1. Trading Options: Understanding Assignment |

    An option assignment represents the seller's obligation to fulfill the terms of the contract by either selling or buying the underlying security at the exercise price. This obligation is triggered when the buyer of an option contract exercises their right to buy or sell the underlying security.

  2. How Option Assignment Works: Understanding Options ... - Nasdaq

    Options assignment is a process in options trading that involves fulfilling the obligations of an options contract. It occurs when the buyer of an options contract exercises their right to buy...

  3. Options Exercise, Assignment, and More: A Beginner's Guide

    Learn about options exercise and options assignment before taking a position, not afterward. This guide can help you navigate the dynamics of options expiration.

  4. Options Assignment Explained (2024): Complete Trader's Guide

    Call Option Assignment: For a trader who’s sold a call option, assignment means theyre on the hook to hand over the underlying shares at the strike price. If they’re short on shares, a market purchase is in order—potentially at a loss if market prices overshoot the strike.

  5. How to exercise, roll, and assign options | Fidelity

    The owner of call or put options has the right to assign the contract to the seller. This is known as assignment. Assignment occurs when the buyer exercises an options contract on or before expiration, and the seller must fulfill the obligation by either buying or selling the underlying security at the exercise price.

  6. Options Basics: How the Option Assignment Process Works

    Simply defined, the assignment of an option refers to the fulfillment of the options contract by the seller. An option holder has the right to buy or sell the underlying equity at the given...

  7. Understanding options assignment risk | Learn more | E*TRADE

    Short call + long call. (The same principles apply to both two-leg and four-leg strategies) If the short leg is in-the-money and the long leg is out-of-the-money at expiration. The short leg will be automatically assigned, and the long leg will expire worthless.

  8. What Is Option Assignment & How Does It Work? | SoFi

    Option assignment works when the seller completes the terms outlined in an options contract after the call or put contract owner chooses to exercise. By selling an option, you issue the buyer the right to own a certain number of shares of stock at a predetermined price in the future.

  9. The Risks of Options Assignment | Charles Schwab

    An assignment forces the short options seller to take action. Here are the main actions that can result from an assignment notice: Short call assignment: The option seller must sell shares of the underlying stock at the strike price. Short put assignment: The option seller must buy shares of the underlying stock at the strike price.

  10. What is Option Assignment? How and Why Assignment Happens

    Option assignment occurs when the owner of an option exercises their right to buy or sell the underlying asset at a specific price on or before expiration. When a call option is assigned, the owner buys shares at the strike price.