Problem Solving

Solving problems is the core of computer science. Programmers must first understand how a human solves a problem, then understand how to translate this "algorithm" into something a computer can do, and finally how to "write" the specific syntax (required by a computer) to get the job done. It is sometimes the case that a machine will solve a problem in a completely different way than a human.

Computer Programmers are problem solvers. In order to solve a problem on a computer you must:

Know how to represent the information (data) describing the problem.

Determine the steps to transform the information from one representation into another.

Information Representation

A computer, at heart, is really dumb. It can only really know about a few things... numbers, characters, booleans, and lists (called arrays) of these items. (See Data Types). Everything else must be "approximated" by combinations of these data types.

A good programmer will "encode" all the "facts" necessary to represent a problem in variables (See Variables). Further, there are "good ways" and "bad ways" to encode information. Good ways allow the computer to easily "compute" new information.

An algorithm (see Algorithm) is a set of specific steps to solve a problem. Think of it this way: if you were to tell your 3 year old neice to play your favorite song on the piano (assuming the neice has never played a piano), you would have to tell her where the piano was, and how to sit on the bench, and how to open the cover, and which keys to press, and which order to press them in, etc, etc, etc.

The core of what good programmers do is being able to define the steps necessary to accomplish a goal. Unfortunately, a computer, only knows a very restricted and limited set of possible steps. For example a computer can add two numbers. But if you want to find the average of two numbers, this is beyond the basic capabilities of a computer. To find the average, you must:

  • First: Add the two numbers and save this result in a variable
  • Then: Divide this new number the number two, and save this result in a variable.
  • Finally: provide this number to the rest of the program (or print it for the user).

We "compute" all the time. Computing is the act of solving problems (or coming up with a plan to solve problems) in an organized manner. We don't need computers to "compute". We can use our own brain.

Encapsulation and Abstraction and Complexity Hiding

Computer scientists like to use the fancy word "Encapsulation" to show how smart we are. This is just a term for things we do as humans every day. It is combined with another fancy term: "Abstraction".

Abstraction is the idea of "ignoring the details". For example, a forest is really a vastly complex ecosystem containing trees, animals, water paths, etc, etc, etc. But to a computer scientist (and to a normal person), its just "a forest".

For example, if your professor needs a cup of coffee, and asks you the single item: "Get me a cup of coffee", he has used both encapsulation and abstraction. The number of steps required to actually get the coffee are enumerable. Including, getting up, walking down the hall, getting in your car, driving to a coffee stand, paying for the coffee, etc, etc, etc. Further, the idea of what a cup of coffee is, is abstract. Do you bring a mug of coffee, or a Styrofoam cup? Is it caffeinated or not? Is it freshly brewed or from concentrate? Does it come from Africa or America?

All of this information is TOO MUCH and we would quickly be unable to funciton if we had to remember all of these details. Thus we "abstract away" the details and only remember the few important items.

This brings us to the idea of "Complexity Hiding". Complexity hiding is the idea that most of the times details don't matter. In a computer program, as simple an idea as drawing a square on the screen involves hundreds (if not thousands) of (low level) computer instructions. Again, a person couldn't possible create interesting programs if every time they wanted to do something, they had to re-write (correctly) every one of those instructions. By "ecapsulating" what is meant by "draw square" and "reusing" this operation over and over again, we make programming tractable.


The idea behind encapsulation is to store the information necessary to a particular idea in a set of variables associated with a single "object". We then create functions to manipulate this object, regardless of what the actual data is. From that point on, we treat the idea from a "high level" rather than worry about all the parts (data) and actions (functions) necessary to represent the object in a computer.

Brute Force

Brute force is a technique for solving problems that relies on a computers speed (how fast it can repeat steps) to solve a problem. For example, if you wanted to know how many times the number 8 goes into the number 100, you could do the following:

Of course this is a silly way for a computer (or a human) to solve this problem. The real way we would do it is:

When in doubt, you can often use "brute force" to solve a problem, but it often saves time (at least computer time) to think about the problem and solve it in an elegant manner.

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Problem Solving with Computers I

Prerequisite : Mathematics 3A or 2A with a grade of C or better (may be taken concurrently), CS 8 or Engineering 3 or ECE 3 with a grade of C or better, or significant prior programming experience. Repeat Comments : Legal repeat of CMPSC 10. Fundamental building blocks for solving problems using computers. Topics include basic computer organization and programming constructs: memory CPU, binary arithmetic, variables, expressions, statements, conditionals, iteration, functions, parameters, recursion, primitive and composite data types, and basic operating system and debugging tools.

PC Troubleshooting Test With Answers


Ready to tackle tech issues like a pro? Take our troubleshooting quiz to test your problem-solving skills! Each question presents a unique scenario, testing your ability to diagnose and resolve issues related to hardware, software, connectivity, and more. As you progress through the quiz, you'll encounter real-world problems that you might encounter while using your computer, making it an ideal exercise for both beginners and tech-savvy individuals. Upon completing the quiz, you'll receive instant feedback on your answers, accompanied by detailed explanations of each solution. This ensures that you not only know the correct answer but also understand the Read more underlying concepts and reasons for each solution. Let's go.

PC Troubleshooting Questions and Answers

You are working for a small business as a computer tech. you notice that one of the users keeps shutting her computer down by pressing the power button instead of using the shutdown process of the operating system. you inform the user that this is not a good practice because (choose 2 options).

It can cause a component failure.

The power surges to the components can cause damage.

It might take time for the power supply to recharge.

It could damage the monitor.

Rate this question:

Mary complains that her laptop is overheating. She checked and said that all the internal cooling systems were working properly. What do you think could help her with the situation?

Don't leave her laptop on for extended periods.

Buy a cooling pad for laptops.

Install a liquid cooling system.

 Clean the inside of the computer first.

When determining if the problem is related to hardware or software, Which of the following is one of the most important questions to ask?

Is the computer plugged in?

What operating system are you using?

Have you recently installed any new hardware or software?

Does the monitor work?

If the mouse (cord-based mouse) pointer is moving intermittently on the screen but has not failed altogether, which of the following troubleshooting steps should you take?

Check its connection to the port.

Clean the mouse.

Reinstall the drivers.

Check for a conflict with the modem.

Billy complains that his computer is giving excessive error messages, the file names and folder names are garbled, and there is an odd noise coming from his tower. What do you suspect is the problem?

The RAM chips

The power supply

The hard drive

The operating system

Which two ways a  hardware can fail?


Which of the following error messages might you receive when there is a problem with RAM? Choose all that apply.

Memory address error

Memory test fails

Memory parity error at xxx

Which of the following error messages might you receive when there is a keyboard problem? Choose all that apply.

Checksum error

Kb/interface error

Gate A20 failure

Fix keyboard 0 failure

What does a checksum error represent?

A problem with RAM.

A problem with the operating system.

A problem with the hard drive.

A problem with CMOS.

What does a fixed disk 0 failure represent?

A problem with the floppy drive.

A client calls and asks you a question about flashing their bios. What information and advice should you instruct them to obtain before doing this? Choose all that apply.

Check to see which version of bios you have

Check the manufacturer's website for updates on the version you have

Always use third-party software to flash your bios

Check and write down the model number of your computer and other important information

Which of the following could be used to fix a Windows start-up problem? Choose all that apply.

Use the last known good configuration.

Use safe mode.

Use CMOS to change settings to default.

Use a bootable disk from an earlier version of your operating system.

A user complains that his PC crashes during Windows XP start-up. Which of the following would you suggest for him to correct the problem?

Change his CMOS settings.

Enable VGA mode from Windows advanced options.

Use the last known good configurations.

Use the check disk utility.

What does an error code of 17xx displayed on the screen indicate?

A keyboard error.

A hard disk error.

A display error.

A system board error.

What does an error code of 1xx displayed on the screen indicate?

An informational response indicating that the request was received and is continuing to be processed.

What does an error code of 3xx displayed on the screen indicate?

What does an error code of 6xx displayed on the screen indicate.

A floppy drive error.

Which of the following could help you fix intermittent PC problems? Choose all that apply.

Use system restore.

Perform a clean boot.

Use checksum utility.

Use the undo recent changes option.

A client complains that his CD-ROM seems to vibrate and has a hard time playing his favorite CD. What is most likely the problem?

Defective CD-ROM.

The tray on the CD-ROM is defective.

The CD is defective.

 The CD-ROM's spindle is defective.

Barry complains his DVD burner is not burning at its maximum speed because it takes forever to burn a disk. What are some simple things you can do to correct this problem? Choose 2 options.

Replace the DVD burner.

Perform firmware update.

Enable DMA.

Overclock the media

Sally complains that her computer has changed the drive letters, and she does not understand why. What should you suspect, based on what Sally has told you?

The hard drive is about to crash

The operating system is corrupt

She has recently added or removed a storage device.

Her system has a virus

A client complains that after doing some routine cleaning and maintenance inside the case, her hard drive does not seem to spin up when she boots up her system, and she gets fixed disk error messages. What is the first thing you should suspect the problem is?

A loose 34-pin ribbon cable.

A loose Molex connector.

Hard drive failure.

Larry complains that he is having a problem playing some of his older games on his Windows XP system. What utility could help solve the problem?

Program compatibility wizard.

Setup wizard.

Install/uninstall wizard.

Zip wizard.

A user complains that they can not hear any sound on their computer. What are some simple things you should consider concerning this problem? Choose 2 options.

Defective graphics card.

Bad cable connection.

Volume is not up on the monitor.

Power cable to the speaker is not connected.

You are called to a small business using a wireless router running on an 802.11a standard. You notice the router is in one room, and the access point is in another room about 100 feet away. The manager explains they are having trouble connecting to the network. What is the problem?

The router is defective.

The router is too far away from the access point.

The access point is defective.

There is too much interference from outside machines.

Which of the following could cause a computer to run slow? Choose all that apply.

Malfunction in the hardware

Corrupt programs running

Too much memory added

A user complains that her computer is suddenly running slow. She explained that she had not downloaded or installed any new software recently, and this problem had only happened one time before. Which of the following might you suspect?

A program trying to hog all the processes.

Her hard drive is corrupt.

She has a CMOS virus.

Her operating system is corrupt.

Joe complains he is having problems with his touchpad on his notebook. The pointer of the notebook works sometimes, and other times, it is all over the screen. Which of the following should you consider? Choose all that apply.

Replace the touchpad.

Clean the touchpad.

Is the device configured properly.

Was an external mouse connected when the notepad was first booted?

This message indicates that the MBR is ok while the boot sector is bad or not found.

Error loading operating system.

Invalid partition table.

Missing operating system.

A disk read error occurs.

When running disk management and receive this status message "online errors", it could mean?

Disk operating normally.

The OS detected i/o errors with the disk.

Disk is functional but missing a valid signature.

The system recognizes the disk as functional with a valid signature, but lacks a record of it.

A client calls and complains that he has recently moved and when he started his system back up, the computer powered up and for a few seconds everything was operating properly. Then all of a sudden his screen went black. The power light was still there on the monitor. What do you think might be the problem?

Operating system

Mr. Brook complains that the date and time on his computer keep messing up. He always reset it, but every time he boots his system up, it is wrong again. What could cause the problem? (choose 2 options)

RAM failure

CMOS RAM chip failure

CMOS battery

CMOS settings are incorrect

What error message range do video display errors show? Choose all that apply.

From the following, what could cause a display that is wiggly, pulsing, blurry, too large or small, and causes the screen to flicker or shrink choose all that apply..

Monitor interference from nearby equipment.

Video adapter interference from nearby PC cards.

Unstable power supply in the monitor.

ESD to the monitor's power button.

What do memory errors range in?

You have just finished working on a system. you restart the system and receive the error message "" and the system hangs. what should you suspect choose 2 options..

Bad memory chip or card.

Operating system file corrupt.

Add-on memory card.

Hard drive partition corrupt.

You power up your system and receive a non-system disk or disk error message. Which of the following could be causing the problem? (choose 2 options)

A non-system disk in a floppy drive.

Corrupt operating system.

Missing dos system file from hard disk.

Hard disk corrupt.

Sam complains that he replaced his CPU and made some adjustments to it. After putting the system back together, he tried to boot the system up, but the system did nothing after booting. What could be the problem? Choose the best answer.

Defective system board.

CPU speed is set too fast for CPU.

Defective external cache chip.

Defective power supply.

A client complains that the keyboard is locked and inactive. Otherwise, everything on his system seems ok. What could cause the problem? Choose all that apply.

An old or wrong keyboard bios.

A bad keyboard cable connection.

Power supply to the keyboard missing.

Keyboard configuration missing from the OS.

Maria complains there is a high-pitched noise that occurs whenever she turns her computer on and starts the booting. What could be the cause? Choose 2 options.

The CPU fan is too cold.

The cooling fan is too oily.

Heads have crashed on the hard drive.

The anti-static wiper on the spindle is defective on the hard drive.

What should you suspect if you have a drive that fills up too fast? choose 2

Defective drive electronics

Large cluster sizes

Drive partitioning wrong

CMOS settings are misconfigured

Mark complains of the increasing occurrence of data errors. When he runs the chkdsk, it indicates that there are many bad clusters. What could be the cause? Choose all that apply.

Disk surface damage

Read/write heads damage

Insufficient RAM

Power supply inadequate

A client complains that he is facing problems with his cd-rom. He said it sounds like the drive is spinning very fast. What could cause the problem? Choose all that apply.

Defective spindle in the cd rom

Defective hub lock

Worn hub hole in disk

Optical reader defective

Jazz complains she hears a clicking noise in her monitor whenever she turns it on. What could cause the problem? Choose all that apply.

Magnetic interference

Improper video adapter settings

Electromagnetic switches inside the monitor going bad

 A defective professional graphics controller (PGC) or professional graphics adapter (pga) video adapter will display which of the following error messages?

Larry complains there is no output in his printer. what could be causing the problem choose all that apply..

Printer port failure

Improper cable connection

Faulty software setup

A client complains that there is a printer that is not printing properly. He also states that when the printer is printing a job, pages are missing, and sometimes, the wrong number of pages is from the job. Which of the following do you suspect? Choose all that apply.

Form feed was not sent to close out the document

Print heads are failing

Software and printed output with conflicting lines

Software and printer with dissimilar line feeds

What is the easiest way to correct a problem on a user's workstation?

Reboot the computer

Reinstall the OS

Reconfigure the workstations hardware settings

Create a new user profile

Which areas of the network are good places to start your troubleshooting?

Eliminate user error on the workstation

Check the network cable

Check the power cable

All of the above

After a recent reorganization, many people moved their computers to new offices, and the workstation is not functioning properly. The network of the organization is a 10baseT Ethernet network with work groups arranged in hubs. What is likely the problem? Choose 2 options.

The hub is faulty

The nic is using the wrong drivers

A cable has been damaged

The workstation isn't connected to the network

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CompTIA troubleshooting steps and solving common computer problems

This excerpt from 'itf+ comptia it fundamentals all-in-one exam guide, second edition,' published by mcgraw-hill education, provides a practical framework to follow when troubleshooting is necessary..

  • McGraw Hill Guest Contributor

Most people don't realize how dependent they are on their computers until that moment when the computer won't work as usual. Computer users and IT professionals should know how to troubleshoot basic computer problems. A structured troubleshooting approach will get you back up and running as quickly as possible with minimal cost and headaches.

This excerpt from ITF+ CompTIA IT Fundamentals All-in-One Exam Guide, Second Edition , published by McGraw-Hill Education, provides a practical framework to follow when troubles arise.

Standard troubleshooting steps

Step 1. Identify the problem.

  • Break large problems down into smaller problems.
  • Consider scope; who or what is affected?
  • Gather details about the issue; ask users, view logs.
  • Determine whether anything has changed.
  • Duplicate the problem.

Step 2. Research.

  • Refer to past help desk tickets.
  • Search through private or public knowledge bases.
  • Ask friends or colleagues.
  • Internet search.

Step 3. Establish a theory of probable cause.

  • Eliminate the simple and obvious possible causes.
  • Consider factors that can indirectly cause problems.

Step 4. Test the theory.

  • Change and test only one potential solution at a time.
  • Determine the root cause of the issue.
  • Escalate the issue to a professional if necessary.

Step 5. Establish a plan of action.

  • Prepare a specific method to implement the solution.
  • Test the plan in an isolated sandboxed environment.
  • Notify other users if the solution could possibly affect them.

Step 6. Implement or escalate.

  • Back up configurations and data first.
  • If the problem is complex, monitor implementation progress.

Step 7. Verify functionality.

  • Ensure the solution has solved the original problem.
  • Ensure new problems have not been introduced.
  • Consult a subject-matter expert if needed.
  • Configure preventative measure if appropriate.

Step 8. Document the solution.

  • Document the problem and steps taken in the solution.
  • Update old documentation with new knowledge.

computer problem solving quizlet

IT troubleshooting

Read the full chapter for more tips on troubleshooting common computer problems.

Solvable common computer problems

You can solve common problems by recognizing symptoms and implementing solutions. Typical problems you'll run into include no power, physical damage, failed boot, applica­tion failure to load and peripherals that don't function as they should. Let's take a look at some of these issues.

Won't start up normally

If the computer won't start up, think about it like a detective would. What has changed? Did you install any new hardware or software? Has the computer been moved, such that some cables might have come loose? Did the OS restart itself after installing an update?

Occasionally after an OS update, the computer might start up badly (that is, slowly or with errors). Sometimes you can fix that by simply rebooting. If that doesn't help and you're using a Windows client operating system, try using the System Restore feature to revert to a previous day's restore point.

If the OS won't start at all, you might see a prompt offering to boot into a recovery or troubleshooting mode. Do that, if it's offered. If it's not, try booting from the oper­ating system's removable installation media, if you have it, and choosing the Repair option to enter the Windows Recovery Environment (RE). You can also get there in Windows 10 through the Settings app (Update & Security > Recovery > Advanced Startup > Restart Now).

A certain app won't install or run

Problems with a specific application are often because of hardware incompatibility, espe­cially with the display adapter. The latest games often require specific, high-powered display adapters with the latest driver versions. The application's installation program should check your hardware and let you know whether there are any problems. If it doesn't and you experience problems after starting the application, check online for any known incompatibilities between that application and certain hardware. Try updating your video card (display adapter) driver by downloading the latest driver version from the adapter manufacturer's website.

Next, look at the application manufacturer's website to see whether there is a patch or update available for download. If you can't find patches for or information about prob­lems that match what you're experiencing, it's probably a glitch in your own system, such as a minor incompatibility between the application, the OS and some piece of hardware. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the application; this fixes the problem more often than you might think.

Still no luck? Check to see what version of Windows the application requires. If it's designed for an older Windows version, see whether there's a newer version of the soft­ware available. If not, try using Compatibility Mode to see if you can get it to run better by emulating an earlier Windows version. To use the Program Compatibility Trouble­shooter, right-click the shortcut for running the application (or its executable file) and choose Troubleshoot compatibility. Click Try recommended settings to let Windows try to guess the right settings. You can also manually troubleshoot compat­ibility from the Compatibility tab in the program's Properties box, choosing a specific older Windows version to emulate.

Apps run but sometimes freeze

Today's operating systems, including those for mobile devices, are designed to run many processes at once. The processes are scheduled to consume processor time such that it appears many apps are running simultaneously. But, these software applications occa­sionally misbehave; they freeze, and you can't close them using the normal methods. In this case, there are ways to force them to exit:

  • Windows.  Press ctrl+alt+del to open the Task Manager; from the list of running processes you can right-click the misbehaving app and choose End task to kill the process.
  • macOS.  Choose Force Quit from the Apple menu.
  • Linux.  Issue the ps command to view process identifiers (PIDs) assigned by the Linux kernel to running processes. Given the PID, the process can be terminated using this: kill -9 <PID> ; -9 is the SIGKILL signal that can terminate misbehaving processes.
  • Android-based smartphone.  Open the Settings app, choose Apps, select the app from the list, and tap the Force Stop button.
  • iOS 11.x.  Press the left edge of the iPhone screen, move your finger to the center of the screen, and swipe the app card up and off the screen.

Test your knowledge of troubleshooting and more IT fundamentals with the practice quiz from ITF+ CompTIA IT Fundamentals All-in-One Exam Guide .

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What is the smallest full feature PC today?

Personal Digital Assistant

Which option should you use to configure a removable storage device so that the device can be removed without using the Safely Remove Hardware application?

optimize for quick removal

enable write caching on the disk

optimize for performance

adjust for best performance

You are troubleshooting a laser printing problem where faint images of previously printed pages are appearing on the current page. Which component is the most likely cause of this problem?

fusing rollers

discharge lamp

deta corona

charge corona

Which one of the following terms refers to the method used by Microsoft to prevent unlicensed use of their software?

product activation

disk cloning

Windows update

What does FDDI stand for?

Fixed Data Distribution Interchange

Fiber Direct Data Interface

Fiber Distributed Data Interface

Fixed Data Direct Interface

Which information must be provided to a wireless device to enable it to connect to a wireless network?

Access Point (AP)

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)

Service Set Identifier (SSID)

What is the most common form of identification and authentication?

user identification with reusable password

two-factor authentication

. smart cards

What can you use to secure a Windows XP computer by directly downloading security and bug-related fixes for various Windows-related products?

Windows Update

Windows Software Update Service (WSUS)

Software Update Services (SUS)

Windows Firewall

Why should you never attempt to repair a monitor yourself?

There is an electrical source inside which can hold a lethal charge.

Opening the monitor will expose the photosensitive receptor inside

. Opening it will disable the over-voltage protection circuit.

Opening it will disable the monitor power generator.

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Computer Basics  - Basic Troubleshooting Techniques

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Computer Basics: Basic Troubleshooting Techniques

Lesson 19: basic troubleshooting techniques.



Do you know what to do if your screen goes blank? What if you can't seem to close an application, or can't hear any sound from your speakers? Whenever you have a problem with your computer, don't panic! There are many basic troubleshooting techniques you can use to fix issues like this. In this lesson, we'll show you some simple things to try when troubleshooting, as well as how to solve common problems you may encounter.

General tips to keep in mind

There are many different things that could cause a problem with your computer. No matter what's causing the issue, troubleshooting will always be a process of trial and error —in some cases, you may need to use several different approaches before you can find a solution; other problems may be easy to fix. We recommend starting by using the following tips.

  • Write down your steps : Once you start troubleshooting, you may want to write down each step you take. This way, you'll be able to remember exactly what you've done and can avoid repeating the same mistakes. If you end up asking other people for help, it will be much easier if they know exactly what you've tried already.
  • Take notes about error messages : If your computer gives you an error message , be sure to write down as much information as possible. You may be able to use this information later to find out if other people are having the same error.


  • Restart the computer : When all else fails, restarting the computer is a good thing to try. This can solve a lot of basic issues you may experience with your computer.

Using the process of elimination

If you're having an issue with your computer, you may be able to find out what's wrong using the process of elimination . This means you'll make a list of things that could be causing the problem and then test them out one by one to eliminate them. Once you've identified the source of your computer issue, it will be easier to find a solution.

Let's say you're trying to print out invitations for a birthday party, but the printer won't print. You have some ideas about what could be causing this, so you go through them one by one to see if you can eliminate any possible causes.

First, you check the printer to see that it's turned on and plugged in to the surge protector . It is, so that's not the issue. Next, you check to make sure the printer's ink cartridge still has ink and that there is paper loaded in the paper tray . Things look good in both cases, so you know the issue has nothing to do with ink or paper.

Now you want to make sure the printer and computer are communicating correctly . If you recently downloaded an update to your operating system , it might interfere with the printer. But you know there haven't been any recent updates and the printer was working yesterday, so you'll have to look elsewhere.

You check the printer's USB cord and find that it's not plugged in. You must have unplugged it accidentally when you plugged something else into the computer earlier. Once you plug in the USB cord, the printer starts working again. It looks like this printer issue is solved!

This is just one example of an issue you might encounter while using a computer. In the rest of this lesson, we'll talk about other common computer problems and some ways to solve them.

Simple solutions to common problems

Most of the time, problems can be fixed using simple troubleshooting techniques, like closing and reopening the program. It's important to try these simple solutions before resorting to more extreme measures. If the problem still isn't fixed, you can try other troubleshooting techniques.

Problem: Power button will not start computer

  • Solution 1 : If your computer does not start , begin by checking the power cord to confirm that it is plugged securely into the back of the computer case and the power outlet.
  • Solution 2 : If it is plugged into an outlet, make sure it is a working outlet . To check your outlet, you can plug in another electrical device , such as a lamp .

surge protector

  • Solution 4 : If you are using a laptop , the battery may not be charged. Plug the AC adapter into the wall, then try to turn on the laptop. If it still doesn't start up, you may need to wait a few minutes and try again.

Problem: An application is running slowly

  • Solution 1 : Close and reopen the application.

Checking for updates

Problem: An application is frozen

Sometimes an application may become stuck, or frozen . When this happens, you won't be able to close the window or click any buttons within the application.

task manager in Windows 10

  • Solution 2 : Restart the computer. If you are unable to force quit an application, restarting your computer will close all open apps.

Problem: All programs on the computer run slowly

virus scanner

  • Solution 2 : Your computer may be running out of hard drive space. Try deleting any files or programs you don't need.
  • Solution 3 : If you're using a PC , you can run Disk Defragmenter . To learn more about Disk Defragmenter , check out our lesson on Protecting Your Computer .

Problem: The computer is frozen

Sometimes your computer may become completely unresponsive, or frozen . When this happens, you won't be able to click anywhere on the screen, open or close applications, or access shut-down options.

restarting Windows Explorer in Windows 10

  • Solution 3 : Press and hold the Power button. The Power button is usually located on the front or side of the computer, typically indicated by the power symbol . Press and hold the Power button for 5 to 10 seconds to force the computer to shut down.
  • Solution 4 : If the computer still won't shut down, you can unplug the power cable from the electrical outlet. If you're using a laptop, you may be able to remove the battery to force the computer to turn off. Note : This solution should be your last resort after trying the other suggestions above.

Problem: The mouse or keyboard has stopped working

wired mouse or keyboard

  • Solution 2 : If you're using a wireless mouse or keyboard, make sure it's turned on and that its batteries are charged.

Problem: The sound isn't working

  • Solution 1 : Check the volume level. Click the audio button in the top-right or bottom-right corner of the screen to make sure the sound is turned on and that the volume is up.
  • Solution 2 : Check the audio player controls. Many audio and video players will have their own separate audio controls. Make sure the sound is turned on and that the volume is turned up in the player.
  • Solution 3 : Check the cables. Make sure external speakers are plugged in, turned on, and connected to the correct audio port or a USB port. If your computer has color-coded ports, the audio output port will usually be green .

headphones and speakers

Problem: The screen is blank

  • Solution 1 : The computer may be in Sleep mode. Click the mouse or press any key on the keyboard to wake it.
  • Solution 2 : Make sure the monitor is plugged in and turned on .
  • Solution 3 : Make sure the computer is plugged in and turned on .
  • Solution 4 : If you're using a desktop, make sure the monitor cable is properly connected to the computer tower and the monitor.

Solving more difficult problems

If you still haven't found a solution to your problem, you may need to ask someone else for help. As an easy starting point, we'd recommend searching the Web . It's possible that other users have had similar problems, and solutions to these problems are often posted online. Also, if you have a friend or family member who knows a lot about computers, they may be able to help you.

Google search of Windows 10

Keep in mind that most computer problems have simple solutions, although it may take some time to find them. For difficult problems, a more drastic solution may be required, like reformatting your hard drive or reinstalling your operating system. If you think you might need a solution like this, we recommend consulting a professional first. If you're not a computer expert, it's possible that attempting these solutions could make the situation worse.



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15 Common PC Problems and How to Troubleshoot Them

There’s no need to rush off to the tech repair store for every problem your PC might have. A lot of usual computer issues can be solved quite easily on your own , allowing you to handle them with a few straightforward steps .

This guide is here to help you fix common PC issues by yourself. Below, you’ll find a rundown of the top 15 hardware problems that PC users encounter and how you can deal with them without outside help.

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1. PC Overheating

A heating PC slows down the entire system and can lead to frequent crashes. Moreover, PC components might permanently damage due to continuous exposure to heat.

There are two primary reasons your PC might overheat: either the cooling system isn’t functioning correctly, or the PC is generating more heat than the cooling system can manage. For both scenarios, I’ve detailed a comprehensive guide on various methods to manage an overheating PC. Make sure to check it out.

2. Dysfunctional USB Port

If your USB port stops working, it might not necessarily be broken. Here are some solutions that can help resolve this issue:

Method 1: Restart the PC

Restarting your PC can solve many issues, including problems with the USB port.

Method 2: Uninstall USB Port Driver

Uninstalling the driver of the USB port will prompt Windows to reinstall it upon restarting your PC, potentially fixing the issue. Here’s how to do it:

  • Press Windows + R keys and enter devmgmt.msc in the Run dialog to open the Device Manager .
  • Expand the Universal Serial Bus controllers option.
  • Right-click the entry USB Host Controller and then click on Uninstall .
  • Repeat this for all entries with USB Host Controller to uninstall drivers for all the USB ports.
  • Once deleted, restart your PC, and Windows will automatically reinstall the drivers , fixing any driver-related issues.

Method 3: Disable USB Selective Suspend

The USB Selective Suspend feature in Windows saves power by suspending idle USB ports, but sometimes it might prevent a USB port from working. Here’s how to disable it:

  • Press Windows + R keys and type powercfg.cpl in the Run dialog to open Windows Power Options.
  • Click on Change plan settings next to your current plan, then click on Change advanced power settings .
  • Expand USB settings and disable USB selective suspend setting .
  • Restart your PC to see if the issue with the USB port is resolved.

Note: Keep this option enabled to save battery power. If disabling it doesn’t resolve the USB port issue, consider enabling it again.

3. PC Keeps Disconnecting from WiFi

If your Wi-Fi is functioning properly but your PC keeps disconnecting from it, the issue may be due to your PC’s network card not receiving full power. Windows features a built-in power saver option that reduces power to the network card. You’ll need to disable this feature by following these steps:

  • Navigate to Advanced settings in the Power Options .
  • Expand Wireless Adapter Settings and then Power Saving Mode .
  • Adjust this to Maximum Performance .

Alternatively, if your PC continues to disconnect from Wi-Fi and the issue persists, the problem might be a faulty wireless adapter driver. Consider using Auslogics’ Driver Updater to detect and resolve issues with device drivers by fetching and installing the latest official driver software.

4. PC Beeps

The motherboard of your PC is equipped to detect issues and uses beeps of varying rhythms to communicate problems. For an in-depth understanding of what different beep patterns mean, check out this detailed article on interpreting these signals.

If your PC fails to start after emitting these beeps, solving the problem can be challenging. Nonetheless, I’ll discuss two common issues that cause beeps and how you can resolve them yourself.

Problem 1: RAM Displacement

One common issue I encountered is the RAM becoming loose or displaced, leading to 2-3 beeps from the PC without it booting up. The solution is straightforward: open up the PC (though laptop users might prefer professional help) and reseat the RAM. Here’s how:

  • Clean any dirt from the RAM slot using a cotton bud after removing the RAM completely.
  • Reinsert the RAM, applying sufficient pressure on both ends to ensure it is fully seated.
  • Secure the clips, ensuring they’re properly locked, as even slightly loose RAM can prevent your PC from working.

Refer to this video for guidance on installing the RAM properly:

Problem 2: Issues with Newly Added Hardware

Beeps can also result from damaged or incorrectly installed hardware components. Remove any hardware you’ve recently added to see if it addresses the issue. If your PC functions correctly afterward, ensure the component is installed correctly or consider repairing or replacing it.

5. PC Fans Not Working

If you discover that one or more fans within your PC are not functioning, it might be due to accumulated dirt. You’ll need to open your PC and clean the fans and other components using a can of compressed air or a leaf blower.

For guidance on the cleaning process, watch this helpful video:

If cleaning doesn’t solve the issue, consider using the SpeedFan app to diagnose and possibly fix the problem. This app allows you to control your PC’s fans, though your motherboard must support fan control to utilize this feature.

6. PC Not Using Full RAM Capacity

There are times when your PC might not utilize all the RAM installed. For instance, you could have 4GB of RAM, but the Task Manager only shows 2GB in use. Often, this is due to a specific Windows setting.

Note: If a small amount of RAM (200-400MB) is not being utilized, it’s likely reserved for hardware use, and there’s not much that can be done about it.

The solution is straightforward – Windows may have been set to use only a part of the available RAM. Here’s how you can adjust it:

  • Press Windows + R keys and type msconfig in the Run dialog to open System Configurations .
  • Navigate to the Boot tab and click on Advanced options .
  • Check the box next to Maximum memory and enter the total amount of RAM installed (in MBs).
  • Click OK and restart your PC to apply the changes.

Good to know: While adjusting these settings, also consider checking the Number of processors option to ensure your PC is using all available CPU cores. Set it to the maximum number to utilize full CPU power.

If the issue persists, it’s possible that one of the RAM modules may not be properly installed. Attempt reinstallation to see if it resolves the issue.

7. Overworking Fan

Your PC’s fan speeds up based on your PC’s temperature—the higher the temperature, the faster the fan runs. If your PC’s temperature is normal (you can check it using HWMonitor), but the fan is still running at full speed, you might need to manually adjust the fan speed.

The SpeedFan app can help you monitor and adjust the speed of your PC’s fans. This issue of fans overworking typically occurs only with motherboards that have fan control capabilities, so compatibility with the app shouldn’t be a concern.

8. PC Crashes Before Loading the OS

If your PC crashes immediately after showing the manufacturer logo and before loading the operating system, the issue likely lies with the RAM or the hard disk. This means the operating system can’t load because the RAM is corrupted or the hard disk is damaged.

For those with multiple RAM slots, removing each RAM module one at a time and starting the PC can help identify the faulty component. Ultimately, you’ll need to replace the corrupted RAM or hard disk.

9. PC Isn’t Powering On

If your PC isn’t powering on at all, with no lights turning on, the problem could be with the power source.

Desktop users: Ensure that the extension cord, power outlet, and all connections are functioning correctly. If they are, try swapping the power cable with another one, such as the monitor’s, to see if the PC turns on. If this resolves the issue, you’ll need a new power cable.

Laptop users: Try removing the battery and then reinserting it before starting the laptop. If that doesn’t work, remove the battery again and connect the laptop to the charger to try powering it on without the battery. If the laptop powers on, the battery may need to be replaced.

Note: It’s also wise to disconnect any external devices from your PC when attempting these solutions, as a malfunctioning device could be the cause of the power issue.

10. Noisy PC

A noisy PC often signals the need for a thorough cleaning. You can clean it yourself using a can of compressed air or a leaf blower. Overclocking your PC’s GPU and CPU might also contribute to the noise.

Here’s a video demonstrating simple methods to clean your PC:

Sometimes, the noise could be coming from a disc in the DVD ROM. For more details on PC components that can cause noise, check out this informative article.

11. Noisy Hard Drive

Clicking or grinding noises from your hard drive are warning signs that it may be failing. Hard drives have a finite lifespan, and these sounds often indicate imminent failure. The CrystalDiskInfo hard drive monitoring tool can help assess the health of your hard drive, displaying conditions like “Good,” “Caution,” or “Bad.”

It’s crucial to back up your data immediately and consider acquiring a replacement hard drive before the current one fails.

12. Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)

The feared Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) can be triggered by both software and hardware issues, though it often points to hardware problems. It’s crucial to address BSOD promptly as it indicates significant trouble.

BlueScreenView, a helpful Nirsoft utility, provides valuable information following a BSOD event, aiding in the identification and resolution of the issue. Here are some common BSOD triggers and their fixes.

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Corrupted Drivers

Corrupted drivers can lead to BSOD. To diagnose and address this issue, follow these steps:

  • Access Device Manager by typing devmgmt.msc in the Run dialog.
  • Expand each category and look for any drivers marked with a yellow triangle icon.
  • If any are found, right-click on the driver and select Update Driver Software to update it.

Alternatively, third-party apps like IObit Driver Booster can automate the process of identifying and resolving driver issues.

Excessive Load on RAM

Opening more programs than the RAM can handle might freeze the system and trigger BSOD. Limit the number of concurrent programs or consider upgrading your RAM to avoid this issue.

Faulty Hard Disk

A BSOD can also signal a failing hard disk. Refer to the guidelines in problem #11 to detect hard disk issues.

Overheating PC

An overheating PC may lead to BSOD if excessive stress is placed on the components. Follow the instructions provided in problem #1 to address this.

13. Blank Monitor

If your monitor displays nothing, it could indicate an issue with the monitor itself or the graphics card. Test the monitor with another PC to determine the source of the problem.

If the monitor doesn’t power on at all, try replacing the power cable with one that’s known to work. For more troubleshooting tips, here’s a useful article on fixing a monitor that shows nothing.

14. Monitor Goes Black After a Few Seconds

If your monitor goes black after displaying for a few seconds, it may be related to color quality or screen adjustment settings. Try pressing the auto-adjust button on your monitor. If that doesn’t resolve the issue, consider changing the display color from 32-bit to 16-bit.

Connecting your PC to a different monitor to adjust the graphics card settings could also be helpful. Using the auto-adjust feature might briefly restore the display, allowing you to tweak the color settings in that short window.

15. Keyboard Issues

If your keyboard is noisy or fails to type repeated words correctly, it’s likely not a hardware issue. Windows settings such as toggle keys and filter keys might be activated, leading to these symptoms. To disable them, follow these steps:

  • Access the Control Panel and select Ease of Access .
  • Click on Change how your keyboard works .
  • Uncheck the boxes next to Toggle keys and Filter Keys to resolve the issue.

How to Fix Mouse Left-click Malfunction in Windows

Some of the most accepted solutions to fix left-click not working issue on your Windows. Read more

Wrapping Up

While many hardware issues can be resolved by adjusting settings or using specific software, some problems may necessitate a trip to the computer repair shop. Knowing what’s wrong with your PC enables you to take appropriate action. We’d love to hear about any PC hardware problems you’ve encountered and how you solved them, so please share your experiences in the comments.

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