Essay On Trees

Essay On Trees | Trees Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay On Trees: God has given mankind nature’s treasure in so many forms and in so many shapes but the present man has deformed the forms and misshaped the shapes. Mountains and rivers, fields, and forests have been assigned by the Creator to play their part for the welfare of the best of his creations Man. But man has completely mistaken these bounties and misused them in his utter self-interest resulting in the mauling of his being and in the murdering of himself. But the modem man still does not see the doom looming large before him. So blinded is he by the sense of his immediate gain.

Long Essay on Trees 500+ Words in English

Short essay on trees 200+ words in english.

  • 10 Lines on Essay on Trees
  • What are Trees?
  • How Trees are important to us?
  • How do Trees help humans?
  • Can we live without trees?

Long and Short Essays on Trees Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Trees’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on the Trees of 400-500 words. This long essay about Trees is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Trees of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Below we have given a long essay on Trees of 500+ words that are helpful for classes 7, 8, 9, and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Trees are one such boon bestowed on mankind. They form such an important part of our well-being and play such a significant role in our healthy living. But man’s lust for more and more of material gains; more and more of land for their agriculture and still more for their factories and industries has resulted in the depletion of this treasure of nature, on such a large scale. The entire eco-system stands disturbed and imbalanced; the mountains have lost their lustre of greenery; the slopes stand to stare naked; the clouds float away without pouring down; the fields lie parched and dried. All this because ‘Trees’ have been trimmed, tortured, and truncated.

In our country, our ancients had evolved a method to protect this bounty of nature. Trees used to be worshipped as a deity; there was divinity attached to them; the ‘Neem’, the ‘Peepal’, the ‘Banyan’, the ‘Mango’, the ‘Maulshree’ the ‘Kadamb’, the ‘Kachnar’, the ‘Tulsi’, the Amaltash’, the ‘Ashok’ all these were deified and therefore forbidden to be cut down or even truncated. The Indian psyche, prone to be religious and devout would worship these trees on different occasions and would rather plant more and more of them rather than cause any harm to them.

Lord Krishna, during his childhood, played and danced under the shady groves of the mango trees in Brindaban. Lord Rama, during his fourteen years of exile, lived in the forests, the grass and shrubs were used in the making of his huts in ‘Panchavati’; Lord Shiva has his abode in the Himalayas all covered with forests that is how the belief goes.

Similarly did the Pagans among Greeks in the Western World worshipped nature in its various forms.

These were the ways adopted by our wise ancients to save nature and to protect the ecological balance.

Man of today calls himself a scientifically developed being and where science advances religion declines. Science relies on reason while religion relies on faith. And here arises the basic conflict. Man of today wants to achieve more and still, more whatever be the cost that he is required to pay for it even if he has to play foul with nature. This is the thinking which has led to the large scale devastation of forests.

Trees provide carbon dioxide as well as oxygen to the environment thus maintaining a balance and an equilibrium. They help in the soil formation and control soil erosion, thus saving the healthy minerals of the soil from being washed away. They impede the flush and flow of the rainwater gushing forth from the mountain slopes and thus while protecting the soil, they also save the rivers from getting unduly silted, which silting raises the level of their basins and make them overflow their banks resulting in floods.

Trees provide food and shelter to the fauna and serve as a natural habitat for them. They control landslides in the mountain region helping to save life and property. But very sad is the shape of things in our country at present. Forests are fast disappearing and this is causing very serious ecological consequences adversely affecting India’s climate, rainfall, and soil fertility. In many parts where the forest area has been depleted, the fertile topsoil built up over centuries has been washed away in one season. The regeneration of these lands will become a massive exercise which may well neigh be impossible.

Trees Essay

Below we have given a short essay on Trees is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

The virginal forests offer a strong temptation to encroachers and exploiters. The timber wealth provides a ready and tempting reward and, therefore, is there so much of pilferage of forest wealth and illegal felling of trees. The forest department has neither the means nor the manpower to, combat these ‘mafias’ operating in this illegal operation. Wood is a precious commodity and the fact of fact is that we are consuming four times as much wood as is being regenerated. Afforestation projects are not being able to cope with the extent of deforestation that is taking place. If our forests are to be saved, drastic steps will have to be taken otherwise the malady would reach a proportion which would become hard to remedy. Can we and should we afford to turn a large part of our country into a vast, and inhospitable wasteland? This we cannot and should not.

Therefore the beginning should be made without any further delay otherwise a stage of no-return will be reached soon. It is not the government alone that can treat the malady and rectify the wrong. A civic consciousness has to be aroused and a sense of commitment to be awakened among the masses to treat trees as a part and parcel of their own family and any injury to them be treated as if an injury to one’s near and dear ones Every child in every school should be oriented in this thinking that planting a sapling and nurturing it to its full growth in any part of the vacant land, whether within the school campus or in one’s living locality should be treated as a mission of life and achievement of an aim, as much material and significant as passing an examination to get enter a career. Those harming the flora in any manner should be punished in a deterrent manner just as causing injury to a human being.

One person one tree if this mission and message can get through India can once again regain its lost grandeur in Nature’s grand show. Plantation of trees is one of the most altruistic actions. One generation plants them and the second or the third reaps its fruits. So the planting of trees is a divinely altruistic gesture. Let the significance of this great act be understood in this manner.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing, and many more.

10 Lines on Essay On Trees

  • God has given nature’s gifts to mankind but it is a man who has misused or deformed them in utter self-interest.
  • Trees are one such boon. They form an important part of our well being.
  • Man, in his lust for material gain depleted this treasure and has disturbed the entire ecosystem.
  • The mountains have been rendered naked and attract no rainfall. Trees attracted clouds.
  • Our ancients had developed a way to preserve the trees. They had given to certain trees a divinity to be worshipped as a deity. We shall not harm one whom we worship.
  • Man has developed science and where science develops, faith dies.
  • Trees provide oxygen in the morning and carbon dioxide in the evening thus they maintain a balance.
  • Trees stop soil erosion and landslides and provide food to a large number of animals and habitation to birds.
  • The land wasted by erosion can take centuries to recover.
  • Afforestation is the demand of the day and a civic consciousness needs to be awakened to preserve trees and to plant more.

Essay on Trees

FAQs on Essay on Trees

1. What are Trees?

Trees are the biggest plants that have an elongated stem, or trunk, supporting branches and leaves in most species.

2. How Trees are important to us?

Trees are Vital and give us oxygen, store carbon, stabilize the soil, and give life to the world’s wildlife.

3. How do Trees help humans?

Trees give us oxygen and improve air quality, gives life to the world’s wildlife. They provide us with materials for shelter and tools.

4. Can we live without trees?

Without Trees, survival is almost impossible as there will be no food for animals or for us to eat.

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Essay On Trees For Students [Short & Long]

Essay On Trees- Trees are our best friends because they consume carbon dioxide from the environment and convert it into fresh oxygen. The importance of saving and planting trees is growing day by day.

It is said that “Trees are our best friends.” But have you ever thought about it? Why this line is so prominent? Of course, you do but a little bit. We will now discover how trees are our best friends and how they contribute to the balance of the ecosystem.

short Essay On Trees | 250 Words


Trees are the real beauty of our planet. They make mother earth look beautiful. Trees help us live a healthy life on Earth. Not only humans but herbivorous animals also depend on trees for their food. And herbivorous animals are food for carnivorous animals.

It means trees maintain the life cycle on Earth. They purify the air we breathe and sustain an ecosystem suitable for all living beings. So, we can say that trees are our best friends.

Essay on Trees | Introduction

Importance of trees

Trees are important for all living beings on Earth. They are also essential to take care of our environment. Apart from that, they help us maintain a balance in the ecosystem.

Plus, They are useful for the reduction of air pollution as they consume carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas too. Trees provide pure oxygen that is very useful for human beings and animals.

Values of trees

We are unable to assess the value of trees. Trees are priceless. A tree is a result of struggles of tens of years from when it was a seed. The value of a tree varies for every living being. Some deeply depend on them and some narrowly.

But trees hold value for all the organisms on the planet. Some depend on their food and some depend on shelter. Trees are an amazing creation of nature. They give us uncountable benefits without expecting anything in return. This is why trees are our best friends.

In conclusion, without trees, our earth will look like the sun without light. Trees maintain a life cycle on Earth. But we humans are using them for the sake of earning money. We are just cutting down more and more trees daily. This is wrong and it will harm all living beings at a greater level soon. We must understand the importance of trees.

Long Essay On Trees | 500 Words

It is said that “Trees are our best friends.” But have you ever thought about it? Why this line is so prominent? Of course, you do but a little bit. We will now discover how trees are our best friends. Our nature is made up of many small and big elements. Trees are one of them. The life cycle starts with a tree on Earth.

It means they are the basic element to support life on the earth. Also, human beings and animals depend on trees for daily food and oxygen. Moreover, birds and some other organisms make their home on them.

Trees are necessary for all living beings on the planet. They are also vital to take care of our climate . Apart from that, they support us to maintain stability in the ecosystem. Plus, They are helpful for the abatement of air pollution as they absorb carbon dioxide which is a harmful greenhouse gas too.

Trees provide purified oxygen that is extremely useful for humans and animals. They provide us with food, wood, flowers, medicines, rubber, and much more than that. Just think of a scene of nature without trees. Would not it look absurd in the brain?

Values of trees ( Paragraph on values of trees )

We are incapable to estimate the value of trees. In reality, trees are invaluable. A tree is a result of efforts of many years from when it was only a seed. The value of a tree diversifies for every living being. Some strongly depend on them and some nearly do.

But trees hold value for all the bodies on mother earth. Some depend to meet the need for food and some depend on safety and security. Trees are an astonishing creation of nature. They give us countless benefits without demanding anything in return. This is The reason trees are our best friends.

different uses of trees

Trees are used in various ways. Some of the uses of trees are described below. This will help you understand the importance of trees.

  • Food- Trees are the first and foremost source of food on this planet for various organisms. We get fresh fruits and veggies from trees.
  • Medicine- Some trees have medicinal properties and so these are used to treat many types of illness and sickness.
  • Wood – We get wood from trees which is used in making furniture and various types of tools and equipment. Also, in villages, it is used as fuel.
  • Fruits and vegetables – What is your favourite fruit? whatever it is. The source of it surely is a tree. Fruits are something very beneficial for health.

Save Trees, Save Lives

If we want to live a healthy life in future, we need to protect trees and increase the population of trees. There are various ways to do the same.

1️⃣ Tree plantation

Tree plantation is a good way to fill the land with trees. With a few efforts, we can create a great count of trees. Human beings should plant at least five plants every year.

2️⃣ Prevent deforestation

Growing a tree from a seed is a little bit difficult process and requires continuous effort. But we can save the trees that are already grown. Deforestation is a good way of protecting trees.

3️⃣ Celebration by planting new trees

We can celebrate the great achievements and the best moments of life by planting some trees instead of cracking firecrackers that pollute the environment.

Final Words (Conclusion)

To sum it up, Trees hold huge importance in our lives, and it gives seamless assistance to the environment. we have anyhow not guarded them and possibly that is why as of now we are being influenced by global warming, critical pollution and additional ill outcomes of deforestation. So, to live a good life we need to understand the importance of trees. Also, We must take some steps to protect them.

Essay on Trees | Conclusion

How to save trees?

Don’t waste paper. Plant a tree. Borrow, share and donate books. Prevent deforestation.

What would happen if there were no trees?

Without trees, humans would not be able to survive because the air would be unfit for breathing.

Why should we plant trees?

To increase the level of fresh air in the environment, To decrease the level of carbon dioxide, to maintain a balance in the ecosystem.

How to write an essay on trees?

To write an essay on trees follow these steps! 1. Write down the important headings. 2. Frame a structure of headings. 3. Write an engaging introduction. 4. Infuse headings in the middle with content. 5. At last, Give a conclusion. This way you can write an essay on trees and their importance.

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Autobiography of a Tree Essay in 150 to 500 Words

  • Post author: Grammar Library
  • Post category: Essay

Trees are silent witnesses to the world around them. From their roots to their leaves, they play a vital role in our ecosystem, providing countless benefits to humans and animals alike. But what if a tree could share its story with us?

In this essay, we will explore the autobiography of a tree, hearing its unique perspective on the world. This journey will help students understand the importance of trees and the challenges they face throughout their lives. By stepping into the tree’s bark, we will discover its experiences, from sapling to towering giant.

Let’s embark on this adventure to learn about the life of a tree, appreciating the lessons it teaches us about endurance and growth.

Table of Contents

Autobiography of a Tree Essay in 150 words

I am a mango tree, standing tall in a busy Indian village. My roots dig deep into the rich soil, and my branches stretch high, offering shade and sweet fruit. Every season, children gather under my canopy to play and rest. During summer, my branches are heavy with juicy mangoes, enjoyed by everyone. Birds build their nests in my branches, and I listen to their chirping every morning. I have witnessed many festivals, weddings, and everyday village life.

Farmers often rest under me, and travelers find comfort in my shade. My leaves whisper stories of the past to those who listen. As the seasons change, I shed my leaves and grow new ones, symbolizing the cycle of life. Through storms and sunny days, I stand firm, a silent witness to the passage of time and the beauty of nature.

Autobiography of a Tree essay

Autobiography of a Tree Essay in 250 words

I am a majestic banyan tree, located in the heart of an Indian village. For decades, I have stood here, watching over generations. My roots extend deep into the earth, grounding me firmly, while my vast branches provide shelter and shade. In the hot summer months, villagers gather under my canopy, escaping the harsh sun. Children play around me, their laughter filling the air, and elders sit beneath me, sharing stories and wisdom.

During the monsoon, my leaves glisten with raindrops, and the soil around me becomes a playground for frogs and insects. Birds of various kinds find refuge in my branches, building nests and raising their young. I have seen countless festivals celebrated with joy and fervor under my shade, from Holi to Diwali. Each event leaves a mark on me, a silent witness to the village’s traditions and culture.

Throughout the years, I have provided fruits, leaves, and even medicinal bark to the villagers. My presence has been a constant, offering comfort and resources to all who seek it. I have weathered storms, droughts, and the ever-changing seasons, yet I remain strong and resilient. My life as a tree is a testament to the endurance and beauty of nature, silently nurturing the community that surrounds me.

Autobiography of a Tree Essay in 350 words

I am a proud peepal tree, rooted deeply in the grounds of an ancient temple in India. For centuries, I have stood here, witnessing the ebb and flow of life around me. My wide trunk and sprawling branches provide shelter and shade to countless beings. The temple visitors often sit under my canopy, seeking solace and peace. The gentle rustling of my leaves seems to offer them comfort as they pray and meditate.

Throughout the year, I witness various rituals and festivals. During Diwali, the temple is adorned with lights, and my branches too are decorated, making me look magical. On special occasions, the priests tie sacred threads around my trunk, believing I bring blessings and good fortune. My leaves are considered holy, often used in religious ceremonies and offerings.

The changing seasons bring different experiences. In the summer, my dense foliage offers a cool refuge from the scorching sun. Children climb my branches, and villagers gather beneath me to escape the heat. During the monsoons, my leaves sparkle with rain, and the ground beneath me becomes lush and green. The winter brings a quiet serenity, as I shed some leaves, preparing for the renewal that spring will bring.

Animals and birds have made me their home. Squirrels scamper along my branches, and a variety of birds build their nests in my boughs. Their morning songs are a daily joy. I have seen generations come and go, observed changes in the village, and silently participated in its history.

Over the years, I have provided not only shade and beauty but also medicinal benefits. My bark, leaves, and figs are known for their healing properties, often used in traditional remedies. I stand as a symbol of life, growth, and continuity, deeply intertwined with the lives of those around me.

Through the centuries, I have witnessed countless stories, shared in the community’s joys and sorrows, and remained a steadfast presence. My life as a tree is a silent testament to the enduring beauty and resilience of nature, nurturing all who come to me.

Autobiography of a Tree Essay in 400 Words

I am an old banyan tree standing tall in a small village in India. My life started as a tiny seed, carried by the wind and dropped on fertile soil. Over the years, I have grown into a majestic tree with wide branches and deep roots.

When I was young, children would play under my shade, climbing my branches and swinging from my roots. I provided a cool and comfortable spot for villagers to rest during the hot afternoons. Birds made nests in my branches, and their cheerful songs filled the air.

My roots grew deeper into the ground, drawing nutrients and water to help me grow stronger. I witnessed many changes in the village. Small huts turned into brick houses, and dirt paths became paved roads. But I remained a constant part of the village, offering shelter and beauty.

During festivals, villagers decorated me with lights and flowers. I felt proud to be a part of their celebrations. The older villagers often told stories about how I had been there since their childhood, making me feel special and cherished.

In the monsoon season, the rain would wash my leaves and give me a fresh, green look. The gentle breeze would sway my branches, making me feel alive and vibrant. The villagers would take refuge under my canopy during sudden downpours, grateful for the shelter I provided.

As years passed, I grew even larger and stronger. My branches spread out, creating a large canopy that provided shade for a wider area. The village school was built nearby, and children would gather under my shade for their outdoor lessons. I enjoyed listening to their laughter and learning.

I have seen many generations come and go. The village has changed, but I remain the same, standing tall and providing shade, shelter, and beauty. I am more than just a tree; I am a witness to the history and life of the village. My existence is intertwined with the lives of the villagers, and I am proud to be a part of their world.

As I continue to grow, I hope to remain a symbol of strength, beauty, and continuity for many more years. My life as a banyan tree is filled with purpose and joy, and I am grateful for the role I play in the lives of the villagers.

Autobiography of a Tree Essay in 500 Words

I am a proud and ancient neem tree standing tall in the heart of a bustling Indian village. My journey began many years ago when a small seed fell to the ground and sprouted into a tiny sapling. Over the years, I have grown into a magnificent tree with strong branches and deep roots that anchor me firmly in the earth.

As a young sapling, I was nurtured by the villagers who watered me and protected me from harm. They recognized the potential I had to become a significant part of their lives. As I grew taller and stronger, my branches spread out, providing ample shade and shelter. I became a gathering spot for the villagers, especially during the hot summer months when my dense foliage offered a cool respite from the scorching sun.

Children played around me, their laughter echoing through my branches. They would climb my sturdy limbs, swinging and enjoying their carefree days. Birds built nests in my branches, and the melodious songs of my feathered friends filled the air. I provided a safe haven for various creatures, making me feel like an essential part of the ecosystem.

My roots grew deep into the soil, drawing nutrients and water that helped me thrive. I witnessed the village transform over the years. Simple mud huts gave way to brick houses, and the once dirt paths were replaced by paved roads. Despite these changes, I remained a constant presence, offering my shade and beauty to all who sought it.

During festivals, the villagers adorned me with colorful decorations, lights, and flowers. It was during these times that I felt most appreciated and celebrated. The older villagers often shared stories of how they had played under my shade when they were young, and how I had been a part of their lives for as long as they could remember.

In the monsoon season, the rains washed over me, refreshing my leaves and renewing my vigor. The gentle breeze would sway my branches, making me feel alive and rejuvenated. The villagers often took refuge under my canopy during sudden showers, grateful for the shelter I provided.

As the years passed, I grew even larger and stronger. My branches spread wide, creating a vast canopy that provided shade to a larger area. The village school was built nearby, and the children would gather under my shade for their lessons. I enjoyed the sound of their laughter and the excitement of their learning, knowing I was a part of their educational journey.

I have seen many generations come and go. The village has evolved, but I remain the same, standing tall and steadfast. I am more than just a tree; I am a living witness to the history and life of the village. My existence is intertwined with the lives of the villagers, and I am proud to be a part of their community.

As I continue to grow, I hope to remain a symbol of strength, beauty, and continuity for many more years to come. My life as a neem tree is filled with purpose and joy, and I am grateful for the role I play in the lives of the villagers. I am a silent observer of their joys and sorrows, and I stand as a testament to the enduring spirit of nature and community.

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Importance of Trees Essay for Students in English [500 Words]

January 2, 2021 by Sandeep

Importance of Trees Essay: Trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. They are the essential life-supporting systems on Earth for all life forms to survive. Trees are homes for a lot of birds, animals and insects. Trees produce food through photosynthesis and contribute richly to the entire ecosystem. They produce fruits, medicinal products, wood, paper and most importantly, fresh air to breathe. We should plant more trees for a greener future.

Essay on Importance of Trees 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Importance of Trees Essay in English, suitable for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Trees are the lungs of the earth. They are like our best friends. Plants and trees play a vital role in the existence of all living organisms on this planet. The sustenance of life depends on them. They are undoubtedly valuable to us because they provide us with the basic life essentials: oxygen and food. During the photosynthesis process, trees convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, which is the life source for both humans and animals. The photosynthesis process helps maintain a suitable balance of different gases in the atmosphere.

They provide us with shelter in bad weather conditions. They are a haven for millions of species. Despite being benefited from them in a variety of ways, we seek our desires and uproot them. Industrialization and urbanization have paved their way into our lives by destroying so many habitats.  Pollution has caused disastrous effects. This is a threat not only to our society but also to the survival of our ecosystem on the earth. Birds and wild animals get endangered as an outcome. Thousands of species are already extinct.

The question that we should ask ourselves is- Do they deserve this? The importance of trees must not be overlooked. Deforestation must be prevented at all costs. Tree plantation is the need of the day. Many non-profit organizations, along with the government, have already taken steps to fight this cause. We should do our best to ensure we live in a healthier environment.

Benefits of Trees

Trees come with a lot of direct and indirect benefits. Some of the major fields have been covered below.

  • Trees cater to our consumption needs and provide us with fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc. All parts of plants and trees are edible. You can eat the leaf, stem, flowers, and even the roots.
  • We all know we breathe in oxygen. This oxygen, which is essential for our survival, comes from the trees. Trees give us a clean environment to live in. They act as filters and provide us with fresh air devoid of any pollutant.
  • Trees intake of carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases which are responsible for global warming. Global warming is caused when the released greenhouse gases form a layer in the atmosphere and trap heat from the sun. The atmospheric temperature thus increases enormously. Planting trees can help reverse this effect and prevent excessive climatic changes.
  • Trees contribute to the evaporation process and maintain the earth’s hydrological cycle. Moreover, they also receive and hold the rainwater in the land. During floods , they act as watersheds and slowly release them into the underground water basins. This is how they maintain the water table and thus provide us with clean drinking water.
  • The roots of the trees bind the soil and prevent soil erosion. During the rainy season, the topsoil is always at a risk of being washed away. Trees play a key role in holding the topsoil from eroding away and thus prevent landslides.
  • Farmers sustain their income by cultivating trees and selling their products. Timber from the woods helps us with our furniture. Paper can be processed from woods. Different kinds of weedicide, fungicides, and pesticides can be made out of neem trees. Besides these things, trees also provide us with gum, rubber, resin, etc. Fruits and medicines produced are exported to foreign countries. This helps in the overall economic growth.
  • Plantation of a tree has some spiritual and religious significance to it. In many areas of the world, trees are considered to be sacred. Many tribes worship them. Planting trees in such neighbourhoods will bring positivity to the local inhabitants.


Essay on Importance of Trees

Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Trees in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Importance of Trees


Trees are essential to life. They provide oxygen, store carbon, and are home to numerous creatures.

Life Givers

Trees create oxygen, a necessity for humans and animals. Without trees, life would not exist.

Climate Protectors

By absorbing carbon dioxide, trees help control climate change, making Earth habitable.

Many species live in trees. They provide food and shelter, maintaining biodiversity.

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250 Words Essay on Importance of Trees

The life-giving role of trees.

Trees, the silent sentinels of nature, provide far more than aesthetic appeal. They are vital to our existence, playing a critical role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem.

Climate Moderation

Trees act as natural climate moderators. They absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, and release oxygen, contributing to the reduction of global warming. A mature tree can absorb approximately 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, emphasizing the importance of tree conservation in combating climate change.

Biodiversity Conservation

Trees are habitats for a multitude of species, promoting biodiversity. They provide food, shelter, and breeding grounds for various organisms. Loss of trees can lead to a decrease in biodiversity, disrupting the balance of ecosystems.

Water Cycle Regulation

Trees play a crucial role in the water cycle. They absorb rainwater and reduce runoff, preventing soil erosion and flooding. Their transpiration process also contributes to cloud formation, influencing rainfall patterns.

Human Health and Well-being

The economic value of trees.

Trees contribute to the economy through timber production, non-timber forest products, and tourism. They also increase property values, demonstrating the economic benefits of tree conservation.

In conclusion, trees are integral to our survival and prosperity. The importance of trees cannot be overstated. Their conservation should be a priority, ensuring a sustainable future for all species.

500 Words Essay on Importance of Trees

The quintessential role of trees: an ecological perspective, trees: the guardians of biodiversity, a natural solution to climate change.

Trees are potent tools in the fight against climate change. They absorb carbon dioxide, a primary greenhouse gas, and release oxygen, thereby reducing the overall carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. This process, known as carbon sequestration, is a natural way of mitigating the impacts of climate change. Moreover, trees help to cool the environment by providing shade and releasing water vapor into the air, a process known as transpiration.

Contributors to Human Health and Wellbeing

Economic value of trees, conclusion: a call for tree conservation.

Despite their immense importance, trees worldwide are under threat due to deforestation, urbanization, and climate change. It is crucial that we recognize the value of trees and take steps to protect and conserve them. This includes implementing sustainable forestry practices, planting more trees, and creating policies that protect existing forests. As we continue to grapple with the effects of climate change and environmental degradation, the role of trees in our lives and their importance in maintaining the health of our planet cannot be overstated.

In conclusion, trees are not just silent spectators but active participants in the preservation of our planet. They stand as a testament to the intricate interplay of life, reminding us of our responsibility to protect and conserve the natural world for generations to come.

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Importance of Trees Essay in English for Students and Children

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Table of Contents

Importance of Trees Essay: Trees play a vital role in our environment. They help purify the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat for countless species of plants and animals. They also play an important role in mitigating climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

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Target Exam ---

Trees are necessary for our survival. They provide us with the oxygen we need to breathe, the food we need to eat, and the materials we need to build our homes and furniture. They also help to regulate the climate, protect the soil, and provide homes for wildlife.

Long and Short Importance of Trees Essay in Our Life

Here are long and short essay on Trees in our Life to help you with the topic in your exam. After reading this Essay on tree gives you Importance of Trees in our Life essay you will know the importance of trees in our life and how they help us by providing oxygen in exchange of other harmful or unwanted gases, how trees are important for providing nourishment and shelter to the planet etc.

Trees yield fruits and medicine, contributing to economic growth through exports. They offer wood, paper, and natural cooling in summer, cutting AC bills and preserving the environment.

Trees bear fruits and medicinal products, which are exported to various countries, contributing to economic growth. Growing and selling trees’ products is a source of livelihood for many. Trees also supply wood and paper and serve as natural cooling agents in summer, reducing energy bills and maintaining a natural environment.

Short Essay on Importance of Trees (200 words)

Importance of Trees Essay: Trees are extremely important for us. It is because of plants and trees that we are able to survive on this planet. Trees exhale the life-giving oxygen without which it will not possible for the human beings or other species to live. However, this is not the only reason why trees are important for us. They have a lot to offer to the environment as well as the living beings. Apart from giving oxygen, trees also absorb various harmful gases from the environment thereby reducing the effect of global warming.

Trees also provide us food and shelter. Many trees bear the fruits that serve as food for birds and animals. Human beings also relish various fruits such as mango, apple and banana to name a few. The leaves, roots and bark of trees are used to prepare medicines. Trees also provide shelter to animals and humans. Forests filled with huge, dense trees serve as habitat for wild animals and contribute towards rich biodiversity. Wood and other material extracted from trees is used to craft several things that are essential for a comfortable living.

Trees also make the environment calm and peaceful. They help people meet and socialize. Parks with beautiful green trees and plants are a favourite among small kids and elderly people. They often gather here to indulge in different outdoor activities.

We must save trees and plant more of them to keep our environment clean and promote a healthier and happier life.

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Importance of Trees Essay 300 Words

Trees are an essential part of the environment. They make the environment beautiful and fit for the survival of various species of fauna. Life on Earth would not be possible without trees. They are important to us in many ways. It would not be wrong to say that trees give us life.

  • Trees Give Us Oxygen

One of the prerequisites for the survival of human beings is oxygen and this is made available by trees. Trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. The more trees we plant the more oxygen we get. This is the reason why going for morning walk in a park full of green trees and plants helps rejuvenate our senses and makes us feel fresh.

  • Trees Absorb Harmful Gases

Trees do not only inhale carbon dioxide but also absorb other harmful gases such as carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide from the environment. Various other pollutants are also absorbed by the trees. This process purifies air and keeps the atmosphere clean. The growing pollution in the atmosphere can be undermined by planting more and more trees.

  • Trees Provide Food

Trees bear fruits that quench our hunger. Different trees bear different types of fruits rich in various micronutrients. Fruits are eaten raw and fresh and even in their dried forms. Other parts of the trees such as leaves, roots and bark are also used to prepare different food items. The leaves, fruits and bark of trees are also used to prepare herbal medicines that help cure various illnesses.

  • Trees Provide Shelter

Trees provide shade and serve as shelter for people as well as animals. They offer a cool place to sit on a hot summer day. Trees also provide wood that is used to build houses and furniture.

Trees are life saviours. We can enjoy good quality life only when we have abundance of trees around. We should avoid cutting trees and plant more of them. We must also encourage those around us to plant trees.

Importance of Trees Essay in our Life 400 Words

Trees make our environment beautiful and soulful. They help build a healthy community life. A neighbourhood with green and shady trees exudes positive energy and is happier compared to one that lacks greenery.

Trees Provide Peaceful Environment

Trees have the power to calm our senses and bring positivity. We travel far and wide to spend our holidays amid nature. Lush green trees, high mountains and gushing streams make for a serene environment that rejuvenates us. While we cannot get the same ambience in the cities, however we can certainly plant more trees to make our surroundings peaceful and beautiful.

Areas that are greener offer a more peaceful environment. The air here is fresher and the atmosphere is cooler. People residing in such areas experience less stress and are happier which forms the basis of a healthy community life.

A Meeting Ground for Children and Elderly

Essay on Tree: A park with lush trees and beautiful plants brings the neighbourhood people closer. Neighbourhoods that have beautiful parks see people gathering around during the early morning and evening hours during the summer months and during afternoon time on the cold winter days. These parks serve as a meeting ground, especially for kids and elderly people. It helps them make new acquaintances and socialize.

Place to Impart Education

During the ancient times, children were imparted education under the tree. Many under tree schools were opened in different areas. An entire classroom was set under the tree and students sat there to take lessons from their teacher. Even today, many rural areas run such schools. These schools offer education at nominal charges and sometimes even free of cost.

Trees Provide Shelter to Travellers

Trees provide shade to the travellers. They offer a cool place to sit and relax. Taking nap under cool, shady tree helps one re-energize. Trees often serve as a meeting ground for travellers headed in the same direction.

Trees – A Respite for Farmers and Labourers

Farmers, labourers and other workers who toil hard under the sun usually sit under the tree to have their lunch. They also chit-chat with their fellow workers and strengthen their bond with them as they sit in the shade of the tree.

So, we see trees render positivity and help people socialize. Beautiful parks with array of green trees and plants serve as a place to meet new people. They are also a great place to indulge in outdoor activities with our near and dear ones and deepen our connection with them.

Importance of Trees Essay in our Life 500 Words

Trees: Essential for Balancing the Ecological System

Essay on Tree: Trees play a significant role in balancing and maintaining the ecological system of Earth. Green trees and plants fill the atmosphere with oxygen, purify air, prevent soil erosion, support wildlife, and aid in climate control. Here is a brief look at how trees help in all these processes to keep the ecological system intact.

Purification of Air

Our atmosphere is filled with all kinds of harmful gases including carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide to name a few. The increasing number of vehicles on the road and the growing number of factories around the world are increasing the level of these harmful gases in the atmosphere. Trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale the pure and fresh oxygen that we human beings require for our survival. Trees also absorb other harmful gases to keep our environment clean. This is the reason why areas with greater number of trees are less polluted.

We must plant trees to purify and clean our environment.

Promote Biodiversity

Forests serve as a habitat for the wild life. Trees give shelter to numerous species of birds and animals. Thus, they promote biodiversity. Deforestation, which is one of the main concerns these days, has led to loss of biodiversity. Animals and birds are losing their habitats and finding it hard to survive. Researchers claim that, further loss of biodiversity can impact the ecological system adversely. This is because animals and plants are dependent on each other for the fulfilment of many of their needs. Planting more trees and avoiding deforestation can help boost biodiversity and maintain the ecological balance.

Prevent Soil Erosion

Heavy rains cause soil erosion that disrupts life of people living in effected areas. The roots of trees hold the soil and keep it from eroding as it rains. Big trees absorb substantial amount of water and reduce the chances of sediment deposits in the rivers. Soil erosion causes several problems such as increased level of water in rivers and streams. This harms the marine life and often even results in flood. By preventing soil erosion, trees help in maintaining the ecological balance.

Conserve Energy

Areas surrounded by trees are cooler. People living in such areas do not require keeping their air conditioners on constantly. This helps in the conservation of energy. This is also a good way to reduce the emission of harmful gases and pollutants.

Balance the Water Cycle

Trees help in balancing the water level in the atmosphere. Big trees release a good amount of water into the atmosphere. This process replenishes the clouds and results in rain. Forests around the world play a major role in the water cycle and help in maintaining the ecological system. Planting trees is the way to balance the water cycle which is important for keeping the environment intact. Deforestation, on the other hand, disrupts the water cycle which in turn has negative repercussions such as dryer soil, loss of crops, etc.

Thus, trees are extremely important for the environment. They help in maintaining the ecological system and make living possible on Earth. The more trees we plant the better environment we create for ourselves.

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Importance of Trees Essay 600 Words

Trees are extremely important for us. They give us oxygen and keep our environment clean by absorbing various harmful gases and pollutants from the atmosphere. We can breathe freely and live a healthy life because of the presence of trees around. However, even as trees are so important, humans are cutting trees ruthlessly without realizing that cutting trees means putting our lives in danger.

Deforestation – The Bitter Truth

Humans are cutting forests rapidly in the name of development and urbanization. Many forests and green patches around the world have been cut in the last few decades to make place for the growing human population and to fulfil their ever increasing material demands.

More and more people, these days, are moving from rural areas to urban cities. In order to accommodate them, the residential areas in the cities are being expanded and this is being done at the cost of trees. Trees are being cut and concrete jungles are being constructed in their place. Factories, offices and residential societies are being established at places that were once surrounded by beautiful green trees.

Trees are also being cut rapidly as the requirement for wood and other materials extracted from them is increasing by the day. Houses, tools, furniture, paper, medicines and a whole lot of other things are crafted from wood. While all these things are essential for living, we must not forget that our first and foremost need for survival on Earth is oxygen. If we continue to cut forests at this rate, the required supply of oxygen will dip and it would become difficult to live on this planet.

Deforestation also means loss of habitat for wild animals. Several species of animals have gone extinct from the face of Earth in the past and numerous others are on the verge of extinction. One of the main reasons for this is deforestation. This has also increased contact between humans and wild animals and the two stay in constant fear of each other. Other impacts of deforestation include disruption of water cycle, soil erosion and increasing pollution and heat. These are all equally bad for human beings as well as animals.

Plant Trees – Promote Life

Essay on Tree: Human beings have grown accustomed to a comfortable life. Many of the things we get from trees have become a necessity for us so much so that we have become deaf and blind to the repercussions of deforestation and the forthcoming danger.

While cutting trees has become necessary to fulfil many of our essential demands it must be done in moderation. Besides, to balance the act we must take it as our responsibility to plant more and more trees. Each one of us must plant trees regularly and also take care of them. Every neighbourhood should conduct regular tree plantation activity.

Students must be given lessons on the importance of saving and planting trees. School management must also conduct regular tree plantation activity and every student must be encouraged to take part in it. The more trees we will plant the better environment we will create for ourselves and the future generations. Likewise, regular activities must also be carried out to water the trees and boost their growth. This will help them bloom faster.

The importance of trees has been stressed upon time and again. It is time we should realize that cutting trees means a threat to our own lives. Deforestation must be stopped to sustain life on Earth. The loss of trees must be replenished by planting many more of them. Every individual should plant trees and contribute towards keeping the environment clean.

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Essay on Tree FAQs

How do you write a tree essay.

Start with an introduction, describe tree benefits, and conclude with its significance.

What are the 10 importance of trees?

Trees provide oxygen, shelter, food, shade, and more. See an essay for details.

What is trees in 10 lines?

Trees offer oxygen, homes for animals, and materials for humans, supporting our environment.

What is the importance of trees in Class 7th?

Trees teach Class 7 students about ecosystems, oxygen production, and environmental balance.

What is the essay on trees?

The essay discusses the vital role of trees in our lives and the environment.

What is the importance of trees in Class 6 essay?

The essay explores how trees provide us with oxygen, resources, and a healthier planet.

What is a tree for Class 4?

For Class 4, a tree is a big plant that gives us air to breathe and many other useful things.

Why are trees important in Class 4?

In Class 4, we learn that trees are vital because they provide clean air, shade, and homes for animals.

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Essay on Importance of Trees

Trees have very much importance because they make the earth fit for the existence of humans and other living organisms.

They provide us with air to breathe, food to eat and shelter to live and play a major role in keeping us alive and providing us a comfortable life.

We should plant more and more trees to ensure a clean and green environment and to promote healthy living.

Essay on Importance of Trees 100 Words:

Trees are our life’s companions, they make us live by absorbing carbon dioxide and provide air oxygen.

If there were no trees, then life on earth would not have been possible, it is our nature to keep the whole earth green and happy.

Trees continue to give us something throughout our life, yet we cut trees for our personal selfishness.

Today it is a matter of great irony that we are bent upon destroying the trees that are giving us life.

If we have to save the Earth, then more and more trees have to be planted.

Importance of Trees Essay 250 Words:

Trees are a precious gift of nature, due to the trees, this green earth and our life is happy.

Trees are true warriors who fight pollution for us right from birth and give us clean and beautiful environment.

Trees have been on our earth for thousands of years, they cannot move but can breathe like humans. Trees absorb pure toxic carbon dioxide and provide pure oxygen to us.

Trees gives fruits and grains for us to eat throughout our life, rain is also due to which we get water to drink, clothes, wood for fuel, paper, rubber, herbs for curing diseases.

During rainy days, soil erosion is prevented, leaves of trees make the land fertile, trees give other animals an equal place to live and other valuable mineral wealth is also given by them.

But gradually since industrialization and urbanization has increased, the trees have been indiscriminately harvested by humans, due to which the natural balance of the fall has been disturbed.

Due to lack of trees in cities, there is less rainfall and air pollution also remains in greater quantity.

If the cutting of trees continues at this speed, then the day is not far when the Earth will be destroyed.

Trees are very important for our lives, so we have to make people aware and plant more and more trees so that our future will be safe and clean.

Essay on Importance of Trees 500 Words:

Trees are unique product of nature, trees are valuable assets of a country and they are also called green gold.

The climate is clean and beautiful where there is a large amount of trees, also there is a lot of mineral wealth available to live life there.

In our country of India, trees are worshiped, they are given much respect as any human being.

But ever since we have started adopting western civilization and as urbanization is increasing, due to the growing of trees, the trees are being harvested at a rapid speed, the trees are not being planted fast.

This is not only happening in our country, it is happening all over the world, due to this the entire climate change of the earth has crooked.

Benefits of Trees:

(1) Trees make the environment clean and beautiful.

(2) Trees provide clean oxygen to us by absorbing contaminated and poisonous carbon dioxide and other gases from our atmosphere.

(3) Where there is a large amount of trees, there is also a small amount of noise pollution because the density of the trees does not allow the noise to spread.

(4) Wherever the tree is in large quantity, there is no erosion of the land and with the help of these, the acidity of the land also decreases.

(5) We get organic manure from the dry leaves of trees, which makes the land fertile.

(6) Trees provide us cool shade in summer.

(7) Due to trees, the atmosphere of our earth changes from time to time, due to which the balance of the earth remains.

(8) We get flowers, fruits, rubber, lacquer, silk, paper, matchmaking, wood, herbs and other mineral substances from trees.

(9) Trees prevent floods by stopping excessive water flow.

(10) Due to trees, our wildlife wealth is safe today.

(11) Due to trees, every place gets the right amount of rain, due to which we get more potable sweet water for the crop.

(12) Trees are the life guards of all beings.


The tree is our valuable asset, if we continue to exploit it, then this wealth will end then our life will also end.

We have to understand the importance of trees because they are the protectors of the whole nature, as long as it is present on earth, then there is life on earth.

Without these the earth will become just a dry and barren planet.

Today, due to increasing urbanization and our slight selfishness, the number of trees has reduced, whose change you can see that the temperature of the earth is increasing and the environment has also become balanced.

Therefore, we have to increase the number of trees by becoming aware of today, our environment and life can continue to run smoothly.

Essay on Importance of Trees

Short Essay on Importance of Trees 1000 Words:

Trees have a lot of importance in our life because of the rise of human civilization and early people used to spend their lives in the group of trees (forests).

We have built houses with these leaves and branches, from which we have got wood for food and energy.

We have made weapons from trees and hunted with their help and science has also started from trees because when the first wheel was made it was made of wood.

It is a matter of great irony that the trees due to which we are living today with so much happiness, prosperity and taking clean oxygen, we are destroying them in return.

According to a Hindi proverb, it is like hitting a battle-axe on your foot because as soon as the trees become extinct from our earth, human civilization will also be destroyed at the same time.

Importance of Trees in Human Life Essay:

(1) We get oxygen from trees.

(2) Trees help reduce air, water and noise pollution.

(3) They get valuable herbs from which many diseases are cured.

(4) We get fruits and grains from the trees to eat.

(5) Dry wood is obtained from trees by which we can get energy by burning fire and can make doors, bunk wheels, machine parts, small arms, water vessels etc.

(6) Trees provide cool shade to us during summer, due to which we feel less hot.

(7) We get glue, silk, rubber, polish paper and other minerals from the trees, which is very important for our industry business and our life.

(8) The ozone layer of the earth is protected due to trees, due to which we are protected from ultraviolet rays coming from the sun.

(9) Due to trees, there is a good amount of rainfall, which increases the rivers, ponds and ground water, and we get clean and sweet water to drink.

(10) Due to trees, the surface of the earth remains cool due to which the temperature does not increase.

(11) Due to trees, the earth’s environment is able to function systematically.

(12) Trees prevent erosion of the land and prevent flooding.

(13) Due to trees, the chance of earthquake also decreases to some extent.

(14) Trees keep greenery in nature and cool air moves throughout the environment.

Importance of Trees in Wildlife:

Trees are also very important in the life of wildlife animals because the tree is their home, wildlife animals also get food only through trees.

To avoid the scorching sun during the summer days, they sit in the shade of trees, some wildlife hide behind trees to hunt themselves.

Birds build their nests on trees and use their small branches to make nests, therefore, where there are more trees, animal birds are found in large quantities.

Side Effects of Deficiency of Trees:

At present, the forest of trees has been replaced by cement forests, due to which the environment of the entire earth has been affected.

What will the loss be due to lack of trees, we will understand through the following points:

(1) Due to the lack of trees, water, air and noise pollution are increasing in huge quantity due to which various kinds of serious diseases are spreading in human life.

(2) Due to the lack of trees, the temperature of the earth is increasing by 1 to 2 degrees every year.

(3) Due to shortage of trees, rain is not getting the right amount in all places, due to which in some places drought, there is flooding in some places and nature is being destroyed.

(4) The peace and happiness that comes from trees is not being found because people have surrounded buildings in place of trees, due to which neither clean air nor sunlight can reach there properly. .

(5) Pollution has increased so much that people’s lives have been in trouble, in some cities, it has come so far that people now walk with masks on their mouths.

(6) Earth’s atmosphere has gone twisted due to lack of trees, due to which earthquakes and tsunamis occurs.

(7) Due to lack of trees, the desert is continuously expanding.

(8) Due to excessive felling of trees, the volcanoes which have become calm again become active due to which toxic gases are released which is harmful for the whole earth.

(9) Due to the cutting of trees, the life of wildlife animals has been in danger, some of their species have also become extinct and some are on the verge of extinction.

(10) Human nature has also become short-tempered and angry due to changing climate.



Conclusion for Importance of Trees Essay:

Trees are an integral part of our life and it is our responsibility to protect them.

As long as trees exist on the earth, only human civilization exists, so we have to protect trees.

Today the time has come again when the Chipko movement took place to save the trees because trees are being cut down for urbanization and big highways, but they are not being planted again.

Forests are being indiscriminately harvested by some greedy people but nothing is being done by the government.

Not only our government has appointed many forest protectors to save trees, but they are also helping to cut down trees due to some greed.

Due to this, the entire environment of the earth is being affected, if this continues, then in the coming few years, there will be a lack of water to drink and food to eat, as well as the lack of the most important clean air for life. It will be done.

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4 thoughts on “Essay on Importance of Trees”

This is so nice thanks for your help guys

Trees are the lungs of world

Thank you So much!

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Essay on Deforestation for Students and Children

500+ words essay on deforestation.

Deforestation is the cutting down of trees in the forest in a large number. Deforestation has always been a threat to our environment. But still many humans are continuing this ill practice. Moreover, Deforestation is causing ecological imbalance. Yet, some selfish people have to fill their pockets. Therefore they do not even think about it once. So, the government is trying countermeasures to avert the harm to the environment .

Essay on Deforestation

The main purpose of deforestation is to increase the land area. Also, this land area is to set up new industries. And, this all is because of the increase in population. As the population increases the demand for products also increase. So rich businessmen set up these industries to increase profit.

Harmful Effects of Deforestation

There are many harmful effects of deforestation. Some of them are below: Soil erosion: Soil erosion is the elimination of the upper layer of the soil. It takes place when there is removing of trees that bind the soil. As a result wind and water carries away the top layer of the soil.

Moreover, disasters like landslides take place because of this. Furthermore, soil erosion is responsible for various floods. As trees are not present to stop the waters from heavy rainfall’s gush directly to the plains. This results in damaging of colonies where people are living.

Global Warming: Global warming is the main cause of the change in our environment. These seasons are now getting delayed. Moreover, there is an imbalance in their ratios. The temperatures are reaching its extreme points. This year it was 50 degrees in the plains, which is most of all. Furthermore, the glaciers in the Himalayan ranges are melting.

As a result, floods are affecting the hilly regions of our country and the people living there. Moreover, the ratio of water suitable for drinking is also decreasing.

Impact on the water cycle: Since through transpiration, trees release soil water into the environment. Thus cutting of them is decreasing the rate of water in the atmosphere. So clouds are not getting formed. As a result, the agricultural grounds are not receiving proper rainfall. Therefore it is indirectly affecting humans only.

A great threat to wildlife: Deforestation is affecting wildlife as well. Many animals like Dodo, Sabre-toothed Cat, Tasmanian Tiger are already extinct. Furthermore, some animals are on the verge of extinction. That’s because they have lost habitat or their place of living. This is one of the major issues for wildlife protectors.

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How to Avert Deforestation?

Deforestation can be averted by various countermeasures. First of all, we should afforestation which is growing of trees in the forest. This would help to resolve the loss of the trees cut down. Moreover, the use of plant-based products should increase.

This would force different industries to grow more trees. As a result, the environment will also get benefit from it. Furthermore, people should grow small plants in their houses. That will help the environment to regain its ability. At last, the government should take strict actions against people. Especially those who are illegally cutting down trees.

FAQs on Essay on Deforestation

Q1. Why is deforestation harmful to our environment?

A1. Deforestation is harmful to our environment because it is creating different problems. These problems are soil erosion, global warming. Moreover, it is also causing different disasters like floods and landslides.

Q2. How are animals affected by deforestation?

A2. Deforestation affects animals as they have lost their habitat. Moreover, herbivores animals get their food from plants and trees. As a result, they are not getting proper food to eat, which in turn is resulting in their extinction

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    Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Trees in their schools and colleges. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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    Importance of Trees Essay in English for Students and Children Importance of Trees Essay: Trees play a vital role in our environment. They help purify the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat for countless species of plants and animals. They also play an important role in mitigating climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

  20. Essay on Save Trees for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Save Trees Essay on Save Trees: From childhood, we have heard that trees are our best friend but in practical life, we didn't see anyone who treats trees as their friends.

  21. Essay on Importance of Trees

    Essay on Importance of Trees 500 Words: Trees are unique product of nature, trees are valuable assets of a country and they are also called green gold. The climate is clean and beautiful where there is a large amount of trees, also there is a lot of mineral wealth available to live life there. In our country of India, trees are worshiped, they are given much respect as any human being. But ...

  22. Tree Plantation Essay

    Essay On Tree Plantation - Tree plantation is a process whereby trees are transplanted at the various available lands. Trees also help in rainfall, prevent soil erosion and help bring an ecological balance to the environment. Here are 100, 200 and 500 word essays on Tree Plantation.

  23. Essay on Deforestation for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Deforestation. Deforestation is the cutting down of trees in the forest in a large number. Deforestation has always been a threat to our environment. But still many humans are continuing this ill practice. Moreover, Deforestation is causing ecological imbalance. Yet, some selfish people have to fill their pockets.

  24. राष्ट्रीय अंतरिक्ष दिवस पर निबंध (Essay on National Space Day in hindi

    भारत 23 अगस्त, 2024 को अपना पहला राष्ट्रीय अंतरिक्ष दिवस (first National Space Day) मनाने के लिए पूरी तरह तैयार है। यह दिन चंद्रयान-3 मिशन (Chandrayaan-3 mission) की सफलता के उपलक्ष्य में ...