Family Law Research Paper Topics

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This page explores family law research paper topics , designed to assist law students in their academic pursuits. It provides a comprehensive list of topics divided into 10 categories, each containing 10 subject ideas, along with an insightful article on family law and its research paper possibilities. Additionally, readers will find guidance on selecting appropriate research topics, essential tips for crafting exceptional papers, and information about iResearchNet’s custom writing services.

100 Family Law Research Paper Topics

In the realm of family law, the breadth of topics is as diverse as the intricacies of familial relationships themselves. From the dissolution of marriages and custody battles to the protection of vulnerable family members, family law encompasses a wide range of legal issues that are vital to the fabric of society. For students pursuing legal studies, delving into family law research paper topics presents an opportunity to explore the complexities of human connections and the evolving nature of family dynamics. In this comprehensive section, we present a curated list of family law research paper topics, organized into ten categories, each offering ten unique and thought-provoking subjects. Whether you are a law student seeking inspiration for your research or a curious mind eager to understand the intricate facets of family law, this collection promises to illuminate the vast landscape of this compelling legal discipline.

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Marriage and Divorce:

  • The impact of no-fault divorce on the institution of marriage.
  • Analyzing the rise of gray divorce and its social implications.
  • Legal challenges and remedies for enforcing prenuptial agreements.
  • A comparative study of marriage and divorce laws in different jurisdictions.
  • The role of religious law in divorce proceedings and its interaction with state law.
  • The impact of cohabitation on marriage laws and rights.
  • Exploring the concept of legal separation as an alternative to divorce.
  • The effects of social media on divorce proceedings and evidence gathering.
  • Analyzing the division of property and assets in high-net-worth divorces.
  • The role of family counseling and therapy in divorce cases.

Child Custody and Support:

  • Exploring the best interests of the child standard in child custody cases.
  • The influence of gender stereotypes in child custody determinations.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of child support enforcement mechanisms.
  • The legal rights and challenges faced by non-biological parents in custody battles.
  • The impact of parental relocation on child custody arrangements.
  • Analyzing the role of child custody evaluations in court proceedings.
  • The effects of parental alienation on child custody and visitation rights.
  • The role of grandparents’ rights in child custody disputes.
  • Examining the rights of unmarried fathers in child custody cases.
  • The impact of substance abuse on parental rights and child custody.

Domestic Violence and Protection Orders:

  • Analyzing the role of law enforcement in responding to domestic violence incidents.
  • The effectiveness of restraining orders in preventing domestic abuse.
  • The intersection of family law and criminal law in cases of domestic violence.
  • The role of community resources in supporting victims of domestic violence.
  • The impact of domestic violence on child custody determinations.
  • Analyzing the correlation between substance abuse and domestic violence.
  • The role of mandatory reporting laws in domestic violence cases.
  • The impact of technology on domestic violence and cyberstalking.
  • Examining the rights of same-sex couples in domestic violence cases.
  • The role of restorative justice in addressing domestic violence.

Adoption and Surrogacy:

  • The legal complexities of international adoption and its impact on the adoptive family.
  • The ethical and legal implications of commercial surrogacy arrangements.
  • The challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in the adoption process.
  • Analyzing the rights and responsibilities of biological and adoptive parents.
  • The evolving legal landscape of surrogacy in modern society.
  • The impact of open adoption on birth parents, adoptive parents, and the child.
  • The role of adoption agencies and facilitators in the adoption process.
  • Exploring the rights of adoptees to access their birth records.
  • The legal and ethical considerations of international surrogacy arrangements.
  • The impact of adoption subsidies and financial incentives on adoption rates.

Same-Sex Marriage and LGBTQ+ Rights:

  • The journey towards marriage equality and its impact on LGBTQ+ families.
  • Legal challenges faced by same-sex couples in adopting children.
  • The protection of LGBTQ+ rights in the context of religious freedom.
  • Analyzing the impact of legal recognition on same-sex relationships and families.
  • A comparative study of LGBTQ+ rights and protections in different countries.
  • The role of family law in recognizing non-binary and gender nonconforming individuals.
  • Examining the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals in assisted reproductive technologies.
  • The impact of conversion therapy bans on LGBTQ+ youth and families.
  • The legal implications of discrimination based on sexual orientation in family law.
  • Exploring the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals in elder care and end-of-life decisions.

Child Protection and Welfare:

  • The role of child protective services in safeguarding children’s well-being.
  • The legal and ethical implications of removing children from their homes.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of family preservation programs in child welfare.
  • The intersection of family law and child protection in cases of neglect and abuse.
  • Examining the rights of children in foster care and group homes.
  • The impact of the opioid epidemic on child welfare and custody cases.
  • The role of the juvenile justice system in addressing child maltreatment.
  • The rights of immigrant and refugee children in child protection proceedings.
  • The impact of social and economic factors on child welfare outcomes.

Elder Law and Aging:

  • The legal and ethical implications of elder abuse and neglect.
  • The role of legal guardianship and conservatorship in protecting vulnerable adults.
  • Analyzing the impact of healthcare decision-making laws on aging populations.
  • The challenges of providing long-term care and support for aging adults.
  • The impact of age discrimination laws on employment and retirement.
  • Examining the rights of LGBTQ+ seniors and their access to legal protections.
  • The role of advanced directives and living wills in end-of-life decisions.
  • The legal rights and challenges faced by aging adults in family disputes.
  • The impact of housing laws and policies on the elderly population.
  • Analyzing the intersection of family law and elder law in inheritance and estate planning.

International Family Law:

  • The challenges of cross-border marriages and divorce proceedings.
  • Analyzing the role of international treaties and conventions in family law cases.
  • The legal and cultural complexities of international child abduction cases.
  • The impact of immigration laws on family reunification and separation.
  • Examining the recognition and enforcement of foreign family law judgments.
  • The role of international adoption laws and policies in protecting children’s rights.
  • Analyzing the legal challenges faced by binational and multicultural families.
  • The impact of international surrogacy arrangements on parentage and citizenship.
  • The role of international organizations in promoting family law harmonization.
  • Exploring the jurisdictional conflicts in international family law disputes.

Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution:

  • The role of mediation in resolving family law disputes and promoting cooperation.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of alternative dispute resolution methods in divorce cases.
  • The impact of court-ordered mediation on family law proceedings.
  • The role of family law attorneys as mediators in conflict resolution.
  • Examining the rights and autonomy of parties in family law mediation.
  • The use of collaborative law in addressing complex family law matters.
  • Analyzing the cultural and ethical considerations in family law mediation.
  • The impact of online mediation platforms on access to justice in family law.
  • The challenges and benefits of enforcing mediated agreements in family law cases.
  • Exploring the role of restorative justice principles in family law disputes.

Family Law and Social Justice:

  • Analyzing the intersectionality of family law with race, gender, and socioeconomic status.
  • The impact of family law policies on marginalized and vulnerable populations.
  • Examining the rights of immigrant families and access to legal protections.
  • The role of family law in addressing the needs of individuals with disabilities.
  • The impact of family law reforms on social and economic inequality.
  • Analyzing the role of family law in addressing domestic violence and trauma.
  • The challenges and opportunities of culturally competent family law practice.
  • The impact of family law on indigenous and tribal communities.
  • The role of family law in promoting gender equality and women’s rights.
  • Exploring the potential for transformative family law reforms to advance social justice.

As we conclude our comprehensive list of family law research paper topics, we hope to have sparked your curiosity and ignited a passion for exploring the legal complexities that govern familial relationships. Family law plays a pivotal role in shaping the lives of individuals and families, and research in this field has the power to drive transformative change and improve the lives of countless individuals. Whether you choose to explore the nuances of child custody battles, delve into the ethical considerations of adoption and surrogacy, or analyze the impact of family law on social justice, your research endeavors will contribute to a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by families in today’s society. As you embark on your journey of exploration, remember that each topic in family law offers a gateway to insights, empathy, and a profound understanding of the human experience. We encourage you to select a topic that resonates with your interests and values, and embark on a research journey that has the potential to leave a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and families alike.

Family Law: Exploring the Range of Research Paper Topics

Family law, a fundamental branch of legal practice, holds paramount importance in society as it governs the intricate relationships and dynamics within families. It deals with a myriad of legal issues that arise from marriages, divorces, child custody, adoption, domestic violence, and more. Family law is deeply intertwined with the human experience, shaping the lives of individuals and families alike. In this article, we will delve into the significance of family law and explore the vast range of research paper topics it encompasses.

The Significance of Family Law

Family law plays an indispensable role in the legal system, seeking to protect the rights and interests of individuals within the context of family relationships. One of the primary focuses of family law is marriage, where it plays a crucial role in regulating the formal union between two individuals and outlining their rights and obligations as spouses. Additionally, family law is instrumental in handling divorce cases, addressing the legal dissolution of marriages, division of assets, alimony, and child custody arrangements. By providing a legal framework for these sensitive matters, family law aims to mitigate conflicts and ensure fair outcomes for all parties involved.

Another vital aspect of family law is child custody and support, which aims to safeguard the best interests of children during and after divorce or separation. Determining custody arrangements and establishing child support payments can be emotionally charged and complex, necessitating the involvement of legal professionals to ensure the welfare of the children.

Moreover, family law encompasses the realm of adoption, offering guidance on the legal process of establishing parental rights for adoptive parents and ensuring the well-being of adopted children. Adoption presents an array of legal and ethical considerations, making it a compelling area of research within family law.

The complexities of family law extend to addressing instances of domestic violence and abuse. Legal interventions such as restraining orders and protective measures aim to safeguard victims and provide them with the necessary support and protection from abusive situations.

Exploring Research Paper Topics in Family Law

The wide-ranging scope of family law provides a plethora of research opportunities for law students and scholars alike. Research in family law can delve into various thought-provoking topics, such as the impact of no-fault divorce laws on family dynamics, the legal complexities of surrogacy agreements, or the role of mediation in resolving family law disputes. Scholars can also examine the evolving nature of family structures, the protection of LGBTQ+ rights within the context of family law, or the legal measures in place to protect minors from early and forced marriages.

Family law research extends beyond legal boundaries and intersects with other areas, allowing for interdisciplinary exploration. Researchers can investigate how family law intersects with immigration law in cases involving international adoption or divorce, or how criminal law is involved in cases of domestic violence.

The Evolving Nature of Family Law

Family law is an ever-evolving field, reflecting changing societal norms, values, and legal precedents. As new challenges emerge, such as advancements in reproductive technologies and evolving definitions of family structures, family law continually adapts to address these issues.

Additionally, cultural, social, and economic factors significantly influence family law. Variations in legal systems across different countries and regions present unique research opportunities to compare and contrast family law practices worldwide.

Family law stands as a critical pillar of the legal system, touching upon the most intimate aspects of individuals’ lives. The diverse range of research paper topics within family law provides students and researchers with the opportunity to delve into complex legal, ethical, and social issues. From examining the evolving nature of family structures to addressing the challenges of child custody and domestic violence, family law research contributes to the betterment of families and society as a whole. As students and scholars embark on their research journeys in family law, they have the potential to unravel the intricacies of human relationships and make meaningful contributions to the field of law and beyond.

How to Choose Family Law Research Paper Topics

Selecting an engaging and relevant research paper topic is crucial for a successful exploration of family law. With its vast scope and ever-evolving nature, family law offers a plethora of fascinating subjects to explore. However, the abundance of options can sometimes be overwhelming. In this section, we will provide valuable insights and tips to help you navigate the process of choosing the perfect family law research paper topic that aligns with your interests and academic goals.

  • Identify Your Interests : Begin by identifying areas of family law that genuinely interest you. Reflect on the topics covered in your coursework, discussions, or previous research. Is there a particular aspect of family law that sparked your curiosity? Choosing a topic that aligns with your passions will not only make the research process enjoyable but also result in a more compelling and insightful paper.
  • Stay Updated on Current Issues : Family law is a dynamic field that responds to societal changes and emerging issues. Stay updated on current developments, recent court decisions, and legislative changes related to family law. Exploring contemporary issues in your research paper can add relevance and significance to your work.
  • Review Existing Literature : Before finalizing your research topic, conduct a thorough review of existing literature in family law. Familiarize yourself with key theories, landmark cases, and scholarly publications. This step will not only help you gain insights into potential research gaps but also assist you in formulating a unique perspective for your paper.
  • Narrow Down Your Focus : With the abundance of topics in family law, narrowing down your focus is essential. Consider the scope of your research and the resources available for your study. A well-defined and focused research question will enable you to delve deeper into the subject matter and produce a more coherent and impactful paper.
  • Consider Interdisciplinary Approaches : Family law intersects with various other fields, such as sociology, psychology, economics, and public policy. Consider adopting an interdisciplinary approach to your research, as this can enrich your analysis and provide a comprehensive understanding of complex family law issues.
  • Consult with Professors and Experts : If you find yourself undecided about a research topic, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from your professors or experts in family law. They can offer valuable insights and suggest potential research directions based on their expertise.
  • Research Ethical Considerations : When selecting a family law research topic, be mindful of ethical considerations, especially when dealing with sensitive issues such as child custody, adoption, or domestic violence. Ensure that your research respects the privacy and dignity of individuals involved in the subject matter.
  • Balance Originality and Feasibility : While it is essential to choose a unique and original research topic, consider the feasibility of conducting research within your available resources and timeframe. Striking a balance between originality and practicality is key to a successful research paper.
  • Explore Comparative Family Law : Comparative family law offers an exciting avenue for research, allowing you to analyze family law practices across different jurisdictions and cultures. Exploring the similarities and differences in family law systems can lead to valuable insights and a broader understanding of the field.
  • Seek Inspiration from Case Studies : Case studies can serve as excellent sources of inspiration for your research paper topics. Analyzing specific legal cases and their implications can provide a real-world context for your research and add depth to your analysis.

In conclusion, choosing a family law research paper topic requires thoughtful consideration and exploration of your interests, current issues, and existing literature. By narrowing down your focus, adopting an interdisciplinary approach, and seeking guidance from experts, you can select a compelling and relevant topic that contributes to the dynamic and ever-evolving field of family law. Remember that a well-chosen research topic is the foundation of a successful research paper, paving the way for a rewarding and enriching academic journey.

iResearchNet’s Custom Research Paper Writing Services

At iResearchNet, we understand the challenges that students face when it comes to writing complex research papers on family law topics. Family law is a multifaceted field that requires a deep understanding of legal principles, ethical considerations, and societal implications. Crafting a well-researched and articulate paper that meets the high academic standards can be a daunting task. That’s where our custom family law research paper writing services come to the rescue.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers : We take pride in our team of expert writers who hold advanced degrees in law and related disciplines. When you entrust us with your family law research paper, rest assured that it will be handled by a qualified professional with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field.
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  • In-Depth Research : Our writers are skilled researchers who know how to navigate the vast sea of information to find credible and relevant sources for your family law research paper. They will conduct in-depth research to ensure that your paper is well-supported and backed by authoritative references.
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  • Customized Solutions : Our family law research paper writing services are flexible and can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you need help with topic selection, literature review, methodology, or any other aspect of your research paper, we are here to assist you.
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In conclusion, our custom family law research paper writing services are designed to help you excel in your academic journey and overcome the challenges of writing complex research papers. With our team of expert writers, top-quality papers, and customer-oriented approach, we are committed to providing you with the support you need to succeed in your family law studies. Trust iResearchNet to deliver a meticulously crafted research paper that showcases your understanding of family law and demonstrates your academic prowess.

Empower Your Family Law Research with iResearchNet

Are you ready to take your family law research to the next level? At iResearchNet, we are dedicated to empowering students like you to excel in your academic pursuits. Our comprehensive list of family law research paper topics and expert writing services are designed to support you every step of the way.

So, why struggle with your family law research paper when you can partner with iResearchNet for expert guidance and support? Empower your family law journey with our comprehensive list of research paper topics and custom writing services. Let our team of legal experts help you navigate the complexities of family law and showcase your academic prowess. Take the next step towards academic success by placing an order with iResearchNet today!


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The two-parent family

The one-parent family, legal consequences of marriage.

  • Decision making
  • Questions of custody
  • Marriage as a transfer of dependence
  • Marriage as a voluntary relationship
  • The public interest
  • Relationship
  • The property of married couples
  • Maintenance and support
  • Community property
  • Tort actions between spouses
  • Co-ownership
  • Family courts

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family law , body of law regulating family relationships, including marriage and divorce , the treatment of children, and related economic matters.

In the past, family law was closely connected with the law of property and succession ( see property law ), and, judging from the records available, it must have originated principally in the economic and property questions created by the transfer of a female from her father’s family to the power and guardianship of her husband . Even with regard to the relationship between parent and child , legal concepts such as guardianship, custody, and legitimacy were associated with family power structures and family economic interests. Family law also traditionally has to do with matters of personal status—for example, the question of whether a person is to be considered married or single, legitimate or illegitimate—though the incidents and importance of these distinctions often derive from the law of property.

Family law shares an interest in certain social issues with other areas of law, including criminal law . For example, one issue that has received considerable attention since the late 20th century is the very difficult problem of violence within the family, which may take the form of physical violence by one adult member on another or by an adult on a child or some other violent or abusive conduct within a family circle. In serious cases the only real solution may be to terminate cohabitation or to remove an abused child from the family unit into some form of public or foster custody.

This article is not a treatise on the family laws of the world (which would require at least a volume) but a general survey of the common legal problems associated with the family.

Family groups

A family group has a certain internal structure as well as relationships between itself and third parties. Family groups in some societies have tended to be complex, as, for example, the Roman paterfamilial group, the Chinese upper-class family, the Indian joint family , the samurai family in Japan, and many customary family structures in Africa. The family may be a part of a larger group such as the tribe or clan.

At present the dominant form of the family group consists of two spouses and the children they have produced or adopted. The law, therefore, is concerned mainly with the rights of the couple and their children and the duties of the couple to the children and to each other. In a strictly monogamous society, for example, the law will forbid a person to be married to more than one other person at the same time, while in other societies it will regulate the number of wives a man may simultaneously have (as Islamic law [ Sharīʾah ] does).

assignment on family law

Traditionally, family law has not concerned itself much with unions that are not commenced by legal marriage, though some systems of law have permitted the recognition of a “natural” child by a father for purposes such as inheritance and support. More recently, the family law of several European countries and of some jurisdictions in the United States was amended to recognize civil unions or domestic partnerships , which created many of the legal incidents of marriage for same-sex couples ( see also same-sex marriage ).

Since the 1970s, one-parent families have acquired an importance not adequately reflected in traditional law. It may be necessary to adapt the law to a greater extent to the needs of one-parent families in areas such as the organization of family and child-welfare services and the legal and administrative machinery for family support, employment assistance, day nurseries, and the like. The head of a single-parent household may have difficulty affording the high cost of child care while working or training, especially on a modest or low income.

Two persons might produce the economic incidents of marriage by executing appropriate contracts or settlements. In some legal systems, a contract in conventional form is the core of the constitution of marriage. The contract may be complex, with a variety of clauses, as in Islamic law. In most countries today, however, the legal documentation of a marriage is mainly a registration of the event. Basically, then, marriage in the legal sense is the implied creation of certain rights or obligations such as maintenance, marital property and succession rights, and the custody of minor children.

In modern systems, the parties to a marriage can usually create the economic incidents of the marriage by a separate agreement. In some early legal systems and in present systems in which customary family law pertains, there is little choice as to the economic incidents of marriage because these are fixed by custom. In legal systems that allow substantial scope for personal independence, the spouses can take up a position of their own as to the economic basis of their family group by means of a marriage contract or a will.

One feature that distinguishes marriage from a simple contract is that, in many countries, the parties cannot release themselves by mutual agreement. But some legislation in North America and western Europe comes close to permitting this; the grounds of divorce have been so widened that the marriage can be terminated , for example, after a period of separation ( see below Divorce ).

assignment on family law

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Family Law Course

About this course.

Family law pertains to the formation and dissolution of domestic relations, including the law of marriage, annulment, separation and dissolution, maintenance, and custody and support of children. This course will study the differences between community and separate property, the classification of property, and the impact of such classification. The role of the paralegal in family law practice and the importance of mediation of domestic issues will also be discussed.

Course Objectives

The course begins with an overview of divorce law and reviews important aspects to consider in property division, alimony, custody and support in a divorce. The course also describes post-divorce collection actions and necessary court actions after a divorce. Other aspects of family law are studied also, including common law marriage, prenuptial agreements, annulments, civil unions, adoptions, paternity and neglect actions. Students will learn common terminology in family law and some of the procedural concerns to consider in these areas of law.

Participants will demonstrate the following skills through successful completion of all required coursework and assignments:

  • Identify various source of information available regarding Divorce
  • Define and explain the function of a Petition for Dissolution or Legal Separation
  • Discuss the importance of a Summons and identify the different types or factors that affect it
  • Explain the basic function and purpose of temporary orders
  • Distinguish the types of temporary order agreements
  • Explain the criteria of a Common Law Marriage
  • Explain the criteria of Prenuptial Agreements
  • Examine sample states’ formulas for calculating child support
  • Describe the requirements of final orders
  • Explain how attorney fees are handled in divorce cases
  • Examine the following settlement methods: mediation, alternative dispute resolution, separation agreements, legal separation, and property division
  • Discuss Paternity Actions.
  • Explain child custody and identify parenting time issues
  • Discuss visitation rights for grandparents in divorce and paternity actions
  • Examine parenting plans and parental education requirements
  • Identify when modifications are possible for child and spousal support
  • Identify ways to collect support by way of wage assignment, garnishment, lien
  • Illustrate when to file a Motion for Contempt of Court
  • Summarize appealable issues within Family Law, such as Temporary Orders and Final Orders
  • Explain the criteria of Annulments
  • Discuss what Civil Action Suits are and explain their purpose
  • Differentiate community property and equitable division of property
  • Examine procedures for Order of Protection in your state
  • Discuss Intimate Partner Violence and remedies for victims
  • Examine how Intimate Partner Violence affects child custody and visitation
  • Define Juvenile Delinquency
  • Review Juvenile Court Proceedings
  • Explain the purpose of the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC)
  • Explain the overall process of adoptions
  • Examine the procedures for International adoptions
  • Summarize the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
  • Identify the specifications for adopting children with Birth Parent(s) in the Military
  • Explain what an Equitable Adoption is
  • Discuss adoption by same sex partners
  • Summarize Annulments of Adoption
  • Examine child custody and paternity issues related to assisted reproduction
  • Discuss surrogacy
  • Review assisted reproduction law in your state
  • Discuss ethical issues in family law


You will be expected to spend an average of 8 hours per week reading and completing writing assignments. Please note that extensions will not be granted for this online course. 70% is the minimum passing score on all tests and assignments for this course. Students may consider working ahead in the curriculum if they have the time. Coursework in Family Law is equivalent to 45 clock hours of study.


Successful completion of Paralegal I and II, or equivalent experience.

Course Books

Required textbooks for this course:

  • Family Law in a Nutshell , Most Recent Edition. St Paul: West Group by Harry D. Krause.

Highly Recommended Legal Resources:

  • Oran’s Dictionary of the Law , 4th Edition, by Daniel Oran. Clifton Park: Delmar Cengage Learning

For more information, call CLS by BARBRI at 800-522-7737, or visit our Online Store to order.

Reading Assignments for Lesson Topics:

Lesson One:  Family, Prenuptial Agreements, Cohabitation, Marriage and Divorce

  • Read the Preface and Chapters 1 thru 5 in Family Law in a Nutshell ( Nutshell )

Lesson Two: Paternity & Child Custody

  • Read Chapters 6 & 7 in Nutshell

Lesson Three:  Child Support, Spousal Support & Collecting Support

  • Read Chapters 8 & 9 in Nutshell

Lesson Four: Property Issues & Annulments

  • Read Chapters 10 & 11 in Nutshell .

Lesson Five: Intimate Partner Violence & Juvenile Court

  • Read Chapters 12 & 15 in Nutshell

Lesson Six:  Adoption, Assisted Reproduction & Ethics

  • Read Chapters 13, 14 & 16 in Nutshell

Writing Assignments:

For each lesson you will submit a 50-point writing assignment covering the topics in that lesson’s reading consisting of a variety of short answer questions and essay questions.

You will complete two exams. Each is worth 50 points. The Midterm exam is to be submitted with your Lesson Three Assignments; the Final exam is to be submitted with your Lesson Six Assignments. Exams are comprised of true/false, short answer and essay questions.

Legal Document Preparation Assignments:

You will prepare two legal document assignments.  Each is worth 30 points. Legal Document Preparation Assignment One: Prenuptial Agreement will be due with your Lesson Three Assignments; Legal Document Preparation Assignment Two: Marital Separation Agreement will be due with your Lesson Six Assignments.

Bulletin Board Assignments:

You will also post your responses to six class participation assignments. These assignments are referred to as Bulletin Board Submissions and will be submitted by either selecting Bulletin Board Submission from within the lesson material, or by selecting ‘Forums’ under Activities in the course.

All lesson objectives, assignments, and tests can be found in the Lesson Materials.

Your grade will be based on your completion of six writing assignment assignments, two exams, two legal document assignments, and class participation/Bulletin Board Submissions. The exams, legal document preparation assignments, and writing assignments can be accessed from within the lesson material, or by selecting ‘Assignments’ under Activities in the course. You will have the opportunity to engage in “class participation” by using the Bulletin Board tool to respond to the bulletin board assignments throughout the course. Also, participating in the bulletin board assignments will enhance your understanding of the reading material.

Your final grade will be figured as follows:

  • The six writing assignments are worth 50 points each and comprise 40% of your grade.
  • The two exams are worth 50 points each and comprise 30% of your grade.
  • The two legal document preparation assignments are worth 30 points each and comprise 20% of your grade.
  • Your participation in class participation assignments comprises 10% of your grade.

Withdrawal Policy

Students may drop the course with a full tuition refund less a non-refundable $50 administrative fee if written notice is sent to CLS by BARBRI by email at [email protected] by the Wednesday before class begins. Students may drop the course with a 50% tuition refund if written notice is sent to CLS by BARBRI by email at [email protected] anytime from the Thursday before the course begins until the first Thursday of class. After the first Thursday of class, no refunds will be issued.

Please NOTE: If you registered for a CLS course directly with the college or university, you are subject to the school’s refund/drop policies.

The official language used for the content of the Los Angeles Superior Court public website is English. Google™ Translate is a free online language translation service that can translate text and web pages into different languages. Computerized translations are only an approximation of the website's original content. The translation should not be considered exact and in some cases may include incorrect or offensive language.

The Los Angeles Superior Court does not warrant the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information translated by Google™ Translate or any other translation system. In addition, some applications, files or items cannot be translated including graphs, photos or some portable document formats (pdfs).

Please be aware that when a translation is requested, you will be leaving the Los Angeles Superior Court website. The Los Angeles Superior Court does not endorse the use of Google™ Translate. Other translation services may be used to view our site. Any person or entity that relies on information obtained from any translation system does so at their own risk. When a translation is complete, you assume the risk of any inaccuracies, errors or other problems encountered. The Los Angeles Superior Court is not responsible for any damage or issues that may possibly result from using Google™ Translate or any other translation system.

If you have any questions about Google™ Translate, please click the following link: Google™ Translate FAQs .

El idioma oficial utilizado para el material del sitio web público de la Corte Superior de Los Ángeles es el inglés. Google™ Translate es un servicio gratis en línea de traducción de idiomas que puede traducir texto y páginas web en distintos idiomas. Las traducciones por computadora son solo una aproximación del contenido original del sitio web. La traducción no se debe considerar exacta y en algunos casos podría incluir lenguaje incorrecto u ofensivo.

La Corte Superior de Los Ángeles no garantiza la exactitud, confiabilidad o autenticidad de cualquier información traducida por Google™ Translate u otro sistema de traducción. Además, algunas aplicaciones, archivos o elementos no se pueden traducir (como gráficas, fotos o algunos formatos portátiles de documentos [pdf]).

Tenga en cuenta que al solicitar una traducción estará dejando el sitio web de la Corte Superior de Los Ángeles. La Corte Superior de Los Ángeles no endosa el uso de Google™ Translate. Usted puede usar otros servicios de traducción para ver nuestro sitio web. Toda persona o entidad que dependa de la información obtenida de cualquier sistema de traducción lo hará bajo su propio riesgo. Cuando se haga una traducción, usted asumirá el riesgo por todas las inexactitudes, errores u otros problemas que encuentre. La Corte Superior de Los Ángeles no se hace responsable por daños o problemas que puedan surgir por el uso de Google™ Translate o cualquier otro sistema de traducción.

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre Google™ Translate, haga clic en el siguiente enlace: Preguntas frecuentes de Google Translate™ .

Ngôn ngữ chính thức sử dụng cho nội dung của website công cộng của Tòa Thượng Thẩm Los Angeles là Anh Ngữ. Google™ Translate là dịch vụ phiên dịch ngôn ngữ miễn phí trên mạng có thể phiên dịch văn bản và những trang web sang nhiều ngôn ngữ khác nhau. Phiên dịch bằng máy điện toán chỉ có kết quả xấp xỉ gần giống nội dung nguyên thủy của website này. Không nên xem bản dịch là chính xác và trong một số trường hợp bản dịch có thể sử dụng ngôn ngữ sai hoặc xúc phạm.

Tòa Thượng Thẩm Los Angeles không bảo đảm mức chính xác, đáng tin hoặc nhanh chóng của bất cứ tin tức nào do Google™ Translate hoặc bất cứ hệ thống phiên dịch nào khác thực hiện. Ngoài ra, không thể phiên dịch được một số ứng dụng, hồ sơ hoặc loại khác gồm cả biểu đồ, hình ảnh hoặc một số dạng văn kiện lưu động (pdfs).

Xin lưu ý là khi yêu cầu phiên dịch là quý vị rời khỏi website của Tòa Thượng Thẩm Los Angeles. Tòa Thượng Thẩm Los Angeles không ủng hộ việc sử dụng Google™ Translate. Có thể sử dụng các dịch vụ phiên dịch khác để xem website của chúng tôi. Bất cứ người hoặc thực thể nào dựa vào tin tức thu thập từ bất cứ hệ thống phiên dịch nào đều phải tự chịu rủi ro. Khi phiên dịch xong, quý vị tự chịu bất cứ rủi ro nảo về những chỗ không chính xác, sai lầm hoặc những vấn đề khác gặp phải. Tòa Thượng Thẩm Los Angeles không chịu trách nhiệm về bất cứ thiệt hại hoặc vấn đề nào có thể phát xuất từ việc sử dụng Google™ Translate hoặc bất cứ hệ thống phiên dịch nào khác.

Nếu quý vị có bất cứ thắc mắc nào về Google™ Translate, xin bấm vào đường nối sau đây: Google™ Translate FAQs .

로스앤젤레스 상급법원 공개 웹사이트의 내용에 사용되는 공식 언어는 영어입니다. Google™ Translate(번역)는 텍스트와 웹페이지를 다른 언어로 번역할 수 있는 무료 온라인 언어 번역 서비스입니다. 컴퓨터화된 번역은 단지 웹사이트의 원래 내용과 비슷할 뿐입니다. 이 번역은 정확하다고 생각해서는 안되고, 어떤 경우에는 부정확하거나 모욕적인 언어가 포함될 수도 있습니다.

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Google™ Translate에 대한 질문이 있는 경우, 다음의 링크를 클릭해 주십시오: Google™ Translate FAQs .

洛杉矶高等法院公共网站内容使用的官方语言是英语。Google™ Translate(谷歌翻译)是免费的在线语言翻译服务,可将文本和网页翻译成不同语言。计算机翻译只能近似网站的原始内容。这种翻译不应视为准确,一些情况下可能包含错误或冒犯性语言。

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Լոս Անջելեսի Առաջին ատյանի դատարանի հանրային կայքի պաշտոնական լեզուն անգլերենն է։ Google™ Translate-ն անվճար լեզվական թարգմանչական ծառայություն է, որի միջոցով տեքստ ու կայքեր կարելի է թարգմանել զանազան լեզուներով։ Համակարգչային թարգմանությունը կայքի բնօրինակի սոսկ մոտավոր ներկայացումն է։ Թարգմանությունը չպետք է դիտվի իբրև ճշգրիտ, և երբեմն կարող է ներառել ոչ ճիշտ, կամ վիրավորական արտահայտություններ։

Լոս Անջելեսի Առաջին ատյանի դատարանը չի երաշխավորում Google™ Translate-ի, կամ մեկ այլ թարգմանչական համակարգի կողմից թարգմանված որևէ տեղեկատվության ճշգրտությունը, վստահելիությունն ու արդիականությունը։ Բացի այդ, որոշ ծրագրեր, ֆայլեր կամ պարագաներ, օրինակ՝ գրաֆիկներ, լուսանկարներ, կամ որոշ փոխադրելի փաստաթղթային ձևաչափեր (pdf), թարգմանվել չեն կարող։

Խնդրում ենք նկատի ունենալ, որ թարգմանության խնդրանք ներկայացնելիս Դուք Լոս Անջելեսի Առաջին ատյանի դատարանի կայքից դուրս կտեղափոխվեք։ Լոս Անջելեսի Առաջին ատյանի դատարանը չի քաջալերում Google™ Translate-ի օգտագործումը։ Մեր կայքը կարելի է դիտել այլ թարգմանչական ծառայություններով ևս։ Ցանկացած անձ, կամ կազմակերպություն, ով հենվում է որևէ թարգմանչական համակարգից ստացված որևէ տեղեկատվության վրա, այդպես է վարվում սեփական ռիսկի հաշվին։ Թարգմանության ավարտին, Դուք հանձն եք առնում ցանկացած անճշտության, սխալի, կամ հայտնաբերված այլ խնդրի ռիսկը։ Լոս Անջելեսի Առաջին ատյանի դատարանը պատասխանատու չէ որևէ այնպիսի վնասի կամ խնդրի համար, որը թերևս կարող է առաջանալ Google™ Translate-ի, կամ թարգմանչական մեկ այլ համակարգի օգտագործման արդյունքում։

Եթե Google™ Translate-ի վերաբերյալ որևէ հարց ունեք, ապա խնդրում ենք սեղմել հետևյալ հղումը․ Google™ Translate FAQs .

Judicial Council forms can be used in every Superior Court in California. You will need to use these forms when you file your case.

Statewide approved forms are available for Adoptions, Appellate, Civil, Conservatorships, Criminal, Guardianships, Family Law, Juvenile, Name Change, Probate, Small Claims, and Traffic.

(When you click this link, you will be taken to the California Courts website)

In addition to forms approved by the State Judicial Council, the Superior Court of Los Angeles has approved a variety of local forms that you may need to use as your case continues.

Locate the courthouse where your case belongs.

Filing fee information for Civil Limited, Civil Unlimited, Family Law, Small Claims and Probate cases.

The Los Angeles Superior Court is transitioning to electronic "paperless" case files.

Legal matters are handled in one of LA Court's 9 divisions.

If you want to know which division applies to your case, please visit Self Help to learn more about your case type.

This juror site provides basic juror information on preparing for jury service and what to expect while serving.

With My Jury Duty Portal you can register for jury service, request an excuse, postponement or new court location, and complete your online orientation.

Main Content

  • State Judicial Council Approved Forms
  • All Locally Approved Forms
  • Appeal and Appellate
  • Civil (including Unlawful Detainer)
  • Mental Health
  • Miscellaneous
  • Small Claims
The forms on this web site are in PDF format. Most modern browsers are able to display PDF documents natively. For older browsers, you may download and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader application by navigating to .

The Los Angeles Superior Court is transitioning to electronic "paperless" case files. View the status of electronic files by case type .

The Court has transitioned from requiring certifications in red or purple colored ink to black ink only. View additional information regarding certified documents.


Locate the courthouse where your case belongs. Locate Your Filing Courthouse .

Filing fee information for Civil Limited, Civil Unlimited, Family Law, Small Claims and Probate cases. View filing fee information.

With each new case management system implementation, the Court is employing a new case numbering matrix.

All statewide approved forms are available for Adoptions, Appellate, Civil, Conservatorships, Criminal, Guardianships, Family Law, Juvenile, Name Change, Probate, Small Claims, and Traffic.

  • Locally Approved Forms

In addition to forms approved by the State Judicial Council, the Superior Court of Los Angeles offers a variety of local forms listed below. Many of these forms are fillable.

By law, in California all official court business must be conducted in English.

Official documents and forms must be filed in English.

family law Forms
Form Name Form ID Revised Date Fillable Mandatory
LASC FCS 042 01/24 YES YES
SHC001 04/21 NO
FAM181 11/21 YES
FAM182 11/21 YES
FAM105 06/18 YES
FAM027 10/18 YES
FAM112 12/22 YES
FAM183 12/22 YES
FAM120 06/23 YES YES
FAM111 12/22 YES
FAM018 10/18 YES
FAM075 05/14 YES
FAM205 04/21 NO
FAM204 09/20 NO
FAM071 04/21 YES
FAM082 10/18 NO
FAM085 01/19 NO
FAM230 12/23 NO Optional
FAM086 10/18 NO
FAM110 01/19 YES
FAM020 03/22 YES
FCS047 06/21 YES
FCS047S 11/20 YES
FAM206 05/21 YES
FAM104 10/18 YES
FAM193 01/20 NO
FAM001 01/23 YES
FAM190 09/21 YES
FAM009 10/18 YES
FAM198 05/20 YES
FAM199 05/20 YES
FAM180 09/22 YES
FAM063 01/23 YES
FAM062 01/23 YES
FAM087 02/20 NO
FAM083 02/20 NO
FAM084 02/20 NO
FAM201 05/21 YES
FAM194 01/20 NO
FAM040 01/20 NO
FAM041 01/20 NO
FAM042 01/20 NO
FAM196 08/22 NO
FAM197 08/22 NO
FAM079 08/22 NO
FAM172 07/22 YES
FAM174 11/21 YES
FAM175 02/22 YES
FAM176 11/21 YES
FAM177 11/21 YES
FAM178 04/23 YES YES
FAM179 11/21 YES
FAM119 01/19 YES
FAM081 10/18 NO
FAM171 01/19 YES
FAM077 11/22 NO
FAM031 10/18 YES
FAM219 5/23 NO
FAM220 11/22 NO
FAM221 1/23 YES
FAM033 2/23 NO
FAM032 08/22 NO
FAM195 08/22 NO
FAM043 01/20 NO
FAM014 10/18 YES
FAM218 11/21 YES
FAM215 04/23 YES YES
FAM024A 12/17 YES
FAM024B 10/18 YES
FAM024C 10/18 YES
FAM FCS006 1/19 YES
FAM200 05/20 YES
FAM073 03/13 YES

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Family & Children Forms

  • Child Support
  • Custody & Visitation
  • Divorce & Parentage
  • Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
  • Ex Parte Hours
  • Family Law Announcements
  • Family Law e-Filing
  • Family Support Division e-Filing
  • Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Orders (DVTROs) e-Filing
  • Family Law Hearings and Domestic Violence Restraining Order Hearings
  • Family Law Rules
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Legal Information
  • Self Help Services/Family Law Facilitator

View Case Information

Filing your case, self help services / family law facilitator.

  • Family Law Packets
  • Local Family & Children Forms
  • Judicial Council Family & Children Forms
  • Federal Child Support Forms
  • MC-040 (Notice of Change of Address)
Family Law Packets
Form File Link
Grandparent Visitation Packet
PKT-055 (New: 05/22)
Dissolution (Judgment) Packet
PKT-003 (Rev: 01/24)
Dissolution (Summary) Packet
PKT-005 (Rev: 01/24)
Dissolution Packet
PKT-004 (Rev: 02/23)
Domestic Violence - Restraining Order Respondent Packet
PKT-007 (Rev: 01/24)
Domestic Violence - Restraining Order with Children Packet
PKT-008 (Rev: 01/24)
Domestic Violence Restraining Order - Applicant Packet
PKT-006 (Rev: 01/24)
Fee Waiver Packet
PKT-010 (Rev: 04/24)
Findings and Order After Hearing - Packet
PKT-011 (Rev: 01/24)
Guardianship of the Person Packet
PKT-012 (Rev: 01/23)
Joinder Packet - Family Law Packet
PKT-034 (Rev: 01/22)
Parentage (Judgment) Packet
PKT-013 (Rev: 01/24)
Parentage Packet
PKT-017 (Rev: 09/21)
Request for Order Packet
PKT-015 (Rev: 01/24)
Request to Reschedule Hearing
PKT-051 (New: 07/20)
Local Family Forms
Form File Link
Attachment to JC Form #CIV-010/FL-935 (Application for Guardian Ad Litem – Civil and Family Law)
ADM-430 (New: 01/24)
Family Law Settlement Attorney List – Central Division
ADM-425C (New: 8/24)
Family Law Settlement Attorney List – East County Division
ADM-425EC (New: 8/24)
Family Law Settlement Attorney List – North County Division
ADM-425NC (Rev: 8/24)
Family Law Settlement Attorney List – South County Division
ADM-425SC (Rev: 8/24)
Family Resolution Conference Statement
D-314 (New: 4/23)
Información de la División de Manutención Familiar: Central
FSD-005 S (Rev: 03/24)
Instructions for Service of Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Order
D-313 (Rev: 02/24)
Notice of Consent/Withdrawal of Consent to Receive Electronic Service
ADM-431 (Rev: 5/24) Referred to as ADM-XXX in SDSC Local Rules, rules 2.1.2.I, 4.3.2.C, and 5.1.11.A.
Proof of Firearms or Ammunition Turned In, Sold, or Stored
D-308 (New: 04/22)
Request and Order for Release of Confidential Marriage Certificate
D-318 (New: 6/24)
Supplemental Complaint to Establish Parental Relationship/Custody and Support of Minor Children
FLF-037 (Rev: 01/23)
Supplemental Family Resolution Conference Statement
D-315 (New: 4/23)
Access to Information Made Simple (AIMS)
FLF-036 (New: 10/17)
Adoption Assistance
FLF-040 (New: 12/19)
Application and Order for Service on Clerk of the Court
  D-135 (Rev: 5/14)
Attached Declaration in Support of Modification of Child Support
  FLF-007 (New: 08/09)
Attached Declaration In Support of Request for Child Custody / Visitation Orders
  FLF-011 (New: 06/10)
Attachment 6d to JC Form #FL-170
  D-262 (New: 01/13) (Includes JC Form #FL-170)
Child Custody and Child Support Attachment
 D-294A (New: 3/19)
Como Desarrollar un Plan de Custodia y Crianza - Guía para Padres
FCS-058s (New: 9/12)
Consent to Custody of an Indian Child to Non-Parent and Court Certification
  D-243 (New: 04/09)
Declaracin Para Sesión Por Separado Con Los Servicios Familiares Del Tribunal Por Alegación De Violencia Domestica (Spanish)
  FCS-017S (Rev: 12/21)
Declaración Preparatoria en Conjunto Conferencia Obligatoria de Resolución
  D-274S (New: 10/18)
Declaration Alleging Domestic Violence for Separate Family Court Services Session (English)
  FCS-017 (Rev: 12/21)
Declaration and Order for Payment of Attorney Fees and Costs of Minor’s Counsel
  D-137 (Rev: 09/22)
Declaration in Support of Application for Emergency Temporary Order - Family Law
  FLF-028 (Rev: 09/13)
Declaration of Authorized Persons From Child Abduction Unit to Inspect and Copy Confidential Family Court File
  D-293 (New: 12/18)
Declaration Regarding Child Support Factors
  FLF-014 (New: 02/11)
Defendant/Respondent Information for Order Appointing Attorney Under Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA)
  ADM-260 (New: 11/09)
Developing A Child Custody Parenting Plan - Handbook for Parents
  FCS-058 (New: 02/12)
Directions to Central Division Family Court Services Office
  FCS-065 (Rev: 11/17)
Due Diligence Declaration (Attempts to Locate Respondent / Citee
  D-006 (Rev: 04/06)
Electronic Filing Requirements (Family)
D-305 (Rev: 02/24)
Ex Parte Application and Order - Family Law
  D-046 (Rev: 7/24)
Ex Parte Request and Order to Terminate Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Order
  D-001 (Rev: 7/16)
Ex Parte Request and Order to Vacate Restraining Order
D-001 (New: 06/11)
Family Centered Case Resolution Process General Information
  D-080 (Rev: 08/22)
Family Court Services (FCS) Data Sheet (Confidential)
  FCS-002 (Rev: 06/20)
Family Court Services (FCS) Questionnaire Regarding Application for Permission for Minor(s) to Marry or Establish Domestic Partnership
  FCS-067 (New: 12/18)
Family Court Services Brochure
  SDSC FCS-047 (Rev: 11/11)
Family Court Services Child Custody Recommending Counseling Information Sheet
  FCS-022 (Rev: 01/22)
Family Court Services Complaint Form
FCS-044 (Rev: 03/24)
Family Court Services Domestic Violence Support Person Agreement
  FCS-038 (Rev: 08/11)
Family Court Services Screening Form (Confidential)
  FCS-046 (Rev. 01/17)
Family Law Certificate of Assignment - Venue Declaration
  D-049 (Rev: 04/16)
Family Law Facilitator Customer Complaint Form
  FLF-008 (Rev: 12/17)
Family Law Facilitator's Office Self Help Locations and Information
  FLF-006 (Rev: 06/23)
Family Law Self-Help General Information
  D-280 (Rev. 12/17)
Family Support Division Information - Central
  FSD-005 (Rev: 03/24)
Finishing Your Case
  FLF-030 (New: 04/14)
Guardianship Assistance Program
  FLF-001 (Rev: 11/21)
Guardianship Questionnaire
  FCS-045 (Rev: 06/17)
Indicaciones Para Llegar Al Centro de Apoyo a la Familia, Division Central
  FCS-065S (Rev: 11/17)
Interim Order for PERS, STRS and ERISA Plans
  {Formerly Appendix I under the 2008 Local Family Law Rules of Court. Form number to be assigned}
Interim Order for Processing Re: Survivor Benefits
  {Formerly Appendix J under the 2008 Local Family Law Rules of Court. Form number to be assigned}
Job Contacts
  D-044 (Rev: 06/18)
Job Contacts Attachment
  D-044A (New. 06/18)
Joint Readiness Declaration Mandatory Settlement Conference
  D-274 (Rev: 06-18)
Juzgado de lo Familiar Servicios De Vilolencia Intrafamiliar Acuerdo de la Persona de Apoyo
  FCS-038S (New: 5/16)
Lodged Documents
ADM-378 (New: 03/19)
Mandatory Settlement Conference Brief - Long Cause Hearing Brief - Trial Brief
  D-241 (Rev: 01/13)
Mandatory Settlement Conference General Information
  D-047 (Rev: 07/19)
Mandatory Settlement Conference Term Sheet-Dissolution of Marriage
  D-294 (New: 3/19)
Notice of Intent to Lodge Documents
  D-235 (Rev: 12/11)
Notice of Pending Matter before a Privately Compensated Temporary Judge
  D-010 (Rev: 11/08)
Order for Removal from Residence
D-072 (Rev: 09/21)
Order Setting Aside Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage/Order for Dismissal (Parties Reconciled)
  D-050 (Rev: 08/08)
Peremptory Challenge
ADM-381 (New: 06/19)
Pleading on Joinder - Request for Award of Custody to Claimant(s)
  D-236 (Rev: 01/10)
Programa de Asistencia Para Casos de Tutela
  FLF-001S (Rev: 11/21)
Request and Order to Correct Party Name and Case Caption (Family Law)
D-304 (Rev: 6/21)
Responsive Declaration to Request for Order
FL-320 (Rev: 07/11)
Self-Represented Family Case Resolution Conference (SFRC) Orders
  D-281 (Rev: 11/17)
Self-Represented Litigant (SRL) Trial Readiness Resource List
  FLF-029 (New: 06/17)
Serviceios del Tribunal de lo Familiar Informacion Referente a la Asesoria para Recomendaciones de Custodia de Menores
  FCS-022S (Rev: 10/21)
Servicios Familiares del Tribunal Datos (FCS) Para la Sesión (Confidencial)
  FCS-002S (Rev: 06/20)
Procedure For Walk-in Assistance
  FLF-035 (Rev: 01/18)
Stipulation and Order - Short Form
  D-035 (Rev: 06/18)
Stipulation and Order - Short Form Attachment
  D-035A (New: 06/18)
Stipulation and Order for Appointment of Privately Compensated Temporary Judge With Oath of Office
  D-008 (Rev. 07/19)
Stipulation and Order on Request for Order - Long Form
  D-036 (Rev: 07/12)
Stipulation for Court Commissioner to Act as Temporary Judge for All Purposes
  D-204 (Rev: 4/12)
Stipulation for Entry of Judgment Re Custody and Support
  D-289 (Rev: 12/19)
Termination of Guardianship Questionnaire
  FCS-039 (Rev: 12/17)
Verification of Disability
  D-248 (Rev: 12/19)
Judicial Family Forms
Form File Link
Application for Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem – Civil and Family Law
Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem – Civil and Family Law
Family Law - Dissolution, Legal Separation and Annulment
FL-100 - 199
Family Law - Enforcement
FL-400 - 499
Family Law - Governmental Child Support
FL-600 - 699
Family Law - Interstate Actions
FL-500 - 599
Family Law - Miscellaneous
FL-900 - 999
Family Law - Motions and Attachments
FL-300 - 399
Family Law - Parentage Actions
FL-200 - 299
Family Law - Summary Dissolutions
FL-800 - 899
Federal Child Support Forms
Form File Link
Registration Statement
OMB 970-0085 U


  1. Family Law Assignment

    assignment on family law

  2. Family Law Assignment One

    assignment on family law

  3. Family law one study and revision material

    assignment on family law

  4. Family Law assignment

    assignment on family law

  5. Family Law Assignment (1)

    assignment on family law

  6. Family Law Assignment

    assignment on family law


  1. (AC-S03) Week 03

  2. 🔴 (AC-S03) Week 03

  3. (AC-S03) Week 03

  4. (AC-S03) Week 03

  5. PowerPoint Paper Assignment: Family Violence

  6. Week 03


  1. PDF Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles

    family law case cover sheet and certificate of grounds for assignment to district page 1 of 3 lasc rule 2.3 & 5.2. name, address, and telephone number of attorney or party without attorney: state bar number reserved for clerk's file stamp attorney for (name): superior court of california, county of los angeles

  2. Family Law Research Paper Topics

    This page explores family law research paper topics, designed to assist law students in their academic pursuits. It provides a comprehensive list of topics divided into 10 categories, each containing 10 subject ideas, along with an insightful article on family law and its research paper possibilities. Additionally, readers will find guidance on ...

  3. Family Law

    Family Law- Divorce, Dissolution and Financial Consequences; Private Children Law, The Welfare Principle, Section 8 Orders and Removal of Child ... Family ASS 2 - assignment answers New. 10 pages. 2020/2021. None. 2020/2021 None. Save. Family ASS New. 17 pages. 2020/2021. None. 2020/2021 None. Save. 2324 re level 5 ws03 ce02 task1; Unit 9- Prep ...

  4. Assignment 2-letter 1

    Unit 4- Aspects of Family Law Assignment 2 Apart from the financial orders, the court can make the following orders under the Children Act 1949 6 a child arrangements order, which can include a residence order, a contact order, a specific issue order and a prohibited steps order. I will be explaining what a residence

  5. Understanding Family Law in Context: The Court Observation Assignment

    Understanding Family Law in Context: The Court Observation Assignment. For the last several years, I have included a court observation assignment in my three-credit, one-semester Family Law course. The class is a large (about 80 students) survey course that I teach through a mixture of prob lems, simulations, and Socratic discussion.

  6. Family law

    family law, body of law regulating family relationships, including marriage and divorce, the treatment of children, and related economic matters.. In the past, family law was closely connected with the law of property and succession (see property law), and, judging from the records available, it must have originated principally in the economic and property questions created by the transfer of ...

  7. Family Law Essays

    Family Behaviour and Divorce Rates. Example essay. Last modified: 26th Aug 2021. The work is divided into three parts: the first sets out the important historical background to the debate, showing how and why the concept of no-fault divorce first emerged during the Enlightenment period; the second part offers an overview of the different legal regimes in Sweden and England, whilst the third ...

  8. PDF Exam Skills for Success in Family Law

    Family law assignments Family law modules increasingly utilize in-course assignments or coursework as a means to formally assess students. Given the time that students have to complete an assignment, the lecturer will be far more stringent when assessing coursework than he or she is when marking examination papers (see chapter 13).

  9. Family Law Courses Online

    Family Law in a Nutshell, Most Recent Edition. St Paul: West Group by Harry D. Krause. Highly Recommended Legal Resources: Oran's Dictionary of the Law, 4th Edition, by Daniel Oran. Clifton Park: Delmar Cengage Learning. For more information, call CLS by BARBRI at 800-522-7737, or visit our Online Store to order.

  10. Family Law Division

    Family Law. Family Law cases can involve a number of issues such as: Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce, Domestic Violence, Legal Separation, Nullity (Annulment), Parentage (Paternity) and Spousal or Domestic Partner Support. Cases under the AB1058 Child Support Commissioner Program are generally filed by the Child Support Services Department.

  11. PDF Student Handout/Syllabus Required Text Assignment: Additional Assignment

    sessions. Assignments below are identified by the actual classroom date. FOR OFFICE HOURS: PLEASE CALL 909-989-7284 Email Communications: [email protected] Course Content: This course will provide students with basic and fundamental law as it relates to the actual practice of Family Law in the State of California.

  12. Family Law Assignment

    family law assignment - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document contains an assignment on family law for Richard Sakala. It provides two discussion questions on principles from cases related to divorce and marital disputes in Zambia. The first question analyzes principles from Bradley v Bradley and their alignment with ...

  13. Forms

    Family Law Case Cover Sheet-Certificate of Grounds for Assignment to District: FAM020: 03/22: YES: Family Court Services Confidential Mediation Form (English) FCS047: 06/21: YES: Family Court Services Confidential Mediation Form (Spanish) FCS047S: 11/20: YES: Findings and Order After Heaing Pursuant to Family Code Section 3130-3134.5: FAM206 ...

  14. Family Law Assignment Topics

    Family law assignment topics - Free download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. This document provides a list of 13 potential topics for a project on family law, with two topics marked as selected. The selected topics are "Uniform Civil Code- implementation and challenges" and "Juvenile justice act & its impact on family".

  15. Family Law Assignment

    Legal Definition of Family in Zambia From the outset, it should be noted that Zambia has a dual legal system composed of general statutory law based on common law and doctrines of equity, and tribe specific customary law. 1 That customary law is a central aspect of Zambia's legal system is buttressed by Article 7 of the Constitution which ...

  16. Family & Children Forms

    Judicial Family Forms. Form. File Link. Application for Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem - Civil and Family Law CIV-010/FL-935. View PDF. Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem - Civil and Family Law CIV-011/FL-936. View PDF. Family Law - Dissolution, Legal Separation and Annulment FL-100 - 199. Open link.

  17. Family Court: Sacramento Superior Court

    Online Services for Family Law. Check the Status of Your Emergency or Ex Parte Request. View and Print Mediation Reports and Findings and Orders After Hearing. Find a Family Law Case Number. Order a File and Records. e-Correspondence (Family Law Self-Help Assistance) Child Support Advisement Videos. Schedule Online Appointment.

  18. Family Law

    Family Law Division Info. The Family Law Division handles cases in which people are ending a marriage or registered domestic partnership, identifying a child's legal parents, determining custody and visitation issues, establishing or enforcing child and spousal support or dealing with domestic violence issues.

  19. California Code, Family Code

    California Code, Family Code - FAM § 5260. (a) The court may order that service of the assignment order be stayed only if the court makes a finding of good cause or if an alternative arrangement exists for payment in accordance with paragraph (2) of subdivision (b). Notwithstanding any other provision of law, service of wage assignments issued ...

  20. Kalach, Kalacheyevsky District, Voronezh Oblast

    Kalach (Russian: Кала́ч) is a town and the administrative center of Kalacheyevsky District in Voronezh Oblast, Russia, located at the confluence of the Tolucheyevka and Podgornaya Rivers, 294 kilometers (183 mi) from Voronezh, the administrative center of the oblast.Population: 20,046 (2010 Russian census); 20,950 (2002 Census); 23,183 (1989 Soviet census).

  21. Pavlovsky District, Voronezh Oblast

    Pavlovsky District ( Russian: Па́вловский райо́н) is an administrative [1] and municipal [4] district ( raion ), one of the thirty-two in Voronezh Oblast, Russia. It is located in the center of the oblast. The area of the district is 1,886 square kilometers (728 sq mi). [citation needed] Its administrative center is the town of ...

  22. Forms

    Earnings Assignment Order For Spousal or Partner Support (Family Law) FL-435. Instructions for form FL-435. Request for Hearing Regarding Earnings Assignment (Family Law-- Governmental -- UIFSA) FL-450. An information sheet is included with the form. It is given to the person whose earnings are being assigned (garnished) to allow them to object.