Uzbekistan 2020-2022 Country Operations Business Plan - Asian Development Bank

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Uzbekistan - ADB: agreement reached on joint implementation of 27 projects worth $2.8 billion

adb country operations business plan uzbekistan

Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan Jamshid Khojaev met with Vice President of ADB for Administration and Corporate Governance Bruce Gosper via videoconference.

During the discussion the current state and prospects of expanding bilateral cooperation between Uzbekistan and ADB were discussed.

Officials at the meeting with ADB management have highlighted the ample opportunities for expanding private and foreign investment in various sectors of Uzbekistan's economy. It was announced that the current portfolio includes 24 projects in infrastructural construction, power engineering, housing and utilities, healthcare, agriculture worth 3.7 billion US dollars. Within the business plan of the ADB's country operations for 2022-2024, it was agreed upon to jointly implement 27 projects worth 2.8 billion US dollars.

This year, the agreement has been signed on 1 investment project worth $274 million and negotiations have been completed on 2 projects aimed at development of the mortgage market sector and budget support totalling $650 million. The sides reached the agreement to make arrangements for the signing of the agreements related to these projects by the end of this year.

At the end of the meeting the sides expressed their mutual commitment to consistently continue the cooperation within the existing and new areas of cooperation.

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Content Provider Asian Development Bank
Spatial Coverage Uzbekistan
Description The country operations business plan (COBP), 2017–2019 for Uzbekistan is consistent with the country partnership strategy (CPS), 2012–2016, and more recent government initiatives. In line with the CPS, this COBP includes operational support for transport, energy, municipal services, and access to finance. Reflecting emerging development priorities and ADB Strategy 2020 midterm review recommendations, the COBP also includes pilot-based and demand-driven support to education and healthcare.
File Format PDF
Language English
Publisher Date 2016-12-19
Access Restriction Open
Subject Keyword COBP 2017-2019 Uzb reforms Uzbekistan cps 2012-2016 ADB operations Lending programs Development plans Development framework Country operations Country programs Development strategy ADB members ADB assistance Uzbekistan In492-16 Country Planning Documents
Content Type Text
Learning Resource Type Plan

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Uzbekistan: Country Operations Business Plan (2018–2020)

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The country partnership strategy (CPS), 2012–2016 of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for Uzbekistan supported infrastructure development and access to finance. Consultations with the government confirmed that the strategic focus of the CPS remains valid. The proposed country operations business plan (COBP), 2018–2020 for Uzbekistan extends the validity of the CPS, and is consistent with recent government initiatives.

This COBP fully supports the strategy and reflects updated development priorities of Uzbekistan. To this end, this COBP includes operational support for transport, energy, municipal services, health, and access to finance. Support for the key drivers of change—private sector development, regional cooperation, governance, knowledge management, gender equity, and climate change and the environment—is integrated into the operational assistance.

  • Consistency of the Business Plan with the Country Partnership Strategy 
  • Indicative Resource Parameters 
  • Summary of Changes to Lending and Nonlending Programs

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Uzbekistan and ADB expand cooperation

On September 19 this year, Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan Jamshid Khodjaev met via videoconference with ADB Vice President for Administration and Corporate Governance Bruce Gosper.

During the conversation, the current state and prospects for expanding bilateral cooperation between Uzbekistan and ADB were discussed.

At the meeting, the leadership of the ADB emphasized the wide opportunities for expanding the attraction of private and foreign investment in various sectors of the economy of Uzbekistan. It was announced that the current portfolio consists of 24 projects in the field of infrastructure construction, energy, housing and communal services, healthcare, and agriculture in the amount of $3.7 billion. As part of the business plan for ADB country operations for 2022-2024, an agreement was reached on the joint implementation of 27 projects worth $2.8 billion. This year, an agreement was signed on 1 investment project worth $274 million and negotiations were completed on 2 projects aimed at developing the mortgage market sector and supporting the budget for a total of $650 million. An agreement was reached to take measures to sign agreements on these projects by the end of this year.

Following the meeting, the parties expressed mutual commitment to the consistent continuation of cooperation within the framework of existing and new areas of interaction.

adb country operations business plan uzbekistan

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    The country operations business plan (COBP), 2020–2022 of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for Uzbekistan is consistent with the recent government initiatives and the country partnership strategy (CPS), 2019–2023 for Uzbekistan.

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  3. Country Operations Business Plan - Asian Development Bank

    The country operations business plan (COBP), 20212023 of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for Uzbekistan is consistent with the recent initiatives of the government; ADB’s country partnership strategy (CPS), 2019–2023 for Uzbekistan; and ADB’s Strategy 2030 operational priorities.1 The key objective of ADB’s CPS is to support the ...

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    Country Operations Business Plan October 2019 Uzbekistan 2020–2022 This document is being disclosed to the public in accordance with ADB's Access to Information Policy.

  5. Uzbekistan - ADB: agreement reached on joint implementation ...

    Within the business plan of the ADB's country operations for 2022-2024, it was agreed upon to jointly implement 27 projects worth 2.8 billion US dollars.

  6. Asian Development Bank and Uzbekistan: Fact Sheet

    In October 2017, ADB approved the country operations business plan (COBP), 20182020 for Uzbekistan. The COBP fully supports the country’s national development strategy and refl ects its updated development priorities.

  7. NDLI: Uzbekistan: Country Operations Business Plan (2017–2019

    Uzbekistan: Country Operations Business Plan (2016–2018) Uzbekistan: Country Operations Business Plan (2012-2014) Uzbekistan: Country Operations Business Plan (2011-2013)

  8. Uzbekistan: Country Operations Business Plan (2018–2020)

    The proposed country operations business plan (COBP), 20182020 for Uzbekistan extends the validity of the CPS, and is consistent with recent government initiatives. This COBP fully supports the strategy and reflects updated development priorities of Uzbekistan.

  9. Uzbekistan and ADB expand cooperation - Invest In Uzbekistan

    As part of the business plan for ADB country operations for 2022-2024, an agreement was reached on the joint implementation of 27 projects worth $2.8 billion.

  10. Report and Recommendation of the President - Early Warning System

    20192023,2 and the ADB country operations business plan for Uzbekistan, 2021–2023.3 The programmatic approach, comprising two subprograms, will help sequence reforms over a 4-year timeframe (2019–2023) and provide flexibility to incorporate changes if warranted (para. 19).