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Why Is History Important And How Can It Benefit Your Future?

importance of studying history essay

Updated: July 8, 2024

Published: July 1, 2020


History is a topic that many find boring to study or a waste of time. But there is more to studying history than meets the eye. So, why is history important? Let us explain.

Understanding history helps us develop critical decision-making skills, cultural awareness, and the ability to anticipate future trends based on historical patterns. By examining historical events, we can all learn valuable lessons, avoid past mistakes, and make informed decisions that can positively impact both our personal and professional development.

What Is History?

History is the knowledge of and study of the past. It is the story of the past and a form of collective memory. History is the story of who we are, where we come from, and can potentially reveal where we are headed.

Why Study History: The Importance

History is important to study because it is essential for all of us in understanding ourselves and the world around us. There is a history of every field and topic, from medicine, to music, to art. To know and understand history is absolutely necessary, even though the results of historical study are not as visible, and less immediate.

History Allows You to Comprehend More

Understanding and studying history enhances our grasp of the world, shedding light on cultural diversity, social dynamics, and geopolitical complexities. It helps us see how past events influence the present and guides us in making informed decisions. It also helps us grasp the following:

1. Our World

History gives us a very clear picture of how the various aspects of society — such as technology, governmental systems, and even society as a whole — worked in the past so we understand how it came to work the way it is now.

2. Society And Other People

Studying history allows us to observe and understand how people and societies behaved. For example, we are able to evaluate war, even when a nation is at peace, by looking back at previous events. History provides us with the data that is used to create laws, or theories about various aspects of society.

3. Identity

History can help provide us with a sense of identity. This is actually one of the main reasons that history is still taught in schools around the world. Historians have been able to learn about how countries, families, and groups were formed, and how they evolved and developed over time. When an individual takes it upon themselves to dive deep into their own family’s history, they can understand how their family interacted with larger historical change. Did family serve in major wars? Were they present for significant events?

4. Present-Day Issues

History helps us to understand present-day issues by asking deeper questions as to why things are the way they are. Why did wars in Europe in the 20th century matter to countries around the world? How did Hitler gain and maintain power for as long as he had? How has this had an effect on shaping our world and our global political system today?

5. The Process Of Change Over Time

If we want to truly understand why something happened — in any area or field, such as one political party winning the last election vs the other, or a major change in the number of smokers — you need to look for factors that took place earlier. Only through the study of history can people really see and grasp the reasons behind these changes, and only through history can we understand what elements of an institution or a society continue regardless of continual change.

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You learn a clear lesson.

Delving into history provides clear lessons that inform present-day actions and decisions. We can identify enduring principles and cautionary tales relevant to contemporary issues by studying past events.

1. Political Intelligence

History can help us become better informed citizens. It shows us who we are as a collective group, and being informed of this is a key element in maintaining a democratic society. This knowledge helps people take an active role in the political forum through educated debates and by refining people’s core beliefs. Through knowledge of history, citizens can even change their old belief systems.

2. History Teaches Morals And Values

By looking at specific stories of individuals and situations, you can test your own morals and values. You can compare it to some real and difficult situations individuals have had to face in trying times. Looking to people who have faced and overcome adversity can be inspiring. You can study the great people of history who successfully worked through moral dilemmas, and also ordinary people who teach us lessons in courage, persistence and protest.

3. Builds Better Citizenship

The study of history is a non-negotiable aspect of better citizenship. This is one of the main reasons why it is taught as a part of school curricular. People that push for citizenship history (relationship between a citizen and the state) just want to promote a strong national identity and even national loyalty through the teaching of lessons of individual and collective success.

4. Learn From The Past And Notice Clear Warning Signs

We learn from past atrocities against groups of people; genocides, wars, and attacks. Through this collective suffering, we have learned to pay attention to the warning signs leading up to such atrocities. Society has been able to take these warning signs and fight against them when they see them in the present day. Knowing what events led up to these various wars helps us better influence our future.

5. Gaining A Career Through History

The skills that are acquired through learning about history, such as critical thinking, research, assessing information, etc, are all useful skills that are sought by employers. Many employers see these skills as being an asset in their employees and will hire those with history degrees in various roles and industries.

6. Personal Growth And Appreciation

Understanding past events and how they impact the world today can bring about empathy and understanding for groups of people whose history may be different from the mainstream. You will also understand the suffering, joy, and chaos that were necessary for the present day to happen and appreciate all that you are able to benefit from past efforts today.

Photo by Giammarco Boscaro on Unsplash

Develop and refine your skills through studying history.

Engaging with history hones your critical thinking, research, and analytical skills, which are essential for interpreting complex information. Writing about historical events helps you communicate effectively and build strong arguments.

1. Reading And Writing

You can refine your reading skills by reading texts from a wide array of time periods. Language has changed and evolved over time and so has the way people write and express themselves. You can also refine your writing skills through learning to not just repeat what someone else said, but to analyze information from multiple sources and come up with your own conclusions. It’s two birds with one stone — better writing and critical thinking!

2. Craft Your Own Opinions

There are so many sources of information out in the world. Finding a decisive truth for many topics just doesn’t exist. What was a victory for one group was a great loss for another — you get to create your own opinions of these events.

3. Decision-Making

History gives us the opportunity to learn from others’ past mistakes. It helps us understand the many reasons why people may behave the way they do. As a result, it helps us become more impartial as decision-makers.

4. How To Do Research

In the study of history you will need to conduct research . This gives you the opportunity to look at two kinds of sources — primary (written at the time) and secondary sources (written about a time period, after the fact). This practice can teach you how to decipher between reliable and unreliable sources.

5. Quantitative Analysis

There are numbers and data to be learned from history. In terms of patterns: patterns in population, desertions during times of war, and even in environmental factors. These patterns that are found help clarify why things happened as they did.

6. Qualitative Analysis

It’s incredibly important to learn to question the quality of the information and “history” you are learning. Keep these two questions in mind as you read through information: How do I know what I’m reading are facts and accurate information? Could they be the writer’s opinions?

Photo by Matteo Maretto on Unsplash

We are all living histories.

All people and cultures are living histories. The languages we speak are inherited from the past. Our cultures, traditions, and religions are all inherited from the past. We even inherit our genetic makeup from those that lived before us. Knowing these connections give you a basic understanding of the condition of being human.

History Is Fun

Learning about history can be a great deal of fun. We have the throngs of movies about our past to prove it. History is full of some of the most interesting and fascinating stories ever told, including pirates, treasure, mysteries, and adventures. On a regular basis new stories from the past keep emerging to the mainstream. Better yet, there is a history of every topic and field. Whatever you find fascinating there is a history to go along with it. Dive a bit deeper into any topic’s history and you will be surprised by what you might find in the process.

What are the Best History Degree Programs in 2024?

Looking for the best history degree programs in 2024? Consider universities known for their strong academic reputation, faculty expertise, resources, and opportunities for experiential learning, like the ones below:

  • Harvard University : Renowned for its comprehensive history programs and expert faculty, Harvard provides extensive resources and research opportunities.
  • Yale University : Offers robust history programs with a focus on diverse historical perspectives and hands-on learning experiences.
  • University of Pennsylvania : Known for its interdisciplinary approach and strong faculty, UPenn provides excellent research facilities and learning opportunities.
  • Princeton University : Offers a deep dive into historical analysis with a strong emphasis on research and academic excellence.
  • University of Chicago : Known for its rigorous curriculum and focus on critical thinking and research skills.

The subject of history can help you develop your skills and transform you to be a better version of yourself as a citizen, a student, and person overall.

If you are looking to develop more of yourself and skills for your future career, check out the degree programs that are offered by University of the People — a tuition-free, 100% online, U.S. accredited university.

Why should I care about studying history?

Studying history helps you understand how past events shape our present and future. It provides context for current events and helps you make sense of the world.

Can history help me make better decisions in life?

Yes, by learning from past successes and mistakes, you can make more informed decisions and avoid repeating errors.

How does history influence present-day societies and cultures?

History shapes societal norms, cultural practices, and national identities. It influences political decisions and social structures.

What are the practical benefits of learning about history?

Learning history enhances critical thinking, research, and analytical skills. It also improves your understanding of cultural diversity and global issues.

What lessons can we learn from historical mistakes and successes?

History teaches us the consequences of actions, helping us to understand the importance of ethical behavior and the impact of decisions on society.

Are there any specific careers or fields where history knowledge is valuable?

Yes, a strong understanding of history benefits careers in education, law, public policy, journalism, and museum curation.

What role does history play in preserving cultural heritage?

History preserves cultural heritage by documenting and interpreting past events, traditions, and values, ensuring they are remembered and respected.

What are some misconceptions about the relevance of history today?

Some believe history is irrelevant to modern life, but it actually provides critical insights into current issues and future challenges.

In this article

At UoPeople, our blog writers are thinkers, researchers, and experts dedicated to curating articles relevant to our mission: making higher education accessible to everyone. Read More

Why History Matters: Understanding Our Past to Shape Our Future

By: Author Paul Jenkins

Posted on April 6, 2024

Categories Culture , History , Society

History isn’t just a dusty collection of names and dates from the past. It’s a mirror reflecting our societal evolution, a guidebook to our present, and a compass pointing to our future. Let’s explore why history holds the key to understanding ourselves and the world we inhabit.

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Key Takeaways

  • Historical study fosters an understanding of societal trends and human nature.
  • A sense of identity and a shared narrative are cultivated through history.
  • History is crucial for developing analytical and critical thinking skills.

Understanding the Value of History

The value of history lies in its power to elucidate the past events, inform the present conditions, and guide future decisions. Through a structured analysis and application of historical context, one appreciates its role as an essential discipline.

Analyzing Past, Present, and Future

History provides a detailed record of past events which significantly influence present societal structures and future trajectories. Historical research identifies patterns that have shaped societies, cultures, and traditions. This analysis allows individuals to learn from past decisions and understand the possible implications for future outcomes.

The Importance of Historical Context

Understanding historical context is crucial for interpreting events accurately. It ensures a nuanced view of past actions and decisions within the context of their time. Recognizing the value of historical context prevents the misrepresentation of events and promotes a deeper appreciation for the complexities of past societies and their decisions.

History as a Discipline

Studying history as a discipline involves meticulous research and fact-checking . It equips historians with frameworks and techniques to construct accurate accounts of the past. This discipline underscores the credibility of historical narratives and validates their relevance to current understandings. It fosters an awareness that present conditions result from human choices that can be influenced by further action.

The Role of History in Society

History serves a critical role in society by fostering informed citizens, preserving the collective memory, and enhancing an understanding of cultural and religious diversity. Each of these aspects contributes to a society that values its past while shaping its future.

Developing Informed Citizens

Informed citizens are the bedrock of a healthy democracy. Historical knowledge equips them with the context necessary to understand current policies and their impact on rights and responsibilities. They learn not only about historical events but also how to engage critically with sources and discern patterns that influence modern governance. Recognizing the evolution of societal norms and laws from historical precedents contributes to a more engaged and analytical electorate.

  • Key Point : History teaches critical thinking skills.
  • Impact : Engaged citizens contribute to a more robust democracy.

Preserving Collective Memory

Societies with a strong sense of their history possess a collective memory that safeguards against cultural and memory loss. The preservation of this memory through documentation, oral traditions, and historical landmarks helps communities maintain a sense of identity and continuity. Without this, societies risk becoming rootless, lacking the connection to shared experiences that guide collective values and traditions.

Examples of Collective Memory Preservation :

  • Historical literature

Understanding Cultural and Religious Diversity

History illuminates the traditions and beliefs of different cultures and religions, revealing the rich tapestry of human experience. By studying the historical contexts of societies, it becomes possible to appreciate the diversity of perspectives and practices that exist. This understanding fosters tolerance and can help mitigate conflicts arising from cultural or religious misunderstandings.

Benefits of Historical Understanding :

  • Enhances social cohesion.
  • Promotes mutual respect.

Collectively, the role of history in society is multifaceted, playing a pivotal part in shaping the narratives that societies live by, guiding principles of democracy, and contributing to the rich mosaic of human cultures and religions.

Learning from Historical Events

Historical events offer invaluable insights into the complexities of human experience, from the sobering repercussions of wars and conflicts to the transformative power of significant milestones.

Lessons from Wars and Conflicts

Wars and conflicts stand as stark reminders of both human frailty and resilience. For instance:

  • The Holocaust encapsulates the extremity of human cruelty and the importance of empathy and courage. Remembering the Holocaust is essential for understanding the impact of prejudice and the necessity of standing up against it.
  • Courage is highlighted by stories of resistance and survival, which provide a deeper understanding of the Jewish experience and the capacity for individuals to enact change amidst adversity.

The Impact of Significant Historical Milestones

Significant historical milestones shape the course of world history and inform current societal norms. They are moments that echo through time, prompting reflection and adaptation.

  • The end of slavery in the United States marked a drastic turn in human rights and freedoms, encouraging a global reassessment of racial equality.
  • Signified the end of the Cold War and the start of a new era in international relations, and it serves as a potent symbol of liberation and the desire for unity.

Connecting Personal and Collective Histories

Connecting personal and collective histories enhances understanding of societies by intertwining individual experiences with broader historical narratives. This synthesis fosters empathy and helps individuals appreciate the depth of the human experience.

Embracing a Broader Human Experience

Individuals often perceive history through the lens of their personal stories, which are fundamentally tied to the larger tapestry of society’s past. For instance, the Holocaust is not merely a chapter in a history book, but a profound part of many personal histories that still resonate today. Examining both personal memories and collective histories allows people to engage more deeply with being human. Such engagement provides grounding, as histories give context to present circumstances, ensuring that individuals are not rootless but connected to a continuum that defines cultures and communities.

The Dangers of Historical Amnesia

Forgetting or ignoring the past, a condition akin to societal memory loss, poses a significant risk to societies. It is crucial to remember the trials and lessons of history, such as the horrors of the Holocaust, to build resilience against repeating past atrocities. Neglecting to connect personal experiences with the collective memory of societies can lead to a lack of empathy and understanding. This disconnect also stymies learning and growth, as historical amnesia prevents societies from effectively rooting themselves in history, which can guide better decision-making and foster a more inclusive understanding of the human experience.

Educational Perspectives on History

The study of history occupies a crucial role in academic curriculums, offering methodologies that cross into various disciplines and fostering a wide range of competencies critical to intellectual development.

History’s Place in Academic Curriculums

History, as an academic discipline, grounds students in the temporal dimensions of human experience. Educational systems globally include history to various extents, recognizing its role in cultivating critical thinking and an understanding of how societies have evolved. The reasons to include history in curriculums hinge on its ability to provide context for current events and to enhance civic literacy .

Methodologies and Approaches in Historical Studies

Historical research harnesses diverse methodologies ranging from diachronic analysis , which tracks changes and continuities over time, to comparative historical study , which juxtaposes past and present to foster deeper understanding. The approach to studying history typically emphasizes the diachro-mesh of events, ideas, and figures, offering students a toolkit for discerning and interpreting complex narratives.

The Interplay between History and Other Academic Disciplines

History does not exist in isolation. It actively engages with and enriches other fields, like economics, literature, and political science. This interplay underscores the multidisciplinary essence of historical education, thereby illuminating the interconnectedness of knowledge and the multiplicity of perspectives. By situating historical events within broader intellectual landscapes , students learn to appreciate the nuanced interdependencies that have shaped human societies.

importance of studying history essay

Why Study History?

For a great many people, history is a set of facts, a collection of events, a series of things that happened, one after another, in the past. In fact, history is far more than these things-- it is a way of thinking about and seeing the world.

T o genuinely make sense of the past, you need to learn how to see it on its own terms, how to make the strange and unfamiliar logical and comprehensible, and how to empathize with people who once thought so differently than we do today. If you learn how to do these things, you begin to cultivate a crucial set of skills that not only help navigate the past, but the present as well. Once you can see the things that history teaches you, once you know how to penetrate unfamiliar modes of thought and behavior and can understand their inner logic, it becomes easier to make sense of the modern world and the diverse peoples and ideas that you will confront within it.

It might seem counterintuitive that one of the best ways to illuminate the present is by studying the past, but that is precisely why history can be so important. When we appreciate that history is not, first and foremost, a body of knowledge, but rather a way of thinking, it becomes a particularly powerful tool.  Not everyone may choose to become a historian. Yet, whatever career you choose,  knowing how to think historically will help.  

By taking History courses at Stanford, you will develop

  • critical, interpretive thinking skills through in-depth analysis of primary and secondary source materials.

the ability to identify different types of sources of historical knowledge.

analytical writing skills and close reading skills.

effective oral communication skills.

History coursework at Stanford is supported by mentorship from our world-class faculty and by unique research opportunities. These experiences enable undergraduate students to pursue successful careers in business, journalism, public service, law, education, government, medicine, and more.   Learn what Stanford History majors and minors are doing after graduation .

Undergraduate Program

We offer the following degree options to Stanford undergraduate students:

Undergraduate Major : Become a historian and chart your path through the B.A. in consultation with your major advisor. 

Honors in History :  Join a passionate group of History majors who conduct in-depth research with Stanford faculty.

Undergraduate Minor : Complete six eligible courses for a minor in History.

  Co-terminal Masters:   Join the selective group of Stanford undergraduates who explore their passion in History before entering graduate school or professional life.

How to Declare

The first step in becoming a History major is finding a Faculty Advisor.  The best way to find an advisor is simply to take a variety of History courses, drop in during faculty office hours, and introduce yourself as a prospective History major. Faculty are happy to suggest coursework and to offer counsel. You are also welcome to reach out to our undergraduate Peer Advisors about how to navigate Stanford History.  Learn more about how to declare .

Herodotus: An Undergraduate Journal

Herodotus is a student-run publication founded in 1986 by  the History Undergraduate Student Association (HUGSA). It bears the name of Herodotus of Halicarnassus, the 5th century BCE historian of the Greco-Persian Wars. Based on a rigorous, supportive peer-review process, the journal preserves and features the best undergraduate research conducted in the department. Browse Herodotus

Program Contacts

importance of studying history essay

Thomas Mullaney

Director of Undergraduate Studies

importance of studying history essay

Steven Press

Director of Honors and Research

A Book or Projects Entry - Click on this title to go to the full instructions page.

Kai Dowding

Undergraduate Student Services Officer

Department Bookshelf

Browse the most recent publications from our faculty members.

importance of studying history essay

Against Constitutional Originalism: A Historical Critique

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Italian Fascism in Rhodes and the Dodecanese Islands, 1922–44

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The Chinese Computer: A Global History of the Information Age

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In the Shadow of Liberty: The Invisible History of Immigrant Detention in the United States

Why Is Studying History Important for Our Present and Future? Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Works cited.

History is one of the most important studies which shapes our attitudes towards the past and structures our present and future. History matters because it helps people to understand the world around them and structure it in accordance with the past events and their outcomes. History works on factual material and data established with confidence. It is possible to assume that modern society would be unable to understand current events and processes without the knowledge of the past and analysis of its consequences for modern people.

Contested histories allow researchers to rewrite literature and political sciences as they place events and facts in a historical continuum shaped by certain ideologies and social principles. It is possible to say that we interpret social and political processes, works of literature and pedagogical issues through lens of historical environment and its meaning for the populace. Scientific data are not the only well-ascertained data (Gaddis 98). History constructs our identity defining it through the prism of historical significance and insignificance of certain events and processes. We perceive history as truth based on facts and scientific interpretations of data. History shapes our values and views, principles and national ideals. It supplies us we materials and arguments for thought. Then people see that these facts involve some comprehensible need founded in the nature of things and providing people with a reason (Carr 43).

Facts and historical interpretations are linked in order to have the objective content of history. The history of the US proves that people understand themselves and the others learning and interpreting historical events of the past. For instance, the Constitution and the Declaration of Human Rights created a new understanding of freedom and liberty (Roark et al 76). On the one hand people have an awareness of dignity and of the self-respect of the human person, a desire for freedom and friendship, a recognition of the law: government of the people, for the society and by the people, a growing importance for civil liberties and for justice, an declaration of power over nature (Carr 43).

History helps us to understand and construct bodily identity studying descriptions of Early Americans and social values of different historical periods. Thus the life of society advances and progresses so the psychical identity changes over time. Also, historical images can be degraded and dissolute by reason of the passivity of things. Furthermore, what is religious is above time and exempt from aging. In some historical epochs, moral and ethical principles prevailed material values, so modern society follows these ideals and values as the core principles of human relations. The period of colonization represents the age of strict values and principles most Americans are looking for; not when there is a national rage to identify and be identified with worldly and moral influence. Modern society views things as representative of the common impulse to allocate meaning and importance to everything in sight (Carr 65).

In sum, history matters because it helps people to reconstruct their past and predict their future. A number of historical facts are accumulated by history, and now from these historical facts related to a certain period of history ideals and thoughts are inductively abstracted by historians. History is by itself basically progressive. Thus, a being linked to reason must essentially be progressive. It means that historical facts are used as a framework for construction of social and political identities and interpretation of certain processes and events.

Carr, E.H. What Is History? Vintage, 1967.

Gaddis, J.L. The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past. Oxford University Press, USA, 2004.

Roark, J. L. et al. The American Promise, A History of the United States , Bedford/St. Martin’s; 2nd edition, 2002.

  • Cold War: Development of the Events
  • Columbian Exchange, Age of Discovery and Atlantic Slave Trade
  • Declaration of Independence: Self-Evident Truths Now Open to Question
  • The Declaration of Independence
  • Progressive Discipline Process
  • Colonization of Australia Review
  • Enlightenment Age History Review: Cultural, Religious, and Intellectual Changes
  • Religious Conflict in the History: The Key Causes of Conflicts
  • Historical Influence of John Locke
  • Islam Expansion With the Intrusion of European Powers Impact on the History of the Indian Ocean
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2021, December 5). Why Is Studying History Important for Our Present and Future?

"Why Is Studying History Important for Our Present and Future?" IvyPanda , 5 Dec. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Why Is Studying History Important for Our Present and Future'. 5 December.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Why Is Studying History Important for Our Present and Future?" December 5, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Why Is Studying History Important for Our Present and Future?" December 5, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Why Is Studying History Important for Our Present and Future?" December 5, 2021.

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History help

Why is history important? – Essay Example

It is said that history is the study of the past. It is the study of the people, the events, and the ideas that have shaped the world we live in today. But why is history important? 

There are many reasons why history is important. It helps us to understand the present and the future. It helps us to understand who we are and where we came from. It helps us to understand the world we live in and the people who live in it.

History is important because it helps us to understand the present. We can use history to understand the causes of the problems we face today and to find solutions to them. We can also use history to understand how the world has changed over time and how it is likely to change in the future.

History is also important because it helps us to understand who we are. We can use history to learn about our ancestors and the cultures they came from. We can also use history to learn about the events that have shaped our lives.

Finally, history is important because it helps us to understand the world we live in. We can use history to learn about the countries and cultures of the world. We can also use history to learn about the people who live in the world and the events that have shaped their lives. And if you ever find yourself lost, be sure to ask the best history essay writer for navigation!

importance of studying history essay

Why study history?

why study history

Why study history? Everyone who is considering enrolling in a history course at college or senior secondary levels should give some serious thought this question. It is reasonable to expect that anyone studying history has an interest in the past – but that should not be the only reason. Prospective students should also understand the importance and value of history.

Understanding the value of history

In today’s world, where the focus is very much on today and tomorrow, the value of history is often questioned or challenged.

Many people are sceptical about the practical worth of history. Some question the relevance and usefulness of studying things that happened long ago. Some believe history has little or no bearing on their lives or on the world today. Some doubt the practical value of a history qualification in the career market.

All these questions deserve some thought, particularly for aspiring history students. This page contains some brief points about the value and importance of studying history. It may be useful for those thinking about a history course, as well as teachers or parents advising young people about studying history.

A complex range of skills

Many people hold a negative or dismissive view of history. They may believe that studying history involves rote learning or memorisation and recall of facts and dates, but little else.

Anyone who has studied history at higher levels will know there is much more involved. History requires the acquisition and use of many skills. History students must develop the ability to locate, study and interpret written and visual material, in order to extract evidence and meaning. They must be adept at contextualisation, analysis, problem-solving and critical thinking.

History students also must be strong communicators, in order to express their findings clearly and effectively. History also draws on and utilises knowledge and ideas from many other disciplines, including politics, legal studies, economics, sociology, philosophy, psychology, the sciences and the arts. These skills and knowledge can be extremely useful, both in employment and in the study of other subjects.

Most employers, from both understanding and experience, understand the skills that history graduates have and the value they can offer. Here is a list of some professions and vocations that a history qualification can prepare you for:

Historian, archaeologist, conservator, museum curator, tour guide, archivist, records management, teacher, tutor, researcher, journalist, writer, editor, communications, marketing and PR, content creator, politician, policy officer, public servant, diplomat, humanitarian aid worker, social worker, administrator, management, lawyer, paralegal, human resources.

Lessons about past, present and future

For as long as human beings have studied history, cynics have dismissed it as a curious indulgence, a quaint but worthless fascination with vanished societies and dead people. This attitude was typified by American industrialist Henry Ford, who in 1916 said that “History is more or less bunk [nonsense] … the only history worth a damn is the history we make today”.

Ford’s negative view of history, while not uncommon, is narrow and misguided. History does indeed require study of the past, however, this often enhances your understanding of the modern world.

Most history courses focus on timeless themes and issues – for example, the ways in which people, communities and nations interact; the nature of power and leadership; the difficulties of government and economic management; the impact of war and conflict on societies; and the relationships between different classes, wealth, capital and labour. These themes and issues never die: only the people, places and details change.

History also provides a context that is essential for understanding the modern world. It is impossible to fully understand modern Russia and China, for example, without knowing how these societies have been shaped by imperialism, war, revolution, communism and the Cold War.

Research and interpretation

study history

To be a successful history student or historian, you must first become a good researcher. Research is the skill of locating and gathering information and historical evidence, from many different places. This evidence can be found in a variety of forms, including documents, visual material, physical artefacts, oral and digital sources.

Historians apply their knowledge and skills to locate sources and to extract information, evidence and meaning from them. They think critically about every piece of evidence, testing and evaluating its reliability, credibility, usefulness and significance.

All this makes historians and history graduates skilled at locating, handling and evaluating information. Skills like these are not just valued in history, they are in demand in other academic disciplines and a range of professions.

Thinking and problem-solving

History can be extraordinarily complex. Historical research and interpretation requires a great deal of detective work, careful thought and problem-solving.

When locating and studying information and evidence, historians begin to build up an understanding and a ‘picture’ of the people, event or society being studied. As they delve deeper into the past, historians almost always find unanswered questions, unclear information or missing pieces of evidence.

After finishing his or her research, the historian must start looking for answers. At this point, history becomes akin to assembling a gigantic jigsaw puzzle – except there is no box or picture to serve as a guide and some of the pieces are missing. The historian must weigh up their evidence, think logically and laterally, then develop credible and justifiable arguments or theories.

Clear communication

study history

As in other humanities disciplines, historians and history students must be effective communicators. They must develop and refine techniques in order to share their findings and conclusions.

Historians communicate in many different ways. Many prominent historians publish the findings of their research as books. Academic historians often write articles for scholarly journals, where they are peer reviewed (examined by other historians) before publication. Historians can also articulate their findings in newspaper or magazine articles, interviews, lectures, symposiums and conferences or on the Internet.

History students, in contrast, usually outline their conclusions in essays and term papers, book reports, document or image analyses, oral presentations, performances, projects, slideshows and examinations. All require you to develop a range of communication skills. These skills are used and valued in other academic disciplines, as well as various fields of employment.

A preparation for many professions

One criticism often made of history is its perceived lack of value in the career market. While commerce students go on to work in business and science students have a range of career options, a history qualification seems to offer few direct paths to employment – other than history teaching, academia or museum work.

This is an unfair representation of how useful and well regarded history qualifications can be. The skills and knowledge acquired from studying history are valued by many professions. As effective writers and communicators, many history graduates become successful journalists, copywriters, authors, editors, content managers and marketing professionals.

Being able to locate, organise and manage information has enabled many history graduates to become outstanding researchers, librarians, information managers and administrators. Other history graduates complete additional study to become lawyers, diplomats and public officials.

Politics is another career path for history graduates, some of whom have risen to high office. History is also a useful platform for a career in the military or police forces – or for further studies in economics, business management, records management, social work or psychology.

Who has studied history?

Listed below are some famous people who have studied history at college or university level. The list is far from exhaustive.

Joe Biden (US president) Gordon Brown (British prime minister) Steve Carell (American actor/comedian) King Charles (British monarch) Sacha Baron Cohen (British actor/comedian) Winston Churchill (British prime minister) Dwight D. Eisenhower (US general and president) Katherine Hepburn (American actress) Seymour Hersh (American journalist) Chris Hughes (American entrepreneur, co-founder of Facebook) Kareem Abdul Jabbar (American basketballer) John F. Kennedy (American president) Henry Kissinger (American politician and diplomat) Richard Nixon (American president) Ed Norton (American actor) Conan O’Brien (American TV host) Bill O’Reilly (American broadcaster) Samuel Palmisano (American executive, CEO of IBM) Franklin D. Roosevelt (American president) Theodore Roosevelt (American president) Salman Rushdie (British author) Antonin Scalia (US Supreme Court Justice) Shakira (Colombian pop singer) Howard Stringer (Welsh executive, CEO of Sony) Louis Theroux (British documentary maker) H. G. Wells (British author) Gough Whitlam (Australian prime minister) Woodrow Wilson (American president)

History creates good citizens

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, history helps create thoughtful people and good citizens.

Unlike those in fields like mathematics or the physical sciences, history students spend most of their time studying people and societies. They learn what it means to be human. They understand the value of concepts like ethics, empathy, diversity and social justice. They know the risks and the dangers of certain ideas.

Historians and history students learn about the timeless issues and problems that affect human societies, both past and present. This equips them well to understand and work with the people in their own world.

Studying history also creates thoughtful and active citizens who are willing to participate in the political process or in their own communities. History endows many of its students and graduates with healthy scepticism – a willingness and a capacity to question their own world and perhaps find ways to make it better.

Citation information Title: ‘Why study history?’ Authors: Jennifer Llewellyn , Steve Thompson Publisher: Alpha History URL: Date published: September 28, 2021 Date updated: November 3, 2023 Date accessed: September 13, 2024 Copyright: The content on this page may not be republished without our express permission. For more information on usage, please refer to our Terms of Use .

Learning Resources

Why history matters.

View Student Version

Key Vocabulary

Read for understanding.

New American History Learning Resources may be adapted to a variety of educational settings, including remote learning environments, face-to-face instruction, and blended learning.

If you are teaching remotely, consider using videoconferencing to provide opportunities for students to work in partners or small groups. Digital tools such as Padlet or Jamboard may also be used for collaboration. Rewordify helps make a complex text more accessible for those reading at a lower Lexile level while still providing a greater depth of knowledge. 

In addition, this Learning Resource uses Turn and Talk to allow students to work with an “elbow partner” for brief collaborations. In addition, this Learning Resource uses “Thinking Routines” from Project Zero , a research center at the Harvard Graduate School of Education that has developed learning strategies that encourage students to add complexity to their thought processes.  For an overview of Project Zero’s methodology, you may want to read its Exploring Complexity Bundle .  Specifically for this lesson, students will use these thinking routines: Creative Question Starts , Take Note , See, Think, Wonder , I Used To Think… Now I Think .

These Learning Resources follow a variation of the 5Es instructional model , and each section may be taught as a separate learning experience, or as part of a sequence of learning experiences. We provide each of our Learning Resources in multiple formats, including web-based and as an editable Google Doc for educators to teach and adapt selected learning experiences as they best suit the needs of your students and local curriculum. You may also wish to embed or remix them into a playlist for students working remotely or independently.

For Students:

In this Learning Resource, you will examine Why History Matters . You will also learn about Historiography and about a variety of schools of thought around historical interpretation.

What is the purpose of studying history?

Can’t we just look up historical facts online?  Can’t we outsource the memorization of names and dates to the Internet?   The study of history is much richer and more important than learning a list of facts to pass a test.

"Turn and Talk" Strategy

Read the following three quotes.  (Your teacher might project them on the board.)  Use the Turn and Talk strategy with a partner.  First, summarize in your own words what each quote means.  Then, discuss which of the three quotes you think best explains why the study of history is important.  Lastly, after you have talked, complete this Discussion Guide .

NAH Discussion Guide - Why History Matters

Record the ideas of your “Turn and Talk” below. Quote about the study of history: Write 1 sentence that summarizes it in your own words: A) “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” –George Santayana, Spanish philosopher, 1905 B) “History never repeats itse...

A) “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

B) “History never repeats itself, but it does rhyme.”

C) History is not was, it is.”

Lastly, present your ideas to the whole class.  Your teacher will lead a discussion on these ideas.   If working remotely, you may use breakout rooms through videoconferencing, or share via a collaborative document such as Google Docs , Google Slides , or a Jamboard.

Your teacher may ask you to record your answers on an exit ticket. 

Why is history important?

The study of history is a study of stories.  By seeing how people and groups met challenges, by learning how they succeeded and what limited their success, we gain empathy.  In a way, the study of history can provide a blueprint for who we are and who we’re not.  

View “ Why is History Important ,” as Dr. Julian Hayter , a historian at the University of Richmond, explains his perspective on why history is important to study. 

New American History: Why is History Important?

This video is part of a larger learning resource, "Why History Matters," designed for use with High School and AP United States History, classes, from the Ne...

NAH Take Note - Why History Matters

Examine the ideas in the clip you watched by using this graphic organizer. Answer at least two of the questions below. What was the most important point? What are you finding challenging, puzzling or difficult to understand? What question would you most like to discu...

After you watch, answer at least two of the questions below on your Viewing Guide , which uses the “Take Note” Thinking Routine :

  • What is the most important point?
  • What are you finding challenging, puzzling or difficult to understand?
  • What question would you most like to discuss? 
  • What is something you found interesting?

"Take Note" Thinking Routine

To share your response, your teacher may provide access to a Padlet or Jamboard discussion board, or allow you to collaborate on a Google Slides set.  Your teacher will debrief by reviewing the main ideas of each piece and by reading back student responses to the class and asking follow-up questions or by asking you to turn and talk to a partner to share your answers

Your teacher may ask you to record your answers on an exit ticket.

What does a historian do?

People need to make sense of the past in terms that they – living in the present – can understand.  And that’s the work of the historian: to interpret past events and stitch together a meaningful narrative .

In this section, you will learn about historiography : what it is and why it’s different from learning a set of facts.  First, analyze this quote:

“Each age tries to form its own conception of the past.  Each age writes the history of the past anew with reference to the conditions uppermost in its own time.”

To what extent do you agree with it?  Use the “Think, Pair, Share” Thinking Routine to examine the quote and to form an argument about it.

"Think, Pair, Share" Thinking Routine

Your teacher will then lead a whole-class discussion, in which students share ideas discussed in their partner groups.  

Next, view this segment of “Historiography , ” in which Dr. Julian Hayter, a historian at the University of Richmond, explains historiography in greater detail.

New American History: Historiography - Explain

"Explain" segment from New American History Learning Resources on Historiography with Dr. Julian Hayter

After you view, complete the Historiography Viewing Guide .  Define historiography in your own words and then answer these questions:

NAH Historiography Viewing Guide

What is the difference between the past and history? How does the discovery of new evidence affect the study of history? Historiography Viewing Guide ...

  • What is the difference between the past and history?
  • How does the discovery of new evidence affect the study of history?

To share your response, your teacher may provide access to a Padlet or Jamboard discussion board, or allow you to collaborate on a Google Slides set.

What are the philosophies used to interpret the past?

Historians can be organized into different philosophical groups that highlight the different ways that they’ve examined the forces that have shaped the past.  These schools of thought emphasize different historical themes and view the past through different lenses.  They all hold value.

View another segment of "Historiography ," narrated by Dr. Julian Hayter, a historian at the University of Richmond.

New American History: Historiography - Elaborate

"Elaborate" segment from New American History Learning Resources on Historiography with Dr. Julian Hayter.

In this segment, Dr. Hayter explains six historical schools of thought .  Identify and summarize each one using the Schools of Thought Viewing Guide . 

NAH Schools of Thought Viewing Guide

As you watch the video segment, complete the graphic organizer. Name of the school of thought: Write a 1-sentence summary that explains the school: Quote that illustrates the school: Whig history school “The moral arc of the universe bends toward justic...

Next, identify the school that fits your thinking the most, as well as the school that fits you the least.  Build arguments to explain your decisions.  Lastly, for at least two of the schools, do Web research to find a quote that illustrates the meaning of the school’s philosophy.  For example, within the Whig History School of Thought , this Martin Luther King, Jr. quote illustrates the view that humanity is becoming freer and more enlightened with time:

“The moral arc of the universe bends toward justice.”

To share your responses with the whole class, your teacher may provide access to a Padlet or Jamboard discussion board, or allow you to collaborate on a Google Slides set.

Why do historical research methods matter?

History follows a set of rules; it is not simply a record of everything that has happened.   The stories that historians piece together are made up of sources and evidence that must be rigorously checked and verified for their credibility .  The historical method is a technique that considers ethics and seeks to weed out myth-making and propaganda-pushing.

View “ Historial Method ,” narrated by Dr. Julian Hayter, a historian at the University of Richmond. 

New American History: Historical Method

After you finish viewing, complete the “ +1 Routine” Thinking Routine .”  In three minutes, make a list of key ideas that grabbed your attention on a blank sheet of paper.  Then, pass your paper one student to the right.  Read the list.  Take two minutes to expand on an idea, make a new point, or make a connection to another topic.  Repeat this process at least two more times.  Return the paper to its original owner.

"+1 Routine" Thinking Routine

Your teacher will then lead a whole-class discussion, in which students share ideas added to their papers.

“Historical Method” New American History, University of Richmond, 2022. .

“Historiography” New American History, University of Richmond, 2022. .

“Project Zero's Thinking Routine Toolbox.” PZ's Thinking Routines Toolbox | Project Zero. Accessed July 6, 2022. .

“Turn and Talk.” the. Accessed July 6, 2023. 

“Why is History Important?” New American History, University of Richmond, 2022. .

View these Learning Resources as a Google Doc

This work by New American History is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) International License . Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Comments? Questions?

Let us know what you think about this Learning Resource. We’d also love to hear other ideas or answer questions from you!

Why Study History

“History helps us understand people and societies. It helps us understand change and how the society we live in came to be.” –Peter N. Stearns

Any subject of study needs justification. Read this classic essay from Peter N. Stearns about why we continue to look to the past to understand the world around us.

The Value of a History Degree

"Poster Session"

Careers for History Majors

Learning history lays the groundwork for future success. We’ve gathered data, advice, and personal stories to show what a degree in history can do for you.

Man clapping at event

In Their Own Words

What is the value of a history degree? Read testimonials from history majors.

AHA Plenary - The Past, the Present and the Work of Historians - Thursday - January 5, 2023

Share Your Story

Have you studied history? If so, let us know how the skills and knowledge you developed shape other aspects of your life.

History Behind the Headlines

History Behind the Headlines is a webinar series featuring prominent historians discussing the history behind current events. Webinars in this series are generously sponsored by AHA member Jared Brubaker.

What Our Students Learn


History Discipline Core

What do students learn in history courses? The culmination of years of collaboration and research, this statement summarizes key skills, knowledge, and habits of mind at the core of our discipline.


Academic Department Resources

What is the value of history? How can we prepare our students for success beyond the classroom? We’ve prepared this toolkit to help explain why we do what we do.

What Does It Mean to Think Historically?

This 2007 Perspectives on History article by Thomas Andrews and Flannery Burke introduced the “five C's of historical thinking”: the concepts of change over time, causality, context, complexity, and contingency.

Everything Has a History

The American Historical Association advocates for the crucial role of historical thinking in public life. Our work highlights the insights that come when we recognize that everything has a history.

History, the Past, and Public Culture: Results from a National Survey

This project aspired to take America’s historical pulse by assessing public perceptions of, and engagement with, the discipline of history and the past. The AHA partnered with Fairleigh Dickinson University to develop and implement a national survey that explored the public’s definition of the term “history,” where audiences access history.

Congressional Briefings

The AHA’s Congressional Briefings series provides congressional staff members, journalists, and other members of the policy community with the historical context essential to understanding contemporary issues. The sessions are strictly nonpartisan and avoid advancing particular policy prescriptions or legislative agendas.

Join the AHA

The AHA brings together historians from all specializations and all work contexts, embracing the breadth and variety of activity in history today.

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Life & Letters Magazine

Erika Bsumek at the Mansfield Dam

Four Reasons Everyone Should Study History

By Rachel White July 23, 2018 facebook twitter email

In the past, STEM and the arts and humanities have largely been taught as unconnected disciplines, but there is more overlap between fields than many realize.

Erika Bsumek, an associate professor of history in the College of Liberal Arts and a 2018 recipient of the Regent’s Outstanding Teaching Awards , wants to help students see how different disciplines are connected. In her class, Building America : Engineering Society and Culture, 1868-19 80, Bsumek teaches humanities and STEM majors how history, culture and politics have shaped technological advances and, in turn, how technology has restructured society in numerous ways in the process.

Bsumek, who also teaches Native American and Environmental history, strives to help all of her students see the world around them in new ways. She says learning history can be interesting and even fun. The more history they learn, the better prepared they will be to solve the biggest challenges society faces now and in the future. Here are four reasons why she says learning history can help them do that.

  • It helps us understand how our time is different from  or  similar to other periods.

In today’s world, where people often cherry pick facts about the past to prove points, it helps to place current events in historical context. History is an evidenced-based discipline. So, knowing how and where to find the facts one needs to gain a fuller understanding of today’s contentious debates can help us understand not only what is being said, but it can also help us grasp what kinds of historical comparisons people are making and why they are making them.

For instance, understanding how Native Americans were treated by both white settlers and the federal government can help us better understand why indigenous communities often resist what many non-American Indians view as seemingly “goodwill gestures” or “economic opportunities” — such as the proposed construction of a pipeline on or in proximity to Native land or a proposal to break up reservations into private parcels . Both kinds of actions have deep histories. Understanding the complexities associated with the historical experiences of the people involved can help build a better society.

  • History helps you see the world around you in a new way.

Everything has a history. Trees have a history, music has a history, bridges have a history, political fights have a history, mathematical equations have a history. In fact, #everythinghasahistory. Learning about those histories can help us gain a deeper understanding of the world around us and the historical forces that connect us and continue to influence how we interact with each other and the environment.

For instance, when we turn on the tap to brush our teeth or fill our pots to cook we expect clean drinking water to flow. But, how many people know where their water comes from, who tests it for purity, or how society evolved to safeguard such controls? To forget those lessons makes us more prone to overlook the way we, as a society, need to continue to support the policies that made clean water a possibility.

  • History education teaches us life skills.

In history courses, we learn not just about other people and places but we learn from them. We read the documents or materials that were produced at the time or listen to the oral histories people tell in order to convey the meaning of the past to successive generations. In doing so, we learn that there is just not one past, but a pluralism of pasts. This kind of knowledge can help the city manager and the engineer plan a new highway, city or park. It can also help us navigate our daily lives and learn to ask questions when we encounter people or places we don’t initially understand.

  • Studying history teaches students the skill sets that they will need in almost any major or job.

Studying history and other humanities can not only pique one’s imagination and engage students, history courses can also help students learn how to take in vast amounts of information, how to write and communicate those ideas effectively, and, most importantly, to accept the fact that many problems have no clear-cut answer. As a result, history classes help students to cultivate flexibility and a willingness to change their minds as they go about solving problems in whatever field they ultimately choose.

Performance in history courses can also be a good indicator of a student’s overall ability to succeed in college. A recent article by the American Historical Association reports that “two national studies that show that college students who do not succeed in even one of their foundational-­level [history] courses are the least likely to complete a degree at any institution over the 11-year period covered by the studies.” Why? The skills one learns in a well-taught history course can help students develop a flexible skill set they can use in their other classes and throughout their lives.

Featured image: Erika Bsumek at the Mansfield Dam located in Austin, Texas. Photo by Kirk Weddle.

History magnified: It's important to study history.

Why Is It Important to Study History?

Even if you live to be 100, you’ll never run out of new things to learn. From computer science and cryptocurrency to French literature and Spanish grammar, the world is full of knowledge and it’s all at your fingertips. So, why choose history?

Many people study history in high school and come away thinking it’s boring, irrelevant, or both. But as we get older, even just by a few years, we start to see the importance of understanding the past.

Why do we study history?

Why do we study history in the classroom?

We study history because history doesn’t stay behind us. Studying history helps us understand how events in the past made things the way they are today. With lessons from the past, we not only learn about ourselves and how we came to be, but also develop the ability to avoid mistakes and create better paths for our societies.

How does history impact our lives today?

Events in the past have displaced families and groups, changing the makeup of regions and often causing tensions. Such events have also created government systems that have lasted generations beyond when they started. And all of it affects each person alive today.

Take the Great Depression, for example—one of the most difficult but impactful periods in American history. The economic crisis put almost 15 million people out of work and sent countless families into homelessness, stealing their sense of security. Many of those people would feel insecure for the rest of their lives.

The government had to learn how to help . This effort gave rise to Social Security, federal emergency relief programs, and funding for unemployment efforts. These changes continue to make life more secure for millions of Americans. 

Society today comes from hundreds and thousands of actions like these. The more you learn about how these things happened, the better you understand real life.

What lessons can we learn from history?

History teaches us about things such as:

  • Why some societies thrive while others fail.
  • Why humans have gone to war.
  • How people have changed society for the better.

History isn’t a study of others. The people you learn about may have lived decades or even centuries ago, but their actions directly affect how we live our lives today. Events that seem like dates on a page have been turning points in the story of our societies.

“Historical knowledge is no more and no less than carefully and critically constructed collective memory.” -William H. MacNeill, former president of the American Historical Association

Historical research builds and codifies these stories. When we study history, we learn how we got where we are, and why we live the way we do. It’s the study of us—of humans and our place in an ever changing world. Without it, we wouldn’t understand all of our triumphs and failures, and we would continually repeat patterns without building forward to something better.

As Spanish philosopher George Santayana once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it. ” 

How do past events help us understand the present?

How do past events help us understand the present?

The past creates the present. Our modern world exists because of events that happened long before our time. Only by understanding those events can we know how we got here, and where to go next.

1. History helps us understand change

History is full of transitions that have altered the world’s story. When you build your knowledge of history, you understand more about what created our present-day society. 

Studying the American civil rights movement shows you how people organize successfully against oppressive systems. Learning about the fall of Rome teaches you that even the most powerful society can fall apart—and what happens to cause that crumbling.

By learning about different eras and their respective events, you start to see what changes might happen in the future and what would drive that change.

2. We learn from past mistakes

History gives us a better understanding of the world and how it operates. When you study a war, you learn more about how conflict escalates. You learn what dilemmas world leaders face and how they respond—and when those decisions lead to better or worse outcomes.

Historical study shows you the warning signs of many kinds of disaster, from genocide to climate inaction. Understanding these patterns will make you a more informed citizen and help you take action effectively.

3. We gain context for the human experience

Before 2020, most Americans hadn’t lived through a global pandemic. The 1918-1919 flu pandemic had faded from the popular picture of history, overshadowed by World War I on its back end and the Roaring 20s that followed. 

Yet within months of COVID-19 entering the public awareness, historians and informed private citizens were writing about the flu pandemic again. Stories of a deadly second wave were re-told to warn people against the dangers of travel, and pictures of ancestors in masks re-emerged.

Through study of the past, we understand our own lives better. We see patterns as they re-emerge and take solace in the fact that others have gone through similar struggles 

How do we study history?

How do we study history?

There are many ways of studying and teaching history. Many people remember high school classes full of memorization—names, dates, and places of major historical events. 

Decades ago, that kind of rote learning was important, but things have changed. Today, 60% of the world’s population and 90% of the U.S. population use the internet and can find those facts on demand. Today, learning history is about making connections and understanding not just what happened, but why.

Critical thinking

If you’ve ever served on a jury or read about a court case, you know that reconstructing the facts of the past isn’t a simple process. You have to consider the facts at hand, look at how they’re connected, and draw reasonable conclusions. 

Take the fall of Rome , for example. In the Roman Empire’s last years, the central government was unstable yet the empire continued to spend money on expansion. Outside groups like the Huns and Saxons capitalized on that instability and invaded. The empire had split into East and West, further breaking down a sense of unity, and Christianity was replacing the Roman polytheistic religion.

When you become a student of history, you learn how to process facts like these and consider how one event affected the other. An expanding empire is harder to control, and invasions further tax resources. But what caused that instability in the first place? And why did expansion remain so important?

Once you learn how to think this way and ask these kinds of questions, you start engaging more actively with the world around you.

Finding the “So what?” 

The study of history is fascinating, but that’s not the only reason why we do it. Learning the facts and following the thread of a story is just the first step. 

The most important question in history is “So what?”. 

For instance:

  • Why were the Chinese so successful in maintaining their empire in Asia? Why did that change after the Industrial Revolution?
  • Why was the invasion of Normandy in 1944 a turning point? What would happen if Allied forces hadn’t landed on French beaches?

Studying this way helps you see the relevance and importance of history, while giving you a deeper and more lasting understanding of what happened.

Where can I study history online?

Where can I study history online?

The quality of your history education matters. You can read about major historical events on hundreds of websites and through YouTube videos, but it’s hard to know if you’re getting the full story. Many secondary sources are hit-or-miss when it comes to quality history teaching.

It’s best to learn history from a reputable educational institution. edX has history courses from some of the world’s top universities including Harvard , Columbia , and Tel Aviv . Explore one-topic in depth or take an overview approach—it’s completely up to you. The whole world is at your fingertips.

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Importance of Studying History Essay

History is a very important and interesting subject. Those who are keen to know about the past events and heroism of great people, generally opt for history.

After reading our post, you will know the importance of studying history.

What is the Importance of Studying History

Importance of Studying History Essay (900+ Words)

The study of history is a crucial and captivating subject that attracts those interested in past events and heroic individuals. History provides insight into the noble actions of individuals whose exceptional achievements earn them a place in the annals of history. Their remarkable deeds serve as an inspiration to others, encouraging them to follow in their footsteps. Moreover, studying history can have a profound impact on one’s character.

However, modern society has become increasingly materialistic due to advancements in science and technology, resulting in fewer students opting to study history. The focus has shifted towards earning more money for lavish living, rather than contemplating the significance of historical events.

The contemporary man does not perceive the study of history as beneficial unless it serves as a means to achieve a specific goal or prepare for a respectable career. Individuals inclined towards history possess a mindset geared towards working for the betterment of humanity. Their aim is to achieve historical significance through exceptional achievements and a commitment to perfection. Recognition is earned through unprecedented accomplishments, which are often fueled by motivation drawn from past historical events.

Numerous ancestors have contributed significantly to mankind’s well-being, as chronicled by history. Several emperors left an indelible mark by ruling their countries with distinction, making notable contributions to humanity’s prosperity. Others gained prominence due to their acts of bravery, extreme sacrifice, remarkable leadership, and noble deeds.

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The names of iconic figures such as Ashoka , Maha Rana Pratap, Shershah Suri, Akbar, Rani Laxmi Bai, and Razia Begam are known to all. Their exceptional personalities, acts of courage, and sacrifice for the nation’s well-being inspire a sense of pride and admiration in us. Their legacies continue to serve as a source of inspiration, encouraging us to strive for greatness in our own lives.

The study of history is essential for gaining knowledge about significant events that have occurred in the past, both within one’s own country and across the world. It covers a broad range of topics, such as religion, politics, sociology, literature, economics, foreign policies, unity, freedom, trade, commerce, geographical aspects, and various indigenous and foreign races. The books of history record a plethora of wars, victories, and treaties that have taken place in the past, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of these events.

History is not merely a record of the actions and accomplishments of common people, but it also holds deep sentiments towards the cause that drives individuals to pursue it. The determination of an individual to achieve an arduous goal, often at great risk and personal sacrifice, is what makes their cause worthy of being recorded in history. Such individuals serve as a source of inspiration to others, who strive to emulate their deeds.

As a subject, history is full of facts and fiction, and it is as captivating as a novel or a drama. Every reader can experience the value and significance of history. Mahatma Gandhi emphasized the importance of history, stating that education is incomplete without it. According to him, an educated person must be knowledgeable about past events in order to comprehend the truth and draw upon their experiences to confront similar situations that may arise in the future.

History sheds light on diverse aspects of our world. For instance, it informs us that the Earth was once a fiery ball of gas and a piece of the Sun. After many years, it cooled and life gradually emerged, including plants, animals, and eventually, human beings. The books of history contain countless other facts and events that are crucial for our understanding of the world.

The study of history serves various crucial purposes. By delving into the past, we can gain insights into various aspects of human civilization, including caste, religion, tradition, and customs, and understand that these are all man-made constructs with no inherent sanctity. The purpose of these constructs was to create a framework that aligns with the work, emotions, and culture of society, and this framework is subject to change over time.

Furthermore, the study of history teaches us that division based on caste and religion has no practical significance and only serves as an impediment to progress. Instead, we must introduce reforms wisely to promote advancement. Moreover, examining the histories of other nations and their ways of life can provide valuable information that we can incorporate into our own system to foster a healthy lifestyle.

Additionally, studying history imbues us with lessons on courage, determination, and hope. Despite facing significant adversity, humanity has persevered and achieved remarkable progress throughout the ages. The study of history also allows us to appreciate the heroism of individuals who have made significant contributions in various fields.

Great leaders such as Jawaharlal Nehru, John F. Kennedy, and Mahatma Gandhi recognized the importance of studying history. Nehru’s expertise in history played a pivotal role in his success as a statesman who effectively addressed numerous global issues.

Therefore, we must encourage the study of history in our country with a positive and constructive mindset. By providing our youth with a comprehensive understanding of history, we can empower them to use its lessons to build a stronger and more prosperous nation.

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Home / Essay Samples / History / Oral History / The Significance of Studying History

The Significance of Studying History

  • Category: History , Education
  • Topic: Oral History , Study

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