Reported commands, negations – Exercise 2

Task no. 2329.

Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Always change the tense, although it is sometimes not necessary.

Peter, "Don't clean the black shoes!" Peter told me  

Peter told me not to clean the black shoes .

Do you need help?

Reported commands and requests in English

  • Karen, "Don't play football in the garden!" Karen told me .
  • Teacher, "Don't forget your homework!" The teacher reminded me .
  • Mike, "Don't shout at Peter!" Mike told me .
  • Yvonne, "Don't talk to your neighbour!" Yvonne told me .
  • Denise, "Don't open the door!" Denise told me .
  • Marcel, "Don't sing that song!" Marcel reminded me .
  • Jane, "Don't watch the new film!" Jane advised me .
  • Walter, "Don't ring Romy on Sunday!" Walter told me .
  • Lisa, "Don't fly via Paris!" Lisa advised me .
  • Jamie, "Don't eat so much junk food!" Jamie reminded me .
  • You are here:
  • Grammar Exercises
  • Reported Speech


"I at Toyota." 
"I at Honda."
"I a manager."
"I' a salesman."
He said he at Toyota.
He said he at Honda.
He said he a manager.
He said he a salesman.
"I' my house today."
"I' to work today."
"Mary in the show."
"She in the show."
He said he his house today.
He said he to work today.
Lee said that Mary in the show.
He said she in the show.
"I' already that movie." 
"I that song before."
"Gary three times."
"He hasn't left any messages though."
She said she already that movie.
She said she that song before.
Jack said Gary three times.
He said Gary any messages though.
"Jeff ."
"He ."
"Celine and Lee ."
"They ."
She said Jeff .
She said he .
Ling said they .
She said they .
"I my friend."
"I Monika."
"I late."
"I on time."
She said she his friend.
She said she Monika.
He said he late.
He said he on time.
"I wash the dishes."
"I won't go."
She said she wash the dishes.
He said he go.
"I dance."
"I swim."
He said he dance.
He said he swim.
"There be a problem." 
"There be any milk left."
                 (No contraction)
She said there be a problem.
She said there be any milk left.
                 (No contraction)
"I clean my room." 
"I clean the kitchen."
He said he clean his room.
He said he clean the kitchen.
"Sara work today."
"She go to class."
Peter said Sara work today.
He said she go to class.
"I go to the store." 
                 (No negative form possible)
She said she go to the store.
                 (No negative form possible)
would, could, might, ought to, should
"I like a sandwich."  He said he like a sandwich.
"I n't go to the party." She said she n't go to the party.
"It rain today." The weatherman said it rain today.
"You really do your homework." The teacher said I really do my homework.
"You be nicer to your sister." My mom said I be nicer to my sister.

Reported statements — mixed tenses — Exercise 3

  • Virtuālā skola
  • Angļu valoda
  • 10. - 12. klase
  • Reported speech (indirect speech), tag questions and negation

12. Reported speech. All types of sentences

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Reported Speech

go to your room and do homework mum said to steve

Grammar Time: Reported Speech. Exercises

When we want to report what someone said, we use indirect or reported speech. Revise the rule and have practice doing these exercises.

Exam in Mind Level B1

Task 1. change the direct speech into reported speech. choose the past simple of ‘ask’, ‘say’ or ‘tell’:.

  • “Don’t do it!” –  She asked not to do it. 
  • “I’m leaving tomorrow.”
  • “Please get me a cup of tea.”
  • “She got married last year”.
  • “Be quick!”
  • “Could you explain number four, please?”
  • “Where do you live?”
  • “We went to the cinema and then to a Chinese restaurant.”
  • “I’ll come and help you at twelve.”
  • “What are you doing tomorrow?”
  • “Don’t go!”
  • “Do you work in London?”
  • “Could you tell me where the post office is?”
  • “Come here!”
  • “I’ve never been to Wales.”
  • “Have you ever seen ‘Lord of the Rings’?”
  • “I don’t like mushrooms.”
  • “Don’t be silly!”
  • “Would you mind waiting a moment please?”
  • “How often do you play sport?”
  • Sarah complained, “My head is aching.”
  • I wanted to know, “Where are you going?”
  • Uncle David said, “Please take off your shoes when you come in.”
  • Mom asked me, “Are you feeling well?”
  • The teacher said, “Turn the music down!”
  • Jasper said, “You can borrow the book for a few days.”
  • Johnny admitted, “I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.”
  • The policeman ordered, “Move your car out of the way!” – The policeman ordered us …
  • Mary said, “I have just got back from New York.”
  • John explained, “I am starting work for a new company next week.
  • The teacher said, “Sardinia is an island that belongs to Italy.”
  • He asked me, “Can you come to the meeting tomorrow?”
  • The manager said to Cathy, “Please stand up!”
  • Jerry asked me,”Did you see that car over there?”
  • Mr Jackson said, “I wouldn’t go there if I were you.”

Task 2. Change the sentences to reported speech.

  • He said, ” I found the money in the garden yesterday.”
  • The policeman asked me , “What were you wearing last Sunday”?
  • The teacher explained to us, “The moon takes 28 days to go around the earth.”
  • Dad warned us , “Don’t touch the fresh paint!”
  • He wanted to know, “Will you go to the concert next week?”
  • Mary begged the teacher, “Please, give me another chance!”
  • Mother asked me, “Did he lend you the money?”
  • I was wondering, “Why does the earth move around the sun?”
  • She said, “I’m sorry but I have to go now.”
  • My mum complained, “I have been trying to phone you all day!”
  • My friend told me , “I’ll have to go to the party without you.”
  • Dad asked me , “Where have you been so long ?”
  • Jane said , “I want to tell you about my trip to New York.”
  • He asked us ,” Don’t make so much noise!”
  • Robert said, ” You can stay at my place over the weekend.”
  • Keith told the immigration officer, “This is my first visit to the United States.”
  • My friend said, “I’m going to visit my parents next month.”
  • The tourist guide warned us, “Don’t drink tap water in this city.”
  • He asked me, “Are you starting work on Monday?”
  • Elisabeth to her brother: “Don’t read my emails!”
  • Jimmy complained, “I have already written this invitation twice.”
  • The policeman wondered, “Why didn’t you stop at the traffic lights?”
  • My sister told me, “I saw you at the supermarket yesterday.”
  • The teacher said, “If I knew the answer, I would tell you.”
  • My dad said, “You have to study harder for the next test.”
  • The girl asked the shop assistant, “Can you shorten this dress for me?”
  • He asked, “Do you live near the city, James?”
  • The reporter asked, “Did you see the accident?”
  • I advised Mike, “You should see a doctor”.
  • The teacher told the students, “Speak up if you want to say something!”

Task 3. Change the sentences to reported speech.

  • Mary said, “I will play a card game tomorrow.” – Mary informed me that …
  • Sophie said, “I went to bed early last night.”
  • The teacher said to Jenny, “You have to learn your grammar.”
  • Jessica told the immigration officer,”This is my first trip to England.”
  • He told me, “You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.”
  • Marty said, “I’m going to visit my uncle next month.”
  • Lara said, “I get on with my parents really fine.”
  • Gloria explained, “I can’t come to the party because I’m going away for the weekend.”
  • Mark said, “My friend found a new job in the music business.”
  • Judy complained, “I have already written this essay four times.”
  • Peter announced, “I will not give up until this factory is shut down.”
  • Her boyfriend told her,” You have bought a wonderful dress.”
  • Paul said, “I don’t like my new flat.”
  • My father told Ben, “I am sure I saw you here last week.
  • Betty said, “If I knew the answer, I would tell you the answer.”
  • The landlady said to the student, “You must keep your room clean!”
  • Mr Simmons told Harry, “Don’t smoke in my car!”
  • He asked me, “Do you want to be famous?”
  • My dad said, “Our aunt will stay for breakfast.”
  • Sally said, “I can’t believe he is leaving me like this.”
  • He wondered, “Where did Maud work?”
  • Mom said, “I need to be at work early this morning.”
  • Maria said, “Angela had worked at this company before I came here.”
  • The woman complained,” The clock I bought yesterday doesn’t work.”
  • He asked, “Were you followed by the police?”
  • The chef advised us, “Cook the meat carefully.”
  • He promised, “I’ll return the book tomorrow.”
  • The teacher reminded us, “Don’t forget your homework”.
  • Patricia said, “My mother will celebrate her birthday next week.”
  • He warned me, “Don’t shout at me like that!”

Task 4. Change the sentences to reported speech.

  • He said, “I will be there by noon.”
  • The twins said, “We are five years old.”
  • Mum said, “You will have to get up early for the trip tomorrow.”
  • The teacher told her, “You speak English very well.”
  • The doctor said, “Your mother will recover quickly.”
  • My aunt said, “I am leaving early on Friday morning.”
  • The boy said, “I have been to Australia before.”
  • Herbert said, “We are going to live in Manchester.”
  • Jennifer said, “I have already read that book.”
  • Jim said, “I hope it won’t rain tomorrow.”
  • My mum said,” You can go shopping later.”
  • He said to me, “Where have you been?”
  • My dad said, “Go to your room at once.” – My dad ordered me …
  • Jimmy said, “I own a brand-new sports car.”
  • John said, “I am writing a new novel”.
  • My mother said, “Close you eye and open your hands.”
  • I said to the host, “Can I have another piece of cake?”
  • The teacher wondered, “Will she be safe if she goes alone?”
  • She told me, “He has never written to me before.” –  She explained that …
  • The shop assistant asked me, “What size are your shoes?” – The shop assistant wanted to know …
  •  The administrator warned us, “Don’t walk on the grass”.
  • My friend said to me, “Go to the doctor.” – My friend advised me …

Task 5. Change the sentences to reported speech.

  • The hotel manager said, “Dinner is served between 7 and 9.
  • My little brother said, “I didn’t steal the money.”
  • Martha said, “Let’s go to the movies.” – Martha suggested …
  • The headmaster said, “All students are taking part in the project.”
  • Jamie said, “I’ll never forget your birthday again.”
  • He asked me, “Can I take a photo?” – He wondered if …
  • Joanne asked me, “Where did you buy that dress?”
  • I wanted to know, “Where is the IT department?”
  • Denny asked me, “When are you leaving?”
  • Linda asked her teacher, “When will you give us the results?”
  • Mom asked her, “How often do you look at your phone?” – Mom wanted to know …
  • Ashley asked me, “Who are you going to the ball with?”
  • He asked me, “How many people have you invited to the party?” – He wanted to know …
  • John asked him, “Where should we put the new equipment?”
  • I asked Dad, “Are you going to the U.S.?” – I wanted to know …
  • Mom wanted to know, “When will you start behaving?”
  • The stranger asked me, “Do you speak Chinese?”
  • Mary wanted to know, ” What have you done with your hair?”
  • I asked the teacher, “Can I go to the restroom?”
  • Andy wanted to know, “Did your mom make the wedding dress?”
  •  Tessa asked me, “Have you ever driven a motor scooter?”

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English Grammar Exercises for B2 – Reported speech

1. Change the direct speech into reported speech.

1) ‘You must take these tablets twice a day.’

 The doctor says I ________

2) ‘I’m going to the gym tomorrow.’

 Ben told me ________

3) ‘You don’t have to wait for me.’

  Liz said that I ________

4) ‘I took final exam yesterday.’

  Jack told me ________

5) ‘I haven’t told you the complete truth.’

  Pablo said ________

6) ‘I’ll meet you later today.’

  Jim tells me ________

7) ‘I prefer this café to the one opposite.’

 Julia says ________

8) ‘I’ll always remember meeting you.’

      Ann told me ________

Show answers

1) must take these tablets twice a day.

2) (that) he was going to the gym the next day.

3) didn’t have to wait for her.

4) (that) he had taken his final exam the day before.

5) (that) he hadn’t told me the complete truth.

6) (that) he’ll meet me later today.

7) (that) she prefers this café to the one opposite.

8) (that) she would always remember meeting me.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Do not change the order of the words. Use a maximum of five words including the words in brackets.

1) Will asked us ______________ (time / game / start) the next day.

2) The assistant asked him if ______________ (he / like / try) on a smaller jacket.

3) teacher asked me ______________ (I / finish) the exercise and I said I hadn’t.

4) I asked Maria ______________ (which / film / seen) the night before.

5) The dentist asked ______________ (me / why) never used an electric toothbrush before.

6) She asked him if ______________ (he / going) the park and he said he wasn’t.

7) I asked the policeman whether ______________ (he / help / us) and he said he could.

1) what time the game started    2) he would like to try

3) if I had finished    4) which film she had seen

5) me why I had    6) he was going to    7) he could help us

3. Change the direct speech into reported speech. Begin with mum asked me .

1) ‘Why are you home so late?’


2) ‘Did you leave school on time today?’

3) ‘You’ve got lots of homework to do, haven’t you?’

4) ‘When are you doing to tidy your room?’

5) ‘Have you seen your brother this afternoon?’

6) ‘Will you help me with the shopping tomorrow?’

7) ‘Would you like me to give you some money for a pizza?’


1) mum asked me why I was home so late.

2) ___ if I had left school on time that day.

3) ___ if I had (got) lots of homework to do.

4) ___ when I was going to tidy room.

5) ___ if I had seen brother that afternoon.

6) ___ if I’d help her with the shopping the next day.

7) ___ if I’d like her to give me some money for a pizza.

4. Report the dialogue using say or ask in the past simple.

Dan Are you going to the concert tomorrow evening?

Zoe  No, I’m not. I haven’t got any money.

Dan I’ll lend you some. How much do you need?

Zoe  That’s really kind of you, but I have to finish homework too.

Dan Would you like me to help you finish it?

Zoe  Do you speak German?

Dan No, I don’t. Your cousin does, doesn’t she?

Zoe  Yes, she does. Perhaps I should ask her.


Dan asked Zoe if she was going to the concert the next evening. Zoe said she wasn’t. She said she didn’t have any money. Dan said he’d lend her some. He asked her how much she needed. Zoe said that was really kind of him, but she had to finish her homework too. Dan asked her if she’d like him to help her finish it. Zoe asked him if he spoke German. Dan said he didn’t. He asked her if her cousin did. Zoe said she did. She said perhaps she should ask her.

5. Write a second sentence that has a similar meaning to the first. Use the words in brackets.

1) ‘Do you know the answer to these questions?’ Sally asked me. (if)

2) ‘I mustn’t be late for the trip tomorrow,’ said Bella. (next)

3) ‘Have you heard the band’s new album yet?’ asked Kostas. (me)

4) ‘I won’t be at school next week,’ said Mark. (says)

5) ‘Will you be getting a new phone soon?’ asked Harry. (whether)

6) ‘ plane arrives at ten in the morning,’ said Andrew. (tells)

1) Sally asked me if I knew the answer to the / those questions.

2) Bella said that she mustn’t be late for the trip the next day.

3) Kostas asked me if I’d heard the band’s new album yet.

4) Mark says that he won’t be at school next week.

5) Harry asked (me) whether I’d be getting a new phone soon.

6) Andrew tells me that his plane arrives at ten in the morning.

6. Rewrite the sentences using reported speech.

1) ‘I’ll never wear this outfit again.’

 Monica said ________.

2) ‘I don’t believe you.’

  dad told sister ________.

3) ‘I’ve been talking to Frank.’

 Susanna tells me ________.

4) ‘You mustn’t tell anyone.’

  Harry told me ________.

5) ‘I’ll give you an answer tomorrow.’

 Jenny told Tom ________.

6) ‘I was at a friend’s house yesterday.’

      Lisa said ________.

1) (that) she would never wear that outfit again

2) (that) he didn’t believe her

3) (that) she’s been talking to Frank

4) (that) I mustn’t tell anyone

5) (that) she would give him an answer the next day

6) (that) she had been at a friend’s house the day before

7. Rewrite the questions using reported speech.

1) ‘Did you see the football match yesterday?’

  Jim asked me ________.

2) ‘You’ve ordered the pizzas, haven’t you?’

  I asked Eddie ________.

3) ‘What languages do you speak?’

  The tourist asked me ________.

4) ‘You’re going out later, aren’t you?’

   dad asked me ________.

5) ‘Do you like Indian food?’ ‘Yes, I do’

  They asked me ________.

6) ‘Where does your brother work?’

  I asked Emma ________.

7) ‘Were you late for school this morning?’

   mum asked sister ________.

8) ‘Are you tired?’ ‘No, I’m not.’

      We asked him ________.

1) if / whether I had seen the football match the day before.

2) if / whether he had ordered the pizzas

3) what languages I spoke

4) if / whether I was going out later

5) if / whether I liked Indian food and I said I did

6) where her brother worked

7) if / whether she had been late for school that morning

8) if / whether he was tired and he said that he wasn’t

Advanced English Vocabulary - One Minute Videos on YouTube


A) Statements:

Example: The boy said, �My name is Mark.�
The boy said (that) his name was Mark.

Do the same:
1. Mary said, �I like Turkish pop music.�
2. The woman said, �It�s not my umbrella, mine is red.�
3. Tom said, �I have a sports car. It is red.�
4. Mr. Brown said, �I don�t drive a car in the rush hour.�
5. Terry said, �I eat toasts for breakfast. They are made by my mother.�
6. Sue said, �The boy is looking at us. I don�t know him.�
7. John said, �I can swim well but I don�t have enough time to swim.�
8. My brother said to me, �I don�t want to carry your books!�
9. The teacher said, �If you don�t study regularly, you�ll fail.�
10. Mr. Green said, �I have to water my flowers twice a week.�
11. Alice said, �I used to swim well but now I don�t.�
12. Mr. Miller said, �I know your parents. I�ve met them in the meeting.�

B) Imperatives:

Examples: * The teacher always says to us, �Study very hard.�
The teacher always tells us TO study hard.

* The teacher says, �Don�t talk in the class.�
The teacher tells us NOT TO talk in the class.

Do the same:
1. Woman to the porter: �Carry my suitcases.�
2. Policeman to a man: �Describe your car.�
3. Mother to the boy: �Don�t hurt yourself.�
4. The robber to the man: �Give me your money.�
5. Teacher to the student: �Give me your book.�
6. The man to us: �Don�t park here.�
7. Woman to her husband: �Don�t forget to take your key.�
8. Mr. Smith to her son: �Don�t put your books on this desk.�
9. Young man to the young woman: �Give me one of your photographs.�
10. The man to his son: �Hurry up! Don�t miss the bus!�
11. The woman to her daughter: �Tidy your room, don�t waste your time.�

C) Wh- questions:

Examples: * �What is the time?� he asked.
He asked me what the time was.

* �Where do you live?� he asked Mary.
How wanted to know where Mary lived.

Do the same:

1. He asked, �How long does it take you to have lunch?�
2. He asked me, �What are you doing at the weekend?�
3. She asked, �Why are you late, Tom?�
4. My mother asked me, �Where is your umbrella?�
5. The secretary asked the man, �Who do you want to see, sir?�
6. The students asked, �What time does the bell ring?�
7. He asked Tom, �What kind of films do you like watching?�
8. The teacher asked the girl, �When do you have to be home?�
9. They always asked, �Why don�t you let my cat in?�
10. The passengers asked, �When did the last train leave?�
11. He asked, �What will you do tomorrow, Jane?�

D) Yes / No questions:

Examples: * �Are you busy?� he asked me.
He asked me IF I was busy.

* �Do you like banana?� he asked his friends.
He asked his friends IF they liked banana.
Do the same:

1. She asked, �Do you live with your family, Helen?�
2. He asked, �Can I borrow your pen, Linda?�
3. He asked me, �Does your uncle live in England?�
4. Mary asked Lucy, �Will you come to my party tomorrow?�
5. Mark asked, �Did you phone me last night, John?�
6. He asked, �Is this yours or mine, David?�
7. She always asked me, �Must you always ask me what I�m doing?�
8. The teacher asked, �Are you listening to me?�
9. Mary asked, �Do you want me to help you, Larry?�
10. The officer asked, �Are you a foreigner? Can you spell your name?�


1. Bob says, �I want to play tennis this afternoon.�
2. John says, �I haven�t seen my grandmother for a long time.�
3. Cindy says to Alan, �Don�t come in with your dirty shoes.�
4. My father says, �Please, help me in the garden.�
5. �Don�t wipe your dirty fingers on my clean table cloth.� says his mother.
6. �When does the bell ring?� asks John.
7. Sandy asks Danny, �Why didn�t you tell her the truth?�
8. �How long have you waited for me?�
What does Charles ask Fiona?
9. �Does it rain in winter in Somali?�
What does the teacher ask?
10. �Did you post the letter?� asks Rachel.
You can use AND, BUT, BECAUSE, ADD to join the sentences.

1. Brenda said to Jimmy, �Please, turn off the TV. The film is boring.�
2. �Wash your face and say GOOD MORNING to everybody.� says his mother.
3. �Do your homework again. There are a lot of mistakes.� says the teacher to Kate.
4. �Don�t waste your time! Finish studying.� says Mrs. Dawson to Barbara.
5. �Brush your teeth. They look very dirty.� Her mother says to her.
6. �Look out! There is a truck coming.� Kevin said to his daughter.
7. Janet told David, �This book looks boring. Give me another, please.�
8. Mrs. Abbot told Jack, �Your hair is very long. Go and have a hair cut.�
9. Mrs. Denman says to her son, �It is very hot. Don�t play in the sun.�
10. Mr. Newman said to Nicky, �Don�t make a lot of noise. I want to listen to the news.�
11. �Don�t turn it up. I have a headache.� says the mother.
12. Sue told Andy, �Don�t shout! I�m not a deaf.�
13. Terry said to Ashley, �Don�t speak German. Speak English. They can�t understand you.�
14. �Please, be quiet! The baby is sleeping.� says Mrs. Newton to the children.
15. �Will you please move aisde? I can�t watch television.� says John.
16. Mark said, �I want to buy a new car. Ours is very old and spends a lot of petrol.�
17. Tom said to Carol, �Can I borrow your dictionary. Mine is at home.�
18. �Your hands are very dirty. Go to the bathroom and wash them.� says her mother.
19. Sandy said to Danny, �Does your mother work? I see her on the bus everyday.�
20. Tom told Jane, �I�m bored. Can we go to the cinema?�
21. Sam said to Kate, �I�m broke. Can you lend me some money?�
22. Mother said to her son, �Your friends are playing in the garden. Don�t you want to
play with them?�
23. Jim says to his son, �When will you go? You are very late for school.�
24. �What have you cooked? I feel very hungry.� Tony said to his mother.
25. �Why don�t you wash your car? It looks very dirty.� Mrs. Dawson said to John.

English Language Learning

For Any Learners

11 Ekim 2009 Pazar

Indirect speech, hiç yorum yok:, yorum gönder.

go to your room and do homework mum said to steve

Exercises on Conditional Sentences (Mix)

Type i or ii.

Complete the Conditional Sentences. Decide whether to use Type I or II.

  • If they go to Washington, they (see) the White House.
  • If she (have) a hamster, she would call him Fred.
  • If he gave her a sweet, she (stop) crying.
  • If he (arrive) later, he will take a taxi.
  • We would understand him if he (speak) slowly.
  • Andy (cook) dinner if we buy the food.
  • I will prepare breakfast if I (wake up) early.
  • If they shared a room, they (fight) all day long.
  • If you hate walking in the mountains, you (enjoy / not) the tour.
  • Janet would go jogging if she (have / not) to do her homework.

Trapped in the Locker

Trapped in the locker lyrics.

How to Format Lyrics:

  • Type out all lyrics, even repeating song parts like the chorus
  • Lyrics should be broken down into individual lines
  • Use section headers above different song parts like [Verse], [Chorus], etc.
  • Use italics ( <i>lyric</i> ) and bold ( <b>lyric</b> ) to distinguish between different vocalists in the same song part
  • If you don’t understand a lyric, use [?]

To learn more, check out our transcription guide or visit our transcribers forum

“Trapped in the Locker”, sung by Steve in American Dad, is the parody of R Kelly’s “Trapped in the Closet”, divided into 12 chapters.

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go to your room and do homework mum said to steve


  1. Go to Your Room!

    go to your room and do homework mum said to steve

  2. Go To Your Room Supercut Compilation Update

    go to your room and do homework mum said to steve

  3. Image

    go to your room and do homework mum said to steve

  4. D.W., Go to Your Room! (Paperback)

    go to your room and do homework mum said to steve

  5. YARN

    go to your room and do homework mum said to steve

  6. STEVE put his homework aside to play minecraft!

    go to your room and do homework mum said to steve


  1. Trying To Be Perfect

  2. POV when you do homework with your mum 

  3. When your mum says to do homework

  4. when my mum said to go to school and go to homework 😒 😭 🤫 pretended to sleep

  5. Go To Your Room Supercut (UPDATED)

  6. Alright Bart Ded Shit Go Your Room Why You Little In G Major 16


  1. Indirect speech

    1 'I work in a bank.' ⇒ He said that he in a bank. 2 'I am working today.' ⇒ She told us she that day. 3 'I've been ill for a couple of weeks.' ⇒ He told me he for a couple of weeks. 4 'I was at the doctor all morning.' ⇒ She told me that she at the doctor all morning. 5 'I'll lend you the money.' ⇒ He told me he me the money.

  2. Reported commands, negations

    Jane advised me . Walter, "Don't ring Romy on Sunday!" Walter told me . Lisa, "Don't fly via Paris!" Lisa advised me . Jamie, "Don't eat so much junk food!" Jamie reminded me . Reported commands in English, negative sentences.

  3. Indirect (Reported) Speech

    She said she could n't go to the party. "It might rain today." The weatherman said it might rain today. "You really ought to do your homework." The teacher said I really ought to do my homework. "You should be nicer to your sister." My mom said I should be nicer to my sister. An English-Zone.Com: Indirect Speech - Practice the verb changes in ...

  4. PDF B1 Reported Speech RS007

    2. My dad said, "Go to your room at once." My dad ordered me to go to my room at once. 3. Jimmy said, "I own a brand-new sports car." Jimmy said that he owned a brand-new sports car. 4. John said, "I am writing a new novel". John said that he was writing a new novel. 5. My mother said, "Close you eye and open your hands." My mother told me to ...

  5. Exercise on Reported Speech

    Exercise 1 - Requests (positive) Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note the change of pronouns in some sentences. "Stop talking, Joe," the teacher said. "Be patient," she said to him. "Go to your room," her father said to her. "Hurry up," she said to us. "Give me the key," he told her.

  6. PDF B1 Reported Speech RS011

    7. Father said, "Go to your room and stay there." Father ordered me to go to my room and stay there. 8. He asked me, "Are you alright? He asked me if I was alright. 9. Mom said, "I haven't seen him in the last few days." Mom said that that she hadn't seen him in the few days before. 10. The students said, "Please don't give us any ...

  7. Reported statements

    Reported statements — mixed tenses — Exercise 3. Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Pay special attention to changing pronouns where necessary. 1. Mother, "Children are doing their homework upstairs.". Mother said (that). 2. Kate, "I don't have any time.". Kate told me (that).

  8. Exercise on Reported Speech

    Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Change pronouns and expressions of time and place where necessary. They said, "This is our book." → They said. She said, "I went to the cinema yesterday." → She said. He said, "I am writing a test tomorrow." → He said. You said, "I will do this for him."

  9. Exercise on Reported Speech

    He asked, "Do I have to do it?" → He asked "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter. → The mother asked her daughter "Which dress do you like best?" she asked her boyfriend. → She asked her boyfriend "What are they doing?" she asked. → She wanted to know "Are you going to the cinema?" he asked me. → He wanted to know

  10. 12. Reported speech. All types of sentences

    Don't forget about full stops at the end of the sentences. Use 'that' in positive sentences for reported speech. 1. " I will phone this evening", she said. 2. "Go to your room and do homework", mum said to Steve. 3. "Don't press the button", my sister said. Ieiet portālā vai Reģistrēties.

  11. Reported Speech

    My mum said," You can go shopping later." He said to me, "Where have you been?" My dad said, "Go to your room at once." - My dad ordered me … Jimmy said, "I own a brand-new sports car." John said, "I am writing a new novel". My mother said, "Close you eye and open your hands." I said to the host, "Can I have ...

  12. English Grammar Exercises for B2

    Zoe said she wasn't. She said she didn't have any money. Dan said he'd lend her some. He asked her how much she needed. Zoe said that was really kind of him, but she had to finish her homework too. Dan asked her if she'd like him to help her finish it. Zoe asked him if he spoke German. Dan said he didn't. He asked her if her cousin did.

  13. PDF B1 Reported Speech RS004

    7. Mom said, "I need to be at work early this morning." Mom said that she needed to be at work early that morning. 8. Maria said, "Angela had worked at this company before I came here." Maria said that Angela had worked at that company before she had come there. 9. The woman complained," The clock I bought yesterday doesn't work."

  14. Coordinating Conjunctions Flashcards

    Mom asked me to clean my room and dry the dishes. and. Identify the coordinating conjunction in this sentence. Asia loves chocolate candy, but she doesn't like chocolate ice cream. but. Identify the coordinating conjunction in this sentence. Chloe wanted to ride her new bike, but one of the tires was flat. but.

  15. Reported speech

    The woman to her daughter: "Tidy your room, don't waste your time." ... "Do your homework again. There are a lot of mistakes." says the teacher to Kate. ... 22. Mother said to her son, "Your friends are playing in the garden. Don't you want to play with them?" ...

  16. reported speech, reported questions, reporting verbs

    Mum told me tidy your room. 3. Multiple Choice. Edit. 45 seconds. 1 pt "You shouldn't go into the water" said the coast guard. The coast guard denied going into the water. The coast guard suggested to go into the water. ... 'I'm doing my homework a the moment.' He said he ..... at the moment.

  17. English Language Learning: Indirect speech

    Indirect speech. Put the following into indirect speech. 1 'I have something to show you,' I said to her. 2 'Nothing grows in my garden. It never gets any sun, ' she said. 3 'I'm going away tomorrow, mother,' he said. 4 'I've been in London (or a month but so far I haven't had time to visit the Tower,' said Rupert.

  18. 49CAE Flashcards

    FOR. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like "Do your homework first, and then you can go to the cinema", said Jim's mother., Jim's mother agreed to let him go to the cinema, so long as he did his homework first., "Yes, I took the money, but Ned told me to do it!" said George. and more.

  19. Exercises on Conditional Sentences

    I will prepare breakfast if I (wake up) early. If they shared a room, they (fight) all day long. If you hate walking in the mountains, you (enjoy / not) the tour. Janet would go jogging if she (have / not) to do her homework. Mark wrong answers. Replace wrong by correct answers. Show all correct answers. Exercises on Conditional Sentences - 03 ...

  20. Past simple or present perfect?

    Complete the sentences below with the present perfect or the past simple of the verbs in brackets. 1 We (be) together since we (be) teenagers. 2 Since records (begin) in 1880, the global temperature (rise) 0.85 degrees Celsius. 3 Bennet is my best friend. I (meet) him at school, and we (be) friends for 50 years.

  21. American Dad

    Trapped in the Locker Lyrics. [Verse 1] 3:30, in the afternoon. I should be doing my homework, inside my own room. But, bad luck, got me messed up. I'm in the locker room and now I'm stuck, guess ...

  22. CAE National Geographic 1 Sentence transformations Test 2

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like "Do your homework first, and then you can go to the cinema", said Jamie's mother LONG Jamie's mother agreed to let him go to the cinema .....his homework first., Harry thought of throwing a surprise party for katie's birthday. CAME Harry .....of throwing a surprise party for katie's birthday., They are decorating our living room ...

  23. CAE National Geographic 1 Sentence transformations Test 2

    "Do your homework first, and then you can go to the cinema", ... and then you can go to the cinema", said Jamie's mother LONG Jamie's mother agreed to let him go to the cinema ... They are decorating our living room, so the house is a mess DONE We are ....., so the house is a mess! I really hate it when people speak to me like that! ...