhances our knowledge and skills and ultimately leads to high-quality research output, laying the foundations for a subsequent successful academic career.' 

UCL School of Management has forged a reputation for world-leading research in management studies with 95% of the School’s research deemed to be world-leading or internationally excellent, the second highest percentage of any business school in the UK, according to the 2021 REF. 

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Applying for our mres/phd programme.

Entry requirements and admissions criteria:

We seek to recruit highly motivated, ambitious students with strong educational backgrounds. The ideal candidate will have a first-class Bachelor's degree from the UK or an overseas qualification of equivalent standard from a leading university. We encourage students from a wide variety of backgrounds (e.g, engineering, economics, business, mathematics/statistics, psychology, sociology, and anthropology, among others) to apply to our programme. Also, notice that a Master’s or graduate level degree is not required for admission, you can apply with only an undergraduate (e.g. bachelors) degree. 

In your personal statement you are expected to suggest one or more faculty members as potential supervisors. On the application form you may see that it states that it is preferred that you contact potential supervisors beforehand – you do not need to do so. In fact, applicants are discouraged from randomly contacting individual faculty members or potential supervisors when applying to our programme. All applications are first evaluated by a joint admissions committee, so contacting potential supervisors separately will not increase your chances.

All MRes/PhD applicants are normally expected to take either a GMAT test or GRE test (UCL's institution code is 3344, but also make sure you include a scanned copy of your test result on your online application), although the School has no minimum score requirements.  

We also require you to submit IELTS or TOEFL scores if English is not your first language. Our School requires a “Level 1” English qualification which corresponds to:

  • IELTS: Overall grade of 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each of the sub-tests.
  • TOEFL: Score of 92, plus 24/30 in the reading and writing subtests and 20/30 in the listening and speaking subtests.  

Application Deadline

The application window closes 01 February 2024 (17:00 UK time) and a late submission window closes on 05 April 2024 (17:00 UK time). We advise those interested in the programme to apply before 01 February 2024, as those applying in the late submission window will only be considered if there are still places remaining.

Application Procedure

Apply via UCL Postgraduate Admissions System here . When starting the application, you must select the MRes option. In addition to filling out the online application form, please upload a copy of the following documents:

  • Official Transcripts of Grades / Course marks
  • A 2-3 page personal statement or research proposal* that clearly indicates: (i) which research group you are interested in (i.e., Organisations & Innovation, Strategy & Entrepreneurship, Marketing & Analytics or Operations & Technology, (ii) your research interests and preliminary research ideas, (iii) potential faculty member(s) you may want to work with (this is a suggested list, you don’t need to contact potential supervisors beforehand), and (iv) your motivation to do a PhD.
  • Your  GRE / GMAT  score report**
  • Your IELTS/TOEFL score report, if English is not your first language.

* While submission of a full research proposal is not required, you can send us one if you have already written it up.

** You can submit your application even if you don’t have a GRE/GMAT score —simply indicate when you plan to take the test.


We offer fully funded five year MRes/PhD scholarships in the UCL School of Management to all admitted students. The scholarship is open to all nationalities. It covers all tuition fees, and includes an annual stipend of £25,000, which is tax-free.

Additional costs 

This programme does not have any compulsory additional costs outside of purchasing books or stationery, printing, thesis binding or photocopying.  

Students may have the opportunity to participate in conferences in the UK and internationally. The UCL School of Management provides MRes/PhD students with an annual budget for conferences, which students will use to cover the travel, accommodation, food and other costs whilst at conferences, in line with UCL’s expenses policy. 

Apply today

For queries about the MRes/PhD Programme that are not addressed on our web pages, please contact [email protected] .

Register for More Information

Frequently Asked Questions about the UCL School of Management MRes/PhD Programme

Programme Information

Application process, admissions requirements, further information.

If you have any other questions regarding the programme that are not addressed on our web pages please email the programme team ( [email protected] )

funded business phd uk

Cambridge Judge Business School

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FT Responsible Business Education Awards: 2 wins for Cambridge Judge

Purpose of Finance course wins top Teaching award and a study on paedophile hunters wins Academic Research award, while Cambridge Judge is Highly Commended for School-wide activities in the Financial Times awards for business education responsibility and impact.

Degree programmes

  • Masters degrees overview
  • Executive MBA
  • Executive Master of Accounting
  • Master of Finance (MFin)
  • MSt in Entrepreneurship
  • MSt in Social Innovation
  • MPhil in Management
  • MPhil in Technology Policy
  • PhD and research masters overview

PhD pathways

  • Business Doctorate
  • Master of Research in Management

MPhil in Finance

  • MPhil in Innovation, Strategy and Organisation
  • MPhil in Strategy, Marketing, Operations and Organisational Behaviour
  • Management Studies (Tripos)
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Millennials (roughly those born between the early 1980s and mid 1990s) want more from work than just a salary, and they care deeply about the social values of companies they work for.

Exploring the rise of the global B Corp movement

The B Corp movement is helping to shift the focus of capitalism from shareholders to all stakeholders: find out how Cambridge fits in.

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Leave your mark in LT1

The iconic Lecture Theatre 1 (LT1) is due for a refurbishment, and with it comes the opportunity for alumni, friends and other supporters of Cambridge Judge Business School to claim their seat in LT1.

PhD & research …

PhD & research masters

Preparing you for an exciting and rewarding academic career with our fully-funded PhD programme. Join one of our 4 research masters programmes, each an integral part of a route to the PhD.

Why a CJBS PhD?

Accounting PhD pathway

Business Economics PhD pathway

Finance PhD pathway

Marketing PhD pathway

Operations and Technology Management PhD pathway

Organisational Behaviour PhD pathway

Organisational Theory and Information Systems PhD pathway

  • Strategic Management PhD pathway overview
  • PhD pathways overview
  • MPhil in Strategy, Marketing and Operations
  • Master of Research (MRes)
  • Financing your PhD
  • Current students
  • Job market candidates
  • Visiting students overview
  • External PhD scholars
  • The Business Doctorate

The Cambridge Judge PhD programme will: 

  • Prepare you for an exciting and rewarding academic career in a world-leading business school.  
  • Enable you to research independently and contribute to important ongoing debates. 
  • Empower you to impact society through your research and deep engagement with business.  

Masters + PhD structure

Our PhD programme at Cambridge Judge Business School, starts with one of our 9-month research masters degrees, followed by a PhD degree of 3-4 years.  

From the start of your masters degree, you’ll join one of 8 PhD pathways. Each leads you to specialise in a particular discipline of Management Studies.

Explore our pathways

Hello, I’m Professor Jennifer Howard-Grenville, and I’m the [former] director of our PhD programme here at Cambridge Judge Business School. I’m glad you’re exploring the possibility of a PhD. And we’d like to tell you a little bit about how our programme works. The goal of the PhD is to train students who are aiming to become research oriented faculty members at one of the world’s leading business schools. We also aim to help you develop your own independent research and contribute to lively academic debates in the field of management and business.

Finally, it’s important in our programme that you develop research that has an impact on society through your deep engagement with real world business and organisational problems. It’s really important to know that we operate a little differently from some other programmes, and we do not have direct entry to our PhD programme. This is because the PhD is part of a five-year programme of study, which begins with one of our master’s degrees, either the MPhil or the MRes degree.

On your MPhil or MRes year, you’ll learn essential theories and methods needed to conduct research for PhD. As well, you will have a chance to explore if a PhD in a career as a research academic is the right one for you. When you complete an MPhil or an MRes with us, we also get to know you and you get to know us, meaning that in the first year of your PhD, you hit the ground running conducting research, while you also learn some additional essential methods and research literatures.

We will work closely with you as a PhD student to mentor you and developing your research skills and identity. Our PhD and research master’s students also benefit from the fact that Cambridge Judge Business School is a vibrant place for wider scholarly exchange. In addition to our own leading faculty members who regularly publish with students in top journals in their fields and who hold senior editorial positions with those journals, we also regularly host visitors from around the world who are doing cutting edge research. We hope this helps you consider if you will be a strong fit for our research programmes.

View video with transcript

Financial support

All PhD and Master of Research students, as well as some MPhil research students, receive full funding through University or departmental scholarships.

Students in the 4th year of their PhD receive funding conditional on their progress.

We offer scholarships for UK and EU research students, funded by the UK’s Economic and Social Science Research Council (ESRC). The wider University of Cambridge offers additional funding sources for domestic and international students.

Find out more about funding your PhD

Undertaking a PhD is a life defining choice, explore the reasons to choose CJBS for your PhD:

Quality of supervision

Complementary training, colleges & environment, research & skills funding, resources for phds, social activities.

From the start of your research masters degree, you’ll join one of 8 PhD pathways. Each leads you to specialise in a particular discipline of Management Studies.

Prerequisite masters programme:

  • Either MPhil in Finance
  • or Master of Research (MRes)
  • Either Master of Research (MRes)
  • or exceptionally the Cambridge MPhil in Economic Research
  • or Master of Research (MRes) (for students with a Cambridge MPhil in Economic Research)
  • Either MPhil in Strategy, Marketing, Operations and Organisational Behaviour
  • Either MPhil in Innovation, Strategy and Organisation

Strategic Management PhD pathway

  • or  MPhil in Strategy, Marketing, Operations and Organisational Behaviour
  • or  Master of Research (MRes)

Research masters

Cambridge Judge Business School offers 4 research-oriented masters programmes, each an integral part of a route to the PhD. Each masters programme covers essential pathway coursework.

  • The 3 MPhil programmes are for students without a prior research masters degree. Which MPhil you take will depend on your research interests and background.
  • The Master of Research (MRes) programme is the foundation year of the PhD for students who have a masters degree which provides a strong grounding for research in a subject relevant for management research, and with evidence that they have the calibre and prior training to undertake a research-focused degree.
  • Prepares students for a PhD in Management Studies (Finance) or a research career in finance.

Learn more about the MPhil in Finance

MPhil in Innovation, Strategy and Organisation (ISO)

  • Prepares students for a PhD in Management Studies.
  • Emphasis on qualitative research methodology (involving fieldwork in which the researcher observes and analyses behaviours in organisations).

Learn more about the MPhil in ISO

Either MPhil in Strategy, Marketing, Operations and Organisational Behaviour (SMOOB)

  • Prepares students with prior degree-level quantitative training for a PhD in Management Studies.
  • Emphasis on quantitative research methodology (involving the design and analysis of laboratory experiments, the statistical analysis of natural experiments or large archival datasets, or the game-theoretic modelling of managerial decision processes).

Learn more about the MPhil in SMOOB

Master of Research in Management Studies (MRes)

  • Offers a tailored suite of courses for students who already have significant research training at masters level relevant to their chosen PhD pathway.
  • Is intended for students who wish to pursue a PhD at Cambridge Judge Business School.

Learn more about the MRes

Developing the next generation of academics

Where do you envision your PhD taking you? Be inspired by our PhD alumni who work in some of the most respected universities and business schools around the world.

News and insights from our PhDs

Learn more about our doctoral students' research and activities.

The research, in conjunction with the National Health Service in the UK, focuses on spotting and treating cancer earlier and decreasing waiting lists and times.

How to manage and reduce cancer waiting lists and times

Research at Cambridge Judge builds on previous study on cardiovascular care that involved higher treatment capacity and less-invasive procedures.

Study co-authored at Cambridge Judge calls for reducing export-burden asymmetry for different qualities of waste to reduce environmental harm.

Three strategies to make waste management greener

Study co-authored at Cambridge Judge calls for reducing export-burden asymmetry for different qualities of waste to reduce environmental harm.

Armen V Papazian.

New book on how to hardwire sustainability

A new book by Dr Armen Papazian, a PhD graduate of Cambridge Judge Business School, takes a new look at sustainability and finance.

Learn more about the application process and deadlines

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PhD Business and Management / Overview

Year of entry: 2024

  • View full page
  • Bachelor's (Honours) degree at 2:1 or above (or overseas equivalent); and
  • Master's degree in a relevant cognate subject - with an overall average of 65% or above (or overseas equivalent)
  • Professional qualifications other than a Bachelors Degree and/or relevant and appropriate experience may be taken into account for entry to a PhD programme.

Full entry requirements

Apply online

Please ensure you include all required supporting documents at the time of submission, as incomplete applications may not be considered.

Application Deadlines

The current deadline for consideration in internal funding competitions is 15 March 2024.

If you are applying for or have secured external funding (for example, from an employer or government) or are self-funding, you must submit your application before the below deadline to be considered. You will not be able to apply after this date has passed.

  • For September 2024 entry: 30 June 2024

Programme options

Full-time Part-time Full-time distance learning Part-time distance learning

Programme overview

  • Join one of the world's most innovative and ambitious doctoral research schools.
  • Work alongside a range of specialists conducting cutting-edge research in business, marketing management and strategy.
  • Ranked 3rd in the UK for research power 'Business and Management Studies' in the REF2021.

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We will be conducting our Humanities PGR virtual open week in October 2024. Find our about future events and postgraduate research sessions by signing up our email alerts.

For entry in the academic year beginning September 2024, the tuition fees are as follows:

  • PhD (full-time) UK students (per annum): £4,786 International, including EU, students (per annum): £21,000
  • PhD (part-time) UK students (per annum): £2,393 International, including EU, students (per annum): £10,500

Further information for EU students can be found on our dedicated EU page.


To apply University of Manchester funding, you must indicate in your application the competitions for which you wish to be considered. The current deadline for most internal competitions, including Alliance Manchester Business School studentships is 15 March 2024.

All external funding competitions have a specified deadline for submitting your funding application and a separate (earlier) deadline for submitting the online programme application form, both of which will be stated in the funding competition details below.

For more information about funding, visit our funding page to browse for scholarships, studentships and awards you may be eligible for.

  • ESRC North West Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (NWSSDTP) PhD Studentships - Competition Closed for 2024 Entry
  • Alliance Manchester Business School PhD Studentships 2024 Entry - Competition Closed for 2024 Entry
  • Commonwealth PhD Scholarships (High Income Countries)
  • Humanities Doctoral Academy Humanitarian Scholarship 2024 Entry
  • Commonwealth PhD Scholarships (Least Developed Countries and Fragile States)
  • RADMA Doctoral Studies Funding 2024 Entry - Competition Closed for 2024 Entry
  • PhD Scholarship for Research into Productivity
  • President's Doctoral Scholar (PDS) Awards - Competition Closed for 2024 Entry
  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Doctoral Training Partnership Studentship (EPSRC DTP)

Contact details

Programmes in related subject areas.

Use the links below to view lists of programmes in related subject areas.

  • Business and Management
  • Accounting and Finance
  • Science, Technology and Innovation Policy

Regulated by the Office for Students

The University of Manchester is regulated by the Office for Students (OfS). The OfS aims to help students succeed in Higher Education by ensuring they receive excellent information and guidance, get high quality education that prepares them for the future and by protecting their interests. More information can be found at the OfS website .

You can find regulations and policies relating to student life at The University of Manchester, including our Degree Regulations and Complaints Procedure, on our regulations website .

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Business and Management PhD

Our programme aims to develop rigorous scholars who can advance both academic knowledge and business practice.

You are currently viewing course information for entry year:

Start date(s):

  • September 2024
  • January 2025

Our Business and Management PhD gives you the knowledge and skills you need to become a researcher and scholar in Business and Management.

These transferable skills are in high demand in knowledge-intensive organisations and environments. They will help you maximise opportunities in careers that include complex cognitive tasks.

To find out more about our key research areas, you can visit the relevant subject group research pages. These are:

  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Information Systems and Operations
  • Leadership, Work and Organisation , comprising:
  • Work, Employment and Human Resource Management (WEHRM)
  • Management and Organisation (M&O)
  • Strategy, International Business and Society (SIBS)

Important information

We've highlighted important information about your course. Please take note of any deadlines.

Please rest assured we make all reasonable efforts to provide you with the programmes, services and facilities described. However, it may be necessary to make changes due to significant disruption, for example in response to Covid-19.

View our  Academic experience page , which gives information about your Newcastle University study experience for the academic year 2024-25.

See our  terms and conditions and student complaints information , which gives details of circumstances that may lead to changes to programmes, modules or University services.

Related courses

How you'll learn.

Depending on your modules, you'll be assessed through a combination of:

We offer a wide range of projects for the thesis. These will be provided by our academics. You can also propose your own topic.

Our mission is to help you:

  • stay healthy, positive and feeling well
  • overcome any challenges you may face during your degree – academic or personal
  • get the most out of your postgraduate research experience
  • carry out admin and activities essential to progressing through your degree
  • understand postgraduate research processes, standards and rules

We can offer you tailored wellbeing support, courses and activities.

You can also access a broad range of workshops covering:

  • research and professional skills
  • careers support
  • health and safety
  • public engagement
  • academic development

Find out more about our postgraduate research student support

Research supervisors

Profiles of our highly qualified academic staff who are potential supervisors of postgraduate research can be found within their respective research community:

  • Work, Employment and Human Resource Management
  • Strategy, International Business and Society
  • Management and Organisation

Marketing operations and systems, including:

  • Innovation, Enterprise and Digital Business
  • Marketing: Consumers, Communications and Services
  • Supply Chain and Operations Research (SCORCH)

Your development

Faculty of humanities and social sciences (hass) researcher development programme .

Each faculty offers a researcher development programme for its postgraduate research students. We have designed your programme to help you:

  • perform better as a researcher
  • boost your career prospects
  • broaden your impact

Through workshops and activities, it will build your transferable skills and increase your confidence.

You’ll cover:

  • techniques for effective research
  • methods for better collaborative working
  • essential professional standards and requirements

Your researcher development programme is flexible. You can adapt it to meet your changing needs as you progress through your doctorate.

Find out more about the Researcher Education and Development programme

Doctoral training and partnerships

There are opportunities to undertake your PhD at Newcastle within a:

  • Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT)
  • Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP)

Being part of a CDT or DTP has many benefits:

  • they combine research expertise and training of a number of leading universities, academic schools and academics.
  • you’ll study alongside a cohort of other PhD students
  • they’re often interdisciplinary
  • your PhD may be funded

If there are currently opportunities available in your subject area you’ll find them when you search for funding in the fees and funding section on this course.

The following centres/partnerships below may have PhD opportunities available in your subject area in the future:

  • ESRC Northern Ireland/North East (NINE) Doctoral Training Partnership

Your future

Our careers service.

Our award-winning Careers Service is one of the largest and best in the country, and we have strong links with employers. We provide an extensive range of opportunities to all students through our ncl+ initiative.

Visit our Careers Service website

Quality and ranking

All professional accreditations are reviewed regularly by their professional body

From 1 January 2021 there is an update to the way professional qualifications are recognised by countries outside of the UK

Check the government’s website for more information .

Newcastle University Business School is one of the largest Schools in the University. We have over 3,500 students representing over 80 nationalities. This valuable network extends beyond our current students to include:

  • regional, national and international leaders
  • over 34,000 alumni in our network, spanning over 150 countries
  • leading professionals and practitioners from industry

The Business School is the gateway to Newcastle Helix - an innovation hub and community that brings together industry leaders, businesses and top researchers.

Our facilities include:

  • flexible conference room with panoramic views across the city
  • Wi-Fi enabled connectivity throughout the building, including three computer clusters housing over 120 PCs
  • four large lecture theatres and over 25 seminar and teaching spaces, providing comfortable teaching and group study space
  • dedicated Student Hub and Quiet Space, providing a balanced mix of study space for group work or quiet, individual study
  • contemporary café
  • employability hub to support your career aspirations
  • Bloomberg Room to give you a real feel for the trading room floor
  • Experimental and Behavioural Economics Lab, a state-of-the-art research facility for conducting studies in experimental economics and economic psychology

The  Frederick Douglass Centre  at Newcastle Helix also offers further study and learning spaces. This includes a 750 seat auditorium – the largest in the University.

Find out more about Newcastle University Business School

Main Newcastle University Business School building viewed from St James' Park

Fees and funding

Tuition fees for 2024 entry (per year), home fees for research degree students.

For 2024-25 entry, we have aligned our standard Home research fees with those set by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) . The standard fee was confirmed in Spring 2024 by UKRI.

For 2025-26 entry, we will be aligning our standard  Home research fees  with those set by  UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) . The standard fee will be confirmed in Spring 2025 by UKRI.

As a general principle, you should expect the tuition fee to increase in each subsequent academic year of your course, subject to government regulations on fee increases and in line with inflation.

Depending on your residency history, if you’re a student from the EU, other EEA or a Swiss national, with settled or pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme, you’ll normally pay the ‘Home’ tuition fee rate and may be eligible for Student Finance England support.

EU students without settled or pre-settled status will normally be charged fees at the ‘International’ rate and will not be eligible for Student Finance England support.

If you are unsure of your fee status, check out the latest guidance here .


We support our EU and international students by providing a generous range of Vice-Chancellor's automatic and merit-based scholarships. See  our   searchable postgraduate funding page  for more information.  

What you're paying for

Tuition fees include the costs of:

  • matriculation
  • registration
  • tuition (or supervision)
  • library access
  • examination
  • re-examination

Find out more about:

  • living costs
  • tuition fees

If you are an international student or a student from the EU, EEA or Switzerland and you need a visa to study in the UK, you may have to pay a deposit.

You can check this in the How to apply section .

If you're applying for funding, always check the funding application deadline. This deadline may be earlier than the application deadline for your course.

For some funding schemes, you need to have received an offer of a place on a course before you can apply for the funding.

Search for funding

Find funding available for your course

Entry requirements

The entrance requirements below apply to 2024 entry.

Qualifications from outside the UK

English language requirements, admissions policy.

This policy applies to all undergraduate and postgraduate admissions at Newcastle University. It is intended to provide information about our admissions policies and procedures to applicants and potential applicants, to their advisors and family members, and to staff of the University.

Download our admissions policy (PDF: 201KB) Other policies related to admissions

Credit transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) can allow you to convert existing relevant university-level knowledge, skills and experience into credits towards a qualification. Find out more about the RPL policy which may apply to this course

  • How to apply

Using the application portal

The application portal has instructions to guide you through your application. It will tell you what documents you need and how to upload them.

You can choose to start your application, save your details and come back to complete it later.

If you’re ready, you can select Apply Online and you’ll be taken directly to the application portal.

Alternatively you can find out more about applying on our applications and offers pages .

Open days and events

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Overseas events

We regularly travel overseas to meet with students interested in studying at Newcastle University.

Visit our events calendar for the latest events

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Questions about this course?

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Dr Martí Lopez Andreu  - Degree Programme Director Newcastle University Business School Telephone: +44 (0)191 208 1709 Contact Newcastle University Business School

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  • How You'll Learn
  • Your Development
  • Your Future
  • Quality and Ranking
  • Fees and Funding
  • Entry Requirements
  • Open days & events

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funded business phd uk

PhD Management and Business

This programme has a dual-focus on subject-specific knowledge and methods training, which will give you the intellectual foundation to ask cutting-edge questions and then conduct high-quality research to address those questions under close expert supervision.

Key course information

October 2024 - full-time, october 2024 - part-time, january 2025 - full-time, january 2025 - part-time, why choose this programme.

  • As a PhD student you will receive rigorous instruction and training in research philosophy and methods, together with outstanding supervision. 
  • You also benefit from choosing between either writing a traditional dissertation monograph or following the PhD by publication format route. This way, you decide your preferred pathway to present your research so that it suits your interests.  
  • Here at Surrey, you’ll join a cosmopolitan, multicultural and diverse community of students and scholars. We consider doctoral students to be junior academics or researchers, and an integral part of the School. 
  • Our researchers often work closely with industry and collaborate with staff across the School, leading to innovative new thinking.   
  • Surrey Business School is internationally recognised for interdisciplinary, international and applied research. Surrey Business School is a member of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and is accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA).  
  • In the UK government’s 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF), the School is in the top 10 for the outputs and top 20 for real-world impact of our business research. Overall, the University is ranked 33rd for overall research quality by REF. 

Programme details Open

What you will study.

Our PhD in Management and Business will train you in critical and analytical skills, research methods, and in discipline-specific knowledge that will give you the knowledge, skills and abilities needed for a career in academia, or as a researcher in a wide variety of settings. 

We offer a three-year, full-time (and, in exceptional cases, part-time) programme. 

You’ll receive an induction by the University of Surrey’s Doctoral College, as well as a bespoke induction programme from the Business School. This induction will introduce you to the School as well as the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in which the School is based. The induction will outline the relationship between you and your supervisor. 

Your supervisor will serve as a mentor as you progress through your PhD. 

In your first year, you will receive instruction in subject-specific knowledge and instruction and training in research philosophy and methods. As a full- time student you will complete four taught modules in your first year:

  • Philosophy of Social Science Research
  • Quantitative Methods 1
  • Qualitative Methodology 1
  • Either Quantitative Methods 2 or Qualitative Methodology 2.

At the same time, you will be working on your research (part-time students take the modules over two years). This will form the foundation of your doctoral research.

Once you’ve got the foundation for your doctoral research and passed your confirmation exam, your second year will be spent conducting doctoral research. Students conducting primary research tend to spend the year away doing field research.

Your third year will then be devoted entirely to data analysis, writing up and submitting your dissertation. You’ll have frequent interactions with your supervisor. You’ll also have the opportunity to attend professional development workshops in preparation for the academic job market. There is a four-year maximum period of study on the PhD programme for full-time students.

Your final assessment will be based on the presentation of your research in a written thesis, which will be discussed in a viva examination with at least two examiners. You have the option of preparing your thesis as a monograph (one large volume in chapter form) or in publication format (including chapters written for publication), subject to the approval of your supervisors.

Stag Hill is the University's main campus and where the majority of our courses are taught. 

Research areas Open

Research themes.

We have key research themes in:

  • Business analytics and operations
  • Digital economy
  • Finance and accounting
  • Marketing and retail management
  • People and organisations
  • Strategy and entrepreneurship.

Discover more about our management and business research .

Research centres

  • Centre for Business Analytics in Practice
  • ​​​​​​​Centre for Social Innovation Management
  • ​​​​​​​Centre of Digital Economy
  • Future of Work Research Centre
  • ​​​​​​​Surrey Academy for Blockchain and Metaverse Applications
  • Sustainable and Explainable Fintech Centre
  • University of Surrey Business and Economics Experiments Laboratory

Academic staff Open

See a full list of all our  academic staff  within the Surrey Business School.

Support and facilities Open

Research support.

The professional development of postgraduate researchers is supported by the Doctoral College , which provides training in essential skills through its Researcher Development Programme of workshops, mentoring and coaching. A dedicated postgraduate careers and employability team will help you prepare for a successful career after the completion of your PhD.

Hear from our students Open

Mohamed Mohamed profile image

Mohamed Mohamed

Student - Management and Business PhD

"The University of Surrey is renowned for its research-focused approach. I knew that studying there would allow me to work with esteemed professors and fellow students in a stimulating environment that fosters the development of critical thinking skills."

Hannah Gooding profile image

Hannah Gooding

"All these extra-curricular developments show that if you work hard, Surrey will support you into becoming the person you want to be."

Entry requirements Open

Uk qualifications.

Applicants are expected to hold a minimum of an upper second-class (2:1) UK degree and a masters degree (minimum merit) in a relevant subject from an internationally recognised university.

English language requirements

IELTS Academic:  6.5 or above (or equivalent) with 6.0 in each individual category.

These are the English language qualifications and levels that we can accept. 

If you do not currently meet the level required for your programme, we offer intensive pre-sessional English language courses , designed to take you to the level of English ability and skill required for your studies here.

Selection process

Selection is based on applicants:

  • Meeting the expected entry requirements
  • Being shortlisted through the application screening process
  • Completing a successful interview
  • Providing suitable references.

Fees and funding Open

Fees per year.

Explore  UKCISA’s website for more information if you are unsure whether you are a UK or overseas student. View the  list of fees for all postgraduate research courses.

  • Annual fees will increase by 4% for each year of study, rounded up to the nearest £100 (subject to legal requirements).
  • Any start date other than September will attract a pro-rata fee for that year of entry (75 per cent for January, 50 per cent for April and 25 per cent for July).

Additional costs

There are additional costs that you can expect to incur when studying at Surrey.

A Postgraduate Doctoral Loan can help with course fees and living costs while you study a postgraduate doctoral course.

Application process

Applicants are advised to contact potential supervisors before they submit an application via the website. Please refer to section two of our  application guidance .

After registration

Students are initially registered for a PhD with probationary status and, subject to satisfactory progress, subsequently confirmed as having PhD status.

Apply online

To apply online first select the course you'd like to apply for then log in.

Select your course

Choose the course option you wish to apply for.

Create an account and sign into our application portal.

Management and Business PhD

Full-time, October 2024

Part-time, October 2024

Full-time, January 2025

Part-time, January 2025

About the University of Surrey

Manor Park accommodation


We have a range of housing to suit all requirements and budgets. There are more than 6,000 rooms available (en-suite, single-sex, studio flat, shared or single).

MySurrey Nest

Student life

At Surrey we offer a friendly university campus set in beautiful countryside, with the convenience and social life of bustling Guildford on your doorstep.

Need more information?

Contact our Admissions team or talk to a current University of Surrey student online.

Code of practice for research degrees

Surrey’s postgraduate research code of practice sets out the University's policy and procedural framework relating to research degrees. The code defines a set of standard procedures and specific responsibilities covering the academic supervision, administration and assessment of research degrees for all faculties within the University.

Download the code of practice for research degrees (PDF) .

Terms and conditions

When you accept an offer to study at the University of Surrey, you are agreeing to follow our policies and procedures , student regulations , and terms and conditions .

We provide these terms and conditions in two stages:

  • First when we make an offer.
  • Second when students accept their offer and register to study with us (registration terms and conditions will vary depending on your course and academic year).

View our generic registration terms and conditions (PDF) for the 2023/24 academic year, as a guide on what to expect.

This online prospectus has been published in advance of the academic year to which it applies.

Whilst we have done everything possible to ensure this information is accurate, some changes may happen between publishing and the start of the course.

It is important to check this website for any updates before you apply for a course with us. Read our full disclaimer .

funded business phd uk

Doctoral opportunities

Work alongside distinguished research-led academics and thought leaders on our established postgraduate research programmes.

PhDs at Henley

With our global reputation for business thinking, we attract some of the most influential academics and practitioners. Our academics are widely published and who are proud to share their wealth of professional knowledge with you.

Our globally recognised expertise span a number of key subject areas, including:

  • Business Informatics, Systems & Accounting
  • Finance and Capital Markets (ICMA Centre)
  • International Business & Strategy
  • Leadership, Organisations & Behaviour
  • Marketing & Reputation
  • Real Estate & Planning

PhD and DBA - Equal and Different

From our theory developing PhD programmes to the practically relevant and academically rigorous Henley DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) , we provide an outstanding working environment, conducive to the production of first-class research.

The Henley PhD experience

Throughout your studies with us, you will benefit from dedicated supervision, impressive facilities and high-quality support. You’ll work with a diverse cohort of fellow students who have a broad range of academic and professional backgrounds. Our learning approach aims to expand and broaden your outlook, deepen your knowledge and develop personally. You will have the opportunity to contribute to teaching and research activities within the Business School. Engaging in academic events held here at Henley and around the world, such as conferences and training.

From our academically rigorous PhD programme to the practically oriented Henley DBA (Doctor of Business Administration), we provide an outstanding working environment, conducive to the production of first-class research.

If you apply for a place in one of our PhD programs in 2024/25 by 15 March 2024 , you may be eligible for one of 18 fully-funded PhD scholarships , including three aligned with the World of Work Institute , the Centre for Business Ethics and Sustainability , and Henley Africa .

Current doctoral students

Current doctoral students

Current PhD students at Henley Business School.

Scholarships and funding

Scholarships and funding

Henley Business School PhD scholarships.

Applying to Henley

Applying to Henley

Find out how to apply for a PhD programme at Henley Business School.

Search doctoral opportunities

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University of Brighton

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University students silhouetted against blue sky under promenade arches on Brighton Seafront

  • Postgraduate research degrees
  • Funding and studentships
  • Funded PhD programmes 2024 UK

Funded PhD research programmes 2025 UK

The University of Brighton regularly invites applicants for fully-funded PhD studentships across all its disciplines. 

These allow motivated, high-calibre applicants for research degrees to join our thriving academic community and contribute to our rich and innovative research environment. 

Our processes also often allow us to support promising candidates for applications to external funders and we regularly welcome self-funded applicants to programmes across all disciplines.

We will be advertising University of Brighton studentships later in the year. Meanwhile, please visit our PhD funding advice page  for current offers or see below for further general advice about applying for a funded PhD in the UK. 

Visit our PhD disciplinary programme lists

What UK PhD studentships are available ?

Depending on the discipline area, applicants for postgraduate research study may be:

  • applying to work on specific, defined research projects
  • applying to work with an academic department or individual with specific interests
  • or applying with a self-identified research topic proposal.

When available, studentships are open to home and international students and will be given to candidates who best fulfil the promise outlined by these academic departments.

Students may like to review the funding opportunities listed at the foot of the page or visit our  PhD funding advice page  . 

Please enable targeting cookies in order to view this video content on our website, or you can watch the video on YouTube .

Can you be a researcher? Professor Bhavik Patel reassures applicants of all backgrounds that they can study for a PhD and aim for a research career. 

How do I apply for a PhD studentship?

The application for financing schemes will usually involve:  

  • submitting a full application through the university's PhD application portal, our University of Brighton portal is accessible from the  PhD funded projects webpages . You will upload your research proposal as part of this process.
  • The submission must include two letters of reference, academic qualifications, a proposed project approach, a personal statement and your CV (resumé).
  • Shortlisted applicants are likely to be invited for interview.

What does PhD funding include?

The funding for the PhD usually covers the full fee and a stipend at the UKRI rate plus an allowance of £1,500 per year for researcher training for three years (or part-time equivalent). 

Successful candidates benefit from expert supervisory teams, a programme of postgraduate researcher development workshops and membership of specialist, interdisciplinary research centres and groups. There will be introductions to a network of relevant researchers, careers advice and opportunities for interaction within and beyond the university. Through this, our PhD students have the best start possible towards ambitious careers that make use of their research degrees.

The University of Brighton fosters research careers and will provide doctoral training, attentive and expert supervision and access to world-class laboratories and equipment. 

We are renowned as a leading applied university, with pioneer academics in disciplines from sport science to design history and applied science research that translates efficiently to the global challenge of worldwide health and wellbeing. Our strategy of 'practical wisdom' leads to real-world partnerships and beneficiaries across all disciplines while the development of community-university partnership practices have placed us among the best universities for many aspects of co-produced research and innovation.

We pride ourselves on the ways we work in partnership with those outside higher education, across the European Union and internationally. Through our research collaborations we work with a wide range of universities, both internationally and with universities in the UK. We are also founding members of two UKRI Doctoral Training Partnerships which, this year, are dealt with outside our University of Brighton studentship offer. We learn constantly from our involvement in these, and our rich resources are offered across all doctoral research programmes.

Recently the University of Brighton celebrated its performance in the Research Excellence Framework (REF2021) and the Knowledge and Exchange Framework (KEF2023). Over 87 per cent of our submitted impact case studies in REF2021 were rated as having 'outstanding' or 'very considerable' impact beyond academia. We are dedicated to developing this quality work with new students. Read more about the review of our research and knowledge exchange performance in REF2021 . Also, read more about our KEF2023 results, which placed Brighton in the top tier for economic and social benefits .

How will you build a relationship with your supervisor? Professor Annebella Pollen and Dr Tom Ainsworth are among those offering advice. This film was made by the University of Brighton for UKRI and also features academics from other institutions.

How do I increase my chances of getting a PhD studentship?

You must be able to show your suitability for a UK research degree if you wish to apply for fully-funded studentships.

This includes evidence either of a relevant and successful academic background or equivalent relevant professional/expert background in the applied subject area. Applicants from overseas will also have to fulfil any English language and visa requirements.

This will be true for studentships in the UK across most of the UK universities. It is usual for applicants either to have completed (or be about to complete) a masters degree, have an exceptional undergraduate record and references, or demonstrate the equivalent scholarly potential.  

Supervisory staff and research students at the University of Brighton consider how important diverse thinking and inclusive practice are to their doctoral studies.

Can I get PhD funding at the University of Brighton?

We have a long-standing annual programme of funded PhD opportunities across all our disciplines, including several rooted in research council (UKRI) partnerships .

The initiatives allow postgraduate study for UK-based students as well as study in the UK for international students (depending on the PhD programme). 

We are also keen to encourage students who might be able to self-fund their doctoral studies. Studying part-time, for example, is likely to prove more affordable and more easily balanced with professional life than you'd imagine. 

We are dedicated to providing a welcoming and supportive atmosphere and structure for your studies. Show us your own qualities and your suitability for programmes as they become available and we will look forward to receiving your application. 

Insitutions and funding bodies for PhD study

On the Funding pages of our website we post advice as to the regular and specific funding opportunities available through the University of Brighton, its partners and networks. 

These include  Doctoral Training Partnership  and University of Brighton PhD studentship calls,  individual studentship projects , University of Brighton  international research scholarships  and our  alumni scholarships  for current and past students. 

We also include below some of the major funding options for international students wanting to do a PhD with us, each of which may support all or part of your studies.

Worldwide international funding schemes for PhD research

The british council.

The British Council offers a search engine for UK courses, institutions (including the University of Brighton) and scholarships.

Find out more about scholarships and funding through The British Council.

The Gen Foundation

The Gen Foundation considers applicants living in all countries. It is a charitable trust which principally provides grants to students/researchers in natural sciences, in particular food sciences/technology.

Find out more about grants to students and researchers from The Gen Foundation .

The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN)

The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is dedicated to improving the quality of life of those in need, mainly in Asia and Africa, irrespective of their origin, faith, or gender. Our multifaceted development approach aims to help communities and individuals become self-reliant.

Find out more about research funding through the Aga Khan development network .

The Open Society Foundations

The Open Society Foundations are active in more than 120 countries around the world, using grant-giving, research, advocacy, impact investment, and strategic litigation to support the growth of inclusive and vibrant democracies. The four main themes of the Open Society Foundations are climate justice, equity, expression, and justice and they will award grants and fellowships throughout the year to organisations and individuals who share those values. The Open Society Foundations look for grantees who have a vision and whose efforts will lead to lasting social change.

Find out more about postgraduate funding through The Open Society Foundations .

International Education and Financial Aid

The International Education and Financial Aid (IEFA) provides students from all over the world comprehensive information on financial aid for studying abroad. Using the IEFA website, you can easily search the IEFA database for scholarships, grants, loan programs, and other options available to help finance your international education.

Find out more about international PhD research funding through the IEFA .

The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds 

The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) awards PhD fellowships of two to three-and-a-half years to outstanding junior scientists worldwide who wish to pursue an ambitious PhD project in basic biomedical research in an internationally leading laboratory.

Find out more about the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds fellowships .

Resource sites for international PhD research funding is a leading online resource for international students around the world providing advice pages for studying in the USA, UK and Australia for international students, plus a dedicated study abroad center for US students who want to travel abroad.

Find out more about international study through .


ScholarshipTab is an online portal that connects international students to available scholarship opportunities round the world.

Find out more about the Scholarship Tab resource .

International Education and Financial Aid (IEFA)

The IEFA provides students from all over the world comprehensive information on financial aid for studying abroad. Search the IEFA database for scholarships, grants, loan programs, and other options available to help finance your international education.

Find out more from the International Education and Financial Aid website .

The European Funding Guide 

Scholarships and grants for students from the European Union

Find out more through the European Funding Guide  

The Americas: Postgraduate doctorate funding from institutions and bodies to study in the UK

  • Marshall Scholarship:  Provides for United States students to study abroad.
  • Benjamin A Gilman International Scholarship provides for United States students to study abroad.
  • American Student Loans and Federal Student Aid
  • Global Affairs Canada International Scholarships Program
  • Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund
  • Canada's Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
  • The Bolsas Lideres Estudar Program provides for Brazilian students studying in the UK .

Asia: Postgraduate doctorate funding from Asian institutions and bodies to study in the UK

The Charles Wallace Bangladesh Trust

The Charles Wallace Burma Trust

China and Hong Kong

Great Britain – China Educational Trust is a charity that promotes mutual understanding between the UK and China and aims to build long-term connections between the two countries. It delivers awards contributing towards university tuition fees and living expenses for Chinese nationality students studying for a PhD in any subject at a UK university.

Great Britain China Centre Chinese Student Awards  offers scholarships of up to £3,000 for citizens of China and Hong Kong studying for a PhD in any subject at a UK university

The Hong Kong People Association (HKPA)  aims to provide financial aids for further university education to students from Hong Kong who are not able to afford international tuition fees. 

The Charles Wallace India Trust  offers PhD funding for study in the arts, heritage conservation or the humanities.

The Inlaks India Foundation

The JN Tata Endowment award funds 90 to 100 scholars across disciplines ranging from the sciences to management, law and commerce and the fine arts.

The KC Mahindra Education Trust

The Persia Educational Foundation Abdolreza Ansari Scholarship   is designed to support the education of students of Iranian descent enrolled in a Master or Doctorate programme in human rights or public service in the UK.

Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships  offer partial funding scholarships for international students of Iranian descent towards a PhD in any subject.

The Kenneth Lindsay Scholarship Trust

The Anglo-Jewish Association (AJA)  provides funding for Jewish students to study a Masters or PhD in the UK.

The Japan-IMF Scholarship Program for Advanced Studies  funds students of macroeconomics with a view to them working at the International Monetary Fund.

The Charles Wallace Pakistan Trust

Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan . The HEC offers government scholarships for Pakistani students to study abroad in various countries, including the UK.

Saudi Arabia

The Cultural Bureau of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia (SACB)  offers scope for full tuition fees and supporting fees for PhD level study.

Agency for Science, Technology and Research

The Thai Office of Educational Affairs 

Europe: Postgraduate doctorate funding from European institutions and bodies to study in the UK

The European Funding Guide  - Scholarships and grants in the EU.

France -  Entente Cordiale scholarships for postgraduate studies  provide funding to help students enrolling for a Masters or a PhD qualification in the UK or in France.

Italy -  Il Circolo Italian Cultural Association is a UK-registered charity based in London with the mission to support deserving students with awards and scholarships.

Norway - Lanekassen  - The Norwegian student loans and grants awarding body supports Norwegian students studying overseas.

Scandinavia -  - article database offering funding advice for Scandinavian students.

Sweden - CSN -  loans and grants for Swedish students studying overseas.

Australia: funding for PhD study in the UK

The Australia Day Foundation  offers grants to young Australians for fees and course materials.

Africa: funding for PhD study in the UK

Sudan -  The Gordon Memorial College Trust Fund (GMCTF)

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As a PhD candidate you will have the opportunity to pursue original research and make a significant contribution to your chosen field.

Why choose a PhD at the University of Edinburgh Business School?

Listen to staff and students at the Business School discuss the doctoral programme

Our doctoral programmes

As part of a world-renowned University, triple accredited ( AMBA , AACSB , and EQUIS ) and ranked 5 th in the UK for research power ( Times Higher Education , 2022) within Business and Management, our Business School provides a highly dynamic and supportive research environment for our large and diverse graduate community.

Our world-class research programmes offer:

  • Supervision from acclaimed academic faculty within a wider range of subject areas
  • Courses designed to expand your knowledge base and develop your research strategies
  • Dedicated, modern facilities with state-of-the-art databases and specialist resources
  • A peer network of students and inspiring alumni from across the globe
  • A vibrant research environment with regular seminars, masterclasses, and events allowing you to connect and learn from experts across the business world

PhD with Integrated Study in Accounting

Research an accounting topic such as the applications of accounting in society, or historical methods and strategies used by those practising in the profession.

PhD in Business Economics

Research a business economics topic by using quantitative methodologies and modelling techniques to solve problems relating to economics or finance.

PhD with Integrated Study in Finance

Research a financial topic such as behavioural finance, corporate finance and governance, or aspects affecting financial markets and institutions.

PhD in Financial Technology

Undertake a fully funded research opportunity in collaboration with one of our leading industry partners.

PhD with Integrated Study in Management

Research full time, or maintain your current role while studying part-time with our Professional Pathway option.

PhD in Management Science & Analytics

Research a management science and analytics topic. This highly analytical programme, integrates management science, decision analysis, business modelling, and data analytics.

PhD entry requirements

Learn more about the entry requirements for our PhD programmes.

Scholarships and funding

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Fully Funded PhD Programs in the United Kingdom

funded business phd uk

Last updated February 28, 2022

As part of the series on How to Fully Fund Your PhD , here is a list of PhD programs in the United Kingdom (UK) that offer full funding. Steeped in a rich history of academic excellence, the UK is known for its quality universities that are ranked highly in a variety of fields.

“Full funding” is a financial aid pack for students that includes full tuition remission and an annual stipend or salary for the duration of the student’s doctoral studies. Full funding is not universal, so it’s a good idea to research the financial aid offerings of all the potential PhD programs in your academic field, including small and lesser-known schools.

You can also find several external fellowships in the  ProFellow database  for graduate and doctoral study, including opportunities for funding for dissertation research, fieldwork, language study and summer work experiences.

Would you like to receive the full list of more than 1000+ fully funded programs in 60 disciplines? Download the FREE Directory of Fully Funded Graduate Programs and Full Funding Awards !

Imperial College Business School, PhD in Business (London, United Kingdom): Every student on the Doctoral programme is offered full funding, including a full tuition fee waiver (Home/EU or Overseas fees) plus a living stipend for up to five years. The Business School has the following research departments: Analytics & Operations, Economics & Public Policy, Finance, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Marketing, and Strategy & Organisational Behaviour.

London Business School, PhD in Business (London, United Kingdom): All students are fully funded on admission to the Programme. This includes a tuition fee waiver and a generous stipend.

University College London, PhD in Theoretical Neuroscience and Machine Learning (London, United Kingdom): Students at the Gatsby Unit study toward a PhD in either machine learning or theoretical neuroscience. Gatsby PhD studentships cover the cost of tuition at the appropriate rate and include a tax-free stipend of £22,500 per annum. Full funding is available to all students, regardless of nationality.

University of Liverpool, PhD in Clinical Psychology  (Liverpool, UK): Available to EU citizens only, the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology is a 3-year full-time programme fully funded by the National Health Service (NHS). Trainees are registered postgraduate students in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences and employed within Mersey Care NHS Trust.

University of St Andrews, School of Physics and Astronomy, PhD in Physics  (St Andrews, Scotland): Fully funded scholarships are available for students in all research areas of the school and last the duration of the degree. Studentships are also available to national and international students, and all awards include full payment of fees and a living stipend.

© Victoria Johnson 2020, all rights reserved.

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Fully Funded PhD Programs

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  • Postgraduate
  • PhD and Professional Doctorates

PhD opportunities

Fully funded phd studentships.

Our mission is to create lasting, meaningful change throughout the world, and with our funded PhD studentships, your research can be a key part of us achieving that goal.

What is a studentship?

A studentship is like a scholarship but for a research degree at the university, helping to fund your research project. Finance shouldn’t be a barrier to delivering world-leading research, that's why we run an annual fully funded PhD studentship competition, to recruit talented researchers from across the world.

Doctoral research that encourages change and produces real-world impacts is more important than ever. A doctoral degree is more than just a thesis: it is an opportunity to realise your potential as a researcher, to develop your passion and knowledge in a community that values progress. Get support for your research with a NTU Studentship.

Applications for our 2024 studentships have now closed. The scheme usually opens in October. Sign up for emails to be notified of the next release and to keep up to date with research funding.

Discover our PhD opportunities that drive innovation and delivers real-world impact. Browse our PhD projects, or submit your own proposal.

Professional Doctorates

Make an impact with world-leading and award-winning research at Nottingham Trent University.

PhD fees and funding

Find out more about the fees and funding options available for research study at Nottingham Trent University.

How to apply for a PhD

Everything you need to know about applying to study at the NTU Doctoral School.

Re:shaping re:search - why join NTU?

With world-class facilities, dedicated doctoral support, and a growing portfolio of interdisciplinary and collaborative research programmes — all delivered alongside our worldwide family of academic and industry partners — NTU is the place to truly re:alise your potential.

We offer a unique Doctoral Education, Training and Development programme to support the growth of all our doctoral candidates, in everything from academic writing and academic software to healthy research practices. We support our candidates throughout their doctoral journey, enabling them to reach their potential as experts in their field.

As a two-time recipient of the Queens Anniversary Prize — the most prestigious national award for research outputs — 86% of our work has been judged as ‘world-leading’or ‘internationally excellent.’* We want to continue building this reputation for research excellence by taking a themed approach to addressing the world’s most pressing problems — the key questions that span business, the arts, science, sustainability, healthcare, politics, and the environment. We’re calling this new approach Re:search Re:imagined

* Latest data, Research Excellence Framework 2021

A diverse community

"I chose to pursue a PhD because I've always been intellectually curious". Hear about Richards's doctoral experience.

We’re committed to removing barriers to doctoral education — an ambition reflected in the award of joint funding to improve access and participation for black, Asian and minority ethnic groups in PGR study. Our Doctoral School is a diverse and highly inclusive community; it enables its members to become confident, skilled researchers, regardless of their backgrounds.

Join us to help fulfil our boldest ambitions — to value ideas, create opportunities, embrace sustainability, empower people, enrich society, and connect on a global scale. We believe in applied, meaningful research that delivers better answers. Be part of a community that champions your voice and experience.

By breaking down the financial barriers to PhD study, our fully funded studentships ensure you’ll have the freedom and confidence to deliver the kind of research that truly matters.

Re:searchers Re:vealed

Here at NTU, our researchers come from a variety of backgrounds, and they all have a powerful story to tell. In this series, we share their stories.

Business Studies

Research by Cardiff Business School PhD students aims to make the world a better place

  • Career prospects
  • Fees and funding
  • Entry requirements

How to apply

In line with our Public Value ethos, our PhD in Business Studies is 3-year full-time program designed for highly qualified and motivated students who wish to research current and important problems and phenomena facing our economy and society.

We ensure that PhD students are fully integrated members of our research community. As a doctoral student, we will expect you to contribute fully to the advancement of knowledge within your chosen academic field.

As a PhD student, you will develop your knowledge and skills in research design, qualitative and quantitative research methods and research ethics. Subject experts will guide and supervise you during your PhD programme.

In addition to your thesis, an oral examination will form an integral part of the assessment of your doctoral research.

Applications for self-funded opportunities close on 31 May each year.

Mode of study Full-time, part-time
Qualification PhD
Full-time duration 3 years (PhD only) 4 years (MSc Research Methods + PhD)
Part-time duration We exceptionally consider part-time applications. Please contact the PhD Office for further information.
Start dates October

Our PhD Programme in Business Studies is structured over 3 years, full time .

For some applicants, and additional year of training may be necessary, depending on previous qualifications. Please find out more about these two structures below.

3-year full-time PhD structure

Candidates with strong evidence of research training acquired via previous Master-level degrees may be admitted directly to our 3-year PhD Programme.

Evidence of research training includes successful completion of taught modules on research design and methods, and successful completion of a Master dissertation based on original research, from Cardiff Business School or from another UK or international University with equivalent standing. Typically, students are interviewed by prospect supervisors before being offered a place.

The programme will start with PhD induction in September 2020, and you will be expected to submit your dissertation by the end of the third year. While most students complete within 3 years, the structure of our programme includes a 4 th year (with no fees) for thesis completion, referred to as ‘continuation year’.

We have a robust process for monitoring the progress of our PhD students throughout the programme. Each year, there will be two progress reviews, one in winter and one in summer, to support PhD students and ensure their projects are on track to deliver the expected results. Our progress review cycle is represented below.

Assessment for the PhD programme will consist of a Thesis of max 80,000 words and a Viva Voce Examination.

‘1+3’ Structure (Compulsory 1 year MSc SSRM + 3-year PhD)

Research training is increasingly being seen nationally and internationally as an important requirement for the successful completion of a doctoral thesis and Cardiff Business School places great store on this aspect of its Postgraduate Research Studies Programme.

For some applicants, admission to our PhD programme in Business and Management will be subject to successful completion of the MSc in Social Science Research Methods (SSRM) .

In particular, this applies to applicants who cannot provide evidence of robust research training as outlined above.

The ‘1+3’ structure involves one extra year of research training followed by three years' work on your PhD topic. The training in the first year includes general and subject-specific modules and leads to a Master's qualification in Social Science Research Methods.

Progression from MSc SSRM to the PhD Programme is not automatic but subject to specific criteria: successful completion of the research training, with an average mark 60% or higher, is compulsory in order for students to proceed to the research topic stage.

For the MSc in SSRM component of the programme, students will be assessed via a series of assignments for the taught-modules and based on a Dissertation of max 20,000 words.


A list of academic staff that can provide supervision can be found on the  Cardiff Business School website.

Students will be assessed on a Dissertation of 20,000 words for the MSc in Social Science Research Methods component of the programme.

Students will be assessed on a Thesis of 80,000 words and a Viva Voce Examination for the PhD component of the programme.

PhD Research at Cardiff Business School

To learn more about the PhD research at Cardiff Business School please explore the brochure of our Annual PhD Conference .

Our faculty expertise encompasses a significant range of topics and themes .

Accounting and finance

The Accounting and Finance Section at Cardiff Business School has an established and expanding worldwide reputation for conducting high quality theoretical and empirical research in accounting and finance and related fields.

Logistics and operations management

We aim to be the world's leading interdisciplinary teams of academics in advancing knowledge, theory and practice in logistics and operations management.

Management, employment and organisation

As well as promoting research of an international quality, the section aims to deliver research-led teaching of an outstanding quality and to provide a supportive environment for the development of academic researchers and educators.

Marketing and strategy

The Marketing and Strategy Section at Cardiff Business School undertakes and publishes innovative and original research on the formulation and implementation of effective market strategies at domestic and international levels.

Our PhD Programme in Business Studies is primarily designed for students seeking jobs in academia, but it also provides know-how that is appreciated by multinational companies, government agencies, financial institutions, consulting firms and international agencies.

At Cardiff Business School, we are proud to see our PhD graduates occupying prestigious academic positions in top Business Schools across UK, Europe, US, China, India and Australia.

In addition, our PhD graduates are currently employed in a range of non-academic institutions, including private companies, consultancy firms, research centres, governments, banks and other financial institutions.

During our PhD Programme, we will facilitate internships, interim work experiences, and international exchange opportunities that will contribute to your employability beyond the quality of your research.

UK government postgraduate doctoral loans

Candidates for the Professional Doctorate programme may be eligible to apply for a UK government postgraduate doctoral loan.

Each year a range of funded PhD studentships are available via the ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Partnership, Cardiff University, and a range of external sponsors.

See our latest PhD studentships and projects and find out more about other funding opportunities .

Tuition fees

Students from the uk.

Get the latest information on postgraduate fees.

Students from the EU, EEA and Switzerland

Students from the rest of the world (international), before applying.

  • Read carefully about our programme’s structure, entry criteria, funding opportunities
  • Explore our research and faculty, and identify potential supervisors to include in your application
  • Ensure that all documents required as part of your application are included

On the top-right corner on this page please select:

  • Qualification: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Mode of Study: Full Time

Click on apply now and complete the online application procedure

Application checklist

  • Introduction
  • Clear statement of research problem and research questions
  • Review of key literature
  • Proposed methodology
  • Proposed contribution (why your research is valuable and to whom)
  • If English is not your first language, proficiency of English language  certificate (IELTS etc.) – see attachment for full details
  • Copies of both master's and bachelor's degree certificates and transcripts
  • Two academic references
  • Academic CV

It’s very important that you provide all the relevant information when you apply as incomplete applications will not be considered.

After your application

Applications will be vetted by the PhD Office and reviewed by the PhD Director. Applicants who do not meet the necessary entry requirements will be rejected outright, and cannot re-apply for the same start date.

Applications from candidates who meet the entry requirements will be shared with potential supervisors, and all academics at Cardiff Business School. Once supervisors express interest towards a candidate, a supervisory panel is formed and an offer can be issued.

Entry requirements for the 3-year full-time PhD Programme

  • A specialist Master-level degree in Business, Management, Social Sciences or related subjects, from an internationally renowned University of comparable or higher standing than Cardiff Business School.
  • A minimum of 60% grades for a UK master’s degree, or the equivalent grading for international degrees.
  • Evidence of previous research training, including attending research-focussed taught modules and submitting a research-based Master dissertation.

As part of your application process you will have to submit a research proposal demonstrating the intellectual ability to identify viable research questions and a potential to develop a valuable contribution to knowledge in your elected area.

Entry requirements for the ‘1+3’ structure (MSc + PhD)

For example:

marks between 50% and 60%, and/or

insufficient evidence of robust research training, and/or

degree from a University without a strong international status

An upper second-class honours degree (2:1 in UK or equivalent) in Business, Management, Social Sciences and related subjects, from an internationally renowned University.

English language requirements

For September 2023 entry IELTS with an overall score of 6.5 with 5.5 in all subskills, or equivalent. You must submit your achieved and valid English language evidence with your application. Please note that English language tests must be no more than 2 years old at the start of the programme.

Please read our English language requirements for more details.

Administrative contact(s)

Phd programme office, cardiff business school.

Administrative contact

Admissions policies Chevron right

Student searching for funding on a tablet

PhD Studentships and projects

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Related links

  • Postgraduate tuition fees Chevron right
  • Admissions criteria for postgraduate study Chevron right
  • Information for your country Chevron right


Be part of a thriving postgraduate community in a university known internationally for outstanding research and teaching.

Postgraduate prospectus 2024

2024 postgraduate prospectus

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Alliance Manchester Business School - AMBS

PhD Funding and Studentships

There are a number of sources of PhD degree funding available including doctoral loans, PhD scholarships and studentships.

We also encourage you to approach other sources (such as your home government, Ministry of Education or employer) to enquire if they have any funding schemes available to which you can apply. 

Contact the Doctoral Academy: [email protected] +44 (0)161 275 1200

Funding your programme

Funding your programme will be a crucial factor in your decision to apply for a postgraduate research degree, so the earlier you consider your funding options, the better.

Once you have determined your funding intentions, you should be ready to submit your programme application. Section 9 of the application requests your intended funding sources. In this section, you should detail fully all the competitions in which you would like to be considered.

The section first asks 'Have you secured or do you intend to apply for funding to cover the cost of your studies?'. If you are self-funding, you may select 'no'.

If you would like to apply for funding, you must select 'yes' and provide the details of your funding intentions. If you intend to apply for multiple competitions, all must be detailed in section 9 to ensure you are included. There is no limit to the number of competitions you may enter.

To enter an internal competition, please add a funding source, and populate the fields as shown below:

  • Type of Funding: Uni of Manchester Scheme
  • Awarding Body: In the free text box, enter the name of the funding competition (e.g. 'Humanitarian Scholarship')
  • Status of Funding: Intend to Apply

The remainder of the boxes may be left blank. Please give any further relevant details in the 'any other comments' box. Select Add+ to detail further competitions.

Funding opportunities

Read more information about postgraduate research studentships and funding >>

Take the next steps...

  • How to apply for a PhD


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PhD Scholarships in Business and Management

We are delighted to offer scholarship opportunities to talented applicants for the academic years 2024/25 to support and develop outstanding academic research. A scholarship is a form of financial aid awarded to exceptional PhD students.  

Huddersfield Business School Open Scholarship 2024/2025

Hbs open scholarship 2024/2025.

Find out how to apply for our 2024/2025 HBS Open Scholarship. This is open to both UK and international candidates.

Chancellor's Anniversary Scholarships

These competitive 100% tuition fee waiver scholarships within Huddersfield Business School are open exclusively to UK resident candidates.  

We support excellent research by inviting applications from exceptional candidates to apply for a Huddersfield Business School Open Scholarship (six scholarships are available for 2024/25).

This scholarship covers a full fee waiver for all successful applicants, and an annual stipend of £3,500 (FT PGRs), which is reduced to 50% (i.e., £1,750 annually) for PT PGRs. The stipend is subject to PGR candidates making satisfactory academic progress and engaging fully with the research programme.

Successful candidates will be selected on a competitive basis following our selection procedure. They will be eligible to enrol on a research degree without any tuition fees for the standard registration period only. Fees will be waived for up to the first three years of full-time study for full-time postgraduate research candidates. Applicant fees will be waived for up to six years of part-time study.

The scholarship will not apply to any research undertaken outside of this standard registration period, including any write-up period.

  • Successful applicants are required to undertake their research degree on a full-time basis or part-time basis.
  • They are also required to contribute up to 6 hours of teaching-related activities per week (subject to a maximum of 270 hours per year), subject to successful completion of the Teaching Assistant Preparation Programme (TAPP) and other necessary training.

Application Process:

Complete our  online research degree application form  to apply. Please make it clear on your application that you wish to be considered for our HBS Open Scholarship. 

The application process requires all applicants to provide a cover letter, a CV, a research proposal, an MSc mark transcript and two letters from referees which should all be received before the application closing date. Failure to provide supporting documents by the closing date will make candidates ineligible for consideration for the award of the HBS Open Scholarship.

The cover letter should set out reasons why applicants should be considered for this award. This should outline how the proposed research and outcomes from the research would contribute to one of Huddersfield Business School’s research themes or subject specialisms, and the qualities that an applicant would bring to enable them to contribute to the research communities within Huddersfield Business School.  

The research proposal should include the following:

  • Proposed title indicating relevant areas of research
  • An introduction to the topic or area of the proposed research
  • Review of previous work within this field of research
  • Aims and objectives of the research
  • Methodology and proposed data
  • List of references

The scholarships award committee will focus on areas such as the provision of a clear contribution and identification of a research gap, originality of research, rigour, command of the subject area, and use of suitable methods.

Applicants should also provide the names and contact details of two academic referees who will be able to provide references. Applicants for the Open Scholarship are not  required to be graduates of the University of Huddersfield but  must hold a distinction at Master’s level of study.

A shortlist of candidates will be prepared from the pool of applicants, in line with Huddersfield Business School PGR Scholarships selection criteria, who will be invited to attend an interview with a panel of academic staff. Successful candidates will be notified following this process.

The HBS Open Scholarship is open to all national and international applicants on a competitive basis following the selection criteria as outlined above. Applications are invited for doctoral study in suitable areas within business, management, economics and econometrics, and law.

Successful candidates are eligible to enrol on a research degree without any tuition fees for the standard registration period only. Fees will be waived for up to the first three years of full-time study for full-time postgraduate research candidates. Fees would be waived for up to six years of part time study. The scholarship will not apply to any research undertaken outside of this standard registration period, including any write up period.

To be considered for the scheme, ensure you meet the application deadlines:   




Any queries should please be sent to:

Chancellor’s Anniversary Tuition Fee Waiver Scholarships for Postgraduate Research in Business and Law Available only for home (UK residents) 

We are seeking the very best graduates from across the UK to participate in our Chancellor’s Anniversary Scholarships Scheme, which gives those selected access to a full tuition waiver on their research degree.

To celebrate 200 years of the University of Huddersfield, which in 1825 was established as The Science and Mechanics Institute, we are awarding up to 60 Chancellor’s Anniversary Scholarships across all PhD disciplines.

These scholarships are available across all academic disciplines for research undertaken on either a full-time or part-time basis where there is sufficient supervisory capacity.

Our Chancellor’s Anniversary Scholarships are available for the standard registration period only; for doctoral awards this will be either 3 years full-time or 6 years part-time. The scholarship will not apply to any research undertaken outside of this standard registration period, including any write up period.

Eligibility criteria

Our Chancellor’s Anniversary Scholarships Scheme is a competitive application process open to home (UK resident) candidates and to be eligible you must have achieved one of the following:

  • 2:1 honours degree or above;
  • Distinction at taught Master’s;
  • Master’s by Research degree and have a letter of recommendation from your supervisor.

All eligible candidates will be subject to interview as part of the selection process.

This scholarship applies to eligible research degrees for 2024/25 and is open to home candidates (UK only).

Research degrees include the following awards; PhD, Professional Doctorates, Master’s of Arts by Research, and Master’s of Science by Research.

How to apply

To apply, complete our online research degree application form. Please make clear on your application that you wish to be considered for our Chancellor’s Anniversary Scholarship Scheme.

For more information on applying, please visit our   how to apply for a research degree   page.

The University of Huddersfield reserves the right to vary or withdraw the waiver at any point in future academic years.

All scholarship students must successfully complete progression monitoring at the end of each academic year to continue the scholarship award.

If you have any queries or require further information please contact:

Business PhD topics and supervisors

Click here to download a list of research topic outlines and supervisors for PhDs at Huddersfield Business School.

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Explore our academic expertise across a range of disciplines and specialities using our database.

funded business phd uk

British steel to cut 2,500 jobs despite £600m taxpayer-funded green initiative

A planned strike by workers at Tata Steel’s Port Talbot plant, which was scheduled to commence next Monday, has been suspended following high-level negotiations over the weekend.

British Steel is set to close its blast furnaces in Scunthorpe by the end of the year, placing 2,500 jobs in jeopardy. The move comes as the Chinese-owned company seeks to accelerate its transition to greener steel production, despite having received £600 million in taxpayer support.

The company is in talks with the UK government to cut coking coal imports, originally planned to continue for another two years, as part of its £1.3 billion decarbonisation strategy. This could lead to the replacement of the three million tonnes of steel produced in Scunthorpe with imports from China, potentially signalling the end of large-scale UK steel production.

British Steel, purchased by China’s Jingye Group in 2020, has been struggling financially, reportedly losing £1 million per day. While the company had initially planned to keep the blast furnaces operational during the construction of a new electric-arc furnace in Teesside—an initiative that would have preserved jobs—the revised plan now threatens significant job losses.

Union leaders expressed their outrage, with Charlotte Brumpton-Childs of GMB stating that the early closure of the Scunthorpe furnaces would be devastating for both the local community and the workforce. Unions claim they were not consulted about the latest developments and are demanding immediate engagement with British Steel and the government to safeguard jobs.

The closure comes amid broader concerns about the strategic implications of losing domestic steel production, which plays a crucial role in the UK’s construction, rail, and energy sectors. British Steel’s output is vital for projects ranging from nuclear reactors to wind turbines, raising concerns about the UK’s reliance on foreign steel.

Labour’s recent talks with Jingye over a potential rescue deal have added a political dimension to the issue. Critics, including Kevin Hollinrake, the shadow business secretary, have accused Labour of betraying the UK steel industry by supporting the shift towards imported steel, despite promises to invest in domestic production.

The government’s decision on British Steel’s decarbonisation plans and the future of its Scunthorpe operations is still pending, leaving thousands of jobs and the future of UK steelmaking hanging in the balance.

Business Matters

Business Matters

funded business phd uk

We have 171 fully funded PhD for international students PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

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fully funded PhD for international students PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

Zenith phd project: elastic tailoring of composite winglet-wing systems for enhanced performance, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

PhD Programmes in Business and Management

Funded phd programme (students worldwide).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities and you should read the full programme details for further information.

Business Research Programme

Business Research Programmes present a range of research opportunities, shaped by a university’s particular expertise, facilities and resources. You will usually identify a suitable topic for your PhD and propose your own project. Additional training and development opportunities may also be offered as part of your programme.

Sensing wastewater for real-time public health PhD

Funded phd project (uk students only).

This research project has funding attached. It is only available to UK citizens or those who have been resident in the UK for a period of 3 years or more. Some projects, which are funded by charities or by the universities themselves may have more stringent restrictions.

PhD in International Business and Strategy at Henley Business School

Seven university of bath fully funded studentships in sustainable aerospace materials and structures starting september 2024., epsrc centre for doctoral training.

EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training conduct research and training in priority areas funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. Potential PhD topics are usually defined in advance. Students may receive additional training and development opportunities as part of their programme.

Making Additive Manufacturing Sustainable Using Functionalised Coatings (Fully Funded PhD)

Arts and humanities postgraduate research, university of glasgow, arts research programme.

Arts Research Programmes present a range of research opportunities, shaped by a university’s particular expertise, facilities and resources. You will usually identify a suitable topic for your PhD and propose your own project. Additional training and development opportunities may also be offered as part of your programme.

School of Law PhD Programmes (PhD in Law, and PhD in Criminology)

Funded phd programme (european/uk students only).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. It is available to citizens of a number of European countries (including the UK). In most cases this will include all EU nationals. However full funding may not be available to all applicants and you should read the full programme details for further information.

Law Research Programme

Law Research Programmes present a range of research opportunities, shaped by a university’s particular expertise, facilities and resources. You will usually identify a suitable topic for your PhD and propose your own project. Additional training and development opportunities may also be offered as part of your programme.

Understanding Material Dissolution in Aqueous Environments for Fusion Applications

Fully funded phd studentships at the epsrc centre for doctoral training in statistics and operational research in partnership with industry (stor-i), next-generation low-carbon cement wasteforms for safe disposal of radioactive waste, economics phd studentships, ahrc collaborative doctoral partnership (cdp) studentship – “second life: understanding deterioration of recycled plastics in museum collections” with victoria and albert museum, fully funded phd studentship: 2d material enhanced atr and raman chips for biomedical sensing applications, competition funded phd project (european/uk students only).

This project is in competition for funding with other projects. Usually the project which receives the best applicant will be successful. Unsuccessful projects may still go ahead as self-funded opportunities.

Optimisation of additive manufacturing process using data-driven machine-learning approach (Fully Funded PhD)

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funded business phd uk

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  1. Fully Funded Phd Programs In Management Uk

    funded business phd uk

  2. Business School Fully-Funded PhD Studentships for UK and EU Students

    funded business phd uk

  3. Fully funded PhD vs Self funded PhD & Direct PhD from UK

    funded business phd uk

  4. Fully Funded PhD Studentship at Aston University College of Business

    funded business phd uk

  5. 7 Tips To Getting A Funded PhD in the UK

    funded business phd uk

  6. Fully Funded PhD Programs In Marketing

    funded business phd uk


  1. PhD Programme

    Our fully-funded PhD programme provides students with the opportunity to conduct their own research in a world-leading university, finding solutions to key challenges in modern business. As a Business School, we rank first in the UK for research environment and second for management and business students, while Imperial College London ranks ...

  2. MRes/PhD Business & Management

    The core benefits of our PhD programme include: A fully-funded programme and an annual stipend of approximately £21,000 per annum. An inspirational learning experience in a world-class interdisciplinary environment, working alongside the brightest scholars and learning from leading academics from across the globe.

  3. PhD

    A PhD at London Business School sets you on the path to an excellent academic career and a faculty position at a world-class business school or university. ... All students offered a place on the PhD programme receive full funding, which includes a tax-free stipend of £29,700 for five years and a tuition fee waiver.

  4. Business & Management (fully funded) PhD Projects

    University of Stirling Stirling Management School. This exciting and prestigious PhD Studentship, fully funded by the University of Stirling, will consider how 'enterprise ecosystems' utilise water resources to help drive innovation for sustainable and inclusive economic development across six key business sectors. Read more.

  5. PhD in Management

    Overview. Start date: September 2024 Duration: 5 years (1 year MRes + 4 years PhD) Fees: We offer fully funded scholarships to all admitted students Application deadline: 01 February 2024 (17:00 UK time). A late submission window closes on 05 April 2024 (17:00 UK time), although we encourage you to apply early as places are limited and applications are subject to close sooner if places are filled.

  6. PhD & research masters

    Our PhD programme at Cambridge Judge Business School, starts with one of our 9-month research masters degrees, followed by a PhD degree of 3-4 years. ... We offer scholarships for UK and EU research students, funded by the UK's Economic and Social Science Research Council (ESRC). The wider University of Cambridge offers additional funding ...

  7. PhD Business and Management

    The current deadline for consideration in internal funding competitions is 15 March 2024. ... Ranked 3rd in the UK for research power 'Business and Management Studies' in the REF2021. Loading ... PhD (full-time) UK students (per annum): £4,786 International, including EU, students (per annum): £21,000 ...

  8. Business & Management (fully funded) PhD Projects

    Fully Funded PhD opportunities in Business, Economics and Finance Sciences. Business, Economics and Finance Sciences are included in Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland, which is regarded to be the first research university in Poland among universities of technology according to domestic rankings. Read more.

  9. Management (fully funded) PhD Projects, Programmes

    University of Stirling Stirling Management School. This exciting and prestigious PhD Studentship, fully funded by the University of Stirling, will consider how 'enterprise ecosystems' utilise water resources to help drive innovation for sustainable and inclusive economic development across six key business sectors. Read more.

  10. Business and Management PhD

    Business and Management PhD. Our programme aims to develop rigorous scholars who can advance both academic knowledge and business practice. You are currently viewing course information for entry year: 2024-25. Start date (s): September 2024. January 2025. View course information for 2025-26. Fees and funding. Entry requirements.

  11. PhD Management and Business

    Management and Business. This programme has a dual-focus on subject-specific knowledge and methods training, which will give you the intellectual foundation to ask cutting-edge questions and then conduct high-quality research to address those questions under close expert supervision. Apply. Research brochure. Register for updates.

  12. Doctoral opportunities

    If you apply for a place in one of our PhD programs in 2024/25 by 15 March 2024, you may be eligible for one of 18 fully-funded PhD scholarships, including three aligned with the World of Work Institute, the Centre for Business Ethics and Sustainability, and Henley Africa.

  13. Funded PhD research programmes 2025 UK

    The funding for the PhD usually covers the full fee and a stipend at the UKRI rate plus an allowance of £1,500 per year for researcher training for three years (or part-time equivalent). Successful candidates benefit from expert supervisory teams, a programme of postgraduate researcher development workshops and membership of specialist ...

  14. PhD

    Our doctoral programmes As part of a world-renowned University, triple accredited (AMBA, AACSB, and EQUIS) and ranked 5 th in the UK for research power (Times Higher Education, 2022) within Business and Management, our Business School provides a highly dynamic and supportive research environment for our large and diverse graduate community.Our world-class research programmes offer:

  15. Fully Funded PhD Programs in the United Kingdom

    Pursue a funded Ph.D. in Accounting at the Imperial College Business School in London. Last updated February 28, 2022. As part of the series on How to Fully Fund Your PhD, here is a list of PhD programs in the United Kingdom (UK) that offer full funding.Steeped in a rich history of academic excellence, the UK is known for its quality universities that are ranked highly in a variety of fields.

  16. Fully funded PhD studentships

    A studentship is like a scholarship but for a research degree at the university, helping to fund your research project. Finance shouldn't be a barrier to delivering world-leading research, that's why we run an annual fully funded PhD studentship competition, to recruit talented researchers from across the world.

  17. Business Studies

    Research by Cardiff Business School PhD students aims to make the world a better place. In line with our Public Value ethos, our PhD in Business Studies is 3-year full-time program designed for highly qualified and motivated students who wish to research current and important problems and phenomena facing our economy and society.

  18. fully funded PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK

    Open to UK students and international students. Fully Funded. 3.5 years of Home tuition fees (currently £5,860/year) and a tax-free maintenance stipend of £24,000 per year. Read more. Supervisor: Dr A Leung. Year round applications PhD Research Project Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide) More Details.

  19. PhD Funding & Studentships

    We also encourage you to approach other sources (such as your home government, Ministry of Education or employer) to enquire if they have any funding schemes available to which you can apply. Contact the Doctoral Academy: [email protected]. +44 (0)161 275 1200.

  20. PhD Scholarships in Business and Management

    Find out more. We support excellent research by inviting applications from exceptional candidates to apply for a Huddersfield Business School Open Scholarship (six scholarships are available for 2024/25). This scholarship covers a full fee waiver for all successful applicants, and an annual stipend of £3,500 (FT PGRs), which is reduced to 50% ...

  21. PhD programmes in Business Administration in United Kingdom

    PhD programmes in Business Administration in United Kingdom. Programmes Universities Scholarships. Page 1 | 96 PhDs. Filters 2. Filters 2. 96 PhDs. Sort . Our picks; Lowest tuition Fee; Filters Sort . Show 96 results. Business and Management Studies. Ph.D. / Full-time, Part-time / On Campus. 20,624 EUR / year.

  22. PhD Programmes, Research Projects & Studentships in the UK & Europe

    Applications close 31st August. PhD & postgraduate research degrees at the University of Strathclyde. Explore PhD opportunities within the Institute for Digital Technologies. PhD Studentship opportunities in the College of Business and Social Sciences. CTP-SAI four-year studentships for October 2024.

  23. 3 ways to tackle small business travel expenses

    How Funding Circle Can Help At Funding Circle, our FlexiPay product gives small businesses ultimate flexibility when it comes to managing their expenses and cash flow. This rolling line of credit, which comes with a business credit card, lets you spread the cost of your travel expenses - and almost any other business payment - over 1, 3, 6 ...

  24. British steel to cut 2,500 jobs despite £600m taxpayer-funded green

    British Steel is set to close its blast furnaces in Scunthorpe by the end of the year, placing 2,500 jobs in jeopardy. The move comes as the Chinese-owned company seeks to accelerate its transition to greener steel production, despite having received £600 million in taxpayer support. The company is ...

  25. fully funded PhD for international students PhD Projects

    Making Additive Manufacturing Sustainable Using Functionalised Coatings (Fully Funded PhD) Eligibility. Open to UK students and international students. Fully Funded. 3 years of Home tuition fees (currently £5,860/year) and a tax-free maintenance stipend of £24,000 per year.