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Exercising your options

assignment call option

Managing an options trade is quite different from that of a stock trade. Essentially, there are 4 things you can do if you own options: hold them, exercise them, roll the contract, or let them expire. If you sell options, you can also be assigned.

If you are an active investor trading options with some percentage of your overall investment funds, here’s how you can evaluate the available choices for an options trade.

Holding your options

During the life of an options contract you’ve purchased, you can simply hold them (i.e., take no action). Suppose you own call options (which grant the right, but not the obligation, to buy a specified amount of an underlying stock at a specified strike price up and until a specified expiration date) and you believe the underlying stock price will rise within the time remaining until expiration. In this scenario, you would hold the option so that they increase in value over time.

The primary objective of this approach is potential appreciation of the option (based on the underlying stock rising and/or an increase in expected volatility for the underlying stock using our example of buying a call), in addition to delaying additional cost of buying the stock or any tax implications after you exercise the options.

To exercise an option means to take action on the right to buy or sell the underlying position in an options contract at the predetermined strike price, at or before expiration. The order to exercise your options depends on the position you have. For example, if you bought to open call options, you would exercise the same call options by contacting your brokerage company and giving your instructions to exercise the call options (to buy the underlying stock at the strike price).

There are a variety of reasons why you might choose to exercise options before they expire (assuming they are in the money, which means they have value). In addition to wanting to capture realized gains on your options, you may want to exercise:

Be aware that closing out an options position triggers a taxable event, so you would want to consider the tax implications and the timing of closing a trade on your specific situation. You should consult your tax advisor if you have additional questions.

In sum, there are many scenarios that might cause you to want to exercise your options before expiration, and they depend primarily on your outlook for the underlying stock and your objectives/risk constraints.

Employee stock plan options

There are additional choices you can make when exercising employee stock plan options . 1  These include:

  • Exercise-and-hold (cash-for-stock)
  • Exercise-and-sell-to-cover
  • Exercise-and-sell

Rolling your options

Before expiration—and, more commonly, near the end of the contract—you can also choose to roll the contract. This involves closing out your existing options position (by selling to close a long position or buying to close a short position) that is about to expire and simultaneously purchasing a substantially similar options position, only with a later expiration date. You might want to roll out your position if you want to have the same options exposure after your contract is set to expire.

In a covered call position, for example, you can also roll up, roll down, or roll out. This involves closing out your existing short options position that is about to expire, and simultaneously selling another options position, typically with a later expiration date. While there are differences among these choices, the objective is the same: to obtain similar exposure to an existing position.

If you sell an option, you have an obligation to sell stock if you are short a call, and an obligation to buy stock if you are short a put. The owner of call or put options has the right to assign the contract to the seller. This is known as assignment.

Assignment occurs when the buyer exercises an options contract on or before expiration, and the seller must fulfill the obligation by either buying or selling the underlying security at the exercise price. As a seller of options, you can be assigned at any time prior to expiration regardless of the underlying share price—meaning you might have to receive or deliver shares of the underlying stock.

Depending on your position, settlement can occur in a variety of ways. If you are assigned on a covered call, for example, the shares you own will be sold automatically.

Let the options expire

Remember, options have an expiration date. They either have intrinsic value (for calls, the stock is above the strike price, and for puts, the stock is below the strike price) or they will expire worthless. If the options have intrinsic value, you should plan to exercise at or before expiration, or anticipate having it automatically exercised at expiration if in the money. If they do not have intrinsic value, you can simply let your options expire. Of course, letting options expire can also have tax consequences.

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How Option Assignment Works: Understanding Options Assignment

May 26, 2023 — 08:00 am EDT

Written by [email protected] for Schaeffer  ->

Options assignment is a process in options trading that involves fulfilling the obligations of an options contract. 

It occurs when the buyer of an options contract exercises their right to buy or sell the underlying asset. The seller (writer) of the options contract must deliver or receive the underlying asset at the agreed-upon price (strike price).

What is Options Assignment?

Options assignment can happen when the owner of an option exercises their right to buy or sell shares of stock or when options expire in the money (ITM). This process can be complex and involves various factors such as the type of option, expiration date, and market conditions.

There are two main styles of options contracts: American-style and European-style. American-style options allow the buyer of a contract to exercise at any time during the life of the contract. In contrast, European-style options can only be exercised on the expiration date.

Traders selling American-style options are at risk of assignment anytime on or before the expiration date. While they can technically be assigned anytime, the option must be ITM for the owner of the contract to benefit from exercising their right. 

On the other hand, many options traders prefer to sell European-style options as it is impossible to be assigned before the expiration date, giving them more flexibility to hold their contract without worrying about being assigned early. 

Who is at Risk of Assignment in Options Trading?

Traders with short options positions are at risk of assignment because they have sold the option and are obligated to deliver or receive the underlying asset. If the owner of the options contract decides to exercise their rights, the seller of the options contract must fulfill their obligations.

Traders with long options positions are not at risk of assignment as they are in control of exercising their options. A long option holder has the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell the underlying asset at the strike price. If the long option holder decides not to exercise their options, they can let the options contract expire worthless.

What is the Risk of Assignment?

The risks associated with options assignment are primarily centered around the obligations of the seller of the options contract. If the holder of the options contract decides to exercise their right to buy or sell the underlying asset, the seller must fulfill their obligations.

For example, if a trader sold a put option with a $100 strike price, and the stock dropped to $90, they would still have to buy the stock at $100 per share. When an option is ITM, it generally indicates that the seller of the option is in an unfavorable spot.

Of course, if you sold a $100 strike put option when the stock was trading at $120, and now it is trading at $90, the seller is likely regretting their original trade. However, it is impossible always to time the market perfectly, and assignment risk is the risk option sellers must assume. 

Traders must be aware of market conditions that could increase the risk of assignment, such as large price movements in the underlying asset. Option selling strategies benefit from a stable market environment, so you must ensure the stock you are trading will remain stable until the expiration date. Events that may cause significant market volatility, such as earnings, are crucial to be aware of when selling options. 

How to Avoid Option Assignment

While it may not be possible to avoid options assignment completely, there are several strategies that options traders can use to reduce the likelihood of being assigned.

One strategy is to manage short options positions by closing the position if your strike gets tested. For example, if you sold a $100 strike put when a stock is trading at $120 per share, you can avoid assignment by closing the position before the stock drops under your strike price of $100. 

Another strategy is to roll over your option, which means you close it out and simultaneously sell a new contract with a different strike price and/or date. Traders can roll their contracts to the same strike price at a further date or even roll it down or up to ensure their contract stays out of the money (OTM). 

These strategies may not always be effective in avoiding assignment. Traders should always be prepared to fulfill their obligations if they are assigned and have a plan to manage their positions accordingly. If a stock moves hard overnight, there is no guarantee you will successfully avoid assignment. 

Do You Keep the Premium if You Get Assigned?

Yes, if you get assigned on a short options position, you still keep the premium you received initially. However, it is important to note that if you are assigned, you will also be obligated to fulfill the contract terms by buying or selling the underlying asset at the strike price. This means you may incur additional costs associated with fulfilling your obligation, such as purchasing the underlying asset at an unfavorable price.

What Happens When Your Covered Call Gets Assigned?

If a covered call gets assigned, the seller of the call option must sell the underlying stock at the strike price to the buyer of the call option. The seller will still be able to keep the premium received from the sale of the call option.

For example, if you own a stock at $100 per share and sell a $130 strike call option, you will be forced to sell if the stock is above $130 on the expiration date. Additionally, you can be assigned before the expiration date if the stock is trading above your strike price. 

While the covered call seller will still generate a profit from this trade, the downside is you are likely missing out on more upside potential had you not sold the covered call. The seller of the covered call doesn’t have to do anything, as the broker will take care of the assignment for you. 

Are Options Automatically Assigned?

If you are an option seller, your option will either be exercised by the buyer or automatically assigned if it is ITM on the expiration date. 

If you are an option buyer, your option will not be automatically assigned before expiration. However, most brokers will automatically assign ITM options on the expiration date. 

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.

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