Creative Biz

Describe Nature Creatively: A Guide to Captivating Descriptions

How to describe nature in creative writing – Welcome to the art of describing nature in creative writing! In this guide, we’ll dive into the techniques and strategies that will transform your nature descriptions from ordinary to extraordinary.

From capturing the sensory details to conveying the emotions evoked by nature, we’ll explore a range of approaches to help you create vivid and immersive nature scenes that will leave your readers spellbound.

Sensory Details

Describe Nature Creatively: A Guide to Captivating Descriptions

Nature’s beauty lies in its intricate tapestry of sensory experiences. To effectively describe nature in writing, it is essential to engage all five senses to create a vivid and immersive portrayal that transports the reader into the heart of the natural world.

Sensory details provide a tangible and visceral connection to the environment, allowing readers to experience nature through their imagination. By capturing the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures of the natural world, writers can evoke a profound sense of place and connection.

Visual descriptions are the most prominent and often the first sensory detail that comes to mind. When describing nature, focus on the colors, shapes, sizes, and textures of the surroundings. Use specific and evocative language that paints a clear picture in the reader’s mind.

  • Instead of writing “there were many trees,” describe the “towering oaks with their gnarled trunks and emerald canopies.”
  • Instead of saying “the water was blue,” describe the “azure waters that shimmered like a thousand diamonds under the sunlight.”

Sounds add depth and atmosphere to a natural setting. Describe the cacophony of birdsong, the gentle rustling of leaves in the wind, or the thunderous roar of a waterfall. Use onomatopoeia and sensory verbs to create a vivid auditory experience.

  • Instead of writing “the birds were singing,” describe the “melodic chorus of birdsong that filled the air, a symphony of chirps, trills, and whistles.”
  • Instead of saying “the wind blew,” describe the “wind that whispered through the trees, carrying the sweet scent of wildflowers.”

Smells evoke powerful memories and emotions. Describe the fragrant scent of blooming flowers, the earthy aroma of damp soil, or the salty tang of the ocean breeze. Use evocative language that transports the reader to the heart of the natural world.

  • Instead of writing “the flowers smelled nice,” describe the “heady perfume of jasmine that permeated the air, a sweet and intoxicating fragrance.”
  • Instead of saying “the forest smelled musty,” describe the “earthy scent of the forest floor, mingled with the fresh aroma of pine needles and the sweet decay of fallen leaves.”

While taste is less commonly associated with nature descriptions, it can add a unique and immersive element to your writing. Describe the tart sweetness of wild berries, the salty tang of seawater, or the earthy flavor of fresh herbs.

  • Instead of writing “the berries were sweet,” describe the “sweet and juicy berries that burst in my mouth, releasing a burst of tart and tangy flavor.”
  • Instead of saying “the water was salty,” describe the “salty tang of the seawater as it kissed my lips, leaving a lingering taste of the ocean.”

Textures provide a tactile dimension to your writing. Describe the rough bark of a tree, the smooth surface of a lake, or the velvety softness of a flower petal. Use descriptive language that evokes a physical sensation in the reader.

  • Instead of writing “the bark was rough,” describe the “rough and gnarled bark of the ancient oak, its deep fissures and ridges creating a tactile tapestry.”
  • Instead of saying “the water was smooth,” describe the “smooth and glassy surface of the lake, reflecting the sky like a perfect mirror.”

– Sensory Imagery

How to describe nature in creative writing

Engage the reader’s senses with specific and evocative language that appeals to sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Create a vivid sensory landscape that transports the reader into the heart of nature.

  • The emerald leaves shimmered like a thousand tiny mirrors, reflecting the dappled sunlight.
  • The wind whistled through the trees, a mournful symphony that stirred the soul.
  • The soft moss beneath her feet yielded like a downy pillow.
  • The pungent scent of wildflowers filled the air, a heady perfume that intoxicated the senses.
  • The tangy sweetness of ripe berries burst between her teeth, a taste of summer’s bounty.

Personification: How To Describe Nature In Creative Writing

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Personification is a literary device that gives human qualities to non-human things, such as animals, plants, or objects. It can make nature more relatable and create a deeper connection between the reader and the natural world.

Examples of Personification

Here are some examples of how personification can be used to create a deeper connection between the reader and the natural world:

  • The wind whispered secrets to the trees.
  • The sun smiled down on the earth.
  • The river danced and sang its way to the sea.

These examples give nature human qualities, such as the ability to speak, smile, and dance. This makes nature more relatable and allows the reader to connect with it on a more personal level.

Table of Personification Types and Effects

Here is a table that summarizes the different types of personification and their effects on the reader:

Type of PersonificationEffect on the Reader
Giving human qualities to animalsMakes animals more relatable and allows the reader to connect with them on a more personal level.
Giving human qualities to plantsMakes plants more relatable and allows the reader to see them as living beings.
Giving human qualities to objectsMakes objects more relatable and allows the reader to see them as having a personality.

Poem Using Personification

Here is a poem that uses personification to give a voice to a natural object, in this case, a tree:

I am a tree, and I have stood for centuries, My roots deep in the earth, my branches reaching for the skies. I have seen the seasons come and go, And I have witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations. I am a silent observer, But I have a story to tell.

This poem gives the tree a human voice and allows it to share its story with the reader. This creates a deeper connection between the reader and the natural world.

Emotional Impact

Nature writing has the power to evoke a wide range of emotions, from awe and wonder to peace and tranquility. Language plays a crucial role in conveying these emotions to the reader, creating a specific mood or atmosphere that enhances the overall impact of the writing.

Figurative Language

Figurative language, such as metaphors and similes, can create powerful emotional connections between the reader and the natural world. Metaphors compare two seemingly unrelated things, while similes use the words “like” or “as” to make a comparison. Both techniques can bring nature to life, giving it human qualities and making it more relatable and emotionally resonant.

For example, the poet William Wordsworth uses a metaphor to describe the daffodils in his famous poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”:

“A host, of golden daffodils;/ Beside the lake, beneath the trees,/ Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.”

Here, Wordsworth compares the daffodils to a host of dancers, suggesting their joyful and carefree nature. The use of the word “fluttering” also evokes a sense of movement and energy, further enhancing the emotional impact of the poem.

Nature’s Perspective

How to describe nature in creative writing

Adopting the perspective of nature can infuse your writing with a profound sense of empathy and ecological consciousness. By giving nature a voice, you can convey its intrinsic value, resilience, and interconnectedness with humanity.

Imagine nature as a sentient being, possessing its own thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Describe the landscape through its eyes, capturing the intricate details that often go unnoticed by humans. Explore the interconnectedness of all living organisms, highlighting the delicate balance that sustains the natural world.

Voice and Viewpoint

Craft a distinct voice for nature, using language that reflects its vastness, wisdom, and timelessness. Employ sensory imagery and personification to evoke a vivid and intimate connection between the reader and the natural world. Consider the unique perspective of each element of nature, from the towering mountains to the murmuring streams.

Example: “The ancient oak tree stood as a silent guardian, its gnarled roots anchoring it firmly in the earth. Its branches stretched out like welcoming arms, offering shelter to weary travelers and a sanctuary for woodland creatures.”

Fresh Insights and Deeper Understanding

Writing from nature’s perspective offers fresh insights into the human experience and our place within the natural world. By embodying nature, you can challenge anthropocentric viewpoints and foster a greater appreciation for the interdependence of all living beings.

Example: “The river flowed relentlessly, carrying with it the memories and secrets of countless journeys. Its waters whispered tales of distant lands and the lives that had touched its banks.”

Nature’s Rhythm and Movement

Nature is a dynamic entity, constantly moving and changing. To effectively capture this dynamism in writing, pay attention to the rhythms, patterns, and cycles that govern the natural world. Describe the ebb and flow of tides, the waxing and waning of the moon, the seasonal changes, and the life cycles of plants and animals.

Use descriptive language to convey the movement and flow of nature. For instance, instead of simply stating that the wind is blowing, describe how it rustles through the leaves or whips up the waves. Instead of saying that the river is flowing, describe how it meanders through the landscape or cascades over rocks.

Capturing Rhythmic Patterns, How to describe nature in creative writing

  • Identify the cycles and patterns that occur in nature, such as the changing of seasons, the movement of the stars, or the ebb and flow of tides.
  • Use language that conveys rhythm and repetition, such as alliteration, assonance, or onomatopoeia.
  • Pay attention to the tempo and cadence of your writing to create a sense of movement and flow.

Conveying Dynamic Movement

  • Use active verbs and strong action words to describe the movement of natural elements.
  • Employ sensory details to create a vivid picture of the movement, such as the sound of wind whistling through trees or the feeling of water rushing over your skin.
  • Consider using personification or擬人化 to give natural elements human qualities, such as the wind dancing or the river whispering.

Nature’s Scale and Immensity

When describing nature’s scale and immensity, the goal is to convey a sense of awe and wonder at its vastness and grandeur. This can be achieved through the use of language that emphasizes size, distance, and power.

One effective technique is to use words that evoke a sense of scale, such as “colossal,” “towering,” or “expansive.” These words help to create a mental image of the sheer size of natural features, such as mountains, oceans, or forests.

  • The towering peaks of the Himalayas stretched up into the sky, their snow-capped summits lost in the clouds.
  • The vast expanse of the ocean stretched out before us, as far as the eye could see.
  • The ancient forest was a labyrinth of towering trees, their branches reaching up to the heavens.

Nature’s Interconnectedness

How to describe nature in creative writing

Nature is a vast and intricate web of life, where every element plays a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of the ecosystem. Describing this interconnectedness requires capturing the relationships between different species, the interdependence of natural processes, and the impact of human activities on the environment.

Symbiotic Relationships

Highlight the mutually beneficial relationships between species, such as pollination, seed dispersal, and nutrient cycling. Explain how these interactions contribute to the survival and well-being of both species involved.

  • Describe the intricate relationship between bees and flowers, where bees collect nectar and pollen for food while aiding in the plant’s reproduction.
  • Discuss the interdependence of birds and trees, where birds rely on trees for nesting and shelter, while trees benefit from the birds’ seed dispersal and insect control.

Food Webs and Trophic Levels

Explain the concept of food webs and trophic levels, illustrating how energy and nutrients flow through an ecosystem. Emphasize the interconnectedness of all organisms, from producers to consumers to decomposers.

  • Describe the role of phytoplankton as primary producers in marine ecosystems, providing the foundation for the entire food web.
  • Explain how the decline of one species, such as a keystone predator, can have cascading effects throughout the ecosystem, affecting multiple trophic levels.

Biogeochemical Cycles

Discuss the interconnectedness of natural processes, such as the water cycle, carbon cycle, and nitrogen cycle. Explain how these cycles regulate the Earth’s climate, provide essential nutrients, and support life.

  • Describe the role of forests in the water cycle, capturing and releasing water vapor into the atmosphere.
  • Explain how the carbon cycle links the atmosphere, oceans, and land, regulating the Earth’s temperature and providing the basis for fossil fuels.

Human Impact

Discuss the impact of human activities on the interconnectedness of nature. Explain how pollution, deforestation, and climate change can disrupt natural relationships and threaten the stability of ecosystems.

  • Describe the effects of plastic pollution on marine life, entangling and harming animals.
  • Explain how deforestation disrupts the water cycle and leads to soil erosion, affecting the entire ecosystem.

Sensory Overload and Immersion

Nature has the power to overwhelm our senses and immerse us in its vastness. To create a sense of sensory overload and immersion in nature using descriptive language, writers can employ the following techniques:

Sensory Overload

Sensory overload is a technique that involves using multiple sensory details to create an overwhelming and immersive experience. By engaging several senses simultaneously, writers can transport readers into the natural world and evoke a vivid and visceral response.For example, consider the following passage:

“The air was thick with the scent of pine needles, the sound of rushing water, and the feel of the wind on my skin. The sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting a dappled light on the forest floor. I could taste the crisp autumn air on my tongue, and the crunch of leaves beneath my feet filled my ears.”

This passage uses a combination of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch to create a sense of sensory overload, immersing the reader in the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures of the natural world.


Envelopment is a technique that describes the feeling of being fully surrounded by and enveloped in nature. By creating a sense of enclosure and immersion, writers can evoke a feeling of awe and wonder in readers.For example, consider the following passage:

“I felt like I was being swallowed up by the forest, the trees towering over me like ancient guardians. The canopy of leaves formed a dense roof above my head, blocking out the sunlight and creating a sense of intimacy and seclusion. The air was heavy with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves, and the only sound was the gentle rustling of the wind in the trees.”

This passage uses imagery and sensory details to create a sense of envelopment, making the reader feel as if they are surrounded by the forest and enveloped in its sights, sounds, and smells.


Awe-inspiring is a technique that conveys the overwhelming and awe-inspiring aspects of nature. By using language that evokes a sense of wonder and insignificance, writers can create a powerful emotional response in readers.For example, consider the following passage:

“The sheer size and majesty of the mountains filled me with a sense of wonder and insignificance. I stood at the base of the towering peaks, my head tilted back as I gazed up at their snow-capped summits. The clouds drifted past, casting shadows on the mountain slopes, and the wind howled through the passes, carrying with it the sound of distant thunder.”

This passage uses vivid imagery and sensory details to convey the awe-inspiring aspects of nature, creating a sense of wonder and insignificance in the reader.

Nature’s Symbolism and Meaning

How to describe nature in creative writing

Nature has the ability to evoke powerful emotions and associations, making it a rich source of symbolism in creative writing. Authors can use nature to convey deeper themes and meanings, exploring the human condition and the relationship between humanity and the natural world.

For example, a stormy sea might represent inner turmoil or emotional upheaval, while a blooming flower could symbolize hope or renewal. Nature can also be used to represent human qualities, such as strength, resilience, or fragility.

Nature as a Reflection of Human Emotion

  • A gentle breeze can convey a sense of peace and tranquility.
  • A raging storm can symbolize anger, passion, or chaos.
  • A wilting flower can represent sadness, loss, or vulnerability.

Nature’s Healing and Restorative Powers

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Nature possesses an inherent ability to heal and restore our minds and bodies. Spending time in natural environments has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and boost cognitive function. In this section, we will explore how to effectively describe the restorative effects of nature on the human psyche, providing examples and insights to enhance your writing.

Natural Elements and Their Psychological Benefits

Various natural elements offer specific psychological benefits. Consider incorporating the following into your writing:

Natural ElementPsychological Benefits
SunlightBoosts mood, improves sleep, and increases vitamin D levels.
WaterCalms the nervous system, reduces stress, and promotes relaxation.
TreesRelease phytoncides, which have antibacterial and stress-reducing effects.
FlowersEnhance mood, reduce anxiety, and promote a sense of well-being.
BirdsongSoothes the mind, improves sleep quality, and reduces stress levels.
“Nature has a profound and healing effect on our well-being. It can reduce stress, improve mood, and boost cognitive function.” – Richard Louv, author of “Last Child in the Woods”

Nature’s Threats and Fragility

How to describe nature in creative writing

Nature, in its pristine beauty and intricate balance, faces myriad threats that jeopardize its well-being and the delicate equilibrium it sustains. Human activities, often driven by short-sightedness and unsustainable practices, pose significant risks to the natural world, leaving an imprint of destruction that threatens the very foundation of our planet’s ecosystems.

Industrialization, urbanization, and the proliferation of consumer goods have led to an alarming increase in pollution levels. Pollutants such as greenhouse gases, toxic chemicals, and plastic waste contaminate the air, water, and soil, disrupting ecosystems and endangering countless species. Air pollution, caused by vehicle emissions and industrial processes, contributes to respiratory illnesses and climate change.

Water pollution, resulting from industrial effluents, agricultural runoff, and sewage discharge, contaminates water bodies, harming aquatic life and affecting human health.


The relentless destruction of forests, driven by logging, agriculture, and urban expansion, is a major threat to biodiversity and the global ecosystem. Forests play a crucial role in regulating the climate, providing habitats for countless species, and supporting the livelihoods of millions of people.

Deforestation disrupts the water cycle, exacerbates soil erosion, and contributes to climate change by releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Climate Change

Climate change, driven by human activities that release greenhouse gases, is one of the most pressing threats to nature. Rising temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events disrupt ecosystems, threaten species, and impact human societies. Coral reefs, essential for marine biodiversity, are particularly vulnerable to rising sea temperatures and ocean acidification.

Conservation and Protection

Recognizing the urgency of these threats, conservation efforts are vital to safeguard nature’s resilience and ensure its long-term survival. Protecting and restoring natural habitats, promoting sustainable practices, and reducing pollution are essential steps towards mitigating these threats. Individuals can contribute by adopting eco-friendly lifestyles, supporting conservation organizations, and advocating for policies that prioritize environmental protection.

Nature’s Resilience and Adaptability

Words satisfied describing nature ever only quotes charm fairy books used terms save mystery spell arbitrariness enchantment fact express its

Nature is not just beautiful; it’s also incredibly resilient and adaptable. It has the ability to withstand and overcome challenges, and even thrive in changing conditions.

Nature’s Adaptability

Nature has an amazing ability to adapt to its surroundings. For example, some plants have evolved to thrive in harsh conditions, such as deserts or mountains. Some animals have developed camouflage to help them hide from predators. And some organisms have even learned to live in extreme environments, such as the deep sea or the Arctic.

Nature’s Resilience

Nature is also incredibly resilient. It can withstand natural disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods. It can also recover from human-caused damage, such as pollution and deforestation. Nature’s resilience is a testament to its strength and adaptability.

How to Describe Nature’s Resilience and Adaptability

When describing nature’s resilience and adaptability, use descriptive language and vivid imagery. Focus on the details that show how nature is able to withstand and overcome challenges. For example, you might describe the way a tree bends in the wind but does not break, or the way a flower blooms in the middle of a barren landscape.You can also use personification to give nature human qualities.

This can help to make nature seem more relatable and to emphasize its strength and resilience. For example, you might describe a river as “fighting” against its banks, or a mountain as “standing tall” in the face of adversity.Finally, don’t forget to evoke emotions in your writing.

Nature’s resilience and adaptability can inspire a sense of awe and wonder. By capturing these emotions in your writing, you can help your readers to appreciate the beauty and strength of the natural world.

Key Questions Answered

How do I choose the right sensory details to describe nature?

Focus on details that evoke a specific sense or emotion. Use vivid language and avoid generic or overused descriptions.

How can I use figurative language to enhance my nature descriptions?

Metaphors, similes, and personification can bring nature to life and create a lasting impression. Use them sparingly and effectively.

How do I convey the emotional impact of nature in my writing?

Use language that reflects the emotions you want to evoke. Consider the tone and mood you’re aiming for and use descriptive language that creates the desired atmosphere.

description of tree for creative writing

Writer In A Hat

Julia h dixon, author of speculative fiction., how to describe trees, forests & woodland in fiction writing.

Good writing has a range of vocabulary. A single word can make all the difference to the tone and meaning of a sentence. There are times when I struggle to find the correct terminology, so I have decided to create word masterlists – helping me and you to write precisely. View the archive of vocabulary masterlists here. Or see any of the following:

  • How To Describe Trees, Forests & Woodland In Fiction Writing
  • How To Describe Fields, Grassland And Meadows In Fiction Writing
  • How To Describe Marshes, Swamps and Bogs In Fiction Writing

Little known fact about me: I’m something of a conservationist. I have a degree in conservation and since 2016 I’ve worked with the Wildlife Trust, the UK’s leading conservation and nature recovery charity. Nature is vast and complicated and there is no way of fitting all the possible terminology onto one list. For this reason, in this post I will be solely focusing on words for trees, forests and woodlands and the features therein, and will largely be focused on UK and European woodlands, though I’m sure a lot of this can be applied elsewhere. This is also not an exhaustive list of everything in a forest, but is a jumping off point for myself and for you to use. With that said, I hope you find this helpful.

Remember: Not all of these words are interchangeble! Read the definitions carefully to make sure you are using the words correctly.

how to describe a forest

Words for A Group Of Trees

ForestA large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth.
Wood/WoodsAn area of land, smaller than a forest, that is covered with growing trees.
GroveA small wood: a group of trees without underbrush.
OrchardA piece of enclosed land planted with fruit trees.
ThickettA group of bushes or trees.

An area of woodland in which the trees or shrubs are periodically cut back to ground level to stimulate growth and provide firewood or timber.
“coppices of oak were cultivated”

Cut back (a tree or shrub) to ground level periodically to stimulate growth.
WoodlotA restricted area of woodland usually privately maintained as a source of wood-products such as fuel, posts, and lumber.

From this list, you would have noticed that these terms not only describe a group of trees, but rather the function of that group of trees. AKA “Are those trees managed and why?”

This is something to consider when describing a woodland. If it is managed, don’t only consider why but consider how . Is it grazed by cattle? Is it cut back by human workers? Different management techniques result in different types of habitat, ergo different terminology.

Don’t assume that if a habitat is not artificially managed that it’s simply a wild, untamed mess. Nature has it’s way of shaping the landscape and can appear surprisingly logical even in the harshest of environments. Consider the impact wild animals, natural fires, weather, and competing plants will have on the appearance of the landscape.

The Difference Between Coniferous And Deciduous (And Why It Matters)

Deciduous or broadleaved trees grow their leaves during the spring and lose them during the winter. Coniferous trees grow needles and cones instead of leaves, which don’t shed seasonally.

The reason this matters is because whether your forest is coniferous or deciduous will impact the ecosystem around it. Generally, you’re not going to get a mixed woodland of coniferous trees and deciduous trees. In the UK especially, coniferous forests such as pine forests are specially cultivated for the purpose of growing pine trees, so anything else is out. More to the point, deciduous and coniferous trees prefer different soil types so they won’t grow together. Deciduous trees usually prefer fertile, well-drained soil , whereas coniferous trees grow in acidic, often sandy soil which is lower in fertility because coniferous trees do not drop their leaves and these aren’t rotting down into the soil to provide it with nutrients.

Obviously you shouldn’t go to intense scientific detail about why your fictional forest looks the way it does because that would be pain-stakingly boring. My point is, if you’ve described a scene where a pine tree by an oak tree because you like pine trees and oak trees, maybe reconsider.

Descriptors And Adjectives For Describing Trees

Here’s some adjectives to inspire you to write a compelling description of trees and forests. I’ve paired them with what I associate with coniferous forests and deciduous ones, but these words can easily be used for both in the right circumstances .

Example: Describing a deciduous forest as ‘dry’ and ‘harsh’ tells me that the forest is not in very good condition and is dying. A privately owned coniferous forest will be quiet, but a coniferous woodlot will be noisy and full of workers.


Remember to keep in mind the time of day and time of year. Here’s a great list of 35 words to describe a forest at different times of day.

Words For Undergrowth

Another major difference between deciduous and coniferous forests is what grows beneath the trees. Due to the low nutrients in the soil around coniferous trees, the forest floor tends to be sparse of bushes and plants. ‘Undergrowth’ is generally a term used when describing deciduous forests, however some of these words can be used for either.

UnderwoodSmall trees and shrubs growing beneath taller timber trees.

A dense growth of shrubs and other plants, especially under trees in woodland.
Shrubs and small trees forming the undergrowth in a forest.
VegetationPlants considered collectively, especially those found in a particular area or habitat.
FoliagePlant leaves collectively.
VerdureLush green vegetation, or the fresh green colour of lush vegetation.

What sort of plants are in the undergrowth? All sorts! The easiest way to brainstorm ideas is to think about what your forest needs to sustain itself.

Plants flower. Plants provide food. When describing your natural setting, remember that there are most likely going to be animals living in that setting. And animals need to eat.

But before you put any old flowering bush in your woodland, consider seasonality , location , and the condition of the environment. Is it mushroom season? Are the flowers blooming? Have the berries ripened? All of these questions will depend on what plants are growing in your setting.

Woodlands are my favourite habitat. They’re instinstically beautiful and complex and there’s always more going on inside them than you think. If you found this helpful, be sure to leave a like. I would also reccomend the article below.

Furthur Reading: The Seven Layers Of A Forest.

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35 Words to Describe a Forest Well in a Novel

By: Author Hiuyan Lam

Posted on Last updated: October 20, 2023

Categories Vocabulary Boosters

35 Words to Describe a Forest Well in a Novel

A huge part of writing a novel is using the best words to describe various settings to bring your story to life. If you have a scene set in a forest, your words to describe a forest must reflect everything the characters (if any) can see or feel, or should paint a vivid picture of the setting.

But that’s easier said than done, isn’t it? Everyone gets stuck sometimes and finding the best words to describe the simplest of things can take some time.

In this post, we’re going to focus on a popular scene that can be tricky to describe for some: the forest. Here are 35 of the best words to describe a forest well in a novel:

6 words for a forest at night (black forest)

  Scenes take place in the forest at night for various reasons. Perhaps you want to create suspense or mystery.   A forest at night can also be used to create drama or romance. However, if you don’t have the best words to describe a forest at night, your delivery is sure to fall flat.   Here are 6 words to describe a forest at night:  

gray scale photo of trees and pathway

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6 words to describe a forest in winter (white forest)

  Forests in winter are truly a sight to behold, especially when they are blanketed by a cover of white snow. A white forest may be used to portray purity or light.   A white forest may also be used to portray isolation or emptiness. Here are 6 words to describe a forest based on what you wish to portray:  

gray scale photo of trees on snow

6 words to describe a forest in spring (green forest)

  During spring, the forest is at its busiest with creatures roaming about, and plants sprouting their blossoms. It is a period of rebirth and regrowth that may be used to set a specific mood or contrast a less favorable circumstance.   Whatever the case may be, here are 6 words to describe a forest in spring:  

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6 words about the Amazon rainforest

  The Amazon is the world’s largest rainforest and contains an infinite number of green trees of various shades and sizes. It is also one of the most diverse biomes on the planet.   Here are some words to describe a forest that will help you to paint an accurate picture of the Amazon rainforest.  

green moss on brown tree trunk

6 words to convey the atmosphere of a mysterious/deep forest

  When describing a forest to an audience, you will need words to describe more than just the trees.   You also need to pay attention to the atmosphere, especially if it is mysterious or deep.   Here are some words to describe a forest based on its atmosphere  

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5 words for the sounds of a forest

  Lastly, using sounds will paint the ultimate picture in your readers’ heads.   Here are 5 words to describe a forest based on the sounds one may hear:  

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  When using these words to describe a forest, ensure they complement the scene you are trying to set, rather than adding a bunch of words to fill the page, otherwise, it may be confusing for your reader.   Picture it in your head before finding the appropriate words.  

description of tree for creative writing

Write that Scene

May your writing spirit live on forever

description of tree for creative writing

How to Write a Forest Scene

A. write more about the trees and greenery. give the reader insight to the location and the weather..


B. Write about the animals and the life that exist in this Forest. You can even make up your own and/ or it could be humans that live in the forest.

  •  Orangutans spend most of their time in the forest canopy where they feed on leaves, figs and other fruit, bark, nuts, and insects. Large trees of the old-growth forests support woody vines that serve as aerial ladders, enabling the animals to move about, build their nests, and forage for food.
  • The largest of all primates, the gorilla. Too large and clumsy to move about in the forest canopy, the gorilla lives on the forest floor where it forages for a variety of plant materials.
  • The jaguar. Its endangered status is the result of hunting and habitat loss.
  • The Puerto Rican parrot (Amazona vittata), a medium-sized, green bird with blue wing feathers
  • Below the canopy the waters are filled with fish life. Kelp bass find the middle of the kelp forest to be a good hunting area, while Sheephead, a boldly colored fish, like to feed on the larger invertebrates that live among the kelp stipes and tend to hang out towards the bottom of the forest.
  • Insects (morpho butterfly, Julia butterfly, Monarch butterfly, and millions of other insects) mammals (jaguar, ocelot, didelphid opossums, sloth, howler monkey, spider monkey, capybara, many bats, marmosets, procyonids, peccaries)
  • Birds (quetzal, macaw, tinamous, curassows, hoatzins, hummingbirds, eagles, ovenbirds, antbirds, flycatchers, puffbirds, toucans, jacamars, tanagers, tapirs, troupials, honeycreepers, cardinal grosbeaks, xenops) reptiles (anaconda, caiman, iguanas, lizards, microteiid lizards, boas, and coral snakes), amphibians (poison arrow frog, etc.)
  • Fish (electric eel, piranha), and millions of other animals.Australia – mammals (tree kangaroo, rat kangaroo, yellow-footed Antechinus, Giant White-tailed Uromys, opossums, bandicoot, echidna, duck-billed platypus, sugar glider, red legged pademelon)
  • Reptiles (frilled lizard, carpet python, Green Tree Snake, Spotted Tree Monitor, Eastern Water Dragon, Boyd’s Forest Dragon, Northern Leaf Tailed Gecko)
  • Amphibians (Giant Tree frog, Striped marsh frog, Northern Barred frog, Dainty Green Tree frog), and millions of other animals.Southeast Asia –
  • mammals (tarsiers, orangutans, Siamangs, gibbons, colobine monkeys, tigers, tree shrews, binturong, moonrats, most flying foxes, colugos, bamboo rats, Oriental dormice)
  • birds (tree swifts, leafbirds, fairy bluebirds, fantails, whistlers, flowerpeckers, wood swallows)
  • insects (Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing butterfly, Goliath Birdwing butterfly, Saturn Butterfly) to name a few.West Africa –
  • mammals (antelopes, bonobo, chimpanzee, gorilla, Mandrill, scaly-tailed squirrels, otter shrews, duikers, okapi, hippopotamus, Cercopithecus monkeys, bushbabies, pygmy hippo, duiker)
  • birds (Congo peafowl, African Gray Parrot) to name a few.

C. Describe how these things have a connection to the story and to the overall plot. Give hint to how they will be a part of the journey.

I. What about the animals and the forest is important to the story and to the character? How are they a vital allie to the trail and the path of the rain forest?

I I. Ultimately how are these things good? Give signs and behavior patterns that will differentiate them from good and evil. Or keep it a mystery to enhance the dynamics of your story.

I I I. Use ideologies, metaphors, and similes to create an experience your character is having. How they connect with the forest atmosphere and the creatures who dwell inside this area.

 A. Why is your character there in the first place and how long do they plan on staying? Their journey can all the sudden become extended or shortened by anything.

I.  Think of all the things you might find in a dark forest and make them experience it.

  • Insects in the mouth and eyes
  • Branches in the face and tearing at clothes
  • Tripping over roots and rocks
  • Feet crunching on dirt, snapping twigs
  • His/her own gasping breath in the silence
  • Sounds of creatures pursuing him
  • Howling of wolves in the distance
  • Owls hooting in the night

I I. Explain their thoughts, the worries, even ultimately telling the reader what’s at stake for the character.

I I I. Do they meet someone along the way? Is there a barrier or path they cannot take or overcome? Or do they find a great shortcut? Is a shortcut even safe?

B. Is there anything out of the usual? Does it become too much for the character to handle to where they will need someone or something to help them? Maybe it’s the animals and life that live in the forest or the forest itself.

I. Is there magic involved? Are there a new philosophies or new rules that doesn’t pertain to our own world, involved? If so, who is controlling this? Does the character have an idea who might be behind these doing?

I I. Does the character actively call out loud for someone or something to help them? Does anyone come to their aid? Is it magical or ordinary? Where has this person or being been all that time? Was this all a test to begin with?

I I I. Must the character return the favor somehow or is it given for free? Does the character somehow speak to this thing or person or are they dumbfounded? Do they just accept what happened or begin to question the place they’re in? Does this mean they’re about to escape or try to at least?

C. Show some relief of the problem or a solution that is at a near distance. Give the reader hope for the character.

I. How are they coping with these sudden changes and surprises? Are they able to take a break at all and stop to get some air from what is going on?

I I.  If s/he’s running to vent because she heard something emotionally traumatizing and they’re running away from the impact it has on them, then s/he would be tripping and stumbling not out of fear but out of anxiety to get away.

If s/he’s running through the woods because it’s a pass time and they enjoy it, then you select words and thoughts and structure your sentences to give a peaceful tone (or whatever emotion you’re aiming for).

I I I. What talents skills or abilities does the character have the makes them seem not so hopeless?      

 A. Show how the forest becomes an aide to the character and/or the character becomes an aide/savior to the forest.

I. Can the animals speak English, can the character all the sudden communicate with the animals, or do they have to find a creative way to speak with each other?

I I. Maybe the trees sway in the wind and gives direction to the character on where to go, what if something randomly falls down as a way to direct the character to a specific path? You can use sound, you can use smell, you can use all the human senses. Be creative.

B. Is there any magic that is in the place? How about the connection between the scenery and the character? How does it strengthen them or how does it weaken them?

I. What type of Magic? Is it something that can be learned? Is it something that can be avoided or counteracted? Does the magic bring anything alive or keeps things dead? Does the magic prevent the forest from doing anything or allows it to do more than what it once could?

I I. Does the character softly walk through the forest to avoid from causing any harm? Does the character do anything weird to the forest such as pray to it or use the trees leaves as clothing? Why are they acting this way?

I I I. How about the forest? Does the forest do anything out of character to gain the character’s interest? Does it offer the character anything?

C. Are there hints in the forest that the character can only see and their enemy cannot? How does the forest communicate with the character? How does the character communicate with the forest?

I. Why can the character see these hints and the enemy cannot? How do they know that these are going to protect them? What has the forest done that makes the character believe it’s okay to to follow unknowingly or even listen to?

I I. How desperate does they forest become? Will they go to great lengths to protect the character? Or will the character go through great lengths to protect the forest? Where does this bond come from and how does it help the character easily flow through the forest?

I I I. Or maybe the forest is silent. Maybe the forest has no magic or is on no one side. If so, how does the character use the forest as they please?

A. Add some drama, some danger, what is breaking… what is causing Mayhem? How is the character mentally handling it and what might be their demise?

I. Give details about the great enemy. What is the character learning thus far? Who are their allies? At what point in their Journey are they at and how close are they to finishing?

I I. Are there any swamps, quicksand, spiders, snakes, or otherwise that wouldn’t necessarily be in another land? How much harder is it to journey through the forest than it is somewhere else?

I I I. Do they get injured, do they somehow make a mistake that they cannot take back? Has the forest abandoned them? Have the animals abandoned them? Have they abandoned themselves and their will to live?

B. If the enemy is directed towards the forest, then how does the forest cope with it and what is it doing to protect itself? How is the character helping to protect the forest if at all?

I. Why is this evil thing having a war with the forest? Does the character understand why? Is it a being? Is it nature? Is it a Mystic being? Is it the forest itself that’s their own enemy?

I I. Do the branches hit and sway? Do the leaves fall down from the branches to the ground as a way of surrender? Do the animals bite, bark growl? Do trees fall down? Do trees move as if they had feet?

C. Put a bit of focus on the enemy; the danger. How do they look? what are they doing? how does it seem for them to be in this Forest? what threats are they saying? what weapons do they have? how many people are on the enemy army? How much more powerful is this threat?

I. How does the face look? How powerful is this evil? How weak are they; what is their weak link? How long has the war/battle been going on?

I I. Where did this enemy come from? How evil are they or do they have some kindness to them? Is it never ending or does it have a downfall? Is it hurting itself by battling the forest or the character? Or is battling the forest or the character making it stronger?

I I I. If the character or the forest is battling themselves, then describe the pain they are inflicting on itself through the eyes of who is watching. How much longer until the end is near? In other words, is it hopeless to help?

 A. Is everything complete, is everything at peace, how does the character feel?

I. What are the goodbyes like? What actions do they take to make sure they are thanking the forest and that the forest understands what they’re saying?

I I. How much has the character contributed? Where does the health of the character and the forest lie? Are they both to thank for a good ending? Who’s to blame for a bad ending? Is there any animosity between the character and the forest? Remember, the animals are considered to be part of the forest.

I I I. Is there any gifts exchanged? Are there any songs sang? Is there a promise of return?

B. How about if the threat is still alive? how has the character left the threat or if they decide to stay how are they keeping the threat at bay?

I. Is threat gone away for a while? Is it sure to return? Will the character return before the threat returns but with more weapons or people to battle?

I I. If the character stayed, what are they doing in order to protect the forest? How much do they have to sacrifice to keep the forest in good shape? Is the forest doing anything to thank them or to protect the character in return? Is this a completely selfless act?

I I I. Vice versa. What must the forest do in order to continue to protect the character? How’s the character thanking the forest?

C. Let the reader know who’s in charge, whether it’s the character the forest or the enemy at the end of the scene. Let them know where it should start the next time you begin this scene. If it is finished then make sure you bring out the person you want to bring out on top. But not without consequence; there must be signs of a battle.

I. Who left the battle? Who had the most battle scars? Who showed signs of fear? And how did they show these signs if they weren’t human?

I I. Is there a prophecy? Were there hostile words exchanged? Was there a time when the character or the forest felt like they failed or were about to lose? Is this a false win?

I I I. Is there peace at the end of the scene? Or is there a lot to be desired? What is the last thing that the character remembers about the forest or sees?

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A way into the balance of the forest ecosystem opened not as a door, but as an unfolding leaf, not to walk through, yet to bow in. Then comes the sense of immense life all around, each tree is an apartment block for billions of organisms, for communties, stood in well rooted calm, reaching into the light. Each green capped masterpiece is both a safe of genentic diversity and spirits cradle. Every sense comes online. Within balm air we wander, soles to salve of earth, guided by the aromatic, hearing sounds as if they enter via our souls.
A hug of browns, a shelter of extended limbs, seven resting beneath foliage hues, the forest is protective mother, the promise of holy sanctuary.
The forest is my light and air, the deep brown earth that elevates each step with its ever-giving soul.
A billion verdant wands of pine wave in arboreal air; for this place is magical, so much so that you can feel it from core to finger tips.
The forest silences the clocks, for this place of root and branch is the dominion of the eternal soul.
From the rich brown earthen hues of the forest ground to the sweetness of the blue-white sky, the forest is a three dimensional wonderland for the eyes who are willing to absorb the light.
In this forest I am with my tribe of wood and leaf, among the giants who's roots hug the earth. It is a place of ancient souls, of the creatures who dwell with the sweet sounds of moving water and bird song. Somehow this is more home than home, perhaps one day I'll learn why.
Upon the forest floor lie trees of yesteryear, fallen in storms long forgotten. The seasons have been harsh, stripping away the bark and outer layers, yet rendering them all the more beautiful. They have the appearance of driftwood, twisting in patterns that remind Sarah of seaside waves; even the colour of the moss is kelp-like. They are soft, damp, yet her fingers come away dry. Sarah tilts her head upward, feeling her hair tumble further down her back; the pines are several houses tall, reaching toward the golden rays of spring. Birdsong comes in lulls and bursts, the silence and the singing working together as well as any improvised melody. A new smile paints itself upon her freckled face, rose-pink lips semi-illuminated by the dappled light. Before she knows it her feet have begun to walk, body and mind both on autopilot - it's morning-time and no-one expects her home until supper.
Perhaps it would be a fitting tribute to the life work of Sir David Attenborough, as well as a much needed step to save our own souls, to ban the sale of all furniture made from new wood. Such a step would be positive shift in the economy and the way we live. Jobs in refurbishment and the antique industry would flourish - we'd gain more carpenters and artists who can work from home. As we move into more plant based diets the stems of wheat and other plant materials could be used in furniture production. We can amend the way we live, taking inspiration from other cultures. Many eat sitting on the floor, thus doing away with dinning tables and dining chairs. How about sleeping more Japanese style with a mattress that rolls up during the day - no wooden frame. We use recycled and reclaimed materials too - perhaps the harvesting of plastic from the oceans for reuse will gain financial viability as well as being the right thing to do.
It is to the forest I go for rest, for serenity that flows as cool river waters. There is something about the sparkle upon the blue, a melody without a rhythm, music without sound. Above wave the great arms, clothed in the greens of every palate and none, the verdant hues of nature's free dreams. In that place I become a part of that art, of that three dimensional creation of time and space, of a greater evolutionary span than my brain can fathom. It's when I stop knowing and begin feeling, it's when I hear with my heart the voices of these mighty trees, "Sister, welcome."
In the forest I breathe in every way that it is possible to expand: in lungs, in brain in soul. In the forest there is a sense of kinship with the flora, of an ancient soul that stretches into everything that lives. It is here under the nascent rays of a sun born to rise each day that I am so very alive. How could I not love the forest so? From simple seed, with mud, water and sun, comes all this, these towering gentle giants that are so anchoring to all that I am.
And upon the forest floor so woven with ancient tree roots came a light filtered by the bouquet of foliage above: softened, verdant and freshly aromatic.
When the day is growing old and the hearth calls, the sun sinks down beneath the tops of the pines. The light streaks through the boughs in both brilliant and shadowy beams. In the summertime they were white gold, illuminating the greens into virescent riots; yet the gift of those warm days has passed for the season. On these wintry days the fogs cast those same beams of light into sepia tones and the woodland becomes the most beautiful of photographs. The trunks of fallen trees bare icicles longer than my hand, no two of them the same - more enchanting than any work of man. Every twig and blade of grass grows winter "leaves" of ice crystals, frost deeper than the fleece in my gloves. And never is the woodland silent, though it is quieter than any city street for sure. There are the birds above, calling, pecking for grubs. There is movement of mammals, mostly small, sometimes not. There is is the water that flows quietly until it meets the sharp rocky scree slopes and forms the waterfalls I love so much.
The forest is the orchestra of my mind, playing one enchanting symphony after another. Her leaves dance to an unheard beat, whispering their songs to the wind. In here, sheltered by the mighty trees, is every kind of life, from the humble beetle to enchanting birds of every colour. I hold my hands up to feel the cascading light, a brilliant white shaft illuminating the path that takes me onward and home.

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description of tree for creative writing

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How a Writer is Like a Tree: A Metaphor for Creativity

Painter paul klee on creativity and the artistic process.

Gavin Lamb, PhD

Gavin Lamb, PhD

“The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing which stands in the way” — William Blake

“Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky,” writes the poet Kahlil Gibran. “We fell them down and turn them into paper, That we may record our emptiness.”

Richard Powers, in his anti-anthropocentric novel Overstory where trees become the story’s protagonists, writes: “This is not our world with trees in it. It’s a world of trees, where humans have just arrived.”

There’s something about trees that captures our imagination, whether it’s a single oak tree in our neighborhood or an entire rain forest in the Pacific Northwest. So it’s no wonder when we draw on our experience with these ancient beings as metaphors to make sense of our everyday lives.

“Nothing can be rushed. It must grow, it should grow of itself, and if the time ever comes for that work — then so much the better!” — Paul Klee

Gavin Lamb, PhD

Written by Gavin Lamb, PhD

I’m a researcher and writer in ecolinguistics and environmental communication. Get my weekly digest of ecowriting tools:

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Writing Tips Oasis

Writing Tips Oasis - A website dedicated to helping writers to write and publish books.

10 Words to Describe a Woodland Setting

By A.W. Naves

words to describe a woodland setting

If certain scenes in your novel are set in the woods, the following 10 words to describe a woodland setting will help to capture your readers’ imaginations.

Lush with vegetation ; colored a vibrant green.

“The  verdant  forest was a sight to behold, with every tree and shrub bursting with life.”

“The meadow,  verdant  and serene, was surrounded by tall grasses and wildflowers.”

How it Adds Description

The word “verdant” can help the reader to visualize the forest as a lush, green, and thriving ecosystem, which can add a sense of wonder and awe to the story. It can also create a contrast with other settings in the novel, such as a barren desert or a polluted city, making the verdant forest stand out as a unique and special place.

Closely packed ; difficult to navigate.

“The underbrush was so  dense  we could barely walk through the forest without getting snagged on branches.”

“The  dense  fog permeated the woods, making it was nearly impossible to see more than a few feet in front of us.”

The word “dense” helps the reader imagine the density of the forest, which can be overwhelming and claustrophobic. This description can create a sense of mystery and unease, as the dense foliage may make it difficult to see what lies beyond. It may also convey the idea of the forest being a natural barrier, making it harder for characters to navigate through it.

3. Majestic

Grand; impressive  in appearance.

“The  majestic  pine trees towered over us, their branches reaching high into the sky.”

“The waterfall was  majestic  as it cascaded down the mountain, its roar filling the air.”

The word “majestic” creates a sense of wonder and mystery, as the reader is transported to a place of natural splendor and serenity. The use of this word adds depth and richness to the setting, making it more than just a physical location, but a place of profound beauty and wonder. It also adds an emotional and poetic quality to the novel.

Abundant; thriving  with vegetation.

“The vibrant colors and sweet scents of the  lush  forest were a feast for the senses.”

“The patch of wildflowers in the clearing was a  lush  oasis filled with buzzing bees.”

The word “lush” adds a sense of vitality and beauty to the scene, making it more vivid and engaging for the reader. Additionally, it can convey a sense of mystery and intrigue, as the dense foliage may obscure the path ahead and create a sense of adventure for the characters in the novel.

Sheltered or protected  from direct sunlight.

“The  shaded  clearing provided a respite from the hot sun, the trees overhead casting a cool shadow.”

“The trail was  shaded , providing a welcome respite from the bright, blinding light of the sun.”

The word “shaded” implies that there is a lack of direct sunlight in the area, which can evoke a feeling of coolness and calmness. This description can also set the tone for the scene or chapter, suggesting that the setting is peaceful and serene, or it could also imply that it is dark and mysterious.

Peaceful, calm ; marked by tranquility

“The  serene  forest was a peaceful with its soft rustling leaves and gentle birdsong.”

“The lake was  serene  as it mirrored the sky, its surface unbroken by a single ripple.”

The word “serene” implies that there is a sense of tranquility and stillness within the setting, which can set a tone of contemplative introspection or relaxation for the characters and the reader. It can also suggest that the setting is unspoiled and untouched by human activity, creating a sense of natural beauty and harmony.

Untamed, natural ; unspoiled by humans.

“The  wild  tangle of forest was a place of mystery, with its deep shadows and hidden secrets.”

“The animals roamed unrestrained through the brush, their spirits free and  wild .”

How it Adds Definition

The word “wild” evokes images of dense, overgrown foliage, tangled underbrush, and possible danger lurking just beyond the edge of the path. It can also imply a sense of mystery and adventure, as the wildness of the woods suggests that there may be secrets or hidden treasures waiting to be discovered in the raw beauty of undiscovered nature.

Moss-like ; covered in a soft, green growth.

“The  mossy  forest floor was soft underfoot, the dense growth cushioning our steps.”

“The tree trunks were  mossy , their rough bark hidden beneath the blanket of green.”

The word “mossy” conjures up images of lush, green foliage covering the ground and trees, creating a sense of dampness and moisture in the environment. It helps to create a rich and immersive atmosphere, providing the reader with a vivid mental image of the setting. It can also imply that the woodland is ancient, untouched by humans and possibly full of magic.

9. Enchanted

Magical, mystical ; possessing mysterious powers.

“The  enchanted  forest seemed to glow with an otherworldly light, the trees and flowers seeming to dance.”

“The lake was  enchanted , its depths mysterious and unknown.”

The word “enchanted” implies that there is something special and unique about the forest, and that it is not just a typical, mundane setting. It suggests that there may be hidden secrets or supernatural elements within the forest, which creates a sense of intrigue and wonder for the reader.

10. Fragrant

Flowery, aromatic ; having a pleasant aroma.

“The  fragrant  woodland clearing was the perfect spot for us to have our picnic.”

“The meadow was filled with  fragrant  wildflowers in bloom and fresh pine trees.”

The word “fragrant” evokes the sense of smell. It implies that the woodland is filled with pleasant, aromatic scents, creating a sense of tranquility and peacefulness in the reader’s mind. It paints a vivid and detailed picture of a flowery, calm woodland scene where characters can stroll or relax in their beautiful surroundings.

Kate Innes Writer

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description of tree for creative writing

Ancient Trees – Writing prompts and Resources

In ancient trees , Folklore , Oak Apple Day , Owain Glyndwr , Pitchford Hall , Uncategorised by Kateinnes_123.@hW 22nd May 2020

Ancient Trees Resource Pack : to be used in conjunction with the video on the Facebook Folk Community Group site

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:mkinnes:Desktop:Shelton_oak by david parkes early19th cent.jpg

The Shelton Oak  by David Parkes – 19 th  century

description of tree for creative writing

Fairy Folk by an old gnarled tree  – by Arthur Rackham

Arthur Rackham, illustrator, paid very close attention to trees in his work, glorying in their detail and character. 

Examples of writing about ancient oaks, other trees, and living and seeking shelter in them:

My Side of the Mountain – by Jean Craighead George

“I am on my mountain in a tree home that people have passed without ever knowing that I am here. The house is a hemlock tree six feet in diameter, and must be as old as the mountain itself. I cam upon it last summer and dug and burned it out until I made a snug cave in the tree that I now call home.

         My bed is on the right as you enter, and is made of ash slats and covered with deerskin. On the left is a small fireplace about knee high. It is of clay and stones. It has a chimney that leads the smoke out through a knothole. I chipped out three other knotholes to let fresh air in. The air coming in is bitter cold. It must be zero outside, and yet I can sit here inside my tree and write with bare hands. The fire is small, too. It doesn’t take much fire to warm this tree room.”

An extract from In the Tree House at Night – by James L Dickey

a beautiful, eerie poem in which the tree becomes a link between earthly life and the life beyond.

description of tree for creative writing

For complete poem:

THE OAK by Alfred Lord Tennyson

Live thy Life, Young and old, Like yon oak, Bright in spring, Living gold;

Summer-rich Then; and then Autumn-changed Soberer-hued Gold again.

All his leaves Fall’n at length, Look, he stands, Trunk and bough Naked strength. 

Dendrochronology (written about the Acton Round Oak)

by Kate Innes

description of tree for creative writing

Mary Webb –  a Shropshire writer and folklorist – 

From a description of  Hazel Woodus in  Gone to Earth

“Her passion, no less intense, was for freedom, for the wood-track, for green places where soft feet scudded and eager eyes peered out and adventurous lives were lived up in the tree-tops, down in the moss.”

From ‘The Joy of Fragrance’ in  The Spring of Joy  by Mary Webb 1917

‘A little wood I know has in May among its oaks and beeches many white pillars of gean trees, each with its own air round it. At long intervals a large, soft flower wanders down, vaguely honeyed, mixing its breath with the savour of sphagnum moss, and resting among the wood-sorrel. The wood-pigeons speak of love together in their deep voices, unashamed, too sensuous to be anything but pure. Among the enchanted pillars, on the carpet of pale sorrel, with a single flower cool in the hand, one is in the very throne-room of white light. A little farther on the air is musky from the crowded minarets of the horse chestnut – white marble splashed with rose – where the bumble bee drones.’

The Mary Webb Society notes that: 

“Mary Webb’s love and intimate knowledge of the county permeates all her work. She had an extraordinary perception of the minutiae of nature, and it is this keen observation that gives her prose its unique quality. In her introduction to  Precious Bane  she writes ’ Shropshire is a county where the dignity of ancient things lingers long, and I have been fortunate not only in being born and brought up in its magical atmosphere, and in having many friends in farm and cottage who, by pleasant talk and reminiscence have fired the imagination, but also in having the companionship of such a mind as was my father’s- a mind stored with old tales and legends that did not come from books, and rich with an abiding love for the beauty of forest and harvest field…’  “

More information about ancient trees and tree houses:

More information about the Shelton Oak, including photographs:

The Ancient Tree Forum finds the Bull Oak – a boundary tree and a shelter for a bull for years

Clip from BBC programme about the eccentric occupant of the Pitchford treehouse in the 1940’s:

Off topic but fascinating – Pitchford Ghosts by Caroline Colthurst:

Ancient Tree Folklore Writing Prompts:

Choose any or all of these ideas to start writing about the tree as a location or as a character or its importance to you.

1. You are climbing a tree – where are you? What does it feel like? What sounds do you hear? How does it feel as you make your way up? 

2. You are living in a tree house – describe that – how is it constructed and who is welcome to visit you?

3. You are living inside a hollow tree – describe your living quarters, describe how it sounds and what it feels like to live there 

4. You meet the spirit of the tree – describe the spirit – how do he/she feel about your incursion into its domain? Do you have a conversation? 

5. Write a fairy tale about someone who climbs a tree to escape from danger, and finds more than they expected!

6. Write a story told with the voice of the tree – perhaps the Royal Oak – or another tree that has seen incredible adventures of mice and men. Or write a story about a creatures living ‘adventurous lives’ in the treetops.

Prepared by Kate Innes – Author of ‘The Errant Hours’ and other adventures

@KateInnes2  @kateinneswriter

[email protected]

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Describing Plants in Writing: A Guide to Crafting Creative Language

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By Happy Sharer

description of tree for creative writing


Plants are living organisms that belong to the kingdom Plantae. This includes trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, vines, ferns, mosses, and green algae. Plants are essential to life on Earth, providing food, oxygen, shelter, and many other benefits to humans and animals alike. In this article, we’ll explore how to effectively describe plants in writing.

Compare and Contrast: Analyze the Similarities and Differences Between Different Plants

Compare and Contrast: Analyze the Similarities and Differences Between Different Plants

When describing plants in writing, it’s important to consider how they compare and contrast with one another. Different types of plants can vary greatly in terms of size, shape, color, texture, and other characteristics. For example, a rose bush and a maple tree may both be classified as plants, but they have very different appearances and functions. When comparing and contrasting plants, it’s helpful to focus on specific characteristics and explain how they differ or are similar.

Describe the Appearance: Describe the Visual Aspects of the Plant

Describe the Appearance: Describe the Visual Aspects of the Plant

When describing the appearance of a plant, it’s important to consider its height, shape, color, texture, and other features. For example, a tall, slender tree might be described as “towering” or “spindly”, while a short, wide shrub might be described as “stubby” or “bushy”. Colors can also be described using adjectives such as “vibrant”, “dull”, “rich”, or “muted”. Texture can be conveyed through words like “smooth”, “fuzzy”, “prickly”, or “waxy”.

Explain the Function: Explain How the Plant Functions in Its Environment

In addition to describing the visual aspects of a plant, it’s also important to explain how it functions in its environment. All plants play an important role in the food chain, as they produce energy from sunlight via photosynthesis and provide food for other organisms. Plants also help to maintain the balance of the ecosystem by filtering air and water, stabilizing soil, and providing habitat for wildlife. Furthermore, plants are beneficial to humans, as they provide us with food, medicine, fuel, building materials, and much more.

Detail Its Uses: Discuss How People Use the Plant

Detail Its Uses: Discuss How People Use the Plant

When describing a particular plant, it’s helpful to detail how people use it. Many plants are used as food sources, either directly or indirectly. Others are used medicinally, as they contain compounds with medicinal properties. Certain plants are also used as building materials, fuel, or even clothing. Explaining how people use the plant can help to give your readers a better understanding of its importance.

Utilize Metaphors and Similes: Use Creative Language to Convey the Beauty, Power, and Uniqueness of the Plant

Metaphors and similes are powerful tools for describing plants in writing. By using creative language, you can convey the beauty, power, and uniqueness of the plant. For example, a tall tree might be described as “reaching for the sky” or “soaring above the clouds”, while a bright flower might be described as “a burst of sunshine” or “a ray of hope”. Utilizing metaphors and similes can help bring your descriptions to life and make them more engaging for your readers.

Tell a Story: Write a Narrative About the Journey of a Particular Plant, from Seedling to Maturity

Another way to engage readers is to tell the story of a particular plant, from seedling to maturity. Describe its journey from a tiny sprout to a towering tree, or from a delicate bud to a vibrant flower. Focus on the details, such as how the roots grow deep into the soil, or how the branches reach for the sun. Crafting a narrative about the growth and development of a plant can be a great way to give your readers a deeper understanding of its importance.

Describing plants in writing can be a challenge, but with a little creativity and imagination, you can craft vivid and engaging descriptions that will captivate your readers. By comparing and contrasting different plants, describing their appearance, explaining their function, detailing their uses, utilizing metaphors and similes, and telling a story, you can create descriptions that will truly bring your subject to life.

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Hi, I'm Happy Sharer and I love sharing interesting and useful knowledge with others. I have a passion for learning and enjoy explaining complex concepts in a simple way.

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Setting Thesaurus Entry: Woods at Night

March 5, 2011 by BECCA PUGLISI

There is a forest entry already, but I think that at night the woods can be an entirely different setting, full of mystery and sometimes fear. I figured it deserved its own entry! Notice how other senses are utilized more so than sight–an unusual occurrence.

description of tree for creative writing

Dark tree trunks, shadows, overhanging limbs across the path seen at the last second, clumps of bushes, barely visible black trails snaking through the undergrowth, moon shining through a lattice of leaves, patchy sky & stars seen in glimpses through tree breaks, tall shadowed pines stretching up like arrows into the sky, streaks of cloud against the…

Wind slipping through leaves, cracking undergrowth with each step, creaking tree trunks, the flutter of wings unseen, snapping twigs, grass and weed sliding against pant legs, breathing sounds, coyote calls, fox yipping, wolves howling (if within location), snarls, padding feet along a trail, a grunt of pain at catching a root or tripping on dead fall, a rip of…

Rich earth, rotting leaves, pine needles, fresh air, a slight scent of flowers, earthy fungus, tree sap, wild animal musk (if close), possibly the spray of a skunk (if around), green growing things (spring & summer), moss

Sweat on lips, dryness in throat, sometimes a cold metallic tang if lots of stone is present

Cobwebs in face, cold, dewy leaves sliding across skin, slipping on wet leaves and mushrooms, tripping on bumpy roots, stones, dead fall, thorns scratching skin, scrapes and cuts on hands from falling in the dark, pine needles embedded in skin during fall, twisting and jerking at every unfamiliar sound, holding hands out to ward off unseen obstacles like tree…

Helpful hints:

–Think about the conflict that might be present in your setting.

Your character’s emotions will be on high alert at night because their visibility is low, making it a great time to insert conflict. This Conflict Scenario Database is loaded with ideas to help you.

–The words you choose can convey atmosphere and mood.

Example 1:  Devin dove behind a wide cedar trunk just off the trail. Heart slamming against his ribs, he gulped at the air, trying to slow his breathing enough to hear. Back in the shadows, branches thrashed and snapped as Valio growled sharp orders to his men. Sunset had finally drained out of the sky overhead, sheathing the woods in shadow. Devin pressed his face against the bark, the ridges biting into his skin, and tried to become one with the tree…

–Similes and metaphors create strong imagery when used sparingly.

Example 1: (Simile)  Eileen worked her way along the narrow trail, leaves sliding across her bare forearms like wet tongues…


Becca Puglisi is an international speaker, writing coach, and bestselling author of The Emotion Thesaurus and its sequels. Her books are available in five languages, are sourced by US universities, and are used by novelists, screenwriters, editors, and psychologists around the world. She is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with others through her Writers Helping Writers blog and via One Stop For Writers —a powerhouse online library created to help writers elevate their storytelling.

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Reader Interactions

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May 1, 2020 at 8:45 am

This is my new account! Thanks for all your kind replies! 🙂

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March 11, 2020 at 3:32 pm

if anyone could help me with how to describe palaces and castles, please comment me back.

' src=

March 11, 2020 at 4:24 pm

HI Kit, You can find information on Castles and other fantasy settings at our site, One Stop for Writers:

Happy writing! ~angela

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December 27, 2019 at 8:16 am

this has just made me re think and re write my whole stroy thank you this really helps

May 1, 2020 at 8:43 am

happy to help!

P.S. I’m Angela, this is just a new account! 🙂

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July 13, 2017 at 2:55 pm

I would take that fear away from you Laura. Having spend my childhood surrounded by woods on the hills and shore of Cayuga Lake I have spent time in the woods alone at night. It is the imagination and the untrained ear that brings fear into the equation. Shadows unseen during the day become magical at night. All the nocturnal animals want nothing to do with you.

May 1, 2020 at 8:44 am

Thank you so much for your kind reply. Happy to help you always!

' src=

December 9, 2011 at 3:17 pm

I do not think I would be walking around the woods at night.

December 6, 2011 at 2:06 pm

Just came across this one and I have to say, it really helped me with a scene I was struggling with. Thank you so much!

March 9, 2011 at 9:15 am

I think the dark tree trunks description sums it up for me. Creepy and suspenseful. This will help me loads in my continued search for publication and getting my story just right.

March 7, 2011 at 1:20 pm

I totally agree, Ralfast. I was just talking about this the other day with my kids, that if they really wanted to see what it would be like at night they would have to go far, far out into the country, beyond all light pollution and population.

March 7, 2011 at 1:15 pm

What makes forest so frightening for the modern viewer/reader is the near total darkness. We are so used to having sources of light 24/7 that our mind panics when we lack it.

March 6, 2011 at 2:41 pm

I love the woods and only a few times have I experienced them at night. It can be a beautiful-creepy feeling.

March 6, 2011 at 1:41 pm

Great–I’m so glad this one helps. So many great stories have night scenes that take place in a forest or wooded area. I think this is a setting that naturally creates tension.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

March 6, 2011 at 2:23 am

Ooooh, just thinking about the woods at night gives me the willies. You nailed it!

March 5, 2011 at 8:23 pm

Very timely. Might be needing this for my wip!Thanks!

March 5, 2011 at 7:31 pm

Loved this post! I just recently started reading this blog, and it has helped me to totally rethink how I’m going to write! Thanks!

March 5, 2011 at 11:25 am

Just wrote a scene involving the woods at night. You are right, they definitely deserve their own entry!

March 5, 2011 at 11:08 am

This totally makes me want to go write a fairy tale. =)

March 5, 2011 at 10:46 am

The woods are lovely dark and deep but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep….

March 5, 2011 at 8:58 am

Walking through the woods at night is definitely different than during the day! I don’t think you could pay me to walk through the woods at night!

[…] Does your setting take place at night? Check out this similar Entry: WOODS AT NIGHT […]

[…] beautiful Brothers Grimm-inspired gallery of forest photographs. And if you get stuck, check out Writing Helping Writers’ “Forest Thesaurus” for even more […]

[…] hushed voices and whispers, muffled footsteps, your own heartbeat. Also, see the setting entry Woods at Night. EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS: Mood: Falling stars happen so quickly; to catch sight of one makes the […]

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wolfi New Member

"describe the tree for me".

Discussion in ' Word Mechanics ' started by wolfi , Jun 19, 2011 .

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_913d7d625ec8872c528d60e64b7d687d'); }); Describing is the bane of my existence (well grammar and spelling first in fact just put English) and somehting I really want to get down, anyways my main problem is I cant describe worth anything conversation "Describe the tree for me" "Okay it has leafs, green sometimes brown no its almost always dead as we are in a drought 360 days of the year, it has limbs but the big one was cut off" "Which big limb?" "The one that hit the window" "which one is that? the one that got to big see where i am going with this? It's really hard to get better when the best you can do is not describe it Heck even a pencial i have a hard time describing "It's yellow but not really maybe more of a brown yellow or not well its long and...." yeah dont work  


Trish Damned if I do and damned if I don't Contributor

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_913d7d625ec8872c528d60e64b7d687d'); }); I'm going to be redundant and suggest that you read more. I know that's probably not what you consider to be helpful, but not only is it helpful it appears to be necessary. I don't mean that to be rude at all, but by reading you learn how other people describe things, how they view the world, even something so seemingly simple as a tree or pencil. Through that you begin to develop your own sense of how to describe things and how to paint pictures with words. It's really the only way. Describing it for you isn't going to be all that helpful as it won't be your voice that you'll be developing, but borrowing ours.  

Melzaar the Almighty

Melzaar the Almighty Contributor Contributor

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_913d7d625ec8872c528d60e64b7d687d'); }); Sounds like description said out loud, with all the backtracking and uncertainty of conversation (you have a good conversational writing style if this is indicative of how it is in your stories )... Anyways, the good thing about writing is that you get time to put those things down, take out the uncertainties, and turn it into a solid description. Don't act like you're talking to someone, just set out the facts: "The tree is almost always dead, with brown leaves, because there is drought for 360 days of the year. The big limb that used to hit the window has been cut off." It's not awesome, but it's already better than you rambling out loud. See what writing it down does? Then you can play with it: "The tree is almost always dead, the three hundred and sixty days of drought every year turning its leaves a parched brown. It stands right beside our old house, and when it found times to grow between all the days of dying, it pressed one of its huge limbs against the wall and scratched at the glass until Pa took his chainsaw and cut it down..." cue random flashback to a hot sunny day, lemonade, and sawdust everywhere or something.  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_913d7d625ec8872c528d60e64b7d687d'); }); Trish I Read a LOT and I mean a LOT, I've been known to spend a whole week on a 7 series book, some of them can get big as I’m sure you can imagine, put it this way, in 4th grade i read Gone with the Wind (understood it enough some of it was over my head but I figured it out but MAN was it dry) So I’m one to read the “hard books” I'm more of a text book guy now how ever, books with things like Music, Biology, Religion, history, those things. So maybe that’s the problem, I'm not reading Books that describe as I am reading text books and what not. The All mgihty: (ha) Thanks for the Advice I shall try what you have said.  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_913d7d625ec8872c528d60e64b7d687d'); }); You can read historical fiction, like The People of the series by W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O'Neal Gear if you're interested in history and still want good descriptions. Possibly a "dry" series at times, but beautiful descriptions and as for history you can't ask for more. This series is about Native Americans, but there are others that do the same. I wasn't implying that you don't read, just that maybe you need to pay more attention to how things are worded?  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_913d7d625ec8872c528d60e64b7d687d'); }); Trish said: ↑ You can read historical fiction, like The People of the series by W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O'Neal Gear if you're interested in history and still want good descriptions. Possibly a "dry" series at times, but beautiful descriptions and as for history you can't ask for more. This series is about Native Americans, but there are others that do the same. I wasn't implying that you don't read, just that maybe you need to pay more attention to how things are worded? Click to expand...


ChickenFreak Contributor Contributor

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_913d7d625ec8872c528d60e64b7d687d'); }); It sounds like one issue is that you feel an obligation to be very precise and accurate - for example, "...maybe more of a brown yellow or not..." You'll probably need to abandon some of that precision in order to be clear about the primary message. If the exact color isn't important, you can pick the simplest way to express it - "yellow" - and move on. The question of importance makes me wonder if you also find yourself having trouble with the priorities in the description - whether the exact shade of yellow matters, whether the color matters, whether the main message is the functionality, and so on. Again, you generally have to pick a priority or priorities and go with that. Also, when describing something, you often have to pick a beginning concept, so that the reader has something to build his mental picture around. You could start with: "A pencil is a writing implement made of wood..." "A pencil is a long sticklike object..." "Pencils are an essential part of the schoolchild's supply arsenal..." Similarly, what's important about the tree? That it's big? That it's green? That it's sick? That you have childhood memories of it? Which leads to another question: What can you assume that your reader already knows? And what will run counter to their expectations? If they already know what a tree is, then you don't have to say "it has leaves" or tell them that the leaves are green - you can assume that they know that most trees have leaves and that they're usually green. The things that run counter to expectation are the brown leaves and the cut-off limb. The things that they don't know are what kind of tree it is, how large it is, where it is in relation to other objects. ChickenFreak  

Lord Malum

Lord Malum New Member

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_913d7d625ec8872c528d60e64b7d687d'); }); wolfi said: ↑ Describing is the bane of my existence (well grammar and spelling first in fact just put English) and somehting I really want to get down, anyways my main problem is I cant describe worth anything conversation "Describe the tree for me" "Okay it has leafs, green sometimes brown no its almost always dead as we are in a drought 360 days of the year, it has limbs but the big one was cut off" "Which big limb?" "The one that hit the window" "which one is that? the one that got to big see where i am going with this? It's really hard to get better when the best you can do is not describe it Heck even a pencial i have a hard time describing "It's yellow but not really maybe more of a brown yellow or not well its long and...." yeah dont work Click to expand...


thewordsmith Contributor Contributor

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_913d7d625ec8872c528d60e64b7d687d'); }); Pardon me for going against the tide but ... I would NOT recommend reading more, particularly since you assert that you do read ... A LOT! Rather I would suggest that you LOOK more. Or, rather, look deeper . I knew a fellow once, was an artist. One problem he had, for many years, he couldn't see what he was looking at. He painted a bridge once but, in failing to insert the pilons beneath one end of the bridge, it gave the illusion of the bridge running right into the side of the hill. He knew what he was looking at but he couldn't translate that to the canvas. He did, eventually, learn how to paint what he saw and eventually made a fair income from hiw work. And that's what you need to do, too. Go to a park or a cemetary or some other heavily landscaped location where you can be relatively alone within yourself. Sit down with a notebook or recorder and start describing one thing. Say perhaps a tree. Look not only at the fact that there is a trunk, branches, leaves, twigs but look at the empty spaces among and around all of those things. Consider how tall the tree is. How wide do the branches reach? What is the ground like beneath the tree? Is there grass growing there or has the tree been there so long the grass gave up trying to grow there? How old do you imagine the tree to be? Is it a thick-trunked oak or a thin, winnowy elm? If it is an old tree, think about what it might have seen. Old enough to have witnessed the savagery of a civil war battle? Were young men laid in its shade to await a horse cart to carry them off to a field hospital or just to await their death? Do the branches reach out from close to the ground where children might take advantage of the opportunistic climbing and the tree's branches envelope those children to hug them and embrace them and caress them with the fingers of its leaves? Or do the branches reach out from over your head - a protective umbrella, a shelter from one of life's many storms? How old do you think the tree is? Can you see sunlight glinting between the branches or is it a densely packed tree? Close your eyes and listen to the branches and leaves as the winds buffet them about. The key to good description is to move outside yourself. Look deeper into the things and people and situations you describe. Like human beings, that tree you described in your opening post is alive. No, not like Hobbity Ents, really a living thing. Another good exercise (also a GREAT story trigger), find an intriguing grave marker in an old graveyard. Imagine the life of that person. What kind of life did they have? Did they die old at 49? Or does the little lamb atop their stone hint that the body laid to rest there was that of a tiny child or one lost at birth? Did the person die during an epidemic or famine? (Those questions always take me to my computer to research the history of the time.) In my opinion, reading other people's descriptives does little to improve your own ability to describe other than to lead you to copy someone else's imagery. It is far better, both for improving your descriptive abilities and your creative writing gifts overall, is to learn how to see and to understand more acutely what it is you see to better write down what you are seeing. You cannot, after all, describe something if you do not fully see it. Ooh! Sorry. Didn't mean to go on so long.  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_913d7d625ec8872c528d60e64b7d687d'); }); Actually I agree with most of what you've said, thewordsmith. Definitely those are helpful, and also necessary things to do. The thing that reading does though, is it teaches you how to put those impressions together, how to make them into the picture that you see (once you see it). It's not teaching you how to write their way, it's teaching you how MANY writers do it and you learn what you like and don't and develop your own voice. It will always be valuable.  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_913d7d625ec8872c528d60e64b7d687d'); }); Trish said: ↑ Actually I agree with most of what you've said, thewordsmith. Definitely those are helpful, and also necessary things to do. The thing that reading does though, is it teaches you how to put those impressions together, how to make them into the picture that you see (once you see it). It's not teaching you how to write their way, it's teaching you how MANY writers do it and you learn what you like and don't and develop your own voice. It will always be valuable. Click to expand...
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_913d7d625ec8872c528d60e64b7d687d'); }); thewordsmith said: ↑ My take on that is that, if Wolfi, or anyone else, has done extensive reading anyway and, as a writer, one would hope that was analytical adn critical reading as well as pleasure reading, he has seen the way others do it. The problem at this point, then, is being able to actually see what he is describing. Certainly, if he is a novice writer and his reading has not been of the critical, analytical variety, then he certainly does need to go back and read again with a more critical eye. Still, the hazard of borrowing someone else's descriptive style, albeit unintentionally, is always present when you invest too much in reading how someone else does it and risk turning beautiful words into cliche. It is always more important to discover your own writing style than to learn to appreciate someone else's. Click to expand...


JimFlagg New Member

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_913d7d625ec8872c528d60e64b7d687d'); }); I always love the phrase, "Show do not tell." It is a story and in the end it has to be told unless it is a movie. To paint a picture without a paint brush but with only words is hard to say the least. I have always thought of painting with words is something for someone who can not see. Ok, I digress. A trick I use is to thing of how you would describe the color blue to a blind person. You have to use things that both you and the blind person can relate to. Being that he is blind you can not use any sight so you are left with hearing, taste, and touch. You would use things like ice, silk, any thing soothing to describe blue to a blind person. Relate to your reader, use things that your reader would know. I do not know if this helps, we all have to find our own style and what works for us. Good Luck in your quest.  

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MakerSkillTree is a template that allows you to create a skill tree that will guide you in developing your business or hobby skills.

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Generally speaking, a 'skill tree' refers to a diagram or table that shows how to develop the skills (abilities) of a game character. ' MakerSkillTree ' is a template that allows you to freely create skill trees that can be applied to skills that can be used in real-life business or hobbies and serve as a guide for skill acquisition. Various skill trees such as 'baking sweets' and 'starting a business' have already been published on GitHub, and it is also possible to create your own favorite skill tree using a web app. GitHub - sjpiper145/MakerSkillTree: A repository of Maker Skill Trees and templates to make your own.

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Various skill trees created with MakerSkillTree have already been published on the MakerSkillTree GitHub page. For example, the skill tree for '

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At the bottom, there are basic options such as 'Put on your first 3D Print,' 'Print a gift for a friend or family member,' 'Print in PLA

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There is also a skill tree for '

description of tree for creative writing

There are a wide variety of templates available, including a skill tree for '

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You can use GitHub templates to create gorgeous skill trees complete with your own icons, or you can create text-only skill trees using the following web app: Maker Skill Tree Generator

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Enter the name of the skill tree at the top. At the time of writing, if the name was not entered in English, the SVG and PDF files of the created skill tree could not be output properly.

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All you have to do is fill in the skills and experience you want to acquire from the bottom up. You can fill in the tiles by right-clicking.

description of tree for creative writing

Click 'Save' in the upper right corner to save the skill tree you created as an SVG file, and click 'Load' to load the saved SVG file. Click 'Export as PDF' to save the skill tree you created as a PDF file.

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  2. PDF Describing a tree in summer, spring, autumn and winter

    6. The branches of the trees are shaped like Neptune's fork. SHAPE 7. Cooing pigeons haunt the tops of the trees. ACTIVITY 8. The shaggy heads of the trees is a leafy paradise. METAPHORS 9. Creeping shadows grow with the sunrise. SHADOWS 10. Sunlight arrows through the branches of the trees. OTHERS AN AUTUMN TREE 1.

  3. Describe Nature Creatively: A Guide to Captivating Descriptions

    When describing nature, focus on the colors, shapes, sizes, and textures of the surroundings. Use specific and evocative language that paints a clear picture in the reader's mind. Instead of writing "there were many trees," describe the "towering oaks with their gnarled trunks and emerald canopies.".

  4. Trees

    Trees. - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing. The trees sang their greens as if they were a choir in that cathedral of summery blue. By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, January 30, 2023 . A chorus of greens dance in a celebratory wind, each of them ever ignited by sunlight. By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, January 8 ...

  5. Setting Description Entry: Forest

    Setting is much more than just a backdrop, which is why choosing the right one and describing it well is so important. To help with this, we have expanded and integrated this thesaurus into our online library at One Stop For Writers.Each entry has been enhanced to include possible sources of conflict, people commonly found in these locales, and setting-specific notes and tips, and the ...

  6. How To Describe Trees, Forests & Woodland In Fiction Writing

    Definition. Forest. A large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth. Wood/Woods. An area of land, smaller than a forest, that is covered with growing trees. Grove. A small wood: a group of trees without underbrush. Orchard. A piece of enclosed land planted with fruit trees.

  7. Winter trees

    winter trees. - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing. Into the cooling light of day, into the welcome frosty whispers, reach branches bare and clean. For these wintry trees are the promise of the new come the horizon-rested springtime. By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, December 21, 2021 .

  8. 35 Words to Describe a Forest Well in a Novel

    01 Dark. One of the best words to describe a forest at night is dark. The word dark means there's little to no light, as you would expect from a forest in the night. Here's one way you can use the word dark to describe a forest: "When she emerged from the cabin, she found herself in a dark forest.".

  9. How to Write a Forest Scene

    Some words to describe a mossy green forest are: a deep green carpet; a sea of deep green plant life; a green habitat; spores engulfing the trees; full of moss; overgrown with moss; and moss-like growth. B. Write about the animals and the life that exist in this Forest. You can even make up your own and/ or it could be humans that live in the ...

  10. Trees: Be Specific When You Describe

    Let readers know how they should feel about the tree, as well, by the words you use to describe it. Be specific. A version of this prompt was first posted on You can go directly to to sign up and take advantage of many exciting courses written for grades K-12.

  11. Setting: FOREST

    SIGHTS: Weathered trees rising out of the earth to brush against the sky. Sun-dappled leaves creating flickering shadows. Animal trails crisscrossing the undergrowth. Dead leaves and pine needles caught in furred clumps of moss. Fat mushroom-like tree burls. Moss climbing up trunks. Wisps of Old Man's Beard dripping off of dead spruce branches.

  12. How to Describe a Forest in a Story

    "The traveler inhaled the earthy forest's scent before he even saw the trees." "As he trudged through the earthy forest, Paul realized he'd never spent so much time away from the city." How it Adds Description. Sometimes, forests have an "earthy" scent due to the earth on the ground and the smells of the trees.

  13. 10 Words to Describe a Spooky Forest

    "The trees stood tall and ominous against the gray sky." "An owl hooted somewhere in the distance, and the sound was so startling and ominous that she almost jumped out of her skin." How It Adds Description. Using the word ominous will give your readers the sense that the forest they are reading about has something ill-intentioned in store.

  14. Forest

    Forest. - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing. A way into the balance of the forest ecosystem opened not as a door, but as an unfolding leaf, not to walk through, yet to bow in. Then comes the sense of immense life all around, each tree is an apartment block for billions of organisms, for communties, stood in well rooted calm ...

  15. How a Writer is Like a Tree: A Metaphor for Creativity

    Painter Paul Klee on Creativity and The Artistic Process. "The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing which stands in the way". — William Blake ...

  16. 10 Words to Describe a Woodland Setting

    If certain scenes in your novel are set in the woods, the following 10 words to describe a woodland setting will help to capture your readers' imaginations.. 1. Verdant Definition. Lush with vegetation; colored a vibrant green.. Examples "The verdant forest was a sight to behold, with every tree and shrub bursting with life." "The meadow, verdant and serene, was surrounded by tall ...

  17. Ancient Trees

    6. Write a story told with the voice of the tree - perhaps the Royal Oak - or another tree that has seen incredible adventures of mice and men. Or write a story about a creatures living 'adventurous lives' in the treetops. Prepared by Kate Innes - Author of 'The Errant Hours' and other adventures.

  18. words to describe this tree

    Creative Writing Forums - Writing Help, Writing Workshops, & Writing Community. Home Forums > The Writing Process > Word Mechanics ... like in the description of the tree, the time frame. Well some trees, like peaches are short lived(15 yrs or so), others can live much longer, with the oldest know tree being a Bristelcone Pine estimated at over ...

  19. Describing Plants in Writing: A Guide to Crafting Creative Language

    Metaphors and similes are powerful tools for describing plants in writing. By using creative language, you can convey the beauty, power, and uniqueness of the plant. For example, a tall tree might be described as "reaching for the sky" or "soaring above the clouds", while a bright flower might be described as "a burst of sunshine ...

  20. Creative Writing Prompts

    Here is the first list of ideas in my series of Creative Writing prompts. The purpose of these writing prompts is to encourage both children and adults to get outside, be inspired by their natural surroundings and start writing. Appreciating trees is something we should all do, as they are a unique life form that helps provide food, shelter ...

  21. Setting Thesaurus Entry: Woods at Night

    BECCA PUGLISI. Becca Puglisi is an international speaker, writing coach, and bestselling author of The Emotion Thesaurus and its sequels. Her books are available in five languages, are sourced by US universities, and are used by novelists, screenwriters, editors, and psychologists around the world. She is passionate about learning and sharing ...

  22. [SP] Describe a tree : r/WritingPrompts

    Getting a tree started in the first place is tricky, but trees leave that to chance, producing enough seeds so that they get lucky often enough. Trees find a spot with water and sunlight, and they sit there and grow. No thinking required, really. They just sit in the sunlight, and grow, and rustle in the wind. 3.

  23. "Describe the tree for me"

    Anyways, the good thing about writing is that you get time to put those things down, take out the uncertainties, and turn it into a solid description. Don't act like you're talking to someone, just set out the facts: "The tree is almost always dead, with brown leaves, because there is drought for 360 days of the year.

  24. MakerSkillTree is a template that allows you to create a skill tree

    At the top there is a column for writing the name of the skill tree, and below that there are a total of 73 tiles. ... It is distributed under the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, and you ...

  25. Staff FrontEnd Engineer, Roswell, Georgia

    Qualifications : 10+ years of hands-on web application development  Strong understanding and experience with React, Redux, and design systems. Experience writing unit, integration, and end-to-end testing to ensure the reliability and robustness of the applications. Write high quality production code that is tested thoroughly, supported by clear documentation and has appropriate production…