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User Interface Design and UX Design: 80+ Important Research Papers Covering Peer-Reviewed and Informal Studies

Charles Mauro CHFP

Important peer-reviewed and informally published recent research on user interface design and user experience (UX) design.

For the benefit of clients and colleagues we have culled a list of approximately 70 curated recent research publications dealing with user interface design, UX design and e-commerce optimization.

In our opinion these publications represent some of the best formal research thinking on UI and UX design. These papers are also among the most widely downloaded and cited formal research on UI / UX design. We have referenced many of these studies in our work at MauroNewMedia.

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Pay walls: As you will note in reviewing the following links and abstracts, most of the serious research on UI / UX design and optimization is located behind pay walls controlled by major publishers. However, in the end, good data is well worth the investment. Many links and other cited references are, of course, free.

Important disclaimer: We do not receive any form of compensation for citing any of the following content. Either Charles L Mauro CHFP or Paul Thurman MBA has personally reviewed all papers and links in this list. Some of these references were utilized in the recent NYTECH UX talk given by Paul Thurman MBA titled: Critical New UX Design Optimization Research

In addition to historical research papers, we frequently receive requests from colleagues, clients and journalists for recommended reading lists on topics covering our expertise in UX design, usability research and human factors engineering. These requests prompted us to pull from our research library (yes, we still have real books) 30+ books which our professional staff felt should be considered primary conceptual literature for anyone well-read in the theory and practice of UX design and research. Please follow the for PulseUX’s compilation of the 30+ Best UX Design and Research Books of All Time

Title: The influence of hedonic and utilitarian motivations on user engagement: The case of online shopping experiences

Abstract User experience seeks to promote rich, engaging interactions between users and systems. In order for this experience to unfold, the user must be motivated to initiate an interaction with the technology. This study explored hedonic and utilitarian motivations in the context of user engagement with online shopping. Factor analysis was performed to identify a parsimonious set of factors from the Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Motivation Scale and the User Engagement Scale based on responses from 802 shoppers. Multiple linear regression was used to test hypotheses with hedonic and utilitarian motivations (Idea, Social, Adventure/Gratification, Value and Achievement Shopping) and attributes of user engagement (Aesthetics, Focused Attention, Perceived Usability, and Endurability). Results demonstrate the salience of Adventure/Gratification Shopping and Achievement Shopping Motivations to specific variables of user engagement in the e-commerce environment and provide considerations for the inclusion of different types of motivation into models of engaging user experiences. Abstract Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: New Support for Marketing Analytics

Abstract Consumer surveys and myriad other forms of research have long been the grist for marketing decisions at large companies. But many firms have been reluctant to embrace the high-tech approach to data gathering and number crunching that falls under the rubric of marketing analytics, which uses advanced techniques to transform the tracking of promotional efforts, customer preferences, and industry developments into sophisticated branding and advertising campaigns. Fueled in part by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman’s seminal 1982 book In Search of Excellence , which coined the phrase “paralysis through analysis,” skepticism about the approach remains widespread, even in the face of a number of positive research results over the years. This new study, involving Fortune 1000 companies, offers yet more ammunition for supporters of marketing analytics. Abstract Copyright © 2013 Booz & Company Inc. All rights reserved.

Title: Video game values: Human-computer interaction and games

Abstract Current human–computer interaction (HCI) research into video games rarely considers how they are different from other forms of software. This leads to research that, while useful concerning standard issues of interface design, does not address the nature of video games as games specifically. Unlike most software, video games are not made to support external, user-defined tasks, but instead define their own activities for players to engage in. We argue that video games contain systems of values which players perceive and adopt, and which shape the play of the game. A focus on video game values promotes a holistic view of video games as software, media, and as games specifically, which leads to a genuine video game HCI. Abstract Copyright © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: When fingers do the talking: a study of text messaging

Abstract SMS or text messaging is an area of growth in the communications field. The studies described below consisted of a questionnaire and a diary study. The questionnaire was designed to examine texting activities in 565 users of the mobile phone. The diary study was carried out by 24 subjects over a period of 2 weeks. The findings suggest that text messaging is being used by a wide range of people for all kinds of activities and that for some people it is the preferred means of communication. These studies should prove interesting for those examining the use and impact of SMS. Abstract Copyright © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: Understanding factors affecting trust in and satisfaction with mobile banking in Korea: A modified DeLone and McLean’s model perspective

Abstract As mobile technology has developed, mobile banking has become accepted as part of daily life. Although many studies have been conducted to assess users’ satisfaction with mobile applications, none has focused on the ways in which the three quality factors associated with mobile banking – system quality, information quality and interface design quality – affect consumers’ trust and satisfaction. Our proposed research model, based on DeLone and McLean’s model, assesses how these three external quality factors can impact satisfaction and trust. We collected 276 valid questionnaires from mobile banking customers, then analyzed them using structural equation modeling. Our results show that system quality and information quality significantly influence customers’ trust and satisfaction, and that interface design quality does not. We present herein implications and suggestions for further research. Abstract Copyright © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Title: What is beautiful is usable

Abstract An experiment was conducted to test the relationships between users’ perceptions of a computerized system’s beauty and usability. The experiment used a computerized application as a surrogate for an Automated Teller Machine (ATM). Perceptions were elicited before and after the participants used the system. Pre-experimental measures indicate strong correlations between system’s perceived aesthetics and perceived usability. Post-experimental measures indicated that the strong correlation remained intact. A multivariate analysis of covariance revealed that the degree of system’s aesthetics affected the post-use perceptions of both aesthetics and usability, whereas the degree of actual usability had no such effect. The results resemble those found by social psychologists regarding the effect of physical attractiveness on the valuation of other personality attributes. The findings stress the importance of studying the aesthetic aspect of human–computer interaction (HCI) design and its relationships to other design dimensions. Abstract Copyright © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: UX Curve: A method for evaluating long-term user experience

Abstract The goal of user experience design in industry is to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty through the utility, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction with a product. So far, user experience studies have mostly focused on short-term evaluations and consequently on aspects relating to the initial adoption of new product designs. Nevertheless, the relationship between the user and the product evolves over long periods of time and the relevance of prolonged use for market success has been recently highlighted. In this paper, we argue for the cost-effective elicitation of longitudinal user experience data. We propose a method called the “UX Curve” which aims at assisting users in retrospectively reporting how and why their experience with a product has changed over time. The usefulness of the UX Curve method was assessed in a qualitative study with 20 mobile phone users. In particular, we investigated how users’ specific memories of their experiences with their mobile phones guide their behavior and their willingness to recommend the product to others. The results suggest that the UX Curve method enables users and researchers to determine the quality of long-term user experience and the influences that improve user experience over time or cause it to deteriorate. The method provided rich qualitative data and we found that an improving trend of perceived attractiveness of mobile phones was related to user satisfaction and willingness to recommend their phone to friends. This highlights that sustaining perceived attractiveness can be a differentiating factor in the user acceptance of personal interactive products such as mobile phones. The study suggests that the proposed method can be used as a straightforward tool for understanding the reasons why user experience improves or worsens in long-term product use and how these reasons relate to customer loyalty. Abstract Copyright 2011 British Informatics Society Limited. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: Heuristic evaluation: Comparing ways of finding and reporting usability problems

Abstract Research on heuristic evaluation in recent years has focused on improving its effectiveness and efficiency with respect to user testing. The aim of this paper is to refine a research agenda for comparing and contrasting evaluation methods. To reach this goal, a framework is presented to evaluate the effectiveness of different types of support for structured usability problem reporting. This paper reports on an empirical study of this framework that compares two sets of heuristics, Nielsen’s heuristics and the cognitive principles of Gerhardt-Powals, and two media of reporting a usability problem, i.e. either using a web tool or paper. The study found that there were no significant differences between any of the four groups in effectiveness, efficiency and inter-evaluator reliability. A more significant contribution of this research is that the framework used for the experiments proved successful and should be reusable by other researchers because of its thorough structure. Abstract Copyright © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: Socio-technical systems: From design methods to systems engineering

Abstract It is widely acknowledged that adopting a socio-technical approach to system development leads to systems that are more acceptable to end users and deliver better value to stakeholders. Despite this, such approaches are not widely practised. We analyse the reasons for this, highlighting some of the problems with the better known socio-technical design methods. Based on this analysis we propose a new pragmatic framework for socio-technical systems engineering (STSE) which builds on the (largely independent) research of groups investigating work design, information systems, computer-supported cooperative work, and cognitive systems engineering. STSE bridges the traditional gap between organisational change and system development using two main types of activity: sensitisation and awareness; and constructive engagement. From the framework, we identify an initial set of interdisciplinary research problems that address how to apply socio-technical approaches in a cost-effective way, and how to facilitate the integration of STSE with existing systems and software engineering approaches. Abstract Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: Five reasons for scenario-based design

Abstract Scenarios of human–computer interaction help us to understand and to create computer systems and applications as artifacts of human activity—as things to learn from, as tools to use in one’s work, as media for interacting with other people. Scenario-based design of information technology addresses five technical challenges: scenarios evoke reflection in the content of design work, helping developers coordinate design action and reflection. Scenarios are at once concrete and flexible, helping developers manage the fluidity of design situations. Scenarios afford multiple views of an interaction, diverse kinds and amounts of detailing, helping developers manage the many consequences entailed by any given design move. Scenarios can also be abstracted and categorized, helping designers to recognize, capture and reuse generalizations and to address the challenge that technical knowledge often lags the needs of technical design. Finally, scenarios promote work-oriented communication among stakeholders, helping to make design activities more accessible to the great variety of expertise that can contribute to design, and addressing the challenge that external constraints designers and clients face often distract attention from the needs and concerns of the people who will use the technology. Abstract Copyright © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: Needs, affect, and interactive products – Facets of user experience

Abstract Subsumed under the umbrella of User Experience (UX), practitioners and academics of Human–Computer Interaction look for ways to broaden their understanding of what constitutes “pleasurable experiences” with technology. The present study considered the fulfilment of universal psychological needs, such as competence, relatedness, popularity, stimulation, meaning, security, or autonomy, to be the major source of positive experience with interactive technologies. To explore this, we collected over 500 positive experiences with interactive products (e.g., mobile phones, computers). As expected, we found a clear relationship between need fulfilment and positive affect, with stimulation, relatedness, competence and popularity being especially salient needs. Experiences could be further categorized by the primary need they fulfil, with apparent qualitative differences among some of the categories in terms of the emotions involved. Need fulfilment was clearly linked to hedonic quality perceptions, but not as strongly to pragmatic quality (i.e., perceived usability), which supports the notion of hedonic quality as “motivator” and pragmatic quality as “hygiene factor.” Whether hedonic quality ratings reflected need fulfilment depended on the belief that the product was responsible for the experience (i.e., attribution). Abstract Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: The role of social presence in establishing loyalty in e-Service environments

Abstract Compared to offline shopping, the online shopping experience may be viewed as lacking human warmth and sociability as it is more impersonal, anonymous, automated and generally devoid of face-to-face interactions. Thus, understanding how to create customer loyalty in online environments (e-Loyalty) is a complex process. In this paper a model for e-Loyalty is proposed and used to examine how varied conditions of social presence in a B2C e-Services context influence e-Loyalty and its antecedents of perceived usefulness, trust and enjoyment. This model is examined through an empirical study involving 185 subjects using structural equation modeling techniques. Further analysis is conducted to reveal gender differences concerning hedonic elements in the model on e-Loyalty. Abstract Copyright © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: A framework for evaluating the usability of mobile phones based on multi-level, hierarchical model of usability factors

Abstract As a mobile phone has various advanced functionalities or features, usability issues are increasingly challenging. Due to the particular characteristics of a mobile phone, typical usability evaluation methods and heuristics, most of which are relevant to a software system, might not effectively be applied to a mobile phone. Another point to consider is that usability evaluation activities should help designers find usability problems easily and produce better design solutions. To support usability practitioners of the mobile phone industry, we propose a framework for evaluating the usability of a mobile phone, based on a multi-level, hierarchical model of usability factors, in an analytic way. The model was developed on the basis of a set of collected usability problems and our previous study on a conceptual framework for identifying usability impact factors. It has multi-abstraction levels, each of which considers the usability of a mobile phone from a particular perspective. As there are goal-means relationships between adjacent levels, a range of usability issues can be interpreted in a holistic as well as diagnostic way. Another advantage is that it supports two different types of evaluation approaches: task-based and interface-based. To support both evaluation approaches, we developed four sets of checklists, each of which is concerned, respectively, with task-based evaluation and three different interface types: Logical User Interface (LUI), Physical User Interface (PUI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI). The proposed framework specifies an approach to quantifying usability so that several usability aspects are collectively measured to give a single score with the use of the checklists. A small case study was conducted in order to examine the applicability of the framework and to identify the aspects of the framework to be improved. It showed that it could be a useful tool for evaluating the usability of a mobile phone. Based on the case study, we improved the framework in order that usability practitioners can use it more easily and consistently. Abstract Copyright © 2011 British Informatics Society Limited. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: Understanding the most satisfying and unsatisfying user experiences: Emotions, psychological needs, and context

Abstract The aim of this research was to study the structure of the most satisfying and unsatisfying user experiences in terms of experienced emotions, psychological needs, and contextual factors. 45 university students wrote descriptions of their most satisfying and unsatisfying recent user experiences and analyzed those experiences using the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) method for experienced emotions, a questionnaire probing the salience of 10 psychological needs, and a self-made set of rating scales for analyzing context. The results suggested that it was possible to capture variations in user experiences in terms of experienced emotions, fulfillment of psychological needs, and context effectively by using psychometric rating scales. The results for emotional experiences showed significant differences in 16 out of 20 PANAS emotions between the most satisfying and unsatisfying experiences. The results for psychological needs indicated that feelings of autonomy and competence emerged as highly salient in the most satisfying experiences and missing in the unsatisfying experiences. High self-esteem was also notably salient in the most satisfying experiences. The qualitative results indicated that most of the participants’ free-form qualitative descriptions, especially for the most unsatisfying user experiences, gave important information about the pragmatic aspects of the interaction, but often omitted information about hedonic and social aspects of user experience. Abstract Copyright © 2011 British Informatics Society Limited. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: The Usability Metric for User Experience

Abstract The Usability Metric for User Experience (UMUX) is a four-item Likert scale used for the subjective assessment of an application’s perceived usability. It is designed to provide results similar to those obtained with the 10-item System Usability Scale, and is organized around the ISO 9241-11 definition of usability. A pilot version was assembled from candidate items, which was then tested alongside the System Usability Scale during usability testing. It was shown that the two scales correlate well, are reliable, and both align on one underlying usability factor. In addition, the Usability Metric for User Experience is compact enough to serve as a usability module in a broader user experience metric. Abstract Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Title: User acceptance of mobile Internet: Implication for convergence technologies

Abstract Using the Technology Acceptance Model as a conceptual framework and a method of structural equation modeling, this study analyzes the consumer attitude toward Wi-Bro drawing data from 515 consumers. Individuals’ responses to questions about whether they use/accept Wi-Bro were collected and combined with various factors modified from the Technology Acceptance Model.

The result of this study show that users’ perceptions are significantly associated with their motivation to use Wi-Bro. Specifically, perceived quality and perceived availability are found to have significant effect on users’ extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. These new factors are found to be Wi-Bro-specific factors, playing as enhancing factors to attitudes and intention. Abstract Copyright © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: Understanding purchasing behaviors in a virtual economy: Consumer behavior involving virtual currency in Web 2.0 communities

Abstract This study analyzes consumer purchasing behavior in Web 2.0, expanding the technology acceptance model (TAM), focusing on which variables influence the intention to transact with virtual currency. Individuals’ responses to questions about attitude and intention to transact in Web 2.0 were collected and analyzed with various factors modified from the TAM. The results of the proposed model show that subjective norm is a key behavioral antecedent to using virtual currency. In the extended model, the moderating effects of subjective norm on the relations among the variables were found to be significant. The new set of variables is virtual environment-specific, acting as factors enhancing attitudes and behavioral intentions in Web 2.0 transactions. Abstract Copyright © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: Fundamentals of physiological computing

Abstract This review paper is concerned with the development of physiological computing systems that employ real-time measures of psychophysiology to communicate the psychological state of the user to an adaptive system. It is argued that physiological computing has enormous potential to innovate human–computer interaction by extending the communication bandwidth to enable the development of ‘smart’ technology. This paper focuses on six fundamental issues for physiological computing systems through a review and synthesis of existing literature, these are (1) the complexity of the psychophysiological inference, (2) validating the psychophysiological inference, (3) representing the psychological state of the user, (4) designing explicit and implicit system interventions, (5) defining the biocybernetic loop that controls system adaptation, and (6) ethical implications. The paper concludes that physiological computing provides opportunities to innovate HCI but complex methodological/conceptual issues must be fully tackled during the research and development phase if this nascent technology is to achieve its potential. Abstract Copyright © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: Modelling user experience with web sites: Usability, hedonic value, beauty and goodness

Abstract Recent research into user experience has identified the need for a theoretical model to build cumulative knowledge in research addressing how the overall quality or ‘goodness’ of an interactive product is formed. An experiment tested and extended Hassenzahl’s model of aesthetic experience. The study used a 2 × 2 × (2) experimental design with three factors: principles of screen design, principles for organizing information on a web page and experience of using a web site. Dependent variables included hedonic perceptions and evaluations of a web site as well as measures of task performance, navigation behaviour and mental effort. Measures, except Beauty, were sensitive to manipulation of web design. Beauty was influenced by hedonic attributes (identification and stimulation), but Goodness by both hedonic and pragmatic (user-perceived usability) attributes as well as task performance and mental effort. Hedonic quality was more stable with experience of web-site use than pragmatic quality and Beauty was more stable than Goodness. Abstract Copyright © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: Sample Size In Usability Studies

Abstract Usability studies are a cornerstone activity for developing usable products. Their effectiveness depends on sample size, and determining sample sizehas been a research issue in usability engineering for the past 30 years. In 2010, Hwang and Salvendy reported a meta study on the effectiveness of usability evaluation, concluding that a sample size of 10±2 is sufficient for discovering 80% of usability problems (not five, as suggested earlier by Nielsen in 2000). Here, I show the Hwang and Salvendy study ignored fundamental mathematical properties of the problem, severely limiting the validity of the 10±2 rule, then look to reframe the issue of effectiveness and sample-size estimation to the practices and requirements commonly encountered in industrial-scale usability studies. Abstract Copyright © 2013 ACM, Inc. Title: An experimental study of learner perceptions of the interactivity of web-based instruction

Abstract An effectively designed interaction mechanism creates a shortcut for human–computer interaction. Most studies in this area have concluded that the higher the level of interactivity, the better, especially regarding interactive websites applied in the fields of business and education. Previous studies have also suggested that designs with a higher level of interactivity result in higher learner evaluations of websites. However, little research has examined learner perceptions as they interact with web-based instruction (WBI) systems in a situation with limited time. To assist learners in acquiring knowledge quickly, the interactivity design must make the web learning environment easier to use by reducing the complexity of the interface. The aim of the present study is to explore learner perceptions of three WBI systems with different interaction levels under time limitations. This study was therefore designed to provide a new framework to design systems with different degrees of interactivity, and to examine learners’ perceptions of these interaction elements. Three WBI systems were developed with different degrees of interactivity from high to low, and a between-subject experiment was conducted with 45 subjects. The results of the experiment indicate that a higher level of interactivity does not necessarily guarantee a higher perception of interactivity in a short-term learning situation. Therefore, the instructors must pay attention to modifying or selecting appropriate interactive elements that are more suitable for various learning stages. The findings provide insights for designers to adopt different degrees of interactivity in their designs that will best fulfill various learners’ needs. Abstract Copyright © 2011 British Informatics Society Limited. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Title: Age differences in the perception of social presence in the use of 3D virtual world for social interaction

Abstract 3D virtual worlds are becoming increasingly popular as tool for social interaction, with the potential of augmenting the user’s perception of physical and social presence. Thus, this technology could be of great benefit to older people, providing home-bound older users with access to social, educational and recreational resources. However, so far there have been few studies looking into how older people engage with virtual worlds, as most research in this area focuses on younger users. In this study, an online experiment was conducted with 30 older and 30 younger users to investigate age differences in the perception of presence in the use of virtual worlds for social interaction. Overall, we found that factors such as navigation and prior experience with text messaging tools played a key role in older people’s perception of presence. Both physical and social presence was found to be linked to the quality of social interaction for users of both age groups. In addition, older people displayed proxemic behavior which was more similar to proxemic behavior in the physical world when compared to younger users. Abstract Copyright © 2012 British Informatics Society Limited. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: Human error and information systems failure: the case of the London ambulance service computer-aided despatch system project

Abstract Human error and systems failure have been two constructs that have become linked in many contexts. In this paper we particularly focus on the issue of failure in relation to that group of software systems known as information systems. We first review the extant theoretical and empirical work on this topic. Then we discuss one particular well-known case — that of the London ambulance service computer-aided despatch system (Lascad) project — and use it as a particularly cogent example of the features of information systems failure. We maintain that the tendency to analyse information systems failure solely from a technological standpoint is limiting, that the nature of information systems failure is multi-faceted, and hence cannot be adequately understood purely in terms of the immediate problems of systems construction. Our purpose is also to use the generic material on IS failure and the specific details of this particular case study to critique the issues of safety, criticality, human error and risk in relation to systems not currently well considered in relation to these areas. Abstract Copyright © 1999 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Title: Feminist HCI meets facebook: Performativity and social networking sites

Abstract In this paper, I reflect on a specific product of interaction design, social networking sites. The goals of this paper are twofold. One is to bring a feminist reflexivity, to HCI, drawing on the work of Judith Butler and her concepts of peformativity, citationality, and interpellation. Her approach is, I argue, highly relevant to issues of identity and self-representation on social networking sites; and to the co-constitution of the subject and technology. A critical, feminist HCI must ask how social media and other HCI institutions, practices, and discourses are part of the processes by which sociotechnical configurations are constructed. My second goal is to examine the implications of such an approach by applying it to social networking sites (SNSs) drawing the empirical research literature on SNSs, to show how SNS structures and policies help shape the subject and hide the contingency of subject categories. Abstract Copyright © 2011 British Informatics Society Limited. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: A survey of methods for data fusion and system adaptation using autonomic nervous system responses in physiological computing

Abstract Physiological computing represents a mode of human–computer interaction where the computer monitors, analyzes and responds to the user’s psychophysiological activity in real-time. Within the field, autonomic nervous system responses have been studied extensively since they can be measured quickly and unobtrusively. However, despite a vast body of literature available on the subject, there is still no universally accepted set of rules that would translate physiological data to psychological states. This paper surveys the work performed on data fusion and system adaptation using autonomic nervous system responses in psychophysiology and physiological computing during the last ten years. First, five prerequisites for data fusion are examined: psychological model selection, training set preparation, feature extraction, normalization and dimension reduction. Then, different methods for either classification or estimation of psychological states from the extracted features are presented and compared. Finally, implementations of system adaptation are reviewed: changing the system that the user is interacting with in response to cognitive or affective information inferred from autonomic nervous system responses. The paper is aimed primarily at psychologists and computer scientists who have already recorded autonomic nervous system responses and now need to create algorithms to determine the subject’s psychological state. Abstract Copyright © 2012 British Informatics Society Limited. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: Positive mood induction procedures for virtual environments designed for elderly people

Abstract Positive emotions have a significant influence on mental and physical health. Their role in the elderly’s wellbeing has been established in numerous studies. It is therefore worthwhile to explore ways in which elderly people can increase the number of positive experiences in their daily lives. This paper describes two Virtual Environments (VEs) that were used as mood induction procedures (MIPs) for this population. In addition, the VEs’ efficacy at increasing joy and relaxation in elderly users is analyzed. The VEs contain exercises for generating positive-autobiographic memories, mindfulness and slow breathing rhythms. The total sample comprised 18 participants over 55 years old who used the VEs on two occasions. Twelve of them used the joy environment, while 16 used the relaxation environment. Moods before and after each session were assessed using Visual Analogical Scales. After using both VEs, results indicated significant increases in joy and relaxation and significant decreases in sadness and anxiety. The participants also indicated low levels of difficulty of use and high levels of satisfaction and sense of presence. Hence, the VEs demonstrate their usefulness at promoting positive affects and enhancing the wellbeing of elderly people. Abstract Copyright © 2012 British Informatics Society Limited. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: The effects of trust, security and privacy in social networking: A security-based approach to understand the pattern of adoption

Abstract Social network services (SNS) focus on building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. This study examines security, trust, and privacy concerns with regard to social networking Websites among consumers using both reliable scales and measures. It proposes an SNS acceptance model by integrating cognitive as well as affective attitudes as primary influencing factors, which are driven by underlying beliefs, perceived security, perceived privacy, trust, attitude, and intention. Results from a survey of SNS users validate that the proposed theoretical model explains and predicts user acceptance of SNS substantially well. The model shows excellent measurement properties and establishes perceived privacy and perceived security of SNS as distinct constructs. The finding also reveals that perceived security moderates the effect of perceived privacy on trust. Based on the results of this study, practical implications for marketing strategies in SNS markets and theoretical implications are recommended accordingly. Abstract Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: Usability testing: what have we overlooked?

Abstract For more than a decade, the number of usability test participants has been a major theme of debate among usability practitioners and researchers keen to improve usability test performance. This paper provides evidence suggesting that the focus be shifted to task coverage instead. Our data analysis of nine commercial usability test teams participating in the CUE-4 study revealed no significant correlation between the percentage of problems found or of new problems and number of test users, but correlations of both variables and number of user tasks used by each usability team were significant. The role of participant recruitment on usability test performance and future research directions are discussed. Abstract Copyright © 2013 ACM, Inc.

Title: Predicting online grocery buying intention: a comparison of the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior

Abstract This paper tests the ability of two consumer theories—the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior—in predicting consumer online grocery buying intention. In addition, a comparison of the two theories is conducted. Data were collected from two web-based surveys of Danish ( n =1222) and Swedish ( n =1038) consumers using self-administered questionnaires. These results suggest that the theory of planned behavior (with the inclusion of a path from subjective norm to attitude) provides the best fit to the data and explains the highest proportion of variation in online grocery buying intention. Abstract Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: Decomposition and crossover effects in the theory of planned behavior: A study of consumer adoption intentions

Abstract The Theory of Planned Behavior, an extension of the well-known Theory of Reasoned Action, is proposed as a model to predict consumer adoption intention. Three variations of the Theory of Planned Behavior are examined and compared to the Theory of Reasoned Action. The appropriateness of each model is assessed with data from a consumer setting. Structural equation modelling using maximum likelihood estimation for the four models revealed that the traditional forms of the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned Behavior fit the data adequately. Decomposing the belief structures and allowing for crossover effects in the Theory of Planned Behavior resulted in improvements in model prediction. The application of each model to theory development and management intervention is explored. Abstract Copyright © 1995 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Title: Knowledge and the Prediction of Behavior: The Role of Information Accuracy in the Theory of Planned Behavior

Abstract The results of the present research question the common assumption that being well informed is a prerequisite for effective action to produce desired outcomes. In Study 1 ( N = 79), environmental knowledge had no effect on energy conservation, and in Study 2 ( N = 79), alcohol knowledge was unrelated to drinking behavior. Such disappointing correlations may result from an inappropriate focus on accuracy of information at the expense of its relevance to and support for the behavior. Study 3 ( N = 85) obtained a positive correlation between knowledge and pro-Muslim behavior, but Study 4 ( N = 89) confirmed the proposition that this correlation arose because responses on the knowledge test reflected underlying attitudes. Study 4 also showed that the correlation could become positive or negative by appropriate selection of questions for the knowledge test. The theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1991 ), with its focus on specific actions, predicted intentions and behavior in all four studies. Abstract Copyright © 2013 Informa plc

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Link: h ttp://

People come to the Apple Store for the experience — and they’re willing to pay a premium for that. There are lots of components to that experience, but maybe the most important — and this is something that can translate to any retailer — is that the staff isn’t focused on selling stuff, it’s focused on building relationships and trying to make people’s lives better. Abstract Copyright © 2013 Business Insider, Inc. All rights reserved.

Title : Naturalizing aesthetics: Brain areas for aesthetic appraisal across sensory modalities

Abstract We present here the most comprehensive analysis to date of neuroaesthetic processing by reporting the results of voxel-based meta-analyses of 93 neuroimaging studies of positive-valence aesthetic appraisal across four sensory modalities. The results demonstrate that the most concordant area of activation across all four modalities is the right anterior insula, an area typically associated with visceral perception, especially of negative valence (disgust, pain, etc.). We argue that aesthetic processing is, at its core, the appraisal of the valence of perceived objects. This appraisal is in no way limited to artworks but is instead applicable to all types of perceived objects. Therefore, one way to naturalize aesthetics is to argue that such a system evolved first for the appraisal of objects of survival advantage, such as food sources, and was later co-opted in humans for the experience of artworks for the satisfaction of social needs. Abstract Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Studies from neuroscience and evolutionary biology challenge this separation of art from non-art. Human neuroimaging studies have convincingly shown that the brain areas involved in aesthetic responses to artworks overlap with those that mediate the appraisal of objects of evolutionary importance, such as the desirability of foods or the attractiveness of potential mates. Hence, it is unlikely that there are brain systems specific to the appreciation of artworks; instead there are general aesthetic systems that determine how appealing an object is, be that a piece of cake or a piece of music. Abstract © 2013 Scientific American, a Division of Nature America, Inc.


This video offers proof that humans are visual beings. Abstract © 2013 Scientific American, a Division of Nature America, Inc.


Once in a while, a chart so deftly captures an important strategic insight that it becomes an iconic part of management thinking and a tool that shows up in MBA classrooms and corporate boardrooms for years to come. As HBR prepares for its 90th anniversary, in 2012, their editors have combed the magazine archives and other sources to select five charts that changed the shape of strategy. Abstract Copyright © 2013 Harvard Business School Publishing. All rights reserved.


It is a widely accepted and rarely challenged tenet of marketing that companies can sustain competitive advantage only through “new and improved” product differentiation based on unique features and benefits. What a mistake. By paying attention to what consumers really want, companies can attract new customers and create a distinctive brand. Abstract © 2013 Booz & Company Inc. All rights reserved.


If you can have everything in 57 varieties, making decisions becomes hard work. Many of these options have improved life immeasurably in the rich world, and to a lesser extent in poorer parts. They are testimony to human ingenuity and innovation. Free choice is the basis on which markets work, driving competition and generating economic growth. It is the cornerstone of liberal democracy. The 20th century bears the scars of too many failed experiments in which people had no choice. But amid all the dizzying possibilities, a nagging question lurks: is so much extra choice unambiguously a good thing? Abstract Copyright © The Economist Newspaper Limited 2013. All rights reserved.


Mobile apps are becoming more important to people, not less important, according to this chart plucked from a big presentation on the internet. It’s an interesting trend because it shows how mobile behavior is different than traditional desktop computing behavior when it comes to the web. Abstract Copyright © 2013 Business Insider, Inc. All rights reserved.


Mimetic desire is more than jealously wanting something because someone else has it. Rather, it’s about valuing something because someone else values it . And it’s pretty easy to transmit the value. Just writing about Person A’s activities and habits and showing it to Person B will make Person B start to think Person A must have seen something good about the Toyota Camry…maybe his next car…

But what is behind this contagion of desires? Abstract © 2013 Scientific American, a Division of Nature America, Inc.

web design dissertation topics


A well-known pheonomenon in psychology has been the ‘inattentional blindness’ principle. In fact, you might know it from experience: it means that people tend to fail seeing things in their visible fields when they have to focus on a task. Until now, it was thought that in order to cause the effect, a cluttered visual field is required. Recent research shows that the effect is present though in many more situations. Abstract Copyright United Academics 2012 Coypright – All rights Reserved


Chart of the Day: According to the Pew Internet project , people in the 18-24 year-old range are sending and receiving 110 texts per day on average. The median number of texts sent/received by that group is 50 per day. Abstract Copyright © 2013 Business Insider, Inc. All rights reserved.


Chart of the Day: A new report on social media from Nielsen shows U.S. users spent 53.5 billion minutes on Facebook in May, which is more time than was spent on the next four biggest sites. Abstract Copyright © 2013 Business Insider, Inc. All rights reserved.


A recent study showed that certain brain areas expand in people who have greater numbers of friends on Facebook . There was a problem, though. The study, in Proceedings of the Royal Society B , was unable to resolve the question of whether “friending” plumps up the brain areas or whether people with a type of robustness in brain physiology are just natural social butterflies. But with the help of a few monkeys in England, teenagers everywhere may now have more ammunition to use against parents. Abstract © 2013 Scientific American, a Division of Nature America, Inc.


Although advances in technology now enable people to communicate ‘anytime, anyplace’, it is not clear how citizens can be motivated to actually do so. This paper evaluates the impact of three principles of psychological empowerment, namely perceived self-efficacy, sense of community and causal importance, on public transport passengers’ motivation to report issues and complaints while on the move. A week-long study with 65 participants revealed that self-efficacy and causal importance increased participation in short bursts and increased perceptions of service quality over longer periods. Finally, we discuss the implications of these findings for citizen participation projects and reflect on design opportunities for mobile technologies that motivate citizen participation. Abstract 2013 Oxford University Press.


This review paper argues that users of personal information management systems have three particularly pressing requirements, for which current systems do not fully cater: (i) To combat information overload, as the volume of information increases. (ii) To ease context switching, in particular, for users who face frequent interrupts in their work. (iii) To be supported in information integration, across a variety of applications. To meet these requirements, four broad technological approaches should be adopted in an incremental fashion: (i) The deployment of a unified file system to manage all information objects, including files, emails and webpage URLs. (ii) The use of tags to categorize information; implemented in a way which is backward-compatible with existing hierarchical file systems. (iii) The use of context to aid information retrieval; built upon existing file and tagging systems rather than creating a parallel context management system. (iv) The deployment of semantic technologies, coupled with the harvesting of all useful metadata. Abstract 2013 Oxford University Press.


Projective techniques are used in psychology and consumer research to provide information about individuals’ motivations, thoughts and feelings. This paper reviews the use of projective techniques in marketing research and user experience (UX) research and discusses their potential role in understanding users, their needs and values, and evaluating UX in practical product development contexts. A projective technique called sentence completion is evaluated through three case studies. Sentence completion produces qualitative data about users’ views in a structured form. The results are less time-consuming to analyze than interview results. Compared with quantitative methods such as AttrakDiff, the results are more time consuming to analyze, but more information is retrieved on negative feelings. The results show that sentence completion is useful in understanding users’ perceptions and that the technique can be used to complement other methods. Sentence completion can also be used online to reach wider user groups. Abstract 2013 Oxford University Press.


Cognitive load (CL) is experienced during critical tasks and also while engaged emotional states are induced either by the task itself or by extraneous experiences. Emotions irrelevant to the working memory representation may interfere with the processing of relevant tasks and can influence task performance and behavior, making the accurate detection of CL from nonverbal information challenging. This paper investigates automatic CL detection from facial features, physiology and task performance under affective interference. Data were collected from participants (n=20) solving mental arithmetic tasks with emotional stimuli in the background, and a combined classifier was used for detecting CL levels. Results indicate that the face modality for CL detection was more accurate under affective interference, whereas physiology and task performance were more accurate without the affective interference. Multimodal fusion improved detection accuracies, but it was less accurate under affective interferences. More specifically, the accuracy decreased with an increasing intensity of emotional arousal. Abstract 2013 Oxford University Press.


In the field of virtual reality (VR), many efforts have been made to analyze presence, the sense of being in the virtual world. However, it is only recently that functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been used to study presence during an automatic navigation through a virtual environment. In the present work, our aim was to use fMRI to study the sense of presence during a VR-free navigation task, in comparison with visualization of photographs and videos (automatic navigations through the same environment). The main goal was to analyze the usefulness of fMRI for this purpose, evaluating whether, in this context, the interaction between the subject and the environment is performed naturally, hiding the role of technology in the experience. We monitored 14 right-handed healthy females aged between 19 and 25 years. Frontal, parietal and occipital regions showed their involvement during free virtual navigation. Moreover, activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was also shown to be negatively correlated to sense of presence and the postcentral parietal cortex and insula showed a parametric increased activation according to the condition-related sense of presence, which suggests that stimulus attention and self-awareness processes related to the insula may be linked to the sense of presence. Abstract 2013 Oxford University Press.


Unlike visual stimuli, little attention has been paid to auditory stimuli in terms of emotion prediction with physiological signals. This paper aimed to investigate whether auditory stimuli can be used as an effective elicitor as visual stimuli for emotion prediction using physiological channels. For this purpose, a well-controlled experiment was designed, in which standardized visual and auditory stimuli were systematically selected and presented to participants to induce various emotions spontaneously in a laboratory setting. Numerous physiological signals, including facial electromyogram, electroencephalography, skin conductivity and respiration data, were recorded when participants were exposed to the stimulus presentation. Two data mining methods, namely decision rules and k-nearest neighbor based on the rough set technique, were applied to construct emotion prediction models based on the features extracted from the physiological data. Experimental results demonstrated that auditory stimuli were as effective as visual stimuli in eliciting emotions in terms of systematic physiological reactivity. This was evidenced by the best prediction accuracy quantified by the F1 measure (visual: 76.2% vs. auditory: 76.1%) among six emotion categories (excited, happy, neutral, sad, fearful and disgusted). Furthermore, we also constructed culture-specific (Chinese vs. Indian) prediction models. The results showed that model prediction accuracy was not significantly different between culture-specific models. Finally, the implications of affective auditory stimuli in human–computer interaction, limitations of the study and suggestions for further research are discussed. Abstract 2013 Oxford University Press.


The deliberate practice view has generated a great deal of scientific and popular interest in expert performance. At the same time, empirical evidence now indicates that deliberate practice, while certainly important, is not as important as Ericsson and colleagues have argued it is. In particular, we (Hambrick, Oswald, Altmann, Meinz, Gobet, & Campitelli, 2014) found that individual differences in accumulated amount of deliberate practice accounted for about one-third of the reliable variance in performance in chess and music, leaving the majority of the reliable variance unexplained and potentially explainable by other factors. Ericsson’s (2014) defense of the deliberate practice view, though vigorous, is undercut by contradictions, oversights, and errors in his arguments and criticisms, several of which we describe here. We reiterate that the task now is to develop and rigorously test falsifiable theories of expert performance that take into account as many potentially relevant constructs as possible. Abstract © 2014 Elsevier Inc.


Amazon has just announced a new virtual currency for Kindle Fire owners to use on in-app purchases, app purchases, etc. in the Amazon Appstore. Abstract © 2013 AOL Inc. All rights reserved.



Wizard of Oz (WOZ) is a well-established method for simulating the functionality and user experience of future systems. Using a human wizard to mimic certain operations of a potential system is particularly useful in situations where extensive engineering effort would otherwise be needed to explore the design possibilities offered by such operations. The WOZ method has been widely used in connection with speech and language technologies, but advances in sensor technology and pattern recognition as well as new application areas such as human–robot interaction have made it increasingly relevant to the design of a wider range of interactive systems. In such cases, achieving acceptable performance at the user interface level often hinges on resource-intensive improvements such as domain tuning, which are better done once the overall design is relatively stable. Although WOZ is recognized as a valuable prototyping technique, surprisingly little effort has been put into exploring it from a methodological point of view. Starting from a survey of the literature, this paper presents a systematic investigation and analysis of the design space for WOZ for language technology applications, and proposes a generic architecture for tool support that supports the integration of components for speech recognition and synthesis as well as for machine translation. This architecture is instantiated in WebWOZ—a new web-based open-source WOZ prototyping platform. The viability of generic support is explored empirically through a series of evaluations. Researchers from a variety of backgrounds were able to create experiments, independent of their previous experience with WOZ. The approach was further validated through a number of real experiments, which also helped to identify a number of possibilities for additional support, and flagged potential issues relating to consistency in wizard performance. Abstract 2014 Oxford University Press


This paper studies how business models can be designed to tap effectively into open innovation labor markets with heterogeneously motivated workers. Using data on open source software, we show that motivations are diverse, and demonstrate how managers can strategically influence the flow of code contributions and their impact on project performance. Unlike previous literature using survey data, we exploit the observed pattern of project membership and code contributions—the “revealed preference” of developers—to infer the motivations driving their decision to contribute. Developers strongly sort along key dimensions of the business model chosen by project managers, especially the degree of openness of the project license. The results indicate an important role for intrinsic motivation, reputation, and labor market signaling, and a more limited role for reciprocity. Abstract 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

updated on 5/13

Title: Developing elements of user experience for mobile phones and services: survey, interview, and observation approaches

Abstract The term user experience (UX) encompasses the concepts of usability and affective engineering. However, UX has not been defined clearly. In this study, a literature survey, user interview and indirect observation were conducted to develop definitions of UX and its elements. A literature survey investigated 127 articles that were considered to be helpful to define the concept of UX. An in-depth interview targeted 14 hands-on workers in the Korean mobile phone industry. An indirect observation captured daily experiences of eight end-users with mobile phones. This study collected various views on UX from academia, industry, and end-users using these three approaches. As a result, this article proposes definitions of UX and its elements: usability, affect, and user value. These results are expected to help design products or services with greater levels of UX. Abstract Copyright 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Title: Why different people prefer different systems for different tasks: An activity perspective on technology adoption in a dynamic user environment

Abstract In a contemporary user environment, there are often multiple information systems available for a certain type of task. Based on the premises of Activity Theory, this study examines how user characteristics, system experiences, and task situations influence an individual’s preferences among different systems in terms of user readiness to interact with each. It hypothesizes that system experiences directly shape specific user readiness at the within-subject level, user characteristics and task situations make differences in general user readiness at the between-subject level, and task situations also affect specific user readiness through the mediation of system experiences. An empirical study was conducted, and the results supported the hypothesized relationships. The findings provide insights on how to enhance technology adoption by tailoring system development and management to various task contexts and different user groups. Abstract Copyright 2011 ASIS&T

Title: A review of factors influencing user satisfaction in information retrieval

Abstract The authors investigate factors influencing user satisfaction in information retrieval. It is evident from this study that user satisfaction is a subjective variable, which can be influenced by several factors such as system effectiveness, user effectiveness, user effort, and user characteristics and expectations. Therefore, information retrieval evaluators should consider all these factors in obtaining user satisfaction and in using it as a criterion of system effectiveness. Previous studies have conflicting conclusions on the relationship between user satisfaction and system effectiveness; this study has substantiated these findings and supports using user satisfaction as a criterion of system effectiveness. Abstract Copyright 2010 ASIS&T

Title: The development and evaluation of a survey to measure user engagement

Abstract Facilitating engaging user experiences is essential in the design of interactive systems. To accomplish this, it is necessary to understand the composition of this construct and how to evaluate it. Building on previous work that posited a theory of engagement and identified a core set of attributes that operationalized this construct, we constructed and evaluated a multidimensional scale to measure user engagement. In this paper we describe the development of the scale, as well as two large-scale studies (N=440 and N=802) that were undertaken to assess its reliability and validity in online shopping environments. In the first we used Reliability Analysis and Exploratory Factor Analysis to identify six attributes of engagement: Perceived Usability, Aesthetics, Focused Attention, Felt Involvement, Novelty, and Endurability. In the second we tested the validity of and relationships among those attributes using Structural Equation Modeling. The result of this research is a multidimensional scale that may be used to test the engagement of software applications. In addition, findings indicate that attributes of engagement are highly intertwined, a complex interplay of user-system interaction variables. Notably, Perceived Usability played a mediating role in the relationship between Endurability and Novelty, Aesthetics, Felt Involvement, and Focused Attention. Abstract Copyright 2009 ASIS&T

Title: Exploring user engagement in online news interactions

Abstract This paper describes a qualitative study of online news reading and browsing. Thirty people participated in a quasi-experimental study in which they were asked to browse a news website and select three stories to discuss at a social gathering. Semi-structured interviews were conducted post-task to understand participants’ perceptions of what makes online news reading and browsing engaging or non-engaging. Findings as presented within the experience-based framework of user engagement and demonstrate the complexity of users’ interactions with information content and systems in online news environments. This study extends the model of user engagement and contributes new insights into user’s experience in casual-leisure settings, such as online news, which has implications for other information domains. Abstract Copyright 2011 by American Society for Information Science and Technology

Abstract This chapter of The Fabric of Mobile Services: Software Paradigms and Business Demands contains sections titled: New Services and User Experience, User-Centered Simplicity and Experience, Methodologies for Simplicity and User Experience, and Case Studies: Simplifying Paradigms Abstract Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Title: The Right Angle: Visual Portrayal of Products Affects Observers’ Impressions of Owners

Abstract Consumer products have long been known to influence observers’ impressions of product owners. The angle at which products are visually portrayed in advertisements, however, may be an overlooked factor in these effects. We hypothesize and find that portrayals of the same product from different viewpoints can prime different associations that color impressions of product and owner in parallel ways. In Study 1, automobiles were rated higher on status- and power-related traits (e.g., dominant , powerful ) when portrayed head-on versus in side profile, an effect found for sport utility vehicles (SUVs)—a category with a reputation for dominance—but not sedans. In Study 2, these portrayal-based associations influenced the impressions formed about the product’s owner: a target person was rated higher on status- and power-related traits when his SUV was portrayed head-on versus in side profile. These results suggest that the influence of visual portrayal extends beyond general evaluations of products to affect more specific impressions of products and owners alike, and highlight that primed traits are likely to influence impressions when compatible with other knowledge about the target. Abstract Copyright 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

Title: The Counterfeit Self: The Deceptive Costs of Faking It

Abstract Although people buy counterfeit products to signal positive traits, we show that wearing counterfeit products makes individuals feel less authentic and increases their likelihood of both behaving dishonestly and judging others as unethical. In four experiments, participants wore purportedly fake or authentically branded sunglasses. Those wearing fake sunglasses cheated more across multiple tasks than did participants wearing authentic sunglasses, both when they believed they had a preference for counterfeits (Experiment 1a) and when they were randomly assigned to wear them (Experiment 1b). Experiment 2 shows that the effects of wearing counterfeit sunglasses extend beyond the self, influencing judgments of other people’s unethical behavior. Experiment 3 demonstrates that the feelings of inauthenticity that wearing fake products engenders—what we term the counterfeit selfmediate the impact of counterfeits on unethical behavior. Finally, we show that people do not predict the impact of counterfeits on ethicality; thus, the costs of counterfeits are deceptive. Abstract Copyright 2010 Francesca Gino, Michael I. Norton, and Dan Ariely3


Menus are a key mechanism for organizing different commands in graphical user interfaces. Nowadays low-cost devices that allow using different interaction techniques in remote interfaces have become widespread. Nevertheless, their corresponding menus are direct adaptations from traditional ones. As a consequence, they are inaccurate and slow, and also produce tiredness. In this paper, we design, implement and evaluate a menu selection technique for remote interfaces, the Body Menu. This technique permits whole-body interaction and is specifically designed to take advantage of the proprioception sense. The Body Menu attaches virtual menu items to different parts of the body and selects them when the users reach these zones with their hands. We use the Microsoft Kinect to implement this system. Additionally, we compared it with the most representative menus, studied the best number of body parts to be used and analyzed how children interact with it. Abstract © 2013 Oxford University Publishing.


We present the evaluation of an interactive audio map system that enables blind and partially sighted users to explore and navigate city maps from the safety of their home using simulated 3D audio and synthetic speech alone. We begin with a review of existing literature in the areas of spatial knowledge and wayfinding, auditory displays and auditory map systems, before describing how this research builds on and differentiates itself from this body of work. One key requirement was the ability to quantify the effectiveness of the audio map, so we describe the design and implementation of the evaluation, which took the form of a game downloaded by participants to their own computers. The results demonstrate that participants (blind, partially sighted and sighted) have acquired detailed spatial knowledge and also that the availability of positional audio cues significantly improves wayfinding performance. Abstract © 2013 Oxford University Publishing.


Delegation is the practice of sharing authority with another individual to enable them to complete a specific task as a proxy. Practices to permit delegation can range from formal to informal arrangements and can involve spontaneous yet finely balanced notions of trust between people. This paper argues that delegation is a ubiquitous yet an unsupported feature of socio-technical computer systems and that this lack of support illustrates a particular neglect to the everyday financial practices of the more vulnerable people in society. Our contribution is to provide a first exploration of the domain of person-to-person delegation in digital payments, a particularly pressing context. We first report qualitative data collected across several studies concerning banking practices of individuals over 80 years of age. We then use analytical techniques centred upon identification of stakeholders, their concerns and interactions, to characterize the delegation practices we observed. We propose a Concerns Matrix as a suitable representation to capture conflicts in the needs of individuals in such complex socio-technical systems, and finally propose a putative design response in the form of a Helper Card. Abstract © 2013 Oxford University Publishing..

Link: Why We Love Beautiful Things

Great design, the management expert Gary Hamel once said, is like Justice Potter Stewart’s famous definition of pornography — you know it when you see it. You want it, too: brain scan studies reveal that the sight of an attractive product can trigger the part of the motor cerebellum that governs hand movement. Instinctively, we reach out for attractive things; beauty literally moves us. © 2013 New York Times


A new study has analysed tens of thousands of articles available to readers of online news and created a model to find out ‘what makes people click’. The aim of the study was to model the reading preferences for the audiences of 14 online news outlets using machine learning techniques. The models, describing the appeal of an article to each audience, were developed by linear functions of word frequencies. The models compared articles that became “most popular” on a given day in a given outlet with articles that did not. The research dentified the most attractive keywords, as well as the least attractive ones, and explained the choices readers made. Abstract © 2013 University of Bristol.

Title: Pointing and Selecting with Facial Activity

Abstract The aim of this paper was to evaluate the use of three facial actions (i.e. frowning, raising the eyebrows, and smiling) in selecting objects on a computer screen when gaze was used for pointing. Dwell time is the most commonly used selection technique in gaze-based interaction, and thus, a dwell time of 400 ms was used as a reference selection technique. A wireless, head-mounted prototype device that carried out eye tracking and contactless, capacitive measurement of facial actions was used for the interaction task. Participants (N=16) performed point-and-select tasks with three pointing distances (i.e. 60, 120 and 240 mm) and three target sizes (i.e. 25, 30 and 40 mm). Task completion times, pointing errors and throughput values based on Fitts’ law were used to compare the selection techniques. The participants also rated the techniques with subjective ratings scales. The results showed that the different techniques performed equally well in many respects. However, throughput values varied from 8.38 bits/s (raising the eyebrows) to 15.33 bits/s (smiling) and were comparable to or, in the case of smiling, better than in earlier research with similar interaction techniques. The dwell time was found to be the least accurate selection technique in terms of the magnitudes of point-and-select errors. Smiling technique was rated as more accurate to use than the frowning or the raising techniques. The results give further support for methods that combine facial behavior to eye tracking when interacting with technology.

Abstract Copyright 2014 Outi Tuisku1, Ville Rantanen, Oleg Špakov, Veikko Surakka and Jukka Lekkala

Title: Modeling Traditional Literacy, Internet Skills and Internet Usage: An Empirical Study

Abstract This paper focuses on the relationships among traditional literacy (reading, writing and understanding text), medium-related Internet skills (consisting of operational and formal skills), content-related Internet skills (consisting of information and strategic skills) and Internet usage types (information- and career-directed Internet use and entertainment use). We conducted a large-scale survey that resulted in a dataset of 1008 respondents. The results reveal the following: (i) traditional literacy has a direct effect on formal and information Internet skills and an indirect effect on strategic Internet skills and (ii) differences in types of Internet usage are indirectly determined by traditional literacy and directly affected by Internet skills, such that higher levels of strategic Internet skills result in more information- and career-directed Internet use. Traditional literacy is a pre-condition for the employment of Internet skills, and Internet skills should not be considered an easy means of disrupting historically grounded inequalities caused by differences in traditional literacy.

Abstract Copyright 2014 A.J.A.M. van Deursen and J.A.G.M. van Dijk

Title: Life Is Too Short to RTFM: How Users Relate to Documentation and Excess Features in Consumer Products

Abstract This paper addresses two common problems that users of various products and interfaces encounter—over-featured interfaces and product documentation. Over-featured interfaces are seen as a problem as they can confuse and over-complicate everyday interactions. Researchers also often claim that users do not read product documentation, although they are often exhorted to ‘RTFM’ (read the field manual). We conducted two sets of studies with users which looked at the issues of both manuals and excess features with common domestic and personal products. The quantitative set was a series of questionnaires administered to 170 people over 7 years. The qualitative set consisted of two 6-month longitudinal studies based on diaries and interviews with a total of 15 participants. We found that manuals are not read by the majority of people, and most do not use all the features of the products that they own and use regularly. Men are more likely to do both than women, and younger people are less likely to use manuals than middle-aged and older ones. More educated people are also less likely to read manuals. Over-featuring and being forced to consult manuals also appears to cause negative emotional experiences. Implications of these findings are discussed.

Abstract Copyright 2014 Alethea L. Blackler, Rafael Gomez, Vesna Popovic and M. Helen Thompson

Title: Effect of Age on Human–Computer Interface Control Via Neck Electromyography

Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of age on visuomotor tracking using submental and anterior neck surface electromyography (sEMG) to assess feasibility of computer control via neck musculature, which allows people with little remaining motor function to interact with computers. Thirty-two healthy adults participated: 16 younger adults aged 18–29 years and 16 older adults aged 69–85 years. Participants modulated sEMG to achieve targets presented at different amplitudes using real-time visual feedback. Root mean squared (RMS) error was used to quantify tracking performance. RMS error was increased for older adults relative to younger adults. Older adults demonstrated more RMS error than younger adults as a function of increasing target amplitude. The differential effects of age found on static tracking performance in anterior neck musculature suggest more difficult translation of human–computer interfaces controlled using anterior neck musculature for static tasks to older populations.

Abstract Copyright 2014 Gabrielle L. Hands and Cara E. Stepp

Title: Should I Stay or Should I Go? Improving Event Recommendation in the Social Web

Abstract This paper focuses on the recommendation of events in the Social Web, and addresses the problem of finding if, and to which extent, certain features, which are peculiar to events, are relevant in predicting the users’ interests and should thereby be taken into account in recommendation. We consider, in particular, three ‘additional’ features that are usually shown to users within social networking environments: reachability from the user location, the reputation of the event in the community and the participation of the user’s friends. Our study is aimed at evaluating whether adding this information to the description of the event type and topic, and including in the user profile the information on the relevance of these factors, can improve our capability to predict the user’s interest. We approached the problem by carrying out two surveys with users, who were asked to express their interest in a number of events. We then trained, by means of linear regression, a scoring function defined as a linear combination of the different factors, whose goal was to predict the user scores. We repeated this experiment under different hypotheses on the additional factors, in order to assess their relevance by comparing the predictive capabilities of the resulting functions. The compared results of our experiments show that additional factors, if properly weighted, can improve the prediction accuracy with an error reduction of 4.1%. The best results were obtained by combining content-based factors and additional factors in a proportion of ∼10:4.

Abstract Copyright 2014 Federica Cena, Silvia Likavec, Ilaria Lombardi and Claudia Picardi

Title: “I Need to Be Explicit: You’re Wrong”: Impact of Face Threats on Social Evaluations in Online Instructional Communication

Abstract Online instructional communication, as found in ask-an-expert forums, e-learning discussion boards or online help desks, creates situations that threaten the recipient’s face. This study analyzed the evaluation of face-threatening acts with a 1×3 design. An online forum thread confronted a layperson with an expert who either (a) addressed the layperson’s misconceptions directly and frankly, (b) mitigated face threats through explicit hints about the need to be direct or (c) communicated politely and indirectly. College students read these dialogues and assessed the expert communicator’s facework, recipient orientation, credibility and likability. Results showed that polite experts were evaluated most positively; explicit hints did not improve perceptions of face-threatening acts. This implies that users of instructional forums prefer communicators to be polite even when face threats are necessary. We discuss practical implications for different online instruction contexts and make suggestions for further research.

Abstract Copyright 2014 Regina Jucks, Lena Päuler and Benjamin Brummernhenrich

Title: The Potential of a Text-Based Interface as a Design Medium: An Experiment in a Computer Animation Environment

Abstract Since the birth of the concept of direct manipulation, the graphical user interface has been the dominant means of controlling digital objects. In this research, we hypothesize that the benefits of a text-based interface involve multiple tradeoffs, and we explore the potential of text as a medium of design from three perspectives: (i) the perceived level of control of the designed object, (ii) a tool for realizing creative ideas and (iii) an effective form for a highly learnable user interface. Our experiment in a computer animation environment shows that (i) participants did feel a high level of control of characters, (ii) creativity was both restricted and facilitated depending on the task and (iii) natural language expedited the learning of a new interface language. Our research provides experimental proof of the effect of a text-based interface and offers guidelines for the design of future computer-aided design applications.

Abstract Copyright 2014 Sangwon Lee and Jin Yan

Title: Framing a Set: Understanding the Curatorial Character of Personal Digital Bibliographies

Abstract We articulate a model of curatorship that emphasizes framing the character of the curated set as the focus of curatorial activity. This curatorial character is structured through the articulation, via mechanisms of selection, description and arrangement, of coherent classificatory principles. We describe the latest stage of a continuing project to examine the curatorial character of personal digital bibliographies, such as Pinterest boards, Flickr galleries and GoodReads shelves, and to support the design of such curatorially expressive personal collections. In the study reported here, 24 participants created personal bibliographies using either a structured design process, with explicit tasks for selecting, describing and arranging collection items, or an unstructured process that did not separate these activities. Our findings lead to a more complex understanding of personal collections as curatorial, expressive artifacts. We explore the role of cohesion as a quality that facilitates expression of the curatorial frame, and we find that when designers read source materials as a part of a set, they are more likely to write cohesive collections. Our findings also suggest that the curatorial act involves both the definition of abstract classificatory principles and their instantiation in a specific material environment. We describe various framing devices that facilitate these reading and writing activities, and we suggest design directions for supporting curatorial reading and writing tasks.

Abstract Copyright 2014 Melanie Feinberg, Ramona Broussard and Eryn Whitworth

Title: Identifying Problems Associated with Focus and Context Awareness in 3D Modelling Tasks

Abstract Creating complex 3D models is a challenging process. One of the main reasons for this is that 3D models are usually created using software developed for conventional 2D displays which lack true depth perspective, and therefore do not support correct perception of spatial placement and depth-ordering of displayed content. As a result, modellers often have to deal with many overlapping components of 3D models (e.g. vertices, edges, faces, etc.) on a 2D display surface. This in turn causes them to have difficulties in distinguishing distances, maintaining position and orientation awareness, etc. To better understand the nature of these problems, which can collectively be defined as ‘focus and context awareness’ problems, we have conducted a pilot study with a group of novice 3D modellers, and a series of interviews with a group of professional 3D modellers. This article presents these two studies, and their findings, which have resulted in identifying a set of focus and context awareness problems that modellers face in creating 3D models using conventional modelling software. The article also provides a review of potential solutions to these problems in the related literature.

Abstract Copyright 2014 Masood Masoodian, Azmi bin Mohd Yusof and Bill Rogers

Abstract The goal of user experience design in industry is to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty through the utility, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction with a product. So far, user experience studies have mostly focused on short-term evaluations and consequently on aspects relating to the initial adoption of new product designs. Nevertheless, the relationship between the user and the product evolves over long periods of time and the relevance of prolonged use for market success has been recently highlighted. In this paper, we argue for the cost-effective elicitation of longitudinal user experience data. We propose a method called the “UX Curve” which aims at assisting users in retrospectively reporting how and why their experience with a product has changed over time. The usefulness of the UX Curve method was assessed in a qualitative study with 20 mobile phone users. In particular, we investigated how users’ specific memories of their experiences with their mobile phones guide their behavior and their willingness to recommend the product to others. The results suggest that the UX Curve method enables users and researchers to determine the quality of long-term user experience and the influences that improve user experience over time or cause it to deteriorate. The method provided rich qualitative data and we found that an improving trend of perceived attractiveness of mobile phones was related to user satisfaction and willingness to recommend their phone to friends. This highlights that sustaining perceived attractiveness can be a differentiating factor in the user acceptance of personal interactive products such as mobile phones. The study suggests that the proposed method can be used as a straightforward tool for understanding the reasons why user experience improves or worsens in long-term product use and how these reasons relate to customer loyalty.

Abstract Copyright 2011 Sari Kujalaa, Virpi Rotob, Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattilaa, Evangelos Karapanosc and Arto Sinneläa

Title: Researching Young Children’s Everyday Uses of Technology in the Family Home

Abstract Studies of the everyday uses of technology in family homes have tended to overlook the role of children and, in particular, young children. A study that was framed by an ecocultural approach focusing on children’s play and learning with toys and technologies is used to illustrate some of the methodological challenges of conducting research with young children in the home. This theoretical framework enabled us to identify and develop a range of methods that illuminated the home’s unique mix of inhabitants, learning opportunities and resources and to investigate parents’ ethnotheories, or cultural beliefs, that gave rise to the complex of practices, values and attitudes and their intersections with technology and support for learning in the home. This resulted in a better understanding of the role of technology in the lives of these 3- and 4-year-old children.

Abstract Copyright 2014 Lydia Plowman

Title: Measuring web usability using item response theory: Principles, features and opportunities

Abstract Usability is considered a critical issue on the web that determines either the success or the failure of a company. Thus, the evaluation of usability has gained substantial attention. However, most current tools for usability evaluation have some limitations, such as excessive generality and a lack of reliability and validity. The present work proposes the construction of a tool to measure usability in e-commerce websites using item response theory (IRT). While usability issues have only been considered in theoretical or empirical contexts, in this study, we discuss them from a mathematical point of view using IRT. In particular, we develop a standardised scale to measure usability in e-commerce websites. This study opens a new field of research in the ergonomics of interfaces with respect to the development of scales using IRT.

Abstract Copyright 2011 Rafael Tezzaa, Antonio Cezar Borniaa and Dalton Francisco de Andrade

Title: Everything Science Knows Right Now About Standing Desks

Abstract If it wasn’t already clear through common sense, it’s become painfully clear through science that sitting all day is terrible for your health. What’s especially alarming about this evidence is that extra physical activity doesn’t seem to offset the costs of what researchers call “prolonged sedentary time.” Just as jogging and tomato juice don’t make up for a night of smoking and drinking, a little evening exercise doesn’t erase the physical damage done by a full work day at your desk.

In response some people have turned to active desks—be it a standing workspace or even a treadmill desk—but the research on this recent trend has been too scattered to draw clear conclusions on its benefits (and potential drawbacks). At least until now. A trio of Canada-based researchers has analyzed the strongest 23 active desk studies to draw some conclusions on how standing and treadmill desks impact both physiological health and psychological performance. Abstract Copyright 2015 Eric Jaffe

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How to write the perfect design dissertation

Tutors and students from top design colleges share their advice.

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Studying design is about crafting a great design portfolio that will wow potential employers, right? Well, yes. But don't discount the importance of astute creative thinking, and expressing yourself eloquently through the written word. In short, your design dissertation matters.

"I don't believe that design students should be focused entirely on portfolio work," argues Myrna MacLeod , programme leader for Graphic Design at Edinburgh Napier University. "They should also be able to demonstrate an interest in the contexts that underpin their work, and the histories and connections that have informed our practice."

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"Think of a dissertation as an opportunity, not a burden," urges Craig Burston , Graphic and Media Design course leader at London College of Communication (LCC). "It gives us visually-minded people an opportunity to demonstrate that we too can construct arguments and distil complex notions." 

As Burston points out, this is not just an academic exercise: the power of persuasion is often key to success as a commercial designer. "Clients seek clarity, and project concepts or proposals need to be put into context," he says.

Read on to discover some top tips from leading tutors and their students for nailing your design dissertation…

01. Treat it like a design brief

"A great dissertation should be a designed artefact, and portfolio-worthy in its own right," says Burston. And like a design brief, it should be about solving a problem: "Make sure it has clearly stated aims, strong focus, and doesn't lack opinion or rhetoric," he adds.

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"The value of a designed dissertation as a portfolio piece is that it's a holistic view of the individual," agrees Sarah James , senior lecturer in Visual Communication at Arts University Bournemouth (AUB). 

"It shows, type, editorial, research and aesthetic skill, as well as the personal interests and convictions of the individual."

For her AUB dissertation on responsive type, Maarit Koobas conducted an extensive research process

James identifies AUB student Maarit Koobas , who investigated responsive type in both her dissertation and final project, as a particularly strong example of this. "Her design version was one of the most authentic, restrained and elegantly expressive I have ever received," she enthuses.

Koobas conducted a huge amount of initial research into both the contexts in which responsive type can be seen – such as advertising, product design, science and material cultures – and the theories behind its analysis, including semiotics, philosophy and politics. "Creating and analysing ideas, before they end up in your portfolio, is what design is all about," argues Koobas.

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02. Write about your passion

"To develop essay questions, AUB students are asked to consider what they love, hate or are puzzled by in their practice – essentially, what moves them," says James. 

"A poor dissertation is inauthentically chosen for ease as opposed to interest," she adds. "It rambles and blusters, using complex language to mask insufficient research." 

"You can tell a mile off when the writer isn't interested," agrees Burston. "How can you expect the reader to care about it if you don't? Write about something that reflects your interests, focus and direction. I've read fascinating dissertations on topics as diverse as patterns in nature, and Brutalist car parks. Make me interested in what interests you."

Research by Napier graduate Fiona Winchester on typography in graphic novels

For Edinburgh Napier graduate Fiona Winchester , this topic turned out to be typography in graphic novels. "I love reading them, but I think people still don't take them seriously as an art form, which is a shame," she says. For her dissertation, she conducted qualitative interviews using modified pages with and without imagery (shown above). 

Her advice is simple: "Narrow down your idea to be as precise as possible. The smaller your question, the easier it is to research and try to answer it."

If you're struggling to get the ball rolling on the actual writing process, Winchester advocates starting with whichever bit you have ideas for. "If you're stuck, it's so much easier to write in whatever order it comes to you, and then edit it into a dissertation, than to try write straight through from beginning to end," she insists.

03. Don't be afraid to talk to people

"I always think my students get the most out of the new streams of knowledge they find from talking to people," says McLeod. "It breaks down barriers and allows them to find answers to problems. Hopefully they will adopt that approach when designing for people also."

In some cases, this can involve interviewing your design heroes. "Students are very surprised when they send a question to Stefan Sagmeister , Milton Glaser or Michael Wolff and they reply with the most precious nugget of knowledge," smiles McLeod. 

But remember: it's your dissertation, so don't get lazy and expect your interview subject to do all the heavy lifting.

Kaori Toh's CSM dissertation on Mapping as a Creative Agency: Revelations and Speculations in the Age of Infrastructure

In other cases, it could be as simple as asking friends or family to help proofread. "It is quite daunting writing such a large body of text," admits Kaori Toh , a recent graduate from Central Saint Martins, whose dissertation explored the politics of design and technology.

"I often felt I'd get lost in all that text and research," she confesses. "Therefore, I would often send my drafts to a couple of friends to have them look through, and keep my writing cohesive."

04. Reflect on your design practice 

Most of all, dissertations are an opportunity to reflect on, and develop, your creative process as a designer. "Ultimately, it's your job to make your work relevant and credible, and the dissertation helps you learn how to do this," adds Burston. 

Of course, writing doesn't always come easily to visually minded people – and Burston highlights the fact that dyslexia is not uncommon amongst designers. 

"You're not on your own – in our profession, quite the opposite in fact – so do seek academic support, and just enjoy thinking and writing about 'stuff' that informs your practice," is his advice.

Entitled New Faces, Tom Baber's thesis at LCC discusses the craft of type design in the 21st century, inspired by his own experience creating a working typeface: Elephant Grotesk

One of Burston's stand-out students from this year, Tom Baber , welcomed support from the university to help with his dyslexia. Baber's dissertation focused on type design, and particularly the extent to which the longwinded design process is worth the effort, compared to using an existing typeface.

"I saw it as an opportunity to approach other type designers and see what they thought. Turns out I'm not the first to ask the question," he smiles. "Writing my dissertation helped me change from a 'maker' mentality to a 'designer' mentality, and be more critical of my ideas."

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Nick is a content strategist and copywriter. He has worked with world-class agencies including Superunion, Wolff Olins and Vault49 on brand storytelling, tone of voice and verbal strategy for global brands such as Virgin, Pepsi and TikTok. Nick launched the Brand Impact Awards in 2013 while editor of Computer Arts, and remains chair of judges. He's written for Creative Bloq on design and branding matters since the site's launch.

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How to Choose a Dissertation Topic | 8 Steps to Follow

Published on November 11, 2022 by Shona McCombes and Tegan George. Revised on November 20, 2023.

Choosing your dissertation topic is the first step in making sure your research goes as smoothly as possible. When choosing a topic, it’s important to consider:

  • Your institution and department’s requirements
  • Your areas of knowledge and interest
  • The scientific, social, or practical relevance
  • The availability of data and resources
  • The timeframe of your dissertation
  • The relevance of your topic

You can follow these steps to begin narrowing down your ideas.

Table of contents

Step 1: check the requirements, step 2: choose a broad field of research, step 3: look for books and articles, step 4: find a niche, step 5: consider the type of research, step 6: determine the relevance, step 7: make sure it’s plausible, step 8: get your topic approved, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about dissertation topics.

The very first step is to check your program’s requirements. This determines the scope of what it is possible for you to research.

  • Is there a minimum and maximum word count?
  • When is the deadline?
  • Should the research have an academic or a professional orientation?
  • Are there any methodological conditions? Do you have to conduct fieldwork, or use specific types of sources?

Some programs have stricter requirements than others. You might be given nothing more than a word count and a deadline, or you might have a restricted list of topics and approaches to choose from. If in doubt about what is expected of you, always ask your supervisor or department coordinator.

Start by thinking about your areas of interest within the subject you’re studying. Examples of broad ideas include:

  • Twentieth-century literature
  • Economic history
  • Health policy

To get a more specific sense of the current state of research on your potential topic, skim through a few recent issues of the top journals in your field. Be sure to check out their most-cited articles in particular. For inspiration, you can also search Google Scholar , subject-specific databases , and your university library’s resources.

As you read, note down any specific ideas that interest you and make a shortlist of possible topics. If you’ve written other papers, such as a 3rd-year paper or a conference paper, consider how those topics can be broadened into a dissertation.

After doing some initial reading, it’s time to start narrowing down options for your potential topic. This can be a gradual process, and should get more and more specific as you go. For example, from the ideas above, you might narrow it down like this:

  • Twentieth-century literature   Twentieth-century Irish literature   Post-war Irish poetry
  • Economic history   European economic history   German labor union history
  • Health policy   Reproductive health policy   Reproductive rights in South America

All of these topics are still broad enough that you’ll find a huge amount of books and articles about them. Try to find a specific niche where you can make your mark, such as: something not many people have researched yet, a question that’s still being debated, or a very current practical issue.

At this stage, make sure you have a few backup ideas — there’s still time to change your focus. If your topic doesn’t make it through the next few steps, you can try a different one. Later, you will narrow your focus down even more in your problem statement and research questions .

There are many different types of research , so at this stage, it’s a good idea to start thinking about what kind of approach you’ll take to your topic. Will you mainly focus on:

  • Collecting original data (e.g., experimental or field research)?
  • Analyzing existing data (e.g., national statistics, public records, or archives)?
  • Interpreting cultural objects (e.g., novels, films, or paintings)?
  • Comparing scholarly approaches (e.g., theories, methods, or interpretations)?

Many dissertations will combine more than one of these. Sometimes the type of research is obvious: if your topic is post-war Irish poetry, you will probably mainly be interpreting poems. But in other cases, there are several possible approaches. If your topic is reproductive rights in South America, you could analyze public policy documents and media coverage, or you could gather original data through interviews and surveys .

You don’t have to finalize your research design and methods yet, but the type of research will influence which aspects of the topic it’s possible to address, so it’s wise to consider this as you narrow down your ideas.

It’s important that your topic is interesting to you, but you’ll also have to make sure it’s academically, socially or practically relevant to your field.

  • Academic relevance means that the research can fill a gap in knowledge or contribute to a scholarly debate in your field.
  • Social relevance means that the research can advance our understanding of society and inform social change.
  • Practical relevance means that the research can be applied to solve concrete problems or improve real-life processes.

The easiest way to make sure your research is relevant is to choose a topic that is clearly connected to current issues or debates, either in society at large or in your academic discipline. The relevance must be clearly stated when you define your research problem .

Before you make a final decision on your topic, consider again the length of your dissertation, the timeframe in which you have to complete it, and the practicalities of conducting the research.

Will you have enough time to read all the most important academic literature on this topic? If there’s too much information to tackle, consider narrowing your focus even more.

Will you be able to find enough sources or gather enough data to fulfil the requirements of the dissertation? If you think you might struggle to find information, consider broadening or shifting your focus.

Do you have to go to a specific location to gather data on the topic? Make sure that you have enough funding and practical access.

Last but not least, will the topic hold your interest for the length of the research process? To stay motivated, it’s important to choose something you’re enthusiastic about!

Most programmes will require you to submit a brief description of your topic, called a research prospectus or proposal .

Remember, if you discover that your topic is not as strong as you thought it was, it’s usually acceptable to change your mind and switch focus early in the dissertation process. Just make sure you have enough time to start on a new topic, and always check with your supervisor or department.

If you want to know more about the research process , methodology , research bias , or statistics , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.


  • Sampling methods
  • Simple random sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Cluster sampling
  • Likert scales
  • Reproducibility


  • Null hypothesis
  • Statistical power
  • Probability distribution
  • Effect size
  • Poisson distribution

Research bias

  • Optimism bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Implicit bias
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Anchoring bias
  • Explicit bias

Formulating a main research question can be a difficult task. Overall, your question should contribute to solving the problem that you have defined in your problem statement .

However, it should also fulfill criteria in three main areas:

  • Researchability
  • Feasibility and specificity
  • Relevance and originality

All research questions should be:

  • Focused on a single problem or issue
  • Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
  • Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
  • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
  • Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
  • Relevant to your field of study and/or society more broadly

Writing Strong Research Questions

You can assess information and arguments critically by asking certain questions about the source. You can use the CRAAP test , focusing on the currency , relevance , authority , accuracy , and purpose of a source of information.

Ask questions such as:

  • Who is the author? Are they an expert?
  • Why did the author publish it? What is their motivation?
  • How do they make their argument? Is it backed up by evidence?

A dissertation prospectus or proposal describes what or who you plan to research for your dissertation. It delves into why, when, where, and how you will do your research, as well as helps you choose a type of research to pursue. You should also determine whether you plan to pursue qualitative or quantitative methods and what your research design will look like.

It should outline all of the decisions you have taken about your project, from your dissertation topic to your hypotheses and research objectives , ready to be approved by your supervisor or committee.

Note that some departments require a defense component, where you present your prospectus to your committee orally.

The best way to remember the difference between a research plan and a research proposal is that they have fundamentally different audiences. A research plan helps you, the researcher, organize your thoughts. On the other hand, a dissertation proposal or research proposal aims to convince others (e.g., a supervisor, a funding body, or a dissertation committee) that your research topic is relevant and worthy of being conducted.

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McCombes, S. & George, T. (2023, November 20). How to Choose a Dissertation Topic | 8 Steps to Follow. Scribbr. Retrieved August 23, 2024, from

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Top 27 Outstanding Dissertation Ideas On Web Design

Recently students are showing great interest in pursuing a career in web design. With more and more service providing companies going online, there is a huge need for web designers who can design an attractive and informative website for promotion of the services. Since the demand for such designers is increasing, many colleges and universities are opening up a course for web design. Now, before a student can complete the degree, he/she needs to complete a dissertation on web design. This is done basically to see how far the particular student can think and contribute independently to this field. This can be challenging for most of the students since it is an amalgamation of theoretical knowledge and scientific experiment. If you want to know more, you can try this site for additional help.

Web design is a huge field under computer science that includes a user interface, information, page navigation, layouts and templates, imagery, fonts, etc. These things should be combined in such a way that it meets the target of the page owner and helps promote his brand. The ultimate goal of the web designer is to meet the demands of the page owner and design the page as he/she says. If you are searching for a dissertation topic on web design, you can consult with your teachers and friends or search on the internet. There are some pages dedicated to web designing and web development. Let us see the areas of web designing on which you can compile a thesis.

  • How is web design creating a virtual space that is often perceived to be real?
  • Web design and internet culture in today’s world.
  • Is the virtual space slowly overlapping the real life space?
  • How to increase foot traffic with web design?
  • How to create a one-click web page?
  • How to create a responsive web page?
  • Web design and search engine optimization.
  • Web server management
  • The commercial, cultural and social potential of web design
  • The difference between web design and web development.
  • Web design and content strategy
  • Using responsive web design to serve a multi-device audience
  • Tips to create a more engaging website
  • How to create a mobile website
  • E-learning and web design
  • Visual arts and web design
  • Web design and improved communication
  • Web design and HTML tagging
  • How to use storytelling to create a more compelling website content
  • Web fonts and font stacks
  • Web page analysis
  • The effects of color and organization on the web
  • Semantic web techniques and knowledge representation.
  • The future of Web design: HTML5
  • Basics of a website promotion
  • Cross Browser testing
  • Basics of web designing

These are some of the basic research areas on web design.

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In higher education, few milestones hold as much significance as the completion of a dissertation. Embarking on a dissertation journey can be both exciting and challenging. To assist students from various academic streams, we have compiled an extensive list of 350 dissertation topic ideas.

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Without further ado, let’s explore the best ideas and examples for dissertation topics for the stream of your choice!

Business management dissertation topics

1. Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Customer Relationship Management: Opportunities and Challenges.

2. Investigating the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Entrepreneurial Success.

3. Analyzing the Influence of Corporate Culture on Innovation and Creativity.

4. Examining the Effectiveness of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices in Enhancing Organizational Performance.

5. The Rise of Remote Work: Managing Virtual Teams in the Digital Age.

6. Investigating the Role of Corporate Governance in Ensuring Ethical Business Practices.

7. The Impact of Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives on Organizational Performance and Employee Engagement.

8. Exploring the Role of Social Media Marketing in Building Brand Loyalty.

9. Assessing the Effectiveness of Change Management Strategies in Successfully Implementing Organizational Change.

10. Investigating the Relationship between Leadership Styles and Employee Motivation in Times of Crisis.

Education dissertation topics

1. The Impact of Gamification on Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes.

2. Exploring the Role of Student Voice in School Decision-Making Processes.

3. Analyzing the Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning in Developing Critical Thinking Skills.

4. Investigating the Benefits and Challenges of Online Learning in K-12 Education.

5. The Influence of Teacher-Student Relationships on Academic Achievement and Well-being.

6. Examining the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Teacher Effectiveness and Classroom Management.

7. The Impact of Inclusive Education on the Social Integration and Academic Performance of Students with Disabilities.

8. Analyzing the Effectiveness of Multicultural Education in Promoting Cultural Awareness and Acceptance.

9. Investigating the Factors Influencing Parental Involvement in Early Childhood Education.

10. Exploring the Role of Technology in Enhancing STEM Education and Career Readiness.

Psychology dissertation topics

1. The Impact of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Stress Reduction and Well-being.

2. Investigating the Relationship between Social Media Use and Body Image Disturbance in Adolescents.

3. Exploring the Role of Resilience in Coping with Trauma and Adversity.

4. The Influence of Parenting Styles on Emotional Regulation and Social Skills in Children.

5. Examining the Effects of Video Games on Cognitive Abilities and Aggression.

6. Investigating the Relationship between Personality Traits and Job Satisfaction across Different Professions.

7. The Role of Attachment Styles in Romantic Relationships: Predictors of Relationship Satisfaction and Stability.

8. Exploring the Impact of Early Life Experiences on Adult Attachment Patterns.

9. The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Treating Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

10. Investigating the Relationship between Sleep Quality and Mental Health in College Students.

Leadership dissertation topics

1. The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Leadership Practices.

2. Exploring the Relationship between Authentic Leadership and Employee Engagement.

3. Analyzing the Impact of Transformational Leadership on Organizational Innovation and Change.

4. Investigating the Influence of Cross-Cultural Leadership in Global Organizations.

5. The Role of Ethical Leadership in Fostering Corporate Social Responsibility.

6. Exploring the Effects of Leadership Styles on Team Performance and Productivity.

7. Analyzing the Leadership Challenges and Strategies in Nonprofit Organizations.

8. Investigating the Role of Servant Leadership in Enhancing Employee Well-being and Job Satisfaction.

9. The Impact of Gender and Leadership: Breaking the Glass Ceiling.

10. Exploring the Role of Leadership Development Programs in Nurturing Future Leaders.

Finance dissertation topics

1. The Impact of Financial Technology (Fintech) on Traditional Banking Systems.

2. Analyzing the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance.

3. Exploring the Determinants of Capital Structure in Small and Medium Enterprises.

4. Investigating the Role of Behavioral Finance in Investment Decision Making.

5. Analyzing the Effectiveness of Risk Management Strategies in Financial Institutions.

6. The Impact of Financial Literacy Education on Personal Financial Management.

7. Exploring the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Firm Value.

8. Investigating the Effectiveness of Financial Regulations in Ensuring Market Stability.

9. The Role of Blockchain Technology in Revolutionizing Financial Transactions.

10. Analyzing the Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on Stock Market Volatility.

Social work dissertation topics

1. The Role of Social Work in Addressing Mental Health Challenges among Underserved Populations.

2. Exploring the Influence of Cultural Competence in Social Work Practice.

3. Investigating the Effectiveness of Trauma-Informed Interventions in Supporting Survivors of Abuse.

4. Analyzing the Role of Social Workers in Promoting Social Justice and Advocacy.

5. Exploring the Impact of Family-Based Interventions in Preventing Juvenile Delinquency.

6. Investigating the Effectiveness of Substance Abuse Treatment Programs in Rehabilitation and Recovery.

7. The Role of Social Work in Addressing Homelessness and Housing Insecurity.

8. Exploring the Relationship between Social Work and Community Development.

9. Investigating the Influence of Social Media on Youth Mental Health and Well-being.

10. The Impact of School Social Work Services on Academic Achievement and Student Success.

History dissertation topics

1. The Role of Women in the Civil Rights Movement: Forgotten Voices and Contributions.

2. Exploring the Impact of Colonialism on Indigenous Cultures: A Comparative Study.

3. Analyzing the Role of Propaganda in Shaping Public Opinion during World War II.

4. Investigating the Influence of Ancient Civilizations on Modern Political Systems.

5. The Evolution of Human Rights: A Historical Analysis from Ancient Times to the Present.

6. Exploring the Cultural Exchange between East and West along the Silk Road.

7. Analyzing the Causes and Consequences of the Industrial Revolution.

8. Investigating the Role of Religion in Shaping Historical Events and Societies.

9. The Impact of Globalization on Historical Preservation and Cultural Identity.

10. Exploring the History and Significance of LGBTQ+ Movements and Activism.

Nursing dissertation topics

1. Exploring the Role of Nurse Practitioners in Primary Care Settings: Challenges and Opportunities.

2. Analyzing the Impact of Technology on Nursing Practice and Patient Outcomes.

3. Investigating the Role of Cultural Competence in Delivering Culturally Sensitive Care.

4. The Influence of Nurse Leadership on Patient Safety and Quality of Care.

5. Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare.

6. Analyzing the Effectiveness of Evidence-Based Practice in Improving Nursing Care.

7. Investigating the Role of Nurses in Promoting Health Equity and Reducing Health Disparities.

8. Exploring the Impact of Nursing Education on the Readiness for Clinical Practice.

9. The Role of Nurses in Addressing Mental Health in Primary Care Settings.

10. Investigating the Effectiveness of Nurse-led Interventions in Chronic Disease Management.

Fashion dissertation topics

1. The Evolution of Sustainable Fashion: Trends, Challenges, and Future Prospects.

2. Exploring the Influence of Social Media on Fashion Consumption and Trends.

3. Analyzing the Role of Fashion in Shaping Cultural Identity and Expression.

4. Investigating the Impact of Fast Fashion on the Environment and Labor Practices.

5. The Relationship between Fashion and Body Image: Exploring the Effects on Self-esteem and Well-being.

6. Exploring the Role of Fashion in Empowering Marginalized Communities.

7. Analyzing the Intersection of Fashion, Technology, and Wearable Devices.

8. Investigating the Influence of Celebrity Endorsements on Consumer Behavior in the Fashion Industry.

9. The Role of Fashion Education in Nurturing Future Designers and Industry Professionals.

10. Exploring the Representation of Diversity and Inclusion in Fashion Advertising and Media.

Law dissertation topics

1. Analyzing the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Legal Practice and Ethics.

2. Investigating the Role of International Law in Addressing Global Security Challenges.

3. Exploring the Relationship between Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation.

4. Analyzing the Role of Restorative Justice in Criminal Justice Systems.

5. Investigating the Effectiveness of Cybersecurity Laws in Protecting Digital Privacy.

6. The Influence of Human Rights Law on Refugee and Asylum Policies.

7. Exploring the Intersection of Law and Technology: Legal Implications of Emerging Technologies.

8. Analyzing the Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Business Law and Ethics.

9. Investigating the Effectiveness of Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods in Resolving Legal Disputes.

10. Exploring the Legal and Ethical Implications of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.

English literature dissertation topics

1. The Evolution of Dystopian Themes in Post-Millennial Young Adult Fiction.

2. The Representation of Artificial Intelligence in Science Fiction from the 1950s to the Present.

3. Eco-Criticism and Nature in Contemporary Poetry.

4. The Role of the Byronic Hero in Modern Literature: A Comparative Analysis.

5. The Influence of Folklore on National Identity in 19th Century Literature.

6. Gender and Power Dynamics in the Works of Virginia Woolf.

7. The Literary Significance of Lesser-Known Works of the Harlem Renaissance.

8. Magic Realism and Post-Colonial Narrative: A Study of Salman Rushdie and Gabriel García Márquez.

9. The Intertextuality of Biblical Mythos in 20th-Century American Novels.

10. The Impact of Digital Media on Narrative Structures in 21st Century Fiction.

Public health dissertation topics

1. The Effects of Urbanization on Mental Health Disorders in Developing Countries.

2. The Impact of Climate Change on Vector-Borne Diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa.

3. Assessing the Efficacy of Telemedicine in Rural Healthcare Delivery.

4. The Role of Public Health Policies in Addressing the Opioid Epidemic in the United States.

5. Vaccine Hesitancy and Social Media: Analyzing the Spread of Misinformation.

6. The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Obesity Rates in Children.

7. Evaluating Community-Based Interventions to Reduce Health Disparities in Indigenous Populations.

8. The Long-Term Public Health Consequences of Natural Disasters.

9. The Effectiveness of Workplace Wellness Programs on Employee Health and Productivity.

10. Ethical Considerations in the Allocation of Limited Healthcare Resources During Pandemics.

Special education dissertation topics

1. The Impact of Inclusive Education on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

2. The Efficacy of Assistive Technologies in Supporting Students with Dyslexia.

3. The Influence of Parental Involvement on Educational Outcomes for Children with Down Syndrome.

4. Transition Strategies for Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Entering the Workforce.

5. The Challenges of Implementing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) in Public Schools.

6. Analyzing Behavioral Intervention Techniques for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders.

7. The Role of Art Therapy in Enhancing Communication Skills in Non-Verbal Children with Special Needs.

8. The Effects of Early Intervention on Long-Term Academic Writing for Children with Learning Disabilities.

9. Teacher Training and Preparedness for Handling Special Educational Needs in Mainstream Classrooms.

10. The Social Integration of Children with Special Needs in Multicultural Classrooms.

Social media marketing dissertation topics

1. Analyzing the ROI of Influencer Marketing on Consumer Purchase Decisions.

2. The Impact of Social Media Algorithms on Content Visibility and Brand Engagement.

3. The Role of User-Generated Content in Building Brand Loyalty for an Author Brand .

4. Ethical Considerations in Social Media Marketing: Transparency and Consumer Privacy.

5. The Effectiveness of Real-Time Social Media Analytics for Agile Marketing Strategies.

6. The Influence of Social Media on the Rapid Spread of Fashion Trends.

7. Cross-Cultural Social Media Marketing Strategies for Global Brands.

8. Measuring the Impact of Hashtag Campaigns on Brand Awareness.

9. The Use of AI and Machine Learning in Personalizing Social Media Advertising.

10. The Transition from Social Media Marketing to Social Commerce: Opportunities and Challenges.

Accounting dissertation topics

1. The Role of Forensic Accounting in Combatting White-Collar Crime.

2. The Impact of Automation and Artificial Intelligence on the Accounting Profession.

3. The Influence of Tax Policies on Small Business Growth and Sustainability.

4. Accounting Ethics: A Study of Corporate Scandals and Their Impact on Regulations.

5. The Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Emerging Economies.

6. The Effectiveness of Risk Management Strategies in the Banking Sector.

7. Comparative Analysis of Traditional vs. Activity-Based Costing in Manufacturing.

8. Blockchain Technology and Its Implications for Accounting Transparency and Efficiency.

9. The Future of Audit: The Use of Big Data and Analytics.

10. Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities.

Marketing dissertation topics

1. The Impact of Augmented Reality Advertising on Consumer Purchase Intentions.

2. Sustainability in Marketing: Consumer Perceptions and Brand Performance.

3. The Effectiveness of Nostalgia Marketing in the Digital Age.

4. Consumer Privacy Concerns and Trust in Digital Marketing Campaigns.

5. The Role of Sensory Branding in Creating Customer Experience and Loyalty.

6. Mobile Marketing and Location-Based Services: The New Frontier for Customer Engagement.

7. The Influence of Social Responsibility on Brand Equity in the Fast Fashion Industry.

8. Analyzing the Shift from Omnichannel to Unified Commerce Marketing Strategies .

9. The Use of Neuromarketing to Enhance Customer Engagement and Retention.

10. The Dynamics of Consumer Behavior in Subscription-Based Business Models.

Human resources dissertation topics

1. The Impact of Remote Work on Employee Engagement and Organizational Culture.

2. The Role of HR Analytics in Talent Acquisition and Retention Strategies.

3. Diversity and Inclusion: Assessing the Effectiveness of Current Corporate Policies.

4. The Influence of Employee Well-being Programs on Organizational Performance.

5. The Future of Work: Preparing for the Integration of AI and Human Talent.

6. The Effect of Leadership Development Programs on Succession Planning.

7. Gig Economy and HRM: Adapting Human Resource Practices for a Flexible Workforce.

8. The Relationship Between Employer Branding and Employee Satisfaction.

9. The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives on Employee Motivation.

10. The Role of Psychological Safety in Team Performance and Employee Retention.

Economics dissertation topics

1. The Economic Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture in Developing Countries.

2. Cryptocurrencies and Their Influence on Traditional Financial Markets.

3. The Effects of Universal Basic Income Experiments on Local Economies.

4. The Economics of Pandemics: Lessons Learned from COVID-19.

5. The Role of Innovation and Technology in Economic Growth.

6. Behavioral Economics and Consumer Decision-Making during Economic Recessions.

7. The Impact of Trade Wars on Global Economic Stability.

8. The Effectiveness of Microfinance Institutions in Alleviating Poverty.

9. The Relationship Between Political Instability and Foreign Direct Investment.

10. The Economic Consequences of Aging Populations for Developed Economies.

Statistics dissertation topics

1. The Use of Bayesian Methods in Developing Enhanced Predictive Models.

2. The Application of Statistical Analysis in Genomics and Personalized Medicine.

3. The Role of Statistics in Quality Control and Improvement in the Manufacturing Sector.

4. Advanced Time Series Analysis for Economic and Financial Forecasting.

5. The Impact of Big Data on Statistical Models and Outcomes.

6. The Use of Machine Learning Algorithms in High-Dimensional Data Analysis.

7. Statistical Methods for Analyzing the Impacts of Environmental Policies.

8. The Evaluation of Statistical Literacy Among Non-Statisticians in Research-Intensive Fields.

9. Spatial Statistics: Modeling and Analysis of Geospatial Data.

10. The Challenges of Missing Data in Longitudinal Studies and Approaches for Handling Dropout.

Operations management dissertation topics

1. The Role of Circular Economy in Operations and Supply Chain Management.

2. The Impact of IoT on Inventory Management and Optimization.

3. The Effect of Lean Management on Operations Efficiency in the Service Industry.

4. The Use of Predictive Analytics for Capacity Planning in Manufacturing.

5. The Relationship Between Quality Management Practices and Operational Performance.

6. Supply Chain Resilience: Risk Management Strategies in the Face of Global Disruptions.

7. Operational Challenges and Solutions in the Transition to Sustainable Energy Sources.

8. The Impact of 3D Printing Technology on Production Processes and Supply Chains.

9. The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Decision-Making in Operations Management.

10. The Influence of E-commerce on Logistics and Distribution Strategies.

Humanities dissertation topics

1. Digital Humanities and the Transformation of Scholarly Research in the 21st Century.

2. The Intersection of Art and Politics in Street Art Movements Across the Globe.

3. The Influence of Indigenous Storytelling on Contemporary Narrative Structures.

4. The Role of Cultural Heritage in Shaping National Identity in Post-Colonial Societies.

5. The Impact of Language Revitalization Efforts on Community Cohesion.

6. Ethical Implications of AI in the Preservation and Interpretation of Historical Texts.

7. The Evolution of Feminist Thought in Middle Eastern Literature.

8. Interrogating the Concept of the Anthropocene in Environmental Philosophy.

9. The Representation of Disability in Modern Theatre.

10. The Legacy of Colonialism in Contemporary Museum Curation and Artifact Repatriation.

Medical sciences dissertation topics

1. The Role of the Microbiome in the Development of Autoimmune Diseases.

2. Personalized Medicine: Genetic Tailoring of Cancer Therapies.

3. The Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on the Epidemiology of Mental Health Disorders.

4. The Efficacy of Virtual Reality as a Treatment for Chronic Pain.

5. Ethical Considerations in Gene Editing Techniques, such as CRISPR-Cas9.

6. The Relationship Between Sleep Patterns and Cognitive Decline in Aging Populations.

7. The Effects of Health Information Technology on Patient Care and Outcomes.

8. Investigating New Strategies for Antibiotic Stewardship to Combat Resistance.

9. The Role of Stem Cell Therapy in Regenerative Medicine.

10. The Impact of Nutrition on Epigenetic Changes and Human Health.

Engineering dissertation topics

1. The Development of Sustainable Construction Materials with Enhanced Performance.

2. The Use of Nanotechnology for Water Purification in Developing Regions.

3. The Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Urban Traffic Management.

4. The Role of Advanced Composites in Aerospace Engineering.

5. The Potential of Smart Grid Technologies for Renewable Energy Integration.

6. Bioengineering Approaches to Plastic Waste Degradation.

7. The Application of Robotics in Disaster Response and Recovery Operations.

8. The Design of Resilient Infrastructure to Withstand Climate-Related Disasters.

9. The Advancement of Quantum Computing and its Engineering Challenges.

10. The Integration of 5G Technology in Smart City Solutions.

Computer science dissertation topics

1. The Role of Quantum Algorithms in Advancing Cryptography.

2. Developing Ethical Guidelines for AI in Autonomous Decision-Making Systems.

3. The Impact of Edge Computing on IoT Efficiency and Security.

4. The Use of Machine Learning in Predicting Cybersecurity Threats.

5. The Challenges of Implementing Scalable Blockchain Technologies.

6. The Application of Computer Vision Techniques in Medical Diagnosis.

7. The Evolution of Natural Language Processing and its Human-Computer Interaction Implications.

8. The Effectiveness of Deep Learning in Real-Time Language Translation Devices.

9. The Role of AI in Enhancing the Accessibility of Digital Content for People with Disabilities.

10. The Security Implications of Biometric Authentication Systems.

Mathematics dissertation topics

1. The Applications of Topological Data Analysis in High-Dimensional Data Sets.

2. The Role of Graph Theory in Understanding Social Network Dynamics.

3. The Impact of Fractal Geometry on Modeling Natural Phenomena.

4. Advanced Mathematical Models for Climate Change Prediction and Simulation.

5. The Use of Numerical Methods in Solving Non-linear Differential Equations.

6. Theoretical Approaches to Addressing the P vs NP Problem.

7. The Dynamics of Financial Markets Analyzed Through Stochastic Processes.

8. The Application of Game Theory in Behavioral Economics.

9. The Contributions of Algebraic Geometry to Cryptography and Coding Theory.

10. The Mathematical Understanding of Symmetry and its Role in Physics.

Biology dissertation topics

1. Investigating the Mechanisms of Aging through Telomere Dynamics.

2. The Role of Gut Microbiota in the Development of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders.

3. CRISPR-Cas9 Genome Editing and its Ethical Implications in Human Embryo Research.

4. The Impact of Climate Change on Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.

5. The Evolutionary Biology of Viral Emergence and Host Adaptation.

6. The Molecular Basis of Neurodegenerative Diseases and Potential Therapeutic Targets.

7. Epigenetic Modifications in Response to Environmental Stressors in Plants.

8. The Biogeography and Conservation Genetics of Endangered Species.

9. Investigating the Cellular Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria.

10. The Application of Synthetic Biology in Sustainable Biofuel Production.

Physics dissertation topics

1. The Search for Dark Matter: Theoretical Predictions and Experimental Detection.

2. Quantum Entanglement and its Implications for Information Theory and Cryptography.

3. The Physics of Soft Condensed Matter in Biologically Relevant Systems.

4. Novel Materials for High-Efficiency Photovoltaic Cells.

5. The Role of Neutrinos in the Standard Model of Particle Physics.

6. Investigating the Anomalies of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.

7. The Dynamics of Fluid Turbulence at Different Scales.

8. The Feasibility of Nuclear Fusion as a Sustainable Energy Source.

9. Studying Gravitational Waves as a New Window into the Cosmos.

10. The Impact of Nanotechnology on the Development of Quantum Computing.

Chemistry dissertation topics

1. The Development of Bio-inspired Catalysts for Sustainable Chemical Synthesis.

2. The Role of Molecular Simulations in Understanding Enzyme Mechanisms.

3. Designing Smart Polymers for Targeted Drug Delivery Systems.

4. The Study of Organic Photovoltaics for Improved Solar Energy Conversion.

5. Investigating the Mechanisms of Heavy Metal Toxicity and Chelation Therapy.

6. The Chemistry of Atmospheric Aerosols and their Impact on Climate Change.

7. The Application of Green Chemistry Principles in Industrial Process Design.

8. The Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Inorganic Nanomaterials for Electronics.

9. The Role of Crystal Engineering in the Development of Pharmaceutical Cocrystals.

10. Advanced Spectroscopic Techniques for Probing the Structure of Biomolecules.

Pharmacology dissertation topics

1. The Pharmacogenomics of Chemotherapy Resistance in Cancer Treatment.

2. The Role of Natural Products in the Discovery of New Antimicrobial Agents.

3. The Impact of Opioid Receptor Modulation on Pain Management Strategies.

4. Investigating the Neuropharmacology of Psychedelic Compounds for Psychiatric Disorders.

5. The Cardiovascular Effects of E-cigarettes and Vaping Products.

6. The Mechanisms of Drug-Induced Liver Injury and Potential Protective Strategies.

7. The Development of Targeted Therapies in Personalized Medicine.

8. The Effects of Endocrine Disruptors on Human Health and Reproduction.

9. The Role of Cannabinoids in the Treatment of Neurological Disorders.

10. Addressing the Challenges of Antibiotic Resistance through Novel Drug Development.

Political science dissertation topics

1. The Impact of Social Media on Political Mobilization and Public Opinion.

2. The Effectiveness of International Sanctions on Influencing Domestic Policy Changes.

3. The Role of Identity Politics in Shaping Electoral Outcomes in Multicultural Societies.

4. The Influence of Non-State Actors on Global Environmental Governance.

5. The Politics of Memory: How Historical Narratives Shape National Policy.

6. The Impact of Populism on Traditional Party Systems in Europe.

7. The Role of Technology in State Surveillance and Privacy Rights.

8. The Effect of Political Decentralization on Corruption and Governance.

9. The Relationship Between Economic Inequality and Democratic Stability.

10. Analyzing the Success and Failure of Peacekeeping Missions in Post-Conflict Zones.

Arts dissertation topics

1. The Evolution of Performance Art and its Role in Contemporary Political Discourse.

2. The Influence of Digital Media on Traditional Art Techniques and Aesthetics.

3.  The Intersection of Art and Technology: A Study of Virtual Reality in Installation Art.

4. The Representation of Gender and Sexuality in Modern Sculpture.

5. The Impact of Art Therapy on Mental Health Recovery in Diverse Populations.

6. Postcolonial Perspectives in Contemporary Art of the African Diaspora.

7. The Role of Street Art in Urban Regeneration and Community Identity.

8. The Revival of Analog Photography in the Digital Age: Aesthetic and Cultural Implications.

9. Exploring the Relationship Between Sound Art and Acoustic Ecology.

10. The Use of Sustainable Materials in Fashion Design and its Influence on Consumer Behavior.

Geography dissertation topics

1. The Geopolitical Implications of Melting Ice Caps in the Arctic Region.

2. Analyzing Urban Heat Islands and Mitigation Strategies in Major Global Cities.

3. The Impact of Land Use Change on Flood Risk and Water Management.

4. Cultural Geography: The Role of Festivals in Shaping Urban Identity.

5. Geospatial Analysis of Renewable Energy Potential in Developing Countries.

6. The Influence of Border Landscapes on Migration Patterns and Policies.

7. Mapping the Digital Divide: Geographic Disparities in Internet Access and Usage.

8. The Effects of Tourism on Cultural Landscape Conservation in Heritage Sites.

9. The Role of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Disaster Risk Reduction.

10. Urban Agriculture: Spatial Analysis of Community Gardens and Food Security.

Environmental science dissertation topics

1. The Efficacy of Marine Protected Areas in Biodiversity Conservation and Fisheries Management.

2. The Role of Citizen Science in Monitoring Climate Change Impacts on Local Ecosystems.

3. Evaluating the Ecological Footprint of Fast Fashion on Water Resources.

4. The Impact of Microplastics on Aquatic Food Webs and Human Health.

5. Investigating the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Urban Green Spaces.

6. The Use of Remote Sensing to Assess Deforestation Rates in the Amazon Rainforest.

7. Analyzing the Effectiveness of Policy Interventions in Reducing Air Pollution in Megacities.

8. The Contribution of Indigenous Knowledge to Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategies.

9. The Relationship Between Soil Health and Agricultural Productivity in Organic Farming.

10. Assessing the Environmental and Social Impacts of Hydroelectric Dams in Developing Countries.

Designing dissertation topics

1. The Impact of User Experience (UX) Design on Mobile Application Success.

2. Sustainable Interior Design: Strategies for Reducing Environmental Impact in Commercial Spaces.

3. The Influence of Biophilic Design on Well-being and Productivity in Work Environments.

4. The Role of Graphic Design in Shaping Public Health Campaigns.

5. The Integration of 3D Printing in Product Design and Customization.

6. The Evolution of Typographic Design with the Advent of Digital Media.

7. The Use of Augmented Reality in Enhancing the Retail Shopping Experience.

8. The Principles of Universal Design in Creating Inclusive Public Spaces.

9. The Impact of Color Theory on Brand Identity and Consumer Behavior.

10. The Future of Wearable Technology: Combining Fashion and Functionality.

Artificial intelligence dissertation topics

1. Ethical Considerations in the Deployment of AI for Surveillance and Data Privacy.

2. The Role of AI in Personalizing Education: Adaptive Learning Systems.

3. The Impact of Large Language Models on Predictive Maintenance in Manufacturing.

4. Natural Language Processing and its Application in Sentiment Analysis.

5. The Use of AI in Enhancing Precision Agriculture Techniques.

6. The Development of AI-Driven Assistive Technologies for the Visually Impaired.

7. AI in Space Exploration: Autonomous Rovers and Spacecraft Navigation Systems.

8. The Integration of AI in Creative Industries: Music, Art, and Literature and Story Generation .

9. The Role of Artificial Neural Networks in Financial Market Prediction.

10. The Challenges of Implementing AI in Healthcare: Diagnostics, Treatment, and Patient Privacy.

The 350 dissertation topics presented in this blog are composed to resonate with the diverse interests and scholarly pursuits of graduate students across all streams. In the end, the journey of crafting your dissertation is a unique narrative of personal and academic growth.

To ensure that your work reaches its fullest potential and makes the impact it deserves, consider partnering with professional editing and proofreading services . PaperTrue stands ready to elevate your dissertation to the pinnacle of academic excellence!

Here are some more resources for you:

  • Top 10 Dissertation Editing & Proofreading Services
  • The Title Page of a Dissertation
  • How to Write a Thesis Statement: Examples & Tips
  • Top 10 Online Thesis Editing and Proofreading Services

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web design dissertation topics

1000+ FREE Research Topics & Title Ideas

web design dissertation topics

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PS – You can also check out our free topic ideation webinar for more ideas

How To Find A Research Topic

If you’re struggling to get started, this step-by-step video tutorial will help you find the perfect research topic.

Research Topic FAQs

What (exactly) is a research topic.

A research topic is the subject of a research project or study – for example, a dissertation or thesis. A research topic typically takes the form of a problem to be solved, or a question to be answered.

A good research topic should be specific enough to allow for focused research and analysis. For example, if you are interested in studying the effects of climate change on agriculture, your research topic could focus on how rising temperatures have impacted crop yields in certain regions over time.

To learn more about the basics of developing a research topic, consider our free research topic ideation webinar.

What constitutes a good research topic?

A strong research topic comprises three important qualities : originality, value and feasibility.

  • Originality – a good topic explores an original area or takes a novel angle on an existing area of study.
  • Value – a strong research topic provides value and makes a contribution, either academically or practically.
  • Feasibility – a good research topic needs to be practical and manageable, given the resource constraints you face.

To learn more about what makes for a high-quality research topic, check out this post .

What's the difference between a research topic and research problem?

A research topic and a research problem are two distinct concepts that are often confused. A research topic is a broader label that indicates the focus of the study , while a research problem is an issue or gap in knowledge within the broader field that needs to be addressed.

To illustrate this distinction, consider a student who has chosen “teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom” as their research topic. This research topic could encompass any number of issues related to teenage pregnancy such as causes, prevention strategies, health outcomes for mothers and babies, etc.

Within this broad category (the research topic) lies potential areas of inquiry that can be explored further – these become the research problems . For example:

  • What factors contribute to higher rates of teenage pregnancy in certain communities?
  • How do different types of parenting styles affect teen pregnancy rates?
  • What interventions have been successful in reducing teenage pregnancies?

Simply put, a key difference between a research topic and a research problem is scope ; the research topic provides an umbrella under which multiple questions can be asked, while the research problem focuses on one specific question or set of questions within that larger context.

How can I find potential research topics for my project?

There are many steps involved in the process of finding and choosing a high-quality research topic for a dissertation or thesis. We cover these steps in detail in this video (also accessible below).

How can I find quality sources for my research topic?

Finding quality sources is an essential step in the topic ideation process. To do this, you should start by researching scholarly journals, books, and other academic publications related to your topic. These sources can provide reliable information on a wide range of topics. Additionally, they may contain data or statistics that can help support your argument or conclusions.

Identifying Relevant Sources

When searching for relevant sources, it’s important to look beyond just published material; try using online databases such as Google Scholar or JSTOR to find articles from reputable journals that have been peer-reviewed by experts in the field.

You can also use search engines like Google or Bing to locate websites with useful information about your topic. However, be sure to evaluate any website before citing it as a source—look for evidence of authorship (such as an “About Us” page) and make sure the content is up-to-date and accurate before relying on it.

Evaluating Sources

Once you’ve identified potential sources for your research project, take some time to evaluate them thoroughly before deciding which ones will best serve your purpose. Consider factors such as author credibility (are they an expert in their field?), publication date (is the source current?), objectivity (does the author present both sides of an issue?) and relevance (how closely does this source relate to my specific topic?).

By researching the current literature on your topic, you can identify potential sources that will help to provide quality information. Once you’ve identified these sources, it’s time to look for a gap in the research and determine what new knowledge could be gained from further study.

How can I find a good research gap?

Finding a strong gap in the literature is an essential step when looking for potential research topics. We explain what research gaps are and how to find them in this post.

How should I evaluate potential research topics/ideas?

When evaluating potential research topics, it is important to consider the factors that make for a strong topic (we discussed these earlier). Specifically:

  • Originality
  • Feasibility

So, when you have a list of potential topics or ideas, assess each of them in terms of these three criteria. A good topic should take a unique angle, provide value (either to academia or practitioners), and be practical enough for you to pull off, given your limited resources.

Finally, you should also assess whether this project could lead to potential career opportunities such as internships or job offers down the line. Make sure that you are researching something that is relevant enough so that it can benefit your professional development in some way. Additionally, consider how each research topic aligns with your career goals and interests; researching something that you are passionate about can help keep motivation high throughout the process.

How can I assess the feasibility of a research topic?

When evaluating the feasibility and practicality of a research topic, it is important to consider several factors.

First, you should assess whether or not the research topic is within your area of competence. Of course, when you start out, you are not expected to be the world’s leading expert, but do should at least have some foundational knowledge.

Time commitment

When considering a research topic, you should think about how much time will be required for completion. Depending on your field of study, some topics may require more time than others due to their complexity or scope.

Additionally, if you plan on collaborating with other researchers or institutions in order to complete your project, additional considerations must be taken into account such as coordinating schedules and ensuring that all parties involved have adequate resources available.

Resources needed

It’s also critically important to consider what type of resources are necessary in order to conduct the research successfully. This includes physical materials such as lab equipment and chemicals but can also include intangible items like access to certain databases or software programs which may be necessary depending on the nature of your work. Additionally, if there are costs associated with obtaining these materials then this must also be factored into your evaluation process.

Potential risks

It’s important to consider the inherent potential risks for each potential research topic. These can include ethical risks (challenges getting ethical approval), data risks (not being able to access the data you’ll need), technical risks relating to the equipment you’ll use and funding risks (not securing the necessary financial back to undertake the research).

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web design dissertation topics

Design Dissertation Topics

Design is all around us; the technology we use, the products we buy and the buildings we inhabit have all been carefully designed! That said, there is always more to be learned about the process and impact of design. Here are some dissertation topics suitable for an undergraduate or masters dissertation in design.

Graphic Design Topics

Fashion design, product or service design, industrial or interior design.

  • To study the cost-benefit analysis of hiring a graphic design firm for SMEs. Graphic design firms are expensive and small and medium-sized enterprises have limited funds. This topic focuses on evaluating if it is beneficial to hire a graphic design firm by SME.
  • To study the evolution of graphic design in 21st Century. Graphic design has evolved tremendously in the current century, first with the arrival of internet and then with social media. This topic studies this in detail.
  • To analyze the impact of the connection between design and emotional response it evokes. A beautiful design such as iPhone or MacBook can create an instant emotional connection with the product creating desire to own. This association between emotion and design will be systematically evaluated in this design dissertation.
  • To analyze the interconnectivity of graphic design and culture. It is said that culture impacts graphic design and vice versa design impacts culture as well but which is the dominant factor? The interconnectivity will be evaluated in this design dissertation.
  • To calculate the impact of graphic design in an advertisement. Design has evolved tremendously and so have advertisements with visual and interactivity becoming the key focus. This research will try to create a measurement tool to calculate this.
  • To evaluate the impact of fast fashion on fashion design. Consumers are flocking to fast fashion products more than ever before; fashion designers today have to incorporate this in their design. This study is about the impact fast fashion has on fashion design.
  • To study the impact of online fashion shops on luxury fashion design. The number of people buying fashion online is growing exponentially, this research focuses on the impact of these online shops on luxury fashion design.
  • To analyze the ability of luxury fashion designers to revive luxury fashion post-pandemic. The demand for luxury fashion has dropped to an all-time low due to people staying indoors during pandemic. This research will analyze if the luxury fashion designers can revive demand once things return to normal.
  • To study the behavioural change on fashion consumers with regards to sustainability. As consumers become more conscious of environmental damage, does their behaviour change?
  • To study the change in fashion design due to the increase in the environmental awareness. As the customers become more conscious of the environmental issues, the fashion designers have to incorporate that in their design, but are they doing enough good job which will be analysed.
  • Study to evaluate the evolution of the personalized luxury fashion design. The niche segment of personalized fashion design can be insightful, and this study focuses on its evolvement.
  • To study the role of digital technology in fashion design. This will focus on changes in the fashion design owing to the changes in the digital technology.
  • To study the evolution of sports fashion design. Leading companies like Nike and Adidas are constantly changing the sports fashion and fashion design plays a major role in it.
  • The evolution of British fashion design over the years. Considered one of the best in the world, this research will focus on evolution of British fashion.
  • Study to analyze changes in the role of computer-aided design in the creation of product. CAD plays an important role in product design; this research will study and analyze this.
  • What is the role of customer interface design in consumer experience? This research will evaluate whether interface design increases or decreases or has no impact on consumer design.
  • To study the effectiveness of service blueprint design for the customer journey mapping. A blueprint of service design can be an effective way to map customer journey and this research studies its effectiveness.
  • How powerful is information visualization in service design? This research will evaluate the impact of information visualization in service design.
  • To evaluate the ‘missing’ link in the effectiveness of service design. Based on the research by Susan Meyer, Johnston and Rao this research investigates what are missing links in making service design effective.
  • A study to measure the value of product design on consumer buying intention. Does the buying intention alter with new product design and by how much?
  • To investigate the role of service dominant logic on the effectiveness of service design. The new tool service dominant logic is now widely used in service design, and this study will try to measure how effective it is.
  • To study the extent of the role played by product innovation in product design. Innovation is considered to be at the heart of new product design; this research will measure the impact it has on product design.
  • A case study to understand how Apple conquered the markets with their groundbreaking designs. Apple is considered a pioneer in product design and this research will reveal how it achieved market success through its designs.

These topics focus on the interior design challenges relevant to the current times.

  • To study the impact of heritage on the future design of residential projects.
  • To investigate the impact of eco-friendly materials on the design of a commercial project.
  • To study the challenges faced in project design in major emerging markets of India and China.
  • To understand the success factors of iconic industrial designs: case study of Dyson vacuum cleaners.
  • To study the challenges faced in new designs that facilitate working from home for professionals.
  • A study to develop common measures for the aesthetic appeal in the design of large commercial buildings.
  • A study to evaluate zero-waste design thinking.
  • To understand the role of innovation in design thinking.

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PhD & Master Theses

  • Bibliography
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SŁOMSKA-PRZECH, Katarzyna, 2021, Wpływ medium publikacji na użyteczność map [ENG: The impact of publication medium on maps’ usability] , PhD Thesis, University of Warsaw.

MARKOWSKA, Anna, 2018, Użyteczność kartograficznych anamorfoz powierzchniowych [ENG: Usability of area cartograms], PhD Thesis, University of Warsaw.

HALL, Andreas, 2016, Reasoning in Spatio-Temporal Analysis – Theory, Provenance, and Applications , PhD Thesis, Aalto University.

YOCHEVA, Zornitza, 2015, User-Centred Design of Smartphone Augmented Reality in Urban Tourism Context , PhD Thesis, Bournemouth University.

DEEB, Rasha, 2015,  Assessing visual variables of cartographic text design , PhD Thesis, Ghent University

KVELADZE, Irma, 2015, Space – time cube design and usability . University of Twente, ITC Dissertation 268, ISBN: 978-90-365-3859-6.

LAAKSO, Mari, 2014,  Improving Accessibility for Pedestrians with Geographic Information , PhD thesis Aalto University.

PUCHER, Alexander, 2013,  Optimierung von Internet-basierten kartographischen Informationssystemen durch Erkenntnisgewinn aus nutzerzentrierter Entwicklung.  Dissertation, University of Vienna.

OOMS, Kristien, 2012, Maps, how do users’ see them . PhD thesis Ghent University.

SCHOBESBERGER, David, 2012, Towards a Framework for Improving the Usability of Web-mapping Products . Dissertation, University of Vienna.

BLEISCH, Susanne, 2011, Evaluating the appropriateness of visually combining abstract quantitative data representations with 3D desktop virtual environments using mixed methods . PhD Thesis. London: City University London.

DELIKOSTIDIS, Ioannis, 2011, Improving the usability of pedestrian navigation systems . PhD thesis University of Twente. ITC Dissertation 181, ISBN: 978-90-6164-303-6.

ROTH, Robert, 2011, Interacting with Maps: The science and practice of cartographic interaction. PhD dissertation Pennsylvania State University.

NIVALA, Annu-Maaria, 2007, Usability Perspectives for the Design of Interactive Maps , Publications of the Finnish Geodetic Institute, PhD thesis.

Dissertation on Web Design

Students pursuing doctorate in website development or web design might plan to write a dissertation in the respective fields. In order to do so, they are required to review any past literature related to their topic. In this regard, this section of Researchomatic has a vast collection of web design dissertations. Students can also use these dissertations only for knowledge and information of web design researches.

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Website Developmemt Technologies: A Review

Abstract: Service Science is that the basis of knowledge system and net services that judge to the provider/client model. This paper developments a technique which will be utilized in the event of net services like websites, net applications and eCommerce. The goal is to development a technique that may add structure to a extremely unstructured drawback to help within the development and success of net services. The new methodology projected are going to be referred to as {the net|the online|the net} Development Life Cycle (WDLC) and tailored from existing methodologies and applied to the context of web development. This paper can define well the projected phases of the WDLC. Keywords: Web Development, Application Development, Technologies, eCommerce.

Analysis of Russian Segment of the Web Development Market Operating Online on Upwork

The Russian segment of the web services market in the online environment, on the platform of the Upwork freelance exchange, is considered, its key characteristics, the composition of participants, development trends are highlighted, and the market structure is identified. It is found that despite the low barriers to entry, the web development market is very stable, since the composition of entrenched firms that have been operating for more than six years remains. The pricing policy of most Russian companies indicates that they work in the middle price segment and have low budgets, which is due to the specifics of the foreign market and high competition.

Farming Assistant Web Services: Agricultor

Abstract: Our farming assistant web services provides assistance to new as well as establish farmers to get the solutions to dayto-day problems faced in the field. A farmer gets to connect with other farmers throughout India to get more information about a particular crop which is popular in other states. Keywords: Farmers, Assistance, Web Development

Tradução de ementas e histórico escolar para o inglês: contribuição para participação de discentes do curso técnico em informática para internet integrado ao ensino médio em programas de mobilidade acadêmica / Translation of summary and school records into english: contribution to the participation of high school with associate technical degree on web development students in academic mobility programs

Coded websites vs wordpress websites.

This document gives multiple instructions related to web developers using older as well as newer technology. Websites are being created using newer technologies like wordpress whereas on the other hand many people prefer making websites using the traditional way. This document will clear the doubt whether an individual should use wordpress websites or coded websites according to the users convenience. The Responsiveness of the websites, the use of CMS nowadays, more and more up gradation of technologies with SEO, themes, templates, etc. make things like web development much much easier. The aesthetics, the culture, the expressions, the features all together add up in order make the designing and development a lot more efficient and effective. Digital Marketing has a tremendous growth over the last two years and yet shows no signs of stopping, is closely related with the web development environment. Nowadays all businesses are going online due to which the impact of web development has become such that it has become an integral part of any online business.

Cognitive disabilities and web accessibility: a survey into the Brazilian web development community

Cognitive disabilities include a diversity of conditions related to cognitive functions, such as reading, understanding, learning, solving problems, memorization and speaking. They differ largely from each other, making them a heterogeneous complex set of disabilities. Although the awareness about cognitive disabilities has been increasing in the last few years, it is still less than necessary compared to other disabilities. The need for an investigation about this issue is part of the agenda of the Challenge 2 (Accessibility and Digital Inclusion) from GranDIHC-Br. This paper describes the results of an online exploratory survey conducted with 105 web development professionals from different sectors to understand their knowledge and barriers regarding accessibility for people with cognitive disabilities. The results evidenced three biases that potentially prevent those professionals from approaching cogni-tive disabilities: strong organizational barriers; difficulty to understand user needs related to cognitive disabilities; a knowledge gap about web accessibility principles and guidelines. Our results confirmed that web development professionals are unaware about cognitive disabilities mostly by a lack of knowledge about them, even if they understand web accessibility in a technical level. Therefore, we suggest that applied research studies focus on how to fill this knowledge gap before providing tools, artifacts or frameworks.


A good information system must not only be neat, effective, and resilient, but also must be user friendly and up to date. In a sense, it is able to be applied to various types of electronic devices, easily accessible at any whereand time (real time), and can be modified according to user needs in a relatively easy and simple way. Information systems are now needed by various parties, especially in the field of administration and sale of medicines for Cut Nyak Dhien Hospital. During this time, recording in books has been very ineffective and caused many problems, such as difficulty in accessing old data, asa well as the information obtained was not real time. To solve it, this research raises the theme of the appropriate information system design for the hospital concerned, by utilizing CSS Bootstrap framework and research methodology for web development, namely Web Development Life Cycle. This research resulted in a responsive system by providing easy access through desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones so that it would help the hospital in the data processing process in real time.

Web Development and performance comparison of Web Development Technologies in Node.js and Python

“tom had us all doing front-end web development”: a nostalgic (re)imagining of myspace, assessment of site classifications according to layout type in web development, export citation format, share document.

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112 Graphic Design Dissertation Topics For Your Perfect Assignment

112 Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

Art students write about graphic design dissertation topics to showcase their impressive and creative thinking skills. As a graphic designer, your role is to plan and practice conveying messages with textual content. And this is the most effective and innovative method to connect with consumers in the current world.

Whether complex website page layouts or simple business logos, graphic design takes different forms. Other visual design examples include posters, magazine covers, and business cards. Writing a dissertation using intricate and unique graphic design topics is essential for learners that want to excel in their career in this sector. It’s also vital to research graphic design to impress potential employers.

This article lists 110-plus graphic design topics while describing the parts that a good dissertation in this field comprises.

Parts of a Good Graphic Design Dissertation

An excellent dissertation in this field comprises several parts that students should focus on when writing. Here’s a breakdown of the primary sections of a dissertation on this subject.

Introduction : A good dissertation about a graphic design topic has an opening that creates an excellent impression while encouraging the audience to read the rest of the paper. The intro should be brief to capture the audiences’ attention. Problem statement : This section highlights the research question and its background. It also tells the readers why the dissertation is essential. Objectives and aim of the paper : This section tells the readers why your topic matters. It explains the intent of your research and your desired outcomes for the project. Methodology : Here, you describe the methods you use to research the topic. Also, highlight the available techniques while comparing them to choose a viable option. For instance, you can include print media, software, and other platform media details for completing your dissertation. Literature review : This part comprises details of previous studies and the scholars behind them. It also has a theoretical framework for the dissertation, providing insights into your starting point, ideas, and concepts. Limitation : In this section, you highlight the scope, ideas, and limitations of your study. Also, you specify the objectives you attained from your research.

Writing a thesis about a graphic design topic requires relevant principles’ knowledge, and strong writing skills. If you are not interested in writing and don’t want to waste your time on a boring task from a professor, you can pay someone to do your assignment and enjoy the activities you love.

Top Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

Maybe you want to write a thesis paper about a top topic in this academic field. In that case, consider the following ideas.

  • The latest trends in graphic design
  • How to use PowerPoint in graphic design
  • Subliminal messages and advertisement
  • Visual design concepts in the 20th century
  • Digital art’s evolution over the years
  • How graphic design can help online service providers generate more sales
  • How multimedia design affects the world
  • Graphic design and repetition theory- How they affect consumers’ behavior
  • Graphic design and changes in online gaming
  • Color selection, graphic design, and human psychology- What’s the connection?
  • Application and relevance of design theories
  • How consumers perceive web designs
  • How web graphics create trust among visitors
  • Using negative spacing and graphic design to affect the consumers’ subconscious minds
  • Famous graphic designers of the century
  • How does TV influence graphic design
  • How computers affect graphic design
  • Using graphic design in computer game interfaces to draw more consumers
  • Balance as a graphic design basic- How does it create impressive visuals?
  • Online graphical design tools versus conventional designing programs
  • How visual heuristics assist in segmenting the attention of the viewers
  • Graphic design and political satire
  • How graphic design tools have revolutionized the industry

These are some of the top ideas to consider for a thesis topic in this subject. Nevertheless, research your chosen title extensively to write a comprehensive paper.

General Graphic Design Dissertation Ideas

Graphic design is a growing study field with many organizations establishing departments and offices for expert designers. Here are general ideas to explore when writing a thesis paper in graphic design.

  • Understanding graphic design
  • How graphic design influence communications
  • Qualifications of a professional graphic designer
  • Is graphic design a career or a passion?
  • Similarities between conventional photographers and graphic designers’ tools
  • The essence of colors in graphic design
  • Comparison between contemporary graphic design and photographic theory
  • Understanding the visual design principles
  • How graphic designers affect their field
  • Factors influencing graphic design
  • Developmental stages for graphic design
  • The influence of technology on graphic design
  • The graphic design’s role in social media
  • Changes in graphical design tools
  • Computer graphics’ evolution in the 20th century
  • Is traditional graphic design critical in the digital age?
  • The essence of computers in the visual design evolution
  • Media forms in graphic design
  • How print styles and typefaces influence the digital age
  • Graphic design and its role in web design and development

These are general topics to consider when writing a thesis in this field. Pick any idea from this list and investigate it thoroughly before writing.

Best Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

The internet has many ideas to explore when writing a dissertation in graphic design. Here are the best titles to consider for your paper.

  • Using color psychology to trigger emotions in graphic design
  • The impact of graphical design tools on the industry
  • Graphic design and newspaper adverts- How they influence the consumers’ buying behavior
  • Graphic design and its use in promoting movie festivals
  • Graphic design and its use in street art and social commentary
  • How logos and organization branding affect sales
  • Space and its use in design esthetics
  • Color theory and its impact on graphic design
  • Typeset techniques and principles as part of graphic design
  • Creating environmental awareness using graphic design
  • Graphic design software trends
  • Cultural expectations and graphic design
  • How visual imaging improves understanding
  • Media design and new graphics
  • Is desktop publishing dead?
  • Web animation and graphic design- How they have shaped the internet content
  • Newspaper ads evolution in the digital era
  • Personality role in arts
  • How experts use graphic design to create a set in the film industry
  • Restaurants and theme design
  • Graphic design and persuasion elements
  • Commercial design- How to facilitate feedback when dealing with customers
  • How visual hierarchy helps in creating customer e-commerce stores’ perception
  • Art directors as transformational heads
  • How graphic designs help in making directories
  • How graphic design has revolutionized modern cinema
  • Colorful classroom creation

These ideas can be the basis of a fantastic dissertation. Nevertheless, each of them requires adequate time to investigate and gather relevant information.

Exciting Graphic Design Research Topics

Maybe you want to write about an interesting topic in this field. In that case, writing about any of these ideas can be fun.

  • Unique 10-minute graphic design projects
  • How animation helps in creating beautiful postcards
  • How the design language can trigger brand retention in customers’ minds
  • Classic book cover re-interpretation
  • Results and effects of graphic design in the consumer markets
  • How graphic design helps in coloring kids’ books
  • Secondary research and its use in exploring web design features
  • Traits of a successful graphic designer
  • Graphic design and its relationship with the pop culture
  • How graphic design facilitates the creation of business cards
  • Literature review of the graphic novel
  • Graphic design trends over the last decade
  • Theory application in graphic design
  • How people perceive visual communication and design education
  • How artistic sensibility affects the graphic design
  • How banners facilitate message conveyance
  • Average budget analysis in graphic design projects
  • Is graphic design education important?
  • How appealing products affect consumer choices
  • Using graphic design to retarget ads and reach the target market efficiently
  • Graphic design theory application

These are fun topics to consider for a thesis in this field. Nevertheless, perform in-depth research to write a winning paper about these titles.

Senior Thesis Graphic Design Project Ideas

Maybe you need a graphic design title for your senior thesis. In that case, select any of these ideas for your paper.

  • How to use graphic design to boost e-commerce stores’ sales
  • How graphic design can help consumers recall your brand
  • How Apple uses graphic design to influence buying behavior
  • How marketing agencies use graphic design
  • Graphic design and commercial distinctiveness
  • How limited financial plans affect graphics
  • How graphic designers use psychological triggers to boost customer loyalty
  • How video filters boost sales and customer attention in graphic designs
  • How computer graphics evolved in the 20th century
  • Graphic design and its use by clothing brands
  • Why logos and visual design matter to businesses
  • Graphic design and its use in creating a plant identifying application
  • Gradient logo designs versus flat logo designs
  • Advertisement and computer graphics- How they alter consumer behavior
  • How contrast colors affect buying behavior
  • How graphic design and brochures help businesses to attract more sales
  • Developing a graphic design career
  • The impact of graphic design on product packaging
  • Vehicle wraps evolution and graphic design
  • Exploring different techniques that graphic designers use to convey messages
  • Graphical design application in advanced technology

These are some of the best ideas to explore when researching and writing about graphic design. While this may not be a comprehensive list, it has titles college and uni students can choose for their graduate and undergraduate papers.

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109 Web Technology Topics

🏆 best essay topics on web technology, 🎓 interesting web technology essay topics, 👍 good web technology research topics & essay examples, 🌶️ hot web technology ideas to write about.

  • Target Audience of Fast Food Restaurants’ Web Sites
  • A Website for Selling Furniture
  • Rhetorical Analysis Essay: an Example of a Web Page Case Study
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS): Optimization Possibilities
  • Credibility of a Complementary and Alternative Medicine Website
  • The PayPal Website’s Compliance With Standards
  • The Digital Government Websites Requirements
  • Dark Web Monitoring Case Study The dark web refers to the part of the Internet that can only be accessed by using specialized software, such as Tor.
  • Ways to Make an Image-Heavy Website Load Faster This paper will discuss different ways in which a website could be made faster while maintaining the usage of images.
  • Edutopia Website Evaluation Using Bloom’s Taxonomy Educators’ role is crucial in the creating of an efficient learning environment. This paper evaluates the Edutopia website from the perspective of four levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
  • Internet Technology: Creating a Website This paper is set to explain the way the internet has changed lives and its effect on the pace at which businesses are conducted all over the world today.
  • “How Big Is the Dark Web?” Documentary Analysis The documentary “How big is the dark web?” explores the construct of the Dark Web, a large portion of the internet that is hidden and requires special tools to access.
  • Technical Communication and Website Design This paper outlines factors in building a webpage, the need to build mortised websites, defines what is CSS and SEO, and examines what does customizing a design mean.
  • Four Seasons Website’s Traffic Ranking Four Seasons traffic rank has dropped in the past 3 months. That may be a result of the misalignment between the company’s market search strategy and customer acquisition goals.
  • Wikipedia Website’s Structure and Features The paper reviews Wikipedia’s structure and purpose, its overall “look and feel”, its target audience, and the most useful technical and information features.
  • Internet for Travel Agencies and Tourism Websites The purpose of the project is to address the question of how the Internet affected the travel industry about customer satisfaction and service convenience.
  • Seven-Eleven Japan Company: E-Commerce Website Seven-Eleven Japan is an organization that successfully operates since the previous century but suffered from global economic issues.
  • Web-Based Systems and Computer Services Web-based systems can be used for both personal and professional purposes, which has opened a plethora of opportunities for business and entrepreneurs all over the world.
  • Addressing Website Downtime: Identifying Root Causes and Implementing Solutions In today’s digital landscape, websites serve as the cornerstones of businesses’ online presence, enabling them to connect with customers, showcase products and services.
  • Web Programming Technologies, Strategies and Design Web development ranges from creating a single static website page to creating the most complex web-based internet apps, electronic enterprises, or social media platforms.
  • The Use of Websites by Transit Agencies Transit systems are required to follow the Federal Transit Administration policies when using and setting up websites and social media to provide a fair service for customers.
  • The Lumen Learning Website Analysis Lumen Learning is an educational website that caters to both students and instructors. Lumen’s course materials are made to improve learning through open educational resources.
  • Natural Readers Website as Assistive Technology in Education Assistive technology can make incorporating the Universal Design for Learning model in educational facilities faster and more effective by reducing the work of the teachers.
  • YouTube Channel Creation, Email Writing, and Nursing Website This research paper examines the video concerning the creation of YouTube channel, the nursing division’s website, and the process of writing emails.
  • An Occult Website’s Design Analysis This page is an occult web resource whose task is to present the audience with a conspiracy theory about the future coming of aliens.
  • Drunks Driving Websites and Their Punishments Drunk driving is a serious offense with potentially deadly consequences. Several organizations and groups are against drunk driving.
  • The Lone Star School of Nursing Website The report will focus on the Lone Star College nursing division’s website, which provides the entire database regarding the programs offered and the application process.
  • The Website Remodel Project Scope Statement This website redesign will help improve the end-user interactions with the web content, hence acting as a powerful tool for sales of the company product and services.
  • The New York Times Website: User Experience Accessibility With the example of The New York Times website, this paper will study the matter of accessibility and evaluate how accessible the mentioned website is to its potential users.
  • Use of Ethos, Logos, and Pathos on Chattahoochee Riverkeeper’s Website The right use of Ethos, Logos, and Pathos in text effectively captures the reader’s attention regardless of the form of the text.
  • Union Website: American Federation of Musicians The American Federation of Musicians labor union comprises proficient instrumental music artists in Canada and the United States.
  • The Historical Websites’ Brief Analysis This paper is about useful historical websites: Archives Hub, History Matters, Manchester University Press, Open Book Publishers, and Institute of Historical Research.
  • Improving the Layout of the University of South Florida Website With UX Redesign This research will provide several suggestions to improve the layout of the University of South Florida website and present innovative techniques used in UX redesign.
  • The Mayo Clinic Asthma Website for Consumer Health This study evaluates the Mayo Clinic asthma website using the DISCERN instrument, as it provides guidelines to consumers to help them judge the quality of information.
  • New York Times Website: The User Interface This essay explores the User Interface of The New York Times website by examining the site’s features which have made it a coherent and global site for reliable news.
  • The World Wide Fund for Nature Website’s Structure This paper aims to describe The World Wide Fund for Nature’s website structure, and design, and provide several recommendations for its improvement.
  • “Effectiveness of a Web-Based Screening”: Main Topic, Strengths, and Weaknesses The main weakness of the “Effectiveness of a web-Based screening” study is the lack of a blinding procedure ensuring the internal validity of the results.
  • Agile Project Initiation: Building Corporate Website Users are constantly looking for information online, comparing, and buying products and services online. Business websites play an essential role in promoting a company.
  • The Historic New Orleans Collection Website The Historic New Orleans Collection (THNOC) website contains content organized adequately for rapid consumption, as selected website information is appropriately highlighted.
  • Widget Sales Company Website Development Project This section documents the duties a project manager must perform during the development of the Widget Sales Company website.
  • The Onion: Analysis of the News Website The source chosen for this assessment is the news website called The Onion. For this analysis, one news article published on The Onion has been selected (“Congressional Democrats”).
  • Comparison and Contrast of the Websites Discussing a Multiple Sclerosis This assignment compares and contrasts two websites discussing a similar topic to different audiences: technical and non-technical.
  • Company’s Owner on Developing a Successful Website Interview with the company’s owner is one of the crucial parts that play a significant role in developing a successful website.
  • Policy Website Evaluation: Implications for HUS Service Workers The CRAAP Test is used in this paper to evaluate websites for drug abuse and addiction to determine their relevance to HUS service workers.
  • How Are Websites Developed and Function? To display the website content, several types of files are used, which are responsible for processing the signal and exchanging information between the client and the server.
  • Mayo Clinic Website’s Effectiveness Analysis Mayo clinic has ensured great interactions with other individuals globally by adopting an effective website that lets anyone glimpse how the hospital operates.
  • Creating a Website for a Hospital A specialist must build the layout of the site so that the most important information was readable and instantly accessible.
  • The COVID-19 Section on the Federal Emergency Management Agency Website for Nurses While the main focus of the coronavirus section on the FEMA website is supporting patients with vaccines, finances, and guidance, it is also relevant for public health nurses.
  • Massive Internet Outage Hits Websites Including Amazon, gov.UK and Guardian The unexpected failure of the content delivery network (CDN) called Fastly severely affected the work of numerous websites in Western Europe and North America.
  • Amazon Web Services: Security Practices Review To ensure the security of AWS, several companies perform remote penetration tests that show whether a system is vulnerable to external attacks.
  • Newcastle and Edinburgh Universities’ Website Design Comparison Newcastle and Edinburgh Universities’ websites are quite similar, using large fonts, buttons and images to make the process of navigation and visual appeal of their page better.
  • Website Analysis The purpose of is to provide balanced and truthful information to its users. It publishes content related to mobile phones, applications, and operating systems.
  • Developing a Wix-Based Website This project aims to develop a Wix-based website that will be dedicated to home renovation and property management business.
  • Amazon Web Services Review: Proof-of-Concept Report AWS proved to be the appropriate cloud platform for PHI Engineering Design from the analysis of the pros and cons of the three companies.
  • Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Website The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development’s website can be of great help to instructional leaders who seek modern solutions and innovative practices.
  • Virginia Department of Education Website The Virginia Department of Education website is the national education authority that serves as the most beneficial information tool to assist teachers and students in the state of Virginia.
  • Creating an Advertising Website for a Jewelry Company The problem of the company is how exactly this website should be used as an advertising tool. The key recommendation would be to use the website as a platform for advertising.
  • National Oilwell Varco Website’s Problem Analysis National Oilwell Varco’s website works well as far as the mechanics go, and it could be quite attractive if it were not so dark, and the videos work right.
  • Web-Based Organizational Discourses: Climate Change This paper pertains to the investigation of argumentation formation within the process of interaction with organizations holding similar and opposite opinions and viewpoints.
  • Evidence-Based Practice-Related Websites The intent and purpose of this project are to identify websites that have information about evidence-based medical practice to help new entrants to understand the concept.
  • Web Evlauation – Website of the Internet Mental Health Organization We chose the website of the Internet Mental Health Organization. This website is dedicated to all the individuals in society, trying to inform them regarding mental health disorders.
  • Design Solutions for Improving Website Quality and Effectiveness The simplest definition of structure is how the pages of a site are located and are accessible to visitors for navigation.
  • The Evergreen Plantation: Review the Quality of the Website First and foremost, the site features an elegant and carefully organized layout which makes the database not only appealing but also easy to navigate.
  • Website Proposal Document: Green IT The main goal of having Green IT initiatives with regard to energy is to provide a comfortable and safe environment for the data centre occupants by the lowest possible cost.
  • WebMD Website Evaluation with Harris’s Tools This paper analyzes the internet website with website evaluation tools provided by Prof. Robert Harris.
  • Web: Ready for Assistive Technology or Not This research paper’s major purpose is to discuss and research the accessibility issues in relation to websites.
  • Integrated Water Strategies From Website Water Recycling The website is a front-end of their company showing various services that the company offers in the field of water recycling.
  • The Analysis of the Website Myplate The website MyPlate is credible rather than non-credible. It should be associated with some medical institutions specializing in dietary science.
  • Online Press Websites: Comparing and Contrasting In the globalized world of rapidly evolving information technologies, designing and maintaining websites gained several forms, combining machinery and creativity.
  • Evaluating a Website Looking at, it is easy to note that it is a fake site. It mimics the appearance of the actual newspaper’s site.
  • A Website Comparison: The National Library of Medicine and Webmd Although both websites cover health-related topics, the first website is aimed primarily at healthcare practitioners, such as doctors and nurses.
  • Delivery of a Functional and Interactive Website for a Lab and Medical Equipment Company The project is delivering a functional and interactive website for a lab and medical equipment company, which requires a number of specific features.
  • Calhoun Community College Website’s Design The purpose of this paper is to analyze the design of Calhoun College’s website and reconsider the concept in the direction of changing the structure of the website.
  • – Website Evaluation This website is useful to many individuals from different faiths and is a helpful tool to many physically and emotionally hurting individuals.
  • Development of a Website for McDouglas Company Technological advances and increased professionalism enable static website design and maintenance. The McDouglas website will also act as an auxiliary marketing tool for it.
  • Website Critique: Four Seasons Four seasons have chosen and owned a short and a suitable domain name. As a result, its domain name has been easily memorized by its clients.
  • Systems Analysis & Design to Enhance Website Visibility Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to a series of methods that the business will use to improve its website ranking in the search engine listings.
  • Web-Based Prototype of the E-Business Activity The prototype of the e-business activity will be based on the principles of caring and communicating with customers via e-mail or any other electronic communication tool.
  • Security Jobs Network Website Review There are many job sites that list job openings from the old favorites such as Careerbuilder, Craigslist and Monster etc.
  • Low Cost Website Protection and Customer Privacy Copyright is the basic legal protection measure to pursue which can be cost-effective to small-scale e-commerce firms, if undertaken well.
  • Web-Based Shopping: Consumers Attitudes Towards Online Shopping in New Zealand Research data about New Zealand, says about importance of understanding online consumer behavior in New Zealand and then tapping this market successfully.
  • Health Resources & Services Administration Website The HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration) Data Warehouse is a website that provides maps, data, reports, and dashboards about HRSA’s health care programs.
  • Breather Company Website’s Keyword Analysis In the current keyword analysis, the focus of the exploration is Breather, a business providing spaces for meetings, training and courses, offices, offsites, and headquarters.
  • Cybersecurity for Amazon Web Services Infrastructure This paper gives a detailed description of the best strategies and initiatives to maintain the security of data and services that reside on Amazon Web Services infrastructure.
  • Google’s Emerging Web Technologies The new standards prioritized by Google are the Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) – technologies that reduce web page loading time.
  • Best Electronics Website’s Search Engine Optimization This paper reviews the official website of Best Electronics with the view to identifying design and usability issues rendering the website ineffective.
  • Johnnie Walker’s vs. Jack Daniels’ Websites This paper compares the website and its major competitor to provide the client with valuable information.
  • IT for Marketing: Critical Look at Websites While the advantages of technology use are very obvious, it can be disastrous without proper implementation. Improperly designed websites can be very unprofessional and so difficult to use.
  • Marketing Website Evaluation and Detailed Analysis One of the most important attributes of website is that the marketing department is in a position to engage with the audience who comes across the wide range of products.
  • Website Content: Blog Post for Submission This paper considers posts for blogs on different topics: Blogging trivia, the only thing you should learn about blogging, it’s not always about the traffic and others.
  • Univeristy Website’s User Interface Structure Redesign This paper aims to discuss the redesign of the university website in the context of the mechanisms of the user interface structure.
  • Website’s Structure and Content The website primarily deals with providing information on the latest IT trends in the realm of business process outsourcing, cloud computing.
  • Web Service Composition Methods Social commerce is an emerging and increasingly promising phenomenon that currently draws a lot of interest due to its multiple benefits for both consumers and businesses
  • White Space in Website Layouts White space serves an important role in the web layout by providing an interface for readers to interact with various aspects of the web content.
  • Online Shopping: Product and Website Characteristics This paper summarizes “Exploring the Effects of “What” (Product) and “Where” (Website) Characteristics on Online Shopping Behavior” by Mallapragada, Chandukala and Liu.
  • Information Gathering and Structuring Websites The resources allow creating a pilot model of a website by contacting local companies, gathering information, and structuring it on a website.
  • IMDB, Wikipedia, Amazon Website Performance Tests The analysis shows how IMDB, Wikipedia, Amazon websites work on a low-tier, mid-tier, high-tier phones, and desktop, and scores these websites using the scale at http//
  • Health eCareers Website and Cultural Diversity This essay gives a detailed analysis of Health eCareers’ website. The audit will examine how the organization’s website supports the concept of diversity.
  • Why Business Firms Need to Have a Web Page? Businesses use few funds advertising over the internet through websites as compared to other forms of advertisements thereby making website adverts economical for corporations.
  • Websites Preventing Rape and Types of Messages Articulated Rape is one of the most common crimes in the US and in the entire world. Masters explores one of the prevention strategies and examines six websites aimed at preventing rape.
  • Bachelor of Science in Web Design and Development: Scholarship Application This paper is an example of what an essay for scholarship application is supposed to look like. Namely, for the Bachelor of Science in Web Design and Development.
  • Company Website Design This is a website design report for a software, hardware and network product and services company with a steadily growing client base now in several states across the US.
  • Responsive Website Design Technique Responsive Website Design is a technique of creating websites whose main objective is to provide the best viewing experience for the user who owns a wide range of devices.

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"109 Web Technology Topics." StudyCorgi , 5 June 2022,

StudyCorgi . (2022) '109 Web Technology Topics'. 5 June.

1. StudyCorgi . "109 Web Technology Topics." June 5, 2022.


StudyCorgi . "109 Web Technology Topics." June 5, 2022.

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These essay examples and topics on Web Technology were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on January 9, 2024 .

RTF | Rethinking The Future

20 Types of Architecture thesis topics

web design dissertation topics

An architectural thesis is perhaps the most confusing for a student because of the range of typologies of buildings that exist. It also seems intimidating to pick your site program and do all the groundwork on your own. While choosing an architectural thesis topic, it is best to pick something that aligns with your passion and interest as well as one that is feasible. Out of the large range of options, here are 20 architectural thesis topics .

1. Slum Redevelopment (Urban architecture)

Slums are one of the rising problems in cities where overcrowding is pertinent. To account for this problem would be one of great value to the city as well as the inhabitants of the slum. It provides them with better sanitation and well-being and satisfies their needs.

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheet1

2. Maggie Center (Healthcare architecture)

This particular typology of buildings was coined by a cancer patient,  Margaret Keswick Jencks,   who believed that cancer-treatment centres’ environment could largely improve their health and wellbeing by better design. This led a large number of starchitects to participate and build renowned maggie centres.

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheet2

3. Urban Sprawl Redesign (Urban design)

The widening of city boundaries to accommodate migrants and overcrowding of cities is very common as of late. To design for the constant urban sprawl would make the city life more convenient and efficient for all its users.

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheet3

4. Redesigning Spaces Under Elevated Roads and Metros (Urban infrastructure)

A lot of space tends to become dead space under metros or elevated roads. To use these spaces more efficiently and engage them with the public would make it an exciting thesis topic.

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheet4

5. Urban Parks (Urban landscape)

Urban parks are not only green hubs for the city, which promotes the well-being of the city on a larger level, but they also act as great places for the congregation and bring a community together.

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheet5

6. Reusing Abandoned Buildings (Adaptive reuse)

All buildings after a point become outdated and old but, what about the current old and abandoned buildings? The best way to respond to these is not by demolishing them; given the amount of effort it takes to do so, but to enhance them by restoring and changing the building to current times.

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheet6

7. Farming in Cities (Green urban spaces)

With climate change and population on the rise, there is statistical proof that one needs to start providing farming in cities as there is not sufficient fertile land to provide for all. Therefore, this makes a great thesis topic for students to explore.

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheet7

8. Jails (Civil architecture)

To humanize the function of jails, to make it a place of change and rehabilitation, and break from the stereotypical way of looking at jails. A space that will help society look at prisoners as more than monsters that harm, and as fellow humans that are there to change for everyone’s betterment.

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheet8

9. Police Academies (Civil architecture)

Academies that train people to be authoritative and protective require spaces for training mentally and physically; focussing on the complexity of the academy and focussing on the user to enhance their experience would work in everyone’s favour.

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheet9

10. High Court (Civil architecture)

Courtrooms are more often than not looked at as spaces that people fear, given the longevity of court cases. It can be a strenuous space; therefore, understanding the user groups’ state of mind and the problems faced can be solved using good design. 

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheet10

11. Disaster-resilient structures (Disaster-relief architecture)

Natural disasters are inevitable. Disaster-resilient structures are build suitably for the natural disasters of the region while also incorporating design into it, keeping in mind the climatic nature of the location.

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheet11

12. Biophilic design (Nature-inspired architecture)

As humans, we have an innate love for nature, and the struggle between integrating nature and architecture is what biophilic design aims towards. To pick a topic where one would see minimal use of natural elements and incorporate biophilic design with it would be very beneficial.

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheet12

13. Metro stations and Bus terminals (Transportation spaces)

Bus terminals and metro stations are highly functional spaces that often get crowded; and to account for the crowd and the problems that come with it, plus elevate the experience of waiting or moving, would contribute to making it a good thesis topic.

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheet13

14. Airport design (Transportation spaces)

Airport designing is not very uncommon; however, it is a rather complex program to crack; thereby, choosing this topic provides you with the opportunity to make this space hassle-free and work out the most efficient way to make this conducive for all types of users.

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheetv14

15. Sports Complex (Community architecture)

If your passion lies in sports, this is a go-to option. Each sport is played differently, different materials are used, and the nature of the sport and its audience is rather complicated. However, to combine this and make it a cohesive environment for all kinds of users would make a good thesis topic.

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheet15

16. Stadium (Community architecture)

Unlike a sports complex, one could also pick one sport and look at the finer details, create the setting, and experience for it; by designing it to curate a nice experience for the players, the public, and the management.

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheet16

17. Waste-recycling center (Waste management)

Reducing waste is one of the most fundamental things we must do as humans. Spaces where recycling happens must be designed consciously. Just like any other space, it has been given importance over the years, and this would make a good thesis topic to provide the community with.

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheet17

18. Crematorium (Public architecture)

Cremation of a loved one or anyone for that matter is always a rather painful process and a range of emotions is involved when it comes to this place. Keeping in mind the different types of people and emotions and making your thesis about this would mean to enhance this experience while still keeping the solemnity of it intact.

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheet18

19. Museums (Community architecture)

Museums are spaces of learning, and the world has so much to offer that one could always come up with different typologies of museums and design according to the topic of one’s interest. Some of the examples would be cultural heritage, modern art, museum of senses, and many more.

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheet19

20. Interpretation center (Community architecture)

An interpretation center is a type of museum located near a site of historical, cultural, or natural relevance that provides information about the place of interest through various mediums.

web design dissertation topics


  • 2022. 68 Thesis topics in 5 minutes . [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 March 2022].
  • 2022. Biophilic design: What is it? Why it matters? And how do we use it? | Building Design + Construction . [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 March 2022].
  • RTF | Rethinking The Future. 2022. 20 Thesis topics related to Sustainable Architecture – RTF | Rethinking The Future . [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 March 2022].
  • 2022. A List Of Impressive Thesis Topic Ideas In Architecture . [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 March 2022].

20 Types of thesis topics - Sheet1

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Flora is a student of architecture, with a passion for psychology and philosophy. She loves merging her interests and drawing parallels to solve and understand design problems. As someone that values growth, she uses writing as a medium to share her learning and perspective.

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Graphic Design Dissertation Topics & Titles

Published by Grace Graffin at January 4th, 2023 , Revised On August 16, 2023

Looking for some exciting graphic design research topics for your dissertation? We’ve got you covered. Get your graphic design dissertation topics from our experts.

Whether you’re a student or an active professional, graphics design needs you to be spontaneous. This implies possessing the power to return with distinctive and original work once functioning on a client’s project or a graphic design thesis for your lecturer. It’s one profession that depends entirely on creativity.

Graphic design is in the spotlight everywhere in the United States of America. From easy ad ways that we might read on the TV to advanced animation styles and interactive deposit exhibitions.

This helps to produce an array of various opportunities for finishing a fascinating and innovative graphic design dissertation, with there being a variety of various topic square measures that are prone to more analyses.

A graphic design dissertation is conducted to check your information and learning capabilities. In graphic designing dissertations, you may complete your study on the impacts and effects of style components in varied business sectors of the globe. This may assist you in building an understanding of how things are operating within the skilled world.

If you’re dawdling pondering a groundbreaking graphic designing dissertation topic, then you should stop pondering this much. Bobbing up with a dissertation topic isn’t a piece of cake.

It needs considerable expertise and business information to search out that one drawback already there; however, no one highlighted it. Ideation is a robust method that comes before generating a subject for your dissertation.

Your graphic design thesis topic is barely nearly as good as your graphic-style dissertation plan. Each square measure is interconnected.

So, you’re a graphic designing student with complete command over all the main subjects of your field. However, you have got no clue about the way to write a dissertation. The bulk of graphic planning students can relate to it. To return with a graphic designing dissertation topic, you need information and knowledge of dissertation writing.

Another thing to be mindful of when selecting a topic is the availability of literature since undergraduate and graduate-level dissertations . Unlike PhD. Dissertations, have a smaller scope and do not aim to change course or invent a new concept, so the available literature can be of great help in determining the goal, content, and methodology .

The supporting evidence can help you to fortify and strengthen the arguments presented in your dissertation. At ResearchProspect, we make sure that you choose a topic that is relevant, recent, and interesting. We understand the challenges of being a media student, as with each passing day, something new comes up that takes the world by storm.

Considering the dynamic nature of your subject, our team suggests topics that will help in getting approval you’re your professors instantly. You can also get back to us to either edit the topic or add a few missing elements.

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2022 Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: critical interpretation of the effectiveness of using graphic designing in advanced marketing strategies to increase conversion of the target audience by the uk retailers..

Research Aim: The aim of this study is to critically interpret the effectiveness of using graphic design in advanced marketing strategies to increase conversion of the target audience by UK retailers.


  • To identify the suitability of graphic designing for marketing purposes.
  • To demonstrate the relevance of using graphic designing in advanced marketing to increase conversion of the target audience in the UK retail sector.
  • To provide valid recommendations to UK retailers about how they can strategically use graphic designing in advanced marketing practices aiming to increase conversion of the target audience.

Topic 2: Investigating the growing practice of graphic designing to use visual arts in healthcare, an initiative by the NHS.

Research Aim: The aim of this research study is to investigate the growing practice of graphic design to use visual arts in healthcare. For an insightful understanding, the study will focus on the initiative taken by the NHS.

  • To analyse the relevance of using graphic design to create visual arts specifically for healthcare purposes.
  • To describe the initiative taken by the NHS for creating visual arts with the help of graphic design and their purposeful utilisation in healthcare.
  • To recommend strategies to ensure the best level of use of graphic design for creating visual arts in healthcare thereby meeting the goals of the NHS.

Topic 3: A critical study on the current trend of graphic communication by using graphic designs to strengthen brand identity and recognition in the UK online fashion brands.

Research Aim: The present research study aims to describe the current trend of graphic communication by using graphic designs to strengthen brand identity and recognition in UK online fashion brands.

  • To study the ongoing trend of graphic communication by using graphic designs and their effectiveness.
  • To examine how the UK online fashion brands rely on graphic communication to strengthen brand identity and recognition by using the means of graphic designing.
  • To provide a set of recommendations for ensuring the best level utilisation of graphic designs for improved graphic communication.

Topic 4: Examining the benefits of extensive use of graphic designs in branding to ensure cost and time efficiency in UK SMEs.

Research Aim: The aim of this study is to examine the benefits of extensive use of graphic designs in branding that can ensure cost and time efficiency in UK SMEs.

  • To carry out a discussion on the advantageous effects of graphic designing in the area of marketing.
  • To determine how branding can be improved by using graphic designs, which leads towards cost and time efficiency in UK SMEs.
  • To suggest the best possible strategies and ways of using graphic designs to improve time and cost efficiency in UK SMEs.

Topic 5: Critically analyse the relevance of using 3d printing and CAD software by professional graphic designers referring to the practice in the UK construction industry.

Research Aim: The aim of this study is to analyse the relevance of using 3D printing and CAD software by professional graphic designers. The research study will focus on the activities and use of these technologies in the UK construction industry.

  • To make a clear idea about the use of 3D printing and CAD software by graphic designers.
  • To shed light on the use of 3D printing technology and CAD software used by graphic designers in the UK construction industry.
  • To provide valid recommendations to the UK construction companies for helping graphic designers with the use of 3D printing and CAD software.

Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: graphic design and commercial distinctiveness.

Research aim: This dissertation topic can elaborate on how organizations and companies rely on graphics to be distinctive and different brands in the town. You can also emphasize how significant graphic design is to mould your business and increase more sales.

Topic 2: Role of graphic design in web design development

Research Aim: Graphic design plays a vital role in web development. In your dissertation, you can tell how graphic design appeals to the audience and how it can bring traffic to your website. As a graphic designer, you can also tell the history of web development and the role played by a graphic designer.

Topic 3: Visual Hierarchy in Consumers Preception

Research Aim: Visual Hierarchy is one of the most necessary principles behind attractive web design is the distinction between a website that strategically influences user flow  that “looks nice.”  You can add the importance of visual hierarchy in the design.

Topic 4: Psychology and its effects on Designing:

Research Aim: Psychology data helps build the look which can make users perform the actions they’re expected, like creating an acquisition or contacting the team. Designers may see psychological science as an advanced approach to enhance the look.

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Topic 5: Challenges in graphic designing

Research Aim: There are many challenges that graphic design faces in the industry. You can highlight topics such as Visual Branding and Project direction in your dissertation.

Topic 6: Photographic theory and graphic design.

Research Aim: In this dissertation topic, you can explain which tools are used by graphic designers and photographers. For what purpose tools are used, and what are the similarities in them.

Topic 7: Graphic design in Great Britain of 1978.

Research Aim: In this dissertation topic, you can discuss the evolution of graphic design during this period of Great Britain in 1978. Discuss how these movements increased the passion for graphic design and what its impact was on youth.

Topic 8: The evolution of graphic design in the 20th century.

Research Aim: In this research paper, you can elaborate on how graphic designing was introduced in the 20th century. How people took it, and how did graphic designing become popular.

Topic 9: Graphic design and corporate identity

Research Aim: You can discuss how graphic designing helped in the evolution of corporate identity. Discuss how brand logos helped increase companies sales by graphic designing, also add a part to empower people towards graphic designing.

Topic 10: Graphic design and mass communication

Research Aim: In this dissertation topic, you can tell how graphic design helps send messages to others by different means, i-e: images or videos. You can also discuss how graphic design works in marketing and how far it is successful.

Topic 11: Graphic design with a low budget

Research Aim: Discuss in your dissertation paper the possibilities to create a graphic product with a low budget. You can also name some companies or individuals who make graphic design on a low budget.

Topic 12: Influence of TV on Graphic Design

Research Aim: There was a need for visual language at the time of TV birth .  Many individuals worked on this and set the standards that still influence what is shown on TV.

Topic 13: Computer graphic designers

Research Aim: This would be the best topic to discuss how computer graphic designers helped increase the scope of graphic designing. Does this profession still attract people? Does this profession still worth it?

Topic 14: Paul Rand and his graphic design

Research Aim: In this dissertation paper, you may write about this well-known graphic designer who created many memorable logos and made many contributions to graphic designing. You can also quote other designers too who can be an inspiration for others.

Topic 15: Trends in Graphic Designing

Research Aim: Graphic design has so much innovation from the last decade till now. In your dissertation topic, you can discuss some main trends like 3d design and typography, Art deco and Isometric design etc.

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Topic 16: Women and graphic designing

Research Aim: Women have fought for equal chances in every field, like leadership, economic platforms, and politics. You can elaborate on how women are more creative and how they are taking part in graphic designing and making marks.

Topic 17: Development of career path in graphic designing

Research Aim: In your dissertation paper, you can tell that the typical graphic designer career path starts with the junior designer, which leads to senior designers, art directors, motion artists, web developers, and many more careers. You can empower youth to opt for these professions.

Topic 18: Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Graphic Design

Research Aim: AI is one of the most demanding and latest niches in IT. You can elaborate on how AI to help designers to make designs faster, efficiently, and cheaply. Moreover, you can talk about how AI can also take over designing and neglect humanly efforts.

Topic 19: How Graphic Design Revolutionized Product Packaging

Research Aim: Appealing and fanaticizing product packaging can play an essential role in increasing your sales. You can tell how packaging can attract consumers to buy the product. For example, vibrant colours are used in cosmetic packaging

Topic 20: Website Design and Sales

Research Aim: Improving your website’s style will boost its credibility, which will cause multiplied sales for your company. You can add how an appealing website can make your sales double or more increased .

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find graphic design dissertation topics.

To find graphic design dissertation topics:

  • Research recent design trends.
  • Analyze design challenges or innovations.
  • Explore cultural or social aspects.
  • Review design history and theory.
  • Consider cross-disciplinary ideas.
  • Select a topic that resonates with your passion and career aspirations.

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