phd training programmes fhmlmumc

UM general PhD trainings

After completion of (all) the online module(s) of each theme, the PhD candidate should register for a multidisciplinary session connected to the theme. There are on site and online multidisciplinary sessions. External PhD candidates who do not have the opportunity to attend on site sessions, can attend the online sessions. The online modules are open to anyone, but the multidisciplinary sessions are reserved for PhD students of Maastricht University.

Graduate schools or faculties may offer additional courses. Participation in the UM general PhD trainings does not exempt PhD students from participating in any other mandatory courses.

Please read the practical information below, for more information and instructions

Practical information about the UM general PhD trainings

A training programme has been set up at the initiative of the Research Platform (a meeting of the Vice Deans of research, chaired by the rector) and in collaboration with the graduate schools. All PhD candidates are highly encouraged to participate in the training programme. It is mandatory to participate for internal and external PhD candidates that started after January 1 st 2024. For some graduate schools or research institutes, it was already obligatory at an earlier date.

The UM general PhD trainings focus on three themes that are of interest to all PhDs of Maastricht University. Each theme is addressed in online module(s) and an interactive multidisciplinary session. In these sessions, PhD candidates of different disciplines can exchange views and broaden their perspective on the themes. Because of the basic nature of the training courses, we advise the PhD candidates to schedule them in the first year of their PhD. PhD candidates who are at a more advanced stage of their PhD track are also welcome to follow the training courses. The online modules are open to anyone, but the multidisciplinary sessions are reserved for PhD students of Maastricht University.

Please only subscribe to the multidisciplinary sessions, when all online modules associated with one theme have been completed. There are on site and online multidisciplinary sessions. External PhD candidates who do not have the opportunity to attend on site sessions, can attend the online sessions.

PhD candidates receive a certificate after participating in the multidisciplinary session.

In case of any questions, you can e-mail  [email protected]

Research Ethics and Integrity

Online module

Interactive, multidisciplinary session

Sign up for the multidisciplinary session when all online modules have been completed

Open Science

Online modules

Science Communication

Other suggested courses for phd candidates.

phd training programmes fhmlmumc

Congratulations! You are about to start your PhD program at the Department of Surgery within the Maastricht University (UM). We want to welcome you at Department of Surgery and provide you with some tips and tricks for a successful PhD program. This Department of Surgery PhD guide is aimed at informing PhD candidates and their supervisors within Department of Surgery about our PhD policy. It offers information about organizational aspects, PhD courses, conferences, supervision, annual interviews, monitoring of the progress of the PhD project, and about the PhD defense.

logo um mumc

The Department of Surgery

The Department of Surgery has a long tradition in translational research. Problems encountered in the daily clinical care of patients are translated into research questions that are experimentally addressed in our laboratories using patient-derived materials and/or via small interventions during surgery. Insights gained from these studies aim to improve patient care and treatment options of patients. Basic and translational research at our department focuses on disorders of all surgical perspectives.

The scientific staff of the Department of Surgery actively participates in diverse courses of the bachelor's and master's programs of the Medicine and Biomedical Sciences curricula of FHML. Staff members have coordinating roles, provide lectures, act as a tutor during Problem-Based Learning, and guide students during internships. A variety of internships for medical and biomedical students is offered by each of our research programs.

There are several divisions within the department of Surgery: 

Secretary and administrations

Nicole Hermans is responsible for issuing the Umcards and also office spaces at the UM to new PhD-students. [email protected]

The Surgery secretariary is responsible for issuing MUMC+ cards, SAP access and other licenses. [email protected]

You can contact Nicole (UM) or Sabeth (MUMC+) for administrative questions. If you are in need for office supplies, think of office basics like paper, notebooks, toner, folders, mailing supplies, writing instruments but also computers or laptops, please ask the secretary for advice.

Research Schools

A phd program at the department of surgery.

The general aim of the PhD program is to encounter in the daily clinical care of patients are translated into research questions that are experimentally addressed in our laboratories using patient-derived materials and/or via small interventions during surgery. The PhD candidate will be trained to take ownership of its own research project and, as a result, becomes an independent scientific researcher. The PhD candidates receive supervision from highly experienced and internationally acknowledged scientific researchers associated with the Department of Surgery, supervised by their specific professor.

The main objective of the PhD candidate is to perform scientific research (typically a series of experimental studies), resulting in a PhD thesis. A PhD thesis consists of a summary of the work performed within the PhD project. This experimental research can be published in peer reviewed international journals. Guidelines for publishing your research are different for each journal and can be found on the journal’s website. PhD deliverables differ per project and will be discussed within the team of supervisors at the start of the PhD project. In addition, the PhD thesis includes an introductory chapter and a conclusion chapter. The UM also requires that the PhD thesis contains a valorization chapter. The PhD program of the Department of Surgery is led by their specific professor and daily supervisors (co-promotors). An overview of the monitoring system of a PhD candidate in The Department of Surgery is shown below. All related forms can be found in the PhD guide folder on the server.

Table 1. PhD monitoring system at DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY

Documentation at the start of the PhD Program

At the start of each PhD project, a PhD research plan is filled out which contains a detailed description of the PhD project (including several subprojects). This document is signed by the PhD candidate, the promoters/supervisors, and a member from the HR office of the FHML at the start of the PhD project. The PhD candidates will upload their plan in PhD TRACK. You can find your track under the section “Monitoring of progress in TRACK”. Here you will find the different weblinks to the research school.

No later than twelve weeks after the start of each PhD project, a Training and supervision plan is filled out and signed by the PhD candidate and the team of promoters. This PhD Training and supervision plan contains PhD project details, the studies to be conducted, the team of promoters/supervisors, and the planning of the studies that need to be fulfilled by the PhD candidate. Aspects such as teaching, courses, conferences and other obligations are also included in this plan. This document is signed at the start of the PhD project by the PhD candidate, the promotor, supervisors, and a member of the HR department of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life sciences (FHML). The PhD candidate will upload her plan in PhD TRACK. More information about supervision of the PhD candidate, as well as the method to monitor progress in the PhD project, you can find under under the section “Monitoring of progress in TRACK”.

Duration of PhD program

A regular (full-time) PhD candidate in The Netherlands needs on average four years to finish the PhD thesis (extension is possible in case of delay for reasons outside of the research such as pregnancy, maternity/paternity leave). It is important that at the start of each PhD project the starting and end date are carefully estimated and determined.

During all steps of the PhD project, supervision will be provided (e.g., feedback during the writing process, methodological advice on data analysis, etc.) by means of face to face meetings, or for external PhD candidates via email, Skype, and telephone. Two (min.) or three (max.) supervisors are involved. Normally, one promotor (professors) and one co-promotor (daily supervisor) are assigned to each PhD project. Together they are responsible for monitoring and stimulating the progress and quality of the project. In the case of external collaborations, the PhD candidates are assigned a local supervisor (holding a PhD degree). When a supervisory committee for specific reasons wishes to include more than 3 members, approval from the dean needs to be obtained.

PhD candidates schedule (proactively) a one-hour meeting with their promoters (professors) approximately once every month. The PhD candidate submits an agenda for the meetings and documents to be discussed and makes a short memo about the appointments that have been made. Normally, the co-promoter and/or the daily supervisor organize regular supervision meetings with the PhD candidate. PhD candidates schedule about one meeting a week with their daily supervisor of approximately one hour. In addition, contact with the daily supervisor is desirable in case of questions. The hours specified for supervision hold for PhD candidates with a contract of at least 0.8 full-time equivalents (fte). PhD candidates who work less hours on their PhD receive a proportional number of hours for supervision per week. Furthermore, it is important to keep in mind that the numbers of hours of supervision per week might differ throughout the PhD project. At a later stage of the PhD project, the PhD candidate might need fewer amounts of contact hours. In the case of an external collaboration, meetings will be organized with the external experts in the field to discuss progress and outlook of the PhD trajectory.

Besides face to face progress meetings with their supervisors, the PhD candidate is also required to present its research in weekly and/or monthly group meetings.

Progress of the PhD project is monitored by the PhD candidate and his/her team through the online program TRACK. To access this program, select your school below:

All PhD students receive a TRACK account at the start of their project and are asked to complete missing information. They also upload their Training and Supervision Plan and Personal Research Plan within 12 weeks after the starting date. Once a year, a questionnaire is sent out to the PhD to evaluate progress. The content of the questionnaire is afterwards discussed in a PhD evaluation meeting with the supervisors.

A PhD coordinator is available for all PhD candidates involved in the Department of Surgery. These coordinators can be found under specific school in which you work in (see section Research Schools).

The PhD coordinator has the following responsibilities: to inform the PhD candidates about the PhD policy, about PhD courses, supervision of PhD candidates and about teaching obligations of the PhD candidates. These topics will also be discussed in this PhD guide. The PhD coordinator can also be contacted by PhD candidates and PhD supervisors when problems are encountered within the PhD project.

The PhD coordinator is also responsible for use of the monitoring system TRACK. Furthermore, a confidential PhD counselor is available for PhD candidates within your research school. PhD candidates can discuss matters with the confidential counselor that they prefer not to discuss with their supervisors or with the PhD coordinator. The confidential counselor will treat all information confidentially. PhD candidates are recommended, if possible, to first discuss their concerns with their supervisors and to search with their team of supervisors for solutions if problems are experienced. However, if there are particular issues that they would not like to discuss with their supervisors or if they need advice on how to discuss a difficult topic with their supervisors, there is always the possibility to discuss it with the PhD confidential counselor of your research school. In case of serious conflicts, it is also possible to consult the confidential office of Maastricht University.

PhD courses

Each PhD candidate is entitled to follow courses as part of the PhD program. Below, we have listed suggestions for these courses which are offered by UM and/or Department of Surgery. The PhD candidate can always suggest courses and summer schools offered externally and discuss this with its supervision team.

Each PhD candidate is entitled to follow courses as part of the PhD program. There are several mandatory online modules for internal and external UM PhD candidates. Which can be found under the following weblink:  For more information and instructions, read the practical information page. In case of any questions, you can e-mail:  [email protected]  

Each PhD candidate is entitled to follow suggested courses as part of the PhD program. Below, we have listed suggestions for these courses which are offered by UM and/or Department of Surgery. The PhD candidate can always suggest courses and summer schools offered externally and discuss this with its supervision team.

Relevant PhD courses for PhD candidates are offered by Maastricht University. The most relevant face-to-face courses are: English writing skills for the Sciences (part I), English writing skills for the Sciences (part II), Presentation skills in English, and Self-management for first year PhD candidates. These and more PhD courses can be found on the webpage of UM’s Staff Development Centre.

The career centre at Maastricht University also offers career management courses for PhD-candidates in the last year of their PhD project. A three or four-day long course is offered as well as possibilities for individual coaching and advice.

Information about these courses can be found at the following websites:

PhD training programs:

Current PhDs:

An increasing number of PhD courses are offered online, such as ‘Online PhD writing course’ offered by the Language Center and some of the short courses provided by the University Library. You can find these courses in the overview on the websites above.

If you are a clinical researcher at the MUMC+ and involved in medical research that belongs to the Medical Research in Human Subjects Act (WMO)? Then you must follow the compulsory Basic Course in Regulations and Organization for Clinical Researchers (BROK®), which was developed on the initiative of the NFU.

If you want to participate in research with animal testing, there is a strict legislation and regulation. Information can be found under the following link:

Good Clinical Practice

This online course is based on the investigator’s responsibilities as documented in chapter 4 of ICH GCP E6(R2). Learn everything you need to know to master the investigator responsibilities of ICH GCP for international clinical trials via this highly interactive, self-paced, and certified GCP e-learning course, aimed at site staff. Includes 6 interactive modules and a test of 25 questions.

Conferences and grants

Besides developing scientific skills through courses, the PhD candidate is also obliged to present its research at national and international conferences. Ask your daily supervisor or the research team which conferences are important and valuable for your own research topic. The selection of the conference that can be attended should be discussed with the supervision team of the PhD candidate. Own suggestions are always open for discussion with the supervisors. The PhD candidate is strongly requested to apply for an oral presentation.

Throughout the PhD program, the PhD candidate will face opportunities to apply for grants. This can appear when attending a conference or summer school or offered by an internal/external organization. These opportunities should always be taken by the PhD candidate to try receiving funding (whether this is for travel or research). How to apply for such a grant differs per opportunity. Examples of grants to apply for are: ZonMw, NOW, Eurostars, EIT. When the PhD candidate wants to apply for a grant, there will be guidance from the supervision team. At the UM’s Grant Office, Eva Rijkers is the contact person (email: [email protected] ).

Health and safety at work

UM is dedicated to providing staff with a healthy and safe work environment. More information on work safety and health & vitality can be found via the link below.

Everyone has times of feeling less comfortable in their own skin, which can be expressed in various ways. In case you do not feel comfortable talking to your supervisor, a colleague, or the confidential PhD counselor, UM psychologists are here to help you. Various services are offered such as a walk-in for a quick psychological referral. More information about these services can be found via these links:

Contact with patients or human material (blood, tissue, etc.) induces a risk of infection with the hepatitis B virus. Employees or trainees at the university having contact with persons or human material are at risk of infection. Therefore, the university is giving you the option to get vaccinated against Hepatitis B. The cost is covered by the university. In case you are interested, you can fill in the form on the website:

In case accidents happen, please report within 24 hours via the ‘Accidents and incidents registration form’ on the website:

Teaching and other responsibilities

UM is known for teaching in a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) system. The Department of Surgery is participating in UM teaching and let its employees (including PhD candidates) take part in these activities. The PhD candidate will complete two PBL teaching courses offered by UM prior to participation in teaching activities. More details can be found here:

Teaching hours are registered in BROS, the education staff registration system within the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences for Budgeting, Recruitment and Realisation of Education. You can create an account and check your hours via the following website:

Maastricht University has a surgery lab. Acclimatized laboratories house state of the art mass spectrometers and high performance liquid chromatographic equiment dedicated to support clinical and basic (bio)chemical research questions. Innovative immunological assays, many of which are developed in-house, are widely used throughout the scientific community. The facilities, operated by experienced researchers, are not only open for support of internal research, but also for collaboration and/or contract research for both scientific and/or commercial partners. Besides the lab activities, each PhD candidate has lab responsibilities, such as cleaning duties and instrument responsibilities. These responsibilities are compulsory for all group members and are necessary to run a well-organized and safe work environment for each Department of Surgery employee, including the PhD candidate.

With regards to the use of lab instrumentation, the Department of Surgery has a training by Mohammed Hadfoune. He can arrange this training and can guide you through the lab. He can also give you access to the Surgery Lab.

Choose the corresponding department of Surgery division related to the instrumentation you want to use. Important note: The instrumental infrastructure cannot be used without proper training received from the instrument responsible person. This also means that a safety training will be given to the PhD candidate prior to the experimental work.

Acquired data is stored on the network server of the Department of Surgery. This server is serviced by the IT department of UM and a back-up of this server is taken frequently. This means no double copies of data have to be stored. To keep the IMS server organized, the following folder structure is maintained in the General folder: Lastname_Firstname.

At the UMployee page ( ) you can find your personal profile and sick leave and reintegration or your salary statement,  including your annual tax statement. Via this website, you can also file reimbursements or request an advance payment. The department of Surgery members are all registered in the who-is-who and you can find contacts easily. 

You can regularly incur costs when working for Maastricht University (UM). Examples include travel expenses or the costs of conferences or work visits you want to claim back.

As a PhD candidate you have the option to exchange either hours of overtime or salary for the following time or monetary resources:

  • Sabbatical leave
  • Flexible work duration
  • Parental leave
  • Additional pension deposits
  • Company fitness
  • Labor or trade union contribution
  • Life insurance (if applicable)

More details can be found in the following document:

The university supports the environment and your personal health by offering you a bicycle plan. Details can be found on the following website:

To buy a bike using the Fietsplan for UM, you can use their flowchart:

You can, for example use your spare vacation hours, vacation money or year-end bonus to pay for the bike.

Posters can be printed via the following website. Please, keep in mind it might take some days before you receive the poster. A rushed order will increase the costs.!/Storefront

PhD thesis and PhD defense ceremony

At the final stage of the PhD program, the PhD candidate has to write and defend its PhD thesis. The research chapters in the thesis will be conducted by the research performed throughout the 4 years. 

Printing of the PhD thesis can be done at an official publisher (such as or ). You can decide yourself where you would like to have it printed. Once the team of supervisors agrees that the PhD thesis is of sufficient quality, it will be presented to an Assessment Committee consisting of several independent and external assessors. However, first it will be checked for plagiarism. The results will only be communicated by the Dean and first supervisor. The Assessment Committee will assess the quality of the thesis and will decide within four weeks whether the thesis is of sufficient quality to be defended at Maastricht University.

As a final step, the thesis has to be presented and publicly defended in a one-hour session in which members of the Assessment Committee, who approved the thesis before it could be admitted for defense, and one or two other examiners question the author of the thesis on various aspects of the research. The defense is an open ceremony and may be attended by relatives, friends, and colleagues of the candidate. The PhD degree from Maastricht University is awarded after the ceremony. The PhD candidate is only allowed to make a reservation for the day of the defense at Maastricht University after the external Assessment Committee has approved the PhD proposal.

The whole approval procedure, starting with submission of the thesis to the Assessment Committee and ending with the PhD defense ceremony, takes at least 20 weeks. The PhD candidate is allowed a compensation for the costs associated with the defense ceremony (printing the dissertation and reception costs), to a maximum of €2000. Maastricht University will reimburse a portion of the printing costs of the PhD dissertation to the extent that UM will purchase ten copies of the dissertation at a rate of €0.36 per page.

PhD candidates are encouraged to discuss their career development with their promoters and supervisors and are encouraged to subscribe for the PhD career management courses offered by Maastricht University. If the PhD project is not finished within the contract period, the PhD candidate will not receive an extension of the appointment.

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  • Published: 06 December 2018

Building a career planning course for STEM PhDs

  • Jean Branan 1 ,
  • Xinrui Li 2 &
  • Ryan Wheeler 1  

Nature Biotechnology volume  36 ,  pages 1217–1219 ( 2018 ) Cite this article

2424 Accesses

7 Citations

19 Altmetric

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Incorporating career development into PhD course offerings can help biomedical students better understand themselves, as well as the job market, and to adopt a 'can-do' attitude in developing their own paths.

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Alberts, B., Kirschner, M.W., Tilghman, S. & Varmus, H. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111 , 5773–5777 (2014).

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Stephan, P. Nature 484 , 29–31 (2012).

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The Next Generation of Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences Researchers: Breaking Through (National Academies Press, 2018).

Roach, M. & Sauermann, H. PLoS One 12 , e0184130 (2017).

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Ibarra, H. Working Identity: Unconventional Strategies for Reinventing Your Career (Harvard Business School Press, 2003).

Williams Castro, F. Building a better nonacademic career panel. Chronicle Vitae (26 June 2014).

California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Stem cell elevator pitch challenge. (2018).

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The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of former Scripps Research Career and Postdoctoral Services Office staff members B. Konnick and M. Matrone in designing and administering the course. Additionally, we thank D. Eastmond and P. Dawson in Scripps Research's Skaggs Graduate School for their support. Finally, we acknowledge our University of California, San Diego colleagues who lead the university's Questioning Career Transition Group, which helped inspire the Scripps Research course.

Author information

Authors and affiliations.

Jean Branan and Ryan Wheeler are in the Career and Postdoctoral Services Office, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California, USA.,

Jean Branan & Ryan Wheeler

Xinrui Li is in the Career and Postdoctoral Services Office, The Scripps Research Institute, Jupiter, Florida, USA.,

You can also search for this author in PubMed   Google Scholar

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Correspondence to Ryan Wheeler .

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Competing interests.

The authors declare no competing financial interests.

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Branan, J., Li, X. & Wheeler, R. Building a career planning course for STEM PhDs. Nat Biotechnol 36 , 1217–1219 (2018).

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Published : 06 December 2018

Issue Date : December 2018


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phd training programmes fhmlmumc

Medical Scientist Training Program (M.D.-Ph.D.)

General info.

  • Faculty working with students: Varies; students choose mentors from the basic science departments in the School of Medicine, graduate science departments in the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Engineering, the Sanford School of Public Policy, Fuqua School of Business, and the Duke Global Health Initiative.
  • Students: 67
  • Students receiving Financial Aid: 100%
  • Part time study available: No
  • Test required: MCAT
  • Application deadlines

Medical Scientist Training Program Box 102005 Duke University Medical Center Durham, NC 27710 (919) 684-2412

Email:  [email protected]


Program Description

The Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) is an NIH-funded dual-degree program designed for highly qualified students interested in careers in medical science and/or academic medicine. Students earn both M.D. and Ph.D. degrees. The program takes advantage of the Duke University School of Medicine's unique third-year research program in which the third year of medical school serves as the first year of graduate school, shortening the total time to the dual degree by one year.

Completion of the Ph.D. generally takes four to five years, after which the student returns for the fourth year of medical school. The dissertation research is typically conducted in one of the School of Medicine's basic science graduate programs, in Ph.D. degree-granting departments in the College of Arts and Sciences, or in the School of Engineering, although study in any doctoral program within the Graduate School is allowed. Departments/programs typically chosen by MSTP students for their dissertation research include:

  • Biochemistry
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Cell Biology
  • Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
  • Molecular Cancer Biology
  • Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
  • Neurobiology
  • Pharmacology

New opportunities for Ph.D. studies also exist:

  • A Ph.D. in the Fuqua School of Business is ideal for medical students interested in conducting research in decision making, behavioral economics and in more traditional business disciplines (such as marketing and finance) as they apply to medical practice.
  • Although a Ph.D. does not exist in Global Health, doctoral studies can be performed in laboratories associated with Duke's Global Health Institute.

Graduates of the program have a wide range of career opportunities in clinical medicine, academic medicine, biological sciences, and other biomedical research settings. Financial support for students comes from a variety of sources including the School of Medicine, the Graduate School, Ph.D. mentors, endowed fellowships, and a Medical Scientist Training Program training grant from the NIH.

Other Requirements

Prospective students submit applications simultaneously to both the School of Medicine M.D. program and the MSTP. Applicants who are not admitted to MSTP are still eligible for admission to the MD only program. A few students are admitted to the MSTP from the second- and third-year School of Medicine classes. Students should contact the MSTP office, [email protected] , for information about application procedures for this mid-level entry into the program.

List of Graduate School Programs and Degrees

Applying to MD-PhD Programs

New section.

Are you considering a MD-PhD program? Here the basics about applying to MD-PhD programs to help you get started.

The MD-PhD dual degree training prepares you for a career that is busy, challenging, and rewarding, and offers opportunities to do good for many people by advancing medical science, developing new diagnostics and treatments for diseases, and pushing back the boundaries of the unknown.

How do I know if a combined program is right for me?

MD-PhD programs are specifically designed for those who want to become physician-researchers, also known as physician-scientists. Graduates of MD-PhD programs often go on to become faculty members at medical schools, universities, and research institutes such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

MD-PhD program students are being prepared for careers in which they will spend most of their time doing research in addition to caring for patients. It is critical that applicants have a passion for doing both—most MD-PhD graduates feel strongly that they would not be fulfilled by only pursuing medicine or science.

How do I apply?

Nearly all MD-PhD programs participate in the application process via the American Medical College Application Service® (AMCAS®) . On the AMCAS application, students designate themselves as MD-PhD applicants and complete two additional essays: one related to why they are interested in MD-PhD training, and the other highlighting their significant research experiences.

What schools offer this type of program?

Nationwide, there are more than 90 MD-PhD programs affiliated with medical schools. The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) supports Medical Scientist Training Programs or MSTPs. They currently provide training grants that partially support MD-PhD programs at 49 degree-granting institutions. You can see which schools offer MD-PhD degrees in the  Medical School Admission Requirements  profiles under “Combined Degrees and Special Programs.” You can also review  Individual MD-PhD Program Information for Prospective Applicants  for easy access to individual MD-PhD program websites.

How long does it take?

Students enter an integrated curriculum that typically takes seven to eight years to complete. During which time, they satisfy the full requirements for both the MD and the PhD degrees.

What kind of work can I do? How much time is spent as an MD? As a researcher?

According to a  study of MD-PhD program outcomes , nearly 80 percent of graduates are following career paths consistent with the goals of their training, including working as full-time faculty in academic medical centers or for the NIH, research institutes, industry, and federal agencies. Those in academia, spend between 50 and 80 percent of their time conducting research, though this can vary by specialty. Their research may be lab-based, translational, or clinical. The remaining time is often divided between clinical service, teaching, and administrative activities.

MD-PhD Application Timeline

AMCAS application opens:  May preceding the year of expected entry Applicants interviewed:  October–March Final decisions sent to applicants:  December–March Applicants revisit program(s) to decide where to matriculate:  March–April MD-PhD programs start:  June–August

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Trisha Kaundinya | January 13, 2021

When I was in college, I was in a premed “bubble” a lot of the time. I took many of my courses and labs alongside hundreds of other aspiring physicians. I would see the same people throughout my academic day, and sometimes even outside of the lecture hall. Because of this, I unintentionally overheard conversations […]

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Medical Scientist Training Program

Faculty member holds up a microscope slide and discusses it with a student

Become a physician-scientist with the clinical and research tools you need to change medicine. 

The Medical Scientist Training Program  combines medical and research education, leading to both the MD and PhD degrees. This allows you to address a patient's medical struggles while also pursuing research that may define the mechanism of the patient's disease.

As a physician-scientist, you'll have an intimate understanding of the entire health care process, from bench to bedside, from community to public policy. Plus, in addition to contributing to the clinical care of patients, you will advance research through testing novel hypotheses and communicating your findings, locally and nationally.

Through the Medical Scientist Training Program, you'll pursue your MD from our medical college  and your PhD from a wide variety of graduate programs . You do not have to select the research lab nor department prior to joining the MD-PhD program.

This MD-PhD program is highly competitive and admits only five or six students each year. Student support is provided by a T32 grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences.

Learn about the MD-PhD Program

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Contact Brianna Simmons

Educational Programs Administrator

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Programme

In response to the need for more PhD holders within Uganda, Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) and Uganda Technology and Management University (UTAMU) developed a joint institutional capacity building programme initially focusing on PhD training by research. This programme is being expanded to include other Universities in Uganda that are interested in joint PhD programmes where quality and other issues related to PhD training are jointly monitored. It will also be expanded to PhD training by coursework and research where individual partnering universities can design their individual PhDs.

Scope of the PhD Programme

The joint PhD programme cover the following disciplines;

  • PhD in Computing
  • PhD in Business Administration
  • PhD in Educational Administration and Planning
  • PhD in Development Studies

Minimum Entry Requirements

  • An Honors degree from an accredited degree awarding institution
  • A Masters’ degree from an accredited degree awarding institution
  • A Concept paper which the candidate shall be required to present orally
  • Curriculum Vitae of proposed supervisor(s)

Fees Structure

Name of PhD ProgrammeDuration (Years)Ugandan and EAC StudentsInternational Students
PhD in Computing31,270,0003,500,0002,540,0007,000,000
PhD in Business Administration31,270,0003,500,0002,540,0007,000,000
PhD in Educational Administration and Planning31,270,0003,000,0002,540,0006,000,000
PhD in Development Studies31,270,0003,000,0002,540,0006,000,000

PAYMENT OF APPLICATIONS: The application fee of UGX 100,000/= for Ugandan and E.A.C Students and UGX 200,000/= for International students.

Minimum Graduation Requirements

To qualify for graduation, a PhD student shall spend a minimum of  three (3) years  on the PhD programme and shall also  publish at least 2 peer reviewed (refereed) publications  in either a journal or published book out of the PhD research. The other requirements are stipulated in the Graduate Student Handbook.


The main supervisor shall be a PhD holder in the same discipline and with at least two years of research experience after the PhD and should have published at least three papers in either referenced journals or as book chapters in a book with an ISBN number published by a recognized publisher. The detailed guidelines on supervision as indicated in the Graduate Student Handbook shall apply. Flexibility may be possible beyond the guidelines specified by the handbook on a case by case basis.

Thesis and Dissertation Guidelines

  • Guidelines of Concept Paper Development
  • Guidelines for Proposal and Dissertation at UTAMU
  • PhD Supervision Guidelines

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2024 Best Online PhD in Training and Development [Doctorate Guide]

A PhD in Training and Development helps you develop your expertise in driving high performance and positive change in both individuals and organizations.

Best Online PhD in Training and Development

This program combines adult learning, organizational leadership, and human resource development, so graduates are often well equipped to take on high-level roles. Every industry needs training and development professionals, especially as continuous learning becomes the norm.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

With a PhD, you can advance your career further, produce original research, and gain expertise in a field that’s increasingly in-demand for organizations of all types.

Universities Offering Online PhD in Training and Development Degree Program

Methodology: The following school list is in alphabetical order. To be included, a college or university must be regionally accredited and offer degree programs online or in a hybrid format.

Baylor University

Baylor University offers an EdD in Learning and Organizational Change. The program requires 54 credit hours and typically takes 3 years to complete. It is mostly online but does include two immersions. Online courses are designed to be flexible but still interactive. Applicants do not need to have master’s degrees or GRE or GMAT scores.

Baylor University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Colorado State University

Colorado State University offers an online program for a PhD in Organizational Learning, Performance, and Change. The program requires 60 credits to graduate, and most students can finish within 4 years. Coursework includes Workforce Development, Scenario Planning in Organizations, Theory Building in Applied Disciplines, and more.

Colorado State University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Kansas State University

Kansas State University offers a Doctorate in Adult Learning and Leadership. This hybrid online and in-person program requires 90 credit hours. Courses are 8 to 14 weeks long. There are two specific courses that must be completed on campus, but they are offered during the summer.

Kansas State University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Louisiana State University – Shreveport

Louisiana State University—Shreveport offers an online program for a Doctor of Education in Leadership Studies. Concentrations are available in Leadership Studies, Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management, and Health Communication and Leadership. The program requires 63 credit hours, and multiple start dates are available each year. Courses are taught by faculty with real-world experience.

Louisiana State University – Shreveport is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Northwestern State University of Louisiana

Northwestern State University of Louisiana offers an online program for a Doctor of Education in Adult Learning and Development. Students can choose a concentration in Community College Leadership or Adult Learning and Workforce Development. During the fall and spring, Northwestern offers 8 week, fast-track classes.

Northwestern State University of Louisiana is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Rivier University

Rivier University offers an online program for an EdD in Leadership and Learning. The program requires 51 credit hours and usually takes 3 years to complete. Each course is 7 weeks long, with a total of six terms per year. Students can begin work on their dissertations during their first year. The program is intended for working professionals.

Rivier is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education.

University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign

The University of Illinois—Urbana Champaign offers a Doctor of Education in Education Policy, Organization, and Leadership. Students in the program can choose from a variety of concentrations, including Diversity and Equity in Education, Global Studies in Education, Human Resource Development, and more.

The University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

University of North Texas

The University of North Texas offers a Doctor of Philosophy in Learning Technologies. The program is available both on campus and online. Online students are required to attend an annual in-person meeting in the fall but can otherwise complete requirements from anywhere on their own schedule. For both online and on-campus students, new cohorts begin every fall.

The University of North Texas is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Vanderbilt University

Vanderbilt University offers a Doctor of Education in Leadership and Learning in Organizations. The program is intended for mid-career professionals. Online classes meet weekly via webcam. Students must complete 54 credit hours and a capstone project to graduate. Courses include Leading Inclusive Organizations, Economics of Human Resources, and Data Science.

Vanderbilt University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Walden University

Walden University offers a Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership and Development. The program is mostly online but does include one academic residency. Coursework includes Leading the Future of Education, Tools for Doctoral Research Success, Organizational Decision Making and Judgment, Qualitative Reasoning and Analysis, and more.

Walden University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Online PhD in Training and Development Degree Programs

Online PhD in Training & Development Degree Programs

An online PhD in Training and Development is an intensive doctoral program that studies both human and organizational behavior. Ultimately, training and development aims to empower people by enhancing their knowledge and skills, which often leads to professional growth and positive results for their organizations.

Students of this PhD program are required to be working professionals with at least a few years of experience in the field. The program does involve plenty of research, but the focus is on applying theories and findings to create evidence-based solutions for workplace challenges.

Training and development PhD programs are offered in several concentrations, such as global training and development, organizational development, adult learning, and human resource development. Here are some topics that this type of program might tackle:

  • Cultural diversity in the workplace
  • Optimizing performance using technology
  • Effective methods for adult learning
  • Adapting training programs for a global workforce
  • Creating a healthy company culture
  • Implementing efficient management processes
  • Addressing complex leadership dilemmas

During the first part of this doctoral program, you’ll take advanced coursework in human resource development, adult learning, career development, and other foundational topics.

Since organizations today are diverse, you can examine real-life challenges across all sorts of settings, including corporate companies, global corporations, startups, and government agencies. Much of your PhD will likely be spent working on a dissertation, where you’ll be supervised by professors with the same research interests.

As preparation for your dissertation, you’ll take several courses on research design for the social sciences as well as qualitative and quantitative research methods. Since you’ll be producing your own original research, you can effectively become a specialist in the training and development field by the time you finish your PhD.

A PhD in Training and Development can be adaptable to your career goals because you’ll have plenty of freedom to decide on your research interests. Graduates typically lead training and development initiatives in companies, work in management positions, or provide organizational consulting. Others may teach in universities or mentor executives and other professionals in taking their performance to the next level.

Common Doctorate in Training and Development Specializations

Doctorate in Training and Development Specializations

Since training and development is a broad field, doctorate in learning and development degrees offer various specializations, such as:

  • Human Resources Development . One of the most common PhD specializations, human resources development is all about training and motivating employees to improve their productivity, abilities, and knowledge. This involves practices like mentoring, coaching, online courses, tuition assistance, and workshops. The end goal is to promote growth in both employees and the organization as a whole.
  • Organizational Development . With an organizational development PhD program, you’ll specialize in managing and refining the processes of an entire organization. Human resource development is one part of this. It also includes making overall communication more seamless, coming up with more innovative and effective products, and removing unnecessary expenses.
  • Adult Learning and Development . Adult learning and development puts more emphasis on education, with graduates becoming experts in promoting learning in business organizations, nonprofits, and schools. You’ll delve into various theories of adult education, take into account different learning styles, and apply strategies like project-based learning.
  • Organizational Leadership . An organizational leadership PhD will train you in how to take charge of an organization effectively, from deciding on major strategic goals to bringing out the strengths of employees. It’s mainly a business degree that takes into account psychology and sociology. You’ll get familiar with leadership tools and approaches for different workplace situations.
  • Global Training and Development . Because more organizations are going global, a PhD specializing in global training and development can teach you how to develop employees and teams with diverse languages, cultures, and perspectives. For example, this could mean using several modes of delivery for trainings and making correct translations to avoid cultural misunderstandings.

There is some overlap among these specializations, so whichever you choose, you’ll still likely take courses in instructional design, career development, and other core topics.

Training and Development Careers & Salaries

PhD in Training & Development Careers & Salaries

A PhD in Training and Development is the highest academic credential in the field, so it can open up opportunities for you to pursue more advanced positions.

For one, many PhD students come from a human resources (HR) background. Because of the intensive coursework, they may become HR managers or training and development managers who supervise staff, lead employee programs, and provide mentoring and coaching.

A training and development doctoral program can help prepare you for management roles in general. After all, you can gain a deeper understanding of how to drive organizational change while helping people achieve their professional goals. Some graduates work in business and organizational analysis, where they analyze organizational structures and challenges and develop solutions.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , here are some careers related to training and development.

Chief Executives $179,520
Human Resources Managers $126,230
Training and Development Managers $120,130
General and Operations Managers $97,970
Postsecondary Education Administrators $96,910
Management Analysts $93,000
Postsecondary Teachers $79,640
Instructional Coordinators $63,740
Human Resource Specialists $62,290
Training and Development Specialists $61,570

Beyond high-ranking positions in an organization, another option for PhD graduates is consultancy. Some graduates become management consultants or learning and development consultants who develop training programs for various companies. They could specialize in corporate training as well and hold workshops and courses on career and personal growth.

With further training, PhD graduates may opt to go into executive, performance, or leadership coaching. This allows them to work with a wide range of individuals, from CEOs to people starting out in their careers. Since a PhD gives plenty of exposure to research, graduates may join the academe as professors and scholars who conduct their own studies.

It’s actually common for graduates to combine several careers. For example, a training and development professional may become a professor, executive coach, and training consultant.

Training and Development PhD Curriculum & Courses

Training and Development PhD Curriculum

When earning a PhD in Training and Development, you’ll likely come across these courses:

  • Foundations of Human Resource Development : This course studies how to train, nurture, and manage employees so they can hone their skills and make a positive impact on their organization.
  • Adult Learning : You’ll examine the factors that affect adult learning—including motivation and developmental challenges—with the goal of creating effective educational programs for adults.
  • Theory and Practices of Leadership : This course looks at the core elements of leadership—including innovation, ethics, and team-building—and how these play out in actual work situations through case studies.
  • Career Development : You’ll learn how to promote career growth for individuals and teams by assessing personal strengths and weaknesses, pinpointing marketable skills, and making a customized plan.
  • Instructional Design : This course teaches you how to prepare effective learning resources, following a systematic process where you’ll make prototypes and gather feedback.
  • Organization Theory and Design : You’ll examine the social structures of organizations and look at the most common forms of modern organizations, covering topics like decision-making, culture, and power.
  • Program Planning and Evaluation : This course goes over the process of designing a training program, from gathering information to developing program steps and measuring outcomes.
  • Educational Statistics : You’ll work with methods of inquiry for educational research, including doing hypothesis testing and applying inferential techniques like T-tests.
  • Quantitative Research : This in-depth course teaches you how to conduct your own research by using the right quantitative methods and working with data analysis software.
  • Qualitative Research : You’ll get to practice handling qualitative data, with methods like field interviews, ethnography, document studies, field observations, and focus-group discussions.

You’ll likely go through most of these courses during your first year, after which you may devote much of your time to your dissertation.

How to Know If a Doctorate in Training and Development Is Right for Me

Doctorate in Training and Development

A doctorate in training and development often appeals to those who would like to advance their careers in management, organizational planning, education, and human resources. A doctorate in training and development might be right for you if you have the following:

  • Passion . You have a passion for teaching or mentoring people and helping them grow professionally.
  • Curiosity . You’re fascinated with how organizations achieve success along with what makes people tick.
  • Experience . You already have some related experience with training and development, whether you’ve studied it formally or it’s part of your professional life.
  • Career drive . You want to build a long-term career focused on improving the performance and efficiency of both organizations and people.
  • Interest in research . You’re interested in conducting in-depth research and learning about academic theories in adult learning, organizational development, and leadership.
  • Time . You have the time and the resources to work on a PhD for several years.

Training and development is held in high importance today in most organizations, and a PhD shows that you have expertise in this topic and can contribute original insights.

Admissions Requirements

Training & Development PhD Admissions Requirements

Admissions for a PhD in Training and Development tend to be rigorous, with requirements such as:

  • Official transcripts . These cover all of the courses you’ve taken at the college and postgraduate level.
  • Recommendation letters . You’ll may submit letters from managers at work and previous professors.
  • Resume . Most programs expect you to have related work experiences, extracurriculars, and education.
  • Personal essay . You’ll likely explain your background, career, and research interests.

Schools with a more traditional admissions process may ask for GRE or GMAT scores too.


Training and Development PhD Accreditation

Getting a PhD in Training and Development takes plenty of dedication, so it’s strategic to choose a reputable school that’s regionally accredited.

For a school to receive regional accreditation, it has to be reviewed thoroughly by external accrediting organizations, and it’s evaluated based on high educational standards. A PhD from an accredited school will often make a stronger impression on future employers. If you’re planning to work in the academe, many universities only credit PhDs from accredited schools. Studying at an accredited school will also allow you to apply for federal financial aid.

You can verify the accreditation status of prospective schools by visiting the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) online. 

Financial Aid and Scholarships

Training and Development PhD Financial Aid

Applying for financial aid can significantly lighten the expenses of doctoral students who qualify. Many PhD programs offer funding to students, with some programs giving full scholarships with stipend once you’re admitted. These PhD programs tend to be more competitive, though.

Alternatively, you might be able to find scholarships from external sources, especially if you have strong academic credentials and a good track record in your field. Some employers even offer financial assistance to workers who are advancing their education.

You can also look into assistantships and fellowships. Many PhD programs allow you to do research or teaching assistantships while studying. Fellowships may be available, too, but these often give you funding for 1 year or less. To apply for federal aid, you can fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) . Your FASFA can determine your eligibility for federal student loans, grants, and work-study programs.

Training and Development Professional Organizations

Training and Development Professional Organizations

Since training and development is a highly collaborative field, you can benefit from joining professional organizations to expand your network and access more career opportunities.

Here are three major professional organizations for training and development specialists:

  • Association for Talent Development (ATD)
  • International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI)
  • Quality Matters Instructional Designers Association (QM IDA)

These organizations have multiple branches across the country, with thousands of members in total. By joining, you could receive event invites, trainings, and up-to-date industry resources.

What Is Training and Development?

What Is Training and Development

Training and development is the process of providing education to employees so they can sharpen their skills and increase their job performance within an organization.

It’s usually coordinated by an organization’s human resources department, with initiatives ranging from one-day workshops to regular mentoring and coaching. Training and development can target a variety of skills, including hard skills like data analysis or strategic planning as well as soft skills like communication and empathy.

Programs can be delivered in different formats, such as online learning, in-person lectures, group discussions, and on-the-job training.

Is Training and Development a Good Career?

Yes, training and development is a good career for many professionals. Because the work world has become very dynamic and fast-paced, organizations are investing more in training and development so their employees can adapt.

This opens up demand for training and development experts. Aside from leading in-house teams, they might work in management, coaching, or business consulting—all of which are fields with many highly paid jobs. At the same time, this career can be fulfilling if you enjoy helping people directly and making a significant contribution to an organization.

What Can You Do with a Doctoral Degree in Training and Development?

A PhD in Training and Development may help you advance in your current career as well as open up new career paths for you. It can prepare you to become a thought leader in your field, whether as an academic researcher or as an organizational consultant who can provide high-level advice to companies.

Possible career paths include human resource management, training and development management, and organizational planning. Some experts become executive coaches or trainers who conduct one-on-one sessions for professionals or group workshops for companies.

What Does a Training and Development Specialist Do?

Training and Development Specialist

A training and development specialist plans, creates, and evaluates training programs and materials, usually for employees of an organization.

Training programs tend to be diverse, with formats such as orientation sessions, negotiation workshops, team-building activities, and consultations with executives. It’s a fairly involved job because training and development specialists handle the entire process.

In addition to doing surveys and interviews to design a good training program, they may either teach the program themselves or supervise instructors. Afterwards, they’ll also assess results and gather feedback.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD in Training and Development Online?

PhD in Training and Development Online

Most PhD programs in training and development require around 60 credits or less. This is actually a bit shorter compared to other PhDs, which can reach up to 120 credits. A PhD can typically be completed in 3 to 5 years with full-time study.

If no dissertation is required, a PhD can often be completed in 3 years with full-time enrollment. It’s traditional for PhD students to study full-time. Since more online PhDs are available, though, and many training and development specialists prefer to stay active in their careers while studying, some programs may allow for part-time enrollment. This is also the case with many online masters in training and development programs.

Is a PhD in Training and Development Worth It?

Careers for PhD in Training and Development

Yes, a PhD in Training and Development is worth it for many students. A PhD is a well-respected credential that shows you’re an authority in your field. This could help you qualify for leadership or high-level management roles. PhD holders have the highest median wage compared to other education levels, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Training and development is also a thriving field that’s estimated to grow faster than average. For instance, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 11% job growth for training and development specialists and managers over the next ten years.

A PhD program can enable you to develop specialized expertise. Having high levels of industry knowledge and a deep understanding of learning principles can help you stand out in this growing field.

Getting Your PhD in Training and Development Online

PhD in Training and Development Online Degree

If you love solving organizational challenges and empowering people to achieve their goals, then you might consider getting a PhD in Training and Development to enhance your career.

A PhD can train you in rigorous, evidence-based approaches and allow you to make your own mark in the field. As a working professional, you might find it even more convenient to earn your PhD online.

If you’re ready to advance your expertise with a PhD in Training and Development, you can start exploring doctoral programs from accredited schools today.

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  • The A.R.T. Institute at Harvard University
  • Transcript/ Employment

The A.R.T. Institute for Advanced Theater Training at Harvard University was established in 1987 as a training ground for professional theater. A two-year, graduate-level program, the Institute was created with an understanding that students can best prepare for a life in the performing arts by immersing themselves in the work of a professional theater, and by studying with faculty who are practicing theater artists.

Over the past three decades, graduates of the Institute have become leaders in the arts. Graduates of the acting program have performed on Broadway, Off-Broadway, and at theaters around the country, while also appearing in feature films and as series regulars on numerous television shows. Graduates of the dramaturgy program serve as dramaturgs, literary managers, theater critics, and artistic directors in this country and abroad. Graduates of the voice pedagogy program teach at top American universities.

In 1998, the Institute formed a historic partnership with the Moscow Art Theater School. The birthplace of the Stanislavsky System and the artistic home of the playwright Anton Chekhov, the Moscow Art Theater (MXAT) is one of Europe’s leading companies. The partnership with MXAT has given Institute students the opportunity to train with leading Russian actors, directors, choreographers, historians, and critics, and to be immersed in one of Europe’s most vibrant theater capitals.

At this time, the Institute is on hiatus in order to explore new models of training and is currently not accepting students.

Transcript Request/ Employment Verification

Please contact us at [email protected] with your full name and year of graduation to request Institute transcripts, arrange for employment verification, or for more information. You will receive a response and further instructions in a timely manner.

A.R.T. Institute Alumni

Graduates of the A.R.T. Institute have entered their respective industries with a far-reaching intellectual curiosity, a diligent sense of professionalism, and an extensive set of practical skills. Having garnered experience from their training abroad, their coursework stateside, and their collaboration alongside industry professionals, students have left the Institute prepared for the wide variety of work in today’s American and international theater.


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    The FHML considers a thesis as a demonstration of the PhD candidate's ability to carry out independent scholarly work. The candidate should be enabled to finish the PhD trajectory within a reasonable time period. FHML discerns 4 types of PhDs, as defined by the U niversities of the Netherlands: PhD candidates employed by the university or UM. 1a.

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  16. PDF Phd Program Overview

    2.0 PhD PROGRAM OVERVIEW. The PhD program is comprised of core courses and research experiences, which build a student's "toolbox". The remainder of credits are designed to build research domain expertise. The three-year and four-plus year plans of study outline the recommended sequence of courses and dissertation credits.

  17. 2024 Best Online PhD in Training and Development [Doctorate Guide]

    Kansas State University. Kansas State University offers a Doctorate in Adult Learning and Leadership. This hybrid online and in-person program requires 90 credit hours. Courses are 8 to 14 weeks long. There are two specific courses that must be completed on campus, but they are offered during the summer.

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    the aim of the phd education programme at the faculty of health, medicine and life sciences (fhml) / maastricht umc+ is to promote development of a high level of competence in the specific research field, but also in more generic, transferable skills that are important for high-level professional careers in research, education, and clinical …

  19. 4 PhD types at FHML/MUMC+ (3)

    The main goal is to obtain a PhD degree at FHML and agreements have been made about this with a supervision team (promoter and at least one co-promoter). The PhD candidate should be able to devote time to and disposes of financial resources for the PhD research, made available by a Scholarship or employer.

  20. Faculty of Postgraduate Professional Training of Physicians

    The Faculty provides postgraduate training (internship and residency) in almost every medical specialty. PhD and other doctoral programs are also available. A large variety of postgraduate education programs are available, ranging from 72 to over 500 academic hours. Every year, over 7,500 of physicians study at the Faculty.

  21. Postgraduate

    Postgraduate training is an integral part of medical education. FMSMU offers rich variety of opportunities for postgraduate studies or almost all specialties in: - internship (internatura) - 1 year, - clinical residency (ordinatura) - 2-3 years, - PhD courses (aspirantura) - 3-4 years, - doctorate (D.


    The SHE PhD program is an important part of SHE. Educational research is essential for finding new and better ways to educate doctors, nurses, physical therapists and other health professionals. SHE offers a face-to-face and distance-based PhD program. The PhD candidates receive supervision from

  23. The A.R.T. Institute at Harvard University

    Engagement. The A.R.T. Institute at Harvard University. The A.R.T. Institute for Advanced Theater Training at Harvard University was established in 1987 as a training ground for professional theater. A two-year, graduate-level program, the Institute was created with an understanding that students can best prepare for a life in the performing ...

  24. 31 Local Firefighters Graduate from Firefighting Academy

    6/14/2024. Department of Fire Services. STOW — State Fire Marshal Jon M. Davine and Massachusetts Firefighting Academy leadership today announced the graduation of 31 firefighters from the 50-day Career Recruit Firefighting Training Program. "Massachusetts firefighters are on the frontlines protecting their communities every day, and today ...