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How to Write a Cover Letter

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Home  »  Free Resources  » Cover Letter Templates » Word Cover Letters

Free Word Cover Letter Templates

Enhance your job application with our exclusive collection of Word cover letter templates. These professionally designed cover letter templates for Word are user-friendly and customizable to fit your unique career story. We craft each template in Microsoft Word .docx format to ensure ease of editing and compatibility.

The cover letter templates available on this page are free to download and designed to complement our wide range of Word resume templates . This means you can create a cohesive and professional application package with matching designs. With our cover letter templates for Word, you can stand out in the competitive job market. Download your preferred template today and start crafting a compelling cover letter that aligns with your professional aspirations.

New Cover Letter Templates for 2024

Effective Cover Letter Template

Modern Layout

Word Cover Letter Template

Perfect cover letter template

ATS Cover Letter

Cover Letter Template for Job Application

Cover Letter with Photo

Cover letter template downloads for word.

Cover letter with photo

Cover Letter Templates by Profession

Here you can find cover letter templates designed for specific professions. If you are looking for more examples take a look at our inventory of cover letter examples by profession.

Registered nurse cover letter

Other Cover Letter Formats Available

We have got you covered if you require cover letter templates in a file format other than Word.

Google Docs

Google Docs

Apple Pages resumes

Apple Pages

PowerPoint resumes

Do I Need a Cover Letter?

Cover letters enable you to explain things you may not be able to in the resume, for example to explain a gap in work history, or your reason for a sudden career change, or if you have any connections to the company and need to name drop.

If you want to be the chosen one for the job you’re applying for, make sure to always keep in mind the following: crafting a personalized cover letter tailored to the company’s needs is crucial. Trust me, it will make you stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of landing that dream job!

Why Choose Our Word Cover Letter Templates?

Choosing our cover letters offers several advantages that can significantly enhance your job application process. Firstly, these templates are professionally designed, ensuring that your cover letter will have a polished and sophisticated appearance.

Another key benefit is the ease of customization. Our user-friendly cover letter templates allow you to modify various elements like color schemes, fonts, and layout to fit your personal style while maintaining a professional look. This flexibility ensures that your cover letter will be both unique and relevant to the position you are applying for.

In addition, these templates are designed to complement our range of Word resume templates, providing a cohesive and coordinated application package. This consistency in design between your cover letter and resume can demonstrate your attention to detail and organizational skills, traits highly valued by employers.

Finally, our cover letter templates for Word are easy to download and edit. They are compatible with Microsoft Word, a widely used and familiar software, which makes the process of editing and personalizing your cover letter straightforward, even for those with basic computer skills.

By choosing our Word cover letter templates, you’re equipping yourself with a tool that enhances your ability to present a professional, customized, and coherent job application, increasing your chances of making a strong impression on potential employers.

How to Create a Unique Cover Letter by Using Template?

Creating a unique cover letter using a Word cover letter template is a straightforward yet creative process that begins with selecting the right template. Opt for a template that aligns with your industry and professional level, and ensure it has a matching cover letter template to maintain consistency in design and formatting.

Once you’ve chosen the template, start personalizing it. The key to a standout cover letter is making it uniquely yours. Edit the color scheme, fonts, and layout to reflect your personal brand while keeping it professional.

Next, focus on the content. Tailor your cover letter to the specific job and company you’re applying for. Use the template as a guide, but ensure your personality and career achievements shine through. Highlight relevant experiences, skills, and why you are the ideal candidate for the role. The goal is to make a compelling case for why you’re a great fit, using clear, concise, and engaging language.

Finally, proofread your cover letter thoroughly. A well-designed cover letter can lose its effectiveness if it contains typos or grammatical errors. Consider getting a second pair of eyes to review it for errors and to provide feedback on the overall flow and impact of your letter.

By carefully selecting and customizing your Word cover letter template and focusing on writing your cover letter , you can create a unique cover letter in Word that not only complements your resume but also captures the attention of potential employers.

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Free Cover Letter Templates for Microsoft Word

formal cover letter template word

  • Microsoft Word Cover Letter Templates
  • Access Letters From Your Computer

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  • Create a Customized Cover Letter

Tips for Writing an Interview-Winning Cover Letter

  • More Free Templates

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A good cover letter can mean the difference between catching the hiring manager’s attention and languishing in job search limbo. But many job seekers find it hard to stare down that blank page. How do you summarize your most important qualifications in a way that makes it clear that you’re the best candidate for the job? Cover letter templates can help.

A cover letter template provides a "fill-in the-blank" format. You can use it to create your own letter to send with your resume when you apply for a job.

Using a template saves you a few steps and helps you structure your letter in a professional way.

Free Microsoft cover letter templates are available online from Microsoft Office Online, as a download for Microsoft Word users, or are available within your Word program.

Note that not all templates may work with all versions of Word, so check before you download. There will be a message next to the download button advising if there are restrictions.

Not a Microsoft user? Google Docs also has  free template samples  available for letters and resumes. Using any of these templates can help you to feel confident that you are properly writing and  formatting your cover letter .

Free Microsoft Word Cover Letter Templates

There are a variety of templates available for Microsoft Word. Template options include  general cover letters  and both job- and career-specific cover letter samples. For example, there are cover letter templates for professionals, temporary workers, and candidates who are sending in their resumes unsolicited.

Microsoft Word also offers a variety of different cover letter template designs, with resume templates to match. Note that if you choose one of these fancier template designs, you’ll want to choose a resume template to match.

Be consistent in your application materials, whether it’s matching your cover letter to your resume or choosing a font or format. That way, hiring managers can focus on your work experience—not your stylistic choices.

Access Cover Letters From Your Computer

Open Microsoft Word, then click on:

Then, search for online templates by typing your keywords (e.g., “cover letter”) in the field provided. You can also click on the "Resumes and Cover Letters" category to get more options. Review the available options and choose the design you like best.

If you don’t own a copy of Microsoft Office or a subscription to Microsoft 365, you can still access  cover letter templates . These templates are free and editable online.

Visit the  Microsoft Cover Letter Templates  website, browse the cover letter templates, then click on the title to preview the sample. You'll need to sign up for a free account to edit the document.

Once you find a template you like, click Edit In Browser, then follow the instructions to customize and save your cover letter. There are also sets, which include matching resumes and cover letters, available to use.

Use the Template to Create a Customized Cover Letter

Once you have downloaded or opened  a cover letter template file , type over the text in the file to create your own  personalized cover letter .

The template will include all the relevant information that you need to include in your document. Simply change the generic version to include your personal and professional information.

It's a good idea to include additional details about your qualifications and experience. Take the time to  match your qualifications to the job description . Include  keywords related to your skills and achievements.

To  customize your cover letter  further, look for a contact person at the company, ideally the hiring manager or HR contact, and address the letter to this person. If you have an employee contact at the company who is willing to refer you, be sure to mention them in the first paragraph of your cover letter. Employee referrals carry a lot of weight with hiring managers.

Double-check to make sure there is none of the template information left in your final saved version. Finally, carefully proofread for grammar and typographical errors before saving and sending your cover letter.

To avoid sending a blank template or the wrong version of your cover letter,  choose a file name  that’s easy to remember. It should always include your name and may also contain the name of the position for which you’re applying. 

Avoid version numbers and cutesy nicknames when choosing a file name for your resume.

  • Send one.  Even when an employer does not directly ask for one, be sure  always to send a cover letter . The only time you don’t want to send one is when the job listing says not to.
  • Review examples . Review cover letter examples and tips for how to write a cover letter , so yours makes the best impression.
  • Customize each letter.  It might seem tedious, be it is important to  customize each cover letter  to fit the specific job you are applying for. It will make your letter stand out.
  • Highlight relevant qualifications.  In your cover letter, address one or two skills or qualifications that you have that match the job description. Provide a specific example of a time you demonstrated each of these qualifications. These examples will make your cover letter different from your resume, which is important.
  • Explain any potential issues.  You can use your cover letter to go into detail about something in your resume that needs explaining. For example, a cover letter is a good place to talk about a  career shift  or  explain an extended gap in employment .
  • Carefully edit your letter.  Be sure to edit each cover letter before sending it thoroughly. Consider asking a friend or family member, or a  career counselor , to read over your cover letter.

More Templates for Resumes and Letters

Microsoft letter templates are available as a free download for Microsoft Word users or are available within your Word program, to use to create a variety of letters. There are letter templates for cover letters,  resignation letters ,  reference letters , thank you letters, interview letters, and a variety of business letters.

Additionally,  Microsoft resume templates  are available as a free download for Microsoft Word users to use to create a resume. Microsoft Word resume options include basic resumes, job-specific resumes, and career-specific resumes.

How to Write a Cover Letter [Full Guide & Examples for 2024]

Background Image

After weeks of heavy job searching, you’re almost there!

You’ve perfected your resume.

You’ve short-listed the coolest jobs you want to apply for.

You’ve even had a friend train you for every single interview question out there.

But then, before you can send in your application and call it a day, you remember that you need to write a cover letter too.

So now, you’re stuck staring at a blank page, wondering where to start...

Don’t panic! We’ve got you covered. Writing a cover letter is a lot simpler than you might think. 

In this guide, we’re going to teach you how to write a cover letter that gets you the job you deserve.

We're going to cover:

What Is a Cover Letter?

  • How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter, Step by Step
  • 15+ Job-Winning Cover Letter Examples

Let’s get started.

A cover letter is a document that you submit as part of your job application, alongside your resume or CV.

The purpose of a cover letter is to introduce you and briefly summarize your professional background. On average, it should be around 250 to 400 words long .

A good cover letter is supposed to impress the hiring manager and convince them you’re worth interviewing as a candidate.

So, how can your cover letter achieve this?

First of all, it should complement your resume, not copy it. Your cover letter is your chance to elaborate on important achievements, skills, or anything else that your resume doesn’t give you the space to cover. 

For example, if you have an employment gap on your resume, the cover letter is a great place to explain why it happened and how it helped you grow as a person. 

If this is your first time writing a cover letter, writing about yourself might seem complicated. But don’t worry—you don’t need to be super creative or even a good writer .

All you have to do is follow this tried and tested cover letter structure:

structure of a cover letter

  • Header. Add all the necessary contact information at the top of your cover letter.
  • Formal greeting. Choose an appropriate way to greet your target audience.
  • Introduction. Introduce yourself in the opening paragraph and explain your interest in the role.
  • Body. Elaborate on why you’re the best candidate for the job and a good match for the company. Focus on “selling” your skills, achievements, and relevant professional experiences.
  • Conclusion. Summarize your key points and wrap it up professionally.

Now, let’s take a look at an example of a cover letter that follows our structure perfectly:

How to Write a Cover Letter

New to cover letter writing? Give our cover letter video a watch before diving into the article!

When Should You Write a Cover Letter?

You should always include a cover letter in your job application, even if the hiring manager never reads it. Submitting a cover letter is as important as submitting a resume if you want to look like a serious candidate.

If the employer requests a cover letter as part of the screening process, not sending one is a huge red flag and will probably get your application tossed into the “no” pile immediately.

On the other hand, if the job advertisement doesn’t require a cover letter from the candidates, adding one shows you went the extra mile.

Putting in the effort to write a cover letter can set you apart from other candidates with similar professional experience and skills, and it could even sway the hiring manager to call you for an interview if you do it right.

Need to write a letter to help get you into a good school or volunteer program? Check out our guide to learn how to write a motivation letter !

How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter

Now that you know what a cover letter is, it’s time to learn how to write one!

We’ll go through the process in detail, step by step.

#1. Choose the Right Cover Letter Template

A good cover letter is all about leaving the right first impression.

So, what’s a better way to leave a good impression than a well-formatted, stylish template?

cover letter templates for 2024

Just choose one of our hand-picked cover letter templates , and you’ll be all set in no time!

As a bonus, our intuitive AI will even give you suggestions on how to improve your cover letter as you write it. You’ll have the perfect cover letter done in minutes!

cover letter templates

#2. Put Contact Information in the Header

As with a resume, it’s important to start your cover letter with your contact details at the top. These should be in your cover letter’s header, separated neatly from the bulk of your text.

Contact Information on Cover Letter

Here, you want to include all the essential contact information , including:

  • Full Name. Your first and last name should stand out at the top.
  • Job Title. Match the professional title underneath your name to the exact job title of the position you’re applying for. Hiring managers often hire for several roles at once, so giving them this cue about what role you’re after helps things go smoother.
  • Email Address. Always use a professional and easy-to-spell email address. Ideally, it should combine your first and last names.
  • Phone Number. Add a number where the hiring manager can easily reach you.
  • Location. Add your city and state/country, no need for more details.
  • Relevant Links (optional). You can add links to websites or social media profiles that are relevant to your field. Examples include a LinkedIn profile , Github, or an online portfolio.

Then it’s time to add the recipient’s contact details, such as:

  • Hiring Manager's Name. If you can find the name of the hiring manager, add it.
  • Hiring Manager's Title. While there’s no harm in writing “hiring manager,” if they’re the head of the department, we recommend you use that title accordingly.
  • Company Name. Make sure to write the name of the company you're applying to.
  • Location. The city and state/country are usually enough information here, too.
  • Date of Writing (Optional). You can include the date you wrote your cover letter for an extra professional touch.

matching resume and cover letter

#3. Address the Hiring Manager

Once you’ve properly listed all the contact information, it’s time to start writing the content of the cover letter.

The first thing you need to do here is to address your cover letter directly to the hiring manager.

In fact, you want to address the hiring manager personally .

Forget the old “Dear Sir or Madam” or the impersonal “To Whom It May Concern.” You want to give your future boss a good impression and show them that you did your research before sending in your application.

No one wants to hire a job seeker who just spams 20+ companies and hopes something sticks with their generic approach

So, how do you find out who’s the hiring manager?

First, check the job ad. The hiring manager’s name might be listed somewhere in it.

If that doesn’t work, check the company’s LinkedIn page. You just need to look up the head of the relevant department you’re applying to, and you’re all set.

For example, if you’re applying for the position of Communication Specialist at Novorésumé. The hiring manager is probably the Head of Communications or the Chief Communications Officer.

Here’s what you should look for on LinkedIn:

linkedin search cco

And there you go! You have your hiring manager.

But let’s say you’re applying for a position as a server . In that case, you’d be looking for the “restaurant manager” or “food and beverage manager.”

If the results don’t come up with anything, try checking out the “Team” page on the company website; there’s a good chance you’ll at least find the right person there.

Make sure to address them as Mr. or Ms., followed by their last name. If you’re not sure about their gender or marital status, you can just stick to their full name, like so:

  • Dear Mr. Kurtuy,
  • Dear Andrei Kurtuy,

But what if you still can’t find the hiring manager’s name, no matter where you look?

No worries. You can direct your cover letter to the company, department, or team as a whole, or just skip the hiring manager’s name.

  • Dear [Department] Hiring Manager
  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear [Department] Team
  • Dear [Company Name]

Are you applying for a research position? Learn how to write an academic personal statement .

#4. Write an Eye-Catching Introduction

First impressions matter, especially when it comes to your job search.

Hiring managers get hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of applications. Chances are, they’re not going to be reading every single cover letter end-to-end.

So, it’s essential to catch their attention from the very first paragraph.

The biggest problem with most opening paragraphs is that they’re usually extremely generic. Here’s an example:

  • My name is Jonathan, and I’d like to work as a Sales Manager at XYZ Inc. I’ve worked as a Sales Manager at MadeUpCompany Inc. for 5+ years, so I believe that I’d be a good fit for the position.

See the issue here? This opening paragraph doesn’t say anything except the fact that you’ve worked the job before.

And do you know who else has similar work experience? All the other applicants you’re competing with.

Instead, you want to start with some of your top achievements to grab the reader’s attention. And to get the point across, the achievements should be as relevant as possible to the position.

Your opening paragraph should also show the hiring manager a bit about why you want this specific job. For example, mention how the job relates to your plans for the future or how it can help you grow professionally. This will show the hiring manager that you’re not just applying left and right—you’re actually enthusiastic about getting this particular role.

Now, let’s make our previous example shine:

Dear Mr. Smith,

My name’s Michael, and I’d like to help XYZ Inc. hit and exceed its sales goals as a Sales Manager. I’ve worked as a Sales Representative with Company X, another fin-tech company , for 3+ years, where I generated an average of $30,000+ in sales per month and beat the KPIs by around 40%. I believe that my previous industry experience, passion for finance , and excellence in sales make me the right candidate for the job.

The second candidate starts with what they can do for the company in the future and immediately lists an impressive and relevant achievement. Since they’re experienced in the same industry and interested in finance, the hiring manager can see they’re not just a random applicant.

From this introduction, it’s safe to say that the hiring manager would read the rest of this candidate’s cover letter.

#5. Use the Cover Letter Body for Details

The next part of your cover letter is where you can go into detail about what sets you apart as a qualified candidate for the job.

The main thing you need to remember here is that you shouldn’t make it all about yourself . Your cover letter is supposed to show the hiring manager how you relate to the job and the company you’re applying to.

No matter how cool you make yourself sound in your cover letter, if you don’t tailor it to match what the hiring manager is looking for, you’re not getting an interview.

To get this right, use the job ad as a reference when writing your cover letter. Make sure to highlight skills and achievements that match the job requirements, and you’re good to go.

Since this part of your cover letter is by far the longest, you should split it into at least two paragraphs.

Here’s what each paragraph should cover:

Explain Why You’re the Perfect Candidate for the Role

Before you can show the hiring manager that you’re exactly what they’ve been looking for, you need to know what it is they’re looking for.

Start by doing a bit of research. Learn what the most important skills and responsibilities of the role are according to the job ad, and focus on any relevant experience you have that matches them.

For example, if you’re applying for the position of a Facebook Advertiser. The top requirements on the job ad are:

  • Experience managing a Facebook ad budget of $10,000+ / month
  • Some skills in advertising on other platforms (Google Search + Twitter)
  • Excellent copywriting skills

So, in the body of your cover letter, you need to show how you meet these requirements. Here’s an example of what that can look like:

In my previous role as a Facebook Marketing Expert at XYZ Inc. I handled customer acquisition through ads, managing a monthly Facebook ad budget of $40,000+ . As the sole digital marketer at the company, I managed the ad creation and management process end-to-end. I created the ad copy and images, picked the targeting, ran optimization trials, and so on.

Other than Facebook advertising, I’ve also delved into other online PPC channels, including:

  • Google Search

Our example addresses all the necessary requirements and shows off the candidate’s relevant skills.

Are you a student applying for your first internship? Learn how to write an internship cover letter with our dedicated guide.

Explain Why You’re a Good Fit for the Company

As skilled and experienced as you may be, that’s not all the hiring manager is looking for.

They also want someone who’s a good fit for their company and who actually wants to work there.

Employees who don’t fit in with the company culture are likely to quit sooner or later. This ends up costing the company a ton of money, up to 50% of the employee’s annual salary , so hiring managers vet candidates very carefully to avoid this scenario.

So, you have to convince the hiring manager that you’re passionate about working with them.

Start by doing some research about the company. You want to know things like:

  • What’s the company’s business model?
  • What’s the company’s product or service? Have you used it?
  • What’s the company’s culture like?

Chances are, you’ll find all the information you need either on the company website or on job-search websites like Jobscan or Glassdoor.

Then, pick your favorite thing about the company and talk about it in your cover letter.

But don’t just describe the company in its own words just to flatter them. Be super specific—the hiring manager can see through any fluff.

For example, if you’re passionate about their product and you like the company’s culture of innovation and independent work model, you can write something like:

I’ve personally used the XYZ Smartphone, and I believe that it’s the most innovative tech I’ve used in years. The features, such as Made-Up-Feature #1 and Made-Up-Feature #2, were real game changers for the device.

I really admire how Company XYZ strives for excellence in all its product lines, creating market-leading tech. As someone who thrives in a self-driven environment, I truly believe that I’ll be a great match for your Product Design team.

So, make sure to do your fair share of research and come up with good reasons why you're applying to that specific company.

Is the company you want to work for not hiring at the moment? Check out our guide to writing a letter of interest .

#6. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Finally, it’s time to conclude your cover letter.

In the final paragraph, you want to:

  • Wrap up any points you couldn't make in the previous paragraphs. Do you have anything left to say? If there’s any other information that could help the hiring manager make their decision, mention it here. If not, just recap your key selling points so far, such as key skills and expertise.
  • Express gratitude. Politely thanking the hiring manager for their time is always a good idea.
  • Finish the cover letter with a call to action. The very last sentence in your cover letter should be a call to action. This means you should ask the hiring manager to do something, like call you and discuss your application or arrange an interview.
  • Remember to sign your cover letter. Just add a formal closing line and sign your name at the bottom.

Here’s an example of how to end your cover letter :

I hope to help Company X make the most of their Facebook marketing initiatives. I'd love to further discuss how my previous success at XYZ Inc. can help you achieve your Facebook marketing goals. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at the provided email address or phone number so that we may arrange an interview.

Thank you for your consideration,

Alice Richards

Feel free to use one of these other popular closing lines for your cover letter:

  • Best Regards,
  • Kind Regards,

Cover Letter Writing Checklist

Once you’re done with your cover letter, it’s time to check if it meets all industry requirements. 

Give our handy cover letter writing checklist a look to make sure:

Does your cover letter heading include all essential information?

  • Professional Email
  • Phone Number
  • Relevant Links

Do you address the right person? 

  • The hiring manager in the company
  • Your future direct supervisor
  • The company/department in general

Does your introductory paragraph grab the reader's attention?

  • Did you mention some of your top achievements?
  • Did you use numbers and facts to back up your experience?
  • Did you convey enthusiasm for the specific role?

Do you show that you’re the right candidate for the job?

  • Did you identify the core requirements for the role?
  • Did you show how your experiences helped you fit the requirements perfectly?

Do you convince the hiring manager that you’re passionate about the company you’re applying to?

  • Did you identify the top 3 things that you like about the company?
  • Did you avoid generic reasons for explaining your interest in the company?

Did you conclude your cover letter properly?

  • Did you recap your key selling points in the conclusion?
  • Did you end your cover letter with a call to action?
  • Did you use the right formal closing line and sign your name?

15 Cover Letter Tips

Now you’re all set to write your cover letter! 

Before you start typing, here are some cover letter tips to help take your cover letter to the next level:

  • Customize Your Cover Letter for Each Job. Make sure your cover letter is tailored to the job you're applying for. This shows you're not just sending generic applications left and right, and it tells the hiring manager you’re the right person for the job.
  • Showcase Your Skills. Talk about how your skills meet the company’s needs. And while your hard skills should be front and center, you shouldn’t underestimate your soft skills in your cover letter either.
  • Avoid Fluff. Don’t make any generic statements you can’t back up. The hiring manager can tell when you’re just throwing words around, and it doesn’t make your cover letter look good.
  • Use Specific Examples. Instead of saying you're great at something, give an actual example to back up your claim. Any data you can provide makes you sound more credible, so quantify your achievements. For example, give numbers such as percentages related to your performance and the timeframe it took to accomplish certain achievements.
  • Research the Company. Always take time to learn about the company you're applying to. Make sure to mention something about them in your cover letter to show the hiring manager that you're interested.
  • Follow the Application Instructions. If the job posting asks for something specific in your cover letter or requires a certain format, make sure you include it. Not following instructions can come off as unattentive or signal to the hiring manager that you’re not taking the job seriously.
  • Use the Right Template and Format. Choose the right cover letter format and adapt your cover letter’s look to the industry you’re applying for. For example, if you’re aiming for a job in Law or Finance, you should go for a cleaner, more professional look. But if you’re applying for a field that values innovation, like IT or Design, you have more room for creativity.
  • Express Your Enthusiasm. Let the hiring manager know why you're excited about the job. Your passion for the specific role or the field in general can be a big selling point, and show them that you’re genuinely interested, not just applying left and right.
  • Address Any Gaps. If there are any employment gaps in your resume , your cover letter is a great place to mention why. Your resume doesn’t give you enough space to elaborate on an employment gap, so addressing it here can set hiring managers at ease—life happens, and employers understand.
  • Avoid Quirky Emails. Your email address should be presentable. It’s hard for a hiring manager to take you seriously if your email address is “[email protected].” Just use a [email protected] format.
  • Check Your Contact Information. Typos in your email address or phone number can mean a missed opportunity. Double-check these before sending your application.
  • Mention if You Want to Relocate. If you’re looking for a job that lets you move somewhere else, specify this in your cover letter.
  • Keep It Brief. You want to keep your cover letter short and sweet. Hiring managers don’t have time to read a novel, so if you go over one page, they simply won’t read it at all.
  • Use a Professional Tone. Even though a conversational tone isn’t a bad thing, remember that it's still a formal document. Show professionalism in your cover letter by keeping slang, jargon, and emojis out of it.
  • Proofread Carefully. Typos and grammar mistakes are a huge deal-breaker. Use a tool like Grammarly or QuillBot to double-check your spelling and grammar, or even get a friend to check it for you.

15+ Cover Letter Examples

Need some inspiration? Check out some perfect cover letter examples for different experience levels and various professions.

5+ Cover Letter Examples by Experience

#1. college student cover letter example.

college or student cover letter example

Check out our full guide to writing a college student cover letter here.

#2. Middle Management Cover Letter Example

Middle Management Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a project manager cover letter here.

#3. Team Leader Cover Letter Example

Team Leader Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a team leader cover letter here.

#4. Career Change Cover Letter Example

Career Change Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to a career change resume and cover letter here.

#5. Management Cover Letter Example

Management Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a management cover letter here.

#6. Senior Executive Cover Letter Example

Senior Executive Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing an executive resume here.

9+ Cover Letter Examples by Profession

#1. it cover letter example.

IT Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing an IT cover letter here.

#2. Consultant Cover Letter Example

Consultant Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a consultant cover letter here.

#3. Human Resources Cover Letter

Human Resources Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a human resources cover letter here.

#4. Business Cover Letter Example

Business Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a business cover letter here.

#5. Sales Cover Letter Example

Sales Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a sales cover letter here.

#6. Social Worker Cover Letter

Social Worker Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a social worker cover letter here.

#7. Lawyer Cover Letter

Lawyer Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a lawyer cover letter here.

#8. Administrative Assistant Cover Letter

Administrative Assistant Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an administrative assistant cover letter here.

#9. Engineering Cover Letter Example

Engineering Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing an engineer cover letter here.

#10. Receptionist Cover Letter Example

Receptionist Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a receptionist cover letter here.

Need more inspiration? Check out these cover letter examples to learn what makes them stand out.

Plug & Play Cover Letter Template

Not sure how to start your cover letter? Don’t worry!

Just copy and paste our free cover letter template into the cover letter builder, and swap out the blanks for your details.

[Your Full Name]

[Your Profession]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Location]

[Your LinkedIn Profile URL (optional)]

[Your Personal Website URL (optional)]

[Recipient's Name, e.g., Jane Doe],

[Recipient's Position, e.g., Hiring Manager]

[Company Name, e.g., ABC Corporation]

[Company Address]

[City, State/Country]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

As a seasoned [Your Profession] with [Number of Years of Experience] years of industry experience, I am eager to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. With my experience in [Your Industry/Sector] and the successes I've achieved throughout my education and career, I believe I can bring unique value and creativity to your team.

In my current role as [Your Current Job Title], I've taken the lead on more than [Number of Projects/Assignments] projects, some valued up to $[Highest Project Value]. I pride myself on consistently exceeding client expectations and have successfully [Mention a Key Achievement] in just a [Amount of Time] through [Skill] and [Skill].

I've collaborated with various professionals, such as [List Roles], ensuring that all [projects/tasks] meet [relevant standards or objectives]. This hands-on experience, coupled with my dedication to understanding each [client's/customer's] vision, has equipped me to navigate and deliver on complex projects.

My key strengths include:

  • Improving [Achievement] by [%] over [Amount of Time] which resulted in [Quantified Result].
  • Optimizing [Work Process/Responsibility] which saved [Previous Employer] [Amount of Time/Budget/Other Metric] over [Weeks/Months/Years]
  • Spearheading team of [Number of People] to [Task] and achieving [Quantified Result].

Alongside this letter, I've attached my resume. My educational background, a [Your Degree] with a concentration in [Your Specialization], complements the practical skills that I'm particularly eager to share with [Company Name].

I'm excited about the possibility of contributing to [Something Notable About the Company or Its Mission]. I'd be grateful for the chance to delve deeper into how my expertise aligns with your needs.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

The Heart of Your Job Search - Creating a Killer Resume

Your cover letter is only as good as your resume. If either one is weak, your entire application falls through.

After all, your cover letter is meant to complement your resume. Imagine going through all this effort to leave an amazing first impression in your cover letter, only for the hiring manager to never read it because your resume was mediocre.

But don’t worry; we’ve got you covered here, too.

Check out our dedicated guide on how to make a resume and learn everything you need to know to land your dream job!

Just pick one of our resume templates and start writing your own job-winning resume.

resume examples for cover letters

Key Takeaways

Now that we’ve walked you through all the steps of writing a cover letter, let’s summarize everything we’ve learned:

  • A cover letter is a 250 - 400 word document that’s meant to convince the hiring manager that you’re the best candidate for the job.
  • Your job application should always include a cover letter alongside your resume.
  • To grab the hiring manager’s attention, write a strong opening paragraph. Mention who you are, why you’re applying, and a standout achievement to pique their interest.
  • Your cover letter should focus on why you’re the perfect candidate for the job and why you’re passionate about working in this specific company.
  • Use the body of your cover letter to provide details on your skills, achievements, and qualifications, as well as make sure to convey your enthusiasm throughout your whole cover letter.
  • Recap your key selling points towards the end of your cover letter, and end it with a formal closing line and your full name signed underneath.

At Novorésumé, we’re committed to helping you get the job you deserve every step of the way! 

Follow our career blog for more valuable advice, or check out some of our top guides, such as:

  • How to Make a Resume in 2024 | Beginner's Guide
  • How to Write a CV (Curriculum Vitae) in 2024 [31+ Examples]
  • 35+ Job Interview Questions and Answers [Full List]

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  • Resume Templates

Choose a free Resume Template and build your resume. Use our intuitive drag-and-drop resume builder and save it as a PDF in minutes. Start building your resume right now.

All templates

Double Column

Free, Two Column resume template. The most popular choice for most roles, including programming & marketing.

A single column, classic resume template with grey accent colors.

The classic Harvard template, updated for the 21st century with a refined design that recruiters love and an optimized structure for improved ATS performance.

A two column resume template with a wider column for experience and a narrower, blue colored column for your highlights.

Elegant template with a beautiful design and compact, easy-to-read layout that highlights your strengths and achievements.

A resume with two columns and a photo in the resume header and aqua accent color. A long summary and an experience section in focus.

The most popular template for upper management roles, project managers and product owners.

A polished template with a focus on key achievements and skills. Aqua colored left column for highlights.

A refined template, especially great for positions where presentation is paramount: business development managers, sales leaders & other customer-facing roles.

A double column resume template with a navy colored resume header.

A creative template that accents your header and makes recruiters want to read the rest. Built for any industry.

A single column timeline resume template with blue and orange accent colors.

A timeline resume template. Organized neatly with a Timeline to show your career progress. For experienced professionals.

A double column resume template perfect for people with a lot of experience and skills. Blue accent color.

Are you a software engineer or a data scientist with a lot of skills & projects to list on your resume? This template allows you to create a perfect one-page resume.

A single column resume template perfect for all industries. Blue accent color.

Single Column

Free, simple resume template. Easily readable by both humans and ATS bots.

A compact resume template perfect for fitting a lot of information yet keeping your resume on a single page. Blue accent color.

Designed as a one-page resume template for mid-level roles with 3-10 years of experience.

A three column resume template with an image in the header. Perfect if you have lots of experience to show on your resume. Blue colored accents.


Multicolumn resume template. Made for executives to fit additional info in a third column.

Grey single column classic resume template with a focus on experience and side projects.

Traditional resume template. Fitting for conservative industries.

Template Image

High Performer

Data-focused resume template. Perfect for project and product managers.

Template Image

Minimalistic resume template. Blends whitespace and content, without clutter.

Resume Templates by job

Unleash the full potential of your career with professionally vetted resume templates. Take a look at samples from real resumes that helped people get hired at top companies in your field, and build a job-winning resume yourself.

Search more resume examples by job

Resume Template

Software Engineer

Resume Template

Project Manager

Resume Template

Product Manager

Resume Template

Account Manager

Resume Template

Business Development

Resume Template

Marketing Manager

Resume Template

General Manager

Resume Template

Operations Manager

Resume Template

Business Analyst

Resume Template

Managing Director

Resume Template

Full-Stack Developer

Resume Template

Data Scientist

Resume templates by experience.

Junior resume template

(1-3 years of experience)

Senior resume template with a solid right column for your skills and achievements, and a wider left column for your experience bullet points

(3-7+ years of experience)

Executive resume template with a dark green accent color for headings, and a single column outline that outlines the content in a reverse chronological order

10+ years of experience)

Intern resume template with an accented header and two column outline. Features a creative section to help it stand out

Entry Level

(no prior experience)

Career pivot resume template with a solid dark orange coloredd left column. Right column contains skills summary typical of career change resume templates, and experience bullet points below.

Career Change

Resume templates by format.

Resume Template

Combination Resume Templates

Resume Template

Corporate Resume Templates

Resume Template

Infographic Resume Templates

Resume Template

One Page Resume Templates

Resume Template

Timeline Resume Templates

Resume Template

Chronological Resume Templates

Resume Template

Functional Resume Templates

Resume Template

Minimalist Resume Templates

Resume Template

Two Column Resume Templates

  • Modern Resume Templates

Full color header in brown modern resume template.

  • Simple Resume Templates

Resume Template

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Word Templates

Elevate your document creation with ease, whether it's resumes, cover letters, cards, flyers, and a lot more. Explore a vast collection of professionally crafted Microsoft Word templates on With a diverse array of designs and styles, you'll find the perfect template to streamline your work and impress your audience.

  • Cover Letter
  • Business Plan
  • Certificates
  • Business Cards
  • Resignation Letters

Invoice Word Template

Free Word Template, Printable, Download gives you an easier way to manage your business with printable Word Templates that complement MS Word’s Office 365 suite for your company, business, or project requirements. Easily create professional stationeries, newsletters, letterheads, cover letters, invoices, certificates, and letterheads with colorful designs and borders.

Download Designs & Documents in Microsoft Word (Doc) Format for Free

Get ready-made modern resumes, calendars, flyers, planners, business plans, company profiles, or checklists with creative and aesthetic features and backgrounds that you can design and edit easily in Microsoft Word (Doc) Format and store on OneDrive for protection and easy sharing. Our templates are compatible with all Microsoft versions, from 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016, to 2019 and 2021. Download yours now for free.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the tasks ms word is used for.

Microsoft Word has several features to perfectly craft the following documents using its features of spell check, grammar check, text and font formatting, HTML support, image support, and more. 

  • Brochures. 
  • Learning activities. 
  • Resume and cover letters.
  • Test documents.
  • Quizz questionnaires. 
  • Students' homework and assignments.

What are the Benefits of Using MS Word? 

  • It helps to integrate with other MS Office programs. 
  • Instant help in grammar rectification and language. 
  • Easy reading and writing experience. 
  • Easy to collaborate with other members using this file. 
  • It allows visuals attachment with text. 
  • Easy diagram and table insertion.  

What are the Features of MS Word?

  • A distraction-free and smooth writing space. 
  • Easy outline view. 
  • Easy and quick graphs or table making process. 
  • It can hold 24 essential items in the clipboard.
  • Less complex formatting of the documentation. 
  • You can write the equation in word. 
  • Beautiful kernings and fonts are available. 

What are the Types of Files Microsoft Word can Create? 

Following is a list of the types of files you can create using the most recent Word file:

  • .dot, .dotm, .dotx
  • .mht, .mhtml
  • .doc, .docm, .docx
  • .htm, .html

What is the difference between Microsoft Word and Microsoft Editor?

Microsoft Word is a word processing software that allows you to edit documents or any text-based file. On the other hand, Microsoft Editor is a free AI-powered writing assistant for editing documents in Microsoft Word, Outlook, other Office 365 software. With an additional monthly subscription and a Microsoft 365 Personal or Family subscription, you can get advanced Editor features aside from the basic spelling and grammar checks.

Get Instant Access to 50,000+ MS Word Templates

  • Access to 1 Million+ Templates & Tools
  • 500,000+ Microsoft 365 Templates including Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher, Outlook & PDF
  • Unlimited access to Design & Documents AI editors
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  • Instant Download & 100% Customizable
  • Resume Templates Simple Professional Modern Creative View all
  • Resume Examples Nurse Student Internship Teacher Accountant View all
  • Resume Builder
  • Cover Letter Templates Simple Professional Modern Creative View all
  • Cover Letter Examples Nursing Administrative Assistant Internship Graduate Teacher View all
  • Cover Letter Builder

Job-winning simple resume templates

Embrace simplicity! Our simple resume templates blend ease and professionalism: perfect for the no-nonsense, efficient job seeker.

Modern resume template Toronto

Reviewed by the community. Trusted by professionals

Simple resume templates.

A clean and timeless presentation that stands out in almost any situation.

Simple or basic doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, sometimes a simple resume template is the best approach for a variety of positions. Our simple styles keep the focus on your accomplishments , experience, education and everything in between. After all, shouldn’t you be the star of the show?

Just because your resume template is simple doesn’t mean your resume has to be. In general, it’s best to leave off “obvious” or “expected” skills like MS Word or internet research. Same goes with unrelated, outdated or irrelevant experience.

Simple templates are versatile and work well across a variety of fields and job titles . In fact, some hiring managers prefer these stripped-down designs because it allows them to really evaluate the candidate’s qualifications. So check out this classic collection of templates and don’t be afraid to keep things simple!

When to pick a basic or simple resume template

Basic or Simple templates are best for situations where your experience needs to speak for itself. Candidates applying for positions in transport and logistics , maintenance and repair , retail or food service can all benefit from simple resume templates. A basic or simple template sends the message that you’re a clean and organized candidate who’s ready to get the job done.

Simple resume templates

While professions involving physical activity and labor can benefit from a simple layout, these templates are also great for students and those applying to entry-level positions. Before you go bold with loud colors and untraditional fonts, you may want to test the application pool waters with a simple template that keeps the focus on your experience.

To make the most out of your basic template, make sure to keep the writing clean and professional. Since you don’t have many pictures or colors to catch a recruiter’s eye, you’ll want to use strong action verbs that accurately capture your accomplishments. As always, proofreading your resume for grammar and spelling errors is a must.

Top 5 why choose a simple layout

  • You are looking for a clean and streamlined resume
  • You work in a technical or physical field
  • You want to keep the focus on the content of your resume
  • You are applying for an entry-level position
  • You are a student or new to the workforce

What makes a simple resume/ CV template

A simple or basic resume template is defined by a clean and consistent look with strong lines separating categories and leading the eye through the template. Most of these templates use a grayscale color scheme to create a subdued feel where the focus is on the actual content of the resume. Compared with other types of free templates, simple resumes place more emphasis on the body of the resume instead of the top.

Why a visual resume is essential in 2024

The importance of a visual elements in your resume is as important as its content. Effective job searches start with visually striking, technically functional and a content-optimized Resume

Top 10 parts of a simple resume template

  • Limited color scheme
  • Timeless, classic feel
  • Smaller header and more focus on resume body
  • All sections of roughly equal size
  • No icons or text flourishes
  • Strong lines to separate sections
  • Less space for headshot or logo
  • Traditional font styles
  • Great balance of white space to text
  • A lot of room to add many lines of experience

Free to download and use in Microsoft Word, as a PDF, or in Google Docs

The power of a simple resume template is that it allows you to focus on your unique qualities and get hired in the shortest amount of time possible. So don’t get hung up on the last step. Once you choose your perfect template, try out our easy-to-use builder tool to add your work experience, soft skills, hard skills and achievements. Our builder tool has already been tested by thousands of satisfied customers who have found their dream jobs hassle-free.

Finish your application strong by choosing the right file format to keep your resume consistent no matter how you send it. Within our builder tool, you can download your resume as a MS Word or Google Doc version completely free. You can also download your resume as a PDF. 

When you’re ready to submit your resume, you want to be sure that the format you created is the format the hiring manager sees. That’s why our templates give you the option to download your resume as a PDF or Word docx file without changing the formatting. A PDF guarantees your resume will look the same on any screen or device. However, docx files are requested by some online application systems and are useful if you need to adjust your resume offline. Our docx file downloads match the exact layout of the PDF, so whichever file type you choose you can rest assured that a perfectly formatted resume is in your hands.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to find the best resume templates, add your personal touches and land your dream position in a few easy clicks! Don't forget to add matching simple cover letters to your resume. Each CV template has a matching cover letter template you can use to send along with your resume. Benefit from having access to the best resume examples and an easy to use system that does the work for you!

Create a great resume from scratch with the assistance of our resume builder that walks you through the process.  With the help of our experts, breaks down the right formula for writing your resume with our writing guides/writing tips. Our mission is to help job seekers grow careers. We love helping people stand out in their job search and get hired faster. Feel free to check out our Youtube resume template video show you the way to your new job. 

Try our professional Resume builder now!

ATS Resume Templates

Download an ATS-friendly resume template for free. These templates can be edited in Microsoft Word and can be accurately scanned by an applicant tracking system.

formal cover letter template word

If you’ve made it to this page, then you probably already know more about applicant tracking systems (ATS) than the average job seeker. That gives you an advantage! Why?

Many companies use ATS to manage resumes and applications. In fact, Jobscan research shows that over 97% of Fortune 500 companies use an ATS.

If an ATS can’t read or understand the information on your resume, then your application might not be seen when a recruiter searches for candidates with specific skills or experience – even if you have those skills or the experience!

Your resume needs to be ATS-friendly in order to give you the best chance of getting a job interview. That means that you need an ATS resume template.

We’ve designed 15 ATS resume templates that can be downloaded as Microsoft Word files and easily edited. Download one for free or use our free resume builder to get a customized ATS-friendly resume in minutes.

Free ATS Resume Templates

Executive and Management ATS-Friendly Resume Templates

As a leader, you want your experience and accomplishments to shine. These resume templates give you opportunities to show the measurable results you’ve achieved, as well as your hard and soft skills .

Using correct formatting is critical here. The ATS needs to be able to parse all of that vital information and categorize it correctly. You also need your resume to be searchable by an ATS so that when a recruiter filters candidates by skills, your application stays on the list.

White resume on big screen

Entry-Level ATS-Friendly Resume Templates

You might not think you have a lot to show on your resume, but you do! These templates provide sections where you can highlight your education, internships, volunteer experience , personal accomplishments, and more.

An ATS-friendly resume will help you get found by recruiters and hiring managers. This is important because an entry-level position could have hundreds of applicants! Use these templates to make sure the ATS picks up your skills and experience.

White resume on big screen

Make your resume faster with our free resume builder

Write your resume the free and easy way with the only resume builder designed specifically with ATS-compliant resume templates.

Computer with resume

Jobscan users have been hired by:

company logo

ATS Resume Templates - What You Need to Know

How to make the perfect ats resume.

Remember, an ATS is just a computer filing system. It needs to be able to scan and understand the text on your resume in order to correctly parse the information and sort it properly.

An ATS will never auto-reject a resume, but an ATS optimized resume does make it easier for a recruiter to find you among the sea of applicants.

Even more importantly, an ATS-friendly resume naturally follows expert-recommended resume writing standards as well. That means that when the recruiter personally views your resume, it will include the relevant information they’re looking for and will be formatted in a way that makes it easier to read

Follow these tips for making the perfect ATS resume :

1. Tailor your resume to the job you are applying for

Focus on quality over quantity. Each job you apply for is unique, even if they all have the same title. Every company has different needs for that role. The job description will make it clear which hard skills, soft skills, experience, and education the company is looking for. So tailor your resume to show them that you are the perfect candidate.

Tailoring each and every resume can be time consuming, but it’s worth the effort!

You can speed up this process by using a tool like Jobscan’s resume scanner . Powered by AI-technology , this tool analyzes your resume against the job description and provides you with a resume score that tells you how closely your resume matches the job description. It also tells you exactly what you need to do to increase your score.

2. Match your resume keywords to skills found in the job description

Recruiters might use an ATS’ search function to find applicants with specific skills. How do you know what skills they will search for? By examining the job listing. Use a resume scanner to automatically pick out the hard and soft skills the recruiter might search for, and then include those on your resume.

Even if the recruiter doesn’t search applications for those skills, they’ll definitely be looking for mentions of them on each resume they review.

3. Use long-form and acronym versions of keywords

Some ATS will only return resumes with the exact keywords the recruiters would search for. For example, if you included “Search Engine Optimization” in your resume but the recruiter searched for “SEO,” your profile may not appear in the results. Try to include both the acronym and the unabbreviated form of the term.

Use a tool like Jobscan’s resume fixer to make sure your resume doesn’t contain mistakes that will eliminate you from consideration.

4. Use Chronological or Hybrid resume format to write your resume .

Recruiters do not like the functional resume format . Unless you’re making a career change, a functional resume is going to work against you. (And even then, we recommend you steer clear of the format for a career change resume .)

The best format for the ATS is traditional reverse chronological. You can also use chronological and hybrid resume formats as these are familiar to most recruiters.

5. Use an easy-to-read, traditional font

For readability, use a traditional serif or sans serif font. Untraditional or “fancy” fonts can cause parsing errors, which means the full text of your resume won’t be searchable.

6. Use standard resume section headings

Section headers like “Where I’ve Been” in place of “Work Experience” will confuse applicant tracking systems, causing them to organize information incorrectly.

7. Save your file as a .docx if possible

A docx file is most compatible with ATS.

What is the best resume format for ATS?

There are three standard resume formats to choose from in your job search. They shape your first impression and determine the way recruiters and hiring managers view your fit as an applicant.

Your resume formatting can also determine how well your resume is parsed within an applicant tracking system (ATS) and how likely you are to be noticed as a result.

Regardless of the format you use, the most important thing is to use standard section headings like Experience, Skills, and Education. That will make it easier for the ATS to categorize the text.

How to tailor your ATS-friendly resume to a job

Tailoring your resume proves to recruiters that you’re an experienced professional. Most importantly, it shows them that you’re the perfect fit for this role.

Follow these three steps for tailoring your resume to a job description:

1. Examine the specific job description of the position

Go line by line through the job description and ask yourself these questions:

  • “Does my resume experience section clearly state that I can do what’s required of this role?”
  • “Am I using the same language found in the job description or job posting?”

You might find several different or missing skills and keywords in your generic resume.

2. Match skills and keywords from the job description

Mirroring the language, keywords, and buzzwords found within the job description is the easiest way to demonstrate you’re a better match than the competition.

The best way to show you’re the best fit for the position is to take words from the job posting and strategically put them in your job descriptions and other resume sections. A resume scanner will automatically pull out these keywords in seconds and speed up this process.

3. Write your job title clearly

Recruiters might search for people who have done the job they’re hiring, so list your job titles clearly and match the titles to the one in the job posting when possible. If you haven’t held the job before, list it under your name at the top or as part of your summary section.

What is Applicant Tracking Software (ATS)?

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is software used to assist with human resources, recruitment, and hiring. While each system offers a different package of features, applicant tracking systems are primarily used to help hiring companies organize and navigate large numbers of applicants.

For example, an ATS stores job candidate information like resumes, cover letters, references, and other recruitment and hiring data that HR teams can easily access and organize. It will also track job candidates and their application status throughout the hiring pipeline.

Ultimately, an ATS automates time-consuming administrative tasks such as manually screening applicants, reading resumes, scheduling interviews, and sending notifications and emails to job candidates and employees.

Can you add graphics to your resume?

When it comes to creating an ATS-friendly resume , the rule is: The simpler, the better. ATS are improving at scanning different formatting features, but not all of them are good at this.

Adding graphics and images could cause ATS parsing errors , which means the text on your resume won’t be fully searchable or accurately categorized by an ATS. We recommend that job seekers err on the side of caution. Avoid graphics, images, and photos.

Are Google Docs or Microsoft resume templates ATS-friendly?

They can be. We talked about some formatting features to avoid on your resume – fancy graphics and non-traditional fonts. Those features can trip up an ATS, even if they’re on a Word document or Google Docs file.

However, as long as you follow the guidelines on this page, or use one of these ATS resume templates, you’ll be fine.

How to get your cover letter past the ATS?

To increase your cover letter’s chances of passing an ATS, focus on using a clean format without complex formatting, incorporate relevant keywords and phrases from the job description, and ensure that your content is easy for the ATS to parse.

Consider using a tool like Jobscan’s cover letter generator to help you create an ATS-friendly cover letter. If you already have a cover letter, run it through our cover letter checker tool to get personalized feedback on how to improve your cover letter and make it more compelling to employers.

More Resume Resources


Google Docs Resume Templates

Professional Resume Templates


Resume Builder


Resume Writing Guide

Score your resume and start optimizing it to get more job interviews

person in sofa with computer

Create designs that inspire

Trending searches, productivity, social media, generate stunning ai-powered visuals.

A girl rides a skateboard while walking her dog. The girl is wearing a purple sweatshirt, baggy jeans and boots. She has expressive, round brown eyes and a look of determination. The background is an out of focus park and the girl is in a 3d illustrated animation style.

A girl rides a skateboard while walking her dog. The girl is wearing a purple sweatshirt, baggy jeans and boots. She has expressive, round brown eyes and a look of determination. The background is an out of focus park and the girl is in a 3d illustrated animation style.

A watercolor hummingbird, centered, in red and yellow with a soft cream, watercolor background.

A watercolor hummingbird, centered, in red and yellow with a soft cream, watercolor background.

A banana with sunglasses surfing a blue wave.

A banana with sunglasses surfing a blue wave.

Front-facing view of a mountain with floral decorative elements, papercraft quilling style, in pastel pink, blue and purple colors.

Front-facing view of a mountain with floral decorative elements, papercraft quilling style, in pastel pink, blue and purple colors.

An abstract background of melting liquid with a metallic sheen, dark purple and gold colors with reflective studio light.

An abstract background of melting liquid with a metallic sheen, dark purple and gold colors with reflective studio light.

Illustration of a man playing a decorated steel pan drum.

Illustration of a man playing a decorated steel pan drum.

A macro, detailed portrait of the face of a Dalmatian dog staring straight ahead with bright blue eyes on a solid pastel blue, out of focus background. The portrait is realistic with studio lighting.

A macro, detailed portrait of the face of a Dalmatian dog staring straight ahead with bright blue eyes on a solid pastel blue, out of focus background. The portrait is realistic with studio lighting.

A yellow sun with orange rays rises over white and purple clouds in a pop art style. There should be a halftone effect and screen printing aesthetic. The orange rays radiate outward and fill the background.

A yellow sun with orange rays rises over white and purple clouds in a pop art style. There should be a halftone effect and screen printing aesthetic. The orange rays radiate outward and fill the background.

A group of assorted donuts in a pink bakery box.

A group of assorted donuts in a pink bakery box.

A portrait of a man in a digital collage style. The man is wearing thick red glasses with circular patterns in blue and orange on the inside of the frames. The man is in a red polka dot shirt with a background of thick, brightly colored lines in pink, blue, and red. Collaged into the background is a ferris wheel and a circus tent.

A portrait of a man in a digital collage style. The man is wearing thick red glasses with circular patterns in blue and orange on the inside of the frames. The man is in a red polka dot shirt with a background of thick, brightly colored lines in pink, blue, and red. Collaged into the background is a ferris wheel and a circus tent.

A profile view of a caterpillar crawling on a moss-covered rock with the lush, green forest in the background, macro view, detail, close-up.

A profile view of a caterpillar crawling on a moss-covered rock with the lush, green forest in the background, macro view, detail, close-up.

Cartoon style woman with a blue hat, fishing on a river near a forest.

Cartoon style woman with a blue hat, fishing on a river near a forest.

A colorful street scene in the style of Mexican mural art. The street has adobe-colored shops on both sides with striped awnings. There is a fountain in the center and trees and mountains in the distance.

A colorful street scene in the style of Mexican mural art. The street has adobe-colored shops on both sides with striped awnings. There is a fountain in the center and trees and mountains in the distance.

A single pink ranunculus in the style of a vintage botanical drawing.

A single pink ranunculus in the style of a vintage botanical drawing.

A unicorn stands on a wooden pier looking out over clouds below, with a starry night sky above.

A unicorn stands on a wooden pier looking out over clouds below, with a starry night sky above.

Create and edit in an instant with Microsoft Designer

A castle made of gumdrops and lollipops on a pink background, 3D hyper-surrealism, shiny, metallic, pastel colors

Image generator

Generate any image you can imagine with just a text description.

Side by side of the same image of a young person doing a skateboard trick, with the background removed from the image on the right

Background remover

Remove the background from your image in one click.

5 examples of stickers: "Wow!" in red and yellow comic book style, an illustration of an airplane that says "Travel" in gray and brown, a blue and brown suitcase, a pink and blue camera, and the Eiffel tower in a circle in pastels and grays

Sticker creator

Describe the sticker you want, and our AI will generate it for you.

Browse thousands of customizable templates

Fresh picks.

Hitting the beach blue modern-simple

Celebrate an occasion

Rainbow clout white modern-geometric-&-linear

Food and drink

Treat yourself to a smoothie Orange Modern, Bold, Abstract

How it works

Image of various 3D stacked browser windows with organic elements

1. Start with the perfect template

Image of 3D browser windows and design tools

2. Customize it with help from AI

See the templates for:

Image of 3D elements and stacked web pages

3. Share your creation with the world


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  6. How to Write a Formal Cover Letter: Examples, Format & Guide

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  2. Cover Letter to HR Manager for Internship

  3. 5 Cover Letter Tips You Should Be Using

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  5. How To Write A Cover Letter For Dubai Jobs [Write A Cover Letter Using MS Word]

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  1. Free cover letter templates

    Each of these cover letter templates is customizable in Word, so you can add your own text, change design elements, and more. Print out your cover letter or download it for free to use for online job applications. Once you've customized the perfect cover letter, explore resume templates that will match your cover letter design, or download free ...

  2. Free Cover Letter Templates for Word to Start With

    Best Alternatives to Word Cover Letter Templates. 1. Cascade. Cascade is one of our users' favorite templates. Its distinctive sidebar highlights your name and contact info, leaving ample space for the content of your cover letter. You can customize the colors, spacing, and fonts to make this template truly yours. 2.

  3. Free Cover Letter Templates: Download for Word

    Myth 1: Hiring managers disapprove of candidates who use a cover letter template. Hiring managers love cover letters that look professional, are well-written, well-formatted, comprehensive, and follows a standard cover letter format. We know, because that's exactly what the HR professionals who helped design every resume cover letter template ...

  4. Professional Cover Letter Templates: Free for Word and G Docs

    Cover Letter Builder. Use our software and create a cover letter with a premade template. Let the Genius cover letter generator help you make your cover letter in minutes. Need a stylish, formal cover letter? Download one of our 40+ professional cover letter templates for free in either Word or Google Docs.

  5. 25+ Free Cover Letter Templates for Word

    Step 1: Open Microsoft Word, then click " New " from the menu bar on the left side of the window. Or you can go to "File", then click on " New from Template… " from the dropdown menu. Step 2 : Use the search bar at the top right of the window to narrow down the results to just cover letter templates.

  6. Free Cover Letter Template for Your Resume (Copy & Paste)

    Pantheon. The "Pantheon" cover letter template's bold header projects confidence, making it ideal for executives. 2024. Designed for the modern job seeker, our "2024" cover letter template is perfect for people in any industry. Classic. "The Classic" cover letter template is clean, traditional, and the perfect format to start off your application.

  7. How To Create a Cover Letter Template in Word

    Here are the steps for creating a cover letter template using the internet: 1. Visit the Microsoft cover letter templates website. You can access the Word cover letter templates via the company's website. If you don't have a subscription, there are still free, editable templates available. 2.

  8. Professional Cover Letter Templates: Free Download for Word

    As its name implies, this cover letter is the most professional template in our collection. Your name is accented by a subtle box, while your contact details are presented in a contrasting color to make them stand out. Margins: Text Features. Top = .62". Font = Calibri. Bottom = .24". Name Size = 24pt. Right = .59".

  9. 12 Cover Letter Templates for Microsoft Word (Free Download)

    Graphicpup's Resume Freebie. Black and white will always be in vogue. This Word cover letter template is perfect for artists, designers, and other creatives. All the more so, as it's part of a resume, portfolio, and cover letter bundle. Available for download as MS Word, PS, AI, or PDF, among others. Fully customizable.

  10. Modern Cover Letter Templates [Word & PDF] Download for free

    Save time with our easy 3-step resume builder. No more writer's block or formatting difficulties in Word. Rapidly make a perfect resume employers love. Modern cover letter Templates to get hired faster 20 expert tested cover letters download as Word or PDF Over 13 Million Users.

  11. Simple Cover Letter Templates [Word & PDF] Download for free

    No more writer's block or formatting difficulties in Word. Rapidly make a perfect resume employers love. Resume Examples. Basic or Simple cover letter Templates to get hired faster 20 expert tested cover letters download as Word or PDF Over 13 Million Users.

  12. 50 Microsoft Word Cover Letter Templates (Free Download!)

    This minimalist MS Word cover letter template gets your points across without a lot of distraction. The header spotlights your name and title. Download it free here. 5. Everest Orange. This cover letter template Word doc leads with a dark, sharp header, with hex icons for important contact info. Download it free here.

  13. 55+ Cover Letter Templates in Docx & Pdf

    Free Cover Letter Templates. These cover letters have been made with the, absolutely free, cover letter tool (AI-assisted) from Here you can download the Pdf- & JPEG files, but with the tool, also in Word format, so you can keep editing them yourself. Create Cover Letter.

  14. Guide To Free Templates for Cover Letters in Microsoft Word ...

    Here are six easy steps for finding and accessing the free cover letter templates available in Google Docs: Login to your free Google account. After turning your computer on, open a web-browser and login to your Google account. Locate Google Apps. Click the 'Google Apps' icon in the top right corner of the page.

  15. Free Cover Letter Templates for Word

    Download our truly free cover letter templates today! Customize in Word within minutes. The only cover letter template you'll ever need.

  16. Free Cover Letter Templates for Microsoft Word

    We craft each template in Microsoft Word .docx format to ensure ease of editing and compatibility. The cover letter templates available on this page are free to download and designed to complement our wide range of Word resume templates. This means you can create a cohesive and professional application package with matching designs.

  17. Free Cover Letter Templates for Microsoft Word

    Access Templates Online. Create a Customized Cover Letter. Tips for Writing an Interview-Winning Cover Letter. More Free Templates. Photo: PhotoAttractive/Getty Images. Free Microsoft Word cover letter templates are available for Office users. Here is how to download and use these templates to write your own letter.

  18. Cover Letter Format: Examples & Formatting Tips [2024]

    The cover letter standard format for a signoff is a simple formal phrase, followed by a comma, then a space, then the writer's name. Wrap up your cover letter with phrases like "Best regards," "Regards," "Respectfully," or "Sincerely," for your signoff. Don't use informal terms like "Thanks!".

  19. Modern Cover Letter Templates: Free Download (Word + G Docs)

    The Unique cover letter template is particularly suited for candidates applying for jobs involving social media because the matching resume features a social media section. Format and style. Major features. Prominent circle in the header contains your initials. Light addition of color; Margins. Top - 2.54 cm; Bottom - 1 cm; Left - 1.9 cm ...

  20. Cover Letter Samples and Templates

    A cover letter should include the following parts: Header. Salutation. Introduction. Body paragraph. Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. The following cover letter samples and examples will show you how to write a cover letter for many employment circumstances. Browse cover letters by job title for inspiration.

  21. Free letter templates for Word

    Make your letter more graphically appealing in a flash using templates. To start, choose your favorite template on Microsoft Create. You can give your letter a simple look with a modern design, go back in time with a vintage template, or keep it playful with some fun illustrations. Once you've picked your template, you can customize your paper ...

  22. How to Write a Cover Letter [Full Guide & Examples for 2024]

    How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter #1. Choose the Right Cover Letter Template #2. Put Contact Information in the Header #3. Address the Hiring Manager #4. Write an Eye-Catching Introduction #5. Use the Cover Letter Body for Details #6. Wrap It Up and Sign It Cover Letter Writing Checklist 15 Cover Letter Tips 15+ Cover Letter Examples 5 ...

  23. Microsoft Word Resume Template & Example [Free Download]

    Click "More templates" to see a selection of Word resume template layouts. You'll notice that the following screen also has a "Resumes and Cover Letters" option — click it to see a complete set of resumes. You can also enter "resume" in the "Search for online templates" box. Create your resume.

  24. How to Write an Application Letter—Examples & Guide

    Save hours of work and get a cover letter like this. Pick a template, fill it in. Quick and easy. Choose from 20+ cover letter templates and download your cover letter now. Create your cover letter now. CREATE YOUR COVER LETTER NOW. What users say about ResumeLab: I had an interview yesterday and the first thing they said on the phone was: "Wow!

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    Finish your application strong by choosing the right file format to keep your resume consistent no matter how you send it. Within our builder tool, you can download your resume as a MS Word or Google Doc version completely free. ... Each CV template has a matching cover letter template you can use to send along with your resume. Benefit from ...

  28. 40+ Basic Cover Letter Templates: Free for Word & G Docs

    Basic & Simple Cover Letter Templates. Need a no-frills cover letter? Present yourself as a serious candidate with these basic & simple cover letter templates, available for both Microsoft Word and Google Docs. For more options, browse the rest of our cover letter templates. Build My Cover Letter Now. Classic. Chicago.

  29. 15 Free ATS Resume Templates (Optimized for 2024)

    Cover Letter Optimization Report Optimize your cover letter to get more interviews.; How to Write a Cover Letter Learn how to write a convincing cover letter.; Cover Letter Formats Find out which type of cover letter is right for you.; Cover Letter Templates Free templates to get you started.; Cover Letter Examples Cover letter examples by job and situation. ...

  30. Free templates for social media, documents & designs

    See the templates for: 3. Share your creation with the world. When you're done, share directly with your followers or audience in just a few clicks, or save to your device and share later. And it's easy to resize social media designs for any platform, so you can reach your audience wherever they are. Use our free tools and customizable ...